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Full text of "STATUTES of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland"

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By  JOHN  RAITHBY,  of  Lincoln’s  Inn,  Esg. 



From  A.  D.  1817;  57  George  III. To  A.  D.  1819;  59  George  III. 


With  a copious  Index. 


Printed  by  George  Eyre  and  Andrew  | And  by  Andrew  Strahan,  Law  Printer 
Strahan,  Printers  to  the  King’s  Most  1 to  the  King’s  Most  Excellent  Majesty. 
Excellent  Majesty. 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


. ' 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



Coulaiuing  the  TITLES  of  all 


Palled  in  the  FIFTH  Seflion  of  the  FIFTH  Parliament 


The  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  ; 
57°  GEORGE  III. 


1.  A N Aft  to  continue  and  extend  the  Provilions  of  an 
1 V Aft  of  the  Forty-ninth  Year  of  His  prefent  Ma- 
jcttfi  for  regulating  the  Trade  and  Commerce  to  and 
from  The  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  July 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty  ; and  alfo  for  re- 
gulating the  Trade  of  the  Ifland  of  Mauritiui.  Page  i 

2.  An  Aft  for  railing  the  Sum  of  Twenty-four  Miilioni,  by 
Exchequer  Bills,  for  the  Service  of  the  Year  One  thoufand 
eight  hundred  and  fcventcen.  [See  Cap.  132.  $ 12.  pofl.]  2 

3.  An  Aft  to  empower  His  Majefty  to  fecure  and  detain  fuch 
Perfons  as  His  Majefty  ftiall  fufpeft  are  confpiring  againlt 
His  Perfon  and  Government.  [5Vr  Cap. 55.  pofl.']  Ibid. 

4.  An  Aft  to  extend  the  Privileges  of  the  Trade  of  Malta 

to  the  Port  of  Gibraltar.  3 

5.  An  Aft  for  cqntinuing  to  His  Majefty  certain  Duties  on 

Malt,  Sugar,  Tobacco,  and  Snuff,  in  Great  Britain  ; and 
on  Pcufions,  Offices,  and  Perfonal  Eftatcs,  in  England; 
and  for  receiving  the  Contributions  of  Perfous  receiving 
Penfions  and  holding  Offices  ; for  the  Service  of  the  Year 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen.  [See  Cap.  132. 
«12.  hoJI-2  Ibid. 

6.  An  Aft  to  make  perpetual  certain  Parts  of  an  Aft  of  the 

Thirty-fixth  Year  of  His  prefent  Maiefty,  for  the  Safety 
and  Prefervation  of  His  Majefty’s  Perfon  and  Government 
againil  Treafonable  and  Seditious  Praftices  and  Attempts  ; 
and  for  the  Safety  and  Prefervation  of  the  Perfon  of  His 
Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent  againft  Treafonable 
Praftices  and  Attempts.  4 

7*  An  Aft  to  revive  and  make  perpetual  Two  Afts  of  the 
1 hirty-feventh  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  the  one  in  the 
Parliament  of  Great  Britain,  and  the  01  her  in  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Ireland,  for  the  belter  Prevention  and  Punilhment 
of  Attempts  to  feduce  Perfons  ferving  in  His  Majefty*! 
Forces  hv  Sea  or  Land  from  their  Duty  and  Allegiance 
to  His  Majefty,  or  to  incite  them  to  Mutiny  or  Dis- 
obedience. <5 

8.  An  Aft  to  continue,  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  April  One 

thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty- 
fecond  Year  of  Hia  prefent  Majefty,  to  regulate  the  Sepa- 
ration of  damaged  from  found  Coffee,  and  to  permit  Dealers 
to  fend  out  any  Quantity  of  Coffee  not  exceeding  Eight 
Pounds  Weight  without  Permit.  6 

9.  An  Aft  for  vetting  all  Eftates  and  Property  occupied  for 

the  Barrack  Sendee  in  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  De- 
partment; and  for  granting  certain  Powers  to  the  faid 
Comptroller.  Ibid. 

JO.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Veffcls  carrying  Paffengers  from 
the  United  Kingdom  to  certain  of  His  Majefty’s  Colonies 
in  North  America.  9 

1 1.  An  Aft  to  facilitate  the  Progrefs  of  Bufinefs  in  the  Court 

of  King’s  Bench  in  Wejlminjler  Hall.  10 

1 2.  An  Aft  for  punifhing  Mutiny  and  Defertion  5 and  for 

the  better  Payment  of  the  Army  and  their  Quarters.  [S« 
Cap.  poj!.-}  11 

13.  An  Act  for  the  regulating  of  His  Majefty’s  Royal  Ma- 
rine Forces  while  on  Shore.  T 6 

14.  An  Aft  to  indemnify  fuch  Perfons  in  the  United  King- 

dom as  have  omitted  to  qualify  tbemfelves  for  Offices  and 
Employments,  and  for  extending  the  Time  limited  for  thofe 
Purpofcs  refpeftively  until  the  Twenty-fifth  Day  of  March 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  j and  to  permit 
fuch  Perfons  in  Great  Britain  as  have  omitted  to  make  and 
file  Affidavits  of  the  Execution  of  Indentures  of  Clerks  to 
Attomies  and  Solicitors,  to  make  and  file  the  fame  on  or 
before  the  firft  Day  of  Hilary  Terra  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  eighteen.  Ibtd. 

15.  An  Aft  to  continue,  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One 
thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  an  Aft  of  the  Forty- 
fixth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  granting  an  ad- 
ditional Bounty  on  the  Exportation  of  the  Silk  Manufac- 
tures of  Great  Britain. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  digitisation  Unit 


The  TITLES  of  the  STATUTES, 


16.  An  Aft  for  railing  the  Sum  of  Eighteen  Millions,  by  Ex- 

chequer Bills,  for  the  Service  of  theYear  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen.  Cap.  132.  dl2.  17 

17.  An  Aft  to  repeal,  during  the  Continuance  of  Peace,  fo 
much  of  an  Aft  of  the  Ninth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty 
as  prohibits  the  Exportation  of  Pig  and  Bar  Iron,  and 
certain  Naval  Stores,  unlefa  the  Preemption  thereof  be 
offered  to  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majclty's  Navy.  Ibid. 

18.  An  Aft  to  facilitate  the  hearing  and  determining  of  Suits 

in  Equity  in  His  Majefty’s  Court  of  Exchequer  at  IVeJi- 
minfler.  Ibid. 

19.  An  Aft  for  the  more  effectually  preventing  Seditious 

Meetings  and  Affemblies.  18 

20.  An  Aft  for  making  further  Regulations  m refpeft  to  the 

Pay  of  the  Officers  of  the  Royal  Navy,  in  certain  cafes 
therein  mentioned.  26 

21.  An  Aft  to  revive  and  continue  for  Two  Years,  and  from 

thence  until  the  End  of  the  then  next  Seffion  of  Parliament, 
Two  ASs  made  in  the  Forty-feventh  and  Fiftieth  Years  of 
His  prefent  Majefty,  for  the  preventing  improper  Perfons 
from  having  Arms  in  Inland.  31 

22.  An  Aft  to  amend  Two  Afts  of  the  Fifty  fourth  and 

Fifty  fifth  Years  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign,  to  provide  for 
the  better  Execution  of  the  Laws  in  Ireland,  by  appoint- 
ing Superintending  Magiftrates  and  additional  Couftables 
in  Counties  in  certain  cafes.  31 

23.  An  Aft  to  further  continue,  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day 

of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  an  Aft 
of  the  Seventh  Year  of  King  George  the  Second,  for  the 
free  Importation  of  Cochineal  and  Indigo.  32  : 

24.  An  Aft  to  alter  and  enlarge  the  Powers  of  an  Aft,  ' 

paffed  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  in- 
tituled An  A3  for  the  further  Improvement  of  the  Land  Re- 
venue of  the  Crown.  Ibid. 

2J.  An  Aft  to  explain  and  amend  an  Aft,  made  in  the 
Forty  eighth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  repealing  the 
Duties  of  Affeffed  Taxes,  and  granting  new  Duties  in  lieu 
thereof ; and  to  exempt  fuch  Dwelling  Houfcs  as  may  be 
employed  for  the  foie  Purpofe  of  Trade,  or  of  lodging 
Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize,  from  the  Duties  charged 
by  the  faid  Aft.  35 

26.  An  Aft  to  amend  and  render  more  effeftual  Four  feverS 

Afts  paffed  in  the  Forty  eighth.  Forty  ninth,  Fifty  fe- 
cond  and  Fifty  fixth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for 
enabling  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Reduftion  ot  the  Na- 
tional Debt  to  grant  Life  Annuities.  36 

27.  An  A ft  for  repealing  the  Duties  of  Cuftoms  on  Buck 
Wheat  imported  into  this  Kingdom,  and  for  granting  other 
Duties,  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thou- 
fand eight  hundred  and  twenty  one,  in  lieu  thereof.  39 

28.  An  Aft  to  extend  the  Powers  of  Two  Afts,  for  allow- 
ing Briti/h  Plantation  Sugar  and  Coffee,  and  other  Arti- 
cles imported  into  Bermuda  in  Britijb  Ships,  to  be  ex- 
ported to  America  in  Foreign  Vcffels,  and  to  permit  Arti- 
cles, the  Produce  of  America,  to  be  imported  into  the  faid 
Ifland  in  Foreign  Ships,  to  certain  other  Articles.  40 

29.  An  Aft  to  extend  to  Newfoundland  the  Provifions  of  an 

Aft  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Ma- 
jefty’s Reign,  for  permitting  the  Exportation  of  Wares, 
Goods  and  Merchandize  from  any  of  His  Majefty’s  I Hands 
in  the  Wejl  Indies,  to  any  other  of  the  faid  Iflands,  and  to 
and  from  any  of  the  Briti/h  Colonics  on  the  Continent  of 
America,  and  the  faid  Iflands  and  Colonies.  41 

30-  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Interefts  and  Periods  of  Pay- 
ment of  Navy,  Viftualling  and  Tranfport  Bills.  Ibid. 

31.  An  Aft  for  granting  to  His  Majefty  a Sum  of  Money  to 
be  raifed  by  Lotteries.  [See  Cap.  132.  f 12.  po/l.]  4a 

32.  An  Aft  to  repeal  the  Duties  of  Excife  on  Stone  Bottles, 

and  charge  other  Duties  in  lieu  thereof.  [See  Cap.  1 19. 

Plfl-1  42 

33.  An  Aft  to  reduce  the  Allowance  of  Spirits,  Tea  and 

Tobacco  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Seamen  on  board  certain  Ships 
or  Veffels  making  Ihort  Voyages.  43 

34.  An  Aft  to  authorize  the  Iffue  of  Exchequer  Bills,  and 
the  Advance  of  Money  out  of  the  Confolidatcd  Fund,  to 
a limited  Amount,  for  the  carrying  on  of  Public  Works 
and  Filheries  in  the  United  Kingdom,  and  Employment  of 
the  Poor  in  Great  Britain,  in  manner  therein  mentioned. 

35.  An  Aft  for  puniihing  Mutiny  and  Defertion ; and  for 
the  better  Payment  of  the  Army  and  their  Quarters.  56 

36.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Trade  to  and  from  the  Places 

within  the  Limits  of  the  Charter  of  the  Eafl  India  Com- 
pany, and  certain  Poffeffions  of  His  Majefty  in  the  Medi- 
terranean. yj 

37.  An  Aft  to  explain  and  amend  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty  thu-d 

Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  relating  to  Tolls  on  Car- 
riages ufed  in  Hulhandry,  and  to  remove  Doubts  as  to 
Exemption  of  Carriages,  not  wholly  laden  with  Manure, 
from  Payment  of  Toll.  60 

38.  An  Aft  to  continue,  until  the  Fifteenth  Day  of  June 

One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  an  Aft  of  the 
Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  the  more 
effeftual  Prefervation  of  the  Peace,  by  enforcing  the  Du- 
ties of  Watching  and  Warding.  Ibid. 

39.  An  Aft  to  extend  certain  Provifions  of  the  Afts  of  the 

Thirty  Gxth  and  Fifty  fecond  Years  of  the  Reign  of  His 
prefent  Majefty  to  Matters  of  Charity  and  Friendly  So- 
cieties. 61 

40.  An  Aft  to  authorize  the  rewarding  Officers  of  the 

Cuftoms  for  their  Services  in  preventing  illicit  Diifillation 
in  Scotland,  under  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  laft  Seffion  of  Par- 
liament. Ibid. 

41.  An  Aft  to  repeal  Two  Afts  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fourth 

and  Fifty  fifth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  relating  to 
the  Office  of  the  Agent  General,  and  for  transferring  the 
Duties  of  the  faid  Office  to  the  Offices  of  the  Paymafter 
General  and  Secretary  at  War.  Ibid. 

42.  An  Aft  to  revive  and  continue,  until  the  Twenty  fifth 

Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  nineteen, 
an  Aft  made  in  the  Forty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Ma- 
jefty, for  permitting  the  Exportation  of  Salt  from  the 
Port  of  Naffau  in  the  Ifland  of  New  Providence,  the  Port 
of  Esuma  and  the  Port  of  Crooked  Ifland  in  the  Bahama 
IJlandi,  in  American  Ships  coming  in  Ballad.  63 

43.  An  Aft  for  granting,  for  Two  Years  from  the  Fifth  Day 

of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  Bounties 
on  Sugar  refined  otherwife  than  by  Claying.  Ibid. 

44-  An  Aft  to  allow  Corps  of  Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Ca- 
valry, when  affemblcd  for  the  Suppreflion  of  Riots  or  Tu- 
mults, to  be  quartered  and  billetted,  and  Officers  on  Half 
Pay  to  hold  certain  Commiffions  in  fuch  Corps,  and  to  ex- 
empt Members  in  fuch  Corps  from  ferving  the  Office  of 
Con  liable.  64 

45.  An  Aft  for  the  Continuation  of  all  and  every  Perfon  or 
Perfons  in  any  and  every  Office,  Place  or  Employment, 
Civil  or  Military,  within  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland,  Dominion  of  Wales,  Town  of  Ber- 
wick upon  Tweed,  I lies  of  Jerfey,  Guernfey,  Alderney,  ^ 
Sarke  and  Man,  and  alfo  in  all  and  every  of  His  Majefty’s 
Foreign  Poffeffions,  Colonies  or  Plantations,  which  he  or 
fhe  (hall  hold,  poffefs  orexercife  during  the  Pleafure  of  the' 
Crown,  at  the  time  of  the  Death  or  Demife  of  His  pre- 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

( Public  General)  57°  GEO.  III. 

Cent  Majelly,  until  removed  or  difeharged  therefrom  by  the 
fucceeding  King  or  Queen  of  this  Realm.  64 

46.  An  Aft  to  prevent  the  iffuing  and  circulating  of  Pieces 

of  Copper  or  other  Metal,  ufuauy  called  Tokens.  65 

47.  An  Ad  for  fettling  and  fecuring  Annuities  on  Lord 

CoUheJler,  and  on  the  next  Perfon  to  whom  the  Title  of 
Lord  Colcheficr  (hall  defeend,  in  Confideration  of  his  eminent 
Services.  68 

48.  An  Aft  to  make  further  Provilion  for  the  Adjuftment 

of  the  Accounts  of  the  Coofolidated  Fund  of  the  United 
Kingdom,  and  for  making  good  any  occafional  Deficiency 
which  may  arife  in  the  faid  Fund  in  Great  Britain  or 
Ireland  refpeftively ; and  to  direft  the  Application  of 
Monies  by  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Reduftion  of  the 
National  Debt.  70 

49.  An  Aft  for  altering  aud  amending  the  Laws  of  Excifc 

with  tefpeft  to  Salt  and  Rock  Salt.  7? 

50.  An  Aft  to  continue  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty-fourth 

Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly's  Reign,  intituled,  An  A3 
to  provide  for  the  preferving  and  rejloring  of  Peace  in  fuch 
Parti  of  Ireland  ai  may  at  any  time  he  dijlurhed  by  feditioui 
Perfoni,  or  by  Perfonx  entering  into  unlawful  Combination 1 
or  Conjpiracie/.  93 

51.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Celebration  of  Marriages  in 

Newfoundland.  Ibid. 

52.  An  Aft  to  alter  an  Aft  palled  in  the  Eleventh  Year  of 

the  Reign  of  King  George  the  Second,  for  the  more 
cffcftual  fecuring  the  Payment  of  Rents,  and  preventing 
Frauds  by  Tenants.  Ibid. 

53.  An  Aft  for  the  more  effeftual  Punilhment  of  Murders 

and  Manflaughters  committed  in  Places  not  within  His 
Majelly’s  Dominions.  94 

54.  An  Aft  to  enable  the  Commiflioners  of  His  Majelly’s 

Woods,  Forefls  and  Land  Revenues  to  make  and  main- 
tain a Rond  from  MilbanI  Row,  W eflminfler , to  the  Peni- 
tentiary. 05 

55.  An  Aft  to  continue  an  Aft  to  empower  His  Majelly 

to  fccure  and  detain  fuch  Perfons  as  His  Majelly  lhall 
fufpeft  arc  confpiring  againll  His  Perfon  and  Govern- 
ment. 99 

56.  An  Aft  to  amend  the  Laws  in  refpeft  to  forfeited  Recog- 
nizances in  Ireland.  too 

57.  An  Aft  to  empower  His  Majelly  to  fufpend  Training, 

and  to  regulate  the  Quotas  of  the  Militia.  106 

58.  An  Aft  to  allow  Britifh  Goods  to  be  exported  direft 
from  this  Country  to  the  United  States  of  America  upon 
the  lame  Terms  as  when  exported  to  any  Foreign  Country. 


59.  An  Aft  for  letting  to  Farm  the  Poll  Horfe  Duties,  and 

for  better  fecuring  and  facilitating  the  Recovery  of  the 
faid  Duties.  ,0S 

60.  An  Aft  to  regulate  certain  Offices  in  the  Court  of  Ex- 
chequer in  England.  1 1 r 

61  • An  Aft  to  abolifh  the  Offices  of  the  Wardens,  Chief 
Juflices  and  Jultices  in  Eyre,  North  and  South  of  Trent. 


62 . An  Aft  to  abolilh  certain  Offices,  and  to  regulate  certain 

other  Offices,  in  Ireland.  , j 7 

63.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Offices  of  Clerks  to  the  Signet 

and  Privy  Seal.  , 

64.  An  Aft  to  abolilh  certain  Offices,  and  regulate  others,  in 

65.  An  Aft  to  enable  His  Majelly  t0  recompenfe  the  Ser- 

vices of  Perfons  holding,  or  who  have  held,  certain  high 
and  efficient  Civil  Offices.  I22 

66.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  of  the  Twcoty-fecond  Year 
of  His  prefent  Majelly,  for  fupprefling  or  regulating 

certain  Offices  therein  mentioned,  fo  far  as  relates  lo  the 
Board  of  Trade ; and  for  enabling  the  Vice  Prelident  of 
the  Board  of  Trade  to  fend  and  receive  Letters  and  Packets 
free  from  the  Duty  of  Pottage.  125 

67.  An  Aft  to  regulate  certain  Offices,  and  abolilh  others 

in  His  Majelly’s  Mints  in  England  and  Scotland  refpeft- 
ivcly.  1 26 

68.  An  Aft  to  amend  the  Laws  relating  to  Sheriffs  in  Ireland. 


69.  An  Aft  to  continue  until  the  Twenty-ninth  Day  of 
September  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  and 
to  amend  an  Aft  paffed  in  Ireland,  in  the  Thirly-Gxth 
Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly,  for  the  Improvement  and 
Extcnfion  of  the  Filheries  on  the  Coatts  of  Ireland.  128 

70.  An  Aft  to  relieve  Perfons  impugning  the  Doftrine  of 
the  Holy  Trinity  from  certain  Penalties,  in  Ireland.  Ibid. 

71.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  of  the  Fiftieth  Year  of  His 

prefent  Majelly’s  Reign,  for  repealing  the  fevcral  Laws 
relating  to  Prifons  in  Ireland,  and  for  reenafting  fuch  of 
the  Provffions  thereof  as  have  been  found  ufual  with  Amend- 
ments. 129 

72.  An  Aft  to  continue  until  the  End  of  the  next  Seffion  of 

Parliament  Two  Afts  made  in  the  Fifty  fourth  and  Fifty 
Gxth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majelly,  for  regulating  the 
Trade  in  Spirits  between  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  reci- 
procally. 130 

73.  An  Aft  to  allow  the  Exportation  of  Woollen  or  Bay 

Yarn  from  Ireland  by  Licence  obtained  there.  131 

74.  An  Aft  to  extend  feveral  Afts  for  allowing  the  Im- 

portation andExportation  of  certain  Goods  andMerchandize 
to  Porta  Maria  in  the  Ifland  of  Jamaica,  and  to  the  Port 
of  Bridge  Town  in  the  Ifland  of  Barbadou.  Ibid. 

75.  An  Aft  to  abolilh  the  Punilhment  of  Public  Whipping 

on  Female  Offenders.  132 

76.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty-fourth  Year  of 
His  prefent  Majelly,  to  regulate  the  Payment  of  Draw- 
back on  Paper  allowed  to  the  Univerflties  in  Scotland ■ Ibid. 

77.  An  Aft  for  extending  the  Proviflons  of  an  Aft  of  the 

Fifty-fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly,  for  regulating 
the  Payment  of  Army  Prize  Money ; and  for  authorizing 
the  Commiflioners  of  Chelfca  Hofpital  to  fufpend  the  Pen- 
Gons  of  fuch  Perfons  as  (hall  be  guilty  of  Frauds  in  refpeft 
of  Prize  Money  or  Penfions.  13? 

78.  An  Aft  for  fixing  the  Rates  of  Subfillence  to  be  paid 
to  Innkeepers  and  others  on  quartering  Soldiers.  134 

79.  An  Aft  to  permit  the  Transfer  of  Capital  from  certain 

Public  Stocks  or  Funds  in  Great  Britain  to  certain  Public 
Stocks  or  Funds  in  Ireland.  135 

80.  An  Aft  for  railing  the  Sum  of  Nine  Millions,  by  Exche- 

quer Bills,  for  the  Service  of  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen.  Cap.  132.  § it.  fojl.'}  138 

81.  An  Aft  for  railing  the  Sum  of  Three  Millions  fix  hun- 
dred thoufand  Pounds  Britifb  Currency,  by  Treafury  Bills, 
in  Ireland,  fdr  the  Services  of  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen.  [See Cap.  132.  § il.pojl.^  Ibid. 

82.  An  Aft  to  continue  an  Aft  palled  in  Ireland  in  the 

Thirteenth  (and  Fourteenth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majelly, 
refpefting  certain  Annuities,  fo  long  as  the  faid  Annuities 
lhall  be  payable.  *4®. 

83.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft,  made  in  the  laft  Seffion  of 

Parliament,  for  providing  for  the  Charge  of  certain  Addi- 
tions to  the  Public  Debt  of  Ireland '.  Ibid. 

84.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Offices  of  His  Majetty'®  Exche- 
quer in  England  and  Ireland  refpeftively.  *4l 

85.  An  Aft  to  permit,  until  the  Fourteenth  Day  of  Novem- 
ber One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  the  Im- 
portation of  Corn  and  other  Articles  in  any  Ship  and  from 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

The  TITLES  of  the  STATUTES, 

any  Country  ; to  permit  fuch  Articles  which  may  have  I 
been  warehoufed  for  Exportation  only  to  be  entered  for 
Home  Confumption  ; and  for  indemnifying  all  Perfons  who 
have  given  Directions  for  the  Importation  of  Corn  and  other 
Articles,  or  the  taking  the  fame  out  of  Warehoufc  free  of 
Duty,  and  who  have  acted  in  obedience  thereto.  J42 

86.  An  Aft  to  permit  the  Importation  of  Foreign  Cambricks 

and  Lawns  into  Ireland,  on  Payment  of  the  like  Duties  as 
are  chargeable  in  Great  Britain.  Ibid. 

87.  An  Aft  to  amend  Two  Afts  pafled  in  the  Forty  fifth 

Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  and  in  the  lail  Keflion  of  Par- 
liament, for  the  making  more  effectual  Provifiou  for  the 
Prevention  of  Smuggling.  143 

88.  An  Aft  to  permit  Fuller’s  Earth,  Fulling  Clay  and  To- 

bacco PipcClay,  to  be  carried  Coaft  wife  under  certain  Rc- 
ftriftions.  149 

89.  An  Aft  to  allow  the  Importation  of  Oranges  and  Lemons 

from  the  Azores  and  the  Madeira / into  the  Britifh  Colonies 
in  North  America.  Ibid. 

90.  An  Aft  for  the  Prevention  of  Perfons  going  armed  by 

Night  for  the  Dcftruftion  of  Game  ; and  for  repealing 
Aft,  made  in  the  laft.  Seffiou  of  Parliament,  relating 
Rogues  and  Vagabonds.  150 

91.  An  Aft  to  enable  J u dices  of  the  Peace  to  fettle  the 

Fees  to  be  taken  by  the  Clerks  of  the  Peace  of  the  re- 
fpeftive  Counties  and  other  Divifions  of  England  and 

Walet . IJ! 

92.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Adminiftration  of  Oatl>3  in  certain 
cafes  to  Officers  in  His  Majefty ’s  Land  and  Sea  Forces.  152 

93.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  Cofts  of  DiftrcfTes  levied  for  Pay- 
ment of  Small  Rents.  Ibid. 

94.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  of  the  laft  Seffion  of  Parlia- 
ment, for  the  more  eafy  affe fling  of  County  Rates.  154 

95.  An  Aft  to  exempt  the  Territories  within  the  Limits  of 

the  Eajl  India  Company's  Charter  from  certain  of  the 
Navigation  Laws.  155 

96.  An  Aft  for  fufpending,  until  the  Firft  Day  of  Augujl 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  the  Duties  on 
Coals  and  Culm  removed  Coaft  wife  within  the  Principality 
of  Walet,  and  granting  other  Duties  in  lieu  thereof.  ij6 

97.  An  Aft  for  ratifying  Articles  of  Agreement  entered  into 
by  the  Right  Honourable  Henry  Hall  Vifcount  Gage,  and 
the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Woods,  Forefts  and 
Land  Revenues  ; and  for  the  better  Management  and  I 
provement  of  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown.  i _ , 

98.  An  Aft  for  ratifying  the  Purchafe  of  the  Impropriate 

Reftory  of  Saint  Mary  le  bone  in  the  County  of  Middle- 
fete.  169 

99.  An  Aft  to  confolidate  and  amend  the  Laws  relating  to 

Spiritual  Perfons  holding  of  Farms ; and  for  enforcing  the 
Refidcnce  of  Spiritual  Perfons  on  their  Benefices ; and  for 
the  Support  and  Maintenance  of  Stipendiary  Curates  in 
England.  [By  tbit  AS,  j 1.  the  I $E/iz.  e.20.  at  to  certain 
Particular!  therein  mentioned,  it  repealed ; but  the  whole  of 
that  AS,  together  with  all  Explanation t,  Addiliont  ' 

Alteration!  thereof,  war  frevioufty  repeated  by  43  G.  3 • 1 
$>°-]  177 

ICO-  An  Aft  to  renew  the  Powers  of  exonerating  Small 
Livings  and  Charitable  Iuftitutions  from  the  Land  Tax, 
and  for  making  furihcr  Provifion  for  the  Redemption  of 
the  Land  Tax.  192 

IOI.  An  Aft  to  continue  an  Aft,  intituled  An  AS  further  to 
extend  and  render  more  effeSual  certain  Provifions  of  an  AS 
faffed  in  the  Twelfth  Tear  of  the  Reign  of  Hit  late  Majefty 
King  George  the  Firfl,  intituled  'An  AS  to  prevent  frivo- 
* lout  and  vexatious  Ar refit and  of  an  AS  faffed  in  the 
Fifth  Tear  of  the  Reign  of  Hit  Majefty  King  George  the 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University 

Second,  to  explain,  amend  and  render  more  effcdual  the  fail 

former  AS ; and  of  Two  ASt,  faffed  in  the  Nineteenth  and 
Forty  third  Tears  of  the  Reign  of  Hit  prefent  Majefty,  ex- 
tending the  Proviftont  of  the  faid  former  ASt.  ' 198 

102.  An  Aft  to  defray  the  Charge  of  the  Pay,  Cloathing  and 
contingent  Expences  of  the  Difcmbodicd  Militia  in  Great 
Britain,  and  of  the  Miners  of  Cornwall  and  Devon  ; and 
for  granting  Allowances  in  certain  cafes  to  Subaltern 
Officers,  Adjutants,  Quartermafters,  Surgeons’  Mates  and 
Serjeant  Majors  of  Militia,  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of 
March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen.  Ibid. 

103.  An  Aft  for  defraying,  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of 

June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  the  Charge 
of  the  Pay  and  Cloathing  of  the  Militia  of  Ireland;  and 
for  making  Allowances  in  certain  cafes  to  Subaltern  Officers 
of  the  faid  Militia  during  Peace.  201 

104.  An  AS  to  reduce  the  Number  of  Serjeants,  Corporals 
and  Drummers  in  the  Militia  of  Ireland,  whilft  difembodied. 


105. '  An  Aft  to  encourage  the  Eftablifhmcnt  of  Banks  for 

Savings  in  Ireland.  Ibid . 

106.  An  Aft  to  provide  for  the  Eflabliihmcnt  of  Afyluuut 

for  the  Lunatic  Poor  in  Ireland.  210 

107.  An  Aft  to  provide  for  the  more  deliberate  Invcftigation 

of  Prcfentments  to  be  made  by  Grand  Juries  for  Roads  anil 
Public  Works  i n Ireland,  and  for  accounting  for  Money 
raifed  by  fuch  Prcfentments.  2 1 1 

108.  An  Aft  for  the  Regulation  of  levying  Tolls  at  Fairs, 

Markets  and  Ports  in  Ireland.  2 1 9 

109.  An  Aft  to  abolilh  the  Subfidy  and  Alnage  of  the  Old 

aud  New  Draperies,  and  of  all  Woollen  Manufaftures,  ill 
Ireland ; aud  to  authorize  the  Payment  out  of  the  Con- 
folidated  Fund  of  au  Annual  Sum  to  John  Lord  de  B!a- 
quiere,  during  the  Continuance  of  his  Inlerel!  in  the  Office 
of  Alnagcr.  220 

I jo-  An  Aft  to  make  further  Regulations  for  the  better  col- 

lecting and  fecuring  the  Duties  upon  Spirits  diddled  in 
Ireland.  221 

111.  An  Aft  to  fufpend,  until  the  Tenth  Day  of  OSober  One 

thoufand  eight  hundred  and  nineteen,  a IJart  of  the  Duties 
on  Sweets  or  Made  Wines.  225" 

1 12.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  of  the  Twenty  fifth  Year  of 

the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  better  regulating  the 
Office  of  Treafurer  of  His  Majefty’s  Navy,  as  far  as  refpefts 
the  Mode  of  Applications  for  certain  Services  in  the  Vic- 
tualling Department.  226 

1 1 3.  An  Aft  to  prevent  the  further  Circulation  of  Dollars  aud 

Tokens,  iflued  by  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank 
of  England,  for  the  Convenience  of  the  Public.  Hid. 

1 14.  An  Aft  to  continue,  until  the  Firft  Day  of  Auguft  Or.e 

thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  Two  Afts  of  His 
prefent  Majefty,  allowing  the  bringing  of  Coals,  Culm,  and 
Cinders  to  London  and  IVeftminfltr.  23g 

I I j.  Au  Aft  to  extend  the  Provifionsof  an  Aft  of  the  Twelfth 
Year  or  His  late  Majefty  King  George  the  Firft,  and  an  Aft 
of  the  Twenty  fecond  Year  of  His  late  Majefty  King  George 
the  Second,  againft  Payment  of  Labourers  in  Goods  or  bv 
Truck,  and  to  fccure  their  Payment  in  the  lawful  Money  of 
this  Realm,  to  Labourers  employed  in  the  Manufafture  of 
Articles  made  of  Steel,  or  of  Steel  and  Iron  combined,  and 
of  Plated  Articles,  or  of  other  Articles  of  Cullen-.  229 

116.  Au  Aft  for  limiting  the  time  now  allowed  by  Law  for 
Produftion  of  the  Certificate  of  due  Delivery  'of  Goods 
removed  from  one  Warehoufing  Port  in  Great  Britain  to 
another  for  the  Purpofe  of  Exportation  ; fat  altering  the 
Hours  for  (hipping  Goods  in  the  Port  of  London  ; and  to 
empower  Officers  of  the  Cuftoms  and  Excife  to  permit  the 

of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit  ^CIE0Tal 

( Public  General')  5 y°  GEO.  III. 

Removal  of  Goods  from  one  Bonding  Warchoufe  to  another 
in  the  fame  Port.  230 

117.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  ilTuing  of  Extents  in  Aid.  231 

118.  An  Aft  for  authorizing  the  Executors  or  Adminiftratora 

of  deceafed  licenfcd  Navy  Agents  to  receive  Prize  Money, 
Bounty  Money  and  other  Allowances  of  Money  upon 
Orders  given  to  fuch  deceafed  Agents.  232 

119.  An  Aft  to  exempt  Britifh  and  Iri/i  Stone  Bottles,  made 

and  ufed  for  the  foie  Ptirpofe  of  containing  Liquid  Blacking, 
from  the  Duties  of  Excifc  on  Stone  Bottles  granted  by  an 
Act  of  this  Seflion  of  Parliament.  233 

120.  An  Aft  to  authorize  the  Court  of  Diredtors  of  the  EaJ 1 

India  Company  to  make  extraordinary  Allowances,  in  cer- 
tain cafes,  to  the  Owners  of  certain  Ships  in  the  Service  of 
the  faid  Company.  234 

12 1.  An  Aft  for  regulating  Payments  to  the  Treafurer  of  the 
Navy  under  the  Heads  of  Old  Stores  and  ImprefU.  233 

1 12.  An  Aft  to  extend  the  Provifions  of  an  Aft  of  the 
Twelfth  Year  of  His  late  Majefty  King  George  the  Firft, 
and  an  Aft  of  the  Twenty  fecond  Year  of  His  late 
Majefty  King  George  the  Second,  againft  Payment  of 
Labourers  in  Goods  or  by  Truck,  and  to  fecure  their 
Payment  in  the  lawful  Money  of  this  Realm,  to  La- 
bourers employed  in  the  Collieries,  or  in  the  working  and 
getting  of  Coal,  in  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain 
and  Ireland ; and  forextending  the  Provifions  of  the  faid 
Afts  to  Scotland  and  Ireland.  236 

123.  An  Aft  for  impofmg  a Duty  of  Excife  on  the  Excefs 

of  Spirits  made  from  Corn  in  England  above  the  Proportion 
of  Nineteen  Gallons  of  Spirits  for  every  One  hundred 
Gallons  of  Wafh  ; and  for  further  fecuring  the  Duties  on 
Wort  or  Wafh  made  for  diflilling  Spirits  in  England ; and 
for  authorizing  the  Shipment  of  Rum  for  Stores  in  Calks 
containing  Sixty  Gallons.  Ibid. 

1 24.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  made  in  the  prefent  Seflion 
of  Parliament,  for  authorizing  the  Iffuc  of  Exchequer  Bills, 

and  the  Advance  of  Money  for  carrying  on  Public  Works 
and  Filheries,  and  Employment  of  the  Poor.  242 

125.  An  Aft  to  authorize  the  driving  and  keeping  a Hackney 

Coach  or  Chariot  under  the  fame  Licence.  243 

126.  An  Aft  to  repeal  an  Aft,  palled  in  the  Fifty  fourth 

Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  the  Punifhmcnt  of  Per- 
foos  deflroying  Stocking  or  Lace  Frames,  and  Articles  in 
fuch  Frames  ; and  to  make,  until  the  Firft  Day  of  Augufi 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  other  Provifions 
in  lieu  thereof.  246 

127.  An  Aft  to  fettle  the  Share  of  Prize  Money,  Droijs  of 

Admiralty,  and  Bounty  Money  payable  to  Greenwich 
Hofpital,  and  for  fecuring  to  the  faid  Hofpital  all  un- 
claimed Shares  of  Veffirls  found  derelift,  and  of  Seizures 
for  Breach  of  Revenue,  Colonial,  Navigation  and  Slave 
Abolition  Laws.  247 

128.  An  Aft  for  extending  the  Exemptions  from  the  Duticr. 

granted  by  certain  Afts  of  the  Forty  third  and  Forty  fifth 
Years  of  His  prefent  Majelly's  Reign,  in  Dwelling  Houfes 
in  Scotland ; and  for  altering  the  Manner  of  claiming  and 
afeertaining  the  Exemptions  to  be  granted.  [The  Exemp- 
lions  of  43  G.  3.  c.  1 61 . are  in  $12.  of  that  Aft.  No  Ad  of 
the  45  G.  3.  is  mentioned  in  the  Body  of  this  Ad.']  248 

1 29.  An  Aft  for  veiling  in  Hit  Majefty  a certain  Part  of  the 
Open  Commons  and  Wafte  Lands  within  the  Manor  or 
Royalty  of  Rialton  and  Retraighe  alias  Reterth  in  the  Parilh 
of  Saint  Columh  Major,  in  the  County  of  Cornwall.  249 

130.  An  Aft  to  encourage  the  Eftabltlhment  of  Banks  for 

Savings  in  England.  233 

1.3 1.  An  Aft  for  the  better  Regulation  of  Polls,  and  for 
making  other  Provifions  touching  the  Election  of  Members 
to  ferve  in  Parliament  for  Places  in  Ireland.  261 

132-  An  Aft  for  applying  certain  Monies  therein  mentioned 
for  the  Service  of  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  feventeen,  and  for  further  appropriating  the  Supplies 
granted  in  this  Seffion  of  Parliament.  267 




A N Aft  to  extend  the  Limits  of  an  Aft,  made  in  the 
A laft  Seffion  of  Parliament,  for  preventing  Frauds  in  1 
the  Admeafurement  of  Coals  in  certain  Parilhes  in  the 
Counties  of  Middlefex  and  Effex.  Page  273 

11.  An  Aft  for  paving  the  Footways,  and  for  lighting  and 
fteanfing  the  Streets,  Lanes  and  public  Places  within  the 
Town  and  Borough  of  Tetbury,  in  the  County  of  Gloueefler, 
and  for  preventing  Nuifances  therein.  27C 

iii.  An  Aft  for  continuing  the  Term  and  enlarging  the 

Powers  of  Two  Afts  of  the  Seventeenth  and  Thirty  eighth 
Years  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  repairing  the  Roads  from 
Hatfield  to  Brighlhelmfl one,  and  from  Poyning's  Common  to 
High  Crofs,  in  the  County  of  Sujfex  ; and  for  repealing  fo 
much  of  the  faid  Afts  as  relates  to  certain  Parts  of  the  faid 
Road*'  Ibid. 

iv.  An  Aft  for  more  cffeftually  repairing  the  Roads  from 
Coventry  to  Warwick,  and  from  Coventry  to  Martyr’s  Gut - 
ter,  in  the  County  of  the  City  of  Coventry,  and  in  th’e  County 
of  Warwick. 

v.  An  Aft  for  repairing  the  Road  from  the  Crofs  Hands  on 
the  Worcefier  and  Oxford  Turnpike  Road,  to  Halford 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of 

Bridge,  and  other  Roads  therein  mentioned,  in  the  Counties 
of  Gloueefler,  Warwick  and  Worcefier.  Ibid. 

vi.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Term  and  Powers  of  fcveral 

Afts  of  His  late  and  prefent  Majefty,  for  repairing  the 
Road  from  the  Town  of  SLrewfbury  to  Bridgnorth,  and 
fcveral  other  Roads  near  or  adjoining  thereto,  in  the  Coun- 
ties of  Salop  and  Stafford.  2 7*j 

vii.  An  Aft  for  making  better  Provifton  for  the  Support  and 

Maintenance  of  the  Reftor  of  the  Parilh  of  Saint  Olave,  in 
the  Town  and  Borough  of  Southwark  ; and  for  providing 
a more  convenient  Rcftory  or  Parfouagc  Houle  for  the 
faid  Reftor.  Ibid. 

viii.  An  Aft  for  further  continuing,  until  the  Firft  Day  ot 
AuguJ!  One  thoufand  right  hundred  and  eighteen,  and  from 
thence  to  the  End  of  the  then  next  Selfion  of  Parliament, 
the  Powers  given  by  an  Aft  of  the  Forty  fixth  Year  of  His 
prefent  Majefty,  for  enabling  the  Commiffionen  acting  in 
Execution  of  an  Agreement  made  between  xhcEaft  India 
Contain y and  the  private  Creditors  of  the  Nabobs  of  the 
Carnatic,  the  better  to  carry  the  fame  into  Effect.  277 

ix.  An 

Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

The  TITLES  of  the  STATUTES, 


ix.  An  Aft  for  providing  a convenient  Houfe,  with  fuitable 

Accommodations,  for  His  Majelly’s  Judges  at  the 
for  the  County  of  Northampton.  _ ibid. 

x.  An  Aft  for  more  effeftually  repairing  and  improving  the 

Road  from  IVeJl  Houghton  to  Duxbury  Stocks,  in  the 
Countv  of  Lancajler.  281 

xi.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Term  and  Powers  of  an  Aft  of 
His  prefent  Majefty,  for  repairing  the  Road  leading  from 
Towcefler  to  the  Turnpike  Road  in  Cotton  End,  in  the 
Parifli  of  Hardington,  in  the  County  of  Northampton.  Ibid. 

xii.  An  Aft  for  making  and  maintaining  a Turnpike  Road 

from  and  out  of  the  Turnpike  Road  at  the  Bottom  of 
Coa/brool  Dale,  in  the  Pari/h  of  Madclcy,  into  the  Turn- 
pike Road  leading  from  Shiffinall  to  Shrewfbury,  at  or  near 
a Place  called  Walling  Street,  in  the  Parifn  of  Wellington,  all 
in  the  County  of  Salop.  Ibid. 

xiii.  An  Aft  for  making  and  maintaining  a Turnpike  Road 

from  the  Town  of  Cromfard  to  the  Town  of  Belter  ; and 
for  making  a Branch  of  Road  from  and  out  of  the  laid  Road 
near  the  River  Amber,  to  join  the  Turnpike  Road  at  Bull 
Bridge,  all  in  the  County  of  Derby.  282 

xiv.  An  Aft  for  lighting  and  watching  Kentifh  Town  in  the 
Parilh  of  Saint  Pancras  in  the  County  of  Middle/ex.  Ibid. 

xv.  An  Aft  to  enable  the  Company  of  Proprietors  of  the 
Stratford  upon  Avon  Canal  Navigation  to  raife  Money  to 
difeharge  their  Debts,  and  to  complete  the  faid  Canal.  Ibid . 

xvi.  Ah  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Term  and  Powers  of  feveral 
Afts  of  the  Seventeenth  and  Thirty  feventh  Years  of  His 
prefent  Majefty,  for  repairing  the  Road  from  Halifax  to 
Sheffield,  in  the  Weft  Riding  of  the  County  of  Tori,  fo  far 
as  relate  to  the  Road  from  Penijlone  to  Sheffield.  Ibid. 

xvii.  An  Aft  to  continue  and  amend  an  Aft  palled  in  the 

Thirty  fifth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  amending, 
widening,  altering,  improving  and  keeping  in  Repair  the 
Road  leading  out  of  the  Turnpike  Road  between  Aylejlury 
and  IVendovcr,  through  Prince’s  Ri/borougb,  to  IVeJl 
Wycombe,  in  the  County  of  Buckingham.  Ibid. 

xviii.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Term  and  Powers  of  feveral 
Afts  pa(Tcd  for  repairing  and  widening  tlic  Roads  from  the 
Eaft  End  of  Brough  under  Stainmoor  in  the  County  of 
Wejlmorland,  by  the  End  of  Appleby  Bridge,  to  Eamont 
Bridge  in  the  faid  County.  Ibid. 

xix.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty  Gftli  Year  of  His 
prefent  Majefty,  for  building  a new  Church  and  Workhoufe 
in  the  Parilh  of  Bathwick,  in  the  County  of  Somerfet.  Ibid. 

xx.  An  Aft  For  improving  and  maintaining  the  Harbour  of 

Ayr,  and  for  regulating  VclTcls  reforting  thereto.  Ibid. 

xxi.  An  Aft  for  providing  an  additional  Burial  Ground  for 

the  Parilh  of  Sculcoatcs  in  the  Eaft  Riding  of  the  County  of 
Tori.  6 Ibid. 

xxii.  An  Aft  for  amending  an  Aft  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

for  rebuilding  Newton  Chapel,  in  the  County  Palatine  of 
Lancajler.  Ibid. 

xxiii.  An  Aft  for  better  lighting  the  Streets  and  Houfes  of  the 
Metropolis  with  Gas.  Ibid. 

xxiv.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft,  of  the  laft  Sellion  of  Parlia- 

ment, for  the  better  repairing  the  feveral  Roads  leading  into 
and  from  the  City  of  Worcejlcr.  293 

xxv.  An  Aft  to  continue  and  amend  Two  Afts  of  the  Fif- 

teenth and  Thirty  fifth  Years  of  lx'is  prefent  Majefty,  for 
amending  and  widening  die  Road  leading  from  Yarmouth 
Bridge  through  Little  Yarmouth,  to  Gorlejion,  in  the  Countv 
of  Suffolk.  Ibid. 

xx vi.  An  Aft  for  amending  the  Roads  leading  from  Bafing- 
flone,  near  Bag/lot,  through  Farnham,  in  the  County  of 

Surrey,  and  Alton  and  New  Atresford,  to  Winch tjler,  in 
the  County  of  Southampton ^ Ibid 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University'  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

xxvii.  An  Aft  for  more  effeftually  improving  the  Road 
from  Richmond,  in  the  County  of  York,  to  Lancajler,  in 
the  County  of  Lancajler,  and  the  Road  from  Richmond  to 
Lucy  Croft,  and  from  Gilling  to  the  Turnpike  Road  on 
Gatherley  Moor,  in  the  County  of  York.  293 

xxviii.  An  Aft  for  continuing  and  amending  an  Aft  of  His 
prefent  Majefty,  for  repairing  the  Road  from  the  Town  of 
Bedford,  in  the  County  of  Bedford,  to  Kimbolton  in  the 
County  of  Huntingdon.  Ibid. 

xxix.  An  Aft  for  better  paving,  improving  and  regulating 

the  Streets  of  the  Metropolis,  and  removing  and  preventing 
Nuifances  and  Obftruftions  therein.  Ibid. 

xxx.  An  Aft  to  regulate  the  loading  of  Ships  with  Coals  in 

the  Port  of  Newcaflle  upon  Tyne.  35 1 

xxxi.  An  Aft  for  fixing  the  Dues,  Duties  and  Payments  for 

all  Goods,  Wares  and  Merchandize  landed  on  or  Ihipped 
from  the  Pier  or  Quay  of  the  Town  of  Penzance  in  the 
County  of  Cornwall,  and  on  all  Ships  and  Veffels  refort- 
ing to  the  faid  Pier  or  Quay,  or  to  the  Harbour  of  Pen- 
zance. Ibid. 

xxxii.  An  Aft  for  the  further  Improvement  of  the  Town  and 
Harbours  of  Greenock ; for  eftablilhing  and  fupporting  a 
Harbour  Police,  and  for  the  better  regulating  the  Poor  of 
the  Three  Parilhes  of  Greenock.  Ibid. 

xxxiii.  An  Aft  for  altering  and  amending  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty 
fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  regulating  the 
Police  of  the  City  of  Edinburgh  and  the  adjoining  Diftrifts, 
and  for  other  Purpofes  relating  thereto.  Ibid. 

xxxiv.  An  Aft  for  making  the  Hamlet  of  Poplar  and  Black- 
wall,  in  the  County  of  Middlcfcx,  a feparate  and  diftinft 
Parilh  ; and  for  erefting  a Parifh  Church  therein,  and 
other  Purpofes  relating  thereto.  Ibid. 

xxxv.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Church  Yard  of  the  Parifh 
of  Chri/l  Church  in  the  County  of  Surrey  s and  for  other 
Purpofes  relating  thereto.  Hid. 

xxxvi.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Church  Yard,  and  providing 
additional  Burying  Ground,  for  the  Parilh  of  Bradford,  in 
the  Weft  Riding  of  the  County  of  Tori.  Ibid. 

xxxvti.  An  Aft  tor  making  and  maintaining  a Railing  or 
Tram  Road  from  Bulls  Head  Lane,  in  the  Parim  of 
Mansfield,  in  the  County  of  Nottingham,  to  communicate 
with  the  Cromfard  Canal  at  Pinxton  Bafin,  in  the  Parilh  of 
Pinxton,  in  the  County  of  Derby.  Ibid. 

xxxviii.  An  Aft  for  incluling  Lands  within  the  Parilhes  of 
Norton  and  Heckingbam,  in  the  County  of  Norfolk  ; and  for 
drainiug  certain  Lands  in  the  faid  Parilh  of  Norton.  Ibid. 
xxxix.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft,  paffed  in  the  Forty  feventh 
Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  improving  and  rendering 
more  commodious  fucb  Parts  of  the  County  and  County  ot 
the  City  of  Dublin  as  are  fituate  on  the  South  Side  of  the 
River  Anna  Liffey,  and  Weft  of  His  Majefty’s  Catlle  of 
Dublin  ; and  for  the  Appointment  of  an  Infpeftor  of  the 
Prefentments  and  other  Accounts  of  the  County  of  the 
City  of  Dublin.  352 

xl.  An  Aft  for  continuing  the  Term  and  enlarging  the  Powers 
granted  to  the  Principal  Land  Coal  Meters  for  the  City  and 
Liberty  of  Wejlminfter ; and  for  extending  the  Limits  of 
their  Office  to  the  Parilh  of  Saint  Luke  Che/fea.  354 

xli.  An  Aft  for  lighting  the  City  and  Suburbs  of  Glafgow 
with  Gas,  and  for  other  Purpofes  relating  thereto.  357 
“k  l°  rePea^  an  Aft  made  in  the  laft  Seffion  of 

Parliament,  for  preventing  Frauds  in  the  Admeal’urement 
and  Delivery  of  Coals  within  the  feveral  Parilhes  lying  con- 
tiguous to  the  Water  Side  in  the  County  of  Kent.  Ibid. 
xliii.  An  Aft  to  continue  and  amend  an  Aft,  made  in  the 
Forty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  repairing 
the  Road  from  Cauftway  Head , near  Stirling,  through  the 

( Local  & PerJbnal ) 570  GEO.  III. 

County  of  Clackmannan,  towards  Queen' s Ferry,  and  cer- 
tain Roads  branching  out  of  the  fame.  357 

xliv.  An  Act  for  enlarging  the  Term  and  Powers  of  l'cveral 
Afts  of  His  prefent  Majcfty,  for  repairing  certain  Roads 
leading  from  Truro,  and  other  Roads  communicating  there- 
with,  in  the  County  of  Cornwall';  and  for  building  and 
keeping  in  Repair  a Bridge  over  the  River  there.  Ibid. 
xlv.  An  Aft  for  making  and  keeping  in  Repair  a Carriage 
Road  from  or  near  the  Town  of  Brough  under  Stainmore, 
in  the  County  of  WeJ! /norland,  to  Middleton  Bridge,  in  the 
Pariih  of  Rcma/diiri,  in  the  North  Riding  of  the  County  of 
Tort,  with  a Branch  from  or  near  Chapel  Houfe  to  Egglejlon 
Bridge,  in  the  fame  Pariih.  Ibid. 

xlvi.  An  Aft  for  continuing  and  amending  an  Aft  of  His 
prefent  Majeily,  for  repairing  the  Road  from  Stamford,  in 
the  County  of  Lincoln,  through  Oakham,  to  the  Great 
North  Road,  in  the  Pariih  of  Grectham,  in  the  County  of 
Rutland.  Ibid. 

xlvii.  An  Aft  for  making  and  keeping  in  Repair  a Carriage 
Road  from  the  Townihip  of  Manchejler  to  Newton  Chapel 
in  tile  Townihip  of  Newton,  with  a Branch  to  the  River 
Mtdlack  in  the  Townihip  of  Droylfdeti,  in  the  County 
Palatine  of  Laneajler.  358 

xlrhi.  An  Aft  for  (hutting  tip  and  difeontinumg  a certain 
Way  or  Paifage  called  Old  Paris  Garden  Lane,  fituate  in 
the  Pariih  of  Chrjjl  Church  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  and 
for  felling  and  difpofing  of  the  Ground ‘and  Soil  thereof. 


*11*.  An  Aft  to  continue  an  Aft,  palled  in  the  Parliament  of 
Ireland  in  the  Thirty  fifth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for 
improving  and  repairing  the  Turnpike  Road  leading  from 
Dublin  to  Mullingar,  and  for  repealing  the  feveral  Laws 
theretofore  made  relating  to  the  laid  Road.  Ibid. 

1.  An  Aft  to  continue  the  Term  and  alter  and  enlarge  the 
Powers  of  an  Aft  of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  keeping  in 
Repair  the  Road  leading  from  the  Town  of  Rochdale,  in 
the  County  Palatine  of  Laneajler,  to  the  Town  of  Burn- 
ley, in  the  faid  County,  and  for  making  Two  new  Branches 
of  Road  to  communicate  therewith.  Ibid. 

'.  An  Aft  for  making  and  maintaining  a Road  from  Quebec, 
in  the  Pariih  of  Leeds,  in  the  Weil  Riding  of  the  County 
of  Tort,  to  Homejield  Lane  End,  in  the  fame  Pariih,  with 
a Bridge  or  Bridges  on  the  Line  of  fuch  Road.  Ibid. 
lii.  An  Aft  for  more  elTeftually  repairing  the  Road  from  the 
Bridge  cf  Die  Southward,  through  tile  County  of  Kincar- 
dine, to  Stonehaven ; and  from  thence,  by  Inverbervie  and 
by  Laurencekirk,  to  the  Lower  and  Upper  Bridges  over 
the  River  North  EJk  ; and  for  making  and  repairing  other 
Roads  in  the  faid  County.  Ibid. 

liii.  An  Aft  for  fettling  the  Right  of  Patronage  or  Prcfcnt- 
ation  of  or  to  a Chapel  to  be  called  Stanjled  Chapel,  in  the 
PaI  in  the  County  of  Sujfex.  Ibid. 

hv.  Ad  Aft  for  making  and  maintaining  a Turnpike  Road 
fromthe  Town  of  Crowland,  in  the  County  of  Lincoln,  to 
, T°"n  of  E)‘\  !n  Ac  County  of  Northampton.  Ibid. 
lv.  An  Aft  to  continue  the  Term  and  alter  and  enlarge  the 
Powers  of  Two  Afts  of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  repairing 
the  Road  from  Wrotham  Heath  to  Foots  Cray,  and  from 
‘I'otham  Heath  to  MaiJJtone,  in  the  County  of  Kent;  and 
the  Road  from  the  laid  Road  into  the  Turnpike  Road  from 
Mtrcwonh  to  Hadlow  in  the  faid  County.  Ibid. 

lvi.  An  Aft  for  making  and  maintaining  a Navigable  Canai 
from  the  Lothian  Road,  near  the  City  of  Edinburgh,  to 
join  the  Forth  and  Clyde  Navigation  near  Falkirk,  In  the 
County  cf  Stirling.  Ibid. 

,vii:  A"  for  f?‘vin2  further  Powers  to  the  Prefident  and  -r  '■m.  - « « ....  r • ~ --  - - 

ffiilar.ts  of  the  Charitable  Society  of  the  Town  pi  Belfafl,  | , 6 

57  GfttiifSd  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Qjgitisa 


in  the  County  of  Antrim,  to  fnpply  the  faid  Town  with 
Water,  and  to  improve  their  Eftatcs.  358 

lviii.  An  Aft  for  building  a Bridge  acrofr  the  River  frwell, 
from  Water  Street,  in  the  Townihip  of  Salford,  to  Saint 
Mary’s  Gate,  in  the  Townihip  of  Manchejler,  all  in  the 
County  of  Laneajler,  aud  for  making  proper  Avenues 
thereto.  Ibid. 

fix.  An  Aft  for  granting  further  Powers  for  improving  the 
Town  of  Great  Bolton,  in  the  County  of  Laneajler.  359 
lx.  An  Aft  for  granting  an  Equivalent  for  the  Diminution 
of  the  Proiits  of  the  Office  of  Gauger  of  the  City  of 
London,  and  increafing  the  Payments  to  be  made  by 
Brokers.  Ibid. 

lxi.  An  Aft  to  enable  Prltro  William  Tomkins  of  New  Bond 
Street,  in  the  City  of  IVcJlminJler,  Engraver  to  The  Queen’s 
Moil  Excellent  Majeily,  to  difpofe  of  his  Colleftion  of 
Paintings,  Drawings  and  Engravings,  together  with  fevc- 
ral  Copies  of  certain  Books  therein  mentioned,  and  the 
Leafc  of  the  Premifes  called  The  Britijb  Gallery  of  PiBures, 
by  way  of  Lottery.  360 

lxii.  An  Aft  to  amend  Two  Afts  for  maintaining  and  im- 
proving the  Commercial  Docks,  in  the  Pariih  of  Saint 
Mary  Rotherhithe,  in  the  County  of  Surrey.  Ibid. 

lxiii.  An  Aft  for  making  and  maintaining  a Navigable  Canal 
from  the  River  Arun  to  Chichejler  Harbour,  and  from 
thence  to  Laagjkone  and  Pqrtfmoulh  Harbours,  with  a 
Cut  or  Branch  from  HunJIon  Common  to  or  near  the  City 
of  Chiehejler ; and  for  improving  the  Navigation  of  the 
Harbour  of  Langjlone  and  Channels  of  Langjlone  and 
Thorney.  367 

lxiv.  An  Aft  to  amend  and  enlarge  the  Powers  of  Two  Afts 
of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  improving  the  Navigation  of 
the  River  Hull  and  Frodmgham  Beck,  and  extending  the 
fame  to  the  Town  of  Great  Driffield,  in  the  County  of 
Tort.  Ibid. 

lxv.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Market  Place,  and  regulating 
the  Market  in  the  Town  of  Taunton,  in  the  County  of 
Somerfet,  and  for  improving  the  faid  Town ; and  for 
amending  an  Aft  of  His  prefent  Majeily  relative  thereto. 


lxvi.  An  Aft  to  amrnd  and  continue  an  Aft  of  the  Thirty 
fixth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  improving  certain 
Roads  in  and  through  the  Foreft  of  Dean,  in  the  County 
of  GlouccRer,  and  feveral  other  Roads  therein  mentioned. 


lxvii.  An  Aft  for  continuing  and  amending  Two  Afts  of 
His  prefent  Majeily,  for  repairing  feveral  Roads  leading 
from  the  Town  of  Taunton  in  the  County  of  Somerfet. 


lxviii.  An  Aft  for  enlarging  the  Term  and  Powers  of  an 
Aft  of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  repairing  the  Road  from 
Cambridge  to  the  Old  North  Road,  near  Arrington  Bridge, 
in  the  County  of  Cambridge.  Rid. 

Ixix.  An  Aft  for  amending  and  rendering  more  cffeftual  an 
Aft  of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  draining  Lands  in  South 
Holland;  and  for  continuing  and  amending  another  Aft 
of  His  prefent  Majeily,  for  maintaining  and  repairing  a 
certain  Bank,  and  the  Road  thereon,  from  Spalding  High 
Bridge  to  Brother  Houfe,  all  in  the  County  of  Lincoln. 

Ibid . 

lxx.  An  Aft  for  improving  the  Harbour  of  Blaktney,  within 
the  Port  of  Blakeney  and  Clay,  in  the  County  of  Norfolk- 

lxxi.  An  Aft  for  amending  and  rendering  more  effectual  an 
Aft  of  His  late  Majcfty  King  William  the  Third,  for 
making  the  River  Lark  alias  Burn  navigable.  Rid. 

ationlJnit  lxxii.  Au 

The  TITLES  of  the  STATUTES, 

lxxii.  An  Aft  tor  rebuilding  the  Church,  and  improving  the 
Church  Yard  of  the  Parilh  of  Saint  Paul  Shadwell in  the  j 
County  of  Mi  Adit f ex.  367 

lxxiti.  An  Aft  for  railing  Money,  by  Annuities  or  otherwise, 
for  the  Purpofe  of  orefting  a Workhoufe  for  the  Ufe  of 
the  Poor  of  the  Pari/h  of  Saint  John  of  Wapping , in  the 
County  of  Middlefex.  368 

Ixxiv.  An  Aft  for  more  cfEftually  repairing  the  Road  from 
the  Neath  Turnpike  Road,  at  or  near  Abernant,  through 
Merthyr  Tidvill,  in  the  County  of  Glamorgan,  to  join  the 
Turnpike  Road  within  the  Abergavenny  Diftrift  near 
RhyJy  Blew  Houfe,  in  the  County  of  Monmouth.  Ibid. 

Ixxy.  An  Aft  to  continue  nnd  amend  an  Aft  parted  in  the 
Thirty  fixth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majcfly,  for  altering  the 
Road  from  Macclesjield  to  Conglelon,  in  the  County  of 
Chcjlcr.  36* 

lxxvi.  An  Aft  to  empower  the  Commiffioncrs  of  the  Royal 
Naval  Afylum  to  make  nfe  of  any  Part  of  the  Accumu- 
lation of  die  Intereft  of  the  Monies  which  were  given  by 
the  Committee  for  managing  the  Patriotic  Fund  to  the 
faid  Commiflioncr;,  for  the  Purpofes  of  the  faid  Afylum. 





1.  \ N Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Drayton, 

JTx.  in  the  County  of  Somer/et.  369 

2.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Erifwell,  in 

the  County  of  Suffolk-  Ibid. 

3.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  within  the  Manor  of  Emlry, 

in  the  County  of  Tori.  Ibid. 

4.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Ccfton,  other- 

wife  CoJIon  Hacbett,  in  the  County  of  Worccjler.  Ibid. 

5.  An  Aft  for  repealing  certain  Parts  of  an  Aft  of  His  pre- 

fent Majeftv,  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Manor  uf  Afpatria, 
and  in  the  feveral  Parilhcs  of  Afpatria,  Brumfield  and  All- 
hallows,  in  the  County  of  Cumberland,  and  for  amending 
the  faid  Aft.  Ibid. 

€.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Orlelon,  ir.  the 
County  of  Htrejord.  Ibid. 

7.  An  Act  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Townfhip  of  Burton 

Salmon  in  the  Parilh  of  Monlfryjione,  in  the  County  of 
Tori.  Ibid. 

8.  An  Aft  for  incloGng  Lands  in  the  Townfhip  of  Willey,  in 
the  Parilh  of  Prejleign,  in  the  County  of  Hereford.  Ibid. 

9.  An  Aft  for  veiling  Part  of  the  Settled  Eflates  of  Edward 
Gilbert  Efquire,  othrrwifej&fararsf&e//  Efquire.inTruftees, 
to  be  fold ; and  for  applying  the  Produce  in  or  towards 
the  Difchargeof  the  Incumbrances  on  the  faid  Ellates.  Ibid. 

to.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Manor  of  Meltham, 
in  the  Parilh  of  Almondbury,  in  the  Weft  Riding  of  the 
County  of  Tori.  Ibid. 

11.  An  Aft  for  allotting  Lands  in  the  Townfhip  or  Liberty 

of  Littlemore,  m the  Parilhcs  of  Saint  Mary  the  Pirgin  and 
Tefllty,  otbcrwife  IJfiey,  in  the  County  of  Oxford.  370 

12.  An  Aft  for  iucloiing  and  exonerating  from  Tithi-B  Lands 

in  the  Parilh  of  Eajlon  on  the  Hill,  in  the  County  of  North- 
ampton. Ibid. 

13.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Townlhip  of  Trawden, 

in  the  Chapclry  of  Colne,  and  Parilh  of  Whalley,  in  the 
County  of  Lanciifler.  Ibid. 

14.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  within  the  Manors,  Towu- 
Ihips  or  Divifions  of  Underbarrow  and  Bradlesfield,  in  the 
Parilh  of  Kirkby  in  Kendal,  in  the  County  of  JVeJlmorlanJ. 


Ij.  An  Aft  for  vefling  certain  Ellaies  devifed  by  the  Will 
of  John  Seaeome,  and  now  held  in  undivided  Shares,  iu 
Trullecs,  to  be  fold,  and  for  inverting  the  Purchafe  Mo- 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University 

nies  of  the  Shares  of  fuch  of  the  Parties  imerclled  as  arc 
Infante  in  the  Purchafe  of  other  Ellates,  to  be  conveyed  to 
them  according  to  their  refpeftive  Rights  and  Intcrcfls  in 
iicu  of  fnch  Shares.  370 

16.  An  Aft  to  enable  the  Trultces  for  the  time  being  of  the 

Charity  Ellates  of  William  Hiclcy,  deceafed,  filuatc  in 
Richmond,  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  to  grant  Building  and 
Repairing  Leafcs  thereof.  * Ibid. 

17.  An  Art  for  confirming  and  eftablifhing  the  Sales  made 
by  Ann  Fifh  Widow,  and  Frederick  Klein,  of  the  Ellaies 
devifed  to  them  for  Sale  by  the  Will  of  John  Fifh  El'quire. 


18.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Ramfdown  and  Liddaton  Down 

Commons,  in  the  Panfli  of  Milton  Abbott,  in  the  County 
of  Devon.  Ibid, 

tg.  An  Aft  for  dividing  and  inclofing  Heworth  Floor,  in 
the  Manor  or  Townlhip  of  Heworth,  in  the  North  Riding 
of  the  County  of  Tori  / and  for  cxtiuguilhing  the  Rights 
of  Stray  and  Average  over  certain  Lands  called  Half  Year 
Lands,  fituate  in  the  Suburbs  or  Prccinfts  of  the  City  of 
Tori.  Ibid. 

20.  Au  Aft  for  inclofing  and  exonerating  from  Tithes  Lands 
in  the  Parilhes  of  Fornbam  Saint  Martin  and  Fornham 

Saint  Genoveve,  otherwife  Fornbam  Saint  Genovieve,  in 

the  County  of  Suffolk.  Ibid. 

II.  An  Act  for  velting  in  Truftees  in  Fee  Simple,  in  Trull 
for  Samuel  Robert  Gauffcn  Efquire,  difeharged  from  certain 
Emails  created  therein,  and  from  other  Rights  and  In- 
teredo,  a Fee  Farm  Rent  of  Seven  hundred  and  fifteen 
Pounds  and  Eleven  pence  Three  Farthings,  heretofore  the 
Eftate  of  the  Right  Honourable  John  Lord  Offul/lon  de- 
ccafed.  /ad. 

22.  An  Aft  for  veiling  the  Settled  Ellates  of  William  Lifter 

Fenton  Scott  Efquire  in  Truftees,  in  Trull  to  be  fold,  nnd 
for  laying  out  the  Purchafe  Monies  ariGng  from  foeh  Sale 
in  the  Purchafe  of  other  Ellates,  to  be  fettled  to  the  fame 
Ufcs.  a,-,,!. 

23.  An  Aft  for  empowering  the  Judges  of  the  Court  of 
Scffion  in  Scotland  to  fell  rich  Parts  of  the  Ellates  of  Sea- 
fortb  and  others,  fituated  in  the  County  of  Rofs,  which 
were  entailed  by  Francis  Lord  Scaforth  deceafed,  as  lhall 
be  fufficicnt  for  Payment  of  the  Debts  and  Provilions 
which  affeft  or  may  be  made  to  affpft  the  faid  Entailed 

or  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit  Eftate? 


( Private,  printed ,) 

Eftates,  and  for  granting  certain  Powers  relative  to  Leafes 
and  Feu*  of  Parts  of  the  faid  Entailed  Eftates.  371 

44.  An  Aft  to  authorise  the  Truftees  of  the  deceafed  Jamei 
Sthaw  to  grant  Building  Leafes  and  Feus  of  certain  Parts 
of  the  Lands  and  Barony  of  Prefton,  to  fell  the  Superiority 
thereof,  and  for  other  Purpofes  relating  thereto.  Ibid. 

23.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Townfhip  of  HoUmg- 
ton,  in  the  feveral  Parishes  of  Longford  and  Brailsford,  in 
the  County  of  Derby.  Ibid. 

26.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Fulbrook, 

in  the  County  of  Oxford.  Ibid. 

27.  An  Aft  to  enable  Jama  Rocheid  Efquire,  and  the  Heirs 
of  Entail  fuccecding  to  him  in  the  Eftate  of  Inverleith,  to 
grant  Feus  thereof  upon  certain  Terms  and  Conditions. 


28.  An  Aft  for  exchanging  an  Eftate  in  the  County  of  Kent, 
belonging  to  the  Earl  of  Tinner,  for  an  Eftate  in  the  fame 
County,  devifed  by  the  Will  of  Thomas  Holmtt.  Ibid. 

29.  An  Aft  for  making  a Partition  of  the  Eftates  of  Lojkock , 

Anderton,  Heaton,  Harwich,  Rumwortb  and  AJ/ington , 
in  the  County  Palatine  of  Laneajhr , of  the  late  Henry 
Blundell  Efauire.  Ibid. 

30.  An  Aft  for  confirming  an  Exchange  made  by  Philip 

Gel/  Efquire,  of  certain  of  the  Settled  Eftates  of  Philip 
Gell  Efquire  deceafed,  in  the  County  of  Tori,  for  other 
Eftate#  in  the  County  of  Derby.  Ibid. 

31.  An  Aft  for  effeftuating  an  Exchange  between  Richard 
Peter  Whijh  Clerk,  Reftor  of  the  Reftory  and  Parilh 
Church  of  Meefden,  otherwife  Mijfenden,  in  the  County  of 
Hertford,  and  Armytage  Gaujfcn  Efquire,  of  the  Reftory 
Houfe  and  Part  of  the  Glebe  Lands  of  the  faid  Reftory,  for 
a Houfe  and  Lands  in  tile  faid  Parilh  of  Meefden,  otherwife 
MiJTenden,  belonging  to  the  faid  Armytage  Gauffen.  Ibid. 

32.  An  Aft  for  veiling  certain  Eftate*  devifed  by  the  Will 
of  Sir  Jamer  Tylnry  Long,  in  the  Counties  of  Dorfet  and 

5f  GEO.  III. 

Tori,  in  Truftees,  to  be  fold  j and  for  laying  out  the 
Money  thence  arifing  (after  Payment  of  certain  fpecific 
Incumbrance* ) in  the  Purchafe  of  other  Eftates,  to  be  fet- 
tled in  lieu  thereof,  to  the  fame  Ufes.  371 

33.  An  Aft  to  enable  the  Prebendary  of  the  Prebend  of  The. 

Moor , iu  the  City  of  London,  founded  in  the  Cathedral 
Church  of  Saint  Paul  in  London,  to  grant  a Leafe  of  cer- 
tain Mcfluages,  Buildings,  Lands  and  Hereditaments,  fituate 
in  the  Parilh  of  Saint  Gila  without  Cripplegate,  in  the  faid 
City,  Parcel  of  the  faid  Prebend,  in  manner  therein  men- 
tioned ; ami  to  enable  the  granting  of  Sub  Leafes  for  re- 
pairing and  otherwife  improving  the  fame.  Ibid. 

34.  An  Aft  for  enclofing  Lands  in  the  Manor  of  Barlow,  in 

the  Townfliipt  of  Great  Bartow  and  Little  Barlow,  in 
the  Parilhcs  of  Slave/y  and  Dronfield,  in  the  County  of 
Derby.  372 

35.  An  Aft  for  improving  a certain  Piece  of  Land  called 

Common  Wood,  in  the  Liberty  of  the  Borough  of  Hole, 
otherwife  Lyons,  in  the  County  of  Denbigh.  Ibid. 

36.  An  Aft  tor  vetting  a certain  Eftate,  late  of  Peter  IVall- 

den  of  Chorley  in  the  County  of  Cbefler,  Yeoman,  deceased, 
fituate  in  Chorley  aforefaid,  in  Truftees,  in  Trull  to  be  fold 
for  paying  off  Incumbrances  thereon  ; and  for  purchasing 
other  Eftates,  to  be  fettled  to  the  fame  Ufes.  IUd. 

37.  An  Aft  to  enable  the  Vicar  for  the  time  being  of  the 
Parilh  of  Bolton,  in  the  County  Palatine  of  Lancaftr,  to 
fell  and  convey  in  Fee  Simple  a certain  Portion  of  the 
Glebe  Land  belonging  to  the  Vicarage  of  Bolton.  Hid. 

38.  An  Aft  for  confirming  an  Agreement  relating  to  the 

Reverfion  Expeflant  of  certain  Eftates  in  the  Counties  of 
Warwick  and  Cbejler,  late  of  Sir  Lifter  Holle  Baronet, 
deccafed,  and  Property  belonging  to  Abraham  BraeebreJge 
Efquire ; and  for  vetting  fuch  Eftates  and  Property  m 
Truftees,  to  convey  and  affure  the  fame  according  to  the 
faid  Agreement . Ibid. 



59-  A N Aft  for  inclofing  Laud*  within  the  Parilh  of  I 
A Harbridgt  in  the  County  of  Southampton. 

40.  An  Aft  for  naturalizing  Ulric  Theodore  Hemmingfon. 

41.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Land*  in  the  Parilh  of  Fnlftow, 
the  County  of  Lincoln. 

[And  for  mating  Compcnfation  for  Tithet.~\ 

42.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parifh  of  Portfea, 
the  County  of  Southampton. 

. . - Rig!,,  I . nt,,.-] 

43.  An  Act  lor  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Slud/ey,  in 
the  County  of  Warwick. 

» Compcnfation  for  Tithes  A 

44.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Townfhip  of  Worf- 
trough  in  the  County  of  Tori. 

45.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Emncth,  in 
the  County  of  Norfolk. 

\Any  Allotment  made  to  Hit  Majejly  may  be  fold  before 
or  after  the  Execution  of  the  Award.  ' Cammiffioncr  to 
make  an  ExlraS  of  Jo  much  of  hi,  Award  at  dejeriba  , 
Hit  Majejly’ a Allotment,  and  tranfmit  the  fame  to  ihe\ 
CommiJ/ionrrj  of  Hit  Majejly' t Woods,  {rff.J 

46.  An  Aft  to  amend  and  renJer  moreeffrftual  an  Aft  made 
in  the  Thirty-fifth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majolly,  for  inclof- . 


I47.  An  Aft  far  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Hempnall, 
iu  the  County  of  Norfolk. 

48.  An  Aft  for  veiling  certain  Parts  of  the  Barony  of  Pit- 
Jligo,  in  the  County  of  Aberdeen,  comprized  in  a Deed  of 

Entail  executed  by  Franeit  Garden  of  Troup  Efquire,  de- 
ceafed,  iu  Truftees,  to  be  fold,  and  for  applying  the  Pur- 
chafe  Money  in  the  Acquifition  of  other  Eftates,  to  be  fet- 
tled upon  the  fame  Scries  of  Heirs,  and  under  the  Condi- 
tions and  Limitations  contained  in  the  laid  Deed  of  Entail. 

49.  An  Aft  for  empowering  the  Judges  of  the  Court  of 
Srfliou  in  Scotland  to  fell  fuch  Parts  of  the  Entailed  Eftate 
of  Tranent,  and  others,  ill  the  Conllabulary  of  Haddington 
and  Sheriffdom  of  Edinburgh,  belonging  to  William  Cadell 
Efquire,  as  fhall  be  fuffictent  for  Payment  of  the  Debts 
affefting  the  lame. 

30.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Manor  of  Salt  and 
Enfon,  in  the  Parilh  of  Saint  Mary,  in  the  Borough  of 

[ And  for  making  Compcnfation  for  Tithes.'] 

. An  Aft  for  inclofing  and  exonerating  from  Tithes  Lands 
in  the  Townlhip  of  Bcadlam,  in  the  Parilh  of  Helmjley,  in 
the  North  Riding  of  the  County  of  Tori. 

I And  for  making  Compcnfation  for  Tithes 

Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

52.  An 

The  TITLES  of  the  STATUTES. 

52.  An  Aft  to  diffolve  the  Marriage  of  William  Morris 
Bailey  Efquire,  Major  in  His  Majcfty’s  Thirtieth  Regiment 
of  Foot,  and  a Lieutenant  Colonel  in  the  Army,  and  Com- 
panion of  the  Mott  Honourable  Order  of  the  Bath,  with 
Henrietta  Bailey  his  now  Wife,  and  to  enable  him  to  marry 
again  ; and  for  other  Purpofes  therein  mentioned. 

53.  An  Aft  to  difiolvc  the  Marriage  of  Sir  Edward  William 
Campbell  Rich  Owen  with  Dame  Elizabeth  Owen  his  now 
Wife,  and  to  enable  him  to  marry  again  ; and  for  other 
Purpofes  therein  mentioned. 

54.  An  Aft  to  exonerate  from  Portions  certain  Heredita- 
ments in  Waters  Upton,  in  the  County  of  Salop , belonging 
to  Richard  Emery  Efquire. 

55.  An  Aft  to  enahle  the  Reftor  of  the  Parifh  and  Parith 
Church  of  C/apham,  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  to  accept  a 
Surrender  of  the  exifting  Leafe,  and  to  grant  more  exten- 
five  Lcafea  of  Part  of  the  Glebe  belonging  to  the  faid 

56.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parilh  of  Leek  Wootton, 
in  the  County  of  Warwick. 

[Allotment  for  Great  and  Small  Tithes.  Proprietors  not 
laving  an  Inlerejl  in  the  Lands  to  be  inclofed  fufficicnt  to 
commute for  the  Tithes,  to  pay  the  Value  of  the  Deficiency 
for  the  Ben  ft  of  the  Owners  of  Land  taken  to  male  up 
fuel  Dcfctcncy.  Proprietors  of  certain  old  inclofed 
Lands  may  give  up  Part  to  dij charge  Remainder  thereof 
from  Tithes.  Enabling  Commijfioncr,  with  Confent  of 
Parties,  to  fix  a Compcnfation  in  Money  for  Corn 
Tithes  of  certain  inclofed  Lands .] 

57.  An  Aft  to  difTolve  the  Marriage  of  Richard  Oliver  Smith 
Efquire  with  Harriet  his  now  Wife,  and  to  enable  him  to 
marry  again  ; and  for  other  Purpofes  therein  mentioned. 

58.  An  Aft  for  naturalizing  Matthew  Seyzinger. 

59.  An  Aft  for  empowering  the  Judges  of  the  Court  of 
Seffion  to  fell  the  Entailed  Eftatc  of  Pitlochie,  lying  in  the 
County  of  Fife,  belonging  to  William  Murray  Efquire,  of 

Touchadam  and  Pitlochie,  and  to  apply  the  Money  to  arife 
by  fuch  Sale  in  the  Purchafe  of  the  Lands  and  Eftate  o‘ 
Cockfpow,  in  the  County  of  Stirling,  belonging  to  the  faid 
William  Murray,  in  Fee  Simple,  and  lying  contiguous  to 
certain  other  Entailed  Eftates  belonging  to  the  faid  Wil- 
liam Murray , to  be  entailed  in  lieu  of  the  faid  Eftate  of 

60.  An  Aft  to  amend  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year 
of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  Parifh  of 
Strenjh.-.m,  in  the  County  of  Worcejlcr. 

[And  for  making  Compcnfation  for  Tithes .] 

61.  An  Aft  for  fettling  and  fecuring  certain  Parts  of  the 
Lands  and  Eftate  of  Kinninmonth  or  Kinmount  and  others, 
in  the  County  of  Dumfries,  to  and  in  favour  of  Charles 
Marquis  of  Qiieenjberry , and  the  Series  of  Heirs  entitled  to 
take  by  a certain  Deed  of  Entail  made  by  Charles  Duke  of 
(jiuenjberry  and  Dover,  deceafed,  and  under  the  Condi- 
tions and  Limitations  contained  in  the  faid  Deed  ; and  for 
veiling  in  lieu  thereof  certain  Parts  of  the  Lands  and  Ba- 
rony of  Tinwall,  Moufcwald,  and  others,  in  the  faid 
County,  iu  the  faid  Charles  Marquis  of  Queenjbcrry,  and 
his  Heirs  and  Affigns,  in  Fee  Simple. 

62.  An  Aft  to  enable  Edward  Beevnr  the  Elder,  Efquire, 
and  his  IfTue,  to  take,  ufe  and  bear  the  Surname  and  Arms 
of  Lombe,  purfuant  to  the  Will  of  Sir  John  Lombe  Baro- 
net, deceafed. 

63.  An  Aft  for  inclofing  Lands  in  the  fcveral  Parifhes  of 
Llandilofawr  and  Talley,  in  the  County  of  Carmarthen. 

[Commijfioncr  to  make  an  Extract  of  Award  for  His 
Mayfly.  Any  - liniments  to  His  Majejly  may  be  fold 
before  or  after  Execution  of  A ward,  j 

64.  An  Aft  to  explain  and  amend  an  Aft  patted  in  the  laft 
Seffion  of  Parliament,  intituled  An  Act  to  dijfolve  the 
Marriage  0/*  Lieutenant  Gehcral  William  Dyott  with  Elinor 
otherwise  Eleanor  his  now  Wife,  and  to  enable  him  to  marry 
again  ; and for  other  Purpofes  therein  mentioned. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University'  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

,T  H E 

STATUTES  at  Large,  &c. 

Anno  Regni  GEORGII  III.  Britanniarum  Regis, 
Quinquagefimo  Septimo. 

* A T the  Parliament  begun  and  holden  at  IVefminJler,  the  T wenty  fourth  Day  of  November,  Anno 

‘ Demini  1812,  in  the  Fifty  third  Year  oF  the  Reign  of  our  Sovereign  Lord  GEORGE  the 

* Third,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  King, 

* Defender  of  the  Faith  ; And  from  thence  continued,  by  fcveral  Prorogations,  to  the  Twenty  eighth  Day  of 

* January  1817,  being  the  Fifth  SeDioO  of  the  Fifth  Parliament  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain 

* and  Ireland.’ 

CAP.  I. 

An  Act  to  continue  and  extend  the  Provifions  of  an  A St  of  the  Forty  ninth  Year  of  His  prefeut 
Majefty,  for  regulating  the  Trade  anti  Commerce  to  and  from  The  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  until  the 
Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty ; and  alfo  for  regulating  the  Trade  of 
the  liland  of  Mauritius.  [24th  February  1817.] 

‘ TXT  HE  REAS  the  Law  hereinafter  mentioned  uinear  expiring,  and  fit  to  be  continued  for  a limited  Period  j* 
V\  Be  it  therefore  enacted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confenl 
of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefenr  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Autho- 
rity of  the  fame,  That  an  Act  made  in  the  Forty  ninth  Year  of  the  Reigu  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  sin  * 
AS  to  authorize  His  Majefty,  during  the  prefent  IPar,  to  male  Regulations  refpeBing  the  Trade,  and  Commerce  c 
to  and from  The  Cape  of  Good  Hope  ; which  was  revived  and  continued  from  the  Expiration  thereof,  until 
the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  by  two  Afts  of  the  Fifty  fourth  and  Fifty 
fixth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  (hall  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  further  continued  for  the  Term  hereinafter 

‘ IT.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient,  under  the  prefent  Circumftances,  that  the  Trade  and  Commerce  to  and  ' 

• from  all . I (lands,  Cobnies  or  Places,  and  the  Territories  and  Dependencies  thereof,  to  His  Majefty  belonging  I 
‘ or  in  His  Pofleflion,  in  Africa  or  Afa  to  the  Eaftward  of  the  Cape  of  Good  Hops,  excepting  only  the  Pol-  J 

* feflions  of  the  EaJ!  India  Company,  fhould  alfo  be  regulated  for  a certain  time  in  fuch  manner  as  (hall  fcem 

* lions  ol  any  Act  or  Acts  ot  Parliament  that  may  be.  confirmed  to  a licet  the  fame  ; Be  it  therefore  enatted,  cil 
That  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Ad,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  His  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Ad- 
vice of  His  Privy  Council,  by  any  Order  or  Orders  to  be  ilTued  from  time  to  time,  to  give  fuch  Dire&jons 
and  make  fuch  Regulations  touching  the  Trade  and  Commerce  to  and  from  the  faid  Klands,  Colonics  or 
Places,  and  the  Territories  and  Dependencies  thereof,  js  to  His  Majefty  in  Council  lhall  appear  moll  expedient 
and  falutary  • any  Thing  contained  in  an  Ad  pafTed  iu  the  Twelfth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  Majefty  King  1: 
Charles  the  Second,  intituled  An  AS  for  the  encouraging  and  increafng  of  Shipping  and  Navigation,  or  in  an 
Ad  pafTed  111  the  Seventh  and  Eighth  Years  of  tbe  Reign  of  His  Majefty  King  irilliam  the  Third,  intituled  7 
An  AS  for  preventing  Frauds  and  regulating  Abufes  in  the  Plantation  Trade,  or  any  other  Ad  or  Ads  of  c. 
Parliament  now  iu  force  relating  to  His  Majcfty’s  Cobnies  and  Plantations,  or  any  other  Ad  or  Ads  of 
Parliament,  Law,  Ufage  or  Cultom  to  the  contrary  in  anywife  notwithflanding. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enaded.  That  if  any  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandise  whatever  lhall  be  imparted  G> 
into  or  exported  from  any  of  the  faid  Iflands,  Colonies  or  Places,  or  the  Territories  and  Dependencies  there-  01 
of,  or  (hall  be  exported  from  any  Part  of  His  Majcftv's  Dominions  to  any  of  the  faid  Iilands,  Cobnies  or  P 
Places,  or  the  Territories  and  Dependencies  thereof,  or  if  any  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize  (hall  be  fo  im-  !■“, 
ported  or  exported  m any  manner  whatever  contrary  to  any  fuch  Order  or  Orders  of  His  Majefty  in  Council, 
the  fame  (hall  be  forfeited,  together  with  the  Ship  or  Veflel  in  which  fuch  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize  lhall 
rcfpcctivcly  be  imported  or  exported,  with  all  her  Guns,  Ammunition,  Furniture,  Tackle  and  Apparel:  and  • B w every 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C.1,2,  3- 

57°  GE0RG11  UI. 

A.D.  1817. 

Perfons  impii- 
I'oned  for  High 
Treafon,  &c. 
may  be  detained 
till  July  1,1817, 
and  lhall  not  be 
billed  or  tried 

Order  from  the 
Prhry  Council. 

Treilon,  fof- 
1 -ended. 

i*crfoni  commit- 
ted there  not  to 
be  tried,  Ac. 
without  fuch  Or- 
der ueforetaid. 

Provtfo  for  Per. 

every  fuch  Forfeiture  fhall  and  may  be  fued  for,  profecuted1- and  recovered  by  fuch  and  the  like  V av,  Mans 
and  Method*  as  any  Forfeiture  incurred  by  any  Law  refpefting  the  Revenue  of  Cuftoms  may  be  lued  for, 
profecuted  and  recovered  in  Places  where  refpeftively  the  lOffences  (liall  be  committed ■,  and  the  Produce 
thereof  lhall  be  difpofed  of,  paid  and  applied  in  like  manner  in  the  faid  Places  refpeftively  ; any  Law,  Cuilom 
1 or  Ufage  to  the  contrary  in  anywife  notwithftanding  : Provided  always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  inal 
in  any  manner  be  conftrued  to  infringe  the  Rights,  Privileges,  and  Advantages  belonging  to  the  United 
Company  of  Merchants  of  England  trading  to  the  Eajl  Indiet  as  now  by  Law  ellablilhed. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  lhall  continue  in  force  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One 
thoufaDd  eight  hundred  and  twenty. 

CAP.  II. 

An  Aft  for  raifing  the  Sum  of  Twenty  four  Millions^  by  Exchequer  Bills,  for  the  Service  of  the 
Year  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen.  C24£h  February  1817.] 

“ TREASURY  may  raife  24,000,000b  by  Exchequer  Bills,  in  manner  preferibed  by  48  G.  3.  c.i.— -(  1. 
**  The  Claufes,  &c.  in  recited  Aft  extended  to  this  Aft.  §2.  Treafury  to  apply  the  Money  railed,  f 3. 
“ Exchequer  Bills  payable  out  of  the  Supplies  for  next  Selfion.  $4.  Intereft  3^d.  per  Cent,  per  Diem.  J5. 
« Exchequer  Bills  current  at  the  Exchequer  after  April  y,  1818. — $6.  Bank  of  England  may  advance 
“ 1 5,000,0001.  on  Credit  of  Aft,  notwithftanding  the  5 & 6 W.  & M.— f 7-  Aft  altered,  amended  or  repealed 
“ this  Seflion.  $8. 

cap.  in. 

An  Aft  to  empower  His  Majefty  to  fecure  and  detain  fuch  PeTfons  as  His  Majefty  lhall  fufpeft  are 
confpiring  againft  His  Perfon  and  Government.  [4^*  March  1817.3 

WHEREAS  a traiterous  Confpiracy  has  been  formed  for  the  Purpofe  of  overthrowing  by  means  of  a 
general  Infurrection,  the  ellablilhed  Government,  Laws  and  Conftitution  of  this  Kingdom  : And 
* Whereas  Defigns  and  Praftices  of  a treafonable  and  highly  dangerous  Nature  are  now  carrying  on  in 
• the  Metropolis,  and  in  many  other  Parts  of  Great  Britain  •■’  Therefore,  for  the  better  Prefervation  of  H;s 
Majefty’s  facred  Perfon,  and  the  facred  Perfon  of  His  Royal  Hignefs  The  Prince  Regent,  and  for  fecuring 
the  Peace  and  Laws  and  Liberties  of  this  Kingdom,  be  it  enafted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty, 
by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent 
Parliament  afTembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  all  or  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  that  are  or  lhall 
be  in  Prifon  within  that  Part  of  the  United  Kingdom,  called  Great  Britain,  at  or  upon  the  Day  on  which 
this  Aft  lhall  receive  His  Majelly’s  Royal  Affent,  or  after,  by  Warrant  of  His  faid  Majefly’s  Mod  Honour- 
able Privy  Council,  figned  by  Six  of  the  faid  Privy  Council,  for  High  Treafon,  Sufpicion  of  High  Treafon, 
or  Treafonable  Praftices,  or  by  Warrant  figned  by  any  of  His  Majefty’s  Secretaries  of  State,  for  fuch  Caufes 
as  aforefaid,  may  be  detained  in  fafe  Cullody,  without  Bail  or  Mainprize,  until  the  Firft  Day  of  July  One 
thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  ; and  that  no  Judge  or  Jullice  of  the  Peace  lhall  bail  or  try  any  fuch 
Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  committed,  without  Order  from  His  faid  Majefty’s  Privy  Council,  figned  by  Six  of  the 
faid  Privy  Council,  until  the  Firli  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen ; any  Law  or 
Statute  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding. 

II.  And  be,  it  further  enafted  by  the  Authority  aforefaid,  That  the  Aft  made  in  Scotland  in  the  Year  of 
our  Lord  One  thoufand  feven  hundred  and  one,  intituled  An  AH  for  preventing  wrongous  Imprifnnment,  and 
againjl  undue  Delays  in  Trials,  in  fo  far  as  the  fame  may  be  conftrued  to  relate  to  the  Cafes  of  Treafon  and 
Sufpicion  of  Treafon,  with-refpeft  to  Perfons  fo  committed  as  aforefaid,  be  fufpended  until  the  Firft  Day  of 
July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  ; and  that  until  the  Firft  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen  no  Judge,  Jullice  of  Peace  or  other  Officer  of  the  Law  in  Scotland,  lhall  liberate,  try 
or  admit  to  Bail  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  that  is,  are  or  (hall  be  in  Prifon  within  Scotland,  under  a Warrant 
or  Warrants  fo  figned  as  aforefaid,  for  fuch  Caufes  as  aforefaid,  without  Order  from  His  faid  Majefty’s  Privy 
Council,  figned  by  Six  of  the  faid  Privy  Council. 

III.  Provided  always,  That  from  and  after  the  Firft  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 
feventeen,  the  faid  Perfons  fo  committed  lhall  have  the  Benefit  and  Advantage  of  all  Laws  and  Statutes  in 

vile  gel  of  Mem- 
ben  of  either 
Houfe  of  Pir- 

Provifo  for  Per- 
1011!  igainft 
e ham  (ndift- 
nenu  for  High 
i'icifoa  ilrcsdy 

any  way  relating  to  or  providing  for  the  Liberty  of  the  Subjefts  of  this  Realm. 

IV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  lhall  be  conftrued  to  extend  to  invalidate 
the  ancient  Rights  and  Privileges  of  Parliament,  or  to  the  Imprifonmcnt  or  Detaining  of  any  Member  of  either 

Houfe  of  Parliament  during  the  Sitting  of  fuch  Parliament  until  the  Matter  of  which  he  Hands  fufpefted  be 
firft  communicated  to  the  Houfe  of  which  he  is  a Member,  and  the  Confent  of  the  faid  Houfe  obtained  for 
his  Commitment  or  Detaining . 

V.  Provided  neverthelefs,  That  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  in  Prifon  at  the  time  of  palling  this  Aft,  againft 
whom  any  Bill  or  Bills  of  Indiftment  for  High  Treafon  have  been  already  fonnd,  lhall  and  may  be  tried  on 
the  faid  Indiftment  as  if  this  Aft  had  never  palled, 

‘ VI.  And  Whereas  divers  Perfons  are  now  in  Cuftody  on  Charges  of  High  Treafon  and  Sufpicion  of  High 

* Treafon,  under  Warrants  from  One  of  His  Majelly’s  Principal  Secretaries  of  State,  or  from  His  Majefty ’» 
‘ Privy  Council,  and  it  may  be  highly  important  that  fnch  Perfons  as  have  been  or  lhall  be  fecured  and  detained 

• on  fuch  Charges  under  and  by  virtue  of  fuch  Warrant  or  Warrants  (hould  be  kept  wholly  feparate  and  apart 

* from 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A-D.i8i7-  57°  GEORGIl  III.  €-.3,4,5. 

* from  each  other,  fo  as  to  prevent  all  Communication  between  them  and  with  other  Perfons,  except  fuch  Com- 
« municatiou  as  His  Majefty  may  think  fit  to  permit,  and  under  fuch  Reftriftions  as  may  be  advifable,  and 
« Doubts  may  arife  how  far  the  Powers  of  His  Majefty’s  Principal  Secretaries  of  State  to  change  the  Places 
4 of  Confinement  ot  Perfons  fo  committed  extend  5 and  it  is  expedient  to  provide  that  the  fame  lhall  not  be  fo 

* exercifed  as  to  deprive  the  Perfous  fo  committed  of  any  Right  to  be  tried  or  difeharged  which  they  might 

* refpcflively  have  had  if  their  refpeftive  Places  of  Confinement  had  not  been  changed  Now,  to  obviate  all 
Doubts  and  Difficulties  in  refpeft  thereof,  be  it  further  enafted  and  declared,  Tliat  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  One  S 
of  His  Majefty’s  Principal  Secretaries  of  State,  as  he  lhall  fee  Occafion,  to  order  any  Perfon  committed  to  s 
any  Gaol  or  other  Prifon  on  any  Charge  of  High  Treafon,  Sufpicion  of  High  Treafon,  or  Treafonablc  Prac-  *’ 
rices,  either  before  or  after  Indiftment  found,  to  be  conveyed  to  and  detained  in  any  other  Gaol  or  other  " 
Prifon,  until  difeharged  by  due  Courfe  of  Law,  and  to  ifliie  all  Warrants  neceflary  for  fuch  Purpofes  : Pro-  b, 
vided  always  nevcrthelefs,  that  no  Perfon  who  lhall  be  removed  by  any  fuch  Warrant  as  aforefaid,  lhall  be  by  u 
means  of  fuch  Removal  deprived  of  fuch  Right  to  be  tried  or  difeharged,  as  fuch  Perfon  would  by  Law  have  P 
been  entitled  to  if  not  fo  removed  ; and  in  every  Cafe  in  which  any  fuch  Perfon  would  have  been  entitled  to  ” 
have  been  tried  or  difeharged  if  fuch  Perfon  had  continued  in  the  Gaol  or  Prifon  to  which  fuch  Perfon  was  p 
before  committed,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  fuch  Perfon  to  apply  to  be  bailed  or  difeharged  in  the  fame  Manner  ol 
as  fuch  Perfon  might  have  done  if  fuch  Perfon  had  remained  in  the  Gaol  or  Prifon  to  which  fuch  Perfon  was 
before  committed  as  aforefaid. 

VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  AS  (hall  continue  in  force  until  the  Firft  Day  of  July  One  C 
thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen.  * 

VI IL  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  may  be  altered,  varied  or  repealed  by  any  Aft  or  Afts  to  e 
be  made  in  this  prefeat  Seffion  of  Parliament.  11 

deprived  of 
Right  to beiried 
or  difeharged. 

An  Aft  to  extend  the  Privileges  of  the  Trade  of  Malta  to  the  Port  of  Gibraltar. 

[4th  March  1817.3 

■ \\J  HEREAS  it  is  expedient  to  extend  to  the  Port  of  Gibraltar  all  the  Privileges  which  were  granted 
‘ VV  to  the  Trade  of  Malta  by  an  Aft  palled  in  the  Fifty  fifth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 
* intituled  An  A3  to  regulate  the  Trade  between  Malta  and  iti  Dependencies  and  His  Maicjly's  Colonies  and 

‘ Plantations  in  America ; and  alfo  between  Malta  and  the  United  ‘Kingdom  Be  it  therefore  cnafted  by  The 
King’s  Moft  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Content  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Tem- 
poral, aud  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  authority  of  the  fame.  That  from 

and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft  the  Trade  between  Gibraltar  and  His  Majefty’s  Colonies  and  Plantations  Gibralurrobe 
in  America,  and  alfo  between  Gibraltar  and  the  United  Kingdom,  (hall  and  may  be  carried  on  in  like  ^Melu 
manner  and  under  the  like  Rules,  Regulations,  and  Reftriftions,  and  fubjeft  to  the  like  Penalties  and  uuc|et  [ecilej 
Forfeitures,  as  are  provided  by  the  faid  recited  Aft  with  refpeft  to  Malta  and  His  Majefty’s  Colonies  aQ. 
and  Plantations  in  America,  and  alfo  between  Malta  and  the  United  Kingdom,  as  if  the  fame  were  particu- 
larly and  exprefsly  repeated  and  re-enafted  in  the  Body  of  this  Aft  ; any  Thing  in  any  Aft  or  Afts  to  the 
contrary  notwithftanding. 

CAP.  V. 

An  Aft  for  continuing  to  His  Majefty  certain  Duties  on  Malt,  Sugar,  Tobacco  and  Snuff  in 
Great  Britain ; and  on  Penfions,  Offices  and  Perfonal  Eftates,  in  England ; and  for  receiving  the 
Contributions  of  Perfons  receiving  Penfions  and  holding  Offices ; for  the  Service  of  the  Y ear  One 
thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen.  [4th  March  1817.3 

[This  AU  it  the  fame  as  5 6 G.  3.  c.  3.  except  as  to  Dates , and  as  to  the  Sections  that  are  here  retained .3 
* XXXVIII.  And  Whereas  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent  has  been  gracioufly  pleafed  to  direft  Empowering  thi 
‘ certain  Sums  to  be  contributed  and  paid,  from  the  Civil  Lift  Revenue,  in  aid  of  the  Public  Service  of  the  Lon1*  of  the 
‘ Year  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  : And  Whereas  many  Perfons  holding  Offices  and  Places  in 
' His  Majefty’s  Service,  and  others  having  or  holding  Penfions  or  other  Emoluments  derived  from  the  Public,  nighneti  The 

1 are  defirous  of  contributing  Proportions  of  their  refpeft: 
‘ Emoluments,  for  the  fame  Purpofe  5’  Be  it  therefore  enif 
of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Gr, 
them,  or  for  the  Lord  High  Treafurer  of  the  United  Kid; 
being,  to  give  fuch  Direftions,  for  One  Year,  commencing  I 
dred  and  feventeen,  to  the  Officers  of  the  Exchequer,  and  of 
Britain  refpeftively , as  may  be  necelTary  for  giving  EfFcc 
Highnefs  in  fuch  Contribution,  and  for  executing  the  Inte 

re  Official  Incomes,  Salaries,  Penfions  or  other  i>,i„ce  Regent 'r 
ted,  That  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  Commiffioners  and  other  Per- 
ot Britain  and  Ireland,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  fcnr*  Intentwu, 
•dom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time 
he  Fifth  Day  of  April  One  thoufand  eight  hun-  u 
he  feveral  Departments  of  the  Civil  Lift  of  Great 
1 to  the  moft  Gracious  Intention  of  His  Royal 
Uions  of  fuch  other  Perfons  as  aforefaid  ; and  no 

riighncls  in  luen  L-onmoution,  and  for  executing  the  Intentions  of  fuch  other  Perfons  as  aforefaid  ; and  no 
Dcduftion  lhall  be  made,  or  Fee,  Emolument,  or  Allowance  taken,  by  any  Perfon  retaining,  receiving,  or 
paying  any  fuch  Contributions  as  aforefaid. 

1 XL.  And  Whereas  by  the  laid  Aft  palled  in  the  Thirty  righthYear  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

* intituled  An  A3  for  making  terpetual, fubjc3  to  Redemption  and  Pur  chafe  in  the  manner  therein  fated,  the  ft- 

* meral  Sums  of  Money  now  charged  in  Great  Britain,  as  a Land  Tax  for  One  Tear from  the  Twenty  fflh  Day 
' of  March  One  thoufand  feven  hundred  and  ninety ^ighl,  it  was  enafted,  that  the  feveral  Duties  impofed  on 

* Sugar  by  Three  Afts  of  the  Twenty  feventh,  Thirty  fourth,  and  Thirty  feventh  Years  of  the  Reign  of  his 

B 2 prefent 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C.  5, 6.  57°  GEORGII  1IL  A.D.1817. 

« prefent  Mnjefly,  on  Malt,  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Twin  tv  feventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

‘ and  the  Duties  of  Excife  on  Tobacco  and  Snuff,  by  In  Aft  made  in  the  Twenty  ninth  year  of  the  Reign  of 
‘ Hi#  prefent  Majefly,  Ihould  continue  in  force  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  Tcven 
« hundred  and  ninety-nine  and  no  longer,  but  fhould  frim  thenceforth  ceafc  and  determine,  unlefs  the  fame 

* (hould  be  fpecially  continued  by  Parliament  j which  laid  feveral  Duties  were  by  an  Aft  made  and  paffed  in 

* the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefly,  intituled  Ar.  ASfor  continuing  and  granting. to 

* Hit  Maiejiy  a Duty  on  Penfons,  Office*,  and  Pcrfonal  EJlates,  in  England,  Wales,  and  lie  Town  of  Ber- 

* wick  upon  Tweed,  and  certain  Duties  on  Sugar,  Malt > Tobacco  and  Snuff,  for  the  Service  of  the  Tear  One 

* thoufand /even  hundred  and  ninety  nine,  further  continued  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand 

* eight  hundred  ; and  which,  by  feveral  fubfequent  Aftfc,  were  further  continued  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day 

* of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eleven  : Aiid  Whereas  bv  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Forty  nintli  Year 

* of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefly,  intituled  An  A afar  repealing  the  feveral  Duties  of  Cuftomt  chargeable  in 

* Great  Britain,  and  for  granting  other  Duties  in  lieu  tfkreoj ; and  by  one  other  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  lourtli 

* Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefly,  intituled  An  A3  to  repeat  the  Duties  of  Cufioms  payable  on  Goods, 

' (Tares  and  Merchandize  imported  into  Great  Britain  from  any  Port  or  Place  within  the  Limits  of  the  Charter 
‘ granted  to  the  United  Company  of  Merchants  of  England  trading  to  the  Eall  Iudies,  and  to  grant  other  Duties 
1 in  lieu  thereof;  and  to  ejlablfh  further  Regulations  for  the  better  Security  of  the  Revenue  on  Goods  fo  imparted  ; 

‘ and  to  alter  the  Periods  for  making  up  and  prefenting  certain  Accounts  of  the  f aid  Company  to  Parliament ; to 
' continue  in  force  until  the  Tenth  Day  of  April  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  nineteen  ; the  faid  feveral  Duties 

* on  Sugar  imported  from  the  Eajl  Indies  were  repealed,  and  other  Duties  granted  on  Sugar  fo  imported  in 
c lien  thereof : And  Whereas  by  another  Aft,  paffed  in  l he  Forty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Ma- 

* jefly,  intituled  An  A3  to  repeal  the  Duties  of  Excife  payable  in  Great  Britain,  and  to  grant  other  Duties  in 

* lieu  thereof,  certain  of  the  faid  Duties  on  Licences  to  be  taken  out  by  Dealers  in  Tobacco  and  Snuff,  and 

* certain  Duties  on  Tobacco,  were  repealed,  and  other  Duties  granted  in  lieu  thereof : And  Whereas  the  faid 

* Duties  on  Sugar,  and  the  faid  Duties  on  Malt,  Tobacco  and  Souff,  together  with  the  faid  Duties  relating 

* to  Licences  and  Tobacco,  were  further  continued  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight 
The  Duties  on  * hundred  and  fevcntcen  Be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  faid  feveral  Duties  on  Sugar,  Mall,  Tobacco  and 
Sugn,  Malt  and  Snuff,  and  the  faid  A fts  granting  and  continuing  the  Came,  and  all  the  Provifions  thereof,  (hall  be  and  the 
Tobicco,  further  fame  are  hereby  feverally  and  refprftively  further  continued  from  and  after  the  Expiration  of  the  Time  limited 
continued.  as  aforefaid  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  ; and  all  the 

Monies  arifing  thereby,  which  fhall  be  paid  into  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer,  fhall  be  eutered  feparatc  and 
diftinft  from  all  other  Monies  paid  and  payable  to  His  Majefly. 

Monies pjid  mio  XLI.  And  beit  further  enafted,  That  there  (hall  be  provided  and  kept  in  the  Office  of  the  Auditor  of  the 
the  Eicheiiuot  Recejpt  0f  His  Majefly 's  Exchequer  at  IVcflminJlcr  One.  Book  of  Regi/lcr,  in  which  all  the  Money  that  fhall 
lobe* entered  **e  P“d  'nt0  the  Exchequer  at  Wejlminjler  for  the  faid  Rates  and  Duties  hereby  granted  on  Sugar,  Malt, 

tenants  from  Tobacco  and  Snuff,  and  alfo  the  Rates  and  Affeffments  hereby  granted  on  Perianal  Eflates,  and  on  Offices 

other  Payments,  and  Employrrfcnts  of  Profit,  Penfions,  Annuities  and  Stipends,  and  all  Sums  contributed  and  paid  from  His 
Majelly’s  Civil  Lift  Revenue,  and  all  voluntary  Contributions  hereinbefore  mentioned,  fhall  be  entered  and 
regiftered  apart  and  diftinft  from  all  other  Monies  paid  at|d  payable  to  His  Majefty. 

Eichcquer Bills  XLVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  forth  by 
tube  charged  virtue  of  this  Aft,  together  with  the  Intereft  that  may  become  due  thereon,  and  the  Charges  of  exchanging 
and  Duties  ***  anc*  circulating  the  fame,  /hall  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  made  chargeable  -and  charged  upon  the  Rates, 
KiJiued  by  this  Duties  and  AffeffmcnU  granted  by  this  Aft  ; and  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners  of  the  Trea- 
Act.  fury,  am}  they  are  hereby  authorized,  from  time  to  time  to  direft  to  be  iffued  to  the  faid  Paymallers  by  way 

of  Iraprefl,  and  upon  Account,  fuch  Sums  of  Muncy,  arid  at  fuch  Periods  as  the  faid  Commiffioners  fhall 
think  neceffary,  for  or  towards  paying  off  and  difehargirig  the  Exchequer  Bills  which  (hall  have  been  made 
forth  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  or  any  of  them,  and  for  and  towards  paying  the  Intcrefl  to  become  due  on  the 
faid  Bills,  and  for  and  towards  the  Charge  of  exchanging  and  circulating  the  fame  Bills  or  any  of  them. 
Surplus  Monks  LI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Surplus  of  tjic  Monies  arifing  from  the  Rates,  Duties  and  Af- 
C b^’P'l'5 fr^mcc's  granted  and  impofed  by  this  Aft,  and  all  Sums  contributed  and  paid  from  His  Majefty**  Civil  Lift 
Fund  ' M Revenue,  and  all  voluntary  Contributions,  after  paying  dff  and  fatisfying  all  the  Exchequer  Bills  iffued  by 

virtue  of  this  Aft,  together  with  the  Intereft  that  may  become  due  thereon,  and  the  Charges  of  exchanging 
and  circulating  the  fame,  (hall,  as  the  Surplus  of  any  fuch  Monies  refpeftively  (hall  be  paid  into  the  Receipt 
of  the  Exchequer  at  Wcfminjlcr,  be  carried  to  and  made  ijart  of  the  Confolidatcd  Fuud  of  the  United  King- 
dom of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  ' 

C A P.  VI. 

An  A cl  to  make  perpetual  certain  Parts  of  au  A cl  of  the  Thirty-Gxth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 
for  the  Safety  and  Prefervation  of  His  Majefty’s  Perfon  and  Government  againfl  Treafon.ible  and 
Seditious  Practices  and  Attempts;  and  for  the  Safety  and  Prefervation  of  the  Perfon  of  His 
Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent  againfl  Treafonable  Practices  and  Attempts. 

[17th  March  1817.] 

36  G.  1. r-  ‘ XT  7 HEREAS  by  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Thirty  Oxtb  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign,  intituled  An 
‘ VV  Aa  for  the  Safety  and  Prefervation  of  Hit  Majefty' s Perfon  and  Government  again/}  Treafonable 

* and  Seditious  Pra3iccr  and  Attempts,  it  was  amongft  other  Things  enafted,  that  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfon# 

* whatfoever, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

AD.  is  i7- 

570  GE0RG1I  III. 



* whatfoever,  after  the  Day  of  the  pafling  of  that  AS,  during  the  natural  Life  of  His  Majefty,  and  until 

* the  End  of  the  next  Scffion  of  Parliament  after  the  Dcmife  of  the  Crown,  fhould,  within  the  Realm  or 
‘ without,  compafs,  imagine,  invent,  devife  or  intend  Death  or  Deflruftion,  or  any  bodily  Harm  tending  to 
‘ Death  or  Deftrofiion,  Maim  or  Wounding,  Imprifonmeut  or  Reflraint  of  the  Pcrfon  of  His  Majefly,  His 

* Heirs  and  SuccefTors,  or  to  deprive  or  depofe  Hun  or  them  from  the  Stile,  Honour  or  Kingly  Name  of  die 

* Imperial  Crown  of  this  Realm,  or  of  any  other  of  His  Maielly’a  Dominions  or  Countries,  or  to  levy  War 

* again  ft  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  and  SuccefTors,  within  this  Realm,  in  order  by  Force  orConftraint  to  compel 

* Him  or  them  to  change  His  or  their  Meafures  or  Couufcls,  or  in  order  to  put  any  Force  or  Conllraint  upon 
‘ or  to  intimidate  or  overawe  Both  Houfes  or  either  Houfe  of  Parliament,  or  to  move  or  ftir  any  Foreigner  or 
‘ Stranger  with  Force  to  invade  this  Realm  or  any  other  His  Majefty’s  Dominions  or  Countries  under  the 
' Obeifance  of  His  Majelly,  His  Heirs  and  SuccefTors,  and  fuch  Compaflings,  Imaginations,  Inventions,  De- 
‘ vices  or  Intentions,  or  any  of  them,  fhould  rxprefs,  utter  or  declare,  by  publifhing  any  Printing  or  Writing, 

‘ or  by  any  overt  Aft  or  Deed,  being  legally  convifted  tliereof  upon  the  Oaths  of  Two  lawful  and  credible 

* Witncffcs  upon  Trial,  or  olherwife  convifted  or  attainted  by  due  Courfe  of  Law,  then  every  fuch  Pcrfon 
‘ and  Perfons  fo  as  aforefaid  offending  fhould  be  deemed,  declared  and  adjudged  to  be  a Traitor  and  Traitors, 

‘ and  lhould  fuffer  Pains  of  Death,  and  alfo  lol'e  and  forfeit  as  in  cafes  of  High  Treafou : And  Whereas  it 
' i*  ueceffary  and  expedient  dial  fuch  of  the  ProviCons  of  the  faid  Aft  as  would  expire  at  the  End  of  the 

* next  Seflion  of  Parliament  after  the  Dcmife  of  the  Crown  fhould  be  further  continued  and  made  perpetual 
Be  it  therefore  cnafted  by  The  King's  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Content  of  the 

Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  The  raid  Pro- 
of the  fame,  That  all  aud  every  the  hereinbefore  recited  Provifions  which  relate  to  the  Heirs  and  Succcffors  vilioiu  made 
of  His  Majefty,  the  Sovereigns  of  thefe  Realms,  (hall  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  made  perpetual.  perpetual. 

* IL  And  Whereas,  in  cotuequcncc  of  the  daring  Outrages  offered  to  the  Pcrfon  of  His  Royal  Highnefs  the 
‘ Prince  Regent  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  in  the  Excrcife  and  Admiuiilration  of 

‘ the  Royal  Power  and  Authority  to  the  Crown  of  thefe  Realms  belonging,  in  His  Paffageto  and  from  the 
' Parliament,  at  the  Opening  of  this  prefent  Seflion,  5t  is  expedient,  for  the  Security  and  Prcfervatiou  of  the 

* Pcrfon  of  the  fame  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent,  to  extend  certain  of  the  Provifions  of  the  faid 

‘ Aft  Be  it  therefore  cnafted,  That  if  any  Pcrfon  fir  Perfons  whatfoever,  after  the  Day  of  puffing  this  Aft,  Compaflirm,  *«. 

during  the  Period  in  which  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent  (hall  remain  in  the  Perfonal  Exercife  of  tj>«  Dcadii  Ba- 
the Royal  Authority,  lhall,  within  the  Realm  or  without,  compafs,  imagine,  invent,  devife  or  intend  Death 
°.r  Deftruftion,  or  any  bodily  Harm  tending  to  Death  or  Dcftruftion,  Maim  or  Wounding,  Imgrifonment  or  ainte 

or  Dcftruftion,  or  any  bodilv  Harm  tending  to  Death  or  I a.  enJ  nno  el_ 

Reflraint,  of  the  Perfon  of  the  fame  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent,  and  fuch  Compaflings,  Imagi-  i.rdling  the  fane 

nations.  Inventions,  Devifcs  or  Intentions,  or  any  uf  tliem,  (hall  exprefs,  utter  or  declare,  by  publifhing  any  by  Priming,  &c. 

Printing  or  Writing,  or  by  any  overt  Aft  or  Deed,  being  legally  convifted  thereof  upon  the  Oaths  of  Two 

lawful  and  credible  Witncfles  upon  Triul,  nr  ollterwife  convifted  or  attainted  by  due  Courfe  of  Law,  tlien 

every  fuch  Perfon  and  Perfons  fo  as  aforefaid  offending  (hall  be  deemed,  declared  and  adjudged  to  be  a Traitor 

and  Traitors,  and  (hall  fuffer  Pains  of  Death,  and  alfo  lofe  and  forfeit  as  in  cafes  of  High  Treafon.  HigliTrcjfoo. 

‘ III.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  extend  the  Provifions  of  a certain  Aft  paffed  in  the  Thirty  ninth  Extending  Pro- 

* and  Fortieth  Years  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefly,  intituled  An  A3  for  regulating  Trials  jar  High  tilimiof  39.1 

* Treafon  and  Mifprifion  of  Treafon  in  certain  cafei  j'  Be  it  therefore  cnafted,  That  from  and  after  t lie  soG.  u c.73. 
palling  of  this  Aft,  all  and  every  the  Claufes,  Provifions  and  Regulations  in  the  faid  Aft  contained  dial!  cx-  HbhneU°n!e 
tend  and  be  deemed,  taken  and  conftrucd  to  extend,  to  all  and  every  cafe  of  High  Treafon  in  compaffnig  pf  j*  Q"  Regent, 
or  imagining  the  Death  of  His  Royal  Highnefs  Tlte  Prince  Regent,  and  Mifprifion  of  fuch  Treafon,  where 

the  overt  Aft  or  overt  Afts  which  fhali  be  alleged  in  llic  Indiftment  for  fuch  Offence  lhall  be  Affaffination  or 
Killing  of  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent,  or  any  direft  Attempt  againll  his  Life,  or  any  direft 
Attempt  agaiull  His  Perfon  whereby  His  Lifc  may  be  endangered  or  His  Perfon  may  fuffer  bodily  Harm. 

IV.  Provided,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  alTatid  every  Pcrfon  and  Perfons  that  fhali  at  any  Time  be  Ve/fcm  -ecu  fed 
acculed,  or  indifted  or  profccuted  for  any  Offence  made  or  declared  to  be  High  Treafon  by  this  Aft,  (hall  be  '•  High  Tnsslbo 
entitled  to  tlie  Benefit  of  the  Aft  made  tu  the  Seventh  Year  of  His  late  Majefly  King  William  the  Third,  •“"’E'1 
intituled  An  A3  for  regulating  of  Tria/t  in  Cafes  of  Treafon  and  Mifprifion  of  Treafon;  and  alfo  to  the  Pro-  . Jg\v.  i.  c. 
'fiuons  made  by  another  Aft,  paffed  in  the  Seventh  Year  of  Her  late  Majelly  Queen  Anne,  intituled  An  A3  »nd  7 Ann.'e.Vi! 
for  improving  the  Union  of  the  Two  Kingdoms  ; fave  and  except  in  Cafes  of  High  Treafon  in  compa fling  or  except  in  Cafe* 
imagining  tin:  Death  of  any  Heir  or  Succcfibr  of  His  Majefty,  or-the  Death  of  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  herein  men- 

and  of  Mifprifion  of  fuch  Treafon,  where  the  overt  Aft  or  overt  Afts  of  fuch  Treafon  which  ,loncd' 
mall  be  alleged  in  the  Indiftment  for  fuch  Offence  (hall  be  Affaffination  or  Killing  of  any  Heir  or  Succcfibr  of 
His  Majelly,  ac-Aflaffmarion^ ■or-KilHntr'of'Hif  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent,  or  any  direft  Attempt 
again  It  the  Life  of  any  Heir  or  Succeffor  of  His  Majefty,  iw-  °n;r  furh  A tlrmpt  ng'*T"{1  the  Lite  of  the  Prince 
lit,  or  any  direft  Attempt  againfl  the  Pcrfon  of  any  Heir  or  Succeffor  of  His  Majelly,  ov- agaiofltlie 
_Jialofi-oF-TTe ' rrmoeJtuguui,  whereby  the  Life  of  fuch  Heir  or  Succeffor,  -or.  rim  Lifc-of -T-he  Prmcc 
JLigew,  may  be  cudangered,  or  the  Perfon  of  fuch  Heir  or  Succeffor,  or  of  The  Prince  Regent,  may  fuffer 
bodily  Harm. 

V.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  cnafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  fhali  extend  or  be  con ilrued  to  Provifu  for  Pro- 

extend  to  prevent  or  affeft  any  Profccmion,  bv  Information  or  Indiftment,  to  which  any  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  » 

would  have  been  or  would  be  liable  if  this  Aft  had  not  been  enafted,  for  any  Offence  within  the  Provifions  of  «*■ 

tins  Act,  uulefs  the  Party  lhall  have  been  firfl  profecuted  under  this  Aft.  JdSs A6W 

VI.  I rovided  alfo,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  the  Statute  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  Majefly *s  Reign,  nut  pJncd. 
inutuled  An  A3  to  alter  the  Pumfbment  in  certain  Cafe / of  High  Treafon,  (hall  lave  the  fame  Eflcft  as  to  Sen-  5A  G.  3.  c.  146. 

tetlCCS  sstoliubmenn 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

C.  6—9. 



rxtendoi  to  this  tcnces  and  Judgments  to  be  pronounced  and  awarded  under  this  A cl,  as  if  this  Aft  had  been  made  and  puffed 
Aft.  before  the  faid  Aft  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign. 

cap.  vn. 

An  A£l  to  revive  and  make  perpetual  Two  A&s  of  the  Thirty  feventh  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 
the  one  in  the  Parliament  of  Great  Britain,  and  the  other  in  the  Parliament  of  Ireland,  for  the 
better  Prevention  and  Punilhment  of  Attempts  to  feduce  Perfons  ferving  in  His  Majefty's  Forces 
by  Sea  or  Land  from  their  Duty  and  Allegiance  to  His  Majefty,  or  to  incite  them  to  Mutiny  or 
Difobedience.  ; [17th  Afore/;  1817.] 

i:  G. 3.  c.  70.  « "1X7  HEREAS  Two  Ads  were  paffed  in  the  Thirty  feventh  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign,  the 

G.B.  mil  1 V > one  jn  tj,e  Parliament  of  Great  Britain,  the  other  in  the  Parliament  of  Ireland,  each  of  them  being 
j7G.  3.  . , imitulgd  yjn  yfg  jor  /fa  htter  Prevention  and  PuniJhjnent  of  Attempts  to  feduce  Perfons  ferving  in  His  Ma- 

‘ Forces,  ty  Sea  or  Land,  from  their  Duty  and  Allegiance  to  His  MajeJIy,  or  to  incite  them  to  Mutiny 

* or  Difobedience  : And  Whereas  the  faid  Afts  were  afterwards  continued,  but  are  now  expired  ; and  it  is  ex- 
r*vive<t  Slid  ‘ pedient  and  neccffary  that  the  fame  (hould  be  revived  ind  made  perpetual  >'  Be  it  therefore  enabled  by  The 
nude  perpcuul.  J^jng»s  Moft  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal, 

and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  from  and  after 
the  paffing  of  this  Aft,  the  (aid  hereinbefore  mentioned  Afts  of  the  Tliirty  feventh  Year  of  His  Majefty's 
Reign,  and  all  and  every  the  Claufes,  Powers,  Punifhments  and  Provifions  therein  contained,  lave  the  Claufes 
or  Provifions  therein  refpeftively  contained  limiting  the  Continuance  of  the  faid  Afts  refpeftively,  (hall  be  and 
the  fame  are  hereby  revived  and  made  perpetuaL 


An  Aft  to  continue,  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  April  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  an  Aft  of 
the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  his  prefent  Majefty,  to  regulate  the  Separation  of  damaged  from  found 
Coffee,  and  to  permit  dealers  to  feud  out  any  Quantity  of  Coffee  not  exceeding  Eight  Pounds 
Weight  without  Permit.  Qt  7th  March  1817.] 

51  G.j.  e.  149.  * XT  THE  REAS  an  Aft  was  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty  intituled  An  AB  to 
4 V V regulate  the  Separation  of  damaged  from  found  Coffee,  and  to  permit  Dealers  to  fend  out  any  Quantity  of 
‘ Coffee  not  exceeding  Eight  Pounds  Weight  -without  Permit,  until  the  End  of  Two  Tears  from  the  paffing  of 
‘ this  A 8 : And  Whereas  the  faid  Aft  was  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty 

* continued  in  force  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen : And 

* Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  faid  firft  mentioned  Aft  ihould  be  further  continued  : 1 Be  it  therefore 
cnafted  by  The  King’s  Moft  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual 
and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  afiembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That 

,lnu  the  faid  firft  mentioned  Aft  (hall  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  further  continued  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  April 

One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty. 

V ■ cap.  ix. 

An  Aft  for  veiling  all  Eilatcs  and  Property  occupied  for  the  Barrack  Service  in  the  Comptroller 
of  the  Barrack  Department ; and  for  granting  certain  Powers  to  the  faid  Comptroller. 

[17th  March  1817.3 

43  G.j.  c.  69.  ‘ XT7  HEREAS  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Forty  fifth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An 

‘ * , AB  for  vejling  in  the  Barrack  Mafler  General  for  the  Time  being  Eflates  held  or  occupied for  the  Bar- 

rack Service,  and  authorising  him  to  fell  the  fame,  with  the  Confent  of  the  Lords  Commifftoncrs  of  His  MajeJIy' s 
Treafury  : And  Whereas  another  Aft  paffed  in  the  forty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent 

48  G.3.  e.  tax 
48  G.  3.  e.9o. 

Premifej  veftn 1 
in  CommiRion- 
era  for  the  Af- 
fairs uf  Barracks, 
under  recited 
Aft,  and  all 

‘ Majefty,  intituled  An  AB  for  vefling  all  Eflates  and  Property  occupied  for  the  Barrack  Service  in  the  l 

* miffioners  for  the  Affairs  of  Barracks,  and  for  granting  certain  Powers  to  the  faid  Ccmmiffoncrs  : And 

‘ Whereas  another  Aft  palled  in  the  faid  Forty  eighth  Year  aforefaid,  intituled  An  AB  to  enable  the 

' Commifftoners  for  auditing  Public  Accounts,  and  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Affairs  of  Barracks  refpeBively,  to 
' '? £.  anr  r,“eive  Le“ers  ani  Paeietl  “n  the  Bujinefs  of  their  Offices,  free  of  Pojlagc;  And  Whereas  the 

* ^"alrB  °*  Barrack  Department  arc  now  under  the  Management  of  a Comptroller  of  the  Barrack 

* "eP®rtI”fDt'  appointed  for  that  purpofe  by  His  Majefty,  and  it  is  therefore  neceffary  that  all  Mcffuages, 

< Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments  which  were  by  the  faid  Aft  or  have  fince  become  veiled  in  the  Lid 

‘ Commifftoners,  nnd  all  other  Mcffuages,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments  in  any  manner  ufed  and 

occupied  for  the  Service  of  the  Barrack  Department,  Ihould  be  veiled  in  the  laid  Comptroller,  and  that  the 
faid  Comptroller  Ihould  be  enabled  to  maintain  and  defend  Aftions  and  Suits  in  relation  to  all  Contrafts 
« made  for  the  Service  of  the  Barrack  Department,  or  in  any  manner  relating  thereto;’  Be  it  therefore 
cnafted  by  The  King  s Moft  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  wifli  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual 
and  T emporal,  and  Commons,  m this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That 
immediately  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft  all  Meffuages,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments 
wh'di  w«e  by  the  faid  Aft  veiled  in  the  Commiflioncrs  for  the  Affairs  of  Barracks  for  the  time  being,  and 
alfo  all  Mcffuages,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments  which  have  fince  been  purchafed  or  taken  or  arc  in 
any  manner  now  held  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  whatever  in  Trull  for  or  for  the  Ufe  of  His  Majefty,  His 
12  Heirs 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1 8 1 7v  57°  GEORG11  III.  C.  9.  7 

Heirs  and  Succeflors,  for  the  Service  of  the  Barrack  Department,  either  in  Fee  or  for  any  Lives,  or  any  Me.Tu*gM,Ac. 
Term  of  Years  of  any  other  or  leffer  Intereil,  and  all  Erc&ions  and  Buildings  winch  now  are  or  which  lhall  fine*  purrhifrri, 
be  hereafter  erefted  and  built  thereon,  together  with  the  Rights,  Members,  Eafements  and  Appurtenances  " 1 "V 

to  the  fame  refpeftively  belonging,  (other  than  and  except  fuph  MelTuageB,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Heredita-  ,h 
ments  as  may  be  of  Copyhold  Tenure,)  and  from  and  afterithe  Purchafe  and  Conveyance,  Grant  or  Demife  pnincm,  (hill 
thereof,  all  other  Mefluages,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments  which  (hall  at  any  time  or  times  be  veiled  in  the 
hereafter  be  purchafed  by  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department  for  the  time  being,  or  by  any  other  Comptroller  of 
Perfon  or  Perfons  by  his  Order,  for  the  Service  of  the  Barrack  Department,  and  all  Erections  and  Buildings  ,hc  BoiTKlrBe. 
which  now  are  or  which  lhall  hereafter  be  ere  died  and  built  thereon,  with  the  Rights,  Members,  Eafements  P*rtmcnn 
and  Appurtenances  to  the  fame  refpeftively  belonging,  (hall  be.  and  become,  and  remain  and  continue  veiled  in 
the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department  for  the  time  being,  and  his  Succeflor  in  the  faid  Office,  ac- 
cording to  the  Nature  and  Quality  and  Eftate  and  Intereft  of  and  in  the  fame  Hereditaments  and  Prcmifes 
refpeftively  ; and  that  upon  the  Death,  Refignation  or  Removal  of  the  prefent  Comptroller,  or  of  any  future 
Comptroller  or  Comptrollers,  all  fuch  Mefluages,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments  refpectively  (other 
than  and  except  as  aforefaid)  (hall  become  veiled  in  and  be  held  by  the  fucceeding  Comptroller,  and  fo  in 
perpetual  Succeffion  according  to  the  Nature  and  Quality  and  Eftate  and  Intereft  of  and  in  the  fame  refpeft- 
ively,  in  Truft  for  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  and  Succeflors,  for  the  Service  of  the  Barrack  Department,  or  huIOO  ^ ftme 
for  fuch  other  Public  Service  or  Services  as  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  and  Succeflors,  lhall  from  time  to  time  Terms  as  they 
be  pleafed  to  direct : Provided  always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  lhall  be  conftrued  to  veil  the  faid  are  now  hold  in 
Premifes  upon  other  terms,  with  refpeft  to  former  Proprietors,  than  thofe  on  which  the  fame  are  now  veiled  Trull  for  Hi; 
in  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  holding  the  fame  in  Truft  for  His  Majefty.  Mjjefly. 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Comptroller  for  the  time  being,  with  the  Comptroller, 

Confent  and  Approbation  of  the  Commiffioneri  of  His  Majefty ’sTrcafury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  ,f 

Britain  and  Ireland , or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  (fuch  Confent  and  Approbation  to  be  certified  by  One  m jyj  pr'^' 
of  the  Secretaries  to  the  faid  Commiflioners  by  Writing  under  his  Hand,)  to  fell,  or  in  any  manner  to  difpofe 

of,  or  let  or  demife  any  of  the  Mefluages,  Lands,  Tenements  or  Hereditaments  which  (hall  be  veiled  in  the 
faid  Comptroller  for  the  time  being,  with  their  refpeftive  Appurtenances,  either  by  public  Auction  or  private 
Contrail ; and  in  due  form  of  law,  to  convey,  affign  and  make  over  the  fame  to  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  (hall 
be  willing  to  purchafe  or  take  the  fame  refpectively  ; and  alfo  to  do  any  other  Ait,  Matter  or  Thing,  in  anil  to  do  any 
relation  to  any  fuch  Mefluages,  Lands,  Tenements  and  Hereditaments,  which  (hall  be  deemed  beneficial  by  the  other  Aft  In  re- 
faid  Comptroller  and  the  faid  Commiffionera  to  the  Public  Service,  in  relation  thereto  or  for  the  better 
management  thereof,  which  might  be  done  by  any  Perfon  having  a Kke  Intereft  iu  Mefluages,  Lands,  Tene-  l!llu  he  deemed 
ments  or  Hereditaments ; and  no  Contrails,  Aflignments  and  Conveyances,  in  Law  or  Equity,  heretofore  beneficial  for  th« 
made  by  the  laid  Commiflioners  for  Affairs  of  Barracks,  (hall  be  deemed  invalid,  or  be  in  any  manner  im-  Public  Service, 
peached  by  reafon  of  no  Offer  having  been  firft  made  to  any  Perfon-, having  adjoining  Lands,  or  of  whom  the 
fame  were  firft  purchafed  j any  thing  in  the  faid  recited  Ails  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enaited.  That  the  Monies  to  arife  and  be  produced  by  the  Sale  of  any  of  the  Lid  Purchafe  Mo- 
Mefluages,  Lands,  Tenements  nr  Hereditaments  which  (hall  be  fold  under  the  Provifions  of  this  prefent  Ail,  ?*y  t0  h»  prid 
/hall  be  paid  by  the  refpeftive  Purchafer  or  Purchafcrs  thereof  into  the  Bank  of  England,  and  lhall  be  there  imo  the  Bank' 
placed  to  tlie  Account  of  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department  for  the  time  being,  or  to  fuch  other 

Account  in  the  Bank  of  England  as  the  faid  Commiflioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury  for  the  time  being, 
or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  (hall  direft  ; and  the  Receipt  of  any  One  of  die  Calhiers  of  the  Bank  of  Eng-  Receipt  of 
land  for  fuch  Monies  (hall  effeftually  difeharge  the  Pnrchafcr  or  Purchafers  by  whom  or  on  whofe  Account  Cribier  to  be  » 
the  lame  (hall  be  fo  paid  into  the  Bank  of  England.  Diicharge. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department  for  Comptroller 
the  time  being,  and  he  is  hereby  authorized  and  empowered,  to  bring,  profecute,  maintain  or  defend  any  may  bring  ind 
Ailion  or  Suit  in  refpeit  of  or  in  relation  to  any  Mefluages,  Lands,  Tenements  or  Hereditaments  by  this  de&alS  A(t'aas- 
Aft  veiled  in  him  as  aforefiud,  or  of  any  Trefpafs  committed  thereon,  or  Damage  or  Injury  done  thereto, 

and  alfo  in  refpeft  of  or  in  relation  to  any  Furniture,  Stores  or  other  Articles,  Matters  or  Things,  or  any 
Goods  or  Chattels  whatever  belonging  to  the  Barrack  Department,  or  in  the  Cultody  or  Charge  of  or  ufed 
bv  any  Officer  of  the  Barrack  Department  or  Perfon  employed  therein,  and  alfo  for  the  Breach  or  Non  Per- 
formance of  any  Contraft  or  Agreement,  or  of  any  Covenant  therein,  or  for  any  Matter  or  Thing  in  refpeft 
of  or  in  relation  to  any  Contraft  or  Agreement  made  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  whatever  for  the  Service  of  the 
Barrack  Department,  or  any  other  Matter  or  Thing  relating  to  any  of  the  Affairs  under  the  Management  or 
Control  of  the  faid  Comptroller  ; and  in  every  fuch  Action  or  Suit  the  faid  Comptroller  for  the  time  being  How  Comptrol- 
(hall  be  called  “ The  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department,”  without  naming  him  i and  no  fucli  Suit  or  l«  to  bs  ft  y led 
Proceeding  commenced  before  the  palling  of  this  Aft  by  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Affairs  of  Barrack  (hall  “**“  Ai.ica. 
abate,  but  (hall  and  may  after  the  palling  thereof  be  carried  on  and  proceeded  in  by  or  in  the  Name  of  the 
faid  Comptroller,  as  he  may  deem  fit  ; and  no  Suit  or  Proceeding  hereafter  commenced  (hall  abate  by  the 
Death,  Refignation,  or  Removal  of  fuch  Comptroller,  any  tiling  in  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  or  Law 
or  Laws  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding. 

V.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  wherever  any  Accounts,  or  other  'Matters  or  Things  relating  to  any  Comptroller 
Bofinds  or  other  Subjefts  or  Tranfaftions  under  |he  Management  of  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Depart-  m*y  •dmuiuler 
ment,  (hall  be  to  be  verified  by  any  Oath  or  Affidavit  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfon-.,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  °aWt- 
Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department,  tbe  Deputy  Comptroller  of  the  jdarrack  Department,  or  any  Af- 

liftant  Infpcftor  General  of  Barracks,  or  for  anv  .Mice  of  the  Peace  or  Magiftrate,  to  adminifter  an  Oath 
and  take  an  Affidavit  in  that  Behalf. 

V VI.  And 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

8 C.9.  57°  GE0RG11  III.  A.D.1817. 

On  Comptroller  VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  ail  Monice  which  (hall  at  any  time  hereafter  (land  or  remain  at  the 
quitting  Office,  time  of  the  Death  or  Refiguation  or  quitting  of  Office  of  any  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department,  in 
Munev  (landing  Bank  of  England,  in  the  Name  of  fuch  Comptroller,  (hall  forthwith  veil  in  the  Comptroller  for  the  time 
be  veQejTu'ncvv  being ; and  from  and  after  the  Appointment  of  another  Comptroller,  all  fuch  Money  (hall  forthwith  veil  in 
Comptroller.  fuch  Comptroller ; and  fo  from  time  to  time  in  SuccefUon. 

Lcttcrt  and  VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  Letters  and  Packets  addreffed  to  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack 
tickets  to  Department  refpeftively  for  the  time  being,  upon  any  Bufinefs  or  Affairs  relating  to  the  Duties  of  the  Office 
^"itar  ^ckDe-  ^ Comptroller,  lhall  be  free  from  the  Duty  of  Pollage;  and  alfo  that  all  Letters  and  Packets  fent 

wrtmeuvor  **  by  the  Comptroller  of  the  Barrack  Department,  or  the  Deputy  Comptroller  for  the  time  being  refpeftively, 
lent  by  him  or  upon  any  Bulincfs  or  Affairs  relating  to  any  of  the  Dudes  of  the  Barrack  Department  refpectively,  in  manner 
Deputy,  to  be  and  form  hereinafter  directed,  (hall  be  fent  free  from  the  faid  Duty  of  Pollage ; and  all  fuch  Letters  and 
freeol  Pollage.  packets  refpeftively  (hall  be  under  Cover,  with  the  Words  “ Purfuant  to  Aft  of  Parliament,”  and  “ Bar- 
rack Office,’'  printed  upon  the  fame  ; and  the  Comptroller  or  his  Deputy,  or  fome  Perfon  to  be  nominated 

from  time  to  time  for  that  purpofe  by  fuch  Comptroller,  and  whofe  Appointment  for  that  purpofe  (hall  be 

tranfmitted  to  the  Poll  Office,  (hall  write  his  Name  under  the  fame ; and  they  and  each  of  them  arc  and  is 
hereby  ftriftly  prohibited  from  enclofing  or  fending  under  fuch  Covers  any  Writing,  Paper,  or  Parcel  what- 
ever, excepting  fuch  as  relate  to  the  Duties  of  the  faid  Office. 

Sjaidiugany  VIII.  And  be  it  further  enafied,  That  if  any  fuch  Comptroller  or  Deputy  or  Clerk  as  afbrefaid  refpeft- 
djing  under  i vely  (hall  prefumc  to  fend  or  convey  under  any  of  the  Covers  aforefaid  any  Writing,  Paper  or  Parcel  other 

in”o*  ^Duties  l*ian  thole  relating  to  the  Duties  of  the  Department,  hejhall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  pay  the  Sum 

0f  1 jie  Qfficr,  of  One  hundred  Pounds,  to  be  recovered  with  full  Colls  bf  Suit  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  by  Aftlon  of  Debt, 
Penally  tool.  Bill,  Plaint  or  Information  in  any  of  His  Majclly’fl  Courts  of  Record  at  IVcJlminJler , wherein  no  Effoign, 
Privilege,  Proteftion,  Wager  of  Law  or  more  than  one  Imparlance  (hall  be  allowed  ; one  Moiety  of  which 
Penalty  (hall  go  to  the  Perfon  who  (hall  fue  for  the  fame,  and  the  other  Moiety  thereof  to  and  for  the  Ufe  of 
His  Majefty. 

Codies  Politic,  IX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  all  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  Ecclefiaftical 
i-c.  may  agree  or  Civil,  and  all  Feoffees  or  Troftecs  for  charitable  or  other  public  Purpofes,  and  for  all  Tenants  for  Life 
n^snTfin  anc*  Tenants  in  Tail,  and  for  the  Hulbands,  Guardians,  Truftees,  Committees,  Curators  or  Attomies,  or 
Sale  of  Lands.  fuch  of  the  Owners  or  Proprietors  of  or  Perfons  intcrettcd  in  any  Lands  or  Hereditaments  which  have  been 
taken  or  are  now  or  which  may  hereafter  be  held  by  Hi»  Majefty,  or  by  any  Perfon  in  Truft  for  His  Majefty, 
or  in  Truft  for  the  Public  Service,  as  (hall  be  Femes  Covert,  Infants,  Lunatics,  Idiots  or  Perfons  beyond 
the  Seas,  or  otherwife  incapable  of  aftiug  for  themfelves,  to  contraft  and  agree  with  fuch  Comptroller  or 
other  Perfon  or  Perfons  authorized  by  him,  either  for  the  abfolute  Sale  of  any  fuch  Lands  or  Hereditaments, 
or  for  the  Enfranchifement  of  any  Copyhold,  or  Sale  of  any  Reversion  after  any  Eftate  or  Eftates  for  Lives, 
or  for  the  Grant  of  any  Leafe,  cither  for  any  Term  of  Years  certain  therein,  or  for  fuch  Period  as  the  Exi- 
gency of  the  Public  Service  (hall  require,  and  to  convey,  furrender,  demife  or  grant  the  fame  accordingly  ; 
Such  Contracts,  and  all  fuch  ContraftB,  Sales,  Conveyances,  Enfranchisements,  Surrenders,  Leales  and  Agreements  (hall  be 
ire.  valid.  valid  and  effeftual  in  Law  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes  whatfoever. 

Porchitc  Money  x.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  in  every  fuch  Cafe  of  Purchafe  of  any  Lands  or  Hereditaments,  or  of 
rn^be  paid  10  fuch  Reverfion  as  aforefaid,  or  of  the  Enfranchifement  of  any  Copyhold,  or  Purchafe  of  any  other  Iutereft 

mombrancer  of  belonging  to  any  fuch  Body  or  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  under  any  Disability  or  Incapacity,  or  not  having  the 
Exchequer  for  abfolute  Interell  therein,  the  fame  (hall  be  paid  into  the  Hands  or  into  the  Name  of  the  Deputy  of  the  King's 
Ownersufl.and!,  Remembrancer  of  His  Majefty’s  Court  of  Exchequer  at  Wejlminjlcr,  Edinburgh,  or  Dublin  refpeftively,  ior 
fee.  and  to  be  the  time  being,  for  the  Ufe  and  Benefit  of  the  Owners  and  Proprietors  of  fuch  Lands  and  Hereditaments, 
renmed  10  the  wj,0  j8  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  receive  or  accept  and  to  give  a Difcharge  for  the  fame,  and  tipon  the 
“u1  r>  Acceptation  or  Receipt  thereof  to  fign  a Certificate  to  the  Barons  or  Judges  of  the  faid  Courts  of  Exchequer 
refpeftively  under  his  Hand,  purporting  and  fignifying  that  fuch  Money  or  other  ConGderation  was  received 
or  accepted  by  and  paid  to  him  in  purluance  of  this  Aft,  for  the  Ufe  and  Benefit  of  fuch  Owners  or  Pro- 
prietors who  lhall  be  named  and  deferibed  in  fuch  Certificate ; and  the  faid  Certificate  (hall  be  filed  or  depo- 
C*py  of  C«ti6-  fited  in  the  faid  Court  of  Exchequer  at  Wejlminjlcr,  Edinburgh  or  Dublin  refpeftively;  and  a true  Copy 
cjic  figned  by^  thereof,  figned  by  the  Deputy  Remembrancer  of  fuels  Court,  (hall  and  may  be  read  and  allowed  as  Evidence 
brxnccr  F.vdtrce*  ^or  dse  Purpofes  hereinafter  mentioned  ; and  the  faid  Deputy  Remembrancer  is  hereby  required,  upon  Receipt 
of  any  fuel)  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  as  aforefaid,  to  pay  the  fume  into  the  Bank  of  England,  or  Bank  of 
Scotland  or  Royal  Bank  of  Scotland,  or  Bank  of  Ireland,  as  the  Cafe  may  require  ; and  immediately  upon  the 
filing  or  depofiting  of  fuch  Certificate  the  faid  Lands  or  Hereditaments  (hall  be  and  become  vefted  in  the  faid 
Comptroller  or  other  Perfon  for  the  Public  Service,  tp  the  Ufe  of  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  and  Succeffors. 

One  of  the  Bi-  XI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Barons  qr  Judges  of  His  Majefty’s  Court  of  Exchequer  at  Wejl- 
tnm  C.f  Ihe  El-  minjler,  Edinlurgh  or  Dublin,  of  the  Degree.  °f  t,le  Coif,  for  tlie  time  betng  refpeftively,  or  any  one  or  more 
lv  <'di'  "(h  ^ah  ^ and  theT  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered  in  a fitmmary  way,  upon  Motion  or  by  Peti- 

aT*»  the  Appn.  t*on  ^or  and  on  behalf  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  inierefted  in  or  entitled  to  the  Benefit  of  the  Money  fo  paid  to 
c»tmn  of  the  and  received  by  the  Deputy  Remembrancer,  or  the  Interell  or  Produce  thereof,  and  upon  reading  the  Ccrtifi- 
Money  on  Pen-  cate  direfted  to  be  figned  by  the  faid  Deputy  Remembrancer  concerning  the  fame  as  aforefaid,  and  receiving 
tibn  or  Motion,  fuch  further  Satisfaftion  as  they  (hall  think  neceffary,'  to  ma|te  and  pronounce  fuch  Orders  and  Direftions  for 
paying  the  faid  Money  or  any  Part  of  the  fame,  or  for  placing  out  fuch  Part  thereof  as  (hall  be  Principal  in 
the  Public  Funds,  or  upon  Government  or  Real  Securities,  and  for  Payment  of  the  Dividends  or  Interell 
thereof,  or  any  Part  thereof,  to  the  refpeftive  Perfon*  entitled  to  receive  the  Came,  or  for  laying  out  the  Prin- 
cipal or  any  Part  thereof  in  the  Purchafe  of  other  Lands  or  Hereditaments,  to  be  conveyed  and  fettled  to,  for 
13  and 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1 8 1 7. 

570  GEORWI I Hi 

On  Death  or 
Homntol  u l De- 
puty Rometn. 

L-.  9, 10. 

and  upon  the  fame  Ufes,  Trails,  Intents  and  Purpofes  as  the  faid  Lands  and  Hereditaments  fo  taken  flood 
fettled  at  the  time  of  the  Payment  of  fueh  Money  as  aforefaid,  as  near  as  the  fame  can  he  done,  or  otllCrwife 
concerning  the  difpoftng  of  die  faid  Money  or  any  Part  thereof,  and  the  Interefl  of  the  fame  or  any  Part 
tliereof,  for  the  Benefit  of  the  Perfon  and  Perfons  entitled/  to  and  intereflcd  in  the  fame  refpeftivcly,  or  for 
appointing  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  be  Truftec  or  Trull ces  for  all  or  any  of  fnch  Purpofes,  as  the  faid  Court 
lhall  think  juft  and  rcafonablr. 

XII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  upon  the  Death  Or  Removal  of  any  fucli  Deputy  Remembrancer, 
all  Stocks  and  Securities  veiled  in  him  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  (hall  veil  in  the  fucceeding  Deputy  Remem- 
brancer, for  the  Purpofes  hereinbefore  mentioned,  without  ahy  Aflignment  or  Transfer  ; and  all  Monies  paid 
into  the  faid  Banks  respectively  in  purfuancc  of  this  Aft,  or  remaining  in  the  Hands  of  any  Deputy  Remem- 
brancer at  his  Death  or  Removal,  and  not  vefled  in  the  Fund*,  or  placed  out  on  Securities  as  afore-laid,  (hall  suceeirci'.' 
be  paid  over  to  the  fucceeding  Deputy  Remembrancer  for  the  time  being. 

XIII-  And  be  it  further  cnafted  and  declared,  That  if  in  a&v  cafe  the  King’s  Remembrancer  fliall  execute  The  Power*  uf 
the  faid  Office  in  Perfon,  then  and  in  fuch  cafe  the  fcveral  Tru^s,  Powers  and  Authorities  by  this  Aft  veiled  Dcfury  Hr- 
in  the  faid  Deputy  Remembrancer  and  his  SucccObrs,  dial!,  difring  fuch  time  as  no  Deputy  Remembrancer  w 

lhall  be  appointed,  be  wiled  in  and  be  executed  by  the  laid  Kinjjls  Remembrancer  for  die  time  being.  Kins'"  Rsmmn- 

c a p.  x.  1 

An  A£l  to  regulate  the  Vefil-ls  carrying  Pafleugers  from  the  United  Kingdom  to  certain  of  His 
Majefty’s  Colonies  in  North  Amtrica.  [17th  March  1817-] 

‘ XT 7 HEREAS  by  an  Aft  puffed  in  the  Forty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  Ail  for  4j  G.  3.  c.jt 

* V V regulating  the  t'ejfch  carrying  Pajfengert  from  the  United  Kingdom  to  Hit  Majejlft  Plantation!  and 

* Settlement 1 abroad  or  to  Foreign  Parti,  with  rtfpeU  to  the  Number  of  fuch  Pajfengert,  certain  Regulations 

* were  made  with  refpeft  to  the  Number  of  PalTengers  to  be  conveyed  on  board  Brili/l  and  Foreign  Vcfieh, 

* from  die  United  Kingdom  10  His  Majefty’s  Colonies  abroad,  and  to  Foreign  Countries:  And  Whereas  it  is 
‘ expedient  to  make  Tpecial  Regulations  with  refpeft  to  the  Conveyance  of  PalTengers  to  certain  of  His 

* Majefty’s  Colonies  in  North  America  Be  it  therefore  cnafted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by 

and  with  the  Advice  and  Coufeut  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parlia-  Not  to  sppy  10 
mem  aflemblcd,  and  by  the  Authority  uf  the  fame.  That  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft  nothing  in  the  BritiOi  VelTel* 
aforefaid  Aft  of  the  Forty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty  (hall  be  deemed  or  taken  to  apply  to  any  Britijb  l'Jl‘ 

Ship  or  VelTel  carrying  PalTengers  to  the  Provinces  of  Upper  or  Lower  Canada,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunfwicl,  Caud3,'&c. 
Cape  Breton,  or  Prince  Edwards  //land ; any  thing  in  the  faid  Aft  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding. 

1 1.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft  no  Ship  or  Veffcl  (hall  fail  with  No  Veflel  Hull 
PalTengers  from  any  Port  or  Place  in  the  United  Kingdom  to  any  Port  or  Place  in  Upper  or  Lower  Canada,  f«U  <°  Csmda, 
Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunfwicl,  Cape  Breton,  or  Prince  Edward1 1 IJIand,  unlefs  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  MifUr'entcr8 
having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  every  fuch  Ship  or  VelTel,  and  the  Owner  or  Owners  thereof,  imo  3^,1^ 
lhall,  before  the  failing  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel  from  any  Port  or  Place  as  aforefaid,  enter  into  Security  by  thue  ft *11  not 
Bond  to  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  and  SuccelFors,  in  the  Penalty  of  Five  hundred  Pounds,  with  Condition  be  uken  on 
that  there  (hall  not  be  taken  on  board  any  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel  any  more  fucli  Pafleugers  than  arc  hereinafter  ^oalJ  l’af- 

K fitted  and  allowed,  and  that  every  Paflengcr,  if  alive,  (hall  be  landed  at  the  Port  or  Place  to  which  fuch  el"  ^ 

mger  fliall  have  contracted  to  be  conveyed  ; which  Bond  (hall  be  taken  by  and  depolited  with  the  Col-  {0*tdi  tc>" 
leftor  and  Comptroller  or  other  Principal  Officer  of  His  Majelly’s  Cuftomsat  the  Port  from  which  fuch  Ships 
or  Veflcls  fliall  fad  ; and  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Ship  Lid  of  I’aflin- 
or  Veflel,  previous  to  his  leaving  the  faid  Port,  lhall  and  is  hereby  required  to  deliver  to  the  faid  Collcftor  g«s  to  be  <t«- 
and  Comptroller  or  other  Principal  Officer  of  His  Majefty’s  Cuftoni6  at  the  faid  Port,  a Lift  containing  the  o^*th,r(jjI1nUm' 
Number  of  the  faid  Pafleugers,  with  their  Names,  Ages,  and  Defcriptions,  and  the  Places  to  which  they  racmionej. 
are  to  be  refpeftively  conveyed,  for  the  Purpofc  of  being  regiftcrcd  at  fuch  Port,  together  with  a Copy  of 
the  fame,  which  Copy  lhall  be  certified  by  the  faid  Officers  as  being  correft  and  true,  aud  delivered  to  the  Anil  a Cony 
Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel,  to  be  by  him  kept  ‘hrIY'r|t““* 
on  board  the  faid  Veflel  and  uibjeft  to  the  Infpeftion  of  any  of  His  Majelly’s  Ships  of  War  or  Veflels  in  the  Curtomj, 

Service  of  His  Majefty’s  Cuftoms  or  Excife  during  his  Voyage  to  the  aforefifid  Colonies  ; and  upon  the  Are  >m|  delivered  to 
rival  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel  at  either  of  the  aforefaid  Colonies  the  laid  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  ihe  Matter,  to 
taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Sifip  or  Veflel  lhall  deliver  the  aforefaid  Copy  of  the  Lift  to  the  b=  kept  by  him 
Governor  of  Inch  Place  or  other  Perfon  aftmz  for  him,  or  to  the  Naval  Officer  or  Chief  Officer  of  the  C’tf-  .'Jr motif 
toms  at  the  Port  of  Arrival,  or  to  the  ucarell  Jullicc  of  the  Peace,  who  lhall  be  required  to  examine  die  uf",°  Sc."' 
PalTengers  within  Twenty  four  Hours  after  their  Arrival ; and  no  fuch  Paflengcr  as  aforefaid  lhall  be  allowed 
to  land  until  luch  Lift  is  compared  with  the  PalTengers  by  the  Governor  or  other  Perfou  acliug  for  him,  or 
fome  Perfon  authorized  by  either  of  them  for  that  Purpofe. 

III.  And  be  it  further  cua£led.  That  if  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Com-  Talcing  more 
mand  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel  lhall  take  or  have  on  board  his  Ship  or  Veflel,  or  if  the  Owner  or  Owners  of 
fuch  Ship  or  Veflel  lhall  engage  to  take  on  board,  more  Perfons  than  die  Number  allowed,  they  fliall  refpec-  pj^j,,.  lt|  ’ 
tively  lorfeit  die  Sura  of  Fifty  Pounds  for  each  Perfon  fo  taken  or  engaged  to  be  taken  on  board. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft  it  (hall  not  be  lawful  for  any  be 
Ship  or  Veflel  from  any  Place  in  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  or  from  Guernfey  and  Jerfey,  Tl’*”''  :lc-;  - 
to  carry  to  any  Port  nr  Place  in  Upper  or  Lower  Canada,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunfwicl,  Cape  Breton , or  tl.e 

Prince  Edward’s  IJIand,  a greater  N umber  of  PalTengers  than  in  the  Proportion  of  One  adult  Perfon  or  of  Vcllc!.' 

^ Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  DigitisationYlnit 

How  Tonnage 
of  Vefleb  to  be 

Water  and  Pro- 
vifions  how  to  be 

Not  giring  out 
Allowance  of 
Penalty  id. 
Abftnaof  AS 

Penalty  xol. 
Penalties  how  to 

and  applied. 

Provifo  for  Laws 
for  the  Reeola- 

ticers.fte. leaving 
the  Kingdom.,  it.  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

Three  Children  under  Fourteen  Years  of  Age  for  every  One  Ton  and  a Half  of  the  Burthen  of  fuch  Ship 
or  Vcffel ; and  every  fuch  Ship  and  Vcffel  (hall  be  taken  to  be  of  fuch  Tonnage  or  Burthen  as  is  deferibed  and 
fet  forth  in  the  refpeftive  Certificate  of  the  Regidry  of  each  and  every  fuch  Ship  or  VefTcl  granted  in  pur- 
fuancc  of  the  fcveral  Acts  in  force  in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  refpeftively  relating  to  fuch  Certificates ; 
and  if  any  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  be  partly  laden  with  Goods,  Wares,  or  Merchandize,  then  it  Ihall  not 
be  lawful  for  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Vcffel  to  re- 
ceive or  take  on  board  a greater  Number  of  Perfons  than  in  the  Proportion  of  One  adult  Perfon  or  of 
Three  Children  under  Fourteen  Years  of  Age  for  every  One  Ton  and  a Half  of  that  Part  of  fuch  Ship  or 
Veffel  remaining  unladen. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  every  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  be  furniihed  at  the  time  of  her  De- 
parture to  commence  the  Voyage  with  at  lead  Twelve  Weeks’  Supply  of  good  and  wholefome  Water,  fo  as 
to  furniih  a Supply  of  Five  Pints  of  Water  per  Day  for  every  fuch  Paffenger  exclufive  of  the  Crew  ; and  the 
faid  Supply  of  Water  (hall  be  (lowed  below  the  Deck  ; and  every  fuch  Snip  or  Veffel  (hall  alfo  be  furniflied 
with  fuch  a Supply  of  Provifions  as  will  afford  an  Allowance  for  every  fuch  Paffenger,  exclufive  of  the 
Crew,  during  the  (aid  Period  of  Twelve  Weeks,  of  One  Pound  of  Bread  or  Bifcuit  ana  One  Pound  of  Beef 
or  Three  Quarters  of  a Pound  of  Pork  per  Day,  and  alfo  Two  Pounds  of  Flour,  Three  Pounds  of  Oatmeal, 
or  Three  Pounds  of  Peas  or  Pearl  Barley,  and  Half  a Pound  of  Butter  Weekly  ; the  Weekly  Allowance  to 
commence  on  the  Day  the  Veffel  puts  to  Sea. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Com- 
mand of  any  Ship  or  Veffel  failing  to  give  out  the  Allowance  of  ProviGons  and  Water  hereinbefore  fpeeified 
(hall  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Ten  Pounds  of  lawful  Money  for  each  and  every  fuch  Negleft  and  OmifBon. 

VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  an  Abdraft  of  this  Aft,  dating  the  Number  of  Paffengers  allowed 
to  be  taken,  and  the  Daily  and  Weekly  Allowance  of  Water  and  Provifions,  (hall  be  expofed  in  fome  con- 
fpicuous  Part  of  the  Ship  or  Veffel  to  which  the  faid  Paffcngcrs  have  Recourfe ; in  failure  of  which  the  Mader 
or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Ten 

VIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  Penalties  and  Forfeitures  to  be  incurred  under  this  Aft  (hall 
and  may  be  recovered  in  a fummary  Way  on  the  Oath  of  One  or  more  Witncfs  or  Witneffes  before  any  One 
or  more  of  His  Majedy*s  Judice  or  Judices  of  the  Peace  of  any  County,  County  of  a City,  Riding,  Shire  or 
Place  in  the  United  Kingdom,  where  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  depart  from  or  come  to  in  or  during  fuch  Voy- 
age, or  in  a fummary  Way  in  any  Court  or  Courts  of  Seflion  having  Jurifdiftion  in  the  Port  or  Place  at 
which  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  arrive  ; and  One  Moiety  of  every  Penalty  to  be  recovered  by  virtue  of  this 
Aft  (hall  go  and  be  applied  to  the  Ufe  of  His  Majedy,  His  Heirs  and  Succeffors,  and  the  other  Moiety  to 
the  Ufe  of  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  as  (hall  fird  fue  for  the  fame. 

IX.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  Ihall  extend  or  be  condrued  to 
extend  to  repeal,  alter  or  affeft  any  Law,  Statute,  Ufage  or  Cudom  now  in  force  in  the  United  Kingdom 
or  within  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  refpeftivcly,  for  the  Redriftion  or  Regulation  of  Artificers  and  others 
from  or  in  going  or  palling  from  any  Part  of  the  United  Kingdom  to  Parts  beyond  Sea,  or  to  regulate  the 
Ships  or  Veffels  carrying  or  conveying  fuch  Artificers,  or  the  Maders  or  Commanders  or  Perfons  having 
Charge  of  fuch  Ships  or  Veffels  ; but  that  all  fuch  Laws,  Ufages  and  Cudoms  (hall  remain  in  full  Force  and 
Effeft  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes  as  if  this  Aft  had  not  been  made. 


One  of  ihe 
I uitoei  of  K.  B. 
msy  lit  sp»rt  for 
adding  and  jufti- 
fying  Special 
Bail, wliilll  others 

CAP.  XI. 

An  Act  to  facilitate  the  Progrefs  of  Bufinefs  in  the  Court  of  King’s  Bench  in  Wejhnittjler  Hall. 

[17th  March  1817.3 

* TT7HEREAS  the  Court  of  King’s  Bench  at  tVeJIminJler,  by  reafon  of  the  great  Increafe  of  Bufinefs 
‘ W therein,  has  of  late  been  much  occupied  during  Term  in  the  adding  and  jndifying  of  Special  Bail, 

* whereby  other  Bnfinefs  of  great  public  Concern  hal  been  much  obdrufted  and  delayed  ; and  the  fame  In- 
1 convenience  is  likely  dill  to  continue  unlefs  fome  Remedy  is  provided  for  the  fame : And  Whereas  it  would 
‘ tend  materially  to  remedy  this  Inconvenience  if  Out  of  the  Judges  of  the  fame  Court  (liouldbe  enabled  to 
‘ fit  and  proceed,  when  Occafion  (hould  fo  require,  ipon  the  faid  Bufinefs  of  adding  and  judifying  Bail  in 
‘ fome  Place  in  or  near  to  IVeJlminJler  Hall  other  thad  the  ufual  Place  of  Sitting  for  the  whole  Court,  whild 
‘ others  of  the  Judges  of  the  fame  Court  (hould  proceed  in  the  Difpatch  of  the  other  Bufinefs  of  the  fame  Court 

* in  their  ordinary  Place  of  Sitting  in  IVeJlminJlcr  Hal\;'  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  the  King’s  mod  Excellent 
Majedy,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the', Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this 
prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  ol  the  fame,  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  One 
of  the  Judges  of  the  Court  of  King’s  Bench  at  IV ejtmlfjer,  when  Occafion  (hall  fo  require,  to  fit  apart  from 
the  other  Judges  of  the  fsme  Court,  in  fome  Place  in  or  near  to  Wcjlminfler  Hall,  for  the  Bufinefs  of  adding 
and  judifying  Special  Bail  in  Caufes  depending  in  the  fame  Court,  whild  others  of  the  Judges  of  the  fame 
Court  are  at  the  fame  time  proceeding  in  the  Difpatcp  of  the  other  Bufinefs  of  the  (ame  Court  in  Bank,  in 
its  ufual  Place  of  Sitting  for  that  purpofe  in  Wellminjler  Hall ; and  that  the  Proceedings  fo  had  by  and  before 
fuch  One  of  the  Judges  fo  fitting  apart  for  thole  Purpofes  (hall  be  as  good  and  cffeftual  in  the  Law  to  all  In- 
tents and  Purpofes  as  if  the  fame  were  had  before  the  Court  affembled  and  fitting  as  ufual  in  its  ordinary  Place 
of  Sitting  in  Weflminiftcr  Hall. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


A.D.  1 8 1 7- 


C.  12. 

cap.  xn. 

An  Adi  for  punching  Mutiny  and  Defertion ; and  for  the  better  Payment  of  the  Army  and  their 


[T/lit  AB  it  the  fame  a. 

it  56  G.  3.  c.  10.  except  at  to  Datet , 
here  retained,  and  except  aifo 
XII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted, 
palled  by  any  Court  Martial  holdcn  in  the  Eajl  Indiet,  or  i 
the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  or  Ceylon,  or  in  any  Settlement  occ 
Good  Hope,  is  to  be  carried  into  execution,  or  Mercy  lhall 

[2 1 ft  March  1817.] 

r to  Schedule  (N).j 

'hat  whenever  any  Sentence  of  Tranfportation  Sentence  of 
Saint  Helena,  or  in  His  Majefty’s  Settlements  of  Tranlportarion 
lied  by  His  Majefty’s  Forces  beyond  the  Cape  of  in  See.  to 

. , -.e  extended  to  any  Offender  liable  to  the  Punilh-  n^edk:f 

ment  of  Death  by  the  Sentence  of  any  fuch  Court  Martial,  lupon  Condition  of  Tranfportation,  the  fame  lhall  lading InChlef 
be  notified  in  Writing  by  the  Officer  commanding  in  Chief  Sis  Majefty’s  Forces  in  India,  or  in  Saint  Helena,  m fome  Judge 
or  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  or  in  the  Illand  of  Ceylon,  or  at  any  other  Foreign  Settlement,  Illand,  Territory  of  one  of  the 
or  Country  belonging  to  His  Majefty,  within  the  Limits  of  the  Charter  of  the  United  Company  of  Mer-  Supreme 
chants  of  England  trading  to  the  Eajl  Indict,  or  in  the  Abfchce  of  the  Officer  commanding  in  Chief,  then  , 

by  the  Adjutant  General  for  the  time  being,  to  fome  Judge  of  One  of  the  Supreme  Courts  of  Judicature  of  far  r^h  TuniV 
the  Prefidencie8  of  Fort  William,  Fort  Saint  George , or  Bombay,  or  the  Chief  Juftice  or  other  Judge  at  the  porution. 

Illand  of  Ceylon  or  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  or  any  fuch  othei  Settlement,  Illand,  Territory  or  Country  re- 
fpeftivcly  as  aforefaid  ; and  thereupon  fuch  Judge  lhall  make  ai  Order  for  the  Tranfportation  of  fuch  Offender 
upon  the  Terms  and  for  the  time  which  lhall  be  fpecified  in  fudh  Notification  } and  lhall  alfo  make  fuch  other 
Order  or  Orders,  and  do  all  fuch  other  Afts  confequcnt  upon  !the  fame,  as  any  fuch  Judge  is  authorized  to 
make  or  do  with  refpeft  to  Offenders  ordered  to  be  Lranf ported  by  Sentence  of  the  Criminal  Courts  in  India  ; 
and  the  Governor  and  Council  of  fuch  Prefidency,  or  Governor  of  fuch  Settlement,  Illand,  Territory,  or 
Country  refpeftively,  lhall  and  they  are  hereby  required  to  ta^e  Order  for  the  Tranfportation  of  all  fuch 
Offenders  accordingly. 

XIX.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  Officer,  Non  Comgiiffioned  Officer,  or  Soldier,  who  lhall  be  ar-  Office™  and  Sol- 
relied  and  committed  to  Prifon  upon  a Charge  of  any  Criminal  Offence,  lhall  receive  any  Part  of  his  Pay  from  din.  imi-rifoncd 
the  Day  of  fuch  Commitment  till  the  Day  of  his  Return  to  the.  Regiment,  Troop,  Company  or  Detachment  upon  a Charge 
to  which  he  (hall  belong,  or  which  he  (hall  be  ordered  to  join  ; provided  that  if  he  lhall  be  acquitted  of  the 
Offence  for  which  he  was  committed,  he  lhall  upon  his  Return  tb  his  Corps  be  entitled  to  receive  all  Arrears  RUuto 
of  Pay  which  were  growing  due  during  the  -time  of  his  Confinement ; but  if  he  (hall  be  convifted  he  lhall  pa).  dui;ng 
forfeit  all  Right  to  any  Pay  from  the  Day  of  his  Commitment  jduring  the  time  of  his  Confinement  as  well  Confinement, 
under  the  original  Commitment  as  under  any  Commitment  confijquent  upon  fuch  Conviftiou,  and  until  the  See, 

Day  of  his  Return  to  the  Regiment,  Troop,  Company  or  Detachment  to  which  he  lhall  belong,  or  which  he 
lhall  be  ordered  to  join  : Provided  always,  that  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  Secretary  at  War  for  the  time  being,  pr0vir0fcr  li- 
or  if  in  Ireland  the  Chief  Secretary,  or  in  his  Abfence  the  under  Secretary  for  the  Military  Department,  to  bvtj  to  Sccie- 
order  the  Iffue  and  Payment  to  any  fuch  Officer,  Non  Commiffioned  Officer  or  Soldier,  during  any  fuch  Com-  '*7  « War,  Ste. 
mitment  or  Imprifonment,  or  either  of  them,  or  any  Part  thereoL  of  the  Pay  of  any  fuch  Officer,  Non  Com- 
miffioned  Officer  or  Soldier,  or ‘of  any  Proportion  of  fuch  Pay,  qr  of  any  Arrears  thereof,  either  during  fuch 
Commitment  or  Imprifonment,  or  after  the  Difcharge  of  fuch  C ” 
aittr  Conviftion,  or  otherwife,  as  lhall  appear  to  the  Secretary* 

Under  Secretary  as  aforefaid,  to  be  proper  ; aud  the  Order  of  tn| 

Secretary  in  Ireland,  as  the  cafe  may  require,  for  the  Payment 
Difcharge  for  fuch  Payment. 

XXIV.  Provided  always, _ and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  l^all  be  lawful  for  any  fuch  General  Courts  General  Cornu 

Martial,  by  their  Sentence  or  Judgment,  to  inflift  Imprifonment,  ;folitary  or  otherwife,  — n 1 D — :n- 

rnent,  not  extending  to  Life  or  Limb,  as  fuch  Court 

Soldier  for  Immoralities,  Milbehaviour,  or  Negleft  of  Lui}>  v.  a aW..v..u.c  v.  utuuui  «u-  |m 

vantage  as  to  Incrcafe  of  Pay,  or  as  to  Pcnfion  which  might  otherwife  have  accrued  to  fuch  Non  Commiffioned  &c fat  |m^_' 
Officer  or  Soldier  from  the  Length  or  Nature  of  his  Service  : Provided  always,  that  it  lhall  not  be  lawful  for  raliiiei,  ice. 
any  General  Regimental  Court  Martial  to  award  fuch  Forfeiture  " 

Pay  or  as  to  Pcnfion  as  aforefaid,  except  in  cafes  of  Defertion  as 

XXVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  i: 

held  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  every  Member  affilling  at  fuch  Trial,  , e_ , 

lhall  take  the  following  Oaths  upon  the  Holy  Evangelifts,  before  the  Judge  Advocate,  or  his  Deputy  (who 
are  hereby  authorized  to  adminiitcr  the  fame) ; that  is  to  fay, 

ording  to  your  Evidence 

jficer,  Non  Commiffioned  Officer  or  Soldier,  Diiihuee. 
pit  War,  or  if  in  Ireland  to  fuch  Chief  or 
4 Secretary  at  War,  or  fuch  Chief  or  Under 
T fuch  Pay  or  Arrears,  (hall  be  a fufficient 

f Benefit  or  Advantage  as  to  Increafe  of 
c provided  for. 

11  Trials  by  General  Courts  Martial  to  be  officer, 
before  any  Proceedings  be  had  thereupon,  iworn. 

* Y OU  lhall  an<*  lruty  try  and  determine, 

the  Matter  now  before  you. 

‘ So  help  you  GOD.’ 

do  fwcar,  That  I will  duly  adminifter  Juftice,  according  to  the  Rules  and  Articles  for  the  Oulu  tc 

better  Government  of  His  Majelly’s  Forces,  and  according  to  an  Act  of  Parliament  n 

‘ the  Puniflimcnt  of  Mutiny  and  Defertion,  and  other  Crimes  therein  mentioned,  without  Partiality,  Favour  Members  of  1 
‘ or  Affeftion  ; and  if  any'Doubu  (hall  arife,  which  is  not  explained  by  the  faid  Articles,  or  Aft  of  Par-  0UIt 

• liament,  according  to  my  Confidence,  the  bell  of  my  Undcrllanding,  and  the  Cuftom  of  War  in  the  like  Cafes : 

* And  I further  fwcar,  That  I will  not  divulge  the  Sentence  of  tho,  Court  until  it  lhall  be  approved  by  His 

# Majefty,  or  by  fome  Perfon  duly  authorized  by  Him  ; neither  v 

1 I,  upon  any  account,  at  any  1 

• whatfoever, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University’  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

r w,U  ] 





57°  GEORGIl  HI. 


1 whatfoevcr,  difclofe  or  difcover  the  Vote  or  Opinion  of  any  particular  Member  of  the  Court  Martial,  unleft 

* required  to  give  Evidence  thereof  as  a Witnefs,  by  a Court  of  Juft  ice  or  a Court  Martial,  in  a due  Courfe  of 

* Law.  ' So  help  me  GOD.’ 

The  Judes  Ad-  And  fo  foou  as  the  faid  Oath  lhall  have  been  adminiitcred  to  the  refpe&ive  Members,  the  Prefident  of  the 
vrkirs  to  be  Court  is  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  adminifter  to  the  Judge  Advocate,  or  the  Perfou  officiating  as 
worn'  fuch,  an  Oath  in  the  following  Words  : 

The  Oath.  * I do  fwear.  That  I will  nqc  upon  any  account,  at  any  time  whatfoever,  difclofe  or  dif- 

* *■  cover  the  Vote  or  Opinion  of  any  particular  Member  of  the  Court  Martial,  unlef9  required  to  give  Eri- 

* dence  thereof,  as  a Witnefs,  by  a Court  of  Jiiftici  or  a Court  Martial,  in  a due  Courfe  of  Law. 

‘ So  help  me  GOD.’ 

And  no  Sentence  of  Death  lhall  be  given  againft  any, (Offender  in  fuch  Cafe  by  any  General  Court  Martial,  un- 
lefs  Nine  Officers  prefent  lhall  concur  therein  ; (except  fuch  General  Court  Martial  lhall  be  holden  in  any 
Place  beyond  the  Seas,  out  of  His  Majelly’s  Dominions,  or  out  of  any  of  the  Settlements  belonging  to  the 
roo'urh&c  United  Company  of  Merchants  of  England  trading  to  the  Eajl  India,  or  in  Africa , or  in  New  South  IVa/er 
as  aforefaid  ;)  and  in  all  cafes  where  a Court  Martial  lhall  canfift  of  more  Officers  than  Thirteen,  and  alfo  in 
any  Place  beyond  the  .Seas  out  of  His  Maiefty’s  Dttninioiis,  or  out  of  any  of  the  Settlements  belonging  to 
the  United  Company  of  Merchants  of  England  trading  to  the  Eajl  India,  or  in  Africa  ar.d  in  New  South  IV ala 
as  aforefaid,  when  the  fame  lhall  con  Till  of  a leffcr  Number  of  Officers,  then  fuch  Judgment  (hall  pafs  by  the 
Hours  of  Triil.  Concurrence  of  Two  thirds  at  the  leaft  of  the  Officers  prefent ; and  no  Proceeding  or  Trial  lhall  be  had  upon 
any  Offence,  but  between  the  Hours  of  Eight  of  the  Clock  in  the  Morning  and  Three  in  the  Afternoon,  ex- 
cept in  cafes  which  require  an  immediate  Example  : . Provided  alfo,  that  all  Witneffes  duly  fummoned  by  the 
Judge  Advocate,  or  the  Pcrfon  officiating  as  fach,  fhalT,  during  their  t neceflary  Attendance  in  fuch  Courts, 
and  in  going  to  and  returning  from  the  fame,  be  privileged  from  Arrell  in  like  manner  as  Witneffes  attending 
any  of  His  Majefty’s  Courts  of  Law  are  privileged  ;iand  that  if  any  fuch  Witnefs  lhall  be  unduly  arrefted,  he 
lhall  be  difeharged  from  fuch  Arreft  by  the  Court  out  of  which  the  Writ  or  Proccls  iffued  by  which 
fuch  Witnefs  was  arrefted ; or  if  the  Court  out  of  which  the  Writor  Procefsiffued  be  not  fitting,  then  by  any 
Judge  of  the  Court  of  King’s  Bench  in  London  or  in  Dublin,  or  Court  of  Scifions  in  Scotland,  or  Courts  of 
Law  in  the  IVeJl  India,  according  as  the  cafe  lhall  require,  upon  its  being  made  appear  to  fuch  Court  or 
Judge,  by  affidavit  in  a fummary  Way,  that  fuch  Witnefs  was  arrefted  in  going  to  or  returning  from,  or  at- 
tending upon  fuch  Court  Martial ; and  that  all  Witneffes  fo  duly  fummoned  as  aforefaid,  who  fnall  not  attend 
on  fuch  Courts,  lhall  be  liable  to  be  attached  in  the  Court  of  King’s  Bench  in  London  or  Dublin,  or  Court  of 
Scffion  or  Sheriff’s  Depute  or  Steward’s  Depute,  or  their  refpeflive  Subftitutcs,  within  their  fcveral  Shires  and 
Stewartries,  in  Scotland,  or  Courts  of  Law  in  the  Weil  India  refpeftively,  upon  Complaint  made  to  the  faid 
Courts  of  King’s  Bench,  or  Court  of  Seffion  in  Scotland,  or  Courts  of  Law  in  the  Wefl  India,  in  like  man- 
ner as  if  fuch  Witnefs  had  neglefited  to  attend  on  3 Trial  in  any  Criminal  Proceeding  in  that  Court. 

XXXIX.  Povided  always,  and  be  it  further  enaftrd,  That  if  any  Officer  or  Soldier,  or  any  other  Pcrfon 
fubjedi  to  the  Provifions  of  this  Act  lhall  in  any  of  His  Majelly’s  Dominions  beyond  the  Seas,  or  elfewhere 
beyond  the  Seas,  commit  any  of  the  Offences  for  which  he  may  be  liable  to  be  tried  by  Courts  Martial  by  virtue 
of  this  A&,  and  lhall  after  tne  Commiffion  of  any  fuch  Offence  go  or  be  font  to  any  other  Station  or  Part  of 
His  Majefty’s  Dominions  in  the  Courfe  of  Service  abroad,  or  come  or  be  brought  into  this  Realm,  or  into 
Jerfcj,  Gucrnfcj,  Alderney,  Sari  or  Man,  or  thaj  Wands  thereto  belonging,  before  he  be  tried  by  a Court 
Martial  for  fuch  Offence,  fuch  Officer  or  Soldier  og  other  Perfou  lhall  be  tried  and  punilhed  for  the  fame  at 
fuch  other  Station  or  Part  of  His  Majefty’s  Dominions,  or  within  the  Realm,  or  any  fuch  Ifland  as  aforefaid, 
as  if  the  Offence  had  been  committed  where  fuch  Trial  lhall  take  place. 

Licences  may  be  LII.  And  be  it  further  eiia&ed.  That  it  fttalllbc  lawful  for  any  Two  Jufticcs  of  the  Peace,  or  any  Two 
trained  for  keep-  Magiftrates,  within  their  refpe&ive  Jurifdi&ions,  tujgraut  or  transfer  any  Licence' for  felling  Ale  by  Retail,  or 
“HI  ;C>"der  or  Perry,  to  be  drank  orconfumed  in  any  Houfe  or  Houfes  or  Prcmifes  where  more  Houfes  or  Pre- 

two  u icu,  Vc.  m^e5  tjliU)  one'|i,an  |,e  held  together  by  the  fame  Pprfon  or  Perfons  as  a Canteen,  or  any  Licence  to  fell  Spi- 
Ferlbnswhonuy  rituous  Liquors,  or  Strong  Waters,  or  Wine  or  Liquor  by  Retail,  to  any  Pcrfon  or  Pcrfons  applying  for  the 
jtrply  furfneh  feme,  who  lhall  hold  any  Canteen  under  any  Leafethcreof,  or  any  Agreement  or  other  Authority  from  any 
cenccl'  Two  of  the  principal  Officers  of  the  Board  of  Ordiance,  or  From  any  Two  of  the  late  Commiffioners  for  the 

Affairs  of  Barracks,  or  from  the  Comptroller  or  oilier  proper  Officer  of  the  Barrack  Department,  without 
regard  to  the  time  of  Year,  or  any  Notices  or  Certificates  fpecified  or  required  in  relation  to  the  applying  for 
or  granting  any  fuch  Licences,  any  thing  in  any  A 3t  or  A£ts  of  Parliament  to  the  contrary  notwithflanding  ; 
and  it  lhall  alfo  be  lawful  for  His  Majelty’s  Commtffioners  of  Excifc  in  England,  Ireland  and  Scotland  re- 
fpe&ively,  or  any  Perfon  appointed  or  employed  bjf  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  England  or  Ireland  refpeftively 
in  that  Behalf,  or  for  any  Collectors  or  Supervifors  of  Excifc  within  their  rcfpective  DiftriCts,  and  they  are 
hereby  required  to  grant  Licences  for  felling  Beer  <Jr  Ale  bv  Retail,  or  Cyder  or  Perry  to  be  drank  or  con- 
fumed  in  the  Houfes  or  Prcmifes  occupied  as  a Canteen  of  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  applying  for  fuch  Licence, 
or  any  Licence  to  fell  Spirituous  Liquors  or  Strong  Waters,  or  Wine  or  Liquors  by  Retail,  to  any  fuch  Per- 
fon or  Perfons  who  lhall  hold  any  fuch  Canteen  undt*  any  fuch  Licence  or  Transfer  of  any  fuch  Licence  of  any 
Wut  Ankles  Jufticc  or  Magi  It  rate  as  aforefaid  ; and  it  lhall  alfo  (jc  lawful  for  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  holding  any  fuch  Can- 
Ptrilma  keeping  lcin  under  any  fucj,  LeafCl  Agreement,  or  Authorfyy  as  aforefaid,  and  having  fuch  Licences  as  aforefaid,  to 
m,t  keep  fuch  Canteen,  and  to  utter  and  fell  therein,  a rift  in  the  Prcmifes  thereto  belonging,  and  not  elfewhere, 
Vifluali  and  all  fuch  cxcifeable  Liquors  as  he  and  they  lhall  be  liecnfcd  and  empowered  to  fell  under  the  Au- 
f-f  thorny 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

In  Sentence,  of 
Number  of  ilf- 

Witncflos  at- 
tending Courts 
Martial  to  lie 
privileged  from 

Witneffes  not 
attending  liable 
to  be  attached. 

Offenders  be- 
yond Ses,  &c. 


A.D.I8I7-  570  GEORG II  III.  C.I2. 

thority  and  Permiffion  of  any  fucU  Excife  Licence  as  aforefaid,  without  being  fubjeft  to  any  Penalty  or  For- 
feiture; any  thing  in  any  Aft  or  Adis  of  Parliament  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding. 

LXXI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  for  the  better  and  more  regular  Provifion  of  Carriages  for  His  For  the  provid- 
Majelly’s  Forces  in  their  Marches,  or  for  their  Arms,  Clothes  or  Accoutrements  in  England,  Ireland  and  'n8  Carriages  fur 
Wales,  and  the  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  all  Jultjccs  of  the  Peace,  within  their  feveral  Counties,  lhe 
Ridings,  Diviiions,  Shires,  Liberties,  and  Precinfts,  being  duly  required  thereunto  by  an  Order  from  His 
Majefty,  or  the  General  of  His  Forces,  or  the  Matter  Gerteral  or  Lieutenant  General  of  His  Majefty’s  Ord-  ir"Lnd. 
nance,  if  in  England,  Wales  or  Berwick  npun  Tweed,  or  jby  an  Order  from  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other 
Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  Time  being,  or  from  the  Officer  commanding  His  Majefty’ s 
Forces  in  Ireland,  or  other  Perfon  duly  authorized  in  than  Behalf,  Ihall,  as  often  as  fuch  Order  is  brought 
and  (hewn  unto  One  or  more  of  fuch  Juftices  by  the  Quartirmafter,  Adjutant,  or  other  Officer  or  Non  Com- 
miffioned  Officer  of  lhe  Regiment,  Detachment,  Troop  of  .Company  fo  ordered  to  march,  iffue  out  his  or 
their  Warrant  or  Warrants  to  the  Conllablcs  or  Petty  Conttables  of,  or  to  any  Conftable  or  Conttables  afting 
or  having  Authority  to  aft  in  the  Divifion,  Riding,  City, j Liberty,  Hundred  and  Precinft,  from,  through, 
near  or  to  which  fuch  Regiment,  Detachment,  Troop  oi  Company  (hall  be  ordered  to  march;  requiring 
them  to  make  fuch  ProviGou  of  Carriages,  and  Horfes  or  Oxen,  with  able  Men  to  drive  the  fame,  as  is  men- 
tioned in  the  Paid  Warrant,  allowing  them  fufficieni  time  tojdo  the  fame,  that  the  neighbouring  Parts  may  not 
always  bear  the  Burthen  ; and  fpecifying  in  fuch  Warrant  the  Place  or  Places  from  and  to  which  the  faid  Warrants  to  fpe- 
Camages  Ihall,  by  virtue  of  fuch  Orders  as  aforefaid,  be  r quired  to  travel,  alfo  fpecifying  the  Number  of  <%  the  Places 
Miles  between  the  Places,  for  which  Number  of  Miles  only  fo  fpecified  Conttables  or  Petty  Couftables  are  ,.n’™ 
authorized  to  demand  Payment,  which  (hall  not  exceed  the  Day’s  March  of  the  Troops,  as  preferibed  in  the 
Order  produced  to  the  Magiftrate,  unlefs  in  cafe  of  prefling  emergency  or  Neceffity,  and  (hall  in  no  cafe  what-  3a^t he  Nu“bcr’ 
ever  exceed  Twenty-five  Miles  from  the  Place  at  which  l le  March  Ihall  commence;  and  in  cafe  fufficient  of  Miles,  Ike. 
Carriages  cannot  be  provided  within  any  fuch  Liberty,  Div  fion  or  Precinft,  then  the  Juttice  or  Juftices  of  the 
Peace  of  the  next  adjoining  County,  Riding  or  Divillon  (hi  1,  upon  fuch  Order  as  aforefaid  being  brought  or 
Ihewn  to  One  or  more  of  them  by  any  of  the  Officers  afore  tid,  iffue  his  or  their  Warrant  to  the  Conttables 
or  Petty  Conttables  of  fuch  next  County,  Riding,  Liberty,  Divifion  or  Precinft,  as  (hall  be  moft  convenient 
for  the  Purpofes  aforefaid,  according  to  their  refpeftive  Jut  fdiclions,  to  make  up  fuch  Deficiency  ; and  the  Sums  for  Hire 
aforefaid  Officer  or  Officers,  who,  by  virtue  of  the  aforefaid  Variant  from  the  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  are  to  de-  to  be  paid  in 
mand  the  Carriage  or  Carriages  therein  mentioned  of  the  Co  liable  or  Petty  Conftable  to  whom  the  Warrant  is  '"l“d  “ ,he 
direfted,  is  and  are  hereby  required  at  the  fame  time  to  pay  lown  in  Hand  to  the  faid  Conftable  or  Petty  Con-  Jme  tim*‘ 
liable,  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Perfon  who  ihall  provide  fuch  C irriages  and  Men,  the  Sums  hereinafter  mentioned 
refpeftively,  for  which  refpeftive  Sums  fo  received  the  laid  Conftable  or  Petty  Conftable  is  hereby  required 
to  give  a Receipt  in  Writing  (which  Receipt  need  not  be  ft  imped)  to  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  paying  the  fame  ; 
and  fuch  Conftable  or  Petty  Conftable  (hall  order  and  appo  it  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  having  Carriages  within 
their  refpeftive  Liberties,  as  they  (hall  think  proper,  to  [ -ovide  and  furnifh  fuch  Carriages  and  Horfes  and 
Oxen  and  Men,  according  to  the  Warrant  aforefaid,  who  are  hereby  required  to  provide  and  furnilh  the  fame 
accordingly  j and  no  Perfon  owning  or  driving  or  caufing  to  be  driven  any  fuch  Waggon,  Wain,  Cart  or  No  Penalty  or 
other  Carnage  (hall  be  fubjeft  to  any  Penalty  or  Forfeiture^  nor  (hall  any  fuch  Waggon,  Wain,  Cart  or  other  Detention  no  »c- 
Carriage  be  ftopped  or  detained  by  reafon  o f any  Weight  ijj  any  fuch  Waggon,  Wain,  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  colin,ot  Weight, 
or  of  being  drawn  by  any  Number  of  Horfes  or  Oxen  ; but  it  Ihall  be  lawful  for  any  Owner  of  any  fuch 
Waggon,  Wain  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  to  put  any  additional  Number  of  Horfes  or  Oxen  to  thofe  prelcribed 
or  paid  for  under  this  Aft  ; any  thing  in  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  relating  to  Highways  or  Turnpike 
Roads,  or  any  particular  Highway  or  Road,  to  the  contrary  notwiihftanding ; and  if  any  Military  Officer  or  officers  forcing 
Officers,  for  the  Ufe  of  whofe  Regiment,  Detachment,  Troop  or  Company  the  Carriage  was  provided,  Ihall  Waggons  to 
force  and  conftrain  any  Waggon,  Wain,  Cart  or  Carriage  o travel  beyond  the  Diftance  fpecified  in  the  Ma-  VJve.l(,n’or? ,ilal1 
gift  rate’s  Warrant,  or  Ihall  not  difeharge  the  fame  in  due  ime  for  their  return  Home  on  the  fame  Day,  if  it  be 
prafticablc,  or  fhall  fuffer  any  Soldier  or  Servant  (excep  fuch  as  are  fick),  or  any  Woman  to  ride  in  the  ^ or 
Waggon,  Wain,  Cart,  or  Carriage  aforefaid  ; or  Ihall  forge  any  Conftable  or  Petty  Conftable.  by  threatening  charging  in  doe 
or  menacing  Words,  to  provide  Saddle  Horfes  for  theml  Ives  or  Servants,  or  fhall  force  Horfes  from  the  lime,  or  forcing 
Owners,  by  themfelves.  Servants  or  Soldiers,  every  fuel  Officer  for  every  fuch  Offence  fhall  forfeit  the  Sum  Conlfohlcj,  kc. 
of  Five  Pounds,  Proof  thereof  being  made  upon  Oath  l rfore  Two  of  His  Majefty’s  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  jJJJJ 
the  fame  County  or  Riding,  who  are  to  certify  the  lame  o the  Secretary  of  War  in  England,  or  if  in  Ireland  lVc_ 
to  the  Chief  Secretary,  or  in  his  Abfencc  the  Under  Sci  ttary  for  the  Military  Department,  who  is  hereby  Penalty  R. 
authorized  and  required  to  give  Orders  for  the  Payment  >f  the  aforefaid  Sum  of  Five  Pounds,  according  to 

the  Order  and  Appointment  under  the  Hands  and  Seals  f the  aforefaid  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  the  fame 

County  or  Riding,  and  for  deducting  the  fame  out  of  fut  i Officer’s  Pay. 

• LXXV.  And  Whereas  it  may  fometimes  become  ne  tffiiry,  in  cafes  of  Emergency,  to  provide  proper  and  In  cafes  of  Emer- 

* fpeedv  Means  for  the  Carriage  and  Conveyance,  not  onl  of  the  Arms,  Clothes,  Accoutrements,  Tents,  Bag-  gency  Juftices 

* gage  and  other  Equipage  of  and  belonging  to  His  Maje  y’s  Forces  in  their  Marches,  but  alfo  of  the  Officers,  mjy  required 

* Soldiers,  Servants,  Women,  Children  and  other  Perfons  f and  belonging  to  fuch  Forces  : And  Whereas  it  is  1’^“, 

* expedient  that  Provifions  fhould  he  made  for  enforcing  rompt  Obedience  to  fuch  Orders  as  His  Majefty  or  jtlg  Sldl!1j 

* the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  in  Irelam  may  in  fuch  cafes  think  fit  to  iffue,  in  purfuancc  of  Hut  (Vs  and  Foui 

* the  Powers  by  Law  vetted  in  him  for  the  Advaoccmt  it  of  the  general  Good  and  public  Welfare  of  the  wheeled  C«- 

* Realm  Be  it  therefore  further  enafted,  That  it  fhall  belawful  for  His  Majefty,  or  fuch  Lord  Lieutenant  or  let  to 

Chief  Governor  or  Governors  in  Ireland,  by  HiB  or  their  Older,  dill  inftly  Hating  that  fuch  cafe  of  Emergency  0 

doth  exifl,  lignified  by  the  Secretary  at  War,  or  if  in  Ire! arid,  by  the  Chief  Secretary,  or  in  his  Abfencc  by  the 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C.I2.  57°  GEORGIL  III.  A.D.1817. 

Under  Secretary  for  the  Military  Department  for  &e  time  being,  to  any  General  or  Field  Officer  command- 
ing His  Majefty’s  Forces  in  any  Diftrift  or  Place,  < r to  the  Agent  for  the  Supply  of  Stores  and  Provifions  at 
Home,  or  Perfon  a&ing  in  that  Capacity,  to  autho  ize  fuch  General  or  Field  Officers  or  Agent  as  aforefaid 
or  Ferfon  aforefaid,  by  Writing  under  his  Hand,  re  iting  fuch  Order  of  Hia  faid  Majefty,  or  Lord  Lieutenant 
or  Chief  Governor  aforefaid,  to  require  all  Juftices  >f  the  Peace  within  their  fever al  Counties,  Ridings,  Divi- 
sion*, Cities,  Liberties  and  Prechids  in  England,  It  eland,  IValee  and  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  to  iffue 
Iris  or  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  for  any  of  the  Pi  pofes  hereinafter  mentioned  j and  fuch  Jufticc  or  Juftices 
(hall,  when  and  as  often  as  fuch  Requifuion  in  Writ  ug  as  laftmentioned  (hall  be  brought  and  (hewn  uuto  any 
One  or  more  of  fuch  Juftices,  by  the  Quarter  Ma  w,  Adjutant  or  other  Officer  of  the  Rcgimeut,  Detach- 
ment, Troop  or  Company  fo  ordered  to  be  conveye  , or  by  any  Officer  in  the  Commiffiariat  Department,  to 
iffue  out  his  or  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  to  the  Jouftables  or  Petty  Conftables  of  the  County,  Divifton, 
Riding,  City,  Liberty,  Hundred  and  Precinft,  firom  through,  near  or  to  which  fuch  Regiment,  Detachment, 
Troop  or  Company  (hall  be  fo  ordered  to  be  convi  red,  requiring  them  to  make  fuch  Provifion,  not  only  of 
Waggons,  Wains,  Carts  and  Cars  kept  by  or'  bclot  png  to  any  Pcrfon  or  Perfons,  and  for  any  U fe  or  Pur- 
pofe  whatfoever,  but  alfo  of  Saddle  Horfcs,  Coaches  Chaifcs,  and  other  Four  wheeled  Carriages  ufually  let  to 
Hire,  or  kept  for  that  Purpofe  5 and  alfo  of  Boats,  ! arges,  and  other  Veffels  ufed  for  the  Carriage  of  Coals, 
Stone,  Lime,  Manure,  or  of  Goods,  Wares  or  Merc!,  or  any  other  Articles  or  Commodity  whatfoever, 
upon  any  Canal  or  navigable  River,  with  able  Men  ; id  Horfcs  to  drive,  navigate,  and  draw  the  fame,  as  lhall 
be  mentioned  in  the  faid  Warrant  or  Warrants,  there  n fpreifying  the  Place  or  Diftance  to  which  fuch  Horles, 
Carriages,  Boats,  Barges,  or  other  Veffels  and  Men  hall  go  and  be  conveyed,  and  allowing  fuch  Conftables 
fufficient  time  to  make  fuch  Provifion,  that  the  neigl  bouring  Parts  may  not  always  bear  the  Burthen  ; and  in 
cafe  fuch  fufficient  Carriages,  Horfes,  Boats,  Bargi  i,  or  other  Veffels  and  Men  cannot  be  provided  within 
any  fuch  County,  Riding,  Divifion,  Hundred,  City.  jLihertv  or  Precinct,  then  the  next  Jullice  or  Juftices  of 
the  Peace  of  the  next  County,  Riding,  Divifion,  Cify,  Liberty  or  Prccinft  fhall,  upon  fuch  Rcquifition  in 
Writing  as  laft  aforefaid  being  brought  or  (hewn  to  ady  One  or  more  of  them,  by  any  o-  the  Officers  aforefaid, 
iffue  his  or  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  to  the  Conftables  or  Petty  Conftables  of  fuch  next  County,  Riding, 
City,  Liberty,  Divifion,  Hundred  or  Prccinft,  for  tlje  Purpofcs  laft  aforefaid,  to  make  up  fuch  Deficiency  i 
Officer, deman,!,  and  the  af&rcfaid  Officer  or  Officers  who,  by  virtue  of  the  aforefaid  Warrant  or  Warrants  from  the  Jullice  or 
inj  them,  10  pay  Juftjces  0f  the  Peace,  are  to  demand  the  Carriages,  h^orfes.  Boats,  Barges  or  other  Vcffels  therein  mentioned, 
their*  HlnTluch  Conftable  or  Petty  Conftable  to  whom  the  faidjWarrant  or  Warrants  (hall  be  direfted,  is  and  are  hereby 

Sums  a,  the  required  at  the  fame  time  to  pay  down  in  hand  to  tilt  faid  Conftable  or  Petty  Conibble,  for  the  Ufe  of  the 
Juftices  lhall  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  lhall  provide  fuch  Carriages,  Horfcs,  Boats,  Barges  or  otherVeffels,  and  Men,  fuch 
direa.  reafonablc  Sum  and  Sums  of  Money  as  the  faid  Juftice  dr  Juftices  (hall  in  and  by  his  or  their  faid  Warrant  or  War- 

rants order  and  direft,  not  exceeding  the  ufual  Rate  and  H ire  of  fuch  and  the  like  Carriages,  Horfes,  Boats,  Barges 
or  other  Veffels,  and  Men,  according  to  the  Length  of  the  Journey  Or  Voyage  in  each  particular  cafe,  but  making 
no  Allowance  for  Poll  Horfe  Duty,  or  Turnpike,  Catfal,  River  or  Lock  Tolls  (which  Duty  or  Tolls  are  hereby 
declared  not  to  be  demandable  or  payable  in  fuch  and  the  like  cafes,  for  any  fuch  Carriages,  Horfes,  Boats,  Barges 
Conftsble  10  give  and  other  Veffels,  whilft  employed  in  fuch  Service,  oqreturning  therefrom)  ; for  which  faid  refpeftive  Sum  and 
a Receipt  with-  Sums  fo  received,  the  faid  Conftable  or  Petty  Conftable  is  hereby  required  to  give  a Receipt  in  Writing  (but 
mmdcr'theind  w*t*I0ut  any  Stamp)  to  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  paying  the  fame;  and  fuch  Conftable  or  Petty  Conftable  (hall 
Horfss  ic  t0  order  and  appoint  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  having  fuch  Horfcs,  Carriages,  Boats,  Barges  or  other  Veffels,  and 
ho  provided.  Men,  within  their  refpeftive  Liberties,  as  they  lhall  [think  proper,  to  provide  and  fumilh  fuch  Horfcs,  Car- 
riages, Boats,  Barges  or  other  Veffels,  and  Men,  according  to  the  Warrant  or  Warrants  aforefaid,  who  are 
Military  Officen  hereby  required  to  provide  and  furnifh  the  fame  accordingly  ; and  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  in  fuch  cafes,  to 
may  convey  on  and  for  all  and  every  Military  Officer  and  Officers,  for  the  Ufe  of  whom,  or  of  whofe  Regiment,  Detachment, 
¥ZA'7.  Troop  or  Company,  fuch  Horfes,  Carriages,  Boats,  Barges  or  other  Veffels  (hall  be  provided,  in  fuch  cafes 
coutremcmi,  to  can7  a,l(l  convey,  and  permit  to  be  carried  and  fconveyed,  on  the  fame  refpcftively,  not  only  the  Arms, 
Baggage,  Equip-  Clothes,  Accoutrements,  Baggage,  Tents,  and  otl(er  Equipage  of  fuch  Regiment,  Detachment,  Troop  or 
•ge,  «n4  ilfoihe  Company,  but  alfo  the  Officers,  .Soldiers,  Servants,; Women,  Children  and  other  Perfons  of  and  belonging  to 
Officers,  Sol-  the  fame,  any  thing  herein  contained  to  the  contrary  thrreof  notwithftanding ; but  if  any  fuch  Officer  or 
Womra'chiU  Officers  f°rce  an£l  conltrain  any  Horfe,  Carriage,  Boat,  Barge  or  other  Veffcl  to  travel  or  proceed  be- 
dren"™!  other  Jon&  the  Diftance  or  Place  to  be  allowed  and  fpi^itied  in  fuch  Warrant  or  Warrants,  without  the  fpecial 
Perfons.  Licence  or  Order  of  One  or  more  other  fuch  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace  in  that  Behalf,  and  which  Licence 

Officers  forcing  or  Order  One  or  more  of  fuch  Juftices  ia  and  are  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  give  and  make  at  his  and 
******»**■•  V’  their  reafonablc  Difcretion,  every  fuch  Officer  for  fevery  fuch  Offence  (hall  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Five  Pounds, 
the^Di (Vince  Pro°f  thereof  being  made  upon  Oath  before  Two  of  His  Majefty’s  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  the  fame  County, 
fpecified  in  W',r  ?r  hiding,  Divifion,  City,  Liberty  or  Precinft,  who  are  to  certify  the  Jam  e to  the  Secretary  at  War,  or  if 
rant  without  in  Ireland  to  the  Chief  Secretary,  or  in  his  Ahfence  the  Under  Secretary  for  the  Military  Department,  who 
Licence.  is  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  give  Order  for  Payment  of  the  aforefaid  Sum  of  Five  Pounds,  according 

Penally  jl.  to  the  Order  and  Appointment  under  the  Hands  aftd  Seals  of  the  aforefaid  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  the  fame 
County,  Riding,  Divifion,  City,  Liberty  or  Precinfe,  and  for  deducing  the  fame  out  of  fuch  Officer’s  Pay. 
Number  of  Car-  _ LXXX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Nomber  of  Carriages  to  be  allowed  each  Troop  or  Company 
rugesforeich  in  Ireland,  (hall  be  from  time  to  time  regulated  hy|  Order  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant,  or  other  Chief  Governor 
to'ben*, ituul  or  Governors  °f  Ireland,  in  Proportion  to  the  Eflablifhment  of  fuch  Troop  or  Company  ; and  the  Sums 
by  the  Lunl  ordered  to  be  advanced  as  aforefaid,  for  the  Payment  of  the  Carriage  of  Baggage  by  the  Officer  or  Officers 
Lieutenant,  rcfpeflivelv,  (hall  be  to  them  repaid  by  the  Lords  Commiffioneri  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury  for  the  time 
being,  without  Fee  or  Reward,  on  Oath  made  by  fuah  Officer  or  Officers  before  one  of  His  Majefty’s  JulUccs 
9.t  .... 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817-  57°  GE0RGI1  III.  u.  12. 

of  the  Peace,  or  Chief  MagiRrate  of  any  City  or  Corporate  Town,  of  his  or  their  Payment  of  fuch  Sum  or 
Sums  for  Carriages  as  aforefaid,  and  an  Account  of  the  fame  bong  produced  by  the  Agent  of  the  Regiment, 
which  Account  (hall  have  been  certified  by  the  Quarter  Malktr  General  to  be  charged  conformably  to  the 
Orders  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  Chief  Coventor  or  Governor*  of  Ireland,  and  the  Regulations  preferibed 
by  this  Aft. 

• CXIX.  And  Whereas  SoldierB  abfent  from  their  Regiments  on  Furlough  granted  to  them  by  their 

* Commanding  Officers  are  fometimes  prevented  by  Sicknels  or  tother  unavoidable  Cafualty  from  returning 

* to  their  Duty  before  the  Expiration  of  the  time  limited  by  fuch  Furlough,  and  Doubts -have  arifen  whether 

* in  fuch  cafes  the  Extenfion  of  a Soldier's  Furlough  by  a JuRice  of  the  Peace  be  fanftioned  by  legal 
‘ Authority  and  cffeftual  for  preventing  fuch  Soldier  from  being  apprehended  upon  Sufpicion  of  his  having 
‘ deferted  his  Regiment Be  it  further  enafted,  That  any  Iufpefting  Field  Officer  Rationed  on  the  Re- 
cruiting Service,  or  any  Officer  of  the  Rank  of  Captain,  or  of  fuperior  Rank,  or  any  Adjutant  of  the  Regular 
Militia,  Rationed  within  the  DiRrift,  or  in  cafe  there  be  no  fuch  Officer  as  aforefaid  within  a convenient 
DiRance,  any  JuRice  of  the  Peace  may,  and  is  hereby  authorized  to  grant,  in  Writing  under  his  Hand,  an 
Extenfion  of  Furlough  to  any  Non  Commiffioncd  Officer  or  Soldier  applying  for  the  fame  on  account  of 
Sicknefs  or  other  Cafualty,  which  fiiall  on  due  Enquiry  appear  to  render  fuch  Extenfion  neceffary ; and  that 
every  fuch  Officer  or  JuRice  of  the  Peace,  who  mail  grant  to  anylNon  Commiflioned  Officer  or  Soldier  an 
Extenfion  of  Furlough  as  aforefaid,  (hall  immediately  certify  the  fame,  with  the  Caufe  of  its  being  fo  granted 
to  the  Officer  commanding  .the  Corps,  Depdt  or  Detachment  to  winch  the  Man  belongs,  if  known,  if  not, 
then  to  the  Agent  of  the  Regiment,  in  order  that  the  Proportion  of  IPay,  to  which  the  Man  (hall  be  entitled, 
may  be  remitted  to  him  according  to  the  Rules  eftablifhed  in  that  refpeft. 

CXX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  fuch  Non  Commiffioncd ’Officer  or  Soldier,  during  the  Period  to 
which  his  Furlough  (hall  have  been  fo  extended  as  aforefaid,  fhall  notTbe  liable  to  be  apprehended  or  other- 
wife  raolcRed  on  the  ground  of  his  having  deferted  the  Regiment  to  (which  he  (hall  appear  by  his  Furlough 
to  belong,  or  of  criminally  abfenting  himlelf  from  the  fame  : Provide!  always,  that  nothing  in  thij  Aft  con- 
tained lhall  be  conRmed  to  exempt  any  Non  Commiffioncd  Officer  or  Soldier,  whofe  Furlough  (hall  have 
been  fo  extended  as  aforefaid,  from  being  proceeded  againR  and  puniffied  according  to  the  Provifions  of 
this  Aft,  fiiould  it  thereafter  appear  that  fuch  Non  Commiffioncd  Officer  or  Soldier  had  obtained  the  Ex- 
tenfion  of  his  Furlough  by  falfe  Reprefentation  made  to  fuch  Officer  or  JuRice  of  the  Peace  as  aforefaid,  or 
in  applying  for  and  obtaining  the  fame  had  committed  any  Offenc  to  the  Prejudice  of  good  Order  and 
Military  Difcipline : Provided  alfo,  that  no  fuch  Furlough  (hall  be  cx  ended  by  any  fuch  Officer  or  Juiticc  of 
the  Peace  as  aforefaid  for  any  longer  Period  than  One  Month,  unlef  with  the  Approbation  of  the  Genaral 
or  other  Officer  commanding  in  the  DiRrift  where  fuch  Soldier  (hall  e,  or  of  the  Officer  commanding  the 
Corps,  Depdt  or  Detachment  to  which  the  Non  Commiflioned  Officer  or  Soldier  (hall  belong. 

CXXI.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  from  nd  after  the  paffing  of  this  Aft  the 
SubfiRence  of  Men  on  Furlough  (hall  be  iffued  according  to  the  Rule  which  have  been  or  (hall  be  preferibed 
by  His  Majefly* a Regulations. 

CXXIV.  And  be  it  further  euafted.  That  from  the  paffing  of  this- Aft  no  Soldier  being  arreRed  or  con- 
fined for  Debt  in  any  Prifon,  Gaol  or  other  Place,  (hall  be  entitled  to-  any  Part  of  his  Pay  from  the  Day  of 
fuch  ArrcR  or  Confinement  until  the  Day  of  his  Return  to  the  Reg&ent,  Troop,  Company  or  Detachment 
to  which  be  (hall  belong,  or  (hall  be  ordered  to  join. 


Con  of  Furlour.b 
to  my  Non- 


Officer  or  Soldier 
applying  for  the 

Non  Commif- 
(ionetl  Officer  or 
Soldier  whofe 
Furlough  (hill 

Provifo  to  to 
Subfiflence  of 
Men  on  Fur- 

Soldiert  while 
confined  for  Debt 


DESCRIPTION  RETURN  of  committed  to  Confinement  at  on  the 

Day  of  as  a Deferter  from  the  Battalion  of  the  Regiment  of 



Colour  of 


1 ml 

lie  Dale  a 
foment,  onil 
h«t  Diilhft. 

Pruhahle  Dsle  o 
Defection,  Ml! 
from  whence. 

Name,  Occupi- 
tinn  and  AJ- 
dreli  .-f  Perfoii 
L,  whom  ap 

Keafons  for  fuf. 
petting  the  Pci- 
loner  10  be  a 






I do  hereby  certify  that  the  Prifoner  has  been  duly  examined 
before  me,  as  to  the  CircumRanccs  herein  Rated,  and  has  de- 
clared in  my  Prefence  that  he  „ Deferter  from  the 

before-mentioned  Corps. 

Signature  and  Addrcfs 

of  MagiRrate. 

• - ■ Signature  of  Prifoner. 

■■  Signature  of  Informant. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University 

Enquiry*  having  been  made  as  to  the  Pri- 
foner’s  Health,  it  lias  been  reported  to  me  that  he 
in  a (it  flute  lo  be  removed. 

Signature  of  MagiRrate. 

* If  any  Military  Medical  Officer  be  at  or  near 
the  Place,  he  will  infpeft  the  Deferter,  and  report 
as  to  bis  Fitncfs  for  Military  Service. 

of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



C.13, 14,15- 

57“  GEORGI1  III. 


After  March  »5, 
1817,  e*cry 
Marine  Officer, 

Non  Commit- 

fioned  Officer 

>r  (hall  be  found  M 

or  (lull  (bike  < 
difbbcy  hia  Su. 
pcrior  Officer ; 
to  fulfer  Death, 
or  fuch  Punifti- 
ment  ar  a Court 
Martial  (hall 


cap.  xru. 

An  AG  for  the  regulating  of  His  Majefty’a  Royal  Marine  Forces  while  on  Shore. 

[2tft  March  1817.] 

1 XT  7 HEREAS  it  may  be  ncccflary,  for  thkjSafety  of  ihe  United  Kingdom,  and  the  Defence  of  the 

• V > Po (Mi 011s  of  the  Crown  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  that  a Body  of  Royal  Marine  Forces 
‘ flioulJ  be  employed  in  His  Majefty’s  Fleet  and  Naval  Service,  under  the  Direction  of  the  Lord  High  Ad- 
‘ miral  or  Commiffioncrs  for  executing  tltc  Office  if  Lord  High  Admiral  of  the  Unileil  Kingdom  of  Great 
‘ Britain  and  Ireland:  And  Whereas  die  faid  Royal  Marine  Forces  may  frequently  be  quartered  on  Shore, 

• or  feat  to  do  Duty  on  board  Tranfpurt  Ships  or  IVttrchaBt  Ships  or  Veflels.or  Ships  or  Veflels  of  His  Majelly 

• not  being  in  Commiffion,  where  they  will  not  be  filbjuft  to  the  Laws  relating  to  the  Government  of  His  Ma- 
‘ jetty's  Forces  by  Sea ; yet  uevertbeKfs  it  being  fcqurfiie,  for  the  retaining  of  fuch  Forces  in  dieir  Duty, 
‘ that  an  exact  difciplinc  be  obferved  j and  that  Marines  who  f hall  mutiny  or  ftir  up  Sedition,  or  (hall  defert 

• His  Majefty's  Service,  be  brought  to  a more  exemplary  and  fpeedy  Punilhment  than  the  Law  will  allow  }’ 
Be  it  enacted  by  the  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majelly,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords 
Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  ptyfent  Parliament  afTcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the 
fame,  That  from  and  after  die  Twenty  fifth  Day  inf  March  One  thuufand  eight  hundred  and  fevcntcen,  if 
any  Perfon  being  entered  or  in  Pay  as  an  Officer  of  Royal  Marines,  or  who  is  or  (hall  be  lilled  or  in  Pay  as 
a Non  Commiflioncd  Officer  or  Private  Man  in  anyjDivifion  of  Royal  Marines  in  His  Majefty’s  Service,  and 
on  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thouland  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  lhall  remain  in  fuch  Service, 
or  during  the  Continuance  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  voluntarily  entered  and  in  pay  as  a Marine  Officer  or  Private 
Man  in  His  Majefty’s  Service,  and  beftig  ordered  or  employed  in. fuch  Service  at  any  time  during  the  Con- 
tinuance of  diis  Aft,  on  Shore  in  any  Place  within  the  (aid  Kingdom,  or  in  any  other  of  His  Majefty’s  Do- 
minions, or  in  Foreign  Parts,  or  on  hoard  any  Tranfport  Ship  or  Merchant  Ship  or  Vcflel,  (hall  begin,  excite, 
caufe  or  join  in  any  Mutiny  or  Sedition  in  the  Company  to  which  he  doth  or  (halt  belong,  or  in  any  other 
Company,  Troop  or  Regiment,  either  of  Marine  or  Land  Forces,  in  His  Majefty’s  Service ; or  (hall  not 
ufe  his  utmoft  Endeavours  to  fupprefs  the  fame,  or  coming  to  the  Knowledge  of  any  fuch  Mutiny  or  intended 
Mutiny,  (hall  not,  without  Delay,  give  information.thrreof  to  His  Commanding  Officer ; or  lhall  defert  His 
Majefty’s  Service ; or  being  aftually  entered  as  a Marine  in  any  Company,  lhall  lift  himfelf  in  any  other 
Company,  Troop  or  Regiment,  or  enter  aa  a Seaman  in  Hu  Majefty’s  Service,  without  lirft  having  a Dif- 
charge  in  Writing  from  the  Officer  commanding  in  Chief  the  Company  in  which  lie  laft  ferved  a a a Marine, 

lich  cafe  he  (hall  be  reputed  a Deferter ; or  (hall  be  found  deeping  upon  his  Poll ; or  lhall  leave  it  before 
relieved  ; or  lhall  hold  Correfpondence  with  any  Rebel  or  Enemy  of  Hi»  Majefty,  or  give  them  Advice  or 
Intelligence  of  any  Kind,  by  any  ways  or  means,  or  in  any  maimer  whatfoever ; or  lhall  treat  with  fuch 
Rebels  or  Enemies,  or  enter  into  any  Condition  with  them,  without  His  Majefty's  Licence,  or  Licence  of 
the  Lord  High  Admiral  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland , or  Three  or  more  of  the 
Commiffioners  for  executing  the  Office  of  Lord  High  Admiral  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland  for  the  lime  being  ; or  (hall  ftrike  or  ufe  any.  violence  againft  hia  Superior  Officer  being  in  the  Exe- 
cution of  his  Office ; or  (hall  difobey  any  lawful  command  of  his  Superior  Officer  ; all  and  every  Perfon  and 
Perfons  fo  offending  in  any  or  either  of  the  Matters  before  mentioned  on  Shore,  in  any  Part  of  this  Kingdom, 
or  m any  other  of  His  Majefty’s  Dominions,  or  in  Foreign  Pans,  or  011  board  any  Tranfport  Ship  or  Mer- 
chant Ship  or  Veflel,  (hall  fuffer  Death,  or  fuch  other  'Punilhment  as  by  a Court  Manial  (hall  be  iudifted, 
[This  AS  it  the  fame  at  56  G.  3.  c.  u.  except  dt  to  Datei,  fs ‘c.  and  the  Set!  ion  that  it  retained .J 

cap.  xrv. 

An  Aft  to  indemnify  fuch  Perfons  in  the  United  Kingdom  as  have  omitted  to  qualify  themfelves  for 
Offices  and  Employments,  and  for  extending  the  time  limited  for  thofe  purpofes  refpeftively,  until 
the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  •,  and  to  permit  fuch 
Perfons  in  Great  Britain  as 'have  omitted  to  make  and  file  Affidavits  of  the  Execution  of  Indentures 
of  Clerks  to  Artomies  and  Solicitors  to  make  and  file  the  fame  on  or  before  the  Firft  Day  of  Hilary 
Terrfi  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen.  [2 1 ft  March  1817.] 

[Thie  Aa  it  the  fame  as  566.3.  c.  33.  except  at  to  Dates .] 

CAP.  XV. 

An  AG  to  continue,  until  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  an  AG 
of  the  Forty  Gxth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  granting  an  additional  Bounty  on  the  Export- 
ation of  the  Silk  ManufaGures  of  Great  Britain.  [21ft  March  181 7.3 

c.  1 10  ‘ XT  I HEREAS  it  is  expedient  that  an  A ft  made  iiA  the  Forty  fixtli  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign, 

• V V intituled  An  AH  for  granting,  during  the  Continuance  of  the  prefent  War  and  until  Six  Months  after 
1 the  Ratification  of  a Definitive  Treaty  of  Peace,  an  Bounty  on  the  Exportation  of  the  Silk  Manu- 

• faBuret  of  Great  Britain  ; which  was  continued' by  am  Aft  of  the  laft  Seffion  of  Parliament  until  the  Fifth 

• Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fevenleen,  (houtd  be  further  continued ;’  Be  it  therefore 
enaftrd  by  the  King's  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual 
and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  ulfcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That 

1 the 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 




C.  15 — 18. 


Fifth  Day  of  One  thoufand  eight 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  may  T> 
be  palled  in  this  prefeot  Seffion  of  Parliament. 

alfcred,  amended  or  repealed  by  any  Aft  01 


An  Act  for  railing  the  Sum  of  Eighteen  Millions,  bjj 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen. 

««  TREASURY  may  raifc  i8,ooo,oool.  by  Excheqt 
•*  The  Claufea,  See.  in  recited  Aft  extended  to  this  Aft. 

4 Exchequer  Bills  payable  out  of  Supplies  for  next  Scffiou\ 

Exchequer  Bills,  for  the  Service  of  the  Year 
[29th  March  1817.] 
(tills,  in  manner  preferibed  by  48  G.  3.  c.l . — § 1 . 
$2.  Treafury  to  apply  the  Money  railed.  #3. 

. t_, rr . § 4.  Intereft  not  exceeding  3 id .per  Cent,  per 

Diem.  §5.  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  current  at  the  Exchcqi^er  after  April?,  1818. — § 6.  Bank  of  England 

4 may  advance  1 2,000,000).  on  Credit  of  Aft,  notwithflandu 
* amended  or  repealed  this  Seffion.  5 8. 

5&6W.&M.C.  20. — 07.  Aft  may  be  altered, 


An  A&  to  repeal,  during  the  Continuance  of  Peace,  fo  much  of  an  Act  of  the  Ninth  Year  of  His 
prefent  Majeily  as  prohibits  die  Exportation  of  Pig  an  l Bar  Iron,  and  certain  Naval  Stores,  unlefs 
the  Preemption  thereof  be  offered  to  the  Commifhone  s of  HisMajcIty’s  Nary. 

4 \\J  HEREAS  by  an  Aft  pafTed  in  die  Ninth  Year  o f tl( 
4 V*  for  dif continuing,  upon  the  Exportation  of  Iron  imborte 
4 of  the  Dulii : payable  thereon  as  exceeds  the  Duties  payable  upt 

4 Exportation  of  Pig  and  Bar  Iron , and  certain  Hava I Stores, 
mijjioncrs  of  the  Navy  ; to  repeal  fo  much  of  an  AP  made  ' 

[29th  March  1817.] 
Reign  of  his  prefent  Majefty.intitulcd  /In  /IP.  ') 
in  Foreign  Ships,  the  Drawback  of  fsch  Part 
Iron  imported  in  Britilh  Ships  ; to  prohibit  the 
\lefs  the  Preemption  thereof  be  offered  to  the  Com - 
the  Sixth  Pear  of  His  prefent  Mayfly's  Feign, 

as  difconltnued  the  Drawback  upon  Foreign  Rough  Hemp  exported  ; for  providing  a Compenfation  to  the  Clerks 
r\rr  «■  .t  n ■ , r.  ■ , .£  Clerks  enjoyeabefo, 

. . - „ Match,  for  i 

bufes  in  relation  to  the  fending  and  receiving  Letters  and  Packets  free  fro 
td  amend  the  faid  AB  ; it  is  among  ft  other  Things  enacted,,  that  the 

the  Offices  of  the  Principal  Secretaries  of  State,  for  the  Advantages  ftsch  Clerks  enjoyed  before  the  Commence- 
' ■*“  ' ' " “ " *“  "*  prefent  Majejiy,  for  preventing  Frauds  and 

' ' the  Duty  of  Pojlage  ; and  to  explain 

4 men!  of  an  A3,  made  in  the  Fourth  Tear  of  the  Reign  of 

4 Abufes  in  relation  to  the  fending  and  receiving  Letters  and  Pa  J _ _ _ „ - 

nd  the  faid  AP  ; it  is  amongft  other  Things  enafted,  that  the  Preemption  or  Refufal  of  all  Pig  and 
4 Bar  Iron,  Mails,  Yards,  Bowfprits,  Tar,  Pitch,  Turpcntim , Hemp,  rough  and  uudrefted  Flax,  and  low, 

‘ lhall  be  offered  and  tendered  to  the  Commiffioncrs  of  His  M;  jefly’s  Navy  j and  that  fuch  Goods  lhall  not  be 
4 exported,  or  entered  or  laden  on  board  for  Exportation,  bef  ire  fuch  Tender,  or  beforca  Certificate  of  fuch 
4 Tender  and  Rcfual,  lhall  be  produced  and  delivered  to  the  ( Ifficer  of  the  Cuftoms,  under  the  Penalties  am 

* Forfeitures  (herein  mentioned  : And  Whereas  it  appears  no  longer  ncceflary  to  provide,  in  time  of  Peace,  ; 

* Supply  of  Naval  Storrs  for  the  public  Ufe  by  fuch  Reftraintbn  Exportation  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The 

King's  Moll  Excellent  Majeily,  by  and  with  the  Advice  andfconfent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  s 
and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  afiembled,  and  by  tSe  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  from  and  after  " 
the  palling  of  this  Aft,  and  during  the  Continuance  of  Pcafle,  fo  much  of  the  faid  Aft  as  relates  to  Inch  ( 
Tender  and  Refufal  of  Pi’ttmption  lhall  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  repealed.  p 


An  Act  to  facilitate  the  hearing  and  determining  of  Suits  In  Equity  in  His  Majefty’s  Court  of 
Exchequer  at  Wtjlmstjler.  [29th  March  1817.] 

4 \\J  HEREAS  the  Proceedings  on  the  Common  Law  Side  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer  hare  of  late  Years 

* V > greatly  increafed,  by  rcafon  whereof  a fufficienl  Proportion  of  time  cannot  be  allotted  for  hearing 
4 and  determining  Suits  in  Equity  in  the  faid  Court : And  Whereas  the  Bufincfsof  that  Court  might  be  more 
4 eafily  difpatchcd  if  the  Lord  Chief  Baron,  or  One  other  of  the  Barons  of  the  Degree  of  the  Coif,  were  duly 
4 authorized  to  hear  and  determine  Suits  and  Proceedings  on  the  Equity  Side  thereof,  a;  is  liereinafter  enafted 
Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King's  Moll  Excellent  Majeily,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the 
Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prelent  Parliament  affcmblcd,  and  by  the  Authority  of 
the  fame,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft  the  Lord  Chief  Baron  of  the  faid  Court  for  the  time  ” 
being  lhall  have  Power  to  hear  and  determine  all  Caufes,  Matters  and  Things  which  lhall  be  at  any  time  de- 
pending in  the  faid  Court  of  Exchequer  as  a Court  of  Equity  j and  that  if  the  faid  Lord  Chief  Baron  Hull 
by  Sicknefs,  or  other  unavoidable  Caufe,  be  prevented  from  fitting  for  the  Purpofes  aforrfaid,  then  it  lhall 
aud  may  be  lawful  for  His  Majeily  and  His  Succefiors  to  nominate  and  appoint  from  time  to  time,  by  War- 
rant under  the  Royal  Sign  Manual,  revocable  at  Pleafuie,  any  one  other  of  the  Barons  of  the  Degree  of  the 
Coif  of  the  faid  Court  Tor  the  time  being  to  hear  and  determine  fuch  Caufes,  Matters  and  Thing i. 

II.  And  he  it  further  enafted  by  the  Authority  nforefaid.  That  the  faid  Lord  Chief  Baron,  or  the  Baron 
fo  to  be  appointed  lhall  fit  at  fucli  times  as  the  Lord  Chief  Baron  and  fuch  Baron  fhall  relpeftively,  with  re- 
gard to  Matters  to  be  heard  before  them  refpeftivcly,  appoint,  and  whether  the  reft  of  the  Barons  of  the  faid 
Court  fhall  be  fitting  or  not  i and  that  all  Decrees,  Orders,  and  Afts  of  the  faid  Lord  Chief  Baron,  or  of 
fuch  Baron  fo  appointed  as  aforefavd,  lhall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  refpeftively,  as  the  Nature  of  tlie  Cafe 
(hall  require.  Decrees,  Orders  and  Afts  of  the  faid  Court  of  Exchequer,  and  lhall  have  Force  and  Validity 
57  Geo.  III.  D and 

m power. 

eiJ  to  ue;ei 

If  hindered,  die 
King  may  sp- 

uf  the  Barom- 
To  (it  >1  the 
Lcid  Chief 
Baico,  Uc.  (hell 

full  Fmcc ; 
fulijeet  10  :\f- 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

i8  C.18, 19.  57°  GEOEGII  III.  A.D.  1817. 

pul  to  Houfo  and  be  executed  accordingly  ; fubjcct  only  to  be  reverfed,  difcliarged  or  altered  by  the  Houfe  of  Lords,  upon 
of  Lords.  Appeal  thereto,  and  as  hereinafter  mentioned. 

Lord  Chief  III,  Provided  that  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Lord  Chief  Baron,  upon  Petition  by  any  of  the 

Burnt  or  Baron  partjes  concerned,  to  rehear  any  Caufe  or  Matter  before  decided,  ordered,  adjudged  or  decreed  by  fuch 
"chau'caufc's'0"  Lord  Chief  Baron,  or  by  any  other  Baron  appointed  as  aforefaid ; and  alfo  for  any  Baron  appointed  as 
’ aforefaid,  upon  fuch  Petition  as  aforefaid,  to  rehear  any  Caufe  or  Matter  before  decided,  ordered,  adjudged 
or  decreed  by  him  the  fame  Baron,  and  refpedively  thereupon  to  make  fuch  Order  as  may  be  juft. 


An  A£t  for  die  more  effe£lually  preventing  Seditious  Meetings  and  Aflemblies.  [31ft  March  1817.] 

* XTT’HEREAS  A (Tenth  lies  of  divers  Perfons,  collc&ed  for  the  Purpofe  or  under  the  Pretext  of  dclibc- 
‘ V\  rating  on  public  Grievances,  and  of  agreeing  on  Petitions,  Complaints,  Remondranccs,  Declarations 

• or  oilier  Addreffes  to  His  Royal  Highness  The  Prince  Regent,  or  to  both  Houfea  or  cither  Iloufe  of 
‘ Parliament,  have  of  late  been  made  ulc  of  to  ferve  the  Ends  of  faftious  and  feditious  Perfons,  to  the  great 

' ‘ Danger  and  Difturbance  of  die  Public  Peace,  have  produced  Afts  of  Riot,  Tumult  andDifordcr,  and  may 

‘ become  the  Means  of  producing  Confuiion  and  Calamities  in  the  Nation  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The 
King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal, 
Meeiiup  of  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  1 Bern  bled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  no  Meeting  of 
more  ;b,n  Fifty  any  Defcription  of  Perfons  exceeding  the  Number  of  Kifty  Perfons,  (other  than  and  except  any  Meeting  of 
Cmnt"'Me«  ^ “T  County,  Riding  or  Divifion,  called  by  the  Lord  [Lieutenant,  Cuftos  Rotulorum,  or  Sheriff  of  fuch 
:ngs,&r.  u here-  County,  or  a Meeting  called  by  the  Convener  of  any  County  or  Stcwartry  in  that  Part  of  Great  Britain 
in  mentioned,)  called  Scotland,  or  any  Meeting  called  by  Two  or  more  indices  of  the  Peace  of  the  County  or  Place  where 
fuch  Meeting  (hall  be  holden,  or  any  Meeting  of  any  County  having  different  RidingB  or  Divifions,  called 
by  any  Two  Ju dices  oF  any  One  or  more  of  fuch  Ridings  or  Divifions,  or  any  Meeting  called  by  the 
major  Part  of  the  Grand  Jury  of  the  County,  or  of  the  Divifion  of  the  County  where  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be 
holden,  at  their  General  Affizes  or  General  Quarter  Scffions  of  the  Peace,  or  any  Meeting  of  any  City  or 
Borough  or  Town  Corporate,  called  by  the  Mayor  or  other  Head  Officer  of  fuch  City  or  Borough  or  Town 
Corporate,  or  any  Meeting  of  any  Ward  or  Divifion  of  any  City,  called  bv  the  Alderman  or  other  Head 
net  to  be  holden  Officer  of  fuch  Ward  or  Divifion,  or  any  Meeting  of  jmjr  Corporate  Body),  (hall  be  holden  for  the  Purpofe 
without  Notice  or  on  the  Pretext  of  conGdering  of  or  preparing  any  'Petition,  Complaint,  Kcmondrancc  or  Declaration,  or 
bem.'  s'vtn  m other  Addrefs  to  The  King,  or  to  His  Royal  Hignnefs  The  Prince  Regent,  or  to  both  Houfes  or  either 
Gtnnl  by Seven*  Houfe  of  Parliament,  for  Alteration  of  Matters  c (lab lifted  in  Church  or  State,  or  for  the  Purpofe  or  on  the 
Houfctceepon  Pretext  of  deliberating  upon  Uy  Grievance  in  Chttrch sar  State,  unlefs  Notice  of-  the  Intention  to  hold  fuch 
at  ihe  loll.  Meeiiug,  and  of  the  time  and  Place  when  and  where  uie  fame  (hall  be  propufed  to  be  holden,  and  of  the 
Purpofe  for  which  the  fame  (hall  be  propofed  to  be  holden,  (hall  be  given,  in  the  Names  of  Seven  Perfons  at 
the  leafl,  being  Houfeholders  refident  within  the  County,  City  or  Place  where  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be  propofed 
to  be  holden,  whole  Places  of  Abode  and  Defcriptinni  (hall  be  inferted  in  fuch  Notice,  and  which  Notice 
(hall  be  given  by  public  Advertifement  in  fome  public  Newfpapcc  ufually  circulated  in  the  County  and  Divifion 
where  fuch  Meeting  Dull  be  holden.  Five  Days  at  the  lead  before  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be  holden,  or  (hall  be 

delivered  in  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  ; and  that  fuch  Notice  (hall  not  be  infcrt«l  in  any  fuch  Newfpaper 

unlefs  the  Authority  to  infert  fuch  Notice  (hall  be  figned  by  Seven  Perfons  at  the  lead,  being  Houfeholders 
refident  within  the  County,  City  or  Place  where  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be  propofed  to  be  holden,  and  named  in 
Such  Authotby  fuch  Notice,  and  unlefs  fuch  Authority  fo  Ggned  (hall  be  written  at  the  Foot  of  a true  Copy  of  fuch 
figneJ  to  bp  Notice,  and  (hall  be  delivered  to  the  Perfon  required  to  infert  the  fame  in  any  fuch  Newfpaper  as  aforefaid, 

written  it  the  which  Perfon  (hall  caufe  fuch  Notice  and  Authority  to  be  carefully  preferred,  and  fiiall  alfo  at  any  time 

(^pv  of  Notice,  a^ter  htch  Notice  (hall  have  been  inferted  in  fuch  Paper,  and  within  Fourteen  Days  after  the  Day  on  which 
ht.  ‘ fuch  Meeting  (hall  be  had,  produce  fuch  Notice  .and  Authority,  and  caufe  a true  Copy  thereof  (if  required) 

to  be  delivered  tn  any  Juftice  of  the  Peace  for  the  County,  City,  Town  or  Place  where  fuch  Perfon  (hall 
Infertraifuth  refide,  or  where  fuch  Ncwfpaner  (hall  be  printed,  and  who  (halt  require  the  fame  ; and  in  cafe  any  Perfon  (hall 
Notice  without  infert  any  fuch  Notice  in  any  Newfpaper  witltout  fuels  Authority  as  aforefaid,  or  in  cafe  any  Perfon  to  whom 
Authority,  in.  any  fuch  Notice  and  Authority  (hall  have  been  delivered  for  the  Purpofe  of  inferring  fuch  Notice  in  any  fuch 
Newfpaper  as  aforefaid  (hall  refufe  to  produce  fuch  Notice  and  Authority,  or  to  deliver  a true  Copy  thereof, 
being  thereunto  required  as  aforefaid,  within  Three  Days  after  fuch  Produftion  and  Copy  or  either  of  them 
Pensltyyol.  (hall  have  been  fo  required,  every  fuch  Perfon,  for  every  fuch  Offence,  (hall  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Fifty 
Pounds  to  any  Perfon  who  (hall  fue  for  the  fame.  ■ 

Notice  nuy  he  II.  Provided  always  nevcrthclefs,  and  be  it  further  enacted.  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  to  deliver  any  fuch 
<>ven  toCleriiof  Notice  as  aforefaid,  figned  by  the  Seven  Perfons  in  whofe  Names  fuch  Notice  dtall  be  given,  with  their  Places 
ih'll ftnda Coo*  ^ode  and  Defcription,  Five  Days  at  the  lead  before  the  Day  on  which  fuch  Meeting  lhall  be  holden,  to 

wYhree  Jurats  Clerk  of  the  Peace  of  the  County,  Riding  or  Divifion,  within  which  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be  propofed 

>•  thcltifl.  10  he  holden  ; and  fuch  Notice  fo  given  by  fuen  Means  as  aforefaid  fiiall  be  as  effe£tual  to  all  Intents  and 
Purpofes  as  if  the  fame  had  been  given  by  Public  Advertifement  inferted  in  any  fuch  Newfpaper  as  aforefaid  5 
and  fuch  Clerk  of  the  Peace  (hall  forthwith  and  withoqt  Delay,  fend  a true  Copy  of  fuch  Notice,  with  fuch 
Signatures  and  Additions  as  aforefaid,  to  Three  Judice*  of  the  Peace'  at  the  lead,  of  fuch  County,  Riding, 
or  Divifion,  or  in  cafe  the  Judices  of  the  Peace  of  the  City,  Borough  or  Town  where  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be 
propofojl  to  be  holden,  (hall  have  exclufivc  Jurifd  iftion,  then  to  Three  of  fuch  Juftices,  if  fo  many  (hall 
10  then 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1 8 r 7- 


C.  19. 

4 (hall  be  refidcnt 

ihcn  be  refidcnt  within  fuch  Jurifdiftion,  and  if  not,  then  | to  fo  many  of  fucb  Juftices 
within  fuch  cxdufive  Jurifditftion.  1 

III.  And  be  it  further  cna&ed,  That  all  Meetings  of  anlr  Defcriptiou  of  Perfona,  exceeding  the  Number 
of  Fifty  Perfona,  other  than  and  except  aa  aforefaid,  which  fhall  be  holden  without  fuch  previous  Notice  aa 
aforefaid,  for  the  Purpofe  or  on  the  Pretext  of  confideriug  pf  or  preparing  any  Petition,  Complaint,  Rcmon- 
il  ranee.  Declaration  or  other  Addrefs  to  The  King,  or  Prince  Regent,  or  both  Houfes  or  either  Houfe  of 
Parliament,  for  Alteration  of  Matters  eftablilhed  in  Churdh  or  State,  or  for  the  Purpofe  or  on  the  Pretext 
of  deliberating  on  any  Grievance  in  Church  or  State,  fliall  bp  deemed  and  taken  to  be  unlawful  Afletnblies. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  it  fliall  not  be  lawful  to  adjourn  any  Meeting  that  Audi  be  holden 
under  and  by  virtue  of  fuch  previous  Notice,  to  any  time  iter  the  Day  fpecified  in  fuch  Notice,  for  holding 
fuch  Meeting,  or  to  any  other  Place  than  that  at  which  fuen  Meeting  fliall  be  firft  holden  in  purfuance  of 
fuch  previous  Notice  ; and  that  any  Meeting  of  any  Description  of  Pcrfons,  exceeding  the  Number  of  Fifty 
Pcrfons  (except  as  aforefaid),  which  (hall  be  holden  by  waij  of  or  under  Pretence  of  being  an  Adjourned 
Meeting,  for  the  Purpofe  of  or  on  the  Pretext  of  conlidcring  of  or  preparing  any  Petition,  Complaint,  Rc- 
monftrancc,  Declaration  or  other  Addrefs  to  The  King,  or  Prince  Regent,  or  both  Houfes  or  either  Houfe  of 
Parliament,  for  Alteration  of  Matters  eftabliflied  in  Church  or  State,  or  for  the  Purpofe  or  on  the 
Pretext  of  deliberating  ou  any  Grievance  in  Church  or  State,  fliall  be  deemed  aud  taken  to  be  an  unlawful 

V.  And  be  it  further  ena&ed,  That  if  any  Perfons  exceeding  the  Number  of  Fifty  fliall  be  afTcmblcd  con- 
trary to  the  Proviflons  hereinbefore  contained,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  One  or  more  Jutticc  or 
Jufhccs  of  the  Peace,  or  the  Sheriff  of  the  County  in  which  fuch  Aflembly  (hall  be,  or  hi*  Under  Sheriff,  or 
the  Mayor  or  other  Head  Officer  or  Juftice  of  the  Peace  or  Magiftrate  of  any  City  or  Town  Corooraie  where 
fuch  Aflembly  Iball  be,  by  Proclamation  to  be  made  in  The  King's  Name,  in  the  Form  hereinafter  dire&ed, 
and  he  and  they  are  hereby  required  to  make  or  caufe  to  be  made  Proclamation  in  the  King's  Name,  to  com- 
mand all  Perfons  there  affemblcd  to  difperfc  tbemfelvcs,  and  peaceably  to  depart  to  their  Habitations,  or  to 
their  lawful  Bufincfs  ; and  if  any  fuch  Perfons  fliall,  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or  more,  notwithftanding  fuch 
Proclamation  made,  remain  or  continue  together  by  tlie  Space  of  One  Hour  after  fuch  Proclamation  made, 
that  then  fuch  continuing  together  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or  more  (hall  be  adjudged  Felony  without  Bene- 
fit of  Clergy,  and  the  Offenders  therein  fliall  be  adjudged  Felons,  and  (hall  fuffer  Death  as  in  cafes  of  Felony 
without  Benefit  of  Clergy. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafied,  That  the  Order  and  Form  of  the  Proclamation  to  be  made  as  aforefaid, 
(hall  be  as  hereafter  followeth  ; (that  is  to  fay,)  the  Juftice  of  the  Peace,  or  other  Pcrfon,  or  One  of  the 
Juftices  of  Ecace,  or  One  of  the  other  Perfons  authorized  by  this  A&  to  make  the  faid  Proclamation,  fliall, 
among  the  faid  Perfons  aflembled,  or  as  near  to  tliem  as  he  can  fafely  come,  with  a loud  Voice,  command  or 
caufe  to  be  commanded  Silence  to  be  while  Proclamation  is  making  ; and  after  that  fliall  openly  and  with  loud 
Voice  make  or  caufe  to  be  made  Proclamation  in  thefe  Words,  or  like  in  Effcft  : 

“ Our  Sovereign  Lord  the  King  chargtth  and  commanded!  all  Perfons  here  aflembled  imme- 
" diatelv  to  difpcrfe  thcmfelves,  and  peaceably  to  depart  to  their  Habitations  or  to  their 
“ lawful  Bufincfs,  upon  Pain  of  Death. 


VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  in  cafe  any  Meeting  fliall  be  holden  in  purfuance  of  any  fucb  Notice 
as  aforefaid,  and  fuch  Notice,  or  anv  Matter  which  (hall  be  tn  fuch  Notice  propofed  to  be  propounded  or  de- 
liberated upon  at  fuch  Meeting  lhall  exprefs  or  purport  that  any  matter  or  thing  bylaw  eftabliihed  may  be 
altered,  otherwife  than  by  the  Authority  of  The  King,  Lords  and  Commons,  in  Parliament  aflembled,  or 
fuch  Notice,  or  any  matter  therein  contained,  fliall  tend  to  incite  or  Air  up  the  People  to  Hatred  or  Con- 
tempt of  tlie  Perfon  of  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  or  Succeflors,  or  of  the  Government  and  Conftitution  of  this 
Ream  as  by  Law  eftablilhed,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  One  or  more  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  or  the 
Sheriff  of  the  County  where  fuch  Meeting  (hall  be,  or  his  Under  Sheriff,  or  for  the  Mayor  or  other  Head 
Officer,  or  any  Juftice  of  the  Peace  or  Magiftrate  of  any  City  or  Town  Corporate  where  any  fuch  Meeting 
(hall  be,  by  Proclamation  in  The  King’s  Name,  in  the  manner  and  Form  hereinbefore  fct  forth,  to  command 
the  Pcrfons  there  aflembled  to  difpcrle  thcmfelves,  aud  peaceably  to  depart  to  their  Habitations,  or  to  their 
lawful  Bufincfs  ; and  if  any  Perfons,  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or  more,  being  fo  commanded  bv  Pro- 
clamation made,  to  difperfc  thcmfelves  and  peaceably  to  depart  to  their  Habitations  or  to  their  lawful  Bufi- 
ncfs, fliall,  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or  more,  notwithftanding  fuch  Proclamation  made,  remain  or  continue 
together  by  the  Space  of  One  Hour  after  fucli  Proclamation  made,  that  then  fuch  continuing  together,  to  the 
Number  of  Twelve  or  more,  fliall  be  adjudged  Felony  without  Benefit  of  Clergy,  and  the  Oflenders  therein 
(hall  be  adjudged  Felons,  and  fliall  fuffer  Death  as  in  cafes  of  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy. 

VIII.  And  be  it  further  cnafled,  That  if  any  one  or  more  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  or  the  Sheriff 
or  Under  Sheriff  of  the  County,  prefent  at  any  Meeting  therein  requiring  fuch  Notice  as  aforelaid,  or  the 
Mayor  or  other  Head  Officer,  or  Juftice  of  the  Peace  or  Magiftrate  of  any  City  or  Town  Corporate,  prefent 
at  any  Meeting  therein  requiring  foch  Notice  as  aforefaid,  (hall  fee  Caufe  to  order,  and  fliall  order  any  Perfon 

Meeting]  with- 
out Notice  to  be 
deemed  unlitvfj 

Refpeding  Ad- 
journment] of 
Meeting?,  itr. 

Aflembling  cm- 

dilperfng  within 
one  Hour  after 
being  required  fo 
to  do  by  Pro. 
clonutlon  to  the 
Number  of 
Twelve  or  more. 

Meeting!  belj  in 
purfuance  of 
Notice,  where 
Notice  exprefles 
ceruio  Particu- 
lar] herein  men- 
tioned, 10  be  dif- 
perfed  by  Pro. 


Obit  reeling  Juf- 
ticea,  lie.  in  tak- 
ing Offenders 
into  Cultody, 

....  , j r any  Difc 

citing  and  ftirring  up  the  People  to  Hatred  or  Contempt  of  the  Perfon  ol  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  or  Suc- 
ceffors,  or  the  Government  and  Conftitution  of  this  Realm  as  by  Law  eftablilhed,  to  be  taken  into  Cuftody 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University'  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


A.D.  1817. 

and  Prcclrma- 

btlng  tliereupon 
mule,  »nd  Pff- 
fiinj  10 the  Num- 
ber ofTwtlvc  or 
mere  remaining 
lunger  than  One 


Power  to  Juf- 
tices  to  retort  t 
AflemhUej,  ent 

require  A3ill- 

Peiumi  not  dif- 
periing  rnlbin 
One  Hour  to  br 
apprehended  «nr 

Jutiicft.fcr.  in- 
demnified in  cafe 
of  killing  nr 

knowingly  re- 
maining, Death. 
Such  Perfons 
I'titlrufVins  Juf- 

to  be  dealt  with  according  to  Law  ; then  and  in  cafe  the  faid  Juftice  or  Juftices,  Sheriff  or  Under  Sheriff, 
Mayor,  Head  Officer  or  Magi  finite  prefent  at  fuch  Meetings  refpeftively,  or  any  of  them  refpeftively,  or 
any  Peace  Officer  acting  under  their  or  any  of  their  Orders,  lhall  be  obllrufted  in  taking  into  Cullody  any  Per- 
fon  or  Perfons  fo  ordered  to  be  taken  into  Cullody,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  any  fuch  Juft  ice  or  Juftices,  Sheriff, 
Under  Sheriff,  Mayor,  Head  Officer  or  Magillratc  refpeftively,  thereupon  to  make  or  caufe  to  be  made  fuch 
Proclamation  as  aforefaid  in  manner  and  Form  afore  laid  j and  if  any  Perfons  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or 
more,  being  commanded  by  fuch  Proclamation  to  difperfe  themfelvcs  and  peaceably  to  depart  as  aforefaid, 
(hall  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or  more,  uoiwithftanding  fuch  Proclamation  made,  remain  or  continue  toge- 
ther by  the  Space  of  One  Hour  after  Proclamation  .made,  that  then  fuch  continuing  together  to  the  Number 
of  Twelve  or  more  (hall  be  adjudged  Felony  without  Benefit  of  Clergy,  and  the  Offenders  therein  lhall  be  ad- 
judged Felons,  and  (hall  fuffer  Death  as  in  cafe  of  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy. 

IX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  every  Juftice  and  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  Sheriff,  Under  Sheriff,  Mayor 
and  other  Head  Officer  and  Magillrate  aforefaid,  is  and  are  hereby  refpeftively  authorized  and  empowered, 
on  Notice  or  Knowledge  of  any  fuch  Meeting  or  Afferably  as  is  hereinbefore  mentioned,  to  refort  to  the  Place 
where  fuch  Meeting  or  Affcmbly  (hall  be,  or  (hall  be  intended  to  be  holden,  or  to  auy  Part  thereof,  and  there 
to  do  or  order,  or  caufe  to  be  done,  all  fuch  Afts,  matters  and  things  as  the  cafe  may  require,  which- they  are 
hereby  enabled  to  do  or  order  to  be  done,  or  which  they  are  otherwife  by  Law  enabled  to  do  or  order  to  be 
done ; and  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  all  and  every  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  Sheriff,  Under  Sheriff,  Mayor,  Head 
Officer  and  Magillrate  refpeftively  as  aforefaid,  to  take  and  require  the  Affiftance  of  any  Number  of  Con- 
ftables  or  other  Officers  of  the  Peace  within  their  refpeftivc  Diilrifts,  or  within  the  Diftnft  or  Place  wherein 
every  fuch  Meeting  as  hereinbefore  mentioned  (hall  be  holden,  which  Conftablcs  and  other  Officers  of  the 
Peace  are  hereby  required  to  attend  accordingly,  and  to  give  fuch  Affiftance  as  (hall  be  neceffary  for  the  due 
Execution  of  this  Aft. 

X.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  if  fuch  Perfons  fo  affembled  as  aforefaid,  or  Twelve  or  more  of  them, 
after  Proclamation  made  in  manner  and  Form  aforefaid,  (hall  continue  together  and  not  difperfe  themfelves 
within  One  Hour,  th3t  then  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  every  Juftice  of  the  Peace,  Sheriff  or  Under 
Sheriff  of  the  County  where  fuch  Affcmbly  lhall  be,  and  alfo  to  and  for  every  High  or  Petty  Conftable,  and 
other  Peace  Officer  within  fuch  County,  and  alfo  to  and  for  every  Mayor,  Juftice  of  the  Peace,  Head  Officer, 
Magillrate,  High  or  Petty  Conftable,  and  other  Peace  Officer,  of  any  City  or  Town  Corporate  where  fuch 
Aflcmbly  (hall  be,  and  to  and  for  fuch  other  Perfon  and  Perfons  as  (hall  bn  commanded  to  be  affifting  unto  any 
fuch  Juftice  of  the  Peace,  Sheriff  or  Under  Sheriff,  Mayor,  Head  Officer  and  Magillrate  refpeftively  as 
aforefaid,  who  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered  to  command  all  His  Majclly’s  Subjefts,  of  Age  and 
Ability,  to  be  affifting  to  them  therein,  to  feize  and  apprehend,  and  they  are  hereby  required  to  feize  and 
apprehend  fuch  Perfons  fo  affembled  and  continuing  together  after  Proclamation  made  as  aforefaid,  and  forth- 
with to  carry  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  apprelieuded  before  One  or  more  of  His  Majclly’s  Juftices  of  the 
Peace  of  the  County  or  Place  where  fuch  Pcrlou  or  Perfons  (hall  be  fo  apprehended,  in  order  to  his,  her  or 
their  being  proceeded  againft  for  fuch  Offences  according  to  Law  ; and  that  if  the  Perfons  fo  affembled,  or 
any  of  them,  lhall  happen  to  be  killed,  maimed  or  hurt,  in  the  difperfing,  fei/.ing  or  apprehending,  or  en- 
deavouring to  difperfe,  feize  or  apprehend  them,  by  reafon  of  their  redding  the  Perfons  fo  difperfing, 
fei/.ing  or  apprehending,  or  endeavouring  to  difperfe,  feize  or  apprehend  them,  that  every  fuch  Juftice  of 
the  Peace,  Sheriff,  Under  Sheriff,  Mayor,  Head  Officer,  Magillrate,  High  or  Petty  Conftable  or'  other 
Peace  Officer,  and  all  and  fingulor  Perfons  being  aiding  and  affifting  to  them  or  any  of  them,  (hall  be  free, 
difeharged  and  indemnified,  as  well  againft  The  King's  Mnjcfty,  His  Heirs  and  Succcffors,  as  againft  all  and 
every  other  Perfon  and  Perfons,  of,  for  or  concerning  the  killing,  maiming  or  hurting  of  any  fuch  Perfon 
or  Perfons  fo  continuing  together  as  aforefaid  that  (hall  happen  to  be  fo  killed,  maimed  or  hurt  as  aforefaid. 

XI.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  do  or  (hall,  with  Force 
and  Arms,  wilfully  and  knowingly  oppofe,  obftruft,  or  in  any  manner  wilfully  and  knowingly  let,  hinder 
or  hurt  any  Juftice  of  the  Peace,  or  other  Perfon  authorized  as  aforefaid,  who  (hall  attend  any  fuch  Meeting 
as  aforefaid,  or  who  (hall  be  going  to  attend  »ny  fuch  Meeting,  or  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  (hall  begin  to 
proclaim,  or  go  to  proclaim,  according  to  any  Proclamation  hereby  direfted  to  be  made,  whereby  fuch  Pro- 
clamation (hall  not  be  made,  that  then  every  fuch  oppofing,  obftrufting,  letting,  hindering  or  hurting  any 
fuch  Juftice  or  other  Perfons  fo  authorized  as  aforefaid,  and  fo  attending  or  going  to  attend  any  fuch  Meeting, 
or  any  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  beginning  6r  going  to  make  any  fuch  Proclamation  as  aforefaid,  (hall  be 
adjudged  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy  j and  the  Offenders  therein  lhall  be  adjudged  Felons,  and  lhall 
fuffer  Death  as  in  cafe  of  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy  ; and  that  alfo  every  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo 
being  affembled  B3  aforefaid,  to  the  Number  of  Fifty  or  more  as  aforefaid,  to  whom  any  fuch  Proclamation  as 
aforefaid  (hould  or  ought  to  have  been  made,  if  the  fame  had  not  been  hindered  as  aforefaid,  (hall  likewife,  in 
cafe  they  or  any  of  them,  to  the  Number  of  Twelve  or  more,  (hall  continue  together  and  not  difperfe  them- 

, felves  within  One  Hour  after  Inch  Let  or  Hindrance  fo  made,  having  Knowledge  of  fuch  Let  or  Hindrance 
fo  made,  (hall  be  adjudged  Felons,  and  (hall  fuffer  D'ath  as  in  cafe  of  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy  ; 
and" that  alfo  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  being  at  any  fuch  Affembly  as  aforefaid,  (hall  with  Force  and  Arms 
wilfully  and  knowingly  oppofe,  obftruft,  of  in  any  manner  wilfully  and  knowingly  let,  hinder  or  hurt  any 
Juftice  of  the  Peace  or  other  Magillrate,  or  any  Peace  Officer,  in  apprehending  or  taking  into  Cullody,  in 
Execution  of  any  of  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  hereinbefore  contained,  any  Perfon  or  Perfons,  or  endeavouring 
fo  to  do,  that  then  every  fuch  oppofing,  obftrufting,  letting,  hindering  or  hurting,  (hall  be  adjudged  Felony, 
without  Benefit  of  Clergy ; and  the  Offenders  therein  (hall  be  adjudged  Felons,  and  (hall  fuffer  Death  as  in 
calc  of  Felony,  without  Benefit  of  Clergy. 

XII.  And 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.i8i7*  57°  GEORGII  III.  C.  ig.  21 

XII.  And  be  it  further  cna6lcd,  That  the  Sheriff*  Depute  and  their  Subftitutes,  Stewards  Depute  and  sheriff*  Depute 

their  Subilitutes,  Jufticea  of  the  Peace,  Magiftrates  of  Royal  Boroughs  and  all  other  inferior  Judges  and  in  ScwUmi  to 
Magi  It  rates,  and  alfo  all  High  and  Petty  Conllablcs,  or  other  Peace  Officers  of  any  County,  Stewart  ry,  ,hc  b“e 
City  or  Town,  within  that  Part  of  Great  Britain  called  Scotland,  fhall  have  fuch  and  the  fame  Powers  and  V *' 

Authorities  for  putting  this  prefent  Aft  in  Execution  within  Scotland,  as  the  Jutlices  of  the  Peace  and  other  Kojlind. 
Magiftrates  and  Conftables  aforefaid  refpeftively  have  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  within  and  for  the  other  Parts  of 

this  Kingdom  ; and  that  all  and  every  Perlon  and  Performs  who  fhall  at  any  time  be  conviftcd  of  any  of  the  Fe- 
lonies aforementioned,  within  that  Part  of  Great  Britain  called  Scotland,  Hull  for  every  fuch  Offence  incur 
and  fuffer  the  Pains  of  Death  and  Confifcation  of  Moveables. 

XIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted  and  declared,  That  nothing  herein  contained  (hall  be  deemed  or  Nnim  tomrjry 
conllrued  to  render  lawful  any  Notice,  or  the  Aft  of  giving  or  publilhing  any  Notice,  according  to  the  Pro-  10 ,-aw  ,l”'  ktre‘ 
vi lions  hereinbefore  contained,  which  Notice  or  Aft  wquld  liave  been  contrary  to  Law  if  this  Aft  had  not  !jy 

been  made.  | 

' XIV.  And  Whereas  divers  Places  have  of  late  been  Lfed  for  delivering  Leftures  or  Difcourfes,  and  holding  Placet  f.-r  Im- 

* Debates,  which  Leftures,  Difcourfes  or  Debates  have  in  many  Inftanccs  been  of  a feditious  and  immoral  turei  o,  Deb«r«, 

• Nature  Be  it  further  enafted,  That  every  Houfe,  Rpom,  Field  or  other  Place,  at  or  in  which  any  Lefture  '•‘vning  Mo-_ 

or  Difcourfe  (hall  be  publicly  delivered,  or  auy  public  Rebate  (hall  be  had,  on  any  Subjeft  whatever,  for  the  * 

Purpofe  of  railing  or  collefting  Money  or  any  other  valuable  thing,  from  the  Perfons  admitted,  or  to  which  deemed, 

any  Perfon  (hall  be  admitted  by  Payment  of  Money,  or  by  any  Ticket  or  Token  of  any  Kind  delivered  in  tQ  i*. 
conftderation  of  Money,  or  any  other  valuable  thing,  or  in  confcquence  of  paying  or  giving,  or  having  paid  Kw.». 

or  given,  or  having  agreed  to  pay  or  give,  in  any  manner,  any  Money  or  other  valuable  thing,  or  where  any 
Money  or  other  valuable  thing  (hall  be  received  from.  any  Perfon  admitted,  cither  under  Pretence  of  pay- 
ing for  any  Refrclhment  or  other  thing,  or  under  any  other  Pretence,  or  for  any  other  Caufe,  or  by  means 
of  any  Device  or  Contrivance  whatever,  (hall  be  deerted  a diforderly  Houfe  or  Place,  unlefs  the  fame  (hall 
lave  been  previoufly  licenfed  in  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  ; and  the  Perfon  by  whom  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  opening  fiich 
Field  or  Place  (hall  beopened  or  ufed,  for  any  of  the  Purpofcs  aforefaid,  (hall  forfeit  the  Sum  of  One  Hun-  t’ijcf', 
dred  Pounds  for  every  Day  or  Time  that  fuch  Houfe,  iRoom,  Field  or  Place  (hall  be  opened  orufed  as  afore-  p*n*,iy  toe1- 
faid,  to  fuch  Perfon  as  will  fue  for  the  fame,  and  be  otherwife  punilhed  as  the  Law  direfts  in  cafes  of  difor- 
derly  Houles ; and  every  Perfon  managing  or  conducting  the  Proceedings,  or  afting  as  Moderator,  PrcGdcnt,  Condu&ng  tbo 
or  Chairman  at  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  foiopenedor  ufed  as  aforefaid,  or  therein  debating,  or  1’ioceedmgn,  tee. 
delivering  any  Difcourfe  or  Lefture,  and  alfo  every  PcnTon  who  (hall  pay,  give,  colkft  or  receive,  or  agree  to  **  rurl1 1>lact'1 
pay,  give,  collcft  or  receive,  any  Money  or  any  Thing  for  or  in  refpeft  of  the  Admiffion  of  any  Perlon  into  e' 
any  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  or  (hall  deliver,  out,  diftributc,  or  receive  any  fitch  Ticket  or  Tickets, 
or  Token  or  Tokens  as  aforefaid,  knowing  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place  to  be  opened  or  ufed  for  any  fuch 
Purpofe  as  aforefaid,  (hall,  forevery  fuch  Offence,  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Twenty  Pounds.  Peiulty  let.  ^ 

XV.  And  lie  it  further  enafted.  That  any  Perfon  who  (hall  at  any  time  hereafter  appear,  aft  or  behave  what  Perfon,  * 
him  or  herfclf  as  Mailer  or  Miftrefs,  or  as  the  Perfon  having  the  Command,  Government  or  Management  of  deemed  to  hare 
any  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place  as  aforefaiJ,  (hall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  a Perfon  by  whom  the  *-• 

fame  is  opened  or  ufed  as  aforefaid,  and  (hall  be  liahle  to  be  fued  or  profecuted  and  punilhed  as  fuch,  notwith-  uch  “**• 
(binding  he  or  (he  be  not  in  faft  the  real  Owner  or  Occupier  thereof. 

XVJ.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  any  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  any  M-^iftnta  may 
County,  Stewartry,  City,  Borough,  Town  or  Place,  (who  (hall,  by  Information  upon  Oath,  have  reafon  to  dcmir.d  Atlmif- 
fufpeft  that  any  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  or  any!  Farts  or  Part  thereof,  are  or  is  opened  or  ufed  for  the 
Purpofe  of  delivering  Leftures  or  Difcourfes,  or  for  poblic  Debate,  contrary  to  the  ProviGons  of  this  Aft,  to  " e 
go  to  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  and  dcmaiul  to  be  admitted  therein  ; and  in  cafe  fuch  Juftice  or  Refufir*  Adm.-- 
Juftices  (hall  be  refufed  Admittance  to  fuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  or  any  Part  thereof,  the  fame 
(hall  be  deemed  a diforderly  Houfe  or  Place  within  tlr  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  Aft  j and  all  and  every  JB(,  |,CTlatry  iol! 
the  ProviGons  hereinbefore  contained  refpefting  any. Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  hereinbefore  declared 
to  be  a diforderly  Houfe  or  Place,  ftiall  be  applied  toifuch  Houfe,  Room,  Field  or  Place,  where  fuch  Ad- 
mittance (hall  have  been  refufed  as  aforefaid,  and  every  Perfon  refufmg  fuch  Admittance,  (hall  forfeit  the  Sum 
of  Twenty  Pounds. 

XVII.  Provided  ncvcrthclcfs,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  Two  or  more  Juftices  Twj  lullkee 
of  the  Peace  for  the  County,  Stewartry,  City,  Borougji,  Town  or  Place,  where  any  Houfe,  Room  or  other  licunfo 

Building  Ihallbc  intended  to  be  opened  for  any  of  the  Purpofcs  aforefaid,  by  Writing  under  their  Hands  and  for  ^ 
Seals,  at  tlicir  General  Quarter  or  General  Sc  (lions  of  |he  Peace,  or  at  any  Special  Scffion  to  be  held  for  the  u,”‘ 
particular  Purpofe,  to  grant  a Licence  to  any  Perfon  or;  Perfons  dcGring  the  fame,  to  open  fuch  Houfe,  Room 
or  other  Building,  for  the  Purpofe  of  delivering  for  Money  any  fuch  Leftures  or  Difcourfes  as  aforefaid,  or  for 
the  Purpofe  of  holding  Debates  on  any  Subjeft*,  the  fame  being  dearly  exureffed  in  fuch  Licence,  for  which 
Licence  a Fee  of  One  Shilling  and  no  more  (hall  be  paid  j and  the  fume  (hall  be  in  Force  for  the  Space  of  One  Fee  fer  Linnet. 
Year  and  no  longer,  or  for  any  lefs  Space  of  time  thereto  to  be  fpecifttd  ; and  which  Licence  it  (hall  be  lawful  Liccr.ceumy  te 
for  the  Juftices  of  the  Peace  of  the  fame  County,  Stewirtry,  City,  Borough,  Town  or  Place,  at  any  Gene-  rewind, 
ral  Quarter  or  General  Seflionsof  the  Peace,  to  revoke  and  declare  void  and  no  longer  in  force,  by  any  Order 
of  fnch  Juftices  ; a Copy  whereof  (hull  be  delivered  to  or  ferved  upon  the  Perfon  to  whom  the  laid  Licence  Cop?  cf  °'dcr 
fo  revoked  (hall  have  been  granted,  or  fliall  be  left  at  the  Houfe,  Room  or  Building  for  which  fuch  Licence  revoV  "s  be 
(hall  have  been  granted  ; and  thereupon  fuch  Licence  (hall  ccafc  and  determine,  and  be  thenceforth  utterly  void 
and  of  no  Effeft. 

XVIII.  Provided 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

Inns  of  Coui 
Greflum  Co 

« C.19.  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.  1817. 

Juflice*  may  in-  XVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enaAed,  That  4 fltall  be  lawf  ul  for  any  Juftice  or  Jufticcs  of  the  Peace 
fpefl  licMifcd  of  any  County,  Stcwartry,  City,  Borough,  Town  or  Place,  where  any  fuch  Houfe,  Room  or  other  Building 
Places.  (hall  be  liccnfed  as  herein  provided,  to  go  to  fuch  Houfe,  Room  or  Building  fo  liccnfed,  at  the  time  of  de- 

livering any  fuch  LeAure  or  Difcourfe,  or  of  holding  any  Debate  therein,  as  aforefaid,  or  ad  the  time  ap- 
pointed for  delivering  any  fuch  LeAure  or  Difcourfe,  or  of  holding  any  Debate,  and  demand  to  be  admitted 
RefuGng Admit-  therein;  and  in  cafe  fuch  Juftice  or  Jufticea  Ihall  be  reflated  Admittance  to  fuch  Houfe,  Room  or  Building, 
unce,  deemed  a the  fame  Ihall  be  deemed,  notwithftanding  4ny  fuch  Licence  as  aforefaid,  a diforderly  Houfe  or  Place  within 
dUorderly  Place,  the  meaning  . of  this  AA  ; and  all  and  every  the  Proyifions  hereinbefore  contained  refpeAing  any  Houfe, 
Room,  Field  or  Place  hereinbefore  declared  to  be  a diforderly  Houfe  or  Place,  (hall  be  applied  to  fuch  Houfe, 
Room  or  Building,  fo  liccnfed  as  aforefaid,  where  fuch  Admittance  Ihall  have  been  refuted  as  aforefaid  ; and 
Penalty  10L  every  Perfon  refufuig  fuch  Admittance  Ihall  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Twenty  Pounds,  to  any  Perfon  who  Ihall  fue 
for  the  fame. 

tn  cafe  of  fedi-  XIX.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  enacted,  That  rt  (hall  be  lawful  for  any  Two  Juflices  of  the  Peace,  acting 
tious  ur  immoral  for  any  County,  Stcwartry,  Riding,  Divifion,  City,  Town  or  Place,  upon  Evidence  on  Oath  that  any 
Lectures, Two  Houfe,  Room  or  Place,  fo  liccnfed  and  opened  as  aforefaid,  is  commonly  ufed  for  the  Purpofe  of  delivering 
CUreLlcmKe  " dtere  Lectures  or  Difcourfes  of  a feditious  or  immoral  tendency,  to  adjudge  and  declare  the  Licence  for  open- 
forfeited.  ing  the  fame  to  have  been  forfeited,  and  fuch  Licence  Ihall  thereupon  ceafe  and  determine,  and  Ihall  thence- 
forth be  utterly  void  and  of  no  EffeA. 

Provifu  for  Lee-  XX.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enacted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  Ihall  extend  or  be  conltrued 
' ” ,l,“  to  extend  to  any  LeAure  or  Difcourfes  to  be  delivered  in  any  of  the  Univerfities  of  thefe  Kingdoms  by  any 

Member  thereof,  or  any  Perfon  authorized  by  the  Chancellor,  Vice  Chancellor,  or  other  proper  Officers  of 
fuch  Univerfities  refpe&ively ; or  to  any  LeAure  or  Difcourfe  to  be  delivered  in  the  Public  Hall  of  any  of 
lege,  fee.  the  Inns  of  Court  of  Chancery,  by  any  Perfon  authorized  by  the  Benchers  of  the  Inns  of  Court,  or  by  the 
ProfcITort  in  Grrjbam  College,  or  to  the  Profeflors  in  the  College  eltablilhed  for  the  Education  of  the  Civil 
Servants  of  the  Ea/I  India  Company,  or  the  Seminarks  ellablilhed  for  the  Education  of  their  Military  Ser- 
vice, or  to  any  Society  or  Body  of  Men  incorporated  or  eftablifhed  by  Royal  Charter,  or  by  Authority  ot 
and  for  Pay-  Parliament ; and  that  no  Payment  made  to  any  Schoolraaftcr  or  other  Perfon  by  Law  allowed  to  teach  and 
menu  to  School-  inllruA  Youth,  in  refpcA  of  any  LcAures  or  Difcourfes  delivered  by  fuch  Schoolmaller  or  other  Perfon  for 
maften  for  the  InllruAion  only  of  fuch  Youth  as  Ihall  be  committed  to  his  IndruAion,  Ihall  be  deemed  a Payment  of 

LeCtura.  Money  for  Admiffinn  to  fach  LeAures  or  Difcourfes  within  the  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  AS- 

Limitation  of  XXL  Provided  always,  That  no  Perfon  Ihall  be  profccutcd  bv  virtue  of  this  Aft  for  any  thing  done  or 

Prafccminn*.  committed  contrary  to  the  Provifions  hereinbefore  contained,  unlcfs  fuch  Profccution  Ihall  be  commenced 
within  Six  Calendar  Months  after  the  Offence  committed. 

Commencement  XXII.  Provided  always,  That  all  the  Claufes  and  Provifions  licroinbcforc  contained  Ihall  commence  and 
and  Durnion  of  have  effeA  within  the  City  of  London,  and  within  Twenty  Miles  thereof,  from  the  Day  next  after  the  Day  of 
for*  oln°  ^ ' * Pa®nfJ  AA ; and  (hall  commence  and  have  cffcA,  within  all  other  Part*  of  the  Kingdom,  from  the  Ex 
XSSr  piration  of  Seven  Days  next  after  the  Day  of  palling  this  AA  ; and  (hall  be  and  continue  in  force  until  the 

Twenty-fourth  day  of  Jy/y  One  thou  land  eight  hundred  and  eighteen. 

1 XXIII.  And  Whereas  it  is  Highly  inexpedient  'tfiSt  PllbllC'Mtetings  or  Aficmblies  (hould  be  held  near 

* the  Honfes  of  Parliament,  or  near  HiB  Majedy’s  Courts  of  Jullicc  in  Wejhninflcr  Hall,  on  fuch  Days  as  are 

* hereinafter  mentioned Be  it  therefore  cnaAed,  and  it  is  hereby  etiaAed,  That  it  Ihall  not  be  lawful  for -any 
Perfon  or  Perfons  to  convene  or  tall  together,  or  to  give  any  Notice  for  convening  or  calling  together,  any 
Meeting  of  Perfons  confiding  of  more  than  Fifty  Perfons,  or  for  any  Number  or  Perfons  exceeding  Fifty 
to  meet  in  any  Street,  Square,  or  open  Place  in  the  City  or  Liberties  of  IVeJlminJler,  or  County  of  MidtUefcx, 
within  the  Dtftance  of  One  Mile  from  the  Gate  of  IVeJhninJlrr  Hall,  fave  and  except  fuch  Parts  of  the  Parilh 
of  Saint  PauPi  Covent  Garden  as  arc  within  the  faid  Diftance,  for  the  Purpofe  or  on  the  Pretext  of  cotifider- 
ing  of  or  preparing  anv  Petition,  Complaint,  Remondrance,  Declaration,  or  other  Addrefs  to  The  King,  pr- 
tt>.  His.  RayaiHiglmdi  Ihe-Triao»Regem>  or  to  both  Houfes  or  either  Houfe  of  Parliament,  for  Alteration 
of  Matters  in  Church  or  State,  on  any  Day  on  which  the  Two  Houfes  or  either  Houfe  of  Parliament  Ihall 
meet  and  fit,  or  Ihall  be  fununoned  or  adjourned  or  prorogued  to  meet  or  fit,  nor  on  any  Day  on  which 
His  Majedy’s  Courts  of  Chancery,  King’s  Bench,  Common  Pleas  and  Exchequer,  or  any  of  them,  or  any 
Judge  of  any  of  them,  Ihall  fit  in  IV ejlminfler  Hall,  any  thing  hereinbefore  contained  to  the  contrary  notwith- 
danding  ; and  that  if  any  Meeting  or  Amrmbly,  for  the  Purpofe*  or  on  the  Pretexts  aforefaid,  of  any  Per- 
fons, (hall  be  aflembled  or  holden  on  any  fuch  Day,  contrary  to  the  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  EnaAment, 
fuch  Meeting  or  AITcmbly  Ihall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  an  unlawful  AITcmbly,  by  whomfoever  or  in  con- 

ProviTo  for  fequcnce  of  what  Notice  foever  fuch  Meeting  or  AIFembly  (hall  have  been  holden  : Provided  that  nothing  in 
Meetings  eon . this  EnaAment  contained  Ihall  by  any  Condruftion  whatever  be  deemed  or  taken  to  apply  to  or  affeA  any 
timi^fMcml.ets  Meeting  convened,  called  or  holden  for  the  EleAion  of  Members  of  Parliament,  or  any  Perfons  attending 
of  Pjrlumeut.  ^u.c*1  Meeting,  or  to  any  Perfous  attending  upon  the  Bufinefs  of  either  Houfe  of  Parliament  or  any  of  the 
faid  Courts. 

Spencesn  Socie-  * XXIV.  And  Whereas  divers  Societies  or  Clubs  have  been  indituted,  in  the  Metropolis  and  in  various 

r ' ' *>arU  K>ngdo,u»  of  a dangerous  Nature  and  Tendency,  inconfident  with  the  Public  Tranquillity, 

tad  nretaMud.  ' an<^  l*,c  Exidence  of  the  eftablilhed  Government,  Laws  and  Conditution  of  the  Kingdom;  and  the  Mem- 
1 bers  of  many  of  fuch  Societies  or  Clubs  have  taken  unlawful  Oaths  and  Engagements  of  Fidelity  and  Se- 
" ^cc7».and  have  taken  or  fubferibed,  or  afiented  to,  illegal  Teds  and  Declarations;  and  many  of  the  faid 

Regulating  the 
Piece  u!  Public 
Meeting!  in 

r Clubs  clcA,  appoint  0 

mploy  Committees,  Delegates,  Reprefentatives  or  Mtflionanej  0 

* fuch 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


A.D.i8i7*  57®  GEORGII  III.  C.19. 

«,  fuch  Socitles  or  Clubs,  to  meet,  confer,  communicate  or  corrcfpond  with  otlier  Societies  or  Club3,  or  witli 
‘ Delegates,  Reprefentatives  or  Miflionaries  of  fnch  other  Societies  or  Clubs,  and  to  induce  and  perfuadc 

* other  Perfons  to  become  Members  thereof,  and  by  fucji  means  maintain  an  Influence  over  large  Bodies  of 

* Men,  and  delude  many  ignorant  and  unwary  Perfons  into  the  Commiflibn  of  Afts  highly  criminal : And 

* Whereas  certain  Societies  or  Clubs  calling  themfelves  Spenceam  or  Spntcean  Philanthropifls,  hold  and  profefs 
‘ for  their  Objeft  the  Confifcation  and  Divifion  of  the  Land,  and  the  Extinction  of  the  Funded  Property  of 

* the  Kingdom : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  and  neceffary  that  all  fuch  Societies  aud  Clubs  as  aforefaid 
‘ fhould  be  utterly  fuppreffed  and  prohibited  as  unlawful  Combinations  and  Confederacies,  highly  dangerous 
‘ to  the  Peace  and  TrauquiUityof  this  Kingdom,  and  to  the  Conflitution  of  the  Government  thereof,  as  by  Law 
‘ eftablilhed  Be  it  enacted,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Act,  all  Societies  or  Clubs  calling  them- 
felves Spenceam  or  Sbencean  Philanthropifti,  and  all  other  Societies  or  Clubs,  by  whatever  Name  or  Defcrip- 
tion  the  fame  are  called  or  known,  who  hold  and  profefs,  or  who  fliall  hold  and  profefs,  the  fame  Objefts  aud 
Doctrines,  (hall  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  utterly  fuppreffed  and  prohibited,  as  being  unlawful  Combination' 
and  Confederacies  againft  the  Government  of  our  Sovereign  Lord  the  King,  and  againft  the  Peace  and  Se- 
curity of  His  Majefty’s  b'ege  Subjects. 

XXV.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  all  and  every  the  faid  Societies  istinj 
Societies  or  Clubs,  and  alfo  all  and  every  other  Society  or  Club  now  eftablilhed  or  hereafter  to  be  eftablifhcd,  unlawful  Oirtis 
the  Members  whereof  fliall  be  required  or  admitted  to  take  any  Oath  or  Engagement  which  (hall  be  an  qn-  &c-  **«•>» 
lawful  Engagement  within  the  Meaning  of  an  Aft  palled  in  the  Thirty  feventh  Year  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign, 

intituled  An  A3  for  more  effectually  preventing  the  adminiflering  and  taking  of  unlawful  Oatbi,  or  within  tile  3 ; G.  3.  c.  123. 
Meaning  of  an  Act  pafled  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign,  intituled  An  A3  to  render  q 3,  c lo<. 
more  effectual  an  A3,  paffed  in  the  Thirty  feme  nth  Tear  of  Hit  preftnt  Mujejly,  for  preventing  the  adminiflering 
and  taking  of  unlawful  Oathi,  or  to  take  any  Oath  not  required  or  authorized  bv  Law  ; and  every  Society 
or  Club,  the  Members  whereof  or  any  of  them  lhall  take  or  in  any  manner  bind  tnemfclves  by  any  luclT Oath 
or  Engagement,  on  becoming,  or  in  order  to  become,  or  in  confequeuce  of  being  a Member  or  Members  of 
fuch  Society  or  Club  ^ and  every  Society  or  Club,  the  Members  or  any  Member  whereof  lhall  be  required  or  or  requiring,  See. 
admitted  to  take,  fublcribe  or  a (Tent  to,  or  fliall  take,  fubferibe  or  affeut  to  any  Tell  or  Declaration  not  re-  'l’e(l«_°[  De- 
quired  or  authorized  by  Law,  in  whatever  manner  or  Form  fuch  taking  or  affenting  fliall  be  performed,  w 

whether  by  Words,  Signs,  or  otherwife ; either  on  becoming  or  in  order  to  become,  or  in  confcquence  of  or  elating  Com- 
being  a Member  or  Members  of  any  fuch  Society  or  Club ; ] and  every  Society  or  Club  that  fliall  el  eft,  ap-  Dele- 

point,  nominate  or  employ  any  Committee,  Delegate  or  Delegates,  Reprefcntative  or  Reprcfentatives,  Mif-  g»tct,&c. 
fionary  or  Miflionaries,  to  meet,  confer  or  communicate  with  any  other  Society  or  Club,  or  with  any  Com-  •leemnl  gmltv  of 
mittec,  Delegate  or  Delegates,  Rcprcfentalive  or  Reprefentatives,  Mifliouary  or  Miflionaries,  of  fuch  other  ^nsii'on  within 
Society  or  Club,  or  to  induce  or  perfuadc  any  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  to  become  Members  thereof,  (hall  be  39  J 3 c 7,y_ 
deemed  and  taken  to  bf  unlawful  Combinations  and  Confederacies,  within  the  Meaning  of  an  Aft  pafled  in 
the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  A3  for  the  more  cffcBual  Sup- 
preffion  of  Societies  tflablijbtd  for  feditiout  and  treafonable  Purpofct  ; and  for  better  preventing  treafonable  and 
feditiout  PraBicet,  and  (nail  and  may  be  profccutcd,  proceeded  againft  aud  puniflied,  according  to  the  Pro- 
vifions  of  the  faid  Aft  ; and  every  Perfou  wlio,  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  lliis  Aft,  fliall  become  a Mem-  perrons  becom- 
ber  of  any  fuch  Society  or  Club,  or  who,  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft,  lhall  aft  as  a Member  thereof,  and  ing  Mtmbenof 
every  Pcrfon  wlio,  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft,  (hall  direftly  or  indireftly  maintain  Correfpondence  facl‘  Societies, 
or  Intcrcourfe  with  any  fuch  Society  or  Club,  or  with  any  Committee  or  Delegate,  Rcprefen tative  or  *“• 
Mifliouary,  or  with  any  Officer  or  Member  thereof,  as  fuch,  or  who  fliall,  by  Contribution  of  Money  or 
otherwife,  aid,  abet  or  fupport  fuch  Society  or  Club,  or  any  Members  or  Officers  thereof,  as  fuch,  fliall  be  deemed  guilty  of 
deemed  guilty  of  an  unlawful  Combination  and  Confederacy  within  the  Intent  and  Meaning  of  the  faid  Aft  unliwful  Cum- 
pafled  in  the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign,  for  the  more  effeBual Jupprejjiou  of  Societiei  eflabUJked  bin*oom^wHhia 
for  feditiout  and  treafonable  Purpofet ; and  for  better  preventing  treafonable  and  feditiout  PraBicet ; and 
fliall  and  may  be  proceeded  againft,  profecuted  and  puniflied,  according  to  the  Provifions  of  die  faid  Aft,  ag,inll  »c- 
with  regard  to  die  Profecution  and  Punilhment  of  unlawful  Combinations  and  Confederacies.  cordingly. 

XXVI.  Provided  always,  aud  be  it  further  enafted,  That  codling  in  this  Aft  contained  lhall  extend,  or  Provifufor  Free- 
bc  conftrued  to  extend,  to  any  Society  or  Societies  holdeu  under  the  Denomination  of  Lodges  of  Frccmafous,  mafons' Dodges, 
in  conformity  to  the  Rules  prevailing  in  fuch  Societies  of  Freemafons,  provided  fuch  Lodges  fliall  comply  for 

with  the  Rules  and  Regulations  contained  in  the  faid  Aft  of  the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  ’ 

relating  to  fuch  Lodges  of  Freemafons;  nor  to  any  Declaration  to  be  taken,  fubferibed  or  affented  to  by  the  pm'iantto 
Members  of  any  Society,  the  Form  of  which  Declaration  (hall  have  been  firft  approved  aud  fubferibed  by  39C.3.C.  79. 
two  or  more  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  and  confirmed  by  the  major  Part  of  the  Jufticcs  prefent  at  a General  ov!  for  .Mc«- 
Sefiion,  or  at  a General  Quarter  Sefiiona  of  the  Peace,  purfuant  to  the  Ruk's  and  Regulations  contained  in  ^Ouikcri  or  ” 
the  faid  Aft  of  tlie  Thirty  niuth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty  ; nor  (hall  extend  or  be  conftrued  to  extend  to  f0[  chiriu'Je 
any  Meeting  or  Society  of  the  People  commonly  called  Quakers  ; or  to  any  Meeting  or  Society  formed  or  puryofei. 
a (Tumbled  for  Purpofcs  of  a Religious  or  Charitable  Nature  only,  and  in  which  no  other  Matter  or  Bulincfs 
whatfoever  fliall  be  treated  of  or  difeuffed. 

* XXVIL  And  Whereas  in  the  faid  Aft  of  the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  it 

* i*  among!!  other  Things  enafted,  • That  every  Society  which  fliall  be  compofed  of  different  Divilions  or 

* Branches,  or  of  different  Parts  afting  in  any  manner  feparately  or  diflinft  from  each  other,  or  of  which  any 
‘ Part  fliall  have  any  feparate  or  diftinft  Prefident,  Secretary,  Treafarer,  Delegate  or  other  Officer  elefted 

* or  appointed  by  or  for  fuch  Part,  or  to  aft  as  an  Officer  tor  fuch  Part,  fliall  be  deemed  aud  taken  to  be 

‘ unlawful  Combinations  and  Confederacies  Be  it  enafted.  That  the  faid  Enaftmcnt  lhall  not  extend  or  be  39  g.  3.C.  79. 
conftrued  to  extend  to  any  Meeting  or  Society  of  the  People  commonly  called  Quakers,  or  to  any  Meeting  § 1.  not  to  ei- 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

24  C. 19. 

570  GEORGII  III.  A.DA817. 

Firtl  Offence, 
Further  Offcr.ce, 
Licence*  nf 
Public  Houle; 
where  unlawful 
Club*  arc  heW, 
t>  be  forfeited, 

and  Penalty. 

Penalties  «- 
cccding  aol.  hot* 
to  be  recovered. 


Penalties  not 
eiceedmg  aol. 


Ltmkatum  of 
Proiccution  fur 

AppUm'ioa  ci 




General  Iflue 
may  be  pleaded. 

Double  Cofla. 

Limitation  of 
Actions,  Lc. 

or  Society  formed  or  aflembled  for  Purpofcs  of  a Religious  or  Charitable  Nature  only,  and  in  which  no 
otheFMatter  or  Bufinefs  whatfoever  (hall  be  treated  of  or  difeuffed. 

xxvril.  And  be  it  further  drafted.  That  if  any  Perfon  (hall  knowingly  permit  any  Meeting  of  any  So- 
ciety or  Club  hereby  declared  to  be  an  unlawful  Combination  or  Confederacy,  or  of  any  Divilion,  Branch  or 
Committee  of  fuch  Society  or  Club,  to  be  held  in  any  Houfc  or  Apartment,  Building  or  other  Place,  to  him 
or  her  belonging,  or  in  his  or  her  PofTeffion  or  Occupation,  fuch  Perfon  (hall,  for  the  Firfl  Offence,  forfeit 
the  Sum  of  Five  Pounds,  and  (hall,  for  any  fuch  Offence  committed  after  the  Date  of  his  or  her  Conviction 
for  fuch  Firfl  Offence,  be  deemed  guilty  ot  an  unlawful  Combination  and  Confederacy,  in  Breach  of  this  Aft. 

XXIX.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  any  two  or  more  Jufliccs  of  the  Peace, 
acting  for  any  County,  Stewarty,  Riding,  Divifion,  City,  Town  or  Place,  upon  evidence  on  Oath  that  any 
Meeting  oF  any  Society  or  Club  hereby  declared  to  be  an  unlawful  Combination  and  Confederacy,  or  any 
Meeting  for  any  (editions  Purpofe,  hath  been  held,  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  at  any  Iioufc,  Room  or 
Place,  ucenfcd  for  the  Sale  of  Ale,  Beer,  Wine  or  Spirituous  Liquors,  with  the  Knowledge  and  Confent 
of  the  Perfon  keeping  fuch  Houfe,  Room  or  Place,  to  adjudge  and  declare  the  Licence  or  Licences  for 
felling  Ale,  Beer,  Wine  or  Spirituous  Liquors,  granted  to  the  Perfon  or  Perfon*  keeping  fuch  Houfe, 
Room  cr  Place,  to  be  forfeited  ; and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  keeping  fuch  Houfe,  Room  or  Place,  (hall, 
from  and  after  the  Day  of  the  Date  of  fuch  Adjudication  and  Declaration,  and  Notice  thereof  given  to  him, 
her  or  them,  be  fubjeft  and  liable  to  all  and  every  the  Penalties  and  Forfeitures  for  any  Aft  done  after  that 
Day,  which  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  would  be  fubjeft  and  liable  to,  if  fuch  Licence  or  Licences  had  expired, 
or  otherwife  determined  on  that  Day. 

XXX.  And  be  it  further enafted.  That  all  or  any  of  the  Pecuniary  Fines,  Penalties  or  Forfeitures,  ex- 
ceeding the  Sum  of  Twenty  Pounds,  incurred  under  this  Aft,  in  England,  Wales,  or  Berwick  upon  Tweed, 
may  be  recovered  by  Aftion  of  Debt  in  any  of  His  Majefty1*  Courts  of  Record  at  Wejlminjler,  and  in  Scot- 
land in  the  Court  of  Seflion  there ; and  it  (hall  be  fufficient  to  declare  in  England  or  conclude  in  Scotland, 
that  the  Defendant  or  Defender  is  indebted  to  the  Plaintiff  or  Purfuer  in  the  Sum  of 

(being  the  Sum  demanded  by  the  faid  Aftion)  being  forfeited  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  feventh  Year  of 
the  Reign  of  His  prefect  Majefty,  intituled  An  AS  for  the  more  effeSuallj  preventing  Seditious  Meetings  and 
AJfemblies  { and  the  Plaintiff  or  Purfuer,  if  he  (hall  recover  in  fuch  Aftion,  (hall  have  his  full  Cofts  or  Ex- 
pences ; and  any  pecuniary  Penalty  impofed  by  this  Aft  not  exceeding  the  Sum  of  Twenty  Pounds,  and  for 
the  Recovery  whereof  no  Provifion  is  hereinbefore  contained,  (hall  and  may  be  recovered  before  any  Juftice 
or  Jufticcs  ot  the  Peace  for  the  County,  Stewartry,  Riding,  Divifion,  City,  Town  or  Place,  in  which  the 
fame  (hall  be  incurred,  or  the  Perfon  having  incureed  the  fame  (hall  happen  to  be,  in  a fummary  Way  j and 
in  cafe  fuch  laft  mentioned  Penalty  (hall  not  be  forthwith  paid,  fuch  Juftice  or  Juftices  (hall,  by  Warrant 
under  his  or  their  Hand  and  Seal  or  Hands  and  Seals,  and  direfted  to  any  Conftable  or  other  Peace  Officer, 
caufe  the  fame  to  be  levied  by  Diftrrfs  and  Sale  of  the  Offender’s  Goods  and  Chattels,  together  with  all 
Cofts  and  Charges  attending  fuch  Diftrefs  and  Sale ; and  in  cafe  no  fufficient  Dillrcfs  can  be  had  or  made, 
fuch  Juftice  or  Juftices  fhaU  commit  the  Offender  to  the  Common  Gaol  or  Houfe  of  Correftion  for  fuch 
County,  Stewartry,  Riding,  Divifion,  City,  Borough,  Town  or  Place,  there  to  remain  without  Bail  or 
Mainprise,  for  any  Time  not  exceeding  Six  Calendar  Months,  nor  lefs  than  Three  Calendar  Months  : Pro- 
vided always,  that  no  Perfon  (hall  be  profecuted  or  fued  for  any  pecuniary  Penalty  impofed  by  this  Aft,  un- 
lefs  fuch  Profecution  (hall  be  commenced,  or  fuch  Aftion  (hall  be  brought  within  Three  Calendar  Months 
next  after  fuch  Penalty  (hall  have  been  incurred. 

XXXI.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  all  pecuniary  Penalties  and  Forfeitures  impofed  by  this  Aft  (hall, 
when  recovered,  either  by  Aftion  in  any  Court,  or  in  a fummary  Way  before  any  Juftice,  be  applied  and  dif- 
pnfed  of  in  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  ; that  is  to  fay.  One  Moiety  thereof  to  the  Plaintiff  in  any  fuch 
Aftion,  or  to  the  Informer  before  any  Juftice,  and  the  other  Moiety  thereof  to  His  Majefty,  Hi*  Heirs  and 

XXXII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  any  Aftion  and  Suit  which  (hall  be  brought  or  commenced 
aguiiilt  any  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  Conftable,  Peace  Officer  or  other  Perfon  or  Perfons,  in  England, 
Wales  or  the  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  for  any  thing  done  orafted  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  (hall  be 
commenced  within  Three  Calendar  Months  next  after  the  Faft  committed,  and  not  afterwards  ; and  the  Venue 
in  every  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  be  laid  in  the  proper  County  where  the  Faft  was  committed,  and  not  clfcwhcre; 
and  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  in  every  fuch  Action  or  Suit  may  plead  the  General  Iffur,  and  give  this 
Aft  and  the  Special  Matter  in  Evidence  at  any  Trial  to  be  bad  thereupon  5 and  if  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  fliall 
be  brought  or  commenced  after  the  time  limited  for  bringing  the  fame,  or  the  Venue  (hall  be  laid  in  anv  other 
Place  than  as  aforvfaid,  then  the  Jury  ihall  find  a Verdift  for  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  ; and  in  fucii  Cafe, 
or  if  the  Jury  (hall  find  a Verdift  for  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  upon  the  Merits,  or  if  the  Plaintiff  or 
Plaintiffs  (hall  become  Nonfuit,  or  difcontinne  his,  her  or  their  Aftion  after  Appearance,  or  if  upon  Demur- 
rer, Judgment  (hall  be  given  againll  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs,  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  (hall  have  Double 
Cofts  ; which  he  or  they  (hall  and  may  recover  in  fuch  and  the  fame  manner  as  any  Defendant  can  by  Law  in 
other  Cafes. 

XXXIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  every  Aftion  and  Suit  which  (hall  be  brought  or  commenced 
againft  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  in  Scotland,  for  any  thing  done  or  afted  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  (hall  in  like 
manner  be  commenced  within  Three  Calendar  Months  after  the  Faft  committed,  and  not  afterwards,  and  fliall 
be  brought  in  the  Court  of  Scffiun  in  Scotland  ; and  the  Defender  or  Defenders  may  plead  that  the  Matter 
complained  of  was  done  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  and  may  give  this  Aft  and  the  Special  Matter  in  Evidence  ; 
and  if  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  fliall  be  brought  or  commenced  after  the  time  limited  for  bringing  tlic  fame,  then 

11  the 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817.  570  GEORGII  III.  C.  19.  25 

the  fame  (hall  be  difmiffcd  ; and  in  fuch  cafe,  or  if  the  Defender  or  Defenders  (hall  be  affoilzied,  or  the  Pur- 
fuer  or  Purfuers  (hall  fuffer  the  Action  or  Suit  to  fall  afleep,  or  a Decifion  (hall  be  pronounced  again (l  the 
Purfuer  or  Purfuers  upon  the  Relevancy,  the  Defender  or  Defenders  (hall  have  Treble  Colls  or  Expcnccs;  TieM.  i . ■ 
which  he  or  they  (hall  and  may  recover  in  fuch  and  the  fame  manner  as  any  Defender  can  by  Law  recover 
Cods  or  Expences  in  other  cafes. 

XXXIV.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  Convictions  by  any  Judice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace  for  0 (fences  Form  of  Cm 
again  ft  this  Aft,  and  Adjudications  of  Forfeitures  of  Licences  to  be  made  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  (hall  or  '-Wior . 
may  be  in  the  fevcral  Forms  fet  forth  for  fuch  Purpofes  refpeftively  in  the  Schedule  to  this  A A annexed,  or  in 
Words  to  that  EfTeft. 

XXXV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  (hall  be  deemed  to  take  Afi  not  id  •*..*• 
away  or  abridge  any  Provibon  already  made  by  the  Law  of  this  Realm,  or  of  any  Part  thereof,  for  the  Sup-  oth“  Pinr.fion-. 
predion  or  Punifhment  of  any  Offence  whatfoever  defcribed  in  this  Aft.  nude  In  l.w. 

XXXVI.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  enafted,  ThSfno  Perl'on  (hall  be  profecutcd  under  this  Aft,  ‘for  having  Provifo  fur  !'c:- 
been,  before  the  pafling  of  this  Aft,  a Member  of  Any  Society  or  Club  declared  hereby  to  be  an  unlawful  ran>  luring  been 
Combination  and  Confederacy,  if  fuch  Perfon  (hall  not  in  any  manner  have  afted  as  a Member  of  fuch  Society 
or  Club  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft;  but  that  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  (hall  extend  to  prevent  any  Pro- 
fecution,  by  Indiftmcnt  or  otlierwife,  for  any  thingjwhich  (hall  be  an  Offence  within  the-Intent  and  Meaning  tlm  Aft. 
of  thia-Aft,  rnid-whielnnight  haw.  been-fu  inufimtiil if  thirAft  lwil  TrarUgWTffiitdg:  Provided  always,  that  no  HaDcuMe 
Perfon  who  (hall  be  profecutcd  and  conviftod  or  acquitted  of  any  Offence  againft  this  Aft  (hall  be  fubjeft  or  l’rnfecueuu 
liable  to  be  again  profecuted  for  the  fame  Offence  : Provided  always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  fhall  ex-  Perfon*  altv»Jv 
tend  to  difeharge  anv  Perfon  in  Cuftody  at  the  time  of  pafling  this  Aft,  or  who  having  been  in  Cuftodv  (hall  m 
have  been  difchnrged  on  Bail  or  Recognizance,  from  any  Profccution  which  might  have  been  had  againu  fuch  1,01  ' c ia‘4C 
Perfon  if  this  Aft  had  not  been  made. 

XXXVII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted.  That  in  cafe  any  Proceeding  or  Profecution  (hall  be  iufti-  Pn”sr  °*  ^ 
toted,  commenced  or  profecutcd  for  any  Offence  committed  againft  the  (aid  Aft  of  the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  ** 

His  nrefent  Majeftv,  or  againft  this  Aft,  either  by  Aftion,  or  by  Information  before  any  Jnllice  or  Juftices,  Advocate  «nd 
or  ouierwifc,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  His  Majcfty’s  Attorney  General  for  the  time  being,  as  to  any  fuch  Secretary  of 
Aftion,  Information  or  other  Proceeding  in  England , or  for  the  Lord  Advocate  of  Scotland  as  to  any  fuch  State  to  Itay 
Aftion,  Information  or  other  Proceeding  in  Scotland,  to  order  any  fuch  Aftion,  Information  or  other  Pro-  Proceedings, 
ceeding  to  he  ftayed ; and  in  cafe  of  any  Judgment  or  Conviftioo  upon  any  fuch  Aftion,  Information  or  Pro- 
ceeding, it  (hall  and  may  he  lawful  for  any  One  of  His  Majetty’s  Principal  Secretaries  of  State,  by  any  Order 
made  for  tiiat  Purpofe  under  bis  Hand,  to  (lay  the  Execution  of  fuch  Judgment  or  Conviftion,  or  to  mitigate 
or  remit  any  Fine  or  Forfeiture,  or  any  Part  thereof. 

XXXVIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  every  cafe  where  any  Houfc,  Shop  or  other  Building  Hon  flimjgc 
whatever,  or  any  Part  thereof,  lliall  be  drftroyed,  or  (hall  be  in  any  manner  damaged  or  injured,  or  where  any  dl'nc  by  tiotous 
Fixtures  thereto  attached,  or  any  Furniture,  Goods  or  Commodities  whatever  which  (hall  be  therein,  (hall  be  Xffcmbliei'to  be 
deflroyed,  taken  away,  or  damaged  by  the  Aft  or  Afts  of  any  riotous  or  tumultuous  Aflcmbly  of  Perfon*,  icc^rc'd. 
or  by  the  Aft  or  AftB  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  engaged  in  or  making  Part  of  fuch,riotous  or  tumultuous  Af- 
fembly,  the  Inhabitants  of  the  City  or  Town  in  which  fuch  Houfc,  Shop  or  Building  (hall  be  IRuate,  if  fuch 
City  or  Town  be  a County  of  itfelf,  or  is  not  within  any  Hundred,  or  utherwife  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Hun- 
dred in  which  fuch  Damage  (hall  be  done,  (hall  be  liable  to  yield  full  Compenbtion  in  Damages  to  the  Per- 
fon or  Perfons  injured  and  damnified  by  fuch  Deftruftion,  taking  away,  or  Damage  ; and  fuch  Damages  (hall 
and  may  be  demanded,  fued  for,  and  recovered  by  the  fame  Means  and  under  the  fame  Proviftons  as  arc  pro- 
vided in  and  by  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Firft  Year  of  King  George  the  Firft,  intituled  /In  Aft  for  preventing  i G.  1.  c.j. 
Tumult t and  riotoui  Affemblies , and  for  the  more  fpeedj  and  cjfeSunly  pur.ifhing  the  Rioten,  with  refpeft  to 
Perfon*  injured  and  damnified  by  the  derr.olifhing  or  pulling  down  of  any  Dwelling  Houfe  by  Perfons  unlaw- 
fully, riotoully  and  tumultuoufly  aflembled. 

XXXIX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  (hall  extend  or  be  conftrued  to  AQ  not  to  a- 
extend  to  that  Part  of  the  Uuited  Kingdom  called  Ireland.  ,ead 

XL.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  ASnuy  be  repealed  in  the  Whole,  or  in  any  Part  thereof,  or  Ail  msy  be  re- 
in any  manner  altered  or  amended,  during  the  prtfent  Scffiou  of  Parliament.  perfed,  itc.  ibis 

The  SCHEDULE  to  which  the  Bill  refers. 

I.  FORM  of  Conviftion  of  an  unlawful  Combination  and  Confederacy. 

• 1 it  remembered,  That  on  this  Day  of  io  the  Year  of  the 

« io  Wit.  j Reign  of  A . B^af  is  duly  convifted  before  roc  [or,  us]  of  His 

• Maje fly’s  Juftices  of  the  Peace  for  in  purfuance  of  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty  feventb  Year  of  the 

• Reign  of  King  George  the  Third,  [fet  forth  the  Title  of  the  Atf]  for  that  the  faid  A.  B.  after  the  palling  of 

■ the  laid  Aft,  to  wit,  on  the  Day  of  at  did,  contrary  to  the  faid  Aft, 

• become  a Member  of  [or,  at  tit  cafe  may  be ] aft  as  a Member  of,  or  maintain  a Correfpondcnce  or  Inter- 
« courfe  with,  or  by  Contribution  of  Money  or  otlierwife  abet  or  fupport  a Society  [ deferibing  the  Soeiety], 

• which  Society  is  an  unlawful  Combination  and  Confederacy  within  the  Intent  and  Meaning  of  the  faid  Aft; 

. Wherefore  I [or,  we]  the  faid  do  adjudge.  That  he  the  faid  A.  B.  do  pay 

. Tor,  be  imprifoned]  as  a Penalty  for  his  Offence  in  purfuance  of  the  faid  Aft. 

• Given  under  my  Hand  and  Seal  [or,  our  Hands  and  Seals]  this  Day  of  in  the  Year 

< of  our  Lord  , and  in  the  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  Majeftv  King  •’ 

57  CEolWlted  jmage  djgitised  by  the  IJniveifity  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

26  C.ig,2o.  57‘  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

II.  FORM  of  Adjudication  of  Forfeiture  of  Licence  to  fell  Ale,  &c. 

' 1 remembered,  That  on  this  Day  of  in  the  Year  of  the  Reign 

‘ is  Wit.  J of  His  prefent  Majefty,  A.  B.  of  being  a Perfon  Iicenfed  to  fell  [at  the  cafe  may  or] 

* is  duly  convifted  before  us,  Two  of  His  Majetty's  Juflices  of  the  Peace  for  the  County  of  in 

* purfuance  of  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty  feventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  King  George  the  Third  [fet  forth  the  Title 

* of  the  AB\  for  that  he  the  faid  A.  B.  on  at  did  permit  a Meeting  of  a 

* Society  [ deferibe  the  Society ] which  is  an  unlawful  Combination  and  Confederacy  within  the  Intent  and 

* Meaning  of  the  faid  Aft,  to  be  held  at  being  the  Houfe  [a/  the  cafe  may  be~]  of  the  faid  A.  B 

‘ wherein  he  the  faid  A.  B.  is  Iicenfed  to  fell  [at  the  eaft  may  ir]  : Wherefore  we  the  [aid 

‘ do  adjudge  and  declare,  that  the  Licence  [cr,  Licences,  at  the  cafe  may  he]  is  [or,  are]  for  fuels  Olfenc  ■ 

‘ forfeited.  Given  under  our  Hands  and  Seals,  this  Day  of  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord 

* , and  in  the  Year  of  die  Reign  of  His  Majefty  King 

III.  FORM  of  Conviftion  for  Offences  fubjeft  to  Pecuniary  Penalties. 

‘ RE  it  remembered,  That  on  this  Day  of  in  the  Year  of  the  Reign 

‘ of  A.  B.  of  is  duly  conviftcd  before  me  [or,  us]  of  Hit 

‘ Majcfty’s  Juftices  of  the  Peace  for  in  purfuance  of  an  Aft  of  the  Fifty  feventh  Year  of  the 

* Reign  of  King  George  the  Third  [fel  forth  the  Title  of  the  AB~\  for  that  the  faid  A.  B.  after  the  palling 

* of  the  faid  Aft,  on  at  did,  contrary  to  the  faid  Aft  [here  fpecify  nay  Offence 

‘ aZa"‘ft  ‘he  A3,  at  the  cafe  may  ir]  : Wherefore  I [or,  we]  the  Taid  do  adjudge  that 

‘ the  laid  A.  B.  do  pay  the  Sum  of  as  a Penalty  for  this  Offence  in  purfuance  of  the  faid  Aft.’ 

CAP.  XX. 

An  A£l  for  making  further  Regulations  in  refpe£l  to  the  Pay  of  die  Officers  of  the  Royal  Navy,  in 
certain  cafes  therein  mentioned.  [3 1 ft  March  1817.] 

‘ XT7HEREAS  it  is  expedient  to  amend  and  extend  the  Provifions  of  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Thirty  fifth 
| V V Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  AB  to  enable  Petty  Off  cert  in  the  Navy,  and 
f Seamen,  Non  Commiffioned  Off  cert  of  Marinet  and  Marine!  ferving  in  Hit  Majejly'i  Navy,  to  allot  Part  of  their 
i Pay  for  the  Maintenance  of  their  Wives  and  Familier  ; and  of  another  Aft  paffed  in  the  fame  Year,  intituled 

' An  AB  for  eflabli/hing  a more  eafy  and  exprditiaut  Method for  the  punBua!  and frequent  Payment  of  the  Wages 
1 and  Pay  of  certain  Officer!  belonging  to  Hit  Majejly't  Navy  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King’s  Moll 
Excellent  Majefty,  by  nnd  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  aud  Temporal,  and  Commons, 
Regulation!  ai  to  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affemblcd,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this 
tn-  Aft,  it  (liall  and  may  be  lJvvful  to  and  for  every  Captain,  Commander,  Lieutenant  commanding  the  Vcffel  in 

drawing  upon  ? he  (haH’ferve,  Surgeon  and  Surgeon  (in  Ships  and  Veffels  in  which  there  (hall  be  no  Surgeons). 

Commiflioneu  >n  the  Naval  Service  of  His  Majefty,  being  entitled  to  Full  Pay,  at  the  End  and  Expiration  of  every  Three 
of  t!ir  Navy  for  Months,  Six  Months,  Niue  Months  or  Twelve  Months  (as  fuch  Officer  may  think  proper),  but  not  for  a lefs 
their  Pay,  at  Period  than  Three  Months,  (except  as  hereinafter  mentioned, ) to  draw  a Bill  or  Bills  upon  the  Commiffioners 
^'s  Majetty’s  Navy  for  the  net  Amount  of  Three  Fourths  only  of  the  Pay  (fubjeft  to  fuch  Dcduftions  as 
1 il.  15th Nov.n"  hereinafter  mentioned)  of  fuch  Captain,  Commander,  Lieutenant  commanding,  or  Surgeon  refpeftively,  as 
eftablifhed  by  an  Order  of  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent  in  Council,  bearing  Date  the  Twenty 
fifth  Day  of  November  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fixteen,  or  as  (hall  hereafter  be  eftablifhed  by  any  Ordrr 
And  at  to  Flag  in  Council  of  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  or  Succeffors  j and  that  it  (hall  alfo  he  lawful  for  any  Flag  Officer, 
Offictn,  he.  Lieutenant  not  commanding  the  Ship  or  Veffcl  in  which  he  (hall  be  ferving,  Phyfician  of  the  Fleet,  Matter, 
drawing  for  Pay.  Second  Matter,  Chaplain,  Admiral’s  Secretary  and  Affiftant  Surgeon,  entitled  to  Full  Pay,,  and  having  no 
Accounts  to  pafs,  in  like  manner  at  the  End  of  every  Three  Months,  or  fuch  longer  Period  as  above  men- 
tioned, but  not  for  a lefs  Period  than  Three  Months,  (except  as  hereinafter  mentioned,)  to  draw  upon  the 
faid  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Navy  for  the  whole  net  Amount  (fubjeft  as  aforefaid)  of  his  Pay  as  fo 

Ami  ai  to  eftablilhcd  or  to  bt  cftablilhcd  as  aforefaid ; and  alfo  for  every  paffed  Mate,  paffed  Midlhipman,  Secretary’s 
h ‘ ^*erk’  Captain’s  Clerk  and  Sclioolmafter  entitled  to  Full  Pay,  in  like  manner  to  draw  upon  the  faid  Commif- 
ttwT”*  °r  e'r  f,oncrs  al  t‘lc  End  of  every  Six  Lunar  Months  or  T welve  Mouths  for  the  whole  net  Amount  ( fubjeft  as  aforo- 
faid)  of  his  Pay  as  fo  dlabliffied  or  to  be  eftablifhed  as  aforefaid  ; the  firft  Payment  of  the  faid  Pay  fo  to  be. 
drawn  for  by  the  faid  feveral  Officers  to  be  computed  from  the  Firft  Day  of  January  One  thoufand  eight 
Officers!.' t»«nf.  hundred  and  fcvcnlecn  : Provided  always,  that  not  any  of  the  faiJ  Officers  whofe  Duty  it  lhall  be  to  tranfinit 
Logs,  Journals,  Returns  or  other  Documents,  cither  to  the  Commiffioners  for  executing  the  Office  of  Lord 
.'  High  Admiral,  or  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Admiralty,  or  to  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Navy,  (liall 
'riy, fce.  be  entitled  to  receive  any  Half  Pay  which  may  be  in  courfe  of  Payment,  until  he  (hall  have  duly  traufmitted 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  every  fuch  Bill  drawn  by  any  Lieutenant  not  commanding  the  Ship 
it  Vcffel  in  which  lie  may  be  ferving,  Matter,  Chaplain,  Surgeon,  Affittaiit  Surgeon,  Second  Matter,  Mate, 
1 3 Midlhipman, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  iSi7-  57°  GEORGII  111.  C. 20.  27 

Midfhipman,  Clerk  or  Schoolmaftcr,  under  the  Authority  of  this  Aft,  (hall  be  certified  by  the  Purfer,  and  p.irfcr,  and  ip- 
approved  by  the  Captain  of  the  Ship  to  which  lie  (hall  belong ; and  fuch  Purfer  (hall  by  fo  certifying  be  held  proved  by  Cip- 
Tefponfible  that  fuch  Bill  is  not  for  a greater  Sum  than  the  Officer  drawing  it  had  a Right  to  draw  For,  after  “in,  fcc- 
any  Debt  for  Slops,  Dead  Men’s  Clothes,  or  other  Charges  (landing  in  the  Ship’s  Books,  hath  been  abated  yut&tttnOj 
from  the  Amount  of  his  Pay  for  the  Period  for  which  the  Bill  is  drawn  ; and  the  Captain  of  fuch  Ship  (hall  not* 

by  fo  approving  be  held  refponfible  that  Officer  drawing  has  been  borne  for  Pay  during  the  faid  Period,  and  for  mure  than 
is  entitled  by  this  Aft  to  draw,  and  that  the  Purfer  hath  previoufly  certified  his  Rigljt  to  draw  for  the  Sum  doc. 
in  the  Bill  mentioned;  and  fuch  Bill,  Certificate  and  Approval,  and  alfo  the  Alignment  thereof  for  Payment  0(  Dill 
by  the  Treffurer  of  the  Navy,  (hall  be  in  the  Form  fet  forth  in  the  Schedule  to  this  Aft  marked  (A.),  or  Certificate, Ac. 
to  the  like  Effeft. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  every  fuch  Bill  drawn  by  any  Phyficiau  as  aforefaid  under  the  Bills  drawn  bv 

Authority  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  approved  by  the  Commander  in  Chief  tor  the  time  being  of  the  Fleet  or  l’hyfician,  Sc- 
Squadron  of  which  the  Perfon  fo  drawing  (hall  be  Phyfician ; and  that  every  fuch  Bill  drawn  by  any  fuch  tretary,Seti«- 
Secretary  (hall  be  approved  by  the  Flag  Officer  to  whom  he  (hall  be  afting  as  Secretary ; and  that  every  fuch  “P' ! "r1 
Bil?  drawn  by  any  Secretary’s  Clerk  fiiall  be  approved  by  fuch  Secretary ; and  the  faid  Commander  in  ° 'l' 

Chief,  Flag  Officer  and  Secretary  refpeftively,  (hall  by  fo  approving  be  held  refponfible  that  the  Phyfician, 

Secrciary  or  Secretary’s  Clerk  refpeftively  fo  drawing  hath  been  borne  for  Pay  during  the  Period  for  which 

the  Bill  is  drawn,  and  is  entitled  by  this  Aft  to  draw  for  his  Pay. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  fuch  Mate  or  Midfliipman  (hall  be  entitled  to  draw  for  his  Pay  Mitciand  Mi.l- 
untd  he  (hall  have  patted  the  preferibed  Examinations  touching  his  Qualifications  to  ferve  as  Lieutenant  at  <h'l»nen  no:  en- 
thc  Royal  Naval  College,  and  before  Three  Captains,  or  fuch  other  Examinations  as  (hall  be  from  time  to  wlid  toilnw  n'.l 
time  duly  preferibed  and  required  in  that  Behalf,  ami  (hall  have  produced  to  the  Captain  of  the  Ship  to  which 

luch  Mate  or  Midfhipman  belongs  Certificates  of  his  having  parted  both  fuch  Examinations,  for  which  ,uire,i  Eximiu,- 
Pnrpofe  Duplicates  of  fuch  Certificates  (hall  be  given  him  at  the  time  of  parting:  Provided  always,  that  it  lion, 

, may  *>.c  lawful  for  every  fuch  Mate  or  Midfliipman  fo  to  draw,  and  far  fuch  Captain  to  approve  Piovifo  for  uie 

the  Bill  drawn  by  fuch  Mate  or  Midfliipman,  although  lie  (hall  not  have  pafled  at  the  faid  Royal  Naval  "?  which  Cipum 
College,  or  produced  a Certificate  of  his  having  parted  the  fame,  if  hid  Certificate  of  his  having  parted  his  SSfiKmuth 
Examination  before  Three  Captains,  to  be  dated  prior  to  the  Firft  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hun-  Mate,  4c.  have 
tired  and  fixteen,  or  to  the  Day  on  which  the  faid  Order  of  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Admiralty  eftablilhing  nor  paired  F.xa- 
ihc  faid  Regulations  was  received  on  any.  Foreign  Station  where  fuch  Mate  or  Midfliipman  was  then  ferving.  ""nation. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  fo  much  of  the  faid  recited  Aft,  intituled  An  AS  for  ejlabli/hing  a So  much  of 

more  tafy  and  expeditious  Method  for  the  punctual  and  frequent  Payment  of  the  {Pages  and  Pay  of  certain  35G.3.  c.94. 
Officers  belonging  to  His  Mayfly's  Navy,  as  authorizes  any  Captain,  Commander,  Lieutenant,  Matter  or  “ “'if* 

Surgeon  who  (hall  be  fent  to  Sick  Quarters,  and  remain  there  for  a longer  time  than  Six  Weeks,  to  draw  or  ftm  ^ Sick'"4 
caufe  to  be  drawn  at  the  End  of  fuch  Six  Weeks  a Bill  or  Set  of  Bills  upon  the  Commiffioners  of  His  nuntuitodrjw 
Majetly’s  Navy,  for  the  Net  Perfooal  Wages  or  Pay  due  to  him  to  the  Day  of  die  Expiration  of  Six  Weeks  at  the  End  of 
■from  and  after  his  having  been  fo  fent  to  Sick  Quarters,  (hall  from  and  after  the  patting  of  this  Aft  be  and  the  Si,  Weeki,  re- 
iame  is  hereby  repealed : Provided  always,  that  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  every  fuch  Captain,  jj*  and. fu,h 
Cwninaiider,  Lieutenant,  Matter  and  Surgeon  who  (hall  be  fo  fent  to  Sick  Quarters,  to  draw  a Bill  upon  the  ,ion,  -ro  refteft 
faid  Commiffioners  of  the  Navy,  for  the  Pay  or  Proportion  of  Pay  fas  by  this  Aft  allowed)  that  may  be  of  Officers  draw- 
due  to  him  on  the  Day  of  his  being  difeharged  to  Sick  Quarters;  fuch  Bill,  (as  to  a Lieutenant,  Matter,  or  ins  fur  the  Pay 
burgeon,)  being  certified  and  approved  in  like  manner  as  is  hereinbefore  direfted  with  refpeft  to  other  Bills  Jjieoi'  the D»y 
drawn  under  the  Authority  of  this  Aft,  and  being  indorfed  upon  or  accompanied  with  a Certificate,  under  the  cjcfcOuane  1° 
Hand  of  the  Phyfician  or  Surgeon  having  Superintendence  of  the  Hofpital  or  Sick  Quarters  to  which  fuch  *U  1 ' 

Officer  (hall  have  been  fo  difeharged,  of  the  Day  on  which  he  (hall  have  been  received  into  fuch  Hofpital  or 

Sick  Quarters. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  Second  Matters,  parted  Mates  and  parted  Midfliipmen,  Clerks  and  Second  Mailer,, 

Schoolm alters,  permitted  by  this  Aft  to  draw  for  the  Whole  or  any  Part  of  their  Pay,  (hall  be  and  they  are  *c‘  re‘ 

reftnftcd  and  prohibited  from  allotting  any  Portion  of  their  Pay  as  heretofore ; and  that  all  the  Enaftments,  Jrom  “* 

Provilions  and  Regulations,  with  refpeft  to  the  drawing  of  Bills  or  Allotment  of  Pay,  contained  in  either  heretofore  4c. 
of  the  faid  .recited  Afts  refpeftively,  or  in  any  other  Aft  or  Afts,  (hall  from  and  after  the  parting  of  this  Aft  Fornwr  En,fl' 
be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  applicable  to  the  Bills  to  be  drawn  and  Allotments  allowed  by  or  under  this  Aft,  mt"<’  relating 
in  the  lame  manner  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofcs  as  if  the  fame  were  fully  and  particularly  repeated  and  re-  'PP1'- 

enafted  herein,  except  fo  far  as  the  fame  arc  hereinbefpre  repealed  or  altered  ; any  thing  hereinbefore  contained  " eI° 

to  the  contrary  thereof  in  anywife  notwithftanding. 

ky  fod  Aft  patted  m the  Thirty  fifth  Year  of  His  Majetty’s  Reign,  intituled  35  G.  3.094. 
"jei  f0rr  f>a°Hfhing  a more  eafy  and  expeditious  Method  for  the  punSual  and  frequent  Payment  of  the  {Pages  &*• 
ofcertatn  Officers  belonging  to  His  Majejly's  Navy,  it  is  provided,  that  every  Commiffioned  Officer, 

* £ta“er  and  Surgeon  of  His  Majefty’*  Navy  on  Half  Pay,  when  appointed  to  a Ship,  may,  if  no  Impreft 
‘ lianas  agamft  him,  receive  the  Arrears  of  Half  Pay  due  to  him  by  an  Order  on  die  Treafurer  of  the  Navy  : 

‘ And  Whereas  it  would  tend  much  to  the  Convenience  of  fuch  Officers,  Matters  and  Surgeons  if  they  were 
‘enabled  to  draw  and  negotiate  a Bill  or  Bills  for  fuch  Arrears  of  their  Half  Pay  as  hereinafter  mentioned  j* 
therefore  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  parting  of  this  Aft  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  every  Com- 
millioned  Officer,  Matter  and  Surgeon  in  the  Naval  Service  of  Hie  Majefty,  to  whom  any  Arrears  of  Half  Cnmmiffioccd 
ay  may  be  due,  and  who  lhall  be  appointed  to  command  or  ferve  on  board  any  Ship  or  Veffel  of  His  Majefty,  on 

w ich  may  be  fitting  at  any  Port  of  Great  Britain,  after  receiving  his  Commiffion  or  Warrant  of  Appoint-  * 

F.  1 ment.  ‘ ‘"'"n’t 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

57°  GEORG1I  III. 

meat,  if  he  I hull  he  deiirous  of  drawing  a Bill  or  Bills  for  his  Arrears  of  Half  Pay,  to  apply  for  that  Purpofc 
by  Letter  directed  to  the  Commiffioners  of  Hia  Majeftv’a  Navy,  traufmitiing  the  ufual  Affidavit  and  Certifi- 
cate of  the  Day  when  he  commenced  Full  Pay,  and  that  thereupon  the  faid  Commiffioners  or  any  Three  of 

them,  liaving  afeertained  that  no  Imprcll  is  Handing  again ll  him,  or  that  the  Imprell  againll  him  (if  any)  is 
cleared,  ffiolT  caufe  the  Amount  of  Half  Pav  due  to  fuch  Officer,  Mailer  or  Surgeon  to  be  afeertained  and 
du(y  attefted,  and  tranfmit  to  fucli  Officer,  Mailer  or  Surgeou,  a Certificate  or  Statement  thereof,  together 
with  the  Form  of  a Bill  as  in  the  Schedule  to  this  Aft  marked  (B.),  or.  to  the  like  Effeft,  to  be  drawn  by 
fuch  Officer,  Malter  or  Surgeon ; who,  upon  Receipt  thereof,  may  and  is  hereby  authorized  to  draw  and 
negotiate  fuch  Bill  for  the  Amount  fo  certified  to  be  due,  and  which  faid  Bill  (hall  be  affigned  for  Payment  on, 
and  paid  bv  the  Treafurcr  of  the  Navy,  and  be  a fufficient  Voucher  and  Difcharge  to  liim  for  fuch  Payment  in 
his  Annual  Account. 

VIII.  And  Whereas  by  the  faid  laft  recited  Aft  it  is  provided,  that  Commiffioned  Officers  in  the  Navy 
‘ appointed  to  Ships  from  Half  Pay,  having  no  Impreft  (landing  againll  them,  may  obtain  Three  Months’ 
‘ Pay  in  Advance,  by  an  Order  upon  the  Treafurerof  the  Navy  : And  Whereas  it  would  be  a Convenience  to 
« fucli  Officers,  as  well  as  to  Chaplains,  Mailers,  Surgeons  and  Affillant  Surgeons,  who  may  be  appointed  in 
1 like  maimer,  if  lliey  were  enabled  to  obtain  fuch  Advance  by  Means  of  a Bill  to  be  drawn  and  negociated 
1 and  paid  as  is  hereinbefore  provided  for  the  Payment  of  Arrears  of  Half  Pay  ; ’ Be  it  therefore  cuadted,  That 
from  and  after  the  paffing  of  this  Aft,  every  Commiffioned  Officer,  Chaplain,  Mailer,  Surgeon  and  Affillant 
Surgeon  in  the  Naval  Service  of  His  Majefty,  who  (hall  be  appointed  as  aforefaid,  and  lhau  have  been  pre- 
viously Three  Calendar  Months  oil  Half  Pay,  and  lhall  not  nave  any  Imprell  Handing  againll  him  uncleared, 

( may  apply  for  fuch  Three  Months’  Pay  in  Advance  by  Letter  direfted  to  the  Commiffioners  of  His  MajeHy’s 
Navy,  traurmitting  a Certificate  of  the  Day  when  he  commenced  Full  Pay  j whereupon  the  faid  Commif- 
fioners, or  any  Three  of  them,  having  afeertained  that  fuch  Officer  hath  been  previoufly  Three  Months  on  Half 
Pay,  and  tliat  no  Impreft  is  Handing  againll  him,  or  that  the  Impreft  (if  any)  againll  him  is  cleared,  lhall 
,1  tranfmit  to  fucli  Officer  a Certificate,  and  the  Form  of  a Bill  as  in  the  Schedule  to  this  Aft  marked  (C.) 
or  to  the  like  Effeft,  to  be  drawn  by  him,  and  fuch  Officer  upon  the  Receipt  thereof  is  hereby  authorized 
to  draw  mid  negociate  fuch  Bill  accordingly  ; and  which  faid  Bill,  lhall  be  affigned  for  Payment  on  and 
paid  by  the  Treafnrer  of  the  Navy,  and  be  a fufficient  Voucher  or  Difcharge  to  him  for  fuch  Payment  in 
his  annual  Account. 

‘ IX.  And  Whereas  by  the  find  laft  recited  Aft  it  is  provided,  that  if  Commiffioned  Officers,  Mailers,  Sur- 
‘ geons  in  the  Navy,  and  every  other  Defcription  of  Officers  by  this  Aft  authorized  to  draw  for  Pay,  have 
« pa(Ted  their  Accounts  for  every  Ship  in  which  they  may  have  ferved,  Three  Commiffioners  of  the  Navy  lhall 
« make  out  Certificates,  diftinguilhed  by  the  Name  of  General  Certificates,  fpecifying  the  net  Amount  of  the 

• Pay  which  fhall  appear  to  be  due  to  fuch  Officers,  and  (hall  direft  the  Amount  to  be  carried  to  the  Credit  of 

• fuch  Officer’s  Account  Current  : but  no  Mode  being  provided  therein  for  the  Payment  of  the  Balance  of  fuch 

• Pay  due  and  not  drawn  for ;’  Be  it  therefore  enafted.  That  every  fuch  Commiffioned  Officer,  Mailer,  Surgeon, 
or  other  Officer  who  lhall  have  paffed  his  Accounts  and  obtained  fuch  General  Certificate  as  in  the  faid  recited 
Aft  is  mentioned,  the  Amount  of  which  the  faid  Commiffioners  lhall  have  direfted  to  be  carried  to  the  Credit 
of  fuch  Officer’s  Account  under  the  faid  recited  Aft,  the  faid  Officer  is  hereby  authorized  (upon  the  Back  of 
fuch  General  Certificate  as  (hall  be  delivered  or  tranfmitted  to  him,  or  to  his  Agent  in  purfuance  of  the 

■ Direftion  contained  in  the  faid  recited  Aft)  to  make  the  faid  General  Certificate  negotiable  in  the  Nature  of 
a Bill  of  Exchange  by  an  Indorfement  thereon,  making  the  Contents  thereof  payable  to  his  Order  ; which 
’ Indorfement,  and  any  fubfequent  one  that  may  be  made  upon  the  faid  Certificate,  lhall  be  fufficient  Authority 
j to  the  Treafurer  of  the  Navy  to  pay  the  Amount  of  the  faid  General  Certificate  to  the  Officer  therein 
named,  or  to  the  Indorfee  thereof,  as  the  cafe  may  require ; and  (hall  be  a fufficient  Voucher  and  Difcharge 
to  the  faid  Treafurcr  for  fuch  Payment  in  his  annual  Account. 

X.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  aty  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  (hall  fnlfely  make,  forge  or  counterfeit,  or 
caufe  or  procure  to  be  falfely  made,  forged  or  counterfeited,  or  (hall  willingly  aft  or  affift  in  the  falfe  making, 
forging  or  counterfeiting  of  any  fuch  Authority,  Certificate,  Bill,  Approval  or  Affignment  as  is  hereinbefore 
mentioned,  or  (hall  utter  or  publifh  as  true  any  fuch  falfe,  forged,  or  counterfeited  Authority,  Certificate,  Bill, 
Approval  or  Affignment,  knowing  the  fame  to  be  falfe,  forged  or  counterfeited,  with  Intent  to  defraud  any 
Perfon  or  Perfons,  Body  or  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate ; every  fuch  Pcrfon  fo  offending  (hall  be  deemed 
guilty  of  Felony,  and  being  thereof  lawfully  convifted,  ifhall  fuffer  Death  as  a Felon  without  Benefit  of 

0 XI.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  Bill  which  (hall  be  drawn  under  or  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  (hall  be 
fubject  or  lmble  to  or  be  charged  or  chargeable  with  any  Stamp  Duty  whatever. 

‘ XII.  And  Whereas  Sick  Tickets,  Uafcrviceabk  Tickets,  Foreign  Remove  Tickets  and  Difcharge  Tickets, 

• made  out  to  Inferior  and  Petty  Officers,  Seamen,  Non  Commiffioned  Officers  of  Marines  and  Marines,  in  pur- 

• fuance  of  the  fever al  Afts  of  Parliament  paffed  in  the  Thirty  firil  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  late  Majcfty, 

‘ King  George  the  Second,  intituled  An  Aft  for  the  Encouragement  of  Seamen  employed  in  the  Royal  Navy,  and 
' for  a "gu/ar  Method  for  the  punftual , frequent  and  certain  Payment  of  their  IVaget  ; and  for 

• enabling  them  more  eafily  and  readily  to  remit  the  fame  for  the  Support  of  their  Wives  and  Families  ; and  for 
■ preventing  Fraudt  and  Alujtt  attending  fuch  Paymenti  ; and  of  another  Aft  paffed  in  the  Thirty  fecond  Year 

• of  His  prefent  Majcfty’*  Reign,  intituled  An  Aft  for  explaining  and  amending  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Thirty  JirJl 

• T ear  of  the  Reign  of  Bit  late  Majejly  King  George  the  Second,  intituled  An  Aft  for  the  Encouragement  e f 

• Seamen  employed  in  the  Royal  Navy,  and  for  ejlabiybing  a regular  Method  for  the  punBual,  frequent  and 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


AD.  1 8 j 7.  570  GEORGil  111.  C-a o. 

* certain  Payment  of 'their  Wages ; and for  enabling  them  more  taftly  and  readily  to  remit  the  fame  for  the  Sup- 
« port  of  their  Wives  and  Families  ; and  for  preventing  Frauds  and  Abufcs  attending  fuch  Payments  ; and 

* for  further  extending  the  Benefits  thereof  to  Petty  Officers  and  Seamen,  Non  Commijjltmed Officers  of  Marines  and 
« Marines , ferving  or  who  may  have  ferved  on  board  any  of  His  Majejly's  Shift;  are  not  faleablc  or  trans- 

* ferrable,  but  are  payable  only  to  the  Perfons  therein  named  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  fimilar  Tickets 

* made  out  to  the  Commiilion  and  Warrant  Officers  of  the  Royal  Nary  fhould  be  Fubieft  to  the  like  Regula- 
1 tiona  Be  it  therefore  cnafted,  That  from  and  after  the  paffing  of  this  Aft  no  Sick  Ticket,  Unferviceable  SickTrekemic. 
Ticket,  Foreign  Remove  Ticket  or  Difcharge  Ticket,  to  be  made  out  to  any  Commiflion  or  Warrant  nottranrfemhlc. 
Officer  in  the  Royal  Navy,  flmll  be  falcable  or  transferable  ; but  every  fuch  Ticket  (hall  be  paid  only  to 

the  Party  in  whofe  Favour  the  fame  (hall  be  made  out ; and  that  all  Sales,  Affignments  or  Transfers  of  any 
fuch  Ticket  (hall  be  abfolutely  null  and  void,  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes  ; any  Law  or  Wage  to  the  contrary 
in  anywife  notwithilanding. 

SCHEDULES  to  which  this  Aft  refers. 


Firft  Rate  (Britannia),  Lieutenant  Thomas  Bowling,  entered  tft  January  1817. 

Full  Pay  from  til  January  to  25th  March  1817  -------- 

£ /.  d. 

Amount  of  Deduftion  for  Slops,  Sic.  - --  --  --  - 

Ditto  - - for  Dead  Men’s  Clothes  ------ 

Nett  Pay  £ 

Certified  by 

A-  B.  Purfer. 


TEN  Days  after  Sight  (my  Second  and  Third  Bill  of  this  Tenor  and  Date  not  being  paid)  pleafe  to  pay 
to  John  Bull,  or  Order,  the  Sum  of  being  the 

nett  Pay  due  to  me  as  Firlt  Lieutenant  of  His  Majctty’s  Ship  (Britannia),  between  ill  January  and  25th 
March  1817,  for  Value  received. 

Thomas  Bowling. 

Approved  by 

C.  D.  Captain  of  His  Majefty’s  Ship  (Britannia). 

To  the  Commiffioners  or  His 
Majelly’s  Navy,  London. 


No.  I.  Navy  Office,  3d  April  1817. 

To  be  paid  by  the  Trcafurer  of  His  Majcfly’si  Navy  out  of  Monies  received  under  the  Head  of  Wages  to 
Pay  Officers. 

m..  r.  1 

G.  H.  > Commiffioners  of  the  Navy. 
/.  K.) 

N.  B.  The  forging  of  this  Bill,  or  the  Purfer’s  Certificate,  Captain’s  Approval,  or  the  Affignment 
thereof  for  Payment,  or  procuring  any  other  Perfon  to  forge  or  utter  the  fame  with  an  Intention  to 
defraud  any  Perfon  or  Bodv  Politic  or  Corporate,  is  made  Felony  without  Benefit  of  Clergy  by  the 
Aft  of  57  Geo.  3.  Cap. 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C.  20. 

A.D.  1817. 



Navy  Office.  — Order  for  Arrears  of  Half  Pay. 




Half  Hay. 

To  what  Ship'  , » 

appointed.  vH™®- 


N“.  of  Dayi. 

3d.  per/; 





' 1 

P.  E.O.  G.  D. 


AT  Three  Days’  Sight  pay  to  or  Order,  the  Sum  of 

due  to  me  for  Arrears  of  Half  Pay  as  above  Hated.  Thomat  Bowling. 

To  the  Commiflioners  of  His  Majelly’s  Navy,  London. 

THE  Sum  of  to  be  paid  by  the  Trcafurer  of  His  Majelly’s  Navy,  out  of  Money  received  under 

the  Head  of  Half  Pay. 

E.  F.  I 

G.  H.  > Commiflioners  of  the  Navy. 

To  the  Treafurcrof  His  Majefty’s  Natfy,  London.  /.  K.  J 



Ship's  Name. 

Officer’s  Name. 


When  entitled  to 
Full  Pay. 

THESE  are  to  certify  there  is  no  Imprell  againll 
Dated  the  Day  of  18 

Pay  for  Three  Months’  Advance  £ 

At  the  Day  of  18  . 


AT  Three  Days’  Sight,  pleafe  to  pay  to  or  Order,  the  Sum  of 

being  for  Three  Months’  Advance  of  Pay  to  me,  between  the  Day  of 

Day  of 

To  the  Commiffionefs  of  His  Majelly’s  Navy,  London. 

G B. 

r.  Ss.  0. 

and  the 

Navy  Office,  the  Dayof  t8  . 


THE  Sum  of  to  be  paid  by  the  Trcafurer  of  His  Majclly’s  Navy,  out  of  Monies 

seceived  under  the  Head  of  Wages  to  pay  Officers,  being  for  Three  Months’  nett  Pay  in  advance,  to  the 
Day  of  18  . 

E.F.  1 

G.  H.  > Commiflioners  of  the  Navy. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  die  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817. 

57*  GEORGI1  111. 




jo  G.  3.  e.  109.  ^ 



An  Aft  to  revive  and  continue  for  Two  Years,  and  from  thence  until  the  End  of  the  then  next 
Seflion  of  Parliament,  Two  AQs  made  in  the  Forty  feventh  and  Fiftieth  Years  of  His  prefent 
Majefty,  for  the  preventing  improper  Perfons  from  having  Arms  in  Irelapd.  [29th  April  1817.] 

« YT7HEREAS  an  Act  was  made  in  the  Forty  fevpntli  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

' V V intituled  An  A3  to  prevent  improper  Perfont  front  having  Armi  in  Ireland,  to  continue  in  force  from 

* the  parting  thereof  for  Two  Years,  and  from  thence  untilithe  End  of  the  then  next  Seflion  of  Parliament  : 

* Ana  Whereas  by  an  Ait  made  in  the  Fiftieth  Year  of  Hi|  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign  the  faid  recited  Aft  was 
‘ continued  for  Two  Years,  and  from  thence  until  the^Eud  of  the  then  next  Seflion  of  Parliament,  and 
1 amended  : And  Whereas  by  an  Act  made  in  the  Fifty  tlgrd  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign  both  the 

* faid  recited  Afts  were  further  continued  for  Two  Years,- and  from  thence  until  the  End  of  the  then  next 

* Seflion  of  Parliament ; and  it  is  expedient  that  the  laid  rep ited  Acts  of  the  Forty  feventh  and  Fiftieth  Years 

' of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign  Ihould  be  revived  and  fuitber  continued  ;*  Be  it  therefore  enacted  by  The 
King’B  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal, 
and  Conftnons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  the  faid  recited 
Aft  of  the  Forty  feventh  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Rtign,  as  the  faid  Aft  h amended  by  the  faid  recited 
Aft  made  in  the  Fiftieth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Rqgn,  and  alfo  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  laid  Fif- 
tieth Year,  iball  be  and  the  faid  Two  Afts  are  hereby  reviw-d  and  further  continued,  and  fhall  be,  remain  and 
continue  in  force  for  Two  Years,  from  and  after  the  paflinglof- this  Aft,  and  from  thence  until  the  End  of  the 
theu  next  Seflion  of  Parliament.  \ 


An  Aft  to  amend  Two  Afts  of  the  Fifty  fourth  and  Fifty  fifth  Years  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign, 
to  provide  for  the  better  Execution  of  the  Laws  in  Ireland , by  appointing  Superintending  Magif- 
trates  and  additional  Conftables  in  Counties  in  certain  cafes.  [29th  April  1817.] 

1 T \J  HEREAS  an  Aft  was  parted  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  Majcfty's  Reign  to  provide  for  the  54  0.3.  0131. 

‘ VY  better  Execution  of  the  Laws  in  Ireland,  by  appointing  Superintending  Magillrates  and  additional 
1 Conftables  in  Counties  in  certain  Cafes  ; which  Aft  was  amended  by  an  Aft  parted  Tor  that  Purpofe  in  the 

* Fifty  fifth  Year  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign  : And  Whereas,  by  and  under  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  full  recited 
‘ Aft,  Power  is  given  to  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  oilier  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland,  for  die  Aid 

* and  Support  of  any  Chief  Magiltraie,  duly  appointed  as  therein  mentioned,  refpeftively  to  appoint  a Chief 

* Conllable,  and  any  Number  of  Sub  Conftables  not  exceeding  Fifty  5 and  by  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  laft  c<  G.  7.  c- 13. 

* recited  Aft,  in  cafe  the  Office  of  fuch  Chief  Magiftratc  fhall  extend  into  Two  Counties,  a fimilar  Power  is 

* given  to  place  a fimilar  Ellablifhment,  if  neccflaryj  under  his  Orders,  in  each  of  fuch  Counties : And 

* Whereas  it  may  be  fufficient  in  certain  cafes  to  appoint  One  Chief  Magiftrate  only  for  more  Baronies  than 

* One,  or  for  a more  extended  Diftrift  in  the  fame  County,  provided  that  fuch  Chief  Magiftrate  (hall  have 
‘ die  Aid  and  Support  of  an  increafed  Number  of  Chief  and  Sub  Conftables Be  it  therefore  ennfted  by  The 
King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal, 

and  Commons,  in  this  prefeut  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  it  lhall  and  may  Lord Lieuun  r.- 
be  lawful  to  and  for  the  Lord  Lieutenant,  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  m»y  »ppvmj 
to  appoint,  for  the  Aid  and  Support  of  any  fuch  Chief  Magiftrate,  fuch  and  fo  many  Chief  and  Sub  Conftables  ConflaUtato1' 
as  fuch  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  lhall  think  proper : Provided  always,  that  t|le ,(. 
there  lhall  not  in  any  cafe  be  more  than  One  fuch  Chief  Conllable,  nor  more  than  Fifty  fuch  Sub  Conftables,  mi,,.  ' 

for  any  One  Barony  or  Half  Barony,  or  for  any  County  of  a City,  or  County  of  a Town,  or  Diftrift  of  lefl  The  Numhej. 
Extent  than  any  Barony  or  Half  Barony  of  fuch  County  in  which  fuch  Diftrift  is  lltuate. 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  all  and  every  the  Claufes  and  Provifions  in  the  faid  Afts  refpeftively  Recited  Aft,  i» 
contained  (hall  apply  to  all  and  every  the  Chief  Conllable  and  Chief  ConilaHes,  Sub  Conllable  and  Sub  Con-  “JJgdio  ,ucl‘ 
(tables  fo  to  be  appointed,  in  the  fame  manner  in  all  refpefts  as  if  they  had  been  appointed  under  the  faid  Afts  c 

* III.  And  Whereas,  under  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  recited  Afts,  all  and  every  the  Salaries,  Allowances,  LovdUrurenam 

* Colls,  Charges  and  Expences  therein  mentioned  refpeftively  arc  direfted  to  be  borne  and  defrayed  by  Prc-  Jueft  T« 

* fentment  in  manner  therein  provided  refpeftively  ; and  it  may  happen  that  the  whole  of  fuch  Expcnce  may  in 
1 certain  cafes  be  found  too  burthenfome  upon  the  County,  Barony,  Half  Barony,  or  other  Diftrift  or  Part  of 

‘ a County  by  which  the  faid  Salaries,  Allowances,  Colts,  Charges  and  Expences  are  by  the  faid  Afts  re-  cecuting  iccitcd 

* quired  to  be  borne  and  defrayed  by  Preferment  as  aforefaid  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  it  (hall  and  may  Aft,  to  bsp-ud 
he  lawful  to  and  for  the  Lord. Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  oi*  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  lime  being,  ■>ut  Confoli- 
by  the  Advice  of  the  Privy  Council  in  Ireland,  to  order  and  direft  that  any  Part  or  Portion  not  exceeding  T wo 

Thirds  of  all  and  every  Salaries,  Allowances,  Rents,  Taxes,  Colls,  Charges  nnd  Expences,  which  lliall  at  any  „,ebe  berne  by  * 
time  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft  be  incurred  or  become  payable  under  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  recited  ptefentmeax. 
Afts  pr  either  of  them,  or  of  this  Aft,  fhall  abfolutely  and  finally  be  payable  and  paid  by  and  out  of  the 
Confolidatcd  Fund,  and  that  the  Rtiidue  only  Iball  be  borne  and  defrayed  by  Prefentment,  in  manner  m 
the  faid  Afts  provided  refpeftively. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  the  Chief  Secretary  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant,  or  other  Chief  Go-  At  count,  of  Pro- 
vernor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  (ball  from  time  to  time  caufc  Accounts  to  be  prepared  tbnwtions,  *ni1 
c of  Appointments 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C .22,23,  24. 

57°  GEORG1I  III. 


of  all  Proclamations  iffucd  under  or  by  virtue  of  the  faitl  recited  Ads,  fpccifying  die  Counties,  Baronies  and 
Diftrifts  by  fuch  Proclamations  rcfpeftively  declared  to  be  in  a State  of  Dillurbance ; and  alfo  of  the  Names 
of  all  Chid7  Magillrates  and  other  Officers  appointed  for  the  Execution  of  the  laid  recited  Ads  in  fuch  Coun- 
ties, Baronies  and  Di  ft  rids  refpedivdy  ; and  alfo  of  the  Amount  of  all  Salaries,  Allowances,  Rents,  Taxes, 
Cofta,  Charges  ar.d  Expenccs  incurred  in  confequence  of  any  fuch  Proclamations  j and  that  fuch  Chief  Secre- 
tary (hall  caufe  fuch  Accounts  to  be  from  time  to  time  laid  before  both  Houfes  of  Parliament  within  One 
Calendar  Month  next  after  the  Commencement  of  each  Seflion  of  Parliament. 


An  Ad  to  further  continue,  until  the  Twenty-fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 
twenty,  an  A£l  of  the  Seventh  Year  of  King  George  the  Second,  for  the  free  Importation  of 
Cochineal  and  Indigo.  [29th  April  1817." 

1 XT  THE  REAS  an  Ad  was  made  in  the  Seventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  late  Majcfty  King  George  the 
1 W Second,  intituled  An  Ad  for  the  Revival  of  p/i  AS  made  in  the  Thirteenth  Tear  of  the  Reign  of  Hi: 

‘ late  Maicfy  King  George  the  Firjl,  intituled  An  A Afar  the  free  Importation  of  Cochineal  during  the  Time 
' therein  limited,  and  alfo  for  the  free  Importation  of  Indigo,  which  was  to  continue  in  force,  from  the  Twenty 
‘ fourth  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  feven  hundred  and!  thirty  four,  for  the  Term  of  Seven  Years,  and  from 

* thence  to  the  End  of  the  then  next  Scffion  of  Parliamait ; and  which  hy  feveral  fubCequcnt  Ads  was  further 
‘ continued  from  the  Expiration  thereof  until  the  Twenty!  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 

* fourteen : And  Whereas  by  an  Ad  puffed  in  the  Fifty  [fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty  the  laid  Ad  was 
‘ revived  from  the  faid  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One!  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fourteen,  and  continued 
‘ in  force  until  Nine  Months  after  the  Conclufion  of  the  teen  prefent  War  : And  Whereas  by  an  Ad  paffed  f 

* the  laft  Scffion  of  Parliament  the  faid  Ad  was  again  tlevived  and  further  continued  until  the  Twenty  fifth 

‘ Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fevemeen  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  faid  Ad 
‘ fhould  be  further  continued  Be  it  therefore  cnaded  by  The  King’s  Mofl  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with 

the  Advice  and  Confcnt  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  af- 
fembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  the  fid  Ad  fhall  continue  in  force  from  the  faid  T wenty 
fifth  day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feven  teen  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One 
thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty. 

II.  And  be  it  further  euaded.  That  this  Ad  may  be  altered,  amended,  or  repealed  by  any  Ad  or  Ads  to 
be  palled  in  the  prefent  Scfliun  of  Parliament. 


An  A£l  to  alter  and  enlarge  the  Powers  of  an  Ad,  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent 
Majefty,  intituled  An  AH  for  the  further  Improvement  af  the  Land  Revenue  of  the  Crown. 

[23d  May  1817.] 

* YT7  HE  REAS  by  an  Ad  paffed  in  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled 

* VV  An  AB  for  mahing  a more  convenient  Communication  from  Mary  le  Bone  Park  and  the  Northern  Party 
‘ of  the  Metropolis,  in  the  Parijh  of  Saint  Mary  Ie  Bone,  to  Charing  Crofs  within  the  Liberty  of  Weftminfter, 
‘ and for  mahing  a more  convenient  Sewage  for  the  fame,  it  was  enacted,  that  the  Commifftoners  for  the  time 

* being  of  His  Majefty ’s  Woods,  Forclts  and  Land  Revenues  fhould  be  and  they  were  thereby  appointrd 

* Commiffioncrs  for  carrying  the  Purpofcs  of  the  faid  Ad  into  Execution,  and  they  were  thereby  empowered 

* to  borrow  and  take  up  at  Intereft  from  time  to  time  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  to  enable  them  to  carry  the 

* feveral  Purpofcs  of  the  (aid  Ad  into  Execution,  as  they  fhould  judge  neceffary,  not  exceeding  the  Two 
‘ feveral  Sums  of  Five  hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  and  One  hundred  thoufand  Pounds : And  Whereas  by  an 
‘ Ad  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  AB  for  the  further 
‘ Improvement  of  the  Land  Revenue  of  the  Crown,  it  was  amongft  other  Things  enaded,  that  it  fhould  and 

* might  be  lawful  to  and  for  the  Commilfioners  for  executing  tne  faid  recited  Ad  paffed  in  the  Fifty  third 
‘ Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Approbation  of  the  Lord  High  Treafurer  or 

* the  Commiffioncrs  for  executing  the  Office  of  Lord  High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being,  or  any  Three  or 
‘ more  of  them,  and  not  withii  sliding  any  Provifion,  Reftndbn  or  Claufc  contained  in  any  Ad  or  Ada  of 

* Parliament  relating  to  His  Majefty’s  Land  Revenues,  to  borrow  and  take  up  at  Intereft  fuch  Sum  or  Sums 
of  Money  as  they  the  faid  Commiffioncrs  for  executing  the  faid  recited  Ad  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  aforefaid, 

* with  fuch  Approbation  as  aforefaid,  fhould  judge  neceffary  for  the  Purpofcs  of  the  faid  Ad,  not  exceeding 
1 what  Ihould  then  remain  to  be  raffed  of  the  faid  Two  Sums  of  Five  Hundred  thoufand  Pounds  and  One 
' hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  by  any  Loan  or  Loans  upon  the  Credit  of  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown  ; 
‘ and  k was  thereby  further  declared  and  enaded,  that  it  fhould  and  might  be  lawful  to  and  for  any  Per  (on  or 

* Pcrfons,  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Companies,  (other  than  except  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the 
Bank  of  England,  the  Governor  and  Company  of  Merchants  of  Great  Britain  trading  to  the  South  Seas 

* and  other  Parts  of  America,  and  the  United  Company  of  Merchants  of  England  trading  to  the  Eajl  Indict,) 

* to  advance  or  lend  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money,  or  any  Part  or  Parts  of  the  Capital  or  other  Monies  or 
‘ Funds  of  or  belonging  to  fuch  Perfbn  or  Perfons,  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Companies,  not  exceeding 
‘ what  fhould  then  remain  to  be  raffed  of  the  faid  Two  Sums  of  Five  hundred  thoufand  Pounds  and 
‘ One  hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  to  the  laid  Commiffioncrs  for  executing  the  faid  laft  mentioned  Aft, 

* upon  the  Credit  of  the  faid  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown,  fo  as  that  all  fuch  Loans  fhould  be  made  by  and 

* with 

Printed  image  digitised  by  die  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817. 




* with  the  Approbation  of  the  faid  Lord  High  Treafurer  or  the  Commiffioners  for  executing  the  Office  of 

* Lord  High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being,  or  anjr  Tliree  or  more  of  them,  who  was  or  were  thereby  au- 
‘ thorized  to  iffue  his  or  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  for  that  Purpofe : And  Whereas  the  faid  Commiffioners 

* for  carrying  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty  into  Execu- 
4 tion,  hare,  fince  the  palling  of  the  faid  lafl  recited  Aft,  borrowed  of  the  Corporation  of  the  Royal  Exchange 

* AJfurance  the  Sum  of  Three  hundred  thoufand  Pounds  in  Part  of  the  faid  feveral  Sums  of  Five  hundred 
4 thoufand  Pounds  and  One  hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  upon  the  Credit  of  the  faid  Land  Revenues : And 
‘ Whereas  it  would  tend  to  facilitate  the  raffing  the  Remainder  of  the  faid  Sums  of  Five  hundred  thoufand 
4 Pounds  and  One  hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  if  the  Powers  of  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of 

* His  prefent  Majefty’*  Reign  were  extended  in  manner  herein  after  mentioned  May  it  therefore  plcafe  Your 

Mnjefty  that  it  may  be  enafted  j and  be  it  enafted  by  The  King’s  Mofl.  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the 
Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prclent  Parliament  af- 
r ' ' • ■ * r , r " **  ' ' 1 fi  " Perfon*  whomfoever,  Certain  Csgul 

fcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  any  Perfon 
r any  Bodies  Politic  " " • > * 

r Corporate,  or  Companies  whatfoever,  to  advance  or  lend  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Monies  or  ( 
Money,  or  any  Part  or  Parts  of  the  Capital  or  other  Monies  or  Funds  of  or  belonging  to  fuch  Perfon  or 
Perfons,  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Companies,  not  exceeding  in  Amount  what  now  remains  to  be  raifed  on*fh(.  Qnij|t  of 
of  the  faid  Two  Sums  of  Five  hundred  thoufand  Pounds  and  One  hundred  thoufand  Pounds,  to  the  Com-  the  Land  Re»«- 
rniffioners  for  the  time  being  for  executing  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  Hit  nueaofthc 
faid  Male  fly,  upon  the  Credit  of  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown,  fubjeft  and  without  Prejudice  to  the  Sum  Crown, 
fo  already  advanced  by  the  faid  Royal  Exchange  AJfurnnee  Company,  and  to  the  Provifions  made  by  the  faid 
recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  Majelly’s  Reign  for  the  Repayment  thereof,  and  for  the  Pay- 
ment of  the  Intereft  thereof,  (fo  as  that  all  fuch  Loans  be  made  by  and  with  the  Approbation  of  the  Lord  Such  Lmniobc 
High  Treafurer  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  or  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Ma-  T*1' T''h  lhc 
jelly’s  Treafury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  or  any  Three  or  *'i° 

more  of  them,  who  is  or  are  hereby  authorized  to  iffue  bis  or  their  Warrantor  Warrants  for  that  Purpofe,! 
notwithftanding  any  Tiling  contained  to  the  contrary  in  an  Aft  of  Parliament  made  and  palled  in  the  Fiftn  n01.vnMtjnd.n5 
and  Sixth  Years  of  the  Reign  of  their  late  Majeflies  King  William  and  Queen  Mary,  intituled  An  A8  for  5 k 6 W.  It  M. 
granting  to  their  Majejlies  feveral  Rates  and  Duties  upon  Tonnage  of  Shift  and  Veffeh,  and  upon  Beer,  Ale  and  *■ 10 ' 
other  Liquors,  for  fecuring  certain  Recompences  and  Advantages  in  the  faid  AS  mentioned  to  fuch  Perfons  as 
fhall  voluntarily  advance  the  Sum  of  Fifteen  hundred  thoufand  Pounds  towards  carrying  on  the  War  agasnjl 
France  5 or  in  an  Aft  of  Parliament  made  and  palled  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent 
Majefty,  intituled  An  AS  to  amend  and  continue,  until  One  Month  after  the  Conclujion  of  the  prefent  War,  the  38  O. 3.  c.  1. 
Provifions  contained  in  an  AS  pajfed  in  the  Seffion  of  Parliament  of  the  Thirty  Jixtb  and  Thirty  feventh  Tears  of 

n Payments  of  Ca(h  by  the  Bank  ; and  notwithftanding  any  Thing  contained  in  any  other  Aft  or  Afts  of 
Parliament,  or  Statute,  or  Charter,  Bye  Law,  or  Ordinance  5 and  that  every  fueh  Loan  fo  to  be  made  (hall  Every  fuch  I-nan 
be  deemed  to  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  declared  to  bv,  a Loan  upon  a Parliamentary  Security  5 and  the  faid 
Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown  (hall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be,  and  are  hereby  declared  to  be,  a Part  or  Parts,  Security.  " 
Branch  or  Branches  of  the  Revenues  of  His  Majefty,  upon  which  a Credit  of  Loan  to  the  Extent  of  the  re- 
fpeftive  Sums  fo  to  be  advanced  or  raifed  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  is  granted  by  Parliament,  and  upon 
which  any  Part  or  Parts  of  the  Capital  or  other  Monies  or  Funds  of  any  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons,  Bodies  Po- 
litic or  Corporate,  or  Companies  whatfoever,  may  be  advanced  within  the  true  Intent  and  Meaning  of  any 
Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament,  Charter,  Bye  Law,  Statute,  or  Ordinance  whereby  any  Monies  arc  authorized  or 
permitted  to  be  advanced  npon  Parliamentary  Security,  or  any  Part  or  Parts,  Branch  or  Branches  of  the  Re- 
venue of  His  Majefty  upon  which  a Credit  of  Loan  is  granted  by  Parliament ; and  every  fuch  Loan  (hall  be 
good,  valid,  and  effeftual ; any  Exception  contained  in  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  the 
Reign  of  his  laid  Majefty,  or  any  Provifion  contained  in  the  Statutes  of  Mortmain,  or  in  any  other  Statute, 

Charter, ^ Bye  Law  or  Ordinance,  to  the  contrary  in  anywife  notwithftanding ; but  fubjeft  and  without  preju-  Pfev*  fot 


for  die  Repayment  thereof,  and  for  the  Payment  of  the  Intereft  thereof  as  aforefaid. 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  and  every  Perfon  and  Perfons,  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Perfons  adi—- 
Compames  whatfoever,  who  (hall  agree  to  lend  any  Money  upon  the  Credit  of  the  faid  Land  Revenues,  ‘(hall  mg  Money  m 
receive  a Certificate  under  the  Hands  and  Seals  of  Two  or  more  of  the  Commiffioners  for  executing  the  faid  j'*,°  Certj6caie 
recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  in  the  Form  or  to  the  Effeft  following  : the  CWomtf-  T 

•JN  purfuance  of  a Warrant  from  the  Right  Honourable  the  Lord  High  Treafurer  of  the  Uuited  Kingdom  Conns. 

of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  [or,  from  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury  of  the  United  Form  of  the 
Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  as  she  cafe  fhall  ir]  bearing  Date  the  Day  of  Ccrofiea.e. 

, we,  A.  and  B.,  Two  of  the  Commiffioners  for  executing  an  Aft  palled  in  the  Fifty  third 
Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  AS  for  matting  a more  convenient  Communication 
from  Mary  le  Bone  Park  and  the  Northern  Parts  of  the  Metropolis,  in  the  Parifh  of  Saint  Mary  le  Bone,  to 
Charing  Crofs  within  tbs  Liberty  of  Weftminfter,  and for  mating  a more  convenient  Sewage  for  thr  fame ; in 
exercife  of  the  Powers  veiled  in  us  by  the  (aid  Aft,  and  by  another  Aft  palled  in  the  Fifty  fonrth  Year  of 
the  Reign  of  His  faid  Majefty,  intituled  An  AS  for  the  farther  Improvement  of  the  Land  Revenue  of  the 
Crown,  and  of  another  Aft  paffed  in  the  Fifty  feventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  faid  Majefty,  intituled  An 
AS  [oe re  infer t the  Title  of  this  Aff\  do  hereby  certify,  that  C ■ D ■ [infer t the  Name,  Title  cr  Defsriptmn  of 
57  Geo.  III.  F * the 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  -of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


Ceitlfieite  to  Ik 
witntlTed  by  One 
of  the  Sea-c- 
urie! or  Clerk  t 
to  the  Commif 

Receipt  by 
Cafhicr  of  the 

Form  of  Receipt. 

Certificate  and 
Receipt  to  be 
enrolled  in  Office 
of  Audicor  of 
Hia  Mejefly'a 
Lind  Revenue! 
for  Middlefex. 

Loam  charged 

Frovifo  for  Loan 
by  Royal  Ex- 
change Aflur- 
ance  Company, 

make  Payment t 

In  cafe  any  Put 
of  the  Principal 
Loan,  or  of  the 
Imereti  thereof, 
he  unpaid  for 
Three  Month:, 

C.24.  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

‘ 1 hi  Ptrfon  or  Perfonr,  Body  or  Bodiet  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Company,  by  whom  or  on  vihofe  Behalf  the  Loan 

* it  to  be  advanced ] hath  [or,  have]  contra fted  and  agreed  to  advance  and  lend  to  the  faid  Commiffioners  for 

* executing  the  faid  ASs,  upon  the  Credit  of  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown,  the  Sum  of 

* to  be  applied  by  them  for  and  towards  the  carrying  the  fcveral  Purpofes  of  the  faid  ASs  into  Execution  ; 
‘ which  Sum  is  to  be  paid  by  the  laid  C.  D.  to  One  of  the  Cafhiers  of  the  Bank  of  England,  and  to  be  car- 

* ried  to  the  Account  of  the  Comraiffioners  of  His  Majdty’s  Woods,  Forefts  and  Land  Revenues,  being 

* ‘ The  New  Street  Account  j’  and  from  and  immediately  alter  the  Payment  of  the  fame  in  manner  aforefaid, 

* the  faid  Sum  of  lhall,  by  virtue  of  the  faid  Adis,  become  and  be  a Loan  charged  upon  the 

« Whole  of  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown,  (but  fubjeS  and  without  prejudice  to  the  Sum  of  Three  hund- 
‘ red  thoufand  Pounds  advanced  by  the  Corporation  of  the  Royal  Exchange  AJfuranee,  and  to  the  Provifion 

* made  by  the  faid  Adi  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign  for  the  Repayment  thereof,  and  for 

* the  Payment  of  the  Interell  thereof)  ; and  fuch  Revenues  mail,  fubjedt  as  aforefaid,  from  thenceforth  be 

* charged  with  and  liable  to  the  Repayment  of  the  faid  Capital  Sums  fo  to  be  advanced  by  the  Inllalments, 

* in  the  Proportions,  and  at  or  upon  the  Days  or  times  hereinafter  mentioned,  that  is  to  fay,  \hcrc  infer!  the 

* Terme  agreed  upon  for  the  Repayment,"]  and  to  the  Payment  of  Interell  for  the  faid  Principal  Sum,  or  fo 

* much  thereof  as  (hall  from  tune  to  time  remain  unpaid,  after  the  Rate  of  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  per 
‘ Annum,  [or  lejfcr  Rate  at  the  cafe  may  be ,]  fuch  Interell  to  be  computed  from  the  time  the  laid  Principal 
‘ Sum  lhall  be  fo  advanced,  and  to  be  paid  Half  Yearly,  until  the  Whole  of  the  faid  Principal  Sum,  and  Inte- 

* reft  thereon,  lhall  be  fully  paid  and  difeharged.  Given  under  our  Hands  and  Seals,  this 

* Day  of  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  .’ 

And  every  fuch  Certificate  lhall  be  witnefled  by  One  of  the  Secretaries  or  Clerks  for  the  time  being  to  the 
faid  Commiffioners  for  carrying  the  faid  recited  ASs  into  Execution  ; and  upon  the  Production  of  fuch  Certifi- 
cate or  Certificates,  the  Calhicrs  of  the  Bank,  or  one  of  them,  lhall  and  are  or  is  hereby  required  to  accept  and 
receive  the  Sum  or  Sums  therein  fpecified,  and  at  the  Foot  or  Back  of  fuch  Certificate  t'o  acknowledge  the 
Receipt  of  the  faid  Monies,  without  Fee  or  Reward  } and  the  Receipt  to  be  given  by  fuch  Cafhier  of  the 
Bank,  at  the  Foot  or  on  the  Back  of  fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid,  lhall  be  in  the  Words  and  Figures  follow- 
ing, or  as  near  thereto  as  may  be  ; (that  is  to  fay,) 

DECEIVED  the  Day  of  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 

of  and  from  A.  B.  the  Sum  of  of  lawful  Money  of  Great  Britain,  being  the  Sum 

‘ to  be  paid  into  the  Bank  of  England  purfuant  to  the  above  Certificate,  and  which  Sum  is  placed  to  the 

* Account  of  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Woods,  Forefts  and  Land  Revenues,  being  * The  New 
‘ Street  Account.’ 

* Witnefs  my  Hand 

* For  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  England. 

(Signed)  Calhier.’ 

Which  faid  Certificate  and  Receipt  lhall  be  enrolled  in  the  Office  of  the  Auditor  of  His  Majefty’s  Lam} 
Revenues  for  the  County  of 'Middlefex,  on  Payment  of  the  ufual  Fees  for  fuch  Enrolment,  and  a Minute  or 
ExtraS  thereof  (hall  be  entered  and  preferred  in  the  Office  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  of  His  Majelly’s  Woods, 
Forefts,  and  Land  Revenues,  and  alfo  in  a Book  to  be  kept  for  that  Purpofe  by  the  Clerk  to  the  faid  Com- 
miffioners for  executing  the  faid  recited  AS  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  faid  Majefty ; and 
every  fuch  Certificate  and  Receipt,  when  fo  given,  granted,  and  enrolled,  (hall  be  and  they  are  hereby  declared 
to  be  conclufive  Evidence  of  the  Advance  of  every  fuch  Loan,  and  of  the  Day  or  time  of  malting  fuch 

III.  And  be  it  further  enaSed,  That  when  any  fuch  Certificate  and  Receipt  lhall  be  fo  figned,  carolled 
and  entered  as  aforefaid,  every  fuch  Loan  or  Loans,  the  Receipt  whereof  lhall  be  fo  acknowledged  as  afore- 
faid, lhall  be  and  the  fame  is  and  are  hereby  charged  upon  the  whole  of  the  faid  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown, 
(fubjeS  and  without  Prejudice  to  the  Loan  fo  advanced  by  the  faid  Corporation  of  the  Royal  Exchange 
AJfuranee,  and  the  Provilions  made  by  the  faid  recited  AS  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  Hi9  Majefty’s  Reign 
for  the  Repayment  thereof,  and  for  tile  Payment  of  the  Interell  thereof  as  aforefaid,)  and  fuch  Revenues  (hall 
from  thenceforth  be  fubjeS  and  liable  to  fuch  new  Loan  or  Loans,  and  the  Repayment  thereof  and  the.  Inte- 
reft  thereof,  at  fuch  Rate,  in  fuch  manner  and  by  fuch  Proportions,  and  at  luch  time  or  times,  as  (hall  be 
itipulated  and  agreed  upon  by  and  between  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the  time  being  for  executing  the  faid 
recited  AS  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  Hia  Majefty’s  Reign,  and  the  Perfon  or  Pcrfona,  Body  or  Bodies 
Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Companies,  making  fuch  Advance,  and  as  lhall  be  mentioned,  fpecified  or  expreffed 
in  the  laid  Certificate,  and  the  Lord  High  Treafurer  or  the  Commiffioners  for  executing  the  Office  of  Lord 
High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being,  is  and  are  hereby  authorized,  empowered  and  required  to  make  fuch  Pay- 
ments accordingly,  when  and  as  the  fame  lhall  become  due  and  payable  out  of  the  faid  Land  Revenues  of  the 
Crown,  after  Payment  of  the  ncceflary  Charges  of  the  Management  thereof,  prior  to  any  other  Application  of 
fuch  Land  Revenues  (fare  and  except  fo  far  as  fuch  Revenues  are  or  onght  to  be  applied  in  the  Repayment 
of  the  faid  Sum  of  Three  hundred  thoufand  Pounds  fo  advanced  by  the  faid  Corporation  of  the  Royal 
Exchange  AJfuranee,  and  in  the  Payment  of  the  Interell  thereof  in  the  mean  time  as  aforefaid). 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enaSed,  That  in  cafe  it  lhall  happen  that  any  Payment  of  Interell  accruing  upon  any 
Loan  or  Loans  to  he  made  in  purfuance  of  this  AS  lhall  not  be  fatisned  out  of  the  faid  Land  Revenues  with- 
in the  fpace  of  Three  Calendar  Months  after  the  fame  lhall  liave  become  due,  or  in  cafe  any  Portion  or  Part 
°f  the  Principal  of  any  fuch  Loan  or  Loans  lhall  not  be  paid  or  difeharged  out  of  the  (aid  Land  Revenues 
within  the  like  Space  of  Three  Calendar  Months  after  the  fame  lhall  have  become  due,  that  then  the  Lord 

12  High 

Printed  image  digitised  by  tlie  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817;  57°GEORGII  111.  C.24, 25.  3 5 

High  Treafurer  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  or  the  Commiflioneri  of  Hil  Majefty ’»  <l-.e  time  10  be 
Treafury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  *l»»nc»d  hy 
them,  is  and  are  hereby  authorized,  empowered,  and  required,  upon  the  Demand  or  Requifition  of  the  Perfon  Tr*,fur7- 
or  Perfons,  Body  or  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Company,  who  (hall  have  made  fuch  Loan  or  Loans,  or 
be  entitled  to  fuch  Intereft  or  fuch  Portion  of  Principal  as  (hall  be  fo  in  Arrear,  due  or  unpaid,  to  make  Pay. 
ment  of  fuch  Intereft  or  Principal  (as  the  cafe  may  be)  which  (hall  be  fo  in  Arrear,  due  or  unpaid,  out  of 
any  Monies  at  his  or  their  Difpofal,  granted  by  Parliament  for  the  Supplies  of  die  then  current  Year. 

V.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  cafe  any  fuch  Payment  (hall  be  advanced  or  made  from  Monies  'fi- 

or  out  of  fuch  Supplies  for  die  Purpofes  aforefaid  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  that  then  the  Amount  thereof  (hall  “need  to  be  it- 
be  made  good  and  replaced  to  the  Credit  of  fuch  Supplies  out  of  the  firli  Monies  which  (hall  arife  from  the  J*”*® 

Receipt  of  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown,  after  Payment  of  the  ncceflary  Charges  of  Management  thereof,  „j|-4 
and  of  any  Sum  or  Sums  which  (hall  be  then  due  or  payable  for  or  in  refpeft  of  the  Loan  fo  advanced  by  the  Land  Revenue 
faid  Corporation  of  the  Royal  Exchange  Affurance,  and  in  preference  to  any  Charge  whatfoever  upon  the  Provi/o  for 
fame.  Rmd  Etching* 

VI.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  no  Loan  which  (hall  be  advanced,  nor  any  Certificate  or  Receipt  ^ ur““‘ - ^ 
which  (hall  be  made  or  given  for  die  fame,  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  nor  any  Agreement,  Deed  or  Inftrument  in 

relation  thereto,  (hall  be  fubjeft  or  liable  to  any  ad  valorem  Duty,  or  other  Stamp  Duty  whatfoever  impofed  Strmp  Dutia. 
by  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  now  in  force,  nor  to  any  Stamp  Duty  to  be  impofed  by  any  future  Aft  or 
Afts  of  Parliament,  unlefs  fuch  Loan  or  Certificate,  Receipt,  Agreement,  Deed,  or  Inftrument,  (hall  be  fpe- 
cially  fubjefted  and  fpecifically  charged  in  and  by  fuch  future  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament. 


An  Aft  to  explain  and  amend  an  Aft,  made  in  the  Forty  eighth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for 
repealing  the  Duties  of  Aflefled  Taxes,  and  granting  new  Duties  in  lieu  thereof;  and  to  exempt 
fuch  Dwelling  Houfes  as  may  be  employed  for  the  (ole  Purpofe  of  Trade,  or  of  lodging  Goods, 

Wares  or  Merchandize,  from  the  Duties  charged  by  the  faid  Aft.  [23d  May  1817.3 

‘ YT7HEREAS  by  an  Aft  pafled  in  the  Forty  eight  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  48  G.3.  e.jj 
‘ VV  An  A3  for  repealing  the  Duties  of  AJfeffcd  Taxes,  and  granting  new  Duties  in  lieu  thereof,  and  certain 
‘ Additional  Duties  to  be  consolidated  therewith  ; and  alfo  for  repealing  the  Stamp  Duties  on  Game  Certificates, 

‘ and  granting  new  Duties  in  lieu  thereof,  to  he  placed  under  the  Management  of  the  CommiJJiontrs for  the  Affairs 

* of  Taxes,  certain  Dude3  were  granted  to  His  Majefty  upon  Houles,  Windows  and  Lights,  as  fet  forth  in 

* the  Schedule  to  the  (aid  Aft  annexed,  marked  (A.)  and  upon  inhabited  Houfes,  as  fet  forth  in  the  Sche- 

* dule  to  the  faid  Aft  annexed,  marked  (B.)  : And  Whereas  it  is  become  ufual  in  Cities  and  large  Towns, 

* and  other  Places,  for  One  and  the  fame  Perfon,  or  for  each  Perfon  where  two  or  more  Perfons  are  in  Part- 
‘ nerfhip,  to  occupy  a Dwelling  Houfc  or  Dwelling  Houfes  for  their  Refidence,  and  at  the  fame  time  One  or 
‘ more  feparate  and  diftinft  Tenements  or  Buildings,  or  Parts  of  Tenements  or  Buildings,  for  the  Purpofe* 

‘ of  Trade,  or  as  Warehoufes  for  Lodging  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize  therein,  or  as  Shops  or  Counting 
‘ Houfes,  and  to  abide  therein  in  the  Day  time  only  for  the  Purpofes  of  fuch  Trades  rcfpcftively,  which  have 
‘ been  charged  with  the  laid  recited  Duties,  although  no  Perfon  (hall  inhabit  or  dwell  therein  in  the  Night 
1 time  ; and  it  is  expedient  in  fuch  cafes  to  exempt  from  the  faid  Duties  fuch  Tenements  or  Buildings,  or  Parts 
‘ of  Tenements  or  Buildings,  as  arc  or  (hall  be  folely  employed  for  the  Purpofes  herein  mentioned  i’  Be  it 
therefore  enafted  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords 
Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prclent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the 

fame,  That  from  and  after  the  Fifth  Day  of  April  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventecn,  on  due  Proof  Tenementi 
made  in  the  manner  herein  direfted,  to  the  Satisfaction  of  the  refpeftive  Commifiioncrs  afting  in  the  Execution  which  have  been 
of  the  faid  recited  Aft,  that  any  Perfon  or  any  Number  of  Perfons  in  Partnerfhip  together  refpeftively  oc-  “ 

cupy  a Tenement  or  Building,  or  Part  of  a Tenement  or  Building,  which  (hall  have  previoufly  been  occupied  Qibh  n'otK|>e0''  ” 
for  the  purpofe  of  Refidence  wholly,  as  a Houle  for  the  Purpoles  of  Trade  only,  or  as  a Warehoufe  for  the  chafed  10  Du- 
folc  purpofe  of  lodging  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize  therein,  or  as  a Shop  or  Counting  Houfe,  no  Perfon  ties  under  re- 
inhabiting,  dwelling  or  abiding  therein,  except  in  the  Day  time  only,  for  the  Purpofe  of  fuch  Trade,  -ftrch-  cited  AS  when 
Per(bn-wjacli_of.Xucli_EcrXoui_in-PartHCTfliip  refpeft  tvely-fyfidiiig-Hi  a feparate  smtl  diilinft  Dwelling  -Houfe, 

-or  Part-ofjcDwelliiig-HouIei  ebarged-to  the  Duties juuks-tlie-faid-Att,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  (aid  Com-  Trade,  «"a« 
mifiioners,  according  to  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  to  difeharge  the  AfTcfTmcnt  made  for  that  Year  in  refpeft  Warehoufe. 
of  fuch  Tenement  or  Building  which  (hall  be  fo  ufed  for  the  Purpofes  of  Trade,  or  fo  employed  as  a Ware-  Shops,  Bee. 
houfe  for  the  foie  Purpofe  of  lodging  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize  therein,  or  as  a Shop  or  Counting 
Houfe  ; any  thing  in  the  faid  Aft  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding. 

II.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  fuch  Tenements  or  Buildings,  whether  employed  But  fuch  Tene- 
wholly  for  the  Purpofes  of  Trade  or  as  Warehoufes  for  the  foie  Purpofe  of  lodging  Goods,  Wares  or  Mer-  "«nn : may  he 
chandize  therein,  or  as  a Shop  or  Counting  Houfe,  may  be  brought  into  Afieflment  as  Dwelling  Houfes  in  AfliflinMt.0 
the  manner  direfted  by  the  faid  Aft  ; and  every  Perfon  intending  to  be  relieved  from  the  Afieflment  made  in  Patou  claiming 
refpeft  of  his  or  her  Tenement  or  Building  ufed  for  the  Purpofes  of  Trade,  or  as  a Warehoufe  for  the  folc  Relief  10  give 
Purpofe  of  lodging  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize  therein,  or  as  a Shop  or  Counting  Houfe,  by  virtue  of  Notice  to  AT- 
this  Aft,  (hall  in  fuch  cafe  give  Notice  thereof  to  the  Afieffor  or  Surveyor  of  or  for  the  Pari(h  or  Place  where  bc‘ 
fuch  tail  mentioned  Tenement  or  Building  (hall  be  fituatc,  aad  -at  the  fame  tins*  deliver  a Prelaw  lion  in  . 

- TCrl*,ig)  ftitinc  the  Pnriftt  or  Place  where  cite  Dwelling  Hou(t>  or  Dwelling  w.Piir*  n(  a-Dwrll‘ng 

Houfe.  u(e4  as  the  RefidenCe  of  hfnt;-  her  or  them,  or  bis,  her  or  their  Family  or  Families,  art  refpeftively 
F 2 WHaatey 

Printed  image  digitised  by  die  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

36  C.i5,2  6.  57°  GEORGil  111.  A.D.  1817. 

Tenement*  to  be  faymr  [ and  every  Alkffor  or  Surveyor  to  whom  fuch  Notice  •■4-tieclataUoo  fhall  be  delivered,  and  every 
inipeaed  by  Surveyor  of  the  Diftrift  aftiug  for  fuch  Parifh  or  Place,  whether  he  fhall  have  received  Inch  Notice  and  Dr  - 
AITeirin,  &c.  nlara!«?n  nr  not,  who  (hall  have  Information  of  fuch  Claim  being  made  or  to  be  made,  (hall  upon  Requefl, 

from  time  to  time  and  at  all  times  in  the  Day  time,  be  admitted  to  infpeft  and  furvey  the  Tenement  or  Build- 
ing defcribed  to  be  fo  employed,  ns  well  internally  as  externally,  and  fhall  inquire  and  examine  into  the  Ufes 
It  inch  Tene-  and  Purpofc*  to  which  the  fame  is  or  has  been  employed  ; and  if  after  any  fuch  Claim  made,  or  before  or  after 

mem  ufed  for  Allowance  thereof,  it  fhall  be  difeovered  that  the  fame  Tenement  or  Building  hath  been  employed  for  any 

Mrfedien  Com  ol*'er  Ufe  tlrnn  for  the  Purpofes  of  Trade,  or  as  a Warchoufe  for  lodging  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize,  or 
iirijfioners  (0 l(-'  as  a Shop  or  Counting  Houfc,  or  that  any  Pcrfon  doth  inhabit  or  dwell  therein,  except  as  aforefaid,  then  on 
fell  accordingly,  due  Proof  thereof  before  the  faid  Commiffioners,  they  fhall  and  are  hereby  required  to  affefs  and  charge  the 
faid  Tenement  or  Building  as  a Dwelling  Houfc  to  the  Duties  granted  by  the  laid  Aft,  notwithftanding  fuch 
Claim  or  any  thing  hereinbefore  contained  to  the  contrary  : Provided  always,  that  nothing  hereinbefore  con- 
tained fhall  be  conltrued  to  impeach  or  affeft  any  Exemption  from  the  faid  Duties  cxpreUly  contained  in  the 
faid  recited  Aft.  _ 

AiTifTmems  III.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  CommifConers  acting  in  the  Exe- 

nud"  on  fuch  cution  of  the  faid  recited  Aft  and  this  Aft  to  difeharge  any  Afleflinents  which  fhall  have  been  made  for  the 

Premifei  far  the  years  ending  the  Fifth  Day  of  April  One  thoufand  fight  hundred  and  Cxtecn,  and  the  Fifth  Day  of  April 
April j8 16  »nd  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fcventeen  refpcftivjdy,  on  the  Owner  or  Occupant,  upon  Houfes,  Tenc- 
jih  April  1S17  menu  or  Buildings,  which  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  would  have  been  exempted  from  the  Payment  of 
u Ivt  diuhirgcd,  Duties  in  cafe  the  faid  Aft  had  related  to  fuch  lad  mentioned  AfTefbncnts  ; and  in  all  cafes  where  AffeffmenU 
and  Money  paid  fo  difeharged  (liall  have  been  previoufly  paid  by  the  Parties,  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners  to 
onder fuch  Af-  certify  fuc|,  Difeharge  or  Difcharges,  with  the  CaufejorCaufcs  thereof,  to  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Affair' 
repridhr  <he  °f  Taxes  ; and  in  that  cafe  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the  Adairs  of  Taxes  to  order  and 
Receiver  Gc-  direct  the  Receiver  General  of  the  County,  Riding  or-Divifion,  who  (hall  have  received  the  Sums  fo  paid  under 
neral.  fuch  difeharged  Affcffmcnts,  to  repay  the  fame  to  thc'Party  ; which  Order  lhall  be  an  Authority  to  fuch  Rc- 

But  no  AfTcIT-  ceiver  General  to  repay  the  fame,  and  fuch  Repayment  fhall  be  allowed  in  his  Accounts : Provided  always, 
mem  rfifchirgcJ  that  no  fuch  Alieffment  fliall  be  difeharged  except  upon  a Notice  and  Declaration  being  delivered  by  the  Party 
but  upon  Noucc,  tiiL.  claim  to  the  Affeffor  or  Surveyor  of  the  jParifh  or  Place,  in  the  fame  maimer  as  is  required  with 

refpeft  to  the  Exemption  allowed  by  this  Aft. 

Mill*  or  Piste*  IV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  "That  the  Occupier  of  any  Mill  or  Place  of  Manufacture 
ofMsmificturc.  or  Warchoufe,  not  being  Part  or  Parcel  of auy  Dwelling  Houfe,  nor  attached  or  adjoining  to  any  Dwelling 
&c.  not  attached  Houfc,  nor  having  any  internal  Communication  therewith,  may  by  the  Licenfe  in  Writing  of  the  Commil- 
ro  < Dwelling  fioncre  of  the  Diftrift,  ligned  bv  them,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them  affembled  at  any  Meeting,  after  due 
to  Duty ."tlioosh  Notice  given  by  the  Occupier  of  fuch  Mill  or  Place  of  Manufafture,  appoint  any  One  of  his  or  Iter  Servants 
a Servant  * named  in  fuch  Liccnfc  to  watch  and  guard  the  faid  Mill,  or  Place  of  Manufafture  or  Warchoufe,  in  the 
1 icenfrd  to  guard  Night  time,  and  that  the  abiding  of  fuch  licenfed  Servant  therein,  for  the  purpofc  of  watching  and  guarding 
the  fame  abide  the  fame,  fhall  not  render  the  Occupier  thereof  liable  to  any  of  the  Duties  granted  by  the  (aid  recited  Aft. 
Prorifu  for  Olio  * ^ ‘ And  Whereas  by  the  faid  recited  Aft  certain  iFindowsor  Lights  in  the  Room  of  any  Dwelling  Houfe, 
glared  Window”  * an  a Dairy  or  Cheefe  Room,  are  exempted  frojn  the  faid  Duties,  provided  that  the  faid  Windows  or 
in  a Dairy  in  j ‘ Lights  fliall  be  made  with  Splines  or  Wooden  Lath#,  or  Iron  Bars  or  Wires,  and  wholly  without  Glafs  : 
Fatm  Houfe.  * And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  exempt  from  the  fail  Duties  on  Windows  or  Lights  One  Window  or  Light 
* many  Dwelling  Houfe  being  a Farm  Houfc,  occupied  by  a Tenant,  and  bond  fide  ufed  for  the  purpofes  of 
‘ Husbandry  only,  in  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  n Be  it  further  enafted.  That  from  and  after  the  Fifth 
Day  of  A fir'd  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fcventsm,  One  Window  or  Light  in  any  Dairy  or  Cheefe 
Room,  or  Room  ufed  as  a Dairy  and  Cheefe  Room  >in  any  Farm  Houfc  before  defcribed,  which  fhall  be 
ufed  by  the  Tenant  of  fuch  Farm  Houfc  for  the  purpofc  of  keeping  Butter  or  Cheefe,  or  both,  being  the 
aftual  Produce  of  fuch  Farm,  for  Sale  or  private  Ufe,  although  the  faid  Window  or  Light  be  made  with 
Glafs,  lhall  be  exempted  from  the  faid  Duty  under  the  fame  Terms  and  Condition*  as  Windows  or  Lights 
made  with  Splines  or  Wooden  Laths,  or  Iron  Bars  or  Wires,  and  without  Glafs,  are  by  the  faid  Aft  cx- 
emPted  from  the  fe'd  Duty}  provided  that  the  Regulations  of  this  Aft  refpefting  Warehoufes  and  other 
in*  Warehouses"  ^aces  “W  for  the  purpofes  of  Trade,  in  order  to  ;obtain  the  Exemptions  granted  by  this  Aft,  and  the 
applied  I„  inch  Powers  vetted  in  the  Surveyors  of  entering,  viewing  $nd  examining  the  fame,  fltnll  be  duly  obfcrvcd,  praftifcd 
Wmda«s  and  applied  in  regard  to  Windows  or  Lights  in  Dairjes  and  Cheefe  Rooms,  as  fully  and  effeftually  as  if  the 
fame  Regulations  and  Powers  were  refpeftively  repeated  and  exprefsly  applied  to  the  laid  laft  mentioned 
Windows  or  Lights.  — t 


An  Aft  to  amend  and  render  more  effcftunl  Four  feveral  Afts  palled  in  the  Forty  eighth,  Forty 
ninth,  Fifty  lecond,  and  Fifty  fixth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  enabling  the  Com- 
miflioners  for  the  Reduftion  of  the  National  Debt  to  grant  Life  Annuities.  [23d  May  181 7.] 

* YXTHEREAS  an  Aft  patted  in  the  Forty  aghth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prcfcnt  Majefty,  intituled 

V V An  A3 /or  enabling  the  Cammiffionert  Jir  the  ReduBion  of  the  National  Debt  to  grant  Life  Annuities  ; 
c.6,|.  * And  Whereas  another  Aft  patted  in  the  Foky  ninth  Year  of  His  prcfcnt  Majefty,  intituled  An  A3  to 

* amend  an  A3  puffed  in  I he  lajl  Seffion  of  Parliament,  for  enabling  the  Commiffioners  for  the  ReduBion  of  the 
e-ii'j  1 National  Debt  to  grant  Life  Annuities:  And  Whereas  another  Aft  palled  111  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  the 

* Rc'g"  of  His  prcfcnt  Majefty,  intituled  Au  An  far  amending  Two  A8t  huffed  in  the  Forty  eighth  and  Forty 

1 14  • ninth 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817. 


C.  26. 


« ninth  Tears  of  Hit  prefent  Majejiy,  for  enabling  the  Commiffancrt  far  the  ReduBion  of  the  National  Debt  to 

• grant  Life  Annuitiei : And  Whereas  another  Ad  paged  in  the  Fifty  fixth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  56  G.  j.  c.  53. 

‘ Majcfly,  intituled  An  A8  to  amend  and  render  more  ejfcBual  Three  federal  Ads  pajfed  in  the  Forty  eighth, 

• Forty  ninth  and  Fifty  fccond  Tears  of  Hit  prefent  Majejiy,  for  enabling  the  Commijftonert  for  the  ReduBion 

• ,of  the  National  Debt  to  grant  Life  Annuities  t And  Whc-rea  it  is  expedient  that  the  (aid  Ads  fhould  be 
« amended,  and  further  Proviflons  made  for  rendering  the  fame  more  effectual Be  it  therefore  cnaded  by  The 
King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majeftv,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  lonfent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal, 

and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  th  1 Authority  of  the  fame,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  Extending  the 
for  the  faid  Commiffioners,  and  they  are  hereby  empowered,  1 r>  extend  the  granting  of  Annuities  to  and  for  granting  of  A11- 
the  Life  of  any  (ingle  Nominee,  or  to  and  for  the  joint  Lives  >f  any  Two  Nominees,  and  the  Life  of  the  “ui"“  10  Per- 
longer  Liver,  who  fhall  be  of  the  Age  of  Twenty  one  Years,  nd  under  Thirty  five,  according  to  the  Provi- 
lions.  Limitations,  and  Rcilri&ions  of  the  faid  recited  Ads,  ex  :ept  fo  far  as  the  fame  (hall  tie  altered  and  er 

varied  by  this  Ad  ; and  in  order  to  facilitate  the  Purchafe  ol  Life  Annuities,  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiflloncrx 
Commiffioners  to  accept  and  receive  cither  Four  Pounds  per  Centum  or  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  Bank  Annui-  m*y  receive  4L 
ties,  as  the  Confederation  for  the  Purchafe  of  Life  Annuities;  and  for  the  Purpofe  of  afccrtaiuiiig  the  Price  ? ?“  £*"'■ 

of  fuch  Stock  or  Annuities,  the  Calhicr  or  Calhicrs  of  the  Banli  of  England  fhall  and  they  are  hereby  re-  of  Life" 
quired,  on  every  Day  on  which  any  of  the  faid  Annuities  fhall  Have  been  bought  at  the  Bank  of  England,  to  Annuities, 
canfe  an  Account  to  be  made  out  of  the  Average  Price  thereof,  according  to  the  Regulations  preferibed  by  Average  Pricer 
the  faid  recited  Ads  in  the  cafe  of  Three  Pounds  per  CentuoA  Bank  Annuities;  which  Account  fhall  be  of  fuch  Stock  to 
tranfmilted  to  the  Officer  to  be  appointed  for  that  Purpofy  by  the  faid  Commiffioners,  for  enabling  ™**!*  ‘m' 

him  to  afeertain  the  refpedive  Amounts  of  the  Life  Annuitiei  which  may  be  purchafed  under  the  Pro-  10 

vifions  of  this  Ad. 

II.  And  bo  it  further  cnaded.  That  when  any  Four  Pounds  per  Centum  or  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  Bank  jl.  and  4I.  per 
Annuities  fhall  be  transferred  for  the  Purchafe  of  Life  Annuities,  that  fuch  Four  Pounds  or  Five  Pounds  Cent.  Stock  to 
per  Centum  Bank  Annuities  (hall  be  firfl  converted  by  the  Computation  of  the  faid  Officer  into  Three  Pounds  ^S3rtU«Uno 
per  Centum  Confolidated  or  Reduced  Bank  Annuities  (at  the  Option  of  the  Purchnfer)  according  to  the  £tCcm. 
Average  Price  of  thofc  Stocks,  to  be  afeertained  as  di reded  by  the  faid  recited  Ads,  and  the  Life  Annui-  stock. 

ties  to  be  granted  thereon  lhall  be  calculated  and  afeertained  upon  the  Amount  of  Three  Pounds  per  Centum 
Annuities,  including  Fradions  (if  any)  produced  by  fuch  Convernon. 

III.  And  be  it  further  cnaded.  That  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the'  (aid  Commiffioners,  and  they  are  hereby  Money  m»y  be 
empowered,  to  accept  and  receive  Money  in  lieu  of  any  Bank  Annuities  recited  in  this  Ad,  or  in  lieu  of  ,CC'P"^  in  ,!eu 
Bank  or  Long  Annuities  in  any  of  the  faid  recited  Ads,  as  the  Confideration  for  the  Purchafe  of  Life 

Annuities  ; provided  tliat  the  Annuity  to  be  granted  in  fuch  Cafes  ifhall  be  afeertnined  and  computed  upon  pu[chjfe  of  Lih 

the  Amount  of  Stock  including  Fradions  (if  any)  which  would  have  been  produced  if  fuch  Money  had  Annuitire. 

been  previoufly  invefted  in  cither  Three  Pounds  per  Centum  Confolidated  or  Reduced  Bank  Annuities  (at  the 

Option  of  the  Purchafer)  according  to  the  Average  Price  thereof,  od  be  afeertained  as  hereinbefore  direded  ; 

and  a Charge  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  (lull  lie  made  upon  the  faid  Purchafer  or  Purchafers  for  every 

entire  One  hundred  Pounds  of  Three  Pounds  per  Centum  Stock  produced  as  aforefaid,  to  be  placed  to  the 

Account  of  the  faid  Commiffioners. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  ennded,  That  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners,  and  they  are  hereby  Authotixing  the 
empowered,  to  grant  a deferred  Annuity  or  Annuities  upon  the  Lire  of  any  (ingle  Nominee,  of  the  Age  of  Gram  of  defer 
Twenty  one  Years  or  upwards  at  the  time  of  Contrad,  to  commence  at  any  future  Period  to  be  fixed  by  the  ,e<1  Annuities. 
Purchafer,  or  to  grant  an  Annuity  or  Annuities  upon  the  Contingency  of  One  Life,  of  Twenty  one  Years  or 

upwards  at  the  time  of  fuch  Purchafe,  furviving  another  affigned  life,  not  being  under  the  Age  of  T wenty 

one  Years  as  aforefaid  ; the  firft  Half  Yearly  Payment  of  which  latte^-  Annuity  (hall  commence  on  the  Second 

Quarterly  Day  of  Payment  immediately  following  the  Death  of  fuch  affigned  Nominee  ; but  previous  to  the 

Payment  of  the  faid  lall  mentioned  Annuity,  a Copy  of  the  Burial  Rygiitcr  of  the  (aid  Nominee  (or  fome  Copy  of  Burial 

other  fatisfadory  Proof)  fhall  be  produced  to  the  faid  Officer,  accompanied  by  fuch  aud  the  like  Affidavits  RnMsrofNo- 

as  are  required  to  be  made  and  taken  on  the  purchafiug  of  Life  Annuities  by  the  faid  recited  Ads  ; and  ^'h 

upon  the  Production  of  fuch  Proof  the  faid  Officer  is  hereby  required  to  certify  the  fame  to  the  Governor 

and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  England : Provided  always,  that  it  (hill  not  be  lawful  to  contrad  for  or  to 

grant  any  deferred  or  contingent  Life  Annuity  as  aforefaid,  unlefs  an!  Annuity  amounting  to  Five  Pounds  or 

upwards  fhall  have  been  previoufly  purchafed,  under  the  Provifions  ofj  this  or  the  before  recited  Ads,  upon  the 

Life  of  the  Perfou  to  be  fo  nominated. 

V . And  be  it  further  enaded,  Tliat  for  the  purpofe  of  enabling,  further  Purchafes  to  be  made  by  any  Regulxtiooi  ie- 

Pcrfon  or  Perfons  on  whofe  behalf  any  Life  Annuity,  or  deferred  Or  contingent  Annuity,  fhall  have  been  ipeQing  Com- 
already  granted,  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Ad  or  of  either  of  the*  before  recited  Ads,  it  fhall  be  lawful  <”"‘" 

for  the  laid  Commiffioners,  and  they  are  hereby  empowered,  to  accept  the  Transfer  of  any  of  the  aforefaid  niJ;,;tl  10  pcr_ 
Three  Pounds,  Four  Pounds  or  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  Annuities  >0  their  Account  in  tne  Books  of  the  forn  vrbo  hive 
Bank  of  England,  the  Amount  of  which  lhall  not  be  lefs  than  Twenty  Pounds,  or  to  accept  and  receive  in  ymdyftd  Life 
Money  an  Equivalent  thereto,  in  lieu  of  the  faid  Three  Pounds,  Four  Pounds,  or  Five  Pounds  ptr  Cmtum  or  deferred  An- 
Aonuities,  to  be  computed  and  afeertained  according  to  the  Average  Price  of  Three  Pounds  per  Centum  »“«*«. 
Confolidated  or  Reduced  Bank  Annuities,  as  hereinbefore  directed,  Us  the  Confideration  for  an  additional 

Annuity,  to  be  valued  and  afeertained  according  to  the  Age  of  the  Party  nominated  at  the  time  of 
pnrehafing  fuch  additional  Annuity,  in  pnrfusnceof  the  Provifions  of  this  or  the  faid  recited  Ads. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  cnaded,  Tliat  for  the  Purpofe  of  extending  the  Facilities  for  purcliafing  Life  CjmmilBnmr* 
Annuities,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Conuniffioneis,  and  they  sire  hereby  empowered,  to  accept  and 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



57°GEORGII  111. 


from  time  10  time  receive  at  all  times  the  Transfer  of  any  of  the  aforefaid  Three  Pounds,  Four  Pounds,  or  Five  Pounds  per 
for  the  Purehafe  Centum  Annuities  to  their  Account  in  the  Books  of  the  Bank  of  England,  the  Amount  of  which  (hal!  not  be 

of  Life  An-  lefts  than  Ten  Pounds,  or  to  accept  and  receive  inj  Money  an  Equivalent  thereto,  in  lieu  of  the  faid  Three 

nuitiet  or  defer-  p0Unds,  Four  Pounds  or  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  ^Annuities,  to  be  computed  and  afcertaincd  according  to  the 
r Annuities.  Average  Price  of  Three  Pounds  per  Centum  Confolidated  or  Reduced  Bank  Annuities,  as  hereinbefore  di- 
rected, as  the  Confideration  for  any  Life  Annuity  cfr-  Annuities  to  be  purchafcd  under  the  Provifions  of  this  or 
the  before  recited  Afts ; which  faid  Sums  of  Motley  the  faid  Commiffionera  thall  from  time  to  time  caufc 

to  be  laid  out  in  the  Purehafe  of  Bank  Three  founds  per  Centum  Annuities,  to  be  placed  to  their  Ac- 

count ; and  the  Intereft  arifing  from  the  Inveil dient  thereof,  and  alfo  the  Intereft  of  all  fuch  Sums  of 
Stock  transferred  as  aforefaid,  fhall  in  like  manner  from  time  to  time,  as  the  fame  (hall  arife  and  become  due, 
be  laid  out  and  invefted  in  the  Three  Pounds  per  Centum  Bank  Annuities,  and  (hall  continue  to  accumulate  for 
any  Period  to  be  fixed  by  the  Purchafer  or  Purejiafers,  or  by  fome  Pcrfon  on  his,  her  or  their  behalf ; 
provided,  that  at  the  time  of  making  the  firit  Pajqnent  in  Money  or  Transfer  of  Stock  as  aforefaid,  the 
Purchafer  or  Purchafers,  or  fome  Perfons  on  his,  hey  or  their  behalf,  (hall  agree  to  convert  the  whole  of  the 

Stock  which  may  be  then  accumulated  (except  as  herein  excepted)  into  an  Annuity  upon  the  Life  of  the 

Perfon  to  be  nominated  at  the  Expiration  of  the  tirtie  fo  fixed  and  agreed  upon,  fuch  Nominee  being  then 
Twenty  one  Years  or  upwards,  or  into  a deferred  6r  contingent  Annuity  upon  the  Life  of  fuch  Nominee  as 
aforefaid,  under  the  Provifions  of  this  or  the  before  ^recited  Afts. 
in  cafe  of  Death  VII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  in  the  event  of  the  Death  of  the  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  fo  contraft- 
<u'  Piniei  before  ing  before  the  Completion  of  the  time  agreed  upon  for  converting  the  whole  of  the  Stock  which  (hall  have  fo 
'heComplmim  accumulated  into  a Life  Annuity  as  fpecified  in  fuih  Contraft,  the  Probate  of  the  Will  of  fuch  Perfon  or 
AnnuWi  Stock  Pfr^ons*  or  Letters  of  Admimftration,  fhall  be  produced  at  the  Office  of  the  Commiffioner  for  the  Reduftion 

to  be  transferred  the  National  Debt,  and  alfo  an  Affidavit  of  Identity,  dating  the  Day  on  which  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo 

toEiecuion.tic.  contrafting  fhall  have  died,  to  be  made  by  his,  her  or  their  Executors,  Adminidrators  or  Affigns,  (as  the 
cafe  may  be)  to  enable  the  faid  Officer  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  to  certify  to  the  Governor  and  Company  of 
the  Bank  of  England  the  Amount  of  Stock  to  be  transferred  from  the  Account  of  the  faid  Commiffioners 
(all  Dividends  from  time  to  time  due  thereon  being  iprevioudy  inveded)  to  the  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  entitled 
thereto  ; and  the  Cafhier  or  Caffiiers  of  the  Bank,  being  alio  the  Agents  of  the  faid  Commiffioners,  arc 
hereby  required  to  transfer  from  the  Account  of  thd  faid  Commiffioners  to  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  entitled 
thereto,  the  whole  Amount  of  Stock  which  (hall  hatj  aftually  accumulated  on  behalf  of  the  Perfon  or  Per- 
fons fo  contrafting,  up  to  the  Day  of  his,  her  or  them  Dec  cafe,  as  fpecified  in  fuch  Certificate. 

When  Money  it  VIII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  in  all  cafes  wherein  Money  (hall  be  the  Confideration  for  any  Life 
to  he  paid  for  Annuity  or  Annuities  to  be  granted  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  fuch  Money  (hall  be  paid  by  the 

Purehafe  of  An-  purchafer  or  Purchafers,  or  by  fome  Perfon  on  his,  her  or  their  behalf,  into  the  Bank,  under  a Certificate  of 

tobe  Mid'im”'  lhc  0®ccr  °f  {he  faid  Commiffioners,  and  upon  the.  Produftion  of  fuch  Certificate  to  the  Cafhier  or 
the  Bank  of  Calhieri  of  the  Bank  of  England,  the  faid  Calhierior  Cafhicrs  (hall  and  they  are  hereby  required  to  receive 
England.  all  fuch  Monies,  and  to  place  the  fame  to  the  Account  of  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Reduftion  of  the 
National  Debt. 

Commiflioners  IX.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners,  in  any 
<o  ufe  Forma  of  Cafe  j„  which  any  Sums  of  Money,  or  any  of  the  aforefaid  Three,  Four  or  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  Anuui- 
Certifici'tM,  and  t'c®»  or  deferred  or  Contingent  Annuities,  lhall  be  accepted  and  taken  as  the  Confideration  for  any  Life 
61  Kate*  of  Aunuity  or  Annuities,  to  ufe  for  the  purpofe  of  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution  the  Form  of  Declaration 
Purehafe  of  An  and  Certificates  in  the  Schedules  to  either  of  the  laid  recited  Afts  annexed,  with  fuch  Alterations  and 
nuitiea  according  Variations  as  it  may  be  necefiary  to  adapt  to  the  Nature  of  the  cafe  ; and  from  time  to  time  to  fettle  and  fix 
to  former  A£U.  the  Rates  for  purenafing  Life  Annuities  in  all  the  aforefaid  cafes  in  which  the  fame  (hall  not  be  otherwife 
made  and  provided,  according  to  fuch  Tables  of  lie  Probability  or  Duration  of  Lives  as  (hall  appear 
to  the  faid  Commiffioners  mod  applicable ; any  Thing  in  the  faid  recited  Afts  to  the  contrary  not- 

Schedule!  (A.)  ‘ X.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  Schedules  marked  (A.)  and  (B.)  to  this  Aft  annexed,  fiiould 

W.f*  . ‘ be  adopted  in  lieu  of  the  Schedule  marked  (F.)  to  he  faid  firit  recited  Aft,  and  in  lien  of  the  Schedule  to 
sSeduMKWii  * t*>C  rec',e<*  Aft  of  the  Forty  ninth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign  Be  it  therefore  enafted, 
49  G.3.  c.64.  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  the  faid  Two  lad  mentioned  Schedules  (hall  be  and  the  fame  arc 
hereby  repealed,  and  the  Schedules  to  this  Aft  annexed,  marked  (A.)  and  (B.),  (hall  be  fubdituted  for  and 
in  lieu  thereof ; and  (hall  be  ufed  and  applied  for  all  the  Purpofcs  to  which  the  faid  Schedules  were  ufed  or 

‘ XI.  And  Whereas  in  and  by  the  above  recited  Aft  of  the  Forty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  pre- 
‘ fmt  Majcdy  it  is  enafted,  that  every  Life  Annuity  purchafcd  as  therein  mentioned  (hould  be  accepted  at  the 
‘ Bank  of  England  bv  the  Perfon  or  Perfonr.  purchasing  the  fame,  or  by  fome  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  duly 

* authorized  on  his,  her  or  their  behalf,  before  he,  (hi  or  they  (hould  be  entitled  to  receive  the  fame  : And 

* Whereas  in  cafes  where  Life  Annuities  are  purchafcd  in  the  Names  of  Two  or  more  Perfons  it  is  found  in- 
‘ convenient  to  require  the  Acceptance  thereof  by  all  ^he  Purchafers  5’  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  from 
and  after  the  trading  of  this  Aft,  in  all  cafes  where  an*  Life  Annuity  already  has  been  or  hereafter  (hall  be 

me  named,  or  Purchafed  under  the  faid  recited  Afts  or  any  of  them,  of  of  this  Aft,  in  the  Names  of  Two  or  more  Perfons, 
by  fome  Perfon  Acceptance  thereof  by  One  of  the  Perfons  by  whom  or  in  whofe  Names  the  fame  may  have  been  or  (hall  be 
hi>  behalf,  10  purcbafed,  or  by  any  Perlon  or  Perfons  duly  authorized  on  his  or  her  behalf,  (hall  be  lufficient  to  entitle  the 
fuRincni.  Purchafers  to  receive  Payment  of  fuch  Annuity  from  time  to  time  as  the  fame  (hall  accrue  and  become  due. 

Accept! nee  of 
Annuities  by 
One  of  the  Pur- 
ehafere,  where 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



C.26, 27.  39 

in  like  manner  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes  as  if  fuch  Aunifity  had  been  accepted  by  all  the  Perfons  in  whole 
Names  the  fame  had  been  or  (hall  be  purchafed ; any  tiling  in  the  faid  recited  Afts  or  of  this  Aft  to  the 
contrary  thereof  in  anywife  notwithllanding. 

XII-  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  order  to  facilitate  the  purchafing  or  receiving  any  Life  Annuity 
or  Annuities  in  purfuance  of  this  or  the  faid  recited  Afts,  Jit  (hall  be  lawful  iu  all  cafes  in  which  any  Affidavit 
or  Affidavits,  Affirmation  or  Affirmations,  is  or  are  required  to  be  made  and  taken  by  this  or  the  faid  recited 
Afts,  for  the  faid  Officer  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  to  adnlinifter  fuch  Affidavit  or  Affidavits,  Affirmation  or 
Affirmations  ; and  he  is  hereby  empowered  and  required  tb  adminifter  the  fame  in  all  fuch  cafes  (free  of  Ex- 
pence to  the  Parties)  ; any  thing  in  this  or  the  faid  recited  iAfta  to  the  contrary  notwithllanding. 

XIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Perfon,  in  any  Affidavit  or  Affirmation  to  be  taken  before 
the  faid  Officer  under  the  ProviGons  of  this  or  the  faid  Vccitcd  Afts,  (hall  wilfully  or  corruptly  fwear  or 
affirm  any  matter  or  thing  which  (hall  be  falfe  or  untrue,  eJjery  fuch  Perfon  fo  offending,  and  being  thereof 
duly  convifted,  (hall  be  and  is  hereby  declared  to  be  fubjeft  tnd  liable  to  fuch  Pains  and  Penalties,  as  by  any 
Laws  now  in  force  any  Perfons  convifted  of  wilful  and  corrupt  Perjury  are  fubjeft  and  liable  to. 

• XIV.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  Burial  RegiAa's  of  any  Nominee  or  Nominees,  extrafted  from 
‘ the  Records  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  commonly  called  Vuakers,  or  from  the  Records  of  diffenting  or 
* other  Chapels  (not  being  Parochial),  fhould  be  admitted  Iw  the  faid  Officer  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  for 
‘ the  Purpofes  of  this  and  the  faid  recited  Afts  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  the  faid  Officer  (hall  and  he 
is  hereby  empowered  to  admit  fuch  Burial  Regiffers  as  evidence  of  the  Death  or  Burial  of  any  Nominee  or 
Nominees,  the  fame  being  duly  certified  under  the  Hands  of  the  Regiflrar  thereof  5 provided  that  in  all  fuch 
cafes  the  faid  Burial  Regifter  (hall  be  accompanied  by  an  Affidavit  of  Identity,  to  be  made  and  taken  by  and 
before  fuch  and  the  like  Perfon  or  Perfons,  or  before  the  fad  Officer,  as  is  required  on  the  Death  of  any 
Nominee  or  Nominees  by  the  faid  recited  Afts  or  this  Aft  ; any  thing  in  the  faid  recited  Afts  to  the  contrary 

SCHEDULES  to  which  tins  Aft  refers. 


No.  , 

FORM  of  the  Certificate  to  be  granted  in  order  to  enable  jhe  Receipt  of  the  Annuity  from  time  to  time 
it  the  Bank  of  England. 

Officer  o f Com- 
miinonen  la  s.1- 
minifler  Gstht, 

free  oIEspence. 


Certain  Rtpf- 
len  of  Death  of 
Quakers  or  Dif- 
lemen  10  be  . 

‘ minces]  [or,  the  Survivor  of  the  Two  Nominees]  deferjbed  iif  the  Certificate  numbered  as  above,  and  dated 
' the  Day  of  granted  for  the  Purpofe  of  enabling  the  Transfer  of 

* per  Centum  Bank  [or.  Long]  Annuities,  or  Payment  of 

* in  Money  for  the  Purchafe  of  a Life  Annuity  on  the  Life  of  tlie  faid 
‘ Nominee,  [or,  on  the  Lives,  of  the  faid  Nominees,  and  the  Lae  of  the  longer  Liver  of  them,]  was  living  on 

* the  Day  of  on  Which  Day  a Half  Yearly  Payment  of  the  faid 

‘ Annuity  became  due.  Witnefs  my  Hand,  this  1 Day  of  .’ 


FORM  of  Certificate  to  be  granted  in  order  to  enable  the  Receipt  of  the  Annuity  from  time  to  time  at  the 
Bank  of  England,  upon  the  perfonal  Appearance  of  the  Nominee. 

T DO  hereby  certify  to  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  England,  in  purfuance  of  the  Provi- 
fions  of  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Fifty  feventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Maiefty,  intituled  An  Aft 
\htre  infer!  the  Title  of  tbit  AB~\  That  A.  B.  the  Nominee  [oC,  in  tafe  of  Two  Nominee/,  One  of  the  Two 
Nominees]  [ or , the  Survivor  of  the  Two  Nominees]  defcrib^l  in  the  Certificate  numbered  as  above,  and 
dated  the  Day  of  grantqd  for  the  Purpofe  of  enabling  the  Transfer  of 

per  Centum  Bank  [ori  Long  Annuities,  or  Payment  of 
in  Money,  for  the  Purchafe  of  a Life  Annuity  00  the  Life  of  tlie  faid  Nominee,  [er, 
on  the  Lives  of  the  faid  Nominees  and  the  Life  of  the  longer  Liver  of  them]  appeared  perfonally  before  me 
on  this  Day  of  . Witnels  mv  Hand,  the  Day  and  Date  above  written.’ 

ids  mi  I 


cap.  xxvn. 

An  Act  for  repealing  the  Duties  of  Cuftoms  on  Buck  Wlleat  imported  into  this  Kingdom,  and  for 
granting  other  Duties,  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  '.March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 
twenty  one,  in  lieu  thereof.  ! [23d  May  1B17.] 

•\17HEREAS  it  is  expedient  that  the  Duties  of  Cuftoms  payable  on  the  Importation  into  this  King- 
V V dom  of  Buck  Wheat  (hould  be  repealed,  and  that  other  Duties  of  Cuftoms  (liould  be  impofed  in  lieu 
‘ thereof Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majcftv,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Con- 
tent of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the 

| - Authority 



Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


Dutin  oo  Buck 
Wheat  imported  teen, 

C.  27, 28. 

57°GE0RGI1  III. 

A.D.  1817. 

Authority  of  the  fame,  That  from  and  after  the,Firtt  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feven- 
• l,  the  Duties  of  Cufloms  payable  by  Law  ubon  Buck  Wheal  imported  into  this  Kingdom  do  ccafc  and 

Head  thereof  a 
Duty  of  jos. 
per  Quarter 
(hall  he  paid. 
New  Duty. 

houfed  under  the 
Regulation!  of 
43  0. 3.  c.  132. 

taken  out  of 
Wareboufce  for 
Home  Con- 

Duty  how  to 
lertetl  and  re 

determine,  fare  and  except  in  all  cafes  relating  tolthe  recovering  or  paring  Arrears  thereof  which  may  remain 
unpaid,  or  to  any  Fine,  Penalty  or  Forfeiture  relating  thereto  which  mall  have  been  incurred  at  any  time 
before  or  on  the  Firll  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  ; and  that  from  and  after  toe 
faid  Firll  Day  of  June  On?  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fevcntccn,  in  lieu  and  inllead  of  the  Duties  hereby- 
repealed,  there  (hall  be  raifed,  levied,  colleftcd  ind  paid  unto  His  Majelly,  His  Heirs  and  Succeflora,  a 
Duty  of  Cu'ftoms  of  Ten  Shillings  for  every  Quarter  containing  Eight  Bulhels  of  Buck  Wheat : Provided 
always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  lhall  extend  Or  be  couftrued  to  extend  to  compel  the  Importers,  Pro  - 

E'ors  or  Confignees  of  Buck  Wheat  to  pay  the  Duties  upon  the  Importation  and  Landing  thereof  in  cafe 
Importers,  Proprietors  or  Confignees  lhall  lbdge  and  fccurc  the  fame  under  the  joint  Locks  of  the 
Crown  and  the  Merchant,  under  the  Regulations  required  by  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Forty  third  Year  of  tile 
Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  A8  for\ permitting  certain  Goods  imported  into  Great  Britain  to  he 
/ecu red  in  Warchoufts  •without  Payment  of  Duly-  1 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  faid  Duties  and  no  other  lhall  be  charged  and  payable  on  any  of 
the  faid  Buck  Wheat  which,  having  been  warehoused  or  otherwife  fecured  under  the  Authority  of  the  afore- 
faid  Aft  of  Parliament  without  Payment  of  Duty,  lhall  be  taken  out  of  any  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Place  wherein 
the  fame  (hall  have  been  lodged  or  fecured,  for  the  purpofe  of  being  ufed  or  confumed  in  this  Kingdom, 
after  the  faid  Firll  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  notwithilanding  the  fame  may 
have  been  imported  into  this  Kingdom  on  or  beford  (he  faid  Firll  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  feventeeu. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Duty  of  Coftoms  granted  by  this  Aft  lhall  and  may  be  ma- 
naged, afeertained,  raifed,  levied,  collcfted,  anfwerfcd,  paid  and  recovered,  in  fuch  and  the  like  manner  as  the 
Duties  on  Buck  Wheat  hereby  repealed  were  or  might  be  managed,  afeertained,  raifed,  levied,  collected,  anfwercd, 
paid  and  recovered  j and  the  Goods  lhall  be  fubjeft  land  liable  to  all  and  every  the  Conditions,  Rules,  Regula- 
tions, Rettriftions,  Seizures  and  Forfeitures,  as  fuch  Goods  were  fubjeft  and  liable  to  by  any  Aft  or  Afts  of 
Parliament  in  force  on  or  immediately  before  the  (aid  Firft  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  Monies  nrifiug  from  the  Duties  impofed  by  this  Aft,  the  necef- 
Cary  Charges  of  railing  and  accounting  for  the  lame  excepted,  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  paid  into  the  Re- 
ceipt of  His  Majefty’s  Exchequer  at  IVeJlminficr,  and  (hall  be  appropriated  and  applied  in  the  fame  manner 
as  the  Duties  of  Cuftoms  impofed  on  the  like  Goods  under  the  Head  of  Permanent  Duties  were  direfted  tu 
be  appropriated  and  applied. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  may  be  altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  any  Aft  or  Afts 
to  be  made  in  this  prefent  Seflion  of  Parliament. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  this  Aft  (hall  continue  in  force  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty  one. 


JSC.3.C  ;s». 
33  G.3.C.30. 

In  addition  to 

imported,  and 
Rum  and  Me- 
lilTef.  may  be 

An  Aft  to  extend  the  Powers  of  Two  Afts  for  allowing  Britijh  Plantation  Sugar  and  Coffee,  and 
other  Articles  imported  into  Bermuda  in  Britijb  Ships,  to  be  exported  to  America  in  Foreign 
Veflels;  and  to  permit  Articles,  the  Produce  of  America , to  be  imported  into  the  faid  Ifland  in 
Foreign  Ships,  to  certain  other  Articles.  [23d  May  1817.] 

* YT THEREAS  an  Aft  was  palled  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly’s  Reign,  intituled 

* VV  An  AB  to  allow  Britilh  Plantation  Sugar  and  Coffee  imported  into  Bermuda  in  Britilh  Stipe  to  he 
‘ exported  to  the  Territorui  of  the  United  Slatee  of  America  in  Foreign  Ships  or  Vcffete  / and  to  permit  Ar- 
‘ tides,  the  ProduBion  of  the  faid  United  States,  to  he  imported  into  the  faid  Ifland  in  Foreign  Ships  or  Fcjfels  : 
‘ And  Whereas  an  Aft  was  palled  in  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly’s  Reign,  intituled  An  AS 
' for  further  allowing  the  Importation  and  Exportation  of  certain  Articles  at  the  Ifland  of  Bermuda : And 

* Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  faid  Afts  (hould  be  extended  fo  far  as  regards  the  Articles  to  be  allowed  to 
‘ be  imported  and  exported  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King's  Moll  Excellent  Majelly,  by  and  with  the 
Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affem- 
bled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  in  Addition  to  the  Articles  enumerated  in  the  faid  Afts  it 
lhall  be  lawful  to  import  from  the  United  States  into  the  Ports  mentioned  in  the  Afts  above  recited,  in  Vef- 
fels  of  the  Description  therein  Hated,  and  under  the  like  Authority,  Rellriftions,  Rules,  Regulations,  Penal- 
ties and  Forfeitures,  provided  in  the  faid  recited  Afts,  the  Articles  of  Fruit  and  Vegetables  being  the  Pro- 
duce of  the  faid  States  j and  in  Addition  to  the  Articles  permitted  to  be  exported  by  the  faid  above  recited 
Afts,  to  export  from  the  faid  Ifland  of  Bermuda  to  the  laid  United  States,  in  fuch  Veflels  and  under  fuch 
Regulations  as  aforefaid,  Rum  and  Melaflcs  the  Produce  of  any  Britilh  Colony  or  Plantation  in  the  Wtji 
Indies,  which  (hall  haw  been  legally  imported  into  the  Ifland  of  Bermuda  in  any  Brilifb  Ship  or  VeflcL 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


A.D.  1817.  5 7°  GEORGII  III.  C.29,30.  41 


An  AG  to  extend  to  Newfoundland  the  Provifions  of  an  AG  pafled  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His 
preTent  Majcfly's  Reign,  for  permitting  the  Exportation  of  Wares,  Goods  and  Merchandize,  from 
any  of  His  Majelty’s  Illands  in  the  Weft  Indies  to  any  other  of  the  faid  Iflands,  and  to  and  from 
any  of  the  Britijb  Colonies  on  the  Continent  of  America,  and  the  faid  Iflands  and  Colonies. 

[23d  Maj  1817.] 

* TT7HEREAS  by  an  Aft  pafled  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  the  Reign  of  Hia  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  c.3.  c. iso. 

‘ V V An  Ad  to  permit  the  Exportation  of  Wares,  Goods  and  Merchandize  from  any  of  His  Majcfly's 

* Iflands  in  the  Welt  Indies  to  any  other  of  the  faid  Iflands,  and  to  and  from  any  of  the  Britifh  Colonies  on  the 
1 Continent  of  America,  and  the  faid!  Iflands  and  Colonies  ; it  is  onaftod,  that  it  fhall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and 
‘ for  any  of  His  Majefty’s  Subjcfts  to  export  in  any  Eritifh-bmh  Ship  or  Vcffel,  owned  and  navigated  ac- 
‘ cording  to  Law,  from  any  one  of  the  Iflands  in  the  Weft  Indies  belonging  to  His  Majefty,  to  any  other  of 

* the  faid  Iflands,  or  to  any  of  the  Britifh  Colonics  on  the  Continent  of  America,  and  from  any  one  of  the 

* faid  Britifh  Colonies  in  America  to  any  of  the  Iflands  in  the  Wef  Indies  belonging  to  His  Majefty,  or  to 

* any  other  Britifh  Colony  or  Plantation  on'  the  Continent  of  America,  any  Goods  or  Commodities  whatfoever 
‘ of  the  Manufacture  of  Europe,  and  alfo  any  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize,  or  Prize  Goods,  which  (hall 
4 have  been  legally  imported  into  any  of  the  faid  Iflands  or  Colonies,  under  the  Rules,  Regulations  and  Re- 

‘ llriftions  contained  m an  Aft  pafled  in  the  Forty  fifth  Year  of  His  faid  Majefty’s  Reign,  intituled  An  Act  U.  3.  c.  jj. 

‘ to  confo/idale  and  extend  the  federal  Laws  now  in  force  for  allowing  the  Importation  anil  Exportation  of  cer- 
4 lain  Goods  and  Merchandize  into  and  from  certain  Ports  in  the  Weft  Indies:  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient 

* to  extend  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  firft  recited  Aft  to  the  Ifland  of  Newfoundland Beit  therefore 
cnafted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords 
Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the 

fame,  That  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  any  of  His  Majcfly’s  EurojwinC  *xi», 
Subjefts  to  export  in  any  Britifh  built  Ship  or  Vcflel,  owned  and  navigated  according  to,  from  the  faid  tec.  may  tie  e»- 
Lfland  of  Newfoundland  to  any  of  the  Iflands  in  the  Wefl  Indies  belonging  to  His  Majefty,  or  to  any  of  the  . 

Britifh  Colonies  on  the  Continent  of  America,  and  from  any  one  of  the  faid  Iflands  in  the  Wefl  Indies  be-  lo  [h*  Wefl  In- 
longing to  His  Majefty,  or  from  any  one  of  the  faid  Britifh  Colonies  on  the  Continent  of  America,  into  the  ,|lrl|  &c  ,nd 
faid  Ifland  of  Newfoundland,  any  Goods  or  Commodities  whatfoever  of  the  Manufacture  of  Europe,  and  alfo  (ram  the  Weft 
any  Goods,  Wares  or  Merchandize,  or  Prize  Goods,  which  fhall  have  been  legally  imported  into  any  of  the  Indira,  ite.  to 
faid  Illands  and  Colonies,  under  the  Rules,  Regulations  and  Rcftriftious  contained  in  the  laid  tall  recited  Aft  NswIouiwUjiii. 
of  the  Forty  fifth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty. 


A11  AG  to  regulate  the  Intercfts  and  Periods  of  Payment  of  Navy,  ViGualling  and  Tranfport  Bills. 

[23d  May  1817.] 

4 TT7HEREAS  an  Aft  pafted  in  the  Thirty  feventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefeut  Majefty,  intituled  37  G.3.  e.  16. 

‘ VV  An  A3  to  provide for  the  more fpeedy  Payment  of  all  Navy,  WiBttsdling  and  Tranfport  Bills  that  fhall 
4 be  iffued  in  future  : And  Whereas  another  Aft  pafled  in  the  Forty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  43  G.  3.  c.  7. 

4 Majefty,  intituled  An  A3  to  amend  an  A3  made  in  the  Thirty  feventh  Tear  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Ma- 
* Iff  I'  intituled.  An  A3  to  provide  for  the  more  fpeedy  Payment  of  all  Navy,  ViHualUng  and  Tranfport  Bills  thus 
4 flail  Be  iffued  in  future  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  Commiflioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury  of 
4 the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  fhould  be  empowered  to  regulate  the  Intereft  and  Period 
‘ of  Payment  of  Navy,  Viftualling  and  Tranfport  Bills  iffued  after  pafling  of  this  Aft  May  it  therefore 
pleafe  Your  Majefty  that  it  may  be  enacted  j and  be  it  enafted  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,. by  and 
with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament 
aflcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  from  and  after  the  pafling  of  this  Aft  it  fhall  be  Troiiury  miy 
lawful  for  the  faid  Commiflioners  of  the  Treafury,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  or  the  Lord  High  Trea-  rsgulite  the 
furerof  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  from  time  to  time  to  order  and 
direft  whether  any  and  what  Intereft  fhall  be  payable  upon  Navy,  Victualling  and  Tranfport  Bills  refpeftively,  of  N.*y* 
and  alfo  the  Periods  within  which  the  fame  (hall  refpeftively  be  made  payable  : Provided  always,  that  no  fuch  gtlli,  Uc. 

Bills  (hall  carry  an  Intereft  exceeding  the  Rate  of  Three  pence  Halfpenny  per  Centum  per  Diem,  to  com-  But  n«  to  ti- 
mence  from  the  Date  of  the  fame  refpeftively,  and  to  be  paid  at  the  time  when  fuch  Bill  mall  become  payable  wedThree  pence 
or  be  made  payable,  at  any  longer  Periods  than  Ninety  Days  from  the  Date  thereof  refpeftively  ; any  thing  JMfpsnnjrper 
in  the  faid  recited  Afts,  or  any  former  Law  or  Ufage  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding.  eot.  pet  m. 

II.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  fhall  extend  or  be  con*  Piovilb  fbt  Bills 
Aimed  to  extend  to  enable  the  laid  Lord  High  Treafurer  or  Commiflioners  of  the  Treafury  for  the  time  being  iflueii  ur  to  b* 
to  direft  any  Alteration  to  be  made  either  in  the  Rate  of  Intereft  or  in  the  Period  of  Payment  of  any  Navy,  sfUjed  inpuifu- 
Viftualling  or  Tranfport  Bill  iffued  or  to  he  iffued  in  Payment  or  Part  Payment,  or  in  purfuance  and  per- 
formance  of  any  Contrail  fubfifting  and  in  force  at  the  time  of  the  pafling  of  this  Aft  ; but  all  fuch  Bills  1 b 
<hall  be  made  payable  at  the  fame  Periods,  and  (hall  bear  the  fame  Rate  of  Intereft,  as  if  this  Aft  had  not 
been  pafled. 

57  Geo.  III. 



Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


c.  31,  32. 


GEORGL1  111. 

A.  1).  1817. 


Outlet  and 
Drawback  nn 
Stone  Bnttlei 
granted  liy  re- 
cited AQ  reucal- 
ed,  and  in  lieu 
thereof  the  fbl- 



What  deemed 
to  be  a Suits 

Dutiet  under 
of  Eacilo. 

Diutei  and 
Drawback  huw 
to  be  levied  am) 


An  Aft  for  granting  to  His  Majefty  a Sum  of  Money  to  be  raifed  by  Lotteries.  [23d  May  1817.] 
[60, oat)  Tickets-"} 


An  Aft  to  repeal  the  Duties  of  Excife  on  Stone  Bottles,  and  charge  other  Duties  in  lieu  thereof. 

[16th  June  1817.3 

‘ XTTHEREAS  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  fccond  Year  of  the  Reign  of  Hit  prefent  Majcily,  intituled 
‘ V\  An  A3  for  granting  to  Hit  Majefiy  certain  Dutiet  on  Stone  Bottle!  made  ir.  or  imported  into  G real 

* Britain,  a countervailing  Duty  of  Excilc  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  is  impofed  for  every  Hundred 
‘ Weight  of  Stone  Bottles,  not  exceeding  Two  Quarts  Meafure,  made  in  Ireland,  and  imported  from  thence 
‘ into  Great  Britain  ; and  by  the  faid  Aft  an  Excife  Duty  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  is  impofed  for 
1 every  Hundred  Weight  of  Stone  Bottles,  not  exceeding  Two  Quarts  Meafure,  imported  from  any  other 
‘ Place  beyond  the  Seas ; and  by  the  faid  Aft  a Duty  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  is  impofed  for 
‘ every  Hundred  Weight  of  Stone  Bottles,  not  exceeding  Two  Quarts  Meafure,  made  in  Great  Britain  ; 
‘ and  by  the  faid  Aft  a Drawback  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  is  granted  and  allowed  for  every  Hundred 

* Weight  of  any  fuch  Stone  Bottles  asaforefaid,  upon  the  Exportation  thereof  to  any  Port  or  Place  beyond 
‘ the  Seas,  except  the  Glands  of  Faro  and  Ferro  : And  Whereas,  for  the  Protection  of  the  Glal's  Mnnu- 
‘ facturcs  of  the  United  Kingdom,  it  is  expedient  to  repeal  the  faid  Duties  and  Drawback,  and  to  impofe 

* other  Duties  and  grant  another  Drawback  iu  lieu  thereof  j’  Be  it  therefore  enacted  by  The  lung’s  Mod 
Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confcnt  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Com- 
mons, in  this  prefent  Parliament  aflcmblcd,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  from  and  after  the  Fifth 
Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  (even teen,  all  nod  Angular  the  aforefaid  Duties  and  Drawback 
(hall  ccafe  and  determine,  and  be  no  looger  paid  or  payable,  fave  and  except  iu  all  cafes  relating  to  the  re- 
covering, allowing,  or  paying  any  Arrears  thereof  respectively  which  may  at  that  time  remain  unpaid,  or  to 
any  Fine,  Penalty  or  Forfeiture,  Fines,  Penalties  or  Forfeitures  relating  thereto  refpeftivcly,  which  (hall  have  been 
incurred  at  any  lime  before  or  on  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  liioufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen. 

II.  And  bo  it  further  enafted,  That  from  and  afier  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufnnd  eight  hun- 
dred and  feventeen,  in  lieu  and  inltcad  of  the  Duties  by  this  Aft  repealed,  there  (hall  be  raifed,  levied,  col- 
lefted  and  paid  unto  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  and  SucceiTors,  the  feveral  Rates  and  Duties  of  Excife  lierein- 
after  mentioned  j that  is  to  (ay, 

For  every  Hundred  Weight  of  Stooe  Bottles,  not  exceeding  Two  Quarts  Meafure  made  in  Ireland,  and 
imported  from  thence  into  Great  Britain,  a countervailing  Duty  of  Excife  of  Five  Shillings,  and  fo  in  pro- 
portion for  any  greater  or  Ids  Quantity  : 

For  every  Hundred  Weight  of  Stone  Bottles,  not  exceeding  Two  Quarts  Meafure,  imported  from  any 
other  Place  beyond  the  Seas,  an  Excife  Duty  of  Five  Shillings,  and  fo  in  proportion  for  any  greater  or  Icls 

And  for  every  Hundred  Weight  of  Stone  Bottles,  not  exceeding  Two  Quarts  Meafure,  made  in  Great 
Britain,  an  Excife  Duty  of  Five  Shillings,  and  fo  in  proportion  for  any  greater  or  lcfs  Quantity  : 

And  that,  in  lieu  and  inftead  of  the  Drawback  by  this  Aft  repealed,  there  lhall  be  paid,  upon  the  Exporta- 
tion of  any  Stone  Bottles  made  in  Great  Britain,  or  made  in  Ireland  and  imported  into  Great  Britain,  for 
and  in  refpeft  whereof  the  Duties  by  this  Aft  impofed  (hall  have  been  paid,  and  which  (hall  be  damped  in 
fome  viiible  Part  thereof  in  the  making  thereof  with  a Mark,  to  be  directed  by  the  Commiffioncrs  of  Excife, 
to  any  Port  or  Place  beyond  the  Seas,  except  the  I (land  of  Faro  and  Ferro,  an  Excife  Drawback  of  Five 
Shillings  for  every  Hundred  Weight,  and  fo  in  proportion  for  any  greater  or  lefs  Quantity  of  fuch  Stune  Bottles- 

‘ HI*  And  Whereas  by  the  (aid  recited  Aft  every  Bottle  made  of  Earthen  or  Stone  Ware,  or  of  Earth  or 
‘ Clay,  the  Mouth  or  Oriftcc  of  which  (hall  not  exceed  in  Diameter  the  Diameter  of  the  Neck  thereof  by  more 

* than  One  Quarter  of  an  Inch,  and  which  (hall  not  exceed  Two  Quarts  in  Meafure,  and  no  other,  (nail  be 
‘ deemed  and  taken  to  be  a Stone  Bottle  within  the  Meaning  of  the  faid  Act : And  Whereas  the  above  recited 
‘ Description  of  thejbtonc  Bottles  intended  by  the  faid  Aft  bos  by  Experience  been  found  to  be  infufficicnt 
Be  it  therefore  further  enafted.  That  from  and  after  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  feventeen  fo  much  of  the  faid  Aft  as  is  lailly  above  recited  (hall  be  ami  the  fame  is  hereby  repealed,  and 
that  from  and  after  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  every  Bottle  or 
other  Veflel  which  may  be  ufed  as  or  for  a Bottle,  made  of  Earthen  or  Slone  Ware,  or  of  Earth  or  Clay 
alone,  or  mixed  with  any  other  Material  or  Materials,  which  (hall  not  exceed  Two  Quarts  in  Meafure,  or  the 
Mouth  or  Neck  of  which  (hall  not  exceed  in  Diameter,  in  the  narrowed  Part  of  the  Infidc  thereof.  Three 
Indies,  and  no  other,  lhall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  a Stone  Bottle  within  the  Meaning  of  this  Aft. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  fuch  of  the  Duties  by  this  Aft  impofed  as  (haU  arife  in  that  Part  of 
Great  Britain  called  England  (hall  be  under  the  Management  of  the  Coramifiioners  of  Excife  in  England  for 
the  time  being,  ami  fuch  thereof  as  (hail  arife  in  that  Part  of  Great  Britain  called  Scotland,  (hall  be  under  the 
Management  of  the  Commiftioners  of  Excife  in  Scotland  for  the  time  being. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  faid  Duties  and  Drawback  hereby  impofed  and  granted  (hall  be 
refpeftively  raifed,  levied,  colleSed,  recovered  and  paid  in  fuch  and  the  like  manner,  and  iu  or  oy  any  or  cither 
of  the  general  or  (pedal  Meant,  Ways  or  Methods,  by  which  the  former  Duties  and  Drawback  of  Excife 
refpeftively  hereby  repealed  were  or  might  be  raifed,  levied,  collected,  recovered  and  paid  ; and  the  faid 


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A.D. r 8 1 7.  57°  GEORGII  HI.  0.32,33. 

Perfons,  Goods,  Wares,  Merchandize  or  Commodities  fo  by  this  Aft  respectively  made  liable  to  the  Payment 
of  or  chargeable  with  the  faid  Duties  impofed,  or  entitled  to  the  faid  Drawback  refpeftively  impofed  and 

f ranted  by  this  Adi,  (ball  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  made  fubjeft  and  liable  to  all  and  every  the  Conditions, 

.emulations,  Rules,  Rdlriftions  and  Forfeitures  to  which  fuch  PcrfonB,  Goods,  Wares,  Merchandize  or  Com- 
modities were  generally  or  fpccially  fubject  and  liable  by  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  in  force  on  and 
immediately  before  tlie  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  rcfpccling  the 
Duties  of  Excife  or  other  Duties  under  the  Management  of  the  (aid  Comroiflionera  of  Excife  refpedlively, 
were  or  might  be  fubjedt  and  liable  ; and  all  and  every  Pain,  Penalty,  Fine  or  Forfeiture,  of  any  Nature  or 
Kind  whatever,  for  any  Offence  whatever  committed  againilorin  breach  of  any  Acl  or  Adis  of  Parliament  in 
force  on  and  immediately  before  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen, 
for  fecuring  the  Revenue  of  Excife  or  other  Duties  under  the  Management  of  the  faid  CommiGionvrs  of 
Excife  refpedlively,  or  for  the  Regulation  or  Improvement  thereof,  and  the  feveral  Claufes,  Powers,  and 
Direflions  therein  contained,  (hall  and  are  hereby  diredted  and  declared  to  extend  to,  and  (hall  be  refpedlively 
applied,  practifed  and  put  in  Execution  for  and  in  refpedt  of  the  faid  feveral  Duties  of  Excife  and  Drawback 
refpedlively  hereby  impofed  and  grauted,  in  as  full  and  ample  Manner  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes  whatfoever  as 
if  all  and  every  the  laid  Adis,  Claufes,  Provifions,  Powers,  Direflions,  Fines,  Pains,  Penalties  or  Forfeitures 
were  particularly  repeated  and  reenadted  in  the  Body  of  this  Adi. 

VI,  Aud  be  it  further  enacted,  That  all  the  Monies  anting  by  the  Duties  by  this  Adi  impofed  (the  necef-  Applicjtiun  of  ' 
fary  Charges  of  railing  and  accounting  for  the  fame  excepted)  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  paid  into  the  Uutici. 
Receipt  of  His  Majelly's  Exchequer  at  Wejlmxnjler,  and  dial!  be  carried  to  and  made  Part  of  tlie  Confulidatcd 
Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland. 

VII,  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  no  Maker  or  Makers  of  Earthen  or  Stone  Ware,  or  of  Bottles  Bottles  not  10  b« 
or  other  Veffcls  made  of  Earthen  or  Stone  Ware,  or  of  Earth  or  Clay  alone,  or  mixed  with  any  other  Ma-  mid*  of  left  Siie 
terial  or  Materials,  (hall  make  of  Earthen  or  Stone  Ware,  or  of  Earth  or  Clay  alone,  or  mixed  with  any  5"  Content  than 
other  Material  or  Materials  whatfoever,  any  Bottle  or  Bottles,  or  other  Veffel  or  Veffcls  which  may  he  1 ’Ti'  9'inc°J 
ufed  as  or  for  a Bottle  or  Bottles,  fmaller  or  of  lefs  Size  or  Content  than  Three  Ounces  in  Meafurc  of  dif-  di(iiiw'w4ter. 
tilled  Water  ; and  if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers  (hall  make  of  Earthen  or  Stone  Ware,  or  of  Eartli  or  Clay 
alone,  or  mixed  with  any  other  Material  or  Materials  whalfbcver,  any  Bottle  or  Bottles,  or  any  Veffel  or  Veffcls 
which  may  be  ufed  as  or  for  a Bottle  or  Bottles,  fmaller  or  of  lefs  Size  or  Content  than  Three  Ounces  m 
Meafurc  of  diflilled  Water,  fuch  Maker  or  Makers  fo  offending  (hall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit 
and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds,  to  be  fued  for,  recovered,  levied  or  mitigated  by  fuch  Ways,  Means  or  Penalty  50I. 
Methods  as  any  Fine,  Penally  or  Forfeiture  may  be  fued  for,  recovered,  levied  or  mitigated  by  any  Law  or 
Laws  of  Excife,  or  by  Aftion  of  Debt,  Bill,  Plaint  or  Information  in  any  of  His  Majetty's  Courts  of  Re- 
cord at  Wejhninjltr , or  in  the  Court  of  Exchequer  at  Edinburgh  refpcttivdy  ; and  that  one  Moiety  of  every 
fuch  Fine,  Penalty  or  Forfeiture  (hall  be  to  His  Majclly,  His  Heirs  and  Succeffors,  and  the  other  Moiety  to 
him  or  them  who  (hall  inform,  difeover  or  file  for  the  fame. 

* VIII.  And  Whereas Contrafts  or  Agreements  may  have  been  made  before  the  palling  of  this  Aft  by 
‘ Dealers  in  Stone  Bottles,  upon  which  Duties  are  by  this  Aft  impofed  for  fuch  Stone  Bottles,  to  be  delivered 
‘ after  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  Be  it  therefore  enacted,  That  Amount  of 
fuch  Dealers  delivering  fuch  Stone  Bottles  made  after  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  aud  Duties  to  fce 
feventeen,  in  purfuance  of  fuch  Contrails  or  Agreements,  (hall  be  allowed  to  add  fo  much  Money  us  will  be  ****  to  th® 
equivalent  to  the  Duties  by  this  Act  impofed  for  or  iu  refpett  of  fuch  Stone  Bottles  to  the  Price  thereof,  kjr 

aud  (hall  be  entitled  by  virtue  of  tills  Aft  to  be  paid  for  the  fame  accordingly. 

IX.  Aud  be  it  further  emitted.  That  this  Aft  or  any  of  the  Provifions  thereof  may  be  altered,  varied  or  AS  may  fce 
repealed  by  any  Aft  to  be  made  in  this  Seffion  of  Parliament.  altered,  tec.  thh 


An  A£t  to  reduce  tlie  Allowance  of  Spirits,  Tea  and  Tobacco  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Seamen  on  board 
certain  Ships  orVeflcls  making  fliort  Voyages,  v [t  6th.  June  1817.3 

, XT7  HERE  AS,  by  the  Laws  now  in  force,  Ships  or  Veffcls  found  at  Anchor  or  hovering  within  the 
»v  Limits  of  aoy  of  the  Ports  of  this  Kingdom,  or  within  certain  Diftances  of  the  Coans  thereof,  or 
which  (hall  he  difeovered  to  have  been  withiu  the  faid  Limiu  or  Dillanccs,  and  not  proceeding  on  their 
| Voyages,  Wind  and  Weather  permitting,  uniefs  in  cafe  of  unavoidable  Neceflity  and  Diftrefa  of  Weather, 

* °*  winch  Neceflity  and  Dillrefa  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch 
Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  give  Notice  and  make  Proof  before  the  Colleftor  or  other  Chief  Officer  of  the  Cuftoms 

* °*"  P°rt  within  ilic  Limits  of  which  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  be  found,  immediately  after  the  arrival  of 

* fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  within  the  Limits  of  fuch  Port,  having  on  board  any  Brandy  or  other  Spirituous 
‘ Liquors  in  any  Veffel  or  Calk  which  Ihall  not  contain  Sixty  Gallons  at  the  Icall,  (except  only  for  the  Ufe  of 

the  Seamen  then  belonging  to  and  on  board  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  uol  cxceediug  Two  Gallons  for  each  Sea- 
‘ man.)  or  having  on  board  Six  Pounds  Weight  of  Tea,  or  having  on  board  any  Tobacco  in  any  Calk  or 
■ Package  whatever  containing  lefs  than  Four  hundred  and  fifty  Pounds  Weight,  (except  loofc  Tobacco  for 
■I-'  Dfe  of  the  Seamen  on  board  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  not  exceeding  Five  Pounds  Wright  for  each  Seaman,) 
then  not  only  all  fuch  Goods,  but  alfo  the  Ship  or  Veffel  on  board  which  they  Ihall  be  found  as  aforefaid, 

* with  all  her  Guns,  Furniture,  Ammunition, Tackle  and  Apparel  are  forfeited:  And  Whereas  it  has  been 

* found  that  great  Quantities  of  Spirits,  Tea  and  Tobacco  have  been  run  into  that  Part  of  the  United  King- 
dom called  Great  Britain,  without  Payment  of  Duties,  from  Ships  and  Veffcls  making  Ihort  Voyages, 

G * * under 

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44  C-  33. 34- 

sf  GE0RGI1  111. 

A.D.  1817. 

Flicc  beiwi 
lire  It  and  C ij>e 


• under  Pretext  that  the  fame  is  for  the  Ufc  of  the  Seamen  on  board  the  faid  Ships  and  Veffels  ; for  Remedy 
« whereof  it  is  expedient  that  the  Quantities  allowed  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Seamen  in  fuch  cafes  (hould  be  rc- 

* duced  be  it  therefore  enadted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majell y,  by  and  "with  the  Advice  and  Con- 
tent of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefeat  Parliament  affcmbled,  and  by  the 

VelTeli  (not  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Act,  if  any  Ship  or  Veffel  (not  being  fquare 
lieing  (quire  rigged)  coming  from  any  Place  between  Brefl  on  the  Coafl  of  France  and  the  Heller  Point  on  the  Coall  of 
rigged)  coming  Holland,  including  tile  Texet  IJlc  and  all  Places  on  the  Zander  Zee,  and  all  lflands  on  the  Coall  of  France,  the 
from  any  1*Ijm  Netherlands  and  Holland,  between  Brejt  and  the  Texet,  (hall  arrive  in  any  of  the  Ports  of  that  Part  of  the 
and*th*  HcWtr.  United  Kingdom  called  Great  Britain,  or  (hall  be  found  at  Anchor  or  hovering  within  the  Limits  of  any  of 
*c.  found  hover-  the  Ports  thereof,  or  within  Four  Leagues  of  that  Part  of  the  Coart  thereof  which  i9  between  the  North 
in;,  Ac.  luvinr  Foreland  on’the  Coall  of  Kent  and  Beacly  Head  on  the  Coall  of  SuJJex,  or  within  Eight  Leagues  of  any 
on  board  for  the  other  Part  of  the  Coaft  of  that  Part  of  the  United  Kingdom  calletT  Great  Britain,  or  (hall  have  been  dil- 
ute of  the  Sea  c.avercd  to  have  been  within  the  faid  Limits  or  Diltanccs,  and  not  proceeding  on  her  Voyage,  Wind  and 
lh™Qu»mitr  " Weather  permitting,  unlcfs  in  cafe  of  unavoidable  Ncceffity  and  Diftrefs  of  Weather,  of  which  Neccflity  and 
hereifi  ipecifitd  Dirtrefs  the  Mailer  or  other  Perl'on  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall 
of  Spirit*.  Tea.  give  Notice  and  make  Proof  before  the  Collector  or  other  Chief  Officer  of  the  Cuftotns  of  any  Port  within 
or  Tobacco,  fuch  {he  Limits  of  which  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  be  found,  immediately  after  the  Arrival  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel 
Goods  and  Vtl-  wj,hjn  t(,e  Limits  of  fuch  Port,  having  on  board,  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Seamen  then  belonging  to  and  on  board 
e s or  eit  . fuch  ghip  or  Veffel  any  Brandy  or  other  Spirituous  Liquors  exceeding  One  Half  of  a Gallon  for  each  Sea- 
man, or  having  on  board  any  Tea  exceeding  Two  Pounds  Weight  iti  the  Whole,  or  having  on  board  any 

Tobacco,  except  loofe  Tobacco,  not  exceeding  One  Pound  Weight  for  each  Seaman  ; then  not  only  all  fuch 
Goods,  but  alfo  the  Ship  or  Veffel  on  board  which  they  (hall  be  found  as  aforefaid,  with  all  her  Guns,  Fur- 
niture, Ammunition,  Tackle  and  Apparel  (hall  be  forfeited,  and  (hall  and  may  be  feized  by  any, Officer  or 
Officers  of  HU  Majefty's  Army,  Navy  or  Marines,  or  of  the  Cuftoms  or  Excife. 

Such  VefleU  II.  And  be  it  further  ena&cd,  That  if  any  Ship  or  Veffel  (not  being  fa  u a re  rigged)  coming  from  any 
coming  from  m y p|ace  between  Brejl  on  the  Coall  of  France,  and  Cape  Finiflerrc  on  the  Coall  of  Spain,  including  all  lflands 
xn‘"  the  Coafts  of  France  and  Spain  between  thofe  Places,  or  coming  from  any  Place  between  the  Helder  Point 

the  Coall  of  Holland  and  North  Bergen  on  the  Coall  of  Norway,  or  from  any  Place  as  far  up  the  Cattegat 

hiving  on  bend  as  Gottenlurgh,  including  all  lflands  on  the  Coafls  between  thole  Places,  (hall  arrive  in  any  of  the  Ports  of  that 

1 lirger Quantity  Part  of  the  United  Kingdom  called  Great  Britain,  or  (hall  be  found  at  Anchor  or  hovering,  or  (hall  have 
of  Spiiiu,  tec.  t,e2n  difeovered  to  have  been  within  the  faid  Limits  or  Diftances,  anJ  not  proceeding  on  her  Voyage,  Wind 
,hentio"d  and  Weather  permitting,  unlefs  in  cafe  of  unavoidable  Ncceffity  and  Dirtrefs  of  Weather,  of  which  Neceffity 

GoodsatulVef-  and  Dill  refs  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  or  taking  the  Charge  or  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall 

fcl«  forleiicil  in  give  Notice  and  make  Proof  before  the  Colledlor  or  other  Chief  Officer  of  the  Cuftoms  of  any  Port  within 
like  manner.  the  Limits  of  which  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  be  found,  immediately  after  the  Arrival  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel 

within  the  Limits  of  fucli  Port,  having  on  board,  for  the  Ufc  of  the  Seamen  then  belonging  to  and  on  board 
fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  any  Brandy  or  other  Spirituous  Liquors  exceeding  One  Gallou  for  each  Seaman,  or 
having  on  board  any  Tea  exceeding  Four  Pounds  Weight  in  the  whole,  or  having  on  board  any  Tobacco, 
excepting  loofe  Tobacco  not  exceeding  Two  Pounds  Weight  for  each  Seaman  j then  not  only  all  Inch  Goods, 
hut  alfo  the  Ship  or  Veffel  on  board  wliich  they  (hall  be  found  as  aforefaid.  with  all  her  Guns,  Furnitnre, 
Ammunition,  Tackle  and  Apparel,  (hall  lie  forfeited,  and  (hall  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Officers 
of  His  Majefty’s  Army,  Navy  or  Marines,  or  of  the  Cuftoms  or  Excife. 

Forfeiimesbow  III.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  all  Forfeitures  impofed  by  this  A&  (hall  be  fued  for,  levied,  and 
10  be  iccovircd.  recovered  by  fuch  Ways,  Means,  or  Methods,  as  any  Forfeiture  is  or  may  be  recovered  by  any  Law  or  Laws 
of  Cuftoms  or  Excife,  or  by  A&ion  of  Debt,  Bill,  Plaint,  or  Information  in  any  of  His  Majefty’s  Courts 
of  Record  at  IVeJIminJhr,  or  in  the  Court  of  Exchequer  in  Scotland. 


An  Acl  to  authorize  the  Iffue  of  Exchequer  Bills,  and  the  Advance  of  Money  out  of  the  Con- 
foliduted  Pund,  to  a limited  Amount,  for  the  carrying  on  of  Public  Works  and  Filheries  in  the 
United  Kingdom,  and  Employment  of  the  Poor  in  Great  Britain , in  manner  therein  mentioned. 

[tfitli  June  1817.] 

\\7  HEREAS  great  Advantage  may  arife,  under  tiAfent  Circumllances,  in  affording  Employment  for 
VV  the  labouring  Claffes  of  the  Community,  by  the  Advance  of  Exchequer  Bills  and  Money  out  of 

* the  Confolidated  Fund,  to  an  Amount  in  the  whole  not  exceeding  the  Sinn  of  One  milliun  feven  hundred 

* and  fifty  tlioufand  Pounds,  to  be  lent  by  Commiffioner  1 in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  refpeftively,  under 

* certain  Regulations  and  Reftriftions,  for  the  carrying  on  of  Works  of  a public  Nature,  commenced  or 

* which  may  hereafter  be  commenced  under  Authority  >f  Parliament ; or  for  the  Encouragement  of  the 
‘ Filheries,  or  the  Support  of  Collieries  or  Mines  in  the  United  Kingdom  ; or  for  the  Employment  of  the 

* Poor  in  the  Parilhes  in  Great  Britain  1 upon  due  Sccurit  r being  given,  in  all  fuch  cafes,  for  the  Repayment 
‘ of  the  Sums  fo  advanced  within  a time  to  be  limited  May  it  therefore  pleafe  Your  Majclty  that  it  may 
be  enaScd  ; and  be  it  enailed  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent 
of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  n this  prefent  Parliament  nffembled,  and  by  the 
Authority  of  the  fame.  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  The  Ki  ig’s  Moil  Excellent  Majefty,  by  Warrant  or  War- 

wthoriia  rants  under  His  Royal  Sign  Manual,  to  authorize  and  empower  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Trea- 
,oij  to  iffiic  fUIy  of  ihe  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  now  or  for  the  time  being,  or  any  Three  or  more 
f6  of 

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A.D.  1817.  57 0 GEORG II  III 

of  them,  or  the  Lord  High  Treafurer  of  the  United  Kingston!  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time  Exchequer  Bill* 
being,  to  caufe  or  direct  any  Number  of  Exchequer  Billsjto  be  made  out  at  His  Majefty’s  Exchequer  in  nut  exceeding 
Great  Britain,  not  exceeding  in  the  Whole  the  Sum  of  Cjie  million  five  Inindred  thoufand  Pounds,  in  the  Mccyaccl. 
fame  or  like  manner.  Form  and  Order,  and  according  to  the  fame  or  like  Rules  and  Diredtions  (except  where 
other  Diredtions  for  making  out  the  fame  are  contained  and!  particularly  expreffed  in  this  Adt),  as  in  and  by 
an  Adt  made  ‘in  the  Forty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  HiJ  prefeut  Majeily,  intituled  An  A8  for  regulating  480.3.  e.i. 
lie  ifuing  and  paying  off  of  Exchequer  Bids,  are  enacted  andjprefcribed. 

lT.  And  be  it  further  enadted,  That  all  and  every  the  Clijufes,  ProvifoeB,  Powers,  Privileges,  Advantages,  powers  of  rc- 
Pcnalties,  Forfeitures  and  Difabililies  contained  in  the  faid  recited  Adt  of  the  Forty  eighth  Year  of  His  pre-  cited  Aft  to  ex- 
fent  Majelly's  Reign,  (hall  be  applied  and  extended  to  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  lie  made  in  ptirfuance  of  this  lc,lJ  to  Exche- 
Adt,  as  fully  and  effectually  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofes  as  If  the  faid  feveral  Claufes  or  Provifoes  had  been  e 

particularly  repeated  and  re-cnadted  in  the  Body  of  this  AdtJ  Ait!*"  **  ** 

III.  And  be  it  further  enadted,  That  the  faid  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  out  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft  Bills  to  bear  an 
fhall  and  may  bear  an  Intereft  not  exceeding  the  Rate  of  Two  pence  Halfpenny  per  Centum  per  Diem  upon  or  Inter  eft  of  Two- 
in  refpeft  of  the  whole  of  the  Monies  refpectively  contained  {herein,  and  (hall  be  made  payable  at  fuch  Periods  r*n«  Halfpenny 
as  fhall  be  fixed  by  the  faid  Comtniffioners  of  His  Majelly's  jTrcaftiry,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  or  the  P£r  Cent,  per 
faid  Lord  High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being;  but  nevcrtnelefs  fo  as  that  all  fuch  Bills  as  (hall  be  advanced  Times  when 
for  the  carrying  on  of  any  Public  Works,  (hall  be  made  payable  within  Three  Years  from  the  iffuing  thereof ; ,,»y,i,|e. 

and  all  fuch  Dills  as  (hall  be  advanced  for  the  Affiitance  of  any  Parilhes  in  Great  Britain  fhall  be  made  payable 
within  Two  Years  after  Eafler  One  thoufand  eight  hundred!  and  eighteen  ; and  that  the  principal  Sum  con- 
tained  in  every  fuch  Bill,  together  with  fuch  Intereft  as  aforefaid,  to  be  computed  from  the  Day  of  the  Date 
thereof  until  the  time  appointed  for  Payment  thereof,  Ihall  be  paid  off  and  difeharged  upon  the  Days  and  times 
refpeftivcly  appointed  for  the  Payment  thereof. 

IV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  all  and  every  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  forth  Such  Bills  not  10 

by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  or  fo  many  of  them  as  fhall  from  time;  to  time  remain  undifeharged  and  uncancelled  after  he  exchanged  by 
the  refpeftive  Days  on  which  they  fhall  become  due  and  payable,  (hall  and  may  after  that  lime  pafs  and  be  Rccol»” 
current  to  all  and  every  the  Receivers  and  Collectors  in  Great  Britain  of  the  Cuftoms,  Excife  or  any  Re-  *^for? 

venue.  Supply,  Aid  or  Tax  whatfoever  due  or  payable  to  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  or  Succeffors,  and  alfo  at  Cd'f,>r'[hefr>I’?'" 
the  Receipt  of  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  from  the  faid  Receivers  or  Collectors ; but  no  fuch  Receiver  or  mcm;>  u c. 
Collector  fhall  exchange,  at  any  time  before  the  faid  Daylof  Payment  thereof,  for  any  Money  of  fuch  Re- 
venues, Aid,  Taxes  or  Supplies  In  his  Hands,  any  Exchequer  Bill  which  (hall  have  been  iffued  as  aforefaid  by 

virtue  of  this  Aft  ; nor  Ihall  any  Aftion  he  maintained  aga  nil  fuch  Receiver  or  Collcftor  for  neglefting  or 

refufing  to  exchange  any  fuch  Exchequer  Bill  for  ready  M mey  before  the  faid  Day  of  Payment  thereof ; any 

Tiling  in  this  Aft  to  the  contrary  contained  in  anywife  m twithftauding ; and  that  fuch  of  the  fame  Bills  as  Bilk  received  it 

fhall  be  received  at  the  faid  Receipt  ot  Exchequer  (ball  and  may  be  locked  up  and  fecured  as  Cafh,  according  the  Iixcheiiuer 

to  the  Courfe  of  the  faid  Exchequer  fettled  and  rftablilhed  by  Law  for  locking  up  and  fecuriiig  Monies  rr-  ™jjj*  “P“ 

ceived  in  Specie  there. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  at  any  time  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  by  or  out  of  fuch  Mouics  as  r.nrd  l.icutentnt 
Ihall  at  any  time  or  times  remain  in  the  Receipt  of  the  Exc  icquer  of  Ireland,  or  out  of  the  growing  Produce  of  Iretind  may 
of  the  Coufolidated  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  arifing  Ireland  (after  paying  or  referving  fufficicnt  to  older  the  Ad- 
pay  all  fuch  Sum  and  Sums  of  Money  as  have  been  directed  by  any  former  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  to  be 

eid  in  Ireland  out  of  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund),  there  lall  and  may  be  iffued,  by  Order  of  the  Lord  ,hj 'produce  of 
ieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Irelartfl  for  the  time  being,  from  time  to  time,  in  manner  ,|lc  Confolidated 
and  under  the  Regulations  hereinafter  mentioned  and  contained,  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  not  exceeding  Fund  there,  lor 
in  the  whole  the  Stun  of  Two  hundred  and  fifty  thoufand  Pounds,  to  be  applied  to  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft,  the  Pwpcfes  of 
in  manner  and  under  the  Regulations  hereinafter  mentioned. 1 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Right  Honourable  Robert  Seymour  commonly  called  Lord  Robert  N-tmn  of  Com- 
Seymour,  the  Honourable  William  Lambe,  Sir  Tbomai  Dyke  Acland  Baronet,  Sir  Cbarlei  Edmonjlone  Baronet,  nii'lionew  fir 
Sir  James  Shame  Baronet,  Sir  John  Peering  Baronet,  Thomis  Sherlock  Gooch  Efquire,  Edward  John  Little-  Grest  Britain. 
ton  Efquire,  Charles  Grant  feuior,  Efquire,  John  C.hrijlian  Cuywen  Eiquirc,  Thomas  Grimjlon  E/lcourt  Efquire, 

John  Smith  Efquire,  Henry  Swann  Efqtlire,  Robert  Matthe^o  Cajbcrd  Efquire,  Thomas  Reid  Efquire,  Ben- 
jamin Harrfon  Efquire,  John  Thornton  Efquire,  John  Detuficld  Phelps  Efquire,  John  Angerjlrin  Efquire, 

Jofeph  Bercns  Efquire,  and  Charles  Bofanquet  Efquire,  flialllbe  and  are  hereby  conltitutcd  Commilfioncrs  for 
the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain;  and  that  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  l,md Licutiniat 
Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  by  Writing  under  his  or  their  Hand  or  Hands,  to  nuy  *p|ioint. 
nominate  and  appoint  fo  many  and  fuch  Perfons  as  he  or  they  ifliall  think  fit,  not  exceeding  Fifteen  in  Number,  Ccmnwilintitrs 
to  he  Commiflioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  and  the  faid  Perfons  fo  to  be  nominated  fhall  for 
lie  and  they  are  hereby  appointed  Commiflioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland;  and  all  the  faid 
Commiflioners  are  hereby  refpeftively  required  to  execute  the  Powers  and  Autliorities  given  to  them-  by  this 
Aft,  without  any  Fee,  Reward,  Emolument,  or  Gratuity  whatever. 

VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  any  Two  of  the  faid  Commiflioners  in  this  Aft  named,  before  they  Two  Commif- 
fhall  enter  upon  the  Execution  of  tltis  Aft  in  Great  Britain,  fhall  take  an  Oath  before  the  Chancellor  of  the  Horan 'unite 
Exchequer,  or  the  Mailer  of  the  Rolls  for  the  time  being,  in  Great  Britain  ; and  any  Two  of  the  Commif-  the  following 
fioners  to  be  appointed  for  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft  by  the  Loid  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Go-  Oxdt  before  Per- 
vernors  of  Ireland,  Ihall,  before  they  enter  ou  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland , take  an  Oath  before  any  n““e'd  em 
One  of  the  Barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland ; which  Oath  the  laid  Chancellor,  Mailer  of  the  Rolls  and 


C 34-  45 

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A.D.  1817. 

and  the  olhcrt 
to  take  tbt  Oath 
before  the  uid 

may  meet,  ap- 
point Offieen, 
and  adminifter 
Ot:h),  4c. 

Officer!  in  the 
Exchequer  and 
in  the  Office 
of  Vice  Tru- 
futer  m Ireland 

Feci  unduly. 

and  receive  De- 
pofition!  made 
before  Magi- 

Addition  of 
Party.  & c.  to  be 
infetted  in 

Pcrfoni  jiving 
fab'o  Evidence 
goiity  of  Perjury. 

Tmafury  to  iflue 


baying  the 
Charge!  in  the 
Execution  of  thia 
Aft, of  which  an 
Account  ia  to  be 

Barons,  or  any  or  either  of  them,  are  and  is  bdreby  refpeftively  authorized  and  required  to  adminifter  } the 
Tenor  whereof  (hall  be  as  followeth  ; that  is  td  fay, 

‘ T A.  B.  do  fwear,  That  according  to  the  bell  of  my  Judgment,  I will  faithfully  and  impartially  execute  the 
* A feveral  Powers  andTrufts  vefted  in  me  by' an  Aft,  intituled  sin  AB  [he re  fet  forth  the  Title  of  thii  atffl], 
‘ according  to  the  Tenor  and  Purport  of  the  laid  Act.’ 

And  every  other  of  fuch  Commiflioncrs  refpeftively  (hall  lilcewife  take  tlie  fame  Oath  before  fuch  Two  Com- 
miflioncrs,  who  are  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  adminifter  the  faid  Oath,  after  they  (hall  themfelves 
have  taken  thu  fame  as  aforefaid.  L. 

VIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  laid  Commiflioncrs  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Bri- 
tain and  Ireland  refpeftively,  (hall  have  Power  to  meet  and  fit  from  time  to  time  in  fuch  Place  or  Places  as 
they  (hall  refpeftively  find  moft  convenient,  with  or  without  Adjournment ; and  they  or  any  Three  or  more  of 
them  refpeftively  may  appoint  and  employ  a Secretary  and  fo  many  Clerks  and  Meflengcrs  as  they  fliall  re- 
fpeftively  think  meet ; and  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Commiffioners  fur  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in 
Great  Britain,  with  the  Confcnt  and  Approbation  of  the  faid  Commiflioncrs  of  His  Majefty's  Treafury  for 
the  time  being,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  in  Writing  under  their  Hands,  and  for  the  Commiffioners  for 
the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  with  the  Confcnt  and  Approbation  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other 
Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  to  allow  to  fuch  Seretary,  Clerks  and  Meflengers 
refpeftively  fuch  reafonablc  Salaries  as  to  the  faid  refpeftive  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft 
Ihnll  feem  meet ; and  alfo  to  employ  a Solicitor,  and  any  Civil  Engineer  or  Engineers,  or  Surveyor  or 
Surveyors,  or  other  Officer  or  Officers,  and  to  allow  to  fuch  Solicitor,  Engineer  or  Engineers,  Surveyor  or 
Surveyors,  and  ocher  Officer  or  Officers,  fuch  Salaries,  Rewards  or  Emoluments  as  the  faid  Commiffioners 
refpeftively  (hall  think  rcafonable  for  their  Care  and  Labour  ; and  to  give  and  adminifter  to  fuch  Secretary, 
Clerk,  Solicitor,  Engineers,  Surveyors  and  other  Officers  refpeftively,  an  Oath  for  their  faithful  Demeanor  in 
all  Things  relating  to  the  due  Performance  of  the  Trulls  repoied  in  them  by  the  faid  Commiffioners 
refpeftively,  and  in  all  other  Things  touching  the  Premifes  ; and  from  time  to  time,  at  their  Difcretion,  to 
difmift  and  difeharge  fuch  Secretary,  Clerks,  Meflengers,  Solicitor,  Engineers,  Surveyors  or  other  Officers, 
or  any  or  either  of  them,  and  to  appoint  others  in  their  Place  ; and  the  faid  Secretary,  Clerks,  Solicitor,  En- 
gineers, Surveyor*' and  other  Officers  are  hereby  required  faithfully  to  execute  and  perform  the  faid  Trufts  in 
them  fevcrally  and  refpeftively  repofed,  without  taking  any  Thing  for  fuch  Service,  other  than  fuch  Salaries 
or  Rewards  as  the  faid  Commiflioncrs  (hall  direft,  appoint  and  allow  in  manner  by  this  Aft  direfted. 

IX.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  Oflicerlor  other  Perfou  or  Perfon  a whatfoever  employed  in  and 
about  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  the  Receipt  of  LHii  Majefty’s  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  or 
in  the  Office  of  die  Vice  Treafurer  for  Ireland,  (hall  demand,  take  or  accept  any  Fee  or  Gratuity  whatfoever 
for  their  Care  and  Labour,  oilier  than  fuch  Salaries;  Allowances,  Rewards  or  Emoluments  as  (hail  or  may  be 

Cted  to  or  be  allowed  to  be  taken  by  them  refpeftively  under  the  Authority  of  die  faid  Commiffioners  of 
Majefty’s  Treafury,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  tliein,  or  the  Lord  High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being,  in 
Great  Britain  or  under  the  Authority  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  for  the 
time  being  in  Ireland.  J_ 

X.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  Tliat  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  die  faid  Commiffioners  for  die  Execndon  of  this 
Aft,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them  refpeftively,  and  they  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered,  to  examine 
upon  Oath  or  Affirmation  ( which  Oaui  or  Affirmation  they  or  any  One  or  more  of  diem  are  and  is  hereby 
authorized  to  adminifter)  all  Pcrfons  who  (hall  be  willing  to  be  examined  touching  all  fuch  Matters  and 
Things  as  (hall  be  ncccflary  for  tlic  Execution  of  the  Powers  vefted  in  the  faid  Commiffioners  hy  this  Aft, 
and  alfo  to  receive  any  Affidavits  or  Dcpofitions  in  Writing,  upon  Oath  or  Affirmation,  touching  fuch  Mat- 
ters or  things  as  aforefaid,  which  (hall  be  made  before  any  Juftice  of  the  Peace  of  any  County,  or  any  Magif- 
trate  of  any  City,  Borough  or  Town  Corporate  in  Gnat  Britain  or  Ireland,  where  or  near  to  which  the  Per- 
fon making  fuch  Affidavit  or  Dcpofition  (hall  refide,  and  certified  and  tranfmitted  to  the  (aid  Commiffioners 
refpeftively  under  the  Hand  and  Seal  of  fuch  Juftice  or  Magiftrate  ; which  Oath  or  Affirmation  every  fuch 
Juftice  or  Magiftrate  (hall  be  apd  is  hereby  authorized  and  empowered  to  adminifter ; provided  that  in  every 
fuch  Affidavit  or  Dcpofition  there  (hall  be  exprefled  the  Addition  of  the  Party  making  fuch  Affidavit  or  De- 
pofition,  and  tlie  particular  Place  of  his  or  her  Abode. 

XI.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  if  any  Perfon  or  Pcrfons,  upon  Examination  upon  Oath  or  Affirmation 
before  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  refpeftively,  or  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  making 
any  fuch  Affidavit  or  Dcpofition  as  before  mentioned,  (hall  wilfully  and  corruptly  give  falfc  Evidence,  or  (hall 
in  fuch  Affidavit  or  Dcpofition  wilfully  and  corruptly  fwear,  affirm  or  allege  any  matter  or  thing  which  (hall 
be  falfe  or  untrue,  every  fuch  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  fo  offendiug,  and  being  thereof  duly  convifted,  (hall  be  and 
is  and  are  hereby  declared  to  be  fubjeft  and  liable  to  fuch  Paini  and  Penalties  as  by  any  Law  now  in  force  in 
Great  Britain  or  Ireland  refpeftively  Pcrfons  convifted  of  wilful  nnd  corrupt  Perjury  arc  fubjeft  and 
liable  to.  __ 

XII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  fend  may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners  of  His 
Majefty's  Treafury,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  [or  the  faid  Lord  High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being,  in 
Great  Britain,  and  for  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  for  the  time  being  in 
Ireland,  and  they  are  hereby  refpeftively  authorized  ! and  required,  to  iflue  and  advance  or  caufc  to  be  iuued 
and  advnnced  all  fuch  Sums  of  Money  to  fuch  Perfou)  or  Perlons,  in  fuch  manner  and  in  fuch  Proportions  as 
the  Comraiflionera  fur  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them 
1 7f  refpeftively. 

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A.D.i8i7*  57°  GEORGII  111.  C.34. 

refpeftively,  Iball  by  W ritmg  under  their  Hands  froiA  time  to  time  deiire,  out  of  any  Part  of  the  Public 
Monies  remaining  in  His  Majdly’s  Exchequer  at  H'tylminjler  or  Dublin  refpeftively,  to  be  replaced  in  the 
manner  in  this  Aft  mentioned ; which  Sums  fo  to  be  fffued  and  advanced  lhall  be  employed  for  the  Payment 
pf  Allowances,  and  in  defraying  all  other  ncceffniy  Charges  and  Expenccs  in  or  about  the  Execution  of  this 
Aft,  without  other  Account  than  before  the  laid  Commiffioners  of  His  Majelly's  Treafury ; and  which 
Money  fo  to  be  iffued  lhall  not  be  fubjeft  to  any  'Fax,  Duty,  Rate  or  AITeflmcnt  whatfoever  impofed  by 
Authority  of  Parliament ; but  that  an  Account  01  tht  faid  Charges  and  Expenccs  lhall  be  laid  betore  both 
Houfes  of  Parliament,  within  Two  Months  after  the  Expiration  of  the  laid  Commiffions  refpeftively,  if 
Parliament  lhall  be  then  fitting  5 but  if  Parliament  (halllnot  be  then  fitting,  then  within  Fourteen  Days  after 
the  Commencement  of  the  then  next  Scffion  of  ParliamtjjJ. 

XIII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  on  ihe  Day  next  after  this  Aft  (hall  have  received  the  Royal  Affent, 
dr  as  foon  after  as  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain  anil  in  Ireland  refpeftively, 
or  any  Three  or  more  of  them  who  lhall  have  taken  the  faid  Oath,  can  refpeftively  affeniblc,  the  faid  Com- 
miflioners  fhall  refpeftively  proceed  to  receive,  or  (hall  appoint  a proper  Pcrfon  for  receiving,  all  fuch  Ap- 
plications in  Writing  us  lhall  be  made  to  them  refpeftively  from  any  Body  or  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or 
Company  or  Companies  of  Proprietors,  or  Pcrfon  or  Pcrfons  engaged  in  or  defirous  of  carrying  on  or 
intcrellcd  in  any  Works  of  a public  Nature,  carried  on  or  which  may  hereafter  be  carried  on  under  the 
Authority  of  Parliament,  in  any  Part  of  the  United  Kingdom,  or  any  Applications  for  the  Encouragement  of 
Filherics,  or  the  Support  of  any  Collieries  or  Mines,  or  from  any  Parilhcs  in  Great  Britain,  lor  the  Loan  and 
Advance  of  Money,  by  Exchequer  Bills  or  otlierwife,  according  to  this  Aft  ; and  the  faid  Commiffioners  (hall 
alfo  then  fix  and  appoint  fuhfequcnt  Days  for  taking  into  tht  V Confederation  all  fuch  Applications,  and  lhall 
meet  together  for  that  Purpofe,  and  IhaU  proceed  with  all  convenient  Difpatch  to  afeertain  the  Amount  of 
the  Sums  which  in  their  Judgment  it  will  he  expedient  to  advance  under  this  Aft,  in  purfuance  of  Appli- 
cations made  for  fuch  Afijilauce  j having  Regard,  in  conlidcring  all  fuch  Applications  as  lhall  be  made  for 
the  carrying  on  of  fuch  Public  Works,  Filherics,  Collieries  or  Mines,  to  the  Benefit  which  may  arife  in 
affording  Empjoyment  for  the  labouring  Claffes  of  the  People,  and  the  Numbers  to  be  employed,  and  to  the 
ultimate  Security  which  may  be  afforded  by  the  Rates  and  Tolls  of  fuch  Public  Works  for  the  Repayment 
of  the  Money  advanced  ; and  in  confidering  all  fuch  Applications  from  Parilhcs  in  Great  Britain,  to  the 
fpecial  Difficulties  experienced  in  the  Parilhes  requiring  Affiftmice,  and  to  the  Sufficiency  of  the  Securities 
which  may  be  propofed,  whether  on  the  Parifh  Rates  or  otherwife. 

XIV.  And  be  it  further  enafteil,  That  the  fevcral  Commffuoners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  lhall  and 
they  are  hereby  refpeftively  required,  before  any  Appointment  lhall  be  made  of  any  Exchequer  Bills,  or 
Money  to  he  advanced  under  this  Aft,  to  caufe  all  the  Applications  delivered  to  fuch  Commiffioners  refpec- 
tively  to  be  claffed  according  to  die  Amount  of  the  Sums  refpeftively  applied  for,  and  the  Nature  of  die 
Securities  tendered,  and  the  Circumftances,  as  far  as  the  fame  fhall  appear  upon  the  faid  Applications,  and 
thereupon  to  draw  up  and  eflablifh  fuch  general  Rules  and  Regulations  for  their  own  Government  in  the  ap- 
portioning and  diftributing  the  Sums  to  be  advanced  and  lent  in  Exchequer  Bills  or  Money  under  this  Aft,  to 
die  fevcral  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Companies,  or  Pcrfons,  or  Parilhcs  applying  for  the  fame,  as  they  in 
their  Difcretion  lhall  deem  equitable  and  juft  ; all  which  Rules  and  Regulations  lhall  within  a convenient  time 
be  entered  in  a Book  or  Books  to  be  prepared  and  kept  by  fuch  Commiffioners  refpeftively  for  that  Purpofe  5 
and  the  faid  fevcral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  according  to  the  true  Purport  and  Meaning 
of  fuch  general  Rules  and  Regulations  as  aforefaid,  fhall  proceed  to  take  into  their  Conlidcration  all  Inch 
Applications  which  (hall  fpecify  the  Amount  of  the  Sums  required  to  be  advanced  as  aforefaid,  ond  which  lhall 
tender  any  Security  which  the  faid  Commiffioners  are  authorized  by  this  Aft  to  take  for  the  Payment  of  the 
Sums  to  be  advanced,  and  which  lhall  alfo  fpecify  the  Nature  thereof;  and  from  time  to  time,  on  Inquiry  into 
the  fame  refpeftively,  fhall  determine  what  Bodies  Politic  and  Corporate,  Companies,  Pcrfons  and  Parilhcs, 
fhall  in  their  Judgment  be  entitled  to  any  Part  of  the  Exchequer  Bills  or  Money  to  be  advanced  or  lent  under 
this  Aft,  and  to  what  Amount,  and  lhall  afeertain  the  Nature  and  Amount  of  the  Securities  to  be  required 
from  them  for  the  fame  refpefiivelv. 

XV.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  when  anil  as  foon  as  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this 
Aft  in  Great  Britain  lhall  have  refpeftively  determined  upon  any  Amount  of  fuch  Bills  to  be  advanced  under 
l“e  Prov‘*i0';3  of  this  Aft,  the  faid  Commiffioners  lhall  forthwith  refpeftively  certify  fuch  Amount  to  the 
Auditor  of  the  Receipt  of  His  Majelly’s  Excheatjer  at  IVeJlminJIer  for  the  time  being,  who  on  fuch  Certificate 
or  Certificate*  being  depoGted  in  his  Office  (hall  jeaufe  and  direft  to  be  delivered  to  the  Bearer  or  Bearers 
thereof,  m the  manner  and  under  the  Regulation^  fpecified  in  this  Aft,  Exchequer  Bills  payable  at  fuch  Pe- 
riods aud  to  fuch  Amount  as  the  laid  Commifliorfcrs  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  dial!  direft,  provided  that 
the  total  Amount  to  be  iffued  by  virtue  of  fuch  Certificates  lhall  uol  at  any  one  time  exceed  the  Amount  of 
Exchequer  Bill*  direfted  to  be  iffued  under  this  Aft  ; and  every  fuch  Exchequer  Bill  lhall  bear  Date  on  the 
Day  on  which  the  faid  Certificates  lhall  appoint  add  direct,  and  (hall  and  may  be  ligned  by  the  Auditor  of  the 

“IS  Majelly’s  Exchequer,  or  in  his  Name  by  any  Pcrfon  duly  authorized  by  the  faid  Auditor  to 

And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  when  and  as  foon  as  the  faid  Commiffibners  for  the  Execution  of 
this  Aft  in  Ireland  lhall  lave  determined  upon  iny  Amount  of  fuch  Money  to  be  advanced  under  the  Provi- 
rr*f°£ ^*e  Commiffioners  fhall  forthwith  certify  fuch  Amount  to  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other 
t-lucf  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  thfc  time  being,  by  one  or  more  Certificate  or  Certificates  under 
"f  ““‘jus  and  Seals  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them  ; and  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or 
otfier  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  beine  fiiall,  on  Receipt  of  any  fuch  Certificate, 

6 dke(ft 


liiil  before  I’ar- 


eeive  or  appoint 
a Peribn  to  it- 

for  the  Loin  of 
Exchequer  Bills, 

citified,  and  to 
cllahliHi  Regula- 
tion* for  Upper- 

Such  Regula- 
tion* to  Ik 
and  thereupon 
10  tnnfidcr  Ap- 
plication! and 
make  Enquiriei 

accenting  ly. 

When  Commif- 
finnrri  liave  de- 
termined on  Iho 
Amount  of  Mo- 

* anted  and  cer- 
tified the  lame, 
Auditor  of  the 
livchequcr  10 
illue  bill*  in  U. 
B.  agreeably  to 
lucli  Certificate:- 

In  the  like  cafe 
In  Ireland  Lord 
Lieutenant  to 

fnt  Advances 
agreeably  to 
Certificate  of 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 






there,  at  by  diretSi  liis  Warrant  to  the  Vice  T reafurer  of  Ireland  for  the  ifiuing  fucli  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  as  (hall  be 
$*G.  3.C  fpecified  in  fuch  Certificate,  out  of  the  Receipt  ijf  the  Exchequer  of  Ireland,  in  manner  directed  by  Two 
}G  G. ; c.98.  Afts,  the  one  made  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefly's  Reign,  intituled  An  Aft  far  the  mare 
tffeBua!  Regulation  of  the  Receipts  and  IjTues  of  Hii  Majefly's  Treafury,  and  for  fecuring  the  due  Application  of 
Money  coming  into  the  Hands  of  the  Public  Accoumants  in  Ireland  ; and  the  other  made  in  the  lait  SefUon  of 
Parliament,  intituled  An  A3  to  unite  and  eonfulidatt  into  One  Fund  all  the  public.  Revenues  of  Great  Britain  and 
Certificate  to  he  Ireland;  and  to  provide  for  the  Application  thereof  toihe  general  Service  of  the  United  Kingdom  ; and  every  fuch 
cof  the  faid  Commifiiotiers  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  (hall  be  prefented  at  the  Office 
ice  Treafurer  for  Ireland,  together  tvfth  fuch  Warrant  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief 
Governors  ; and  every  fuch  Certificate  (hall  be  depofited  and  (hall  remain  in  the  Office  of  the 
~ ' Ireland ; provided,  that  the  whole  Amount  of  Money  to  be  tfTued  by 

one  time  exceed  the  Sum  of  two  hundred 

(•relented  01  Of-  Certificate 

lice  gfV itc  of  the  faid  Vice  Treafurer  for  Ireland,  togeth 

Treoftirer.  rod  , A . S-, 


Auditor  of  the 


may  aiqi-ini 

ether  Dayt  for 
e..iilideriti!  fur- 
tlicr  Apylics- 
tiuni  from  t 

Governor  o 

Auditor  General  of  the  Excheque 

virtue  of  fuch  Certificates  of  the  faid  Commiffioners,\  (hall  n 
and  fifty  thoufand  Pounds.  — * 

XVII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  faid  fcveral  Commiffioncrs  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  or 
any  Three  or  more  of  them  refpeftively,  lhall  fix  and  appoint  other  proper  and  convenient  Days  for  taking  into 
Confederation  luch  further  Applications  as  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  made  to  them,  and  (lull  afeertain  the 
Amount  of  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  or  Money  as  (hall  be  required  to  be  from  time  to  time  iflued  for  the  Purpofe- 
of  this  Aft,  m>d  (hall  bylthe  Cei tificate  cy  Certificates  as nforcfiid-certifyalic. famo  IP  the,  faifl  C nmmiffioncra 

sml  of  His  Majelly’s  Treafury, 

ird  High  Treafurer  for  the  time  being  in  Great  Britain,  or  to  the 

ity  to  Tier  - Lor(J  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governoi  or  Governors  in  Ireland,  who  (hall  refpeftively,  on  Receipt  of  any 

fuch  Certificate,  direft  further  Exchequer  Bills  or  Money  to  be  ifiucd  to  fuch  Amount  from 

' ' ' ' r ' ' ' and  of  the  Money  to  be  advanced  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  fhall 

ijrjedt  until  the  whole  of  the  Bills^to  ^be  made 

; and  t lie  (aid  fcveral  Commiffioncrs  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft 
fuel.  E xchequer  Bills  or  Money 
-Enrii,  under  the  like  Rules 

(hall  from  time  to  time  proceed  refpeftively  t 

(hall  be  advanced  under  this  Aft,  <Butfiu*H“grant  4TmUtS(ISiItl£i!uui, 

and  Regulations  as  arc  hereinbefore  mentioned  concerning  the  Exchequer  Bids  or  Money  to  be  firtl  ifiued  o 
advanced  as  aforcfaid  ; tmd-the-  piojm  Officers  ifhull-fronr  Time  to~timc  deliver  1'udi  JLxrhrqncx.  -Bdh  or  iffue 
fm  h Mousy  in  >hr  F1W111  wnflTTT5tffi'gT~be(qre  directed. 

XVIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  l’udh  Officers  by  whom  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  (hall  be  delivered 
(hall  from  time  to  time,  upon  Requifitiou  of  the  faid  Commiffioncrs  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great 
Britain,  deliver  to  them  at  their  Office  complete;  Lids  of  all  the  Exchequer  Bills  made  out  by  them,  fpecifying 
therein  the  refpeftive  Dates  and  Sums  expreffed  j therein,  and  the  Periods  appointed  for  the  Payment  of  the 
fame,  and  diftinguilhing  therein  the  Perfona  to  Whom  and  the  Numbers  of  the  Certificates  by  virtue  whereof 
the  fame  were  ifiucd  refpeftively. 

j XIX.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  Auditor  General  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ireland  (hall  without  Fee 
- or  Reward  from  time  to  time,  upon  Requifition  of  the  Commiilioiicrs  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland , 
deliver  to  them  complete  Lids  of  all  Sums  ifiued  by  Warrants  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland , and  coun- 
terfigned  according  to  Law  by  the  faid  Vice  Tpcafurer,  fpecifying  the  refpeftive  Dates  and  Sums  expreffed 
therein,  and  didinguilhing  the  Perfons  to  whom  and  the  Numbers  of  the  Certificates  in  confequence  whereof 
the  faid  Warrants  were  ifiucd  refpeftively. 

n XX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  and  every  Perfon  and  Perfons  to  whom  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  or 
1-  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  refpeftively  (hall  pe  advanced  or  lent,  for  the  life  of  any  Body  or  Bodies  Politic 
r or  Corporate,  or  Company  or  Companies,  in  the  United  Kingdom,  or  Parifh  or  Pariihes  in  Great  Britain,  or 
’ for  any  fuch  other  Purpofe  as  aforefaid,  under:  the  Provifion6  of  this  Aft,  lhall  previoufly  enter  into  fuch  Se- 
curity in  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  as  the  cafe  may  require,  and  as  the  fcveral  Commiffioncrs  for  the  Exe- 
cution of  this  Aft,  or  any  Three  or  more  of:  them,  (hall  refpeftively  deem  ncceffary ; which  Securities  the 
faid  Commiffioners  refpeftively,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  (hall  by  their  Difcrction  have  full  Power  and 
Authority  to  caufe  to  be  taken  ; and  every  Security  to  be  taken  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  by  Writing 
obligatory  to  our  Sovereign  Lord  The  King,  in  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  as  lhall  be  direfted  by  fuch 
Commiffioncrs  refpeftively,  or  any  Three  or  mpre  of  them,  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  to  be  paid  to  our  faid  Lord 
The  King,  by  fuch  Form  of  Words  as  Obligations  to  The  King's  Majefty  have  been  tifed  to  be  made,  and 
with  fuch  Conditions  to  be  thereunder  written  as  by  fuch  Commiffioners  refpeftively  (hall  be  deemed  proper  ; 
and  that  all  fuch  Obligations  to  be  fo  made  (Kail  be  good  and  effeftual  in  the  Law,  and  (hall  be  of  the  lame 
Force  and  Effeft  to  all  Intents  and  Purpofcs  as  any  Obligation  made  to  our  Sovereign  Lord  the  now 
„ his  Prcdecefiors,  or  any  of  them,  hath  at  any  time  heretofore  been  or  now  is  adjudged,  received,  or 
Perfopi  fo  giving  taken  to  be  ; any  Law,  Ufage  or  Cuitom  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding : Provided,  that  no  Perfon  who 
Spr.,r,,v  n«  n-.ii  into  any  Security  for  any  Money  to  be  advanced  for  carrying  on  of  any  Public  Work,  or  for 

~r u:n — c » _r — x'; — fl— n liable  in  refpeft  of  any  fuch 

rfpeftively  become  pcrfonally 

out  10  be  deli 
vexed  10  the 

Perfons  10  when 
Bills  dull  be  ad 
vmeed  10  enter 
into  Security  as 
dull  deem 

by  Writing  obti- 
jjtory  to  the 

Quality,  I 
King  or  h 

(hall  ci 

imSvWuTl'Sub-  Encouragement  of  any  Filhery,  or  Support  of  any  Colliery  or  Mine,  (hall  be  liable  in  refpeft  of 

fctipiion.  Security  for  any  larger  Amount  than  the  Sum  (for  which  any  luch  Perfon  (hall  rer-~ a:— ■-  u — - 

bound  by  his  individual  Subfcription.  J 

Dcpoftt  of  St 


jy  his  individual  oublcription.  1 

. Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commffiinners  re/pec- 

• 1 l,wIr»  'n.  pvei7  cafe  under  this  Aft,  to  accept  and  take  any  Depofit  or  Transfer  of  any  Public  Funds,  Stock 

lutisl  Security.  °.r  Securities,  ux-to-accept  a Cltarge-upon  -the -Poor1  s-R  air  u£-any  Pmflt  in  -Great-Britain,  as-hetcilUtflcr  meu- 
1 ’’  -tiiinnl,  in  lieu  and  infiead  of  pcrfonal  Security. 

Commiflionus  XXII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  all  cafes  of  Affiftance  afforded  by  the  Loan 
to  require  Mon-  Bills  or  Mooey  under  tlie  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  for  the  carrying  on  of  any  fuch  public  Works,  Collieries 
gsge»  0 ot  Mines,  the  fevcral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  ol  this  Aft  (hall,  in  Add 

Advance  of  any 
rks.  Collieries  or 
Addition  to  the  Security  required  to 

Printed  linage  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1S17. 






be  taken  from  the  Perfons  applying  for  fitch  Afliltance,  require  and  take  Mortgages,  AITignments  or  other  public  Works  u 
competent  Security,  upon  the  Rates,  Tolls  and  Receipts  accruing  or  which  may  at  any  time  thereafter  accrue,  » collateral 
arife  or  be  taken,  collefted  or  received  by  or  for  tlie  Ufe  of  the  Body  Corporate  or  Politic,  or  Company  of  Sccur"T' 

Proprietors,  or  Perfons  intcrelled  in  the  public  Work  in  refpeft  or  in  aid  of  which  tlie  Advance  of  Bills  or 
Money  under  this  Aft  (hall  have  been  made,  for  the  fecuring  the  Repayment  of  the  full  Amount  of  the  Bills 
or  Money  advanced,  together  with  all  the  Intereft  which  may  arife  and  become  due  upon  fuch  Amount ; and  Proyrietor*  »r 

it  (hall  be  lawful  for  any  fuch  Body  Corporate  or  Politic,  or  for  the  Company  of  Proprietors  to  whom  any  "** 

fuch  public  Work  iliall  belong,  or  for  the  refpeftive  Truftecs,  Commiflioners,  Committees  of  Management,  or  m^'gage'witb 
other  Perfons,  by  whatever  Name  or  Names  called,  under  whofe  Care,  Management  or  Control,  any  fuch  Priority  over  all 
public  Work  lhall  be,  to  mortgage,  aflign  and  fecure  fuch  Rates,  Tolls  or  Receipts  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Securities,  ei- 
fsid  Commiflioners  refpeftivcly,  in  fuch  manner  as  fliall  be  required  by  thefaid  Commiflioners  refpeftivcly,  and  «ptthofeof 
alfo  to  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  lhall  have  become  Security  for  any  Advances  made  under  the  Provifions  of 
this  Aft,  as  a collateral  Security  to  thfe  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  (hall  have  entered  into  any  fuch  Security  for  Kepsymcnt  of 
the  due  and  full  Payment  of  the  full  Amount  of  all  Bills  or  Money  fo  advanced,  together  with  Intereft  thereon,  their  Vriodpal 
according  to  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  ; and  all  fuch  Mortgages,  Heritable  Bonds,  Alflgnments  and  other  >*  well  =s 
Securities,  (hall  have  Priority  over  and  fliall  precede  all  other  Securities,  and  all  Dividends  and  Divifion  of  ■•>“»«& 

Profit  or  Intereft  upon  any  Sums  advanced  or  contributed,  or  which  may  thereafter  be  advanced  or  contri- 
buted for  the  carrying  on  or  completing  of  any  fuch  public  Work,  favc  and  except  fuch  Sums  as  (hall  have 
been  advanced  by  way  of  Loan,  before  the  Advance  o£  fuch  Bills  or  Money,  by  any  Perfons  as  bond  jde  Cre- 
ditors, and  entitled  as  fuch  to  the  Repayment  of  the  principal  Money  advanced  by  them,  as  well  as  Intereft 
thereon  j any  thing  contained  in  any  Aft  or  Acts  of  Parliament  relating  to  any  fuch  public  Work,  in  aid  or 
in  refpeft  of  which  any  fuch  Bills  or  Money  (hall  have  been  advanced  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  to  the 
contrary  in  anywife  notwithftanding. 

XXIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  every  cafe  in  which  Four  Fifth  Parts  in  Amount  If  Four  Fifths  of 
in  Value  of  the  Creditors  who  have  Securities  of  a like  Nature  upon  the  Rates,  Tolls  or  Receipts  arifingont  Creditors  con - 
of  ^ny  public  Work  in  aid  or  in  refpeft  of  which  any  Application  fliall  be  made  for  the  Advance  of  Bills  or  orrdls'to  Com- 
Money  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  (hall  agree  and  lignify  their  Confent  in  Writing  that  a Priority  over  miriiontu,  or  to 
their  Claims  as  fuch  Creditors  fliall  be  given  to  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft,  or  to  any  Perfcm  giving 
Perfons  who  have  applied  for  fuch  Affiftance  in  refpeft  of  fuch  Advance,  then  and  in  fuch  cafe  the  Mort-  Perfmul  Stcu- 
gage,  Alignment,  or  other  Security  given  by  the  Body  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  Company  of  Proprietors,  W1 *lilTe 
or  Perfons  intcrelled  in  any  fuch  public  Work,  to  the  Secretary  of  fuch  Commiflioners  rcfpcftively,  and  to  the  cuim^oTsH 
Perfon  or  Perfons  upon  whofe  Perfonal  Security  fuch  Advance  of  Bills  under  this  Aft  fliall  have  been  made,  Crediioisof  i,ke 
(hall  have  Priority  over  the  Claims  of  all  the  Creditors  of  a like  Defcription,  as  well  as  fuch  Creditors  as  have  Defaipicn. 
not  agreed  or  aflented  to  fuch  Priority,  as  to  thofc  who  have  fo  agreed  as  aforefaid  ; any  thing  contained  in  any 
Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  relating  to  any  fuch  public  Work  as  aforefaid,  or-any  thing  contained  in  any  Mort- 
gage, Alignment  or  other  Security  upon  fuch  Rates,  Tolls  or  Receipts  given  to  any  fuch  Creditors,  to  die 
contrary  notwithftanding. 

XXIV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Money  may  i- 

Exccution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  by  and  with  the  Confiiit  and  Approbation  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  in 

Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland,  to  make  any  Ajdvancc  of  Muncy  under  this  Aft  in  aid  of  any  public  |rc]an(j  on 
Work  in  Ireland  carried  on  under  tlie  Management  and  Direftion  of  Commiflioneri  appointed  by  the  Lord  Mortgage  of 
Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Irelknd  for  the  time  being,  or  under  the  Management  and  R««*s  under  the 
Direftion  of  the  Corporation  of  any  City  or'Town,  ortof  any  other  Body  Politic  or  Corporate  in  Ireland,  Managrnuni  of 
upon  the  Credit  of  any  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits  wiich  arc  or  fliall  be  levied,  paid  and  applied  under  the 
Authority  or  Control  of  any  fuch  Commiflioners  or  PerfcnB  fo  appointed  ; and  that  in  luch  cafe  it  lhall  and  lotj  u^,', 
may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiflioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  by  and  with  the  Confent  runt,  or  under 
and  Approbation  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  povernor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  di*  Managc- 

to  direft  fuch  Advance  to  be  made  upon  Mortgage  or  Alignment  of  fuch  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits  only, 
without  requiring  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  enter  into  any  Perfonal  Security  by  Writing  obligatory  to  His 
Majclty,  His  Heirs  and  Succeflbrs,  in  manner  herein  before  mentioned  ; any  thing  in  this  Aft  contained  to  Smoky, 
the  contrary  notwithftanding:  Provided  always,  that  on;  all  Money  fo  advanced  there  be  paid  an  Intereft  after  lutsreftat  61. 
the  Rate  of  Six  Pounds  per  Centum  per  Annum,  and  that  the  Principal  Money  fo  advanced  fliall  be  repaid  by  Cent.  per 
Means  of  a Sinking  Fund  of  not  lets  than  Six  Poundage  Centum,  within  fuch  time  as  the  Commiffiouert  for  Amnsm,  and 
the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  with  the  Approbation  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant,  or  oilier  Chief  Governor  or  Go-  re^ridW  » Sink- 
vemori .of  Ireland,  (hall  direft  and  appoint,  and  as  (hall  be  fpecificd  in  the  Mortgage  or  Aflignmeni  to  be  made  ing  Fund  as 
for  fuch  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits,  purfuant  to  thej  Direftions  of  this  Aft.  herein  men- 

XXV.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Execu-  «“"*<!• 

non  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain,  to  make  any  Advance  of  Money  under  this  Aft  in  aid  of  any  public  jv”** I”, 3)1 1* 
Work,  upon  the  Credit  of  any  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits  arifing  from  any  public  Work  which  (hall  be  pobDe  Works  in 
m part  completed,  and  the  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profit*  of  which  lhall  produce  a clear  aftual  Surplus,  Great  Britain  >n 
after  Payment  of  all  Expences  of  Management,  of  not  lefs  than  double  the  Amount  of  the  Sum  neceflary  to  certain  cafes, « 
payDente?rft  ?um  re<Iu*red  to  be  advancedt  and  alfo  upon  the  Credit  of  the  Rates,  Rents,  Toll*  Mortgage  of 

«r  ! rofits  of  any  public  Work  which  (hall  be  in  part  completed,  but  which  (hall  not  have  produced  any  f.  * 
Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits,  or  the  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits  of  which  (hall  be  left  than  fuch  double  &c. 

- mount  as  aforefaid,  or  which  (hall  not  be  commenced  ; provided  that  in  each  of  fuch  laft  mentioned  cafes  Provifo  os  to 
o la,d  Cornmiffioners  .ball  be  fatisfied  of  the  Practicability  and  Utility  of  the  Work,  and  of  the  Rates,  Amount  of  Mo- 
Kents,  Tolls  and  Profit*  being,  when  the  Work  (hall  be  completed,  an 'adequate  Security  s and  provided  “*“.*?*'*  . 
57  Geo.  III.  0 # that  W« kf'WD<h 

Printed  image  digitised  by  tlie  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


In  the  Eftimate 
of  the  Sum  to  he 
expended.  .Ve. 

the  Commit 
fionera  may  eon- 
ftdet  the  Monies 
already  expend- 

Interell  at  jl. 
par  Cent,  pet 
Annum  on  Mo- 
nies advanced, 
and  Principal 
Monies  repaid 
by  a Sinking 

Partita  applying 
for  Money  to 
undeitake  and  to 


Money  may  he 
advanced  for 
building,  enlarg- 
ing or  repairing 

Security  on  the 
Pews,  Sec. 

T ruiUes  of 
Roads  to  whom 
Advancer  are 
made  under  this 
AS  may  ir. create 
Tolla  (or  Re- 

Separate  Ac- 
count of  filch 
additional  TolU 
to  be  kept. 

for  Drainage  for 
which  Advances 
ib all  be  made, 
may  increafe 
Rates  for  Re- 

C.34.  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

that  the  Corporation,  Company  or  Perfon  or  Perfon*  carrying  the  fame  into  Execution,  (hall  expend  or  dc- 
poftt,  in  fuch  manner  as  the  fmd  Commidioners  (hall  rSrcti,  before  any  Advance  (hall  be  made  under  the  Pro- 
vilions  of  this  Act,  a Sum  equal  to  not  lefs  than  One  Halt  Part  of  the  edimated  Cods  for  the  Completion  of 
the  whole  Work  : Provided  always,  that  in  the  Eflimpte  of  the  Sum  to  be  fo  expended  or  dcpolited,  the  faid 
Commiflioncrs  may,  if  they  Ihnll  fee  fit,  take  into  Confidcralion  Monies  already  expended  upon  fuch  Work, 
but  fo  as  that  in  no  cafe  the  further  Expenditure  or  Dtpolit  required  as  aforefaid  (hall  be  lefs  than  One  Third 
of  the  edimated  Cods  for  the  Completion  of  the  whole  Work  ; and  in  every  fuch  cafe  fuch  Advance  may  be 
made  upon  Mortgage  or  Alignment  of  fuch  Rates,!  Rents  Tolls  or  Profits  only,  without  requiring  any 
Perfon  or  Perfons  to  enter  into  any  Perfonal  Security  tty  Writing  obligatory  to  His  Mnjelly,  His  Hein  anil 
SucceiTors,  in  manner  herein  before  mentioned ; any  thing  in  this  Act  contained  to  the  contrary  notwitli- 
danding  : Provided  always,  that  on  all  Money  fa  advanced  there  be  paid . an  Interelt  after  the  Rate  of  Five 
Pounds  per  Centum  per  slnnum  ; and  that  the  Principal  Money  fo  advanced  (hall  be  repaid  by  means  of  a 
Sinking  Fund  of  not  lefs  than  Five  Pounds  per  CentunL  within  fuch  ®mc  aB  the  Commiflioncrs  for  the  Exe- 
cution of  this  Ad  (hall  direft  and  appoint,  and  as  lhall  tic  fpecificd  in  the  Mortgage  or  Affignment  to  be  made 
for  fuch  Rates,  Rents,  Tolls  or  Profits,  purfuant  to!  the  Directions  of  this  Act,  unlels  Provifion  (hall  be 
otherwife  made  to  the  Satisfaftion  of  the  Commidionjtrs  for  the  Repayment  of  fuch  Principal  within  Ten 
Years  at  the  furthefl : Provided  alfo,  that  in  every  cafe  the  Parties  making  Application  for  any  fuch  Ad- 
vance (hall  undertake  to  complete  any  Work  fo  approved  by  the  faid  Commidioiiers,  and  on  which  any  fuch 
Advance  may  have  been  made,  at  their  own  proper  Calls  and  Charges,  in  cafe  the  Expellee  of  completing 
the  fame  (hall  exceed  the  eitimated  Amount  as  aforefaid. 

XXVI.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiflioners  rcfpec- 
tively  to  advance  any  Money  under  this  Aft  for  the  building,  enlarging  or  repairing  of  any  Church  or 
Parochial  Chapel  in  the  United  Kingdom,  upon  having  a Sum  equal  to  One  Half  Part  of  the  edimated  Ex- 
pence of  fuch  Building,  Enlargement  or  Repair  fubferibed  for  or  depot! ted  or  vefled  in  any  public  Fund, 
without  requiring  any  fuch  Perfonal  Security  as  aforefaid  ; and  in  every  fuch  cafe  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the 
Churchwardens  of  the  Parifh  to  which  fuch  Qburch  dial  I belong,  or  the  Trudees  of  the  faid  Churcl^or 
Chapel,  and  they  are  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  make  Rates,  and  (hall  give  the  Pews  in  Security  for 
the  Repayment  of  the  Interell  of  the  Monies  advanced  under  the  Provifion*  of  this  Aft,  and  for  providing 
annually  a Fund  of  not  lefs  than  the  Amount  of  the  Intered  upon  the  Sum  advanced  for  the  Repayment  of 
the  Principal  thereof,  . . 

XXVII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  fliallVc  lawful  for  the  Trudees  of  any  Road  for  which  any 
Advance  (hall  be  made  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Act,  or  the  major  Part  of  the  Trudees,  not  being  lefs 
than  Two  Thirds  of  the  Number  of  Trudees  prefent  at  any  Meeting  called  together  hy  Notice  given  ui  the 
ufual  manner  in  which  Notices  are  given  for  nficmbling'i  fuch  Trudees  Six  Days  at  the  leal!  before  the  Day 
appointed  for  the. Meeting,  and  in  which  Notice  the  lyirpofe  for  which  the  Meeting  is  adembled  (hall  be 
dated,  to  make  an  Order  for  laying  on  of  fuch  additional  Tolls,  not  exceeding  in  any  cafe  One  Half  of  the 
Amount  of  the  Tolls  which  may  be  legally  taken  by  virtue  of  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  then  in  force 
in  relation  to  fuch  Road,  as  may  be  nccclTary,  in  the  Judgment  of  the  faid  Trudees,  for  raifing  a fuificicnt 
Fund  for  the  Repayment  of  any  fuch  Advance,  and  with  all  Intered  thereon,  within  the  Period  dipulnted 
under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  for  fuch  Repayment ; and  from  and  after  the  Period  fpecificd  in  any  fuch 
Order,  all  fuch  additional  Tolls  may  be  demanded,  taken,  collcfted  and  recovered  by  the  fame  Perfon,  and 
by  and  under  all  fuch  and  the  like  Powers,  Authorities,  Penalties,  Forfeitures,  Provifions  and  Remedies, 
as  Tolls  are  taken  in  relation  to  fuch  Road  under  the  Authority  of  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament,  in  like 
manner  in  any  refpeft  as  if  fuch  additional  Tolls  were  inferted  in  and  made  Part  of  the  Tolls  allowed  to  be 
taken  and  colleftcd  under  the  laid  Aft  or  Afts ; any  thing  contained  in  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament 
relating  to  any  fuch  Road  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithdanding  : Provided  always,  that  in  every  fuch  cafe 
a feparatc  and  diflinft  Account  dull  be  kept  of  the  Produce  of  fuch  increafcd  and  additional  Tolls,  and  the 
Amount  collcfted  and  nrifing  from  fuch  increafcd  and  additional  Tolls  (hall  in  every  fuch  cafe  be  applied 
folely  in  the  Repayment  of  fuch  Advance,  with  littered  thereon,  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft ; and 
when  and  fo  foon  as  fuch  Repayment  (hall  be  completed,  all  fuch  additional  Tolls  (had  ceafe  and  determine. 

XXVIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  Commiflioners  or  Trudees  of  any 
Drainage  for  which  any  Advance  (hall  be  made  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  or  the  major  Part  of  fuch 
CommiflionerB  or  Trudees,  not  being  lefs  than  Two  Thirds  of  the  Number  prefect  at  any  Meeting  called  to- 
gether by  Notice  given  in  the  ufual  manner  in  which  Notices  are  given  for  adembling  fuch  Commidioiiers  or 
Trudees,  Six  Days  at  the  lead  before  the  Day  appointed  for  (lie  Meeting,  and  in  which  Notice  the  Purpofe 
for  which  the  Meeting  is  adembled  (hall  be  dated,  to  make  an  Order  for  laying  on  of  fuch  additional  Rates 
or  Adedments,  not  exceeding  in  any  cafe  One  Half  of  the  Amount  of  the  Rates  or  Adedments  which- may 
be  legally  taken  by  virtue  of  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  then  in  force  in  relation  to.  fuch  Drainage,  as  may 
be  necedary  in  the  Judgment  of  the  faid  Commiflioners  or  Trudees  for  raifing  a fufficicnt  Fund  for  the  Repay- 
ment of  auy  fuch  Advance,  and  with  all  Intered  thereon,  within  the  Period  dipulatcd  under  the  Provifions  of 
this  Aft  for  fuch  Repayment ; and  from  and  after  the  period  fpecificd  in  any  fuch  Order,  all  fuch  .additional 
Rates  or  Adedments  may  be  rated  and  adeded,  and  demanded,  taken,  collcfted,  levied  and  recovered,  by  the 
Tame  Perfons,  and  by  and  under  all  fuch  and  the  like  Powers,  Authorities,  Penalties,  Forfeitures,  Provifions 
and  Remedies,  as  Rates  and  Adedments  are  rated,  adeded,  demanded,  taken,  collcfted,  levied  and  recovered  in 
relation  to  fuch  Drainage  under  the  Authority  of  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  in  like  manner  in  any  refpeft 
as  if  fuch  additional  Rates  and  Adedments  were  inferted  in  and  allowed  to  be  adeded,  taken  and  collcfted  under 
the  faid  Aft  or  Afts ; any  thing  contained  in  any  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  relating  to  any  Gich  Drainage  to 
14  the 

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the  contrary  thereof  notwitliflanding : Provided  always, 
lhall  be  kept  of  the  Produce  of  fucli  increafed  and  additiol 
and  arifing  from  fucli  increafed  and  additional  Rates  and 

the  Repayment  of  fnch  Advance  with  Intereft  thereon,  uider  the  Provifions  of  this  Ad,  and  when  and  fo  foon  “ *"  k,Pt- 

s fuch  Repayment  fhall  be  completed,  all  fucli  additional! 

XXIX.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enaded.  That  f 
any  Parifh  in  Gnat  Britain , unlcfs  the  Application  for  fj 
lew  than  the  Majority  in  Number,  and  of  Three  Fourth  I 
certained  from  the  tail  Rate  made  for  the  Relief  of  the! 
paying  fuch  Rates ; 

in  every  fuch  cafe  a feparate  and  dillind  Account  Separate  Ae- 
_ Rates  and  AiTeffments,  and  the  Amount  colledcd  count  of  fuch 
rfleITments  fhall  in  every  fuch  cafe  be  applied  folely  in  additional  R»t« 

Rates  and  AfTeflments  fhall  ceafe  and  determine, 
to  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  fhall  be  advanced  in  Aid  of  Advance  for 
ich  Advance  fhall  be  made  with  the  Confent  of  not  Pwifhes  to  lie 
’arts  in  Value,  fuch  Value  to  be  calculated  and  af-  wi'h  Con- 
Poor  in  fuch  Pari  lb,  of  the  Perfons  aflefled  to  and  ,rcn‘°f  Majority 
where  the  Poor  Rates  of  any  Pafclh  fhall  be  under  the  Care  and  Management  of  any  ThreePoonhi 
ruftees  or  other  feleft  Body,  then  with  the  Confent  in  Value  of  Per- 
ver  Name  the  fame  may  be  called  ; fuch  Confent  to  foni  laying  Poor 
ing  as  fuch  in  each  Parifh,  and  one  or  more  of  the  whh 

••'hich  the  Application  fhall  be  made.  Fifths 

> fuch  Application  fhall  he  made  for  any  Advance  VcBr>°&c.  * t 
Ju dices  of  the  Peace,  or  Magiflrate  ailing  as  fuch  Such  Applies- 
_ City,  Town  or  Place  witliin  which  the  Parifli  fhall  dons  from 
lhall  be  fubjeft  to  the  Infpection,  Control  and  Di-  ll! 

Seleft  Veflry  or  Commifiioners,  Governors  of  the  Poor, 
of  not  lefs  than  Four  Fifths  of  fuch  feleft  Body,  by  whatl 
be  certified  by  fome  Jufticeof  the  Peace  or  Magiflrate  aft 
Overfeers  of  the  Poor  of  the  Parifh  or  Place  in  refpeft  of. 

XXX.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enabled,  Than 
to  any  Parifh,  uulefs  with  tlie  Sanction  of  Two  or  more1, 
within  or  for  the  Parifh,  or  within  or  for  the  Divifion  of 

be  fituate  ; and  the  Application  of  all  Sums  fo  advanced  jl r , 

reftion,  and  the  Accounts  of  fuch  Expenditure  lhall  be  fubjeft  to  the  Audit  and  Allowance,  of  Two  or  more 
Juflices  of  the  Peace  or  Magiftrates  as  aforefaid. 

XXXI.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enabled,  That  no  larger  Advance  fhall  be  made  to  any  Parifh  in  Advance  to  any 
Great  Britain,  of  fuch  Bills,  than  fhall  be  equal  in  Amount  to  One  Half  of  the  Sum  aflefled  in  the  Parifh  for  Perth  not  to  ei- 
thc  Poor  Rates  of  the  Parifh  for  the  laft  Year  ending  Etjler  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  Seventeen,  and  “'d  the  Amount 
ending  at  the  ufual  Quarter  Day  immediately  preceding  Eajler  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  ac-  y . ^>r 
cording  to  the  Period  up  to  which  tile  Poor  Rates  fhall  be  made  in  the  Parifh  ; and  the  Amount  advanced,  Rj'e^Overftci- 
with  Intereft  thereon,  fliall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  and  be  a Charge  upon  the  Poor  Rates  of  the  Parifli,  to  pay  Inttalmeni 
until  fuch  Amount  of  Bills,  together  with  all  Intereft  thereon,  (hall  have  been  duly  difeharged  and  fatisfied  ; cut  of  Poor 
and  the  Overfeers  of  the  Poor  of  the  Parilh  (hall  in  every  fuch  cafe,  upon  Notice  in  Writing  given  to  them  •*««*•  and  m»kc 
for  that  Purpofe  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  upon  whofe  jPerfonal  Security  any  fuch  Bills  fhall  have  been  ad-  fj^'fo/tbc”1" 
vanced,  Three  Months  before  any  Inflalment  fliall  become  payable,  pay  every  fuch  Inftalment  from  time  to  fWofe. 

time  as  the  fame  fhall  become  due,  out  of  any  Money  in.  their  Hands  arifing  from  the  Rates  levied  and  col- 
lected in  the  Parifh  for  the  Relief  of  the  Poor,  or  if  no!  fuch  Money  (hall  remain  in  their  Hands  of  fuch 
Rates,  fuch  Overfeers  lhall  and  they  are  hereby  authorised  and  required  to  make  and  colleft  new  and  addi- 
uonal  Rates  for  the  Purpofe  of  making  from  time  to  tijne  fuch  Payments,  or  of  repaying  to  any  Perfon  or 
Perfons  who  lhall  have  made  any  fuch  Payments,  as  die  cafe  may  be,  until  the  Whole  of  the  Amount  of  the 
Bills  advanced,  with  all  Intereft  due  thereon,  lhall  be  fully  paid  off  and  fatisfied. 

XXXII.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enacted,  Ttat  in  any  cafe  in  which  Four  Fifths  in  Value  of  the  Where  Four 
Proprietors  of  any  Lands,  Tenements  or  Hereditaments  in  any  Parilh  of  Great  Britain,  fliall  apply  for  any  Fifths  of  Pro. 
Advance  to  any  Parilh  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,; it  fliall  be  lawful  to  make,  affefs,  levy,  and  colleft  Pilots of 
Rates  for  the  Repayment  thereof,  upon  the  Proprietors  aawell  as  upon  the  Occupiers  of  fucli  Parifli  or  Place. 

XXXIII.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  Advance  lhall  be  made  under  the  Provifions  mem  made!*”*" 
of  this  Aft  for  the  Ufe  of  any  Parifh,  Townlhip  or  Plajre  in  which  the  Amount  of  the  Money  aftually  ex-  Advance  to 
pended  for  the  Relief  of  the  Poor  iu  the  Year  ending  at  f.ajler  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  or  any  Parilh  unlefc 
ending  at  the  ufual  Quarter  Day  immediately  preceding  Eajler  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  Money  expend- 
mail  exceed  by  Three  Fourths  the  Average  Annual  Amount  of  the  Money  expended  for  the  Relief  of  the  cd  for  the  Poor 
Poor  for  the  Three  Years  preceding  Eajler  One  Thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fixtecn,  or  fhall  have  not  ex-  . nM 

ewded  by  One  Half  the  Amount  fo  expended  for  the  Year  ending  Eajler  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  excb^  cen*'n 

XXXIV . And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  whole  Amount  of  all  the  Bills  advanced  to  Parifhes  in  Advance  to  Pa. 
Great  Britain,  with  Intereft  thcrecn,  fhall  be  paid  off  and  difeharged  within  Two  Years  from  Eajler  One  vifhea, when  to 
‘houfand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  by  fuch  Inftalments,  . and  in  fuch  Proportions,  and  at  fuch  Periods  as  e ,e**  ' 

vWled  and  titled  by  the  Commilfiouers  in  that  Behalf. 

k further  enafted,  That  the  principal  Bums  contained  in  the  Exchequer  Bills  which  fhall  Paindnal  Sumr 
be  advanced  or  lent  by  the  faid  Commifiioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain  under  the  Au-  Bil. ' “ .'5““ 
tlionty  of  this  Aft,  lhall  be  repaid,  without  Dcduftion  or  Abatement,  together  with  Intereft-for  the  fame,  t«en  m cl.  per 
r-A-  1 '9  to  ®*y)  l^e  principal  Sum  in  each!  and  every  Exchequer  Bill  fhall  be  repaid  to  the  Cent,  p,  r An- 

Caihier  or  Cafhiers  of  the  Bank  of  England  at  their  Office,  together  with  Intereft  for  the  fame  at  and  after  num  lobe  repaid 
the  Rate  of  Five  Pounds  p,r  Centum  per  Annum,  by  the  Splice  of  . Fifteen  Days  at  lead  before  the  time  when  hJ  lnnjlmenu- 
each  fuch  Exchequer  Bill  (ball  become  payable  according  jto  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  fuch  Intereft  to  be 
t^mputed  on  the  faid  Principal  Sum  from  the  Date  of  inch  Exchequer  Bill  to  the  time  of  the  Payment 

XXXVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Principal  Sums  which  lhall  be  advanced  or  lent  in  Ireland  Sumi  advanced 
out  of  the  Confolidated  Fund,  under  and  in  purfuance  of' the  Certificates  of  the  Commifiioners  for  the  Ex-  >”  bfbnd  to  be 
®cu,V?n  °f  ift's  Aft  in  Ireland,  the  Payment  whereof  (hall  'hot  be  otherwife  provided  for  purfuant  to  this  Aft,  t^jm^ti  „ 
be  paid  without  Deduftion  or  Abatement,  together  with  Intereft  for  the  fame  after  the  Rate  of  Five  (hall  bedirrftcd 
I '°r  Cvery  ®nc  'lundred  Pounds  by  the  Year,  into  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ireland,  by  fuch  by  Commiffion- 

imtahncnta  and  in  fuch  Proportions  and  at  fuch  Periods  and  times  as  the  faid  Commiflioncrs  (hall,  by  and  with  *n,with  Content 

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GEORGIA  ill. 

A.D.  1817. 

BUU  i flued 
noi  ufed  to 
teturoed  to 


thc  Content  of  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being, 
direft  and  appoint,  and  as  (hall  be  fpecified  accordingly  ih  the  Securities  to  be  taken  by  the  laid  Commiflioners 
for  the  Repayment  of  fuch  Money  in  manner  herein  befofe  directed  by  this  Aft. 

XXXVII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted  J That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Commiflioners  for  the 
Execution  of  this  Aft  refpeftively  to  extend  any  Periods  of  Repayment  of  any  Money  advanced  under  the 
Provifions  of  this  Aft,  in  any  cafe  in  which  an  adequate  fund,  notlefs  in  annual  Amount  than  the  Amount  of 
Inlereft  payable  upon  the  Money  originally  advanced,  (hall  be  eftablifhed  and  fecured  to  the  faid  Commiflioners 
for  fuch  Repayment. 

* XXXVIII.  And  Whereas  the  Parties  to  whom  Exchequer  Bills  may  be  iflued  in  Great  Britain  by  virtue 
4 of  this  Aft  may  not  have  Occafion  to  make  Ufe  of  all  (heir  Bills Be  it  further  enafted,  That  fuch  Exche- 
quer Bills  as  may  be  tendered  in  Payment  or  Part  of  Payment,  of  any  of  the  Sums  advanced  by  virtue  of 
this  Aft,  (hall  be  returned  to  the  Office  at  the  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  from  which  they  were  iflued,  and 
forthwith  cancelled  by  the  proper  Officer  or  Officers  by  whom  the  faid  Bills  were  iflued,  he  or  they  giving 
a Certificate  to  the  Perfon  returning  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  for  the  Information  of  the  Commiflioners  for  the 
inv  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain. 

Commiffioncr*  XXXIX,  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  (That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Commiflioners  for  the 
for  Grest  Britain  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain,  by  Writing  under  the  Hands  and  Seals  of  any  Three  or  more  of 
tiwBjtdcofEog-  to  authorize  the  Cafhier  of  Calhiers  of  the  Bank  of  England  to  employ  any  Monies  which  (hall  be  paid 

l*nd  to  employ  as  aforefaid,  in  the  Purchafe  of  any  Exchequer  Bilb  which  (hall  be  payable  at  the  Period  then  next  enfumg. 
Monies  paid  in  and  (hall  write  thereon,  in  Words  at  Length,  the  Day  of  the  Month  and  Year  in  which  he  or  they  fo  pur 
Pucchufe  of  chafed  fuch  Bills,  to  which. refpeftive  Days  the  faid  Calmer  or  Calhiers  (hall  be  allowed  the  Intercft,  upon  his 
Eichequer  Bills.  or  their  paying  the  fame  into  the  Receipt  of  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  as  aforefaid  ; provided  that  no  In- 
tereft  (hall  run  or  be  paid  upon  or  for  any  fuch  Bills  during  the  time  they  fliall  remain  in  the  Hands  of  fuch 
Cafhier  or  Calhiers,  but  for  fuch  time  the  Intereil  on  every  fuch  Bill  (hall  ceafc. 

After  doe  Psy-  XL.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  ThBt  after  the  due  Payment  of  the  Sums  advanced,  with  Intereil  as  afore- 
faid, at  the  times  and  in  the  manner  herein  fpecified,  every  Obligation  entered  into  in  purfancc  of  this  Aft, 
being  fully  fatisfied  according  to  the  true  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  Aft,  (hall  be  forthwith  delivered  up  to 
be  cancelled  j and  in  cafe  any  fuch  Obligation  (hall  have  been  pro  fee  11  ted  according  to  die  Directions  of  this 
delivered  up  to  Aft,  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  or  any  Two  or  more  of  them  refpeftively,  (hall 
l>e  cancelled.  by  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  direft  the  proper  Officer  or  Officers  of  the  Courts  of  Exchequer  in  Eng- 

land, Ireland  or  Scotland  refpeftively,  to  enter  up  Satisfaftion  in  fuch  Obligation  or  Obligations  fo  being 
fatisfied  as  aforefaid  upon  the  Record,  or  otherwife  to  deliver  up  the  fame  to  be  cancelled,  as  the  cafe  may 
require.  — * ■ 

Upon  Default  of  XLI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  cafe  any  Default  (hall  be  made  by  any  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  in  the 
Payment  Pio-  Payment  of  any  Sum  or  Sums  advanced  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Commit- 
cefs  may  1 ue.  f,oner8  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  to  iffue  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  from 
time  to  time  to  the  proper  Officer  or  Officers  of  the  Crown  having  tire  Direction  or  Management  of  Proceedings 
upon  Obligations  to  His  Majelly  in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  refpeftively,  requiring  fuch  Officer  or  Officers 
prcfently  to  proceed  a gain  (l  all  or  any  of  the  Pcrfons  who  (hall  have  entered  into  any  Security  for  the  Sum  ad- 
vanced, his,  her  and  their  Heirs,  Executors  and  Adminillrators,  for  the  Recovery  of  fuch  Parts  of  the  Sums 
Coils.  advanced  on  fuch  Securities  as  (hall  he  then  due,  together  with  Intereil  as  aforefaid,  and  fuch  Cods  and  Charges 

attending  fuch  Proceeding  as  fliall  be  by  Law  payable  for  the  fame  ; Jie  Amount  of  which  Principal  Sums  fo 
Sums recovered  to  be  levied  the  faid  Commiflioners  refpeftively  (hall  caufc  from  time  to  time  to  be  teflified  by  their  Note  in 
Writi"g»  under  the  Hands  of  any  Two  or  more  of  them  refpeftively,  to  fuch  Officer  or  Officers,  and  which 
Exchequer  in  Sum  (hall  be  inferted  in  the  Writ  of  Procefs ; and  the  like  Proccfs  (hall  and  may  from  time  to  time  iffue  as 

Iceland.  aforefaid,  as  Occafion  (hall  require  ; and  the  Sums  fo  recovered  (the  Cods  and  Charges  aforefaid  excepted) 

Commillionen  fliall  be  paid  to  the  Cafhier  or  Calhiers  of  the  Bank  of  England,  or  into  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ire- 

m«y  direft  land,  as  the  cafe  (hall  require,  without  Abatement,  'Deduftion  or  Delay,  in  Satisfaftion  of  fuch  Demands  ; 

^he'obl'"  on  °*  an<'  he  in  the  Difcretion  of  the  faid  Commiflioners  refpeftively  to  direft  again!!  which  of  the  Obligors 

Proceeding  ere  in  foch  Security  fuch  Proceedings  (hall  be  from  time  to  time  commenced  or  profecutcd;  and  the  faid  Com- 
tobe  had.  miflioners  refpeftively  fliall  have  the  Control  and  Superintendence  of  fuch  Profecutiont ; and  the  fame  (hall  not 
Proceedings  not  be  difeontinued,  quafhed  or  abated  upon  any  Pretence  whatever,  without  the  Authority  of  the  faid  Commiffioii- 
quxlhed  without  crs>  u-flified  under  the  Hands  and  Seals  of  any  Two  or  more  of  them  refpeftively,  and  exhibited  to  the  Barons 
Cmnmhfionen.  His  Majefty’s  Court  of  Exchequer  at  IVejiminJler  or  Dublin,  or  to  the  Court  of  Exchequer  in  Scotland, 
as  the  cafe  may  require. 

In  Proceedings  XLII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  where  any  Proceedings  fliall  be  direfted  by  the 
againtt  Obligors  faid  Commiflioners  under  this  Aft  as  aforefaid  againft  any  of  the  Obligors,  or  any  Obligor  named  in  any  fuch 
no  rit  o ire  Obligation,  no  Writ  or  Writs  of  Scire  Facial  (hall  be  required  to  be  iflued,  but  that  upon  the  Produftion  of 
the  Warrant  or  Warrants  of  the  (aid  Commiflioners  refpeftively  as  before  mentioned,  before  any  of  the  Barons 
of  the  faid  refpeftive  Courts  of  Exchequer,  an  Extent  may  iffue  in  the  firft  Procefs  upon  the  Fiat  of  fuch 
Baron,  without  any  Affidavit  or  other  Verification  or  Proof  of  the  Caufe  of  fuch  Proceeding  than  fuch  War- 
rant or  Warrants  as  aforefaid. 

XLIII.  Ar.d  be  it  further  enafted,  That  every  Obligation,  or  other  Security  entered  into  or  given  from 
in*  JknkrenttVn  an<*  a,tor  l^e  Pa^mg  of  this  Aft,  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  (hall  afterwards  become  Bankrupt  within  the 
England  or  Ice-  ,rue  lntent  and  Meaning  of  the  fevcral  Statutes  made  and  now  in  force  concerning  Bankrupts,  and  againft 
land  10  be  fur-  whom  a Commiffion  of  Bankrupt  (hall  be  awarded  and  iflued  out  in  England  or  Ireland,  fliall  by  rcafon  and 
£ei»ed,  end  the  force  of  fuch  Bankruptcy,  and  from  the  time  of  fuch  Bankruptcy,  become  and  be  forfeited,  and  due  and 


Faciei  cequlfitc. 

Securities  of 

Printed  image  digitised  by  tlie  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.1817-  57°  GEORG1I  111.  C.34.  S3 

payable  as  againll  fuch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts;  and  that  all  the  Eftate  and  Effefts  of  fuch  Bankrupt  or  claims of Om- 
Bankrupta,  which  would  be  liable  to  fatisfy  the  Demands  of  the  Creditors  fecking  Relief  under  fuch  Com-  miffiooerj  to  l.» 
miffion  of  Bankrupt,  {hall  be  liable  and  fubjeft  to  and  are  hereby  made  chargeable  with  the  Payment  of  the  firrt  IuWi*!C 
Principal  and  Intereft  due  upon  fuch  Obligation  or  other  Security,  and  all  Colls  attending  the  Recovery  of 
the  fame ; and  that  the  refpeftive  Claims  of  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  lhall  be  firft  paid 
and  fatisfied  out  of  the  Eftate  and  EfTefts  of  fuch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts,  and  in  preference  to  the  Claim  of  Commiffiunei* 
any  other  Creditor  or  Creditors;  and  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioncrs,  in  the  Name  of  their  Se-  under  thhAO 
cretary  for  the  time  being,  to  apply  by  Petition  in  a fummary  Way  to  the  proper  Courts  in  England  and  may  apply  10  the 
Inland , having  Jurifdiftiou  of  the  Matters  of  fuch  CornmifCon  of  Bankruptcy,  to  make  due  Order  accord- 
ingly,  which  Inch  Courts  refpeftively  are  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  make. 

XLIV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  every  Obligation,  or  other  Security  entered  into  or  given  from  AndiUoin 
and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  who  lhall  afterwards  become  Bankrupt,  and  Smtlani. 
againft  whofe  Eftate  Sequeftration  lhall  be  awarded  in  Scotland,  lhall  by  reafon  and  force  of  fuoh  Bankruptcy, 
and  from  the  time  of  the  Date  of  the  Firft  Deliverance  on  the  Petition  to  the  Court  of  Sclfion  for  awarding 
the  Sequeftration,  become  and  be  due  and  payable  as  againft  fuch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts  ; and  that  all  the 
Eftate  and  Effcfts,  Real  and  Perfonal,  of  luch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts,  which  would  be  liable  to  fatisfy  the 
Demands  of  the  Creditors  feeking  Relief  under  fuch  Sequeftration,  lhall  be  liable  and  fubjeft  and  are  hereby 
made  chargeable  with  the  Payment  of  the  Principal  and  Intereft  due  upon  fuch  Obligation  or  other  Security, 
and  all  Colls  attending  the  Recovery  of  die  fame  ; and  that  the  Claims  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  lhall  be  paid 
and  fatisfied  out  of  the  Eftate  and  Effects  of  fuch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts,  and  in  reference  to  the  Claim  of 
any  other  Creditor  or  Creditors,  ncverlhelefs  without  Prejudice  to  References  duly  obtained  according  to  the 
Daw  of  Scotland  upon  the  Real  Eftates  of  Perfons  who  (hall  become  Bankrupts  ; and  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the 
faid  CommiffioncrB,  in  the  Name  of  the  Secretary  for  the  time  being,  to  apply  by  Petition  in  a fummary 
Way  to  the  proper  Courts  in  Scotland,  having  Jurifdiflion  of  the  Matters  of  fuch  Bankruptcy,  for  making 
effectual  the  Payment  of  the  Claims  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  accordingly,  and  the  faid  Courts  are  hereby 
authorized  and  required  to  make  the  fame  cffeftual  accordingly. 

XLV . Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  feveral  Commiffioners  CommilGonen 
for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  to  accept  from  the  Affignees  under  any  Commilfion  of  Bankrupt  iffued,  or  from  may  accept  Se- 
tbe  Faftor  or  Faftors,  Truftee  or  Trultecs,  under  any  Sequeftration  awarded  againft  any  Debtor  or  Debtors  runty  for  Sum* 
in  any  fuch  Loan  under  this  Aft,  fuch  Security  for  the  Payment  of  the  Sum  due  from  fuch  Bankrupt  or  „'t1"oro  B,n  ‘ 
Bankrupts  out  of  his  or  their  Ellate  or  Effects,  as  the  faid  Commiffioners  (hall  refpeftively  approve  ; and  that  pj.nv  far 
the  Acceptance  of  fuch  Security  by  the  faid  Commiffioners  (hall  operate  as  a Rcleafc  of  the  Efface  of  fuch  Security  to  epe- 
Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts,  for  the  Benefit  of  the  Creditors  under  the  faid  Commilfion  of  Bankruptcy  in  Eng-  me  «taRelra£e 
land  or  Ireland,  or  Sequeftration  in  Scotland,  from  all  Claims  whatever  by  the  faid  Commiffioners,  other  than  f<" 
am^KCcpt  fuch  Part  of  the  faid  Eftate  as  (hall  be  fpccified  in  Writing  between  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  ^ 
the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  and  the  faid  Affignees  under  the  faid  Commilfion  of  Bankruptcy  in  England  or 
Ireland,  or  between  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  and  the  Faftor  or  Faftors,  Truf- 
tee or  Truftees  under  the  faid  Sequeftration  in  Scotland,  to  be  rcfcrvrd  by  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the 
Execution  of  this  Aft,  for  fuch  Security  as  aforefaid,  in  cafe  the  faid  Commiffioners  lhall  require  fuch 

XLVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Commiffioners 
Aft,  in  the  Name  of  their  Secretary  for  the  time  beiug,  to  apply  by  Petition  or  otherwife  to  the  jfroper  Courts  m*y  *pply  {or 
in  England  or  Ireland  and  Scotland  refpeftively,  for  any  Commilfion  of  Bankruptcy  or  Sequeftration  againft  Comraiffianijsf 
the  Ellate  or  Effefts  of  any  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts,  and  to  fue  and  otherwife  purfue  the  fame  refpeftively,  in  s “ucft£1^in0r 
like  manner  as  any  other  Creditor  or  Creditors  is  or  are  by  Law  entitled  to  do  in  England,  Ireland  and  Scot- 
land refpeftively. 

XLVII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Commiffioners  named  in  any  Commilfion  of  Bankruptcy,  Commiffioners 
which  lhall  at  any  time  hereafter  be  awarded  and  iffued  out  in  England  or  Inland,  and  the  Court  of  Seffion,  of  Bankrupt 
or  Lord  Ordinary  officiating  on  the  Bills  for  the  time,  and  every  Officer  or  other  Perfon  concerned  in  the  “ 
Management  of  the  fequeftered  Eftate  of  any  Bankrupt  in  Scotland,  (hall  admit  the  Proof  of  any  Debt,  or  Osthoflperftmj 
Grounds  of  Debt,  under  this  Aft,  on  the  Oath,  Affirmation,  or  Affidavit  of  any  Perfon  appointed  by  the  appointed  by  the 
feveral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft ; which  Oath,  Affirmation,  aad  Affidavit  refpeftively  Commiffioners 
lhall  be  taken  and  adminiftered  before  any  One  of  the  proper  Officers  having  Authority  by  Law  to  adminiftcr  under  this  Art ; 
Oaths  or  Affirmations,  or  to  take  Affidavit*  in  cafe*  of  Bankruptcy,  and  lhall  permit  fuch  Perfon  fo  autho-  pertmttoh 
nzed  by  the  feveral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  to  vote  in  the  Choice  of  an  Affignec  or  in" ^"choice  of 
Affignees,  Faftor  or  Faftors,  Truftee  or  Truftees,  as  the  cafe  may  require,  of  the  Eftate  and  Effcfts  of  Affignees,  &c- 
fuch  Bankrupts,  and  to  do  and  execute  every  other  Aft,  Matter  or  Thing  relating  to  fuch  Bankruptcy, 
as  fully  and  cffcftually  as  if  fuch  Perfon  fo  authorized  were  the  Iona  fide  Creditor  of  fuch  Bankrupt  or 

XLVII  I.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  nothing  herein  contained  (hall  extend  or  be  Art  not  to  delsy 
conftrued  to  extend  to  prevent,  hinder,  or  delay  the  Execution  of  any  Commilfion  of  Bankruptcy  by  the  the  Elocution  of 
Commiffioners  therein  named,  according  to  the  Law*  now  in  force  in  England  and  Ireland  refpeftively,  Commiffionsof 
or  on  the  proceeding  to  or  under  Sequeftration  in  Scotland,  provided  that  every  Affignment  of  the  Eftate  p J^dfon " 
or  Effefts  of  fuch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts,  under  the  laid  Commiffiun  in  England  and  Ireland,  and  every  linjer  geuueftr,-- 
Aft  of  Sequeftration  of  the  Eftate  or  Effefts  of  fuch  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts  in  Scotland,  (hall  be  fub-  ,ion. 
jeft  to  the  Claims  of  the  feveral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  and  until  the  fame  lhall 
be  fully  paid. 

XLIX.  And 

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C-34-  57'  GEORG  II  III.  A.D.1817. 

Prarifiom  for  XL IX.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  every  Prowfiou  in  this  Aft,  made  with  Application  to  any  Com- 

Uankruptcy  to  miflion  or  Comraiffions  of  Bankruptcy,  lhall  be  deemed  and  conftrued  to  extend  to  any  Sequcftration  awarded 
enemlioSe-  m to  awardt>d  agair.ll  the  Ellate  or  Effects  of  any  Bankrupt  or  Bankrupts  in  Scotland,  as  folly  and  effre- 

scodjnd?"* m f 'tally  as  if  fuch  Provifion  had  been  exprefsly  applied  tltfreto  by  this  Aft, 

Seven  Commif-  L.  And  be  it  further  euaftcd,  That  all  Afts,  Matters  and  Things  which  the  Cominiflioners  for  the  Exe- 
(ionert  may  aft".  cution  of  this  AS  are  hereby  required  or  authorized  to}  do  or  execute,  (hall  and  may  he  done  and  executed  by 
any  Seven  or  more  of  fuch  Cominiflioners  m Great  Britain,  and  by  the  Majority  of  fuch  Commiflioners  in 
Ireland,  unlefs  in  cafes  where  it  i*  other  wife  fpecinlly  Provided  by  this  Act. 

B»nkofEn»l«ml  LI.  And  be  it  further  enaSed,  That  the  Governor^  and  Directors  of  the  Bank  of  England  lhall,  and  they 
to  open  an  Ac-  arc  hereby  required  to  open  an  Account  in  their  Bonkj  with  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft 
in  Great  Britain,  under  the  Title  of  “ Commifliuner*  for  the  Iflue  of  certain  Exchequer  Bills,”  and  lhall 
carry  to  the  Credit  of  fuch  Account  the  feveral  Monies  by  this  Aft  direfted  to  be  paid  to  the  Calhiers  of  the 
faid  Bank  ; and  whenfoever  the  faid  Commiflioners  lied!  have  advanced  or  lent  any  of  the  Exchequer  Bills  to 
be  made  out  in  purfuancc  of  this  Act  to  any  Perfon  or  Porfons,  the  faid  Commiflioners  lhall,  at  fome  time 
before  the  Sums  contained  therein  lhall  be  to  be  repaid,  deliver  to  fuch  Perfoti  or  Perfons,.  at  his  or  their  Re- 
, quell,  one  or  more  Certificate  or  Certificates  under  thtjir  HandB,  fpceifying  the  Valne  of  every  fuch  Exchequer 

nuerViU,  Bill,  the  refpeftive  Dates  thereof,  and  tlic  times  when  they  will  refpeftively  become  payable  by  virtue  of  this 
nlvinced  before  Aft ; and  the  faid  Calhiers  of  the  Bank,  or  one  of  them,  lhall,  upon  the  Produftion  of  fuch  lafl  mentioned 
Monies  repaid.  Certificate  or  Certificates,  by  the  Space,  of  Fifteen  Days  or  more  after  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  lhall  become  pay- 
able, accept  and  receive  from  the  Perfou  or  Perfons  producing  the  fame  the  Amount  of  the  Principal  Sums 
contained  therein,  together  with  fuch  Interefl,  to  be  computed  from  the  Date  thereof  to  the  time  of  Payment 
as  aforefaid,  and  at  the  Foot  of  fuch  lad  mentioned  Certificate  or  Certificates  acknowledge  the  Receipt  of  the 
Amount  with  faid  Monies  5 and  that  whenfoever  the  faid  Commifficiners  (hall  by  their  Warrant  or  Order  have  direfted  fuch 
Interefl.  Monies  to  be  raifed  or  levied  by  Sale  of  any  Wares  pr  Merchandize  depofited  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  or  by 

any  Proceedings  on  any  Secnrities  taken  by  virtue  thereof  in  Default  of  fuch  Payment  as  aforefaid,  the  faid 
Like  Certificate  Commiflioners  (hall  deliver  to  the  Officer  or  Officers  executing  the  fame  rdpeftively  a like  Certificate  as  aforc- 
ta  Officers  on  {aift,  and  further  fpecifyirfg  therein  the  Amount  of  the  Monica  lobe  railed  or  levied,  and  the  Suhflance  of 
SretoeMonies  ^uc**  Warrant  or  Order  to  raife  or  levy  the  fame ; and  the  faid  Calhiers  of  the  Bank,  or  any  One  of  them, 
rfue  to  be  rrifed  (hall,  upon  the  Produftion  of  fuch  laft  mentioned  Certificate,  accept  and  receive  from  fuch  Officer  or  Officers 
by  Salsof  Goods,  the  Monies  fo  raifed  and  levied  in  Satisfaftion  of  the  payments  whereof  Default  lhall  be  made  as  aforefaid,  and 
&e.  at  the  Foot  of  fuch  Certificate  acknowledge  the  Receipt  of  the  faid  Monies,  without  Fee  or  Reward ; and 

No  Fee  on  Re-  every  fuch  Receipt  lhall  be  afterwards  brought  to  the  Office  of  the  laid  Commiffioncrs  hereby  appointed,  and 
by  them  entered  in  proper  Books  to  he  provided  and' kept  for  that  Purpofe;  and  the  faid  Commiflioners  or 
any  Three  or  more  of  them  lhall  attell  the  fame  under  their  Hands,  and  return  the  fame  to  the  Perfon  or 
Perfons  producing  the  fame  at  the  faid  Office ; and  every  fuch  Receipt  fo  attefted,  and  every  fuch  Entry  in 
any  of  the  faid  Books,  lhall  refpeftively  from  thenceforth  be  an  Acquittance  and  Difcharge  for  the  Sums  ex- 
prefled  therein  to  have  been  received  as  agatnft  the  faid  Commiflioners  and  every  of  them,  their  and  every  of 
their  Executors  and  Adminiftrators,  as  well  to  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  whom  fuch  Receipts  lhall  be  given, 
as  to  all  and  every  the  Perfons  who  (hall  have  entered  into  nny  Security  in  refpeft  of  the  Exchequer  Bills 
mentioned  in  fuch  Certificate  to  which  fuch  Receipt  lhall  be  fubferibed,  their  and  every  of  their  Heirs,  Exe- 
cutors and  Adminiftrators  ref  eftively. 

LII.  And  be  it  further  enaftrd.  That  all  and  every  Sum  and  Sums  of  Money  which  lhall  be  paid  into  the 
Bank  of  England  under  or  by  virtae  of  this  Aft,  lhall  from  time  to  time  be  paid  into  the  Receipt  of  Pits  Ma- 
jefty’s  Exchequer  at  Wrjlminjlcr  dillinfily  and  apart  from  all  other  Monies  ; and  that  there  lhall  be  provided 

and  kept  in  the  Office  of  the  Auditor  of  the  Receipt  of  the  laid  Exchequer  a Book  or  Books,  in  which  all 

the  Monies  paid  into  the  faid  Receipt  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  entered  feparate  and  apart  from  all  other 
Mo-  Monies  paid  into  the  faid  Receipt  upon  any  other  Account  whatever  t and  that  all  the  Monies  fo  paid  into 
' b;  the  faid  Receipt  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  lhall  be  fubjeft  and  liable  to  the  Ufes  and  Purpofes  hereinafter  men- 

“®  tioned  j ( that  is  to  fay,)  in  the  firft  Place  for  paying  off  and  difeharging  all  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made 

out  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  with  fuch  Intereft  as  lhall  be  payable  thereon,  at  the  refpeftive  Days  and  times,  and 
in  the  Order  and  Courfe  in  which  the  fame  are  hereby  direfted  to  be  difeharged ; and  all  fuch  Exchequer 
Bills,  and  Intereft  thereon  as  aforefaid,  lhall  be  and  are  hereby  charged  and  chargeable  upon,  and  lhall  be  re- 
paid and  borne  by  and  out  of  the  firft  Monies  that  fliall  arife  in  the  Receipt  of  His  Majefty's  Exchequer  ac- 
cordingly ; and  after  paying  off  and  difeharging  the  fame,  in  the  next  place  to  pay  off  all  the  Chargee  and  Ex- 
penccs  which  (hall  be  incurred  by  the  Commiflioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain,  and  to 
make  good  all  fuch  Sums  aa  have  been  iffued  to  the;  laid  Commiflioners  out  of  the  public  Monies  towards  the 
laid  Charges  and  Expences,  in  purfuanceof  the  Orders  of  the  faid  Commiflioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury, 
or  nny  Three  of  them,  or  the  faid  Lord  High  Treafttrer  for  the  time  being,  according  to  the  Direftions  of 
this  Aft ; and  alfo  to  pay  and  Tatisfy  all  Charges  and  Expences  incident  to  or  attending  the  making  out  fuch 
Exchequer  Bills  ■,  and  if  any  Surplus  lhall  remain  of  the  Monies  paid  into  the  faid  Receipt  by  virtue  of  this 
Aft,  after  fatisfying  the  feveral  Sums  hereby  charged  thereon  as  aforefaid,  fuch  Surplus  lhall  be  refereed  for 
the  Difpolition  of  Parliament. 

Treafuryto  LII1.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  on  the  feveral  Days  and  times  on  which  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  arc 

cjufe  Accounts  direfted  to  be  difeharged,  or  within  Ten  Days  after  fuch  Days  refpeftively,  the  faid  Commiflioners  of  His 
Ev'h  'ue" Bills  ^ajclty’s  Treafitry,  or  Three  of  more  of  them,  or  the  faid  Lord  High  Trealurer  for  the  time  being,  (Hall 
whenpsrylble,  * cau^e  * trQC  aml  perfeft  Account  in  Writing  to  be  taken  and  attefted  by  the  proper  Officers,  of  all  the  Ex- 
tnd  of  the  Mo-  chequer  Bills,  to  be  made  out  in  purfuancc  of  this  Aft,  which  (hall  become  payable  ou  the  refpeftive  Dap 

- and 

t‘i  jive  Certifi- 
cate of  Partlcu- 

The  Bank  011 

,ts  of  Mattie 

10  ausft  fuch 

time  [aid  into 
the  Exchequer . 
and  kept  apart 
from  other  “ ' 
nies,  and  to 
rubjcS  to 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.1).i8i7-  57°  CrEORGII  III.  G34.  55 

and  time*  before  fpecified,  and  of  the  Monies  which  Oral]  then  he  in  the  Receipt  of  the  laid  Exchequer  applies-  nty  in  ihe£«- 
ble  to  the  paying  off  and  difeharging  the  fame  ; and  if  the  Money  which  (hall  have  arifen  in  the  faid  Exche-  chequer  10 
quer,  for  or  on  account  of  the  Payments  to  be  made  by  th^  Bank  of  England  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  on  the  difehirge  them, 
refpeclivc  Periods  before  mentioned,  (hall  not  be  fufficient  tqdifcharge  the  whole  Principal  and  Interefl  due  as 
aforefaidon  the  leveral  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  iffued  in  purljianceof  this  Act,  then  fuch  Deficiency  (hall  and  nm  fiifficieo/u, 
may  be  fupplied  and  made  good  by  and  out  of  the  Aids  or  Supplies  which  (hull  be  granted  for  the  Service  of  dHcharge  the 
the  Year  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty ; and  in  c|fe  the  Monies  arifing  from  fuch  Aids  or  Supplies  Principal  and 
/hall  not  at  the  time  be  fufficient  for  that  Purpofc,  then  allllhe  faid  Exchequer  Bills  remaining  undischarged,  p"tc'el1  duc  ““ 
with  the  Intercil  and  Charges  incident  to  or  attending  the  fctne,  (hall  lie  and  are  hereby  charged  and  charge-  *c  e,uor  3 
able  upon  fuch  Monies  as,  at  auy  time  or  times  after  any  fucljj  Deficiencies  (hall  happen,  (hall  be  or  remain  in 
the  Receipt  of  the  faid  Exchequer  of  die  Fund  called  the  Cojifolidated  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland,  except  fuch  Monies  of  the  faid  Confolidpted  Fund  as  are  appropriated  to  any  particular 
Ufeor  Ufesby  nny  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  in  that  Behalf;  and  fuch  Monies  of  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund 
fhall  and  may  be  iffned  and  applied  from  time  to  time,  assfoon  as  the  fame  can  be  regularly  dated  and  af- 
certained,  for  and  towards  paying  off,  cancelling  and  difclujrging  fuch  remaining  Excliequer  Bills,  Intercd  and 
Charges,  until  the  whole  of  them  (hall  be  paid  off,  cancelled :a^l  difeharged,  or  Money  fufficient  for  that  Pur- 
pofc be  kept  and  referved  in  the  Exchequer,  to  be  payable  op  Demand  to  the  refpeftive  Proprietors  thereof. 

LIV.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enabled,  Thaf  whatever  Monies  fhall  be  fo  iffued  out  of  the  Con-  Monies  iffued 
folidatcd  Fund  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  replaced  by  and  but  of  the  Firft  Supplies  to  be  thereafter  granted  in  tui  of  ibe  Con- 
Parliament,  any  tiling  thereiu  contained  to  the  contrary  notiiilhbanding  : Provided  alfo,  that  whatever  Monies  joli^te^  Fund  10 
(hall  be  afterwards  paid  by  the  Bank  of  England  into  the  faid  Receipt  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  (hall  be  applied  of  firfj's'™' 
towards  replacing  die  Monies  before  iffued  of  the  faid  Aids  or  Supplies,  or  out  of  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund,  p];^  up‘ 
as  the  cafe  may  be ; any  thing  herein  con  tained  to  the  contrary  not wi thflanding. 

LV.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  it  fhall  be  lawful;  for  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  Dank  may  ad- 
England  to  advance  or  lend  to  His  Majelly,  at  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  of  Great  Britain,  upon  the  vjnceijco.oocl. 
Credit  of  the  Exchequer  Bills  iffued  under  this  Aft,  auy  pum  or  Sums  of  Money  not  exceeding  in  the  whole  *be  Credit  of 
the  Sum  of  One  million  five  hundred  thoufand  Pounds ; any  thing  in  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifth  and  Sixth  ^rattradki*' 
Years  of  the  Reign  of  King  William  and  Queen  Mary,  intituled  An  AB  for  granting  to  Their  Majejliet  fe-  s & 6 W.4?M. 
veral  Ratei  and  Duliet  upon  Tonnage  of  Ship 1 and  Vejfeltx  and  upon  Beer,  Ale  and  other  Liquors,  for  fecaring  c.  so. 
certain  Recompense!  and  Advantages  in  the  faid  AB  mentioned,  to  fueh  Per  font  at  fhall  voluntarily  advance  the 
Sum  of  One  million  Jive  hundred  thoufand  P.cundt  towards  carrying  on  the  War  again/1  France,  to  the  contrary 
thereof  in  any  wife  not  with  Handing. 

LVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  that  the  fevcral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  from  lime  Ccmmiffionere 
to  time,  at  their  Difcrcliou,  and  as  foon  as  poffible  after  the  Determination  of  all  Proceedings  under  this  Aft,  10  lay  an  Ac- 
and  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  whenever  they  fhall  be  thereto  required  by  count  of  their 
the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland,  fhall  refpeftively  lay  an  Account  or  Proceedings  be- 
Accounts  of  their  Proceedings  in  Writing  before  both  fdoufes  of  Parliament.  “e  ar  ,amtm- 

LVI  I.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  if  any  of  the  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  ifCommiffionen 
Great  Britain  Ihnll  decline  to  aft  in  the  Execution  of  the  Powers  and  Trufts  thereof,  or  having  begun  to  aft  die,  *c.  major 
fhall  decline  to  aft  further  therein,  or  (hall  depart  this- Life  during  the  Continuance  of  this  Aft,  it  (hall  be  Pan  of  the  re- 
lawful for  llie  remaining  Commiffioners,  or  tlie  major  Part  of  them  afting  as  aforefaid,  by  any  Writing  under  mining  Cora- 
tlieir  Hands  and  Seals,  to  conllitutc  and  appoint  luch  Perfon  or  Perfona  to  be  a Commiffioner  or  Commif- 
fioners  for  the  Purpofe  aforefaid,  in  the  Place  of  the  Commiffioner  or  Commiffioners  fo  refilling  to  aft  or  dc-  mt"Jm  u “ln 
dining  further  to  aft,  fo  dying  as  aforefaid,  as  the  faidafting  Commiffioners  or  the  major  Part  of  them  (hall  Vacancies, 
think  fit ; and  fo  often  as  fuch  cafe  (hall  happen,  and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  lo  conilituted  and  appointed  by  ,p_ 

the  faid  Commiffioners,  having  firfl  qualified  to  aft  by  taking  and  fubferibing  the  Oath  hereinbefore  provided  pointed  to  tie 
and  direfted,  (hall  be  invefted  with  the  fame  Powers  and  Authorities  as  are  given  or  delegated  hy  this  Aft  'he  aforefaid 
unto  the  faid  Commiffioners  or  Commiffioner  conilituted  by  this  AS  refpeftively.  °Mh- 

LVI  II.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enaftro,  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  Lord  I Jeutenaht 
other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being  to  revoke  the  Appointment  of  any  Perfon  may  revoke  Ap- 
or  Perfons  to  be  a Commiffioner  or  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  and  from  time  to  pointmenta,  and 
time  to  nominate  and  appoint  fuch  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  be  a Commiffioner  or  Commiffioners,  as  fuch  frc  °CJnC'a  '■ 
Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Governors  for  the  time  being  lhall  think  fit and  alfo  to  appoint  rc  " ' 
from  time  to  time  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  be  a Commiffioner  or  Commiffioners  to  fupply  any  Vacancy  which 
may  be  occafioned  by  the  Death  or  Refignation  of  any  Commiffioner  or  Commiffioners  who  may  be  appointed 
by  virtue  of  this  Aft. 

LIX.  And  be  it  .further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  all  Perfons,  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  ad-  Pertbra  advaoc. 
vancing  any  of  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  he  iffued  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  by  way  of  Loan,  to  any  Perfons  who  ins  Kichcquer 
may  be  willing  to  accept  fuch  Exchequer  Bills,  valuing  the  fame  at  the  Sum  which  (hall  be  expreffed  therein  Bills  by  Loan 
refpeftively,  together  with  fuch  Lnlereft  as  may  have  accrued  thereon  at  the  time  of  advancing  luch  Loan,  to  ™«»t.  Intwefl** 
charge  and  receive  Interefl  for  fuch  Loan  at  tnc  Rate  of  Five  Pounds  per  Centum  per  Annum  ; any  Law  or 
Ufage  to  the  contrary  notwithflanding. 

LX.  Aud  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  fevcral  Commiffioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  (hall  and  Commiffioners 
may  receive  and  fend  all  their  Letters  and  Packets  free  from  the  Duty  of  Poftage^  provided  that  fuch  Letters  may  receive  and 
and  Packets  as  (hall  be  fent  to  the  laid  Commiffioners  .for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  u\  Great  Britain,  he  lcfn.‘! 
d'reftcd  to  “ The  Commiffioners  for  the  Iffue  of  Exchequer  Bills  at  their  Office  and  that  fuch  Letters  * 

"**1”  j c^et3 . 36  ffiall  bc  fent  to  the  faid  Commiffioners  tor  die  Purpofcs  of  this  Aft  in  Ireland,  (hall  be  di- 
rected to  *•  The  Commiffioners  for  the  Iffuc  of  Money  "out  of  the  Confolidated  Tund  at  their  Office and 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Libraly  Digitisation  Unit 

5 6 

OMifatinni,  *c. 
no:  liable  to 
Sump  Duty 

Aflioni  exe- 
cuting Afl  not 
to  be  brought 
but  upon' Notice, 

f>aion  or  Ten- 

Sir  Months. 
Where  to  be 

General  Iffue. 

Treble  Culls. 

Ac.  Certificate*, 
Ate.  or  delivering 
fuch  to  in$  Of* 
ficer,  or  uttering 
the  Ernie, 

m»y  he  ulrni- 

altered,  Sec.  chut 

C.34,35.  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

that  all  fucb  Letters  and  Packets  as  fhall  be  lent  by  tHe  laid  Commifiioners  (ball  be  dated  from  their  faid  Of- 
fice, and  fhall  be  figned  on  tlie  Outfide  of  fuch  Letteri  and  Packets  by  fucli  Perfon  as  the  faid  Commifiionent 
for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  in  Great  Britain  fhall  appoint,  with  the  Confcnt  of  the  faid  Commifiioners  of 
His  Majelly’s  Trcafury,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  thcln,  and  as  tlie  faid  Commifiioners  for  tlie  Execution  of 
this  Aft  in  Ireland  fhall  appoint,  with  the  Confent  ofi  the  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  Chief  Governor  or  Go- 
vernors of  Ireland,  and  under  fuch  Reftriftions  and  Regulations  as  the  faid  Commifiioners  of  His  Majeily's 
Treafury,  or  the  faid  Lord  Lieutenant  or  other  ChieflGovernor  or  Governors  refpeftively,  fhall  think  proper 
and  direft. 

LXI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Obligation  to  His  Majefty  nor  any  Heritable  Securities,  nor 
any  AfEgnment  of  any  Heritable  Securities,  nor  any  Mortgage  or  Afiignmcnt  of  any  Tolls,  Rates  or  Du- 
ties taken  by  the  faid  Commifiioners,  nor  any  Promiffqry  Note  under  this  Aft,  as  a Security  for  the  Loan  of 
Money  m fuch  Exchequer  Bills  as  aforefaid,  nor  any  Affidavit,  Dcpoiition,  or  Receipt  to  be  refpeftively 
taken  or  made  under  and  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  liable  to  any  Stamp  Duty  whatever;  any  thing  in 
any  Aft  or  Afts  in  force  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  lo  the  contrary  in  anywife  notwithftanding. 

LX II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Aftion!  or  Suit  (hall  be  commenced  againft  any  Perfon  or  Per- 
fons  for  any  thing,  done  by  virtue  of  or  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  until  Fourteen  Days’  Notice  thereof  in 
Writing  fhall  have  been  gtven  to  the  Secretary  for  tht*  time  being  of  the  faid  Commifiioners,  nor  after  a fuf- 
ficicnt  Satisfaftion,  or  a Tender  thereof,  hath  been  made  to  the  Party  or  Parties  aggrieved,  nor  after  Six 
Calendar  Months  next  after  the  Faft  committed  ; and  fuch  Action  fhall  be  brought  in  the  faid  Courts  of  Ex. 
chequer  in  England,  Ireland  or  Scotland,  and  fhall  be  laid  in  the  County  of  Middle/ex,  or  City  of  Dublin, 
or  Edinburgh  refpeftively,  and  not  elfewhere  ; and  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  in  Inch  Aftion  or  Suit  fhall 
and  may  plead  the  General  IfTue,  and  give  this  Aft  awl  the  fpecial  Matter  in  Evidence  at  any  Trial  lo  be 
had  thereupon,  and  that  the  fame  was  done  in  purfuance  and  by  the  Authority  of  this  Aft  ; and  if  the  (tune 
fhall  appear  to  be  fo  done,  or  if  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  (flail  be  brought  after  the  time  hereinbefore  limited  for 
bringing  the  fame,  or  fhall  be  brought  without  Fourteep  Days’  Notice  thereof,  or  fhall  be  brought  in  any  other 
County  or  Place,  or  after  a fufficient  Satisfaftion  made  or  tendered  as  aforefaid,  that  then  the  Jury  fhall  find 
for  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  ; or  if  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs  (hall  become  nonfuited,  or  fuffer  a Difcon- 
tinuance  of  his,  her  or  their  Aftion  or  Aftions,  or  if  a Verdift  fhall  pafs  againft  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs,  the 
Defendant  or  Defendants  fhall  have  Treble  Cofts,  and  (hall  have  fuch  Remedy  for  recovering  the  fame  as  any 
Defendant  or  Defendants  hath  or  have  for  Cofts  of  Suit  in  any  other  cafes  by  Law. 

LXIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Pcrfpnor  Pcrfons  fhall  forge,  counterfeit  or  alter,  orcaufe 
or  procure  to  be  forged,  counterfeited  or  altered,  or  knowingly  or  wilfully  aft  or  affifl  in  the  forging,  coun- 
terfeiting or  altering  any  Certificate  or  Certificates  of  the  Commifiioners  for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  or 
any  of  them,  or  any  Receipt  or  Receipts  to  be  given  by  the  Cafhicr  or  Cafhiers  of  the  Bank  of  England  in 
purfuance  of  this  Aft,  or  (ball  wilfully  deliver  any  fifch  forged,  counterfeited  or  altered  Certificate  or  Re- 
ceipt to  the  Auditor  of  the  Receipt  of  His  Majeily’s  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain,  or  to  the  Vice  Trcafurer 
of  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  or  to  any  Officer  appointed  by  them  or  either  of  them,  or  to  the  Commifiioners 
for  the  Execution  of  this  Aft  or  any  of  them,  or  to  anyl  Officer  or  Officers  appointed  by  them  or  any  of  them 
in  the  Execution  of  the  Powers  of  this  Aft,  or  fhall  uttlr  any  fuch  forged,  counterfeited  or  altered  Certificate 
or  Certificates,  Receipt  or  Receipts,  knowing  the  fame/to  be  forged,  counterfeited  or  altered,  with  Intent  to 
defraud  His  Majefty,  His  Heirs  or  Sucecffors,  or  any?  Body  or  Bodies  Politic  or  Corporate,  or  any  Perfon 
whomfoever,  then  and  in  every  fuch  cafe  all  and  every  perfon  or  Perfona  fo  offending,  and  being  thereof  law. 
fully  convi£led,  fhall  be  adjudged  guilty  of  Felony,  and  fhall  fuffer  Death  as  in  cafes  of  Felony  without 
Benefit  of  Clergy. 

LXIV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  all  cafes  where  an  Oath  may  be  adminiftered  by  this  Aft,  it 
(hall  be  lawful  to  adminifter  an  Affirmation  in  lieu  thereof,  as  the  cafe  may  require. 

LXV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft,  *■'  any  of  the  Provifions  thereof,  may  be  amended,  al- 
tered or  repealed  by  any  Aft  or  Afts  to  be  puffed  in  tips  prefent  Seffion  of  Parliament. 

[ Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland  may  appoint  fpecial  Commijfionen  far  receiving  Application t for  Relief  from 
the  2 jo, c col.  advanced  in  Ireland  by  Section  5.  of  tbit  AS.  See  Cap.  1 24.  6 1 . pojl.~\ 


An  Aft  for  punifhing  Mutiny  and  Defcrtion ; and  for  the  better  Payment  of  the  Army  and  their 
Quarters.  £aoth  June  1817.] 

1 XT7  HEREAS  the  railing  or  keeping  a Standing  \rnry  within  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain 
‘ XX  and  Ireland,  in  a time  of  Peace,  unlefs  it  be  t ith  the  Confent  of  Parliament,  is  againft  Law  : And 
‘ Whereas  it  is  judged  necefiary  by  His  Majefty,  and  this  prefent  Parliament,  that  a Body  of  Forces  fhould 

* be  continued  for  the  Safety  of  the  United  Kingdom,  the  Defence  of  the  Poffeffioni  of  His  Majefty’s  Crown 

* and  the  Prefervation  of  the  Balance  of  Power  in  Ear  pc,  and  that  the  whole  Number  of  fuch  Forces  fhould 
srof  * confifl  of  One  hundred  and  twenty  one  thoufand  and  thirty  five  effeftive  Officers  and  Men,  including  the 
1,1*1,035.  « Forces  Rationed  in  France,  and  alfo  Fifteen  thoufand, five  hundred  and  eighty  five  Officers  and  Men  propofed 

* to  be  difbanded,  and  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  a id  fixty  three  Officers  and  Men  propofed  to  be  tranf- 

* ferred  to  the  Indian  Eftablifhment,  but  exclufive  of  he  Officers  and  Men  belonging  to  the  Regiments  now 
‘ employed  in  the  Territorial  Poflefiions  of  the  Eajl  It  ha  Company,  or  ordered  from  thence  to  Great  Bri- 
‘ tain  : And  Whereas  no'Man  can  be  forejudged  of  Li  e or  Limb,  or  fubjefted  in  time  of  Peace  to  any  Kind 
‘ of  Pumfhment  within  this  Realm  by  Martial  Law,  or  i any  other  manner  than  by  the  Judgment  of  his  Peers, 

* and  according  to  the  known  and  eftablifhcd  Laws  of  this  Realm  ; yet  nevcrthelefs,  it  being  requifitc,  for  the 

II  ’ , • retaining 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817. 


C.  35,  36. 


« retaining  all  the  before  mentioned  Forces  in  their  Duty,  that  an  exaft  Difcipline  be  obferved,  and  that  Sol- 
« diers  who  fliall  mutiny  or  ftir  up  Sedition,  or  fhall  deferi  His  Majefty’s  Serrice,  be  brought  to  a more 
< exemplary  and  fpeedy  Punifhment  than  the  ufual  Forms  oft  the  Law  will  allow  Beit  therefore  enafted  by 
The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and 
Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prcfcnt  Parliament  aflemtjed,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  if 
any  Perl'ou  who  is  or  fhall  be  commiffioncd  or  in  Pay  as  an  Officer,  or  who  is  or  fhall  be  lifted  or  in  Pay  as  a 
Non  Commiffioncd  Officer  or  Soldier,  fhall  at  any  time,  diiing  the  Continuance  of' this  Ad,  begin,  excite, 
caufe  or  join  in  any  Mutiny  or  Sedition  in  His  Majefty’s  Ladd  or  Marine  Forces,  or  fhall  not  ufe  his  utmoft 
Endeavours  to  fupprefs  the  fame,  or  coming  to  the  Knowled  ;e  of  any  Mutiny  or  intended  Mutiny,  fhall  not 
without  Delay  give  Information  thereof  to  his  Commanding  Officer;  or  fhall  milbehave  himfelf  before  the 
Enemy  ; or  (hall  fhamcfully  abandon  or  deliver  up  any  Gat  ifon,  Fortrefs,  Poll  or  Guard  committed  to  his 
Charge,  or  which  he  fhall  be  commanded  to  defend  ; or  (hall  :ompcl  the  Governor  or  Commanding  Officer  of 
any  Garrifou,  Fortrefs  or  Poll,  to  deliver  up  to  the  Enemy,  or  to  abandon  the  fame  ; or  fhall  fpcak  Words, 
or  ufe  any  other  Means  to  induce  fuch  Governor  or  Comman  ling  Officer,  or  others,  to  milbehave  before  the 
Enemy,  or  fhamefnlly  to  abandon  or  deliver  up  any  Garrift  1,  Fortrefs,  Poll  or  Guard  committed  to  their 
■fpedive  Charge,  or  which  he  or  they  lliall  be  commanded  t 1 defend  ; or  fhall  leave  his  Poll  before  relieved  ; 
fhall  be  found  flecping  on  his  Poll  ; or  fhall  hold  Cor  re  1 ondcnce  with,  or  give  Advice  or  Intelligence  to 
~ jj|  '*  v'  rr’ofecns,  in  any  manner  c 

any  Rebel  or  Enemy  of  His  Majefty,  either  by  Letters,  Me  ages.  Signs  or  Ti 

whatfoever  ; or  fhall  treat  or  enter  into  any  Terms  with  fuel  Rebel  or  Enemy,  without  fits  Majefty’s  Li- 
cence, or  Licence  of  the  General  or  Chief  Commnnder ; or  tall  ftrike  or  ufe  any  Violence  againft  his  fuperior 
Officer,  being  in  the  Execution  of  his  Office  ; or  fhall  difob  rjr  any  lawful  Command  of  his  Superior  Officer  ; 
or  fhall  defert  His  Majefty’s  Service  ; all  and  every  Perfon  ; nd  Pcrfons  fo  offending  in  any  of  the  Matters 
before  mentioned,  whether  fuch  Offence  (hall  be  committed  v ithin  this  Realm,  or  in  any  other  of  His  Majefty's 
Dominions,  or  in  Foreign  Parts,  upon  Land  or  upon  the  Sen  lhall  fuffer  Death,  or  fuch  other  Punifhmcnt  ns 
by  a Court  Martial  fliall  be  awarded. 

{Tbit  y. 13 , •with  the  exception  of  SeSion  156.  it  the  fame,  md  all  the  Scheduler  are  alfo  the  fame  at  Cap.  12. 

ante  : which  AS  was  made  to  continue  in  force  in  Gre  t Britain  until  the  *5 lb  June  1817.] 

CLVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  fliall  b and  continue  in  force  within  Great  Britain  from  c 

the  Twenty  fourth  Day  of  June  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  Oi  e thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fevcntcen,  until  the  ih 

Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  in  the  Year  of  Our  Lord  One  t mufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  ; and  fhall  be 
and  continue  in  force  within  Ireland,  and  in  Jcrfey,  Guer  fey,  Alderney,  Sari  and  Ifle  of  Man,  and  the 
I Hands  thereto  belonging,  from  the  Firft  Day  of  July  in  th  Year  of  our  Lord  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  feventccn,  until  the  Firft  Day  of  April  in  the  Year  of  011  Lord  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  ; 
and  fhall  be  and  continue  in  force  within  the  Garrifon  of  Gibraltar,  and  in  Spain  and  Portugal,  from  the 

Twenty  Fifth  Day  of  Augtsfl  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  On  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventccn,  until  the 

Twenty  Fifth  Day  of  May  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  One  t loufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  ; and  fhall  be 
and  continue  in  force  in  all  other  Parts  of  Europe  where  His  Majefty’s  Forces  may  be  ferving,  and  in  the  Wejl 
Indies  and  North  America,  and  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  from  Twenty  Fifth  Day  of  Otlobcr  One  thoufand 
eight  hundred  and  feventccn,  to  the  Twenty  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen  ; 
and  fhall  he  and  continue  in  force  in  all  other  Places  from  th® Twenty  Fifth  Day  of  February  One  thoufand 
eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  to  the  Twenty  Fifth  Day  oi  November  Oae  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 


An  Acl  to  regulate  the  Trade  to  and  from  the  Places  within  the  Limits  of  the  Charter  of  the  Eajl 
India  Company,  and  certain  Poflcllions  of  His  Majefly  in  the  Mediterranean.  [20th  June  1817.] 

4 HEREAS  an  Act  was  palled  in  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefeut  Majefty,  intituled  5 

‘ » v An  A3  for  continuing  in  the  Eaft  India  Company,  for  a further  Term,  the  Ptijfejfwn  of  the  Britifh  \ 

* Territories  in  India,  together  with  certain  exelujive  Privileges  ; for  ejlablijhing  further  Regulations  for  the 
' Government  of  the  faid  Territories,  and  the  heller  Adminiflration  of  Juflice  within  the  fame ; and  for  regu- 
‘ luting  the  Trade  to  and  from  the  Places  within  the  Limits  of  the  faid  Company’s  Charter  : And  Whereas  by 

* the  faid  recited  Aft  it  was  cnafted,  that  it  fhould  be  lawful  for  any  of  His  Majefty’s  Subjefts,  in  common 

* with  the  faid  United  Company,  to  export  in  Ships  navigated  according  to  Law,  from  any  Port  or  Porta 

* within  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  to  all  Ports  and  Places  within  the  Limits  rc- 
' ferred  to,  fave  and  except  the  Dominions  of  the  Emperor  of  China,  any  Goods;  Wares  and  Merchandize 

* which  could  then,  or  might  at  any  time  or  time*  thereafter,  be  legally  exported  ; and  alfo  in  common  with 
■ the  faid  Company  to  import  in  Ships  navigated  as  aforefaid,  from  any  Port  or  Ports  within  the  Limits 

* aforefaid,  fave  and  except  as  aforefaid,  into  the  faid  United  Kingdom,  any  Goods,  Wares  and  Merchandize, 

* the  Produce  or  Manufacture  of  any  of  the  Countries  within  the  faid  Limits,  which  could  or  might  at  any 

* time  or  times  thereafter  be  legally  imported  ; fubjett  ncvorthelefs  to  the  feveral  Reftriftions,  Conditions  and 
Limitations  in  the  faid  Aft  contained  : And  Whereas  it  was  alfo  enafted  by  the  faid  Aft,  that  nothing 
therein  contained  fhould  extend  or  be  conftrued  to  extend  to  prevent  the  making,  during  the  further  Term 
thereby  granted  to  the  laid  Company,  fuch  further  Provifions  by  Authority  of  Parliament,  as  might  from 
time  to  time  be  deemed  neceffary  for  enabling  His  Majefty’s  Subjefts  to  carry  on  Trade  and  Traffic, 
direftly  or  circuitoufly,  as  well  between  all  Ports  ar.d  Places  fituatc  without  the  Limits  of  the  faid  Com- 
pany’s Charter,  and  all  Ports  and  Placet  (except  the  Dominions  of  the  Emperor  of  China l fituate  within 
thofe  Limits,  as  between  the  faid  United  Kingdom  and  all  the  lafl  mentioned  Ports  and  Places,  except  os 

* “orefaid  : And  Whereas  by  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’*  Reign,  .1 

S7  Geo.  111.  I ‘ intituled  S 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Ur 

or  found  Deeping 
upon  miefening 
hit  Pen,  Sic. 
or  flriking  or  iXf- 
obeying  hi*5e- 
peiior  Officer, 
Death,  or  furh 
Punifhmcnt  « a 
Court  Man  ill 
may  in»i3. 


C.  36. 



A.D.  1817 

1 intituled  An  AS  for  the  further  Regulation  of  the  Trade  to  and  from  the  Places  within  the  Limits  of  the 
4 Charter  of  the  Eaft  India  Company,  Provilion  was  made  for  enabling  the  faid  Company,  and  all  other  His 

* Majefty’s'  Subjects  to  carry  on  a circuitous  Trade  to,  from  and  between  tlie  Places  within  fuch  Limits : And 
4 Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  make  Provifion  for  the  enabling  the  (aid  Company  and  all  other  His  Majefty’s 
‘ SubjeAs  to  carry  on  Trade  within  the  Limits  of  the  Cliarter  of  the  faid  Company,  and  certain 

* Poffeffions  of  His  Majefty  in  the  Mediterranean  ;’  Be  it  therefore  enaAed  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent 
Majefty,  by  and  with  tfie  Advice  and  Confent  of  llic  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in 

Trade  mtyho  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this 
r.rrie.1  on  direct-  ^A  ;t  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  (aid  Company,  and  alfo  for  any  other  of  His  Majefty’s  SubjeAa  to  carry  on 
f between"0115  Trade  and  Traffic,  in  Ships  navigated  according  to  Law,  direAly  and  circuitoufly  between  the  Illand  of 
Malta  and  its  Malta  and  its  Dependencies,  or  the  Port  of  Gibraltar,  and  all  Ports  and  Places  within  the  Limits  of  the  (aid 
Depeodutcie.,  Company’s  Charter,  except  the  Dominions  of  the  Emperor  of  China  ; any  thing  contained  in  any  Charter  of 
or  Gibraltar,  and  the  (aid  Company,  or  in  any  AA  or  A As  of  Parliament,  to  the  contrary  notwithllanding  ; Provided  always,  that 
all  Ports  and  jn  carrying  on  fuch  Trade  it  (hall  not  be  lawful  to  trade  to  or  at  any  Port  or  Place  without  the  Limits  of  the 
aces  wit  m ic  Company’s  Charter,  other  than  thofc  with  which  Trade  is  permitted  by  the  faid  AA  of  the  Fifty  fourth 
Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly  : Provided  always,  that  nothing  herein  contained  (hall  extend  or  be  con  (trued  to 
extend  to  authorize  any  of  His  Majelty’s  SubjeAs,  other  than  the  faid  Company,  or  Perfons  properly  licenfed 
by  them,  to  export  or  import  from  or  to  any  fuch  Countries,  Ports  and  Places,  within  or  without  fuch  Limits, 
or  to  import  into  the  United  Kingdom,  any  Tea,  or  in  any  manner  to  trade  or  traffic  in  Tea,  between  any  fuch 
Ports  or  Places  as  afore  (aid. 

II.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  cnaAcd,  Tliat  His  Majefty’s  Settlement  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope 

(hall,  as  to  all  Trade  allowed  by  this  AA  to  be  carried  on,  be  deemed,  conftrued  and  taken  to  be  within  the 

Hope  u>  be  con-  Limits  of  the  Eajl  India  Company’s  Charter  : Provided  alfo,  that  nothing  herein  contained,  as  to  the  faid 
fidered  within  Settlement  being  deemed  as  to  fuch  Trade  as  aforefaid  to  be  within  fuch  Limits,  (hall  extend  or  be  coni!  rued 
inch  Limits.  to  extend  to  prevent,  or  in  any  manner  to  limit  or  affeA,  any  other  Trade  which  now  may  or  which  may 
hereafter  be  allowed  to  be  carried  on  between  the  faid  Settlement  and  any  other  Countries,  Ports  or  Places 

Tr*dc  not  to  be  III.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  furtltcr  cnaAcd,  That  it  lhall  not  be  lawful  for  any  VcfTcl  carrying  on  Trade 
Cinied  on  in  under  the  Provifions  of  this  AA,  to  clear  out  from  or  be  admitted  to  Entry  at  any  Port  in  the  United  King- 
Buid  n"1^ f ltle  dom,  the  regiftered  Meafurement  of  which  Veflel  (hall  be  under  the  Burden  preferibed  by  the  faid  AA  of 
u en  rre-  t-hc  Fifty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  or  which  may  be  preferibed  by  any  AA  hereafter  to  be  palled 
for  Vedels  carrying  on  Trade  between  the  United  Kingdon  ' ' ' ' ' ' ” 

India  Company’s  Charter. 

Charter,  aicft 
to  Chins. 

No  Perfons 
other  than  ihe 
Company  10 
trade  in  Tea. 
Cape  of  Good 

Burden  pre- 
feribed  by 

1 and  the  Places. within  the  Limits  of  the  Eajl 

33  G.  J.c.133. 

4 IV.  And  Whereas  by  the  faid  AA  of  the  Fifty  third  year  of  His  prefeftt  Majefty’s  Reign  it  is  cnaAed, 
4 that  no  Ship  or  VcfTcl  engaged  in  private  Trade  under  the  Authority  of  that  A A,  (hall  proceed  to  any  Place 

4 iituateon  the  Continent  of  Afia,  from  the  river  Indus  to  the  Town  of  Malacca  inclufive,  or  in  any  Illand  under  the 
4 Government  of  the  (aid  Company  lying  to  the  North  of  the  Equator,  or  to  the  faid  Cqmpany’s  FaAory  of 
4 Bencoolen  or  its  Dependencies,  or  to  any  other  Place  or  Places  lituate  more  to  the  northward  than  Eleven 
4 Degrees  of  South  Latitude,  and  between  the  Sixty  fourth  and  One  hundred  and  fiftieth  Degrees  of  Eaft. 

4 Longitude  from  London,  without  a Licence  from  the  Court  of  DireAors  of  the  faid  Company,  or  from  the 
Governors  and  4 Board  of  Commiffioners  for  the  Affairs  of  India,  (as  the  cafe  may  be  ) Be  it  further  enaAed,  That  the 
Lieutenant  Go-  Governors  and  Lieutenant  Governors  of  the  (aid  Ifland  of  Malta  and  Port  qf  Gibraltar  respectively,  (hall  be 
endcTbrahar* to  an<*  are  hereby  authorized  to  grant  Licences  to  Ships  or  Vcffels  fo  proceeding  as  aforefaid  from  the  faid 
ersnt'Liccnccs  • UUnd  of  Malta  or  Port  of  Gibraltar,  in  the  fame  manner  and  under  tlie  fame  Regulations  and  Provifions,  in 
regard  to  the  Grant  and  Form  thereof,  as  are  under  the  faid  recited  AA  applicable  to  Licences  granted  by  the 
faid  Court  of  DireAors  and  Board  of  Commiffioners  refpeAively  : Provided  always,  that  the  (aid  Governors 
and  Lieutenant  Governors  (hall  not  be  empowered  to  grant  any  Licence  fpecially  authorizing  any  Ship  or 
Veffel  to  proceed  to  any  Place  or  Places  upon  the  Continent  of  Aft  a from  the  River  Indus  to  the  faid  Town 
but  to  confotm  of  Malacca  inclufive,  except  the  faid  Company’s  principal  Settlements  ; and  that  in  regard  for  fuch  Licences 
10  Rules  of  the  as  arc  under  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  reciteil  AA  to  be  granted  by  the  faid  Board  of  Commiffioners, 
CommUBonert  t(le  faid  Governors  and  Lieutenant  Governors  (hall  conform  tbemfclves,  as  far  as  the  cafe  may  admit,  to  fuch 
°*  n Rules  and  Regulations  in  that  Behalf,  as  may  from  time  to  time  be  framed  and  publifficd  by  the  faid 


sud  trjnfmit  V.  And  be  it  further  cnaAed,  That  each  fuch  Governor  or  Lieutenant  Governor  (hall  tranfmit  to  One 
LifU  of  Licence’  of  His  Majefty's  Principal  Secretaries  of  State  annual  Lifts  of  all  fuch  Licences  as  lhall  have  been  granted 
lefufed.  °r  by  hint  as  aforefaid,  and  of  all  Licences  (if  any)  which  fuch  Governor  or  Lieutenant  Governor  may, 
in  confequence  of  any  InftruAions  which  he  may  have  received  in  regard  to  fuch  Licences,  have  refufed  to 
grant,  together  with  his  Rcafons  for  fuch  Refufal. 

Ships  not  in  fail  VI.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  furtlier  enaAed,  Tliat  no  Ship  or  Veffel,  other  than  the  Ships  of  the  faid 
without  Lilts  of  Company  engaged  in  Trade  under  the  Authority  of  this  AA,  lhall  be  permitted  to  clear  out  from  the 
Arisen  board  *****  t>r  Port  for  any  Place  or  Places  under  the  Government  of  His  Maiefly  or  of  the  faid  Company»  ddivered  **tua,c  more  to  the  Northward  than  Eleven  Degrees  of  South  Latitude,  and  between  the  Sixty  fourth  and 
upon  Oath.  ®ne  Hundred  and  fiftieth  Degrees  of  Eaft  Longitude  from  London,  until  the  Maftcr  or  other  Pcrfon  having 
the  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel  (hall  have  made  out  and  exhibited, to  the  principal  Officer  of  the  Cuftoms, 
or  other  Pcrfon  thereto  authorized  by  fuch  Governor  or  Lieutenant  Governor  as  aforefaid,  at  the  Port  of 
Clearance,  upon  Oath  (which  Oath  fuch  Officer  or  other  Perfon  is  hereby  authorized  to  adrainillcr),  a true 
and  perfeA  Lift,  in  (uch  Form  as  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  fettled  by  tlie  faid  Court  of  DireAors, 
with  the  Approbation  of  the  faid  Board  of  Commiffioners,  fpecifying  and  letting  forth  the  Names,  Capaci- 
12  ties 

Printed  image  digitised  by  die  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  i8j7- 





tics  and  Defcriptkms  of  all  Perfons  embarked  or  intended  to  be  erilbarkcd  on  board  fuch  Ship  or  Vcflel,  and 

all  Arms  on  board  or  intended  to  be  put  on  board  the  fame  ; nor  (hall  any  fuch  VefTel  be  admitted  to  Entry  Such  VelTol  not 

at  the  faid  Ifland  or  Port  until  the  Mailer  or  other  Perfon  having  the  Command  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel  fhall  admitted  to  F.n. 

in  the  like  manner  have  made  out  and  exhibited  to  the  principal  Officer  of  the  Cufloma,  or  other  Perfon  jfy  ,il1  dr- 

thereunto  duly  authorized,  upon  Oath  ( which  Oath  fuch  Officer  or  other  Perfon  is  hereby  authorized  to  ad- 

miniller),  a true  and  perfeft  Lift,  in  Form  to  be  fettled  as  aforefaid,  fpccifying  the  Names,  Capacities  aud  Ann»,&e.w<"U' 

Defcriptions  of  all  Perfons  on  board  or  who  (hall  have  been  on  board  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel,  from  the  time  of  herein  meu- 

the  Bailing  thereof  to  the  time  of  Arrival,  and  of  all  Arms  on  board  or  which  lhall  during  that  time  have  honed. 

been  on  board  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel,  and  the  feveral  Times  and  Places  at  which  fuch  of  the  faid  Perfons  as  may 

have  died  or  left  the  faid  Ship  or  Vcflel,  (hall  have  fo  died  or  left  fuch  Ship  or  Veflel,  or  fuch  of  the  laid  Arms 

as  may  have  been  difpofed  of,  have  been  fo  difpofed  of. 

VII.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  further  enafted,  That  fuch  Governors  or  Lieutenant  Governors  lhall  and  Governor*, 
they  are  hereby  required  to  caufe  every  fuch  Lift,  which  (ball  be  fo  received  at  the  faid  Wand  or  Port,  to  truiftnir  r«ch 
to  be  tranfmitted  with  all  rcafonable  Difpatch  to  the  Court  of  Directors  of  the  faid  United  Company  ; and  Lin«iotbe 

all  fuch  Ships  or  Vefleli  trading  under  the  Authority  of  this  Aft  lhall,  on  their  Arrival  at  any  Port  or  Place 
under  the  Government  of  the  faid  Company  in  India,  be  fubjeft  to  all  the  Regulations,  Reftriftions  and  Pro-  Sbipmsduw 
vifions  preferibed  by  the  faid  Afts  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majcfty’s  Reign  ; and  that  all  under  this  Aft 
Trade  with  all  Ports  and  Places  upon  the  Continent  of  Alia,  from  the  River  Indut  to  the  Town  of  Malacca  fubjeft  to  Rcrc 
inclufive,  or  any  Ifland  uuder  the  Government  of  the  faid  Company  I ring  to  the  North  of  the  Equator,  •"to™  of 
or  the  faid  Company's  Factory  at  Bmeoolen  and  its  Dependencies,  lhall  remain  and  continue  fubjeft  to  J3  G.  3.  e.  1 j 5. 
all  fucli  Regulations,  Provifions  and  Reftriftions  as  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  irt  force  in  relation  to  Trade,  at 
any  fuch  Porta  and  Places  under  the  Authority  of  any  of  the  Governments  of  the  faid  Company  at  their 
feveral  Prefidencies  in  India. 

VIII.  Aud  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Company,  and  for  any  other  of  His  Cargoes  may  be 
Majcfty’s  Subjefts,  to  trade  ( in  Ships  navigated  according  to  Law,  and  proceeding  upon  any  Voyage  between  difeharged  « 
any  Ports  or  Places  within  tlic  Limits  of  the  faid  Company’s  Charter  and  the  United  Kingdom)  to  and  fub'eft 
at  the  faid  Uland  of  Malta  and  Port  of  Gibraltar,  and  for  that  Purpofc  to  difeharge  the  Whole  or  any  Part  Regulations  of* 
of  the  Cargo  of  any  fuch  Ship  or  VefTel  at  fuch  Ifland  or  Port,  and  in  the  Profccution  of  fuch  circuitous  53  G.  3.  c.tjj. 
Vovagc  to  take  on  board  any  other  Goods,  Wares  and  Merchandize,  which  can  be  legally  carried  from  and 

fuch  Ports  or  Places  withiu  the  Limits  aforefaid,  to  fuch  Ifland  or  Port  ; and  in  like  manner  to  trade  in  any  54 G. 3.  c.34. 
fuch  Ship  or  Vcflel,  in  any  Voyage  from  the  United  Kingdom  to  any  Ports  or  Places  within  the  Limits 
aforefaid,  to  and  at  the  faid  Ifland  of  Malta  aud  Port  of  Gibraltar  : Provided  always,  that  all  fuch  Ships 
and  VcfTels  fhall  be  fubjeft  to  all  the  Regulations,  Reftriftions  and  Provifions  to  which  Ships  and  Veffels 
carrying  on  Trade  circuitoufly,  between  the  United  Kingdom  and  the  Limits  of  the  faid  Company’s 
Cliartcr,  are  by  the  faid  Afts  of  the  Fifty  third  and  Fifty  fourth  Years  of  His  Majefty’s  Reign  made  liable. 

JX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  Goods  and  Commodities  fo  imported  into  the  Ifland  of  Malta  or  G00J1  may  be 
its  Dependencies,  or  into  the  Port  of  Gibraltar,  from  any  Ports  or  Places  within  the  Limits  of  the  faid  re-exported  from 
Company’s  Charter,  may  be  re-exported  from  the  faid  Ifland  of  Malta  or  its  Dependencies,  or  the  Port  of 
Gibraltar,  to  the  United  Kingdom,  and  imported  at  any  of  the  Ports  where  fuch  Goods  and  Commodities  ^'”3^ 
may  lawfully  be  imported,  in  like  manner,  and  fubjeft  to  all  fuch  Regulations,  Reftriftions  and  Provifions,  as  jcft  t„  RiguU- 
if  fuch  Goods  and  Commodities  were  imported  direftly  from  the  Place  of  their  Growth,  Produftion  or  Ma-  lions,  and  in 
nufafture ; and  in  VcfTels  of  fuch  Tonnage  as  is  preferibed  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  Vena*  of  fuch 
the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  or  as  may  be  preferibed  by  any  Aft  hereafter  to  be  palled,  for  Veffels 
carrying  on  Trade  between  the  United  Kingdom  and  the  Places  within  the  Limits  of  the  Eajl  India  Com-  53  g.  3.  c.  rev. 
pany’s  Charter  ; any  thing  in  an  Aft  pafled  in  the  Twelfth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  Majefty  King  Gharlet 
the  Second,  intituled  An  Act  fur  the  encouraging  and  increaftng  of  Shipping  and  Navigation,  or  in  any  other  uCai.a.  c.i8. 
Aft  to  the  contrary  notwithllanding. 

X.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  for  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft,  and  for  all  other  Purpofes  whatever,  Malta, he. 
the  Ifland  of  Malta  and  its  Dependencies  fhall  he  deemed  and  taken  to  be  in  Europe.  deemed  to  be  in 

XL  Provided  ncverthelcfs,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  nothing  in  this  or  in  any  other  Aft  fhall  extend  . 

or  be  conllrued  to  extend  to  prevent  the  Introduftion  (under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft)  into  the  Ifland  of  iut%duflion  of 
Malta  and  its  Dependencies,  or  into  the  Port  of  Gibraltar,  of  any  Articles  being  of  the  Growth,  Produce  Goodi  into  Mal- 
or  Manufacture  of  any  of  the  Countries  between  which  and  the  faid  Ifland  and  Port  Trade  is  allowed  to  be  and  Gibraltar, 
on  "7  diis  Aft,  which  may  now  or  may  hereafter  be  imported  into  the  United  Kingdom.  wbich  may  now 

, ^ i.  * ^ }“  ‘l  ^urt*1cr  enafted,  That  it  fhall  not  be  lawful  for  any  Ship  or  Veffel  engaged  in  aoy  Voyage  . m,° 

under  the  Authority  of  this  Aft,  from  any  Port  or  Place  in  the  Eajl  Indie , to  the  faid  ffland  of  Malta  or  Kingdom. 

Port  of  Gibraltar ■,  and  not  deftined  to  any  Port  in  the  United  Kingdom,  to  take  or  have  on  board  any  Lafcars  No  LaTcars&c. 
or  other  Aftatic  Seamen  ; Provided. always,  that  it  fhall  he  lawful  for  any  of  the  Governments  of  the  Eajl  lobeukenon 
India  Company  in  India,  or  for  any  Governor  or  Lieutenant  Governor  of  any  Colony,  Territory  or  Ifland  lK“rtl 
belonging  to  Hu  Majefty  within  the  Limits  of  the  faid  Charter,  and  they  and  he  are  hereby  required,  on  Ap-  ^""under  «r. 
plication  made  by  the  Owner  or  Commander  of  any  Ship  or  VefTel,  and  after  having  afeertained  by  due  Regulation! 
Inquiry  that  a fnfficieut  Number  of  Briti/h  Seamen  cannot  be  procured  for  the  Crew  of  any  Ship  .or  Veflel  ax  herein 
Tailing  from  India  within  Ten  Days  from  fuch  Application,  to  certify  the  fame,  and  licenie  fuch  Ship  or  mentioned. 

V rlTel  to  fail  with  fuch  Proportion  of  I, afar  s or  Ajiatic  Seamen  as  may  be  fpecified  in  fuch  Certificate  and 
Licence  ; and  the  Governor  General  in  Council  at  Fort  IVilliam  is  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  make 
Kulcs  and  Regulations,  that  all  filch  Afiatic  Sailor*,  Lojcan  or  Natives  ns  aforefaid,  lhall  be  duly  fupplied 
•yitli  rrovifions  and  Clothing,  and  other  neceflary  Accommodation,  while  employed  and  while  abfent  from 

the  Countries  or  Places 

„ eceflary  Accommodation,  while  employed  and  while  a_ 

• which  they  refpeftively  belong,  and  until  they  (hall  be  earned  bsck  to  India  or  any 
’ othet 

Printed  image  digitised  by  die  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


c.36, 37, 38. 




other  Country  or  Place  to  which  the)-  rcfpe&ively  belong,  and  until  they  (hall  be  carried  back  to  India  or  any 
other  Country  or  Place  from  whence  they  were  rcfpe&ively  brought,  and  for  the  Conveyance  back  of  fuch 
Afatic  Sailors,  Lafean  and  Natives  aforefaid,  within  a rcafonable  time,  to  be  fpecified  in  fuch  Bond,  or  af- 
certained  by  fuch  Rules  and  Regulations. 

» XIII.  Provided  alfo,  and  be  it  enn&ed,  That  no  Ship  or  Veffcl  fo  licenfed  to  take  on  board  Lafean  or 
_ Afatic  Seamen  (hall  be  permitted  to  dear  out  from  any  Port  or  Place  within  the  Limits  of  the  faid  Company’s 
1 Charter  tinlefs  and  until  tile  Owner  or  Captain  or  Mailer  of  fuch  Ship  (hall  have  firft  given  Security  by  Bond, 
in  manner  dire&ed  by  an  A&  palled  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prcfcnt  Majefty,  and  fubje&  to  all  the 
Provifions  of  that  A&,  for  the  Maintenance  and  Conveyance  back  to  India,  or  for  the  Conveyance  to  England 
and  Maintenance  while  in  England,  and  Return  to  India,  of  fuch  Lafean  or  Afatic  Seamen  which  may  be 
received  on  board  of  fuch  Ship. 

XIV . And  be  it  further  cna&ed,  That  this  A&  may  be  altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  any  A&  or  A&s 
to  be  palTed  in  this  Seffion  of  Parliament. 

[This  AS  not  affeBed  by  Cap.  95.  pojl.  See  Section  3.  of  that  AB.~\ 


An  Aft  to  explain  and  amend  an  A €t  of  the  Fifty  third  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  relating  to 

Tolls  on  Carriages  ufed  in  Hufbandry,  and  to  remove  Doubts  as  to  Exemption  of  Carriages,  1 

P.iimoMr  'IVUI  T O .. 

jj  G.  j.c.  8s. 

wholly  laden  with  Manure  from  Payment  of  Toll. 

[20th  June  1817.] 

. 10  eiempt 
ihe  aforefaid 

CVrugea,  Ice. 
fro*  Toll*. 

t>y a , 0 

prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  AS  to  amend  an  AS  made  in  the  Fifty  fecund  Tear  of  His  prefent  Ma- 

* i'Jb'*  &t‘Zn'  intituled  An  AS  to  explain  the  Exemption  from  Toll  in  fiveral  ASs  of  Parliament  for  Carriages 

* employed  in  Hujlaudry,  and  for  regulating  the  Tolu  to  be  paid  on  other  Carriages,  and  on  Horfes  in  certain 
1 other  Cafes  therein  fpecified,  and  for  other  Purpofes  relating  thereto,  it  is  eua&ed,  that  from  and  after  tlir 

* palling  of  the  laid  Act  the  Owner  or  Driver  of  any  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage  laden  with  Manure 
1 for  Land,  palBug  through  any  Turnpike,  or  otberwife  palling  on  oracrofsany  Turnpike  Road,  Ihould  not 

* be  liable  to  pay  any  Toll,  nor  (hould  any  Toll  be  demanded  for  fuch  Carriage  fo  laden,  or  the  Cattle 

* drawing  the  fame,  by  reafononly  of  any  empty  Baflcct  or  Balkets,  empty  Sack  or  Sacks,  for  more  convcni- 
‘ cut  Carriage  or  Spade,  Shovel  or  Fork,  neceflary  for  loading  or  unloading  fuch  Manure,  being  in  or  upon 

* any  fuch  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  in  addition  to  fuch  Manure,  if  the  Loading  thereof  is  fubltan- 
‘ tially  Manure  for  Land  as  aforefaid  ; any  thing  in  any  Act  contained  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithftand* 

* ing  : And  Whereas  Doubts  have  arifeu  whether  the  laid  Claufe  does  not  extend  to  give  a general  Excmp- 
‘ lion  from  Toll  to  all  Carriages  laden  with  Manure  for  Land,  although  the  fame  were  made  cxprcfsly  liable 
‘ to  Toll  by  the  refpc&ive  Local  A&s  by  which  Tolls  are  impofed  and  levied  for  the  Maintenance  of  any 
‘ Turnpike  Roads : And  Whereas  fuch  Conftru&ion  would  operate  very  injurioully  both  to  the  Funds  re- 
‘ quired  for  the  keeping  up  fuch  refpe&ivc  Roads,  and  to  the  Security  of  the  Creditors  who  Iiave  advanced 

* Money  upon  the  Credit  of  the  fame  For  Remedy  thereof  be  it  declared  and  ena&ed  by  The  King’s  Moll  Ex- 
cellent Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  ConK-ut  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in 

Rented  Aft,  or  this  prefent  Parliament  aftcmblcd,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  nothing  in  the  faid  Claufe,  or  in  any 
other  Ad,  other  Claufe  of  the  fame,  or  of  any  oilier  Aft  or  Acts  of  Parliament,  (hall  extend  or  be  coultrued  to  extend 
to  exempt  any  fuch  Carriages  as  afarefaid,  or  the  Horfes  or  other  Cattle  drawing  the  fame,  from  any  Tolls  or 
Duties  impolcd  by  virtue  of  any  Local  Aft  or  A&s  under  which  any  fuch  Tolls  or  Duties  have  been  or  (hall 
be  impofed  for  the  Maintenance  and  Repair  of  fuch  rcfpe&ive  Roads  upon  which  fuch  Carriages  (hall  go  or 

Pronto  for  the  II.  Provided  always,  and  it  is  hereby  enafted  and  declared,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  (hall  be  con- 
rtditd  AS,  tec.  (trued  to  repeal,  vary  or  alter  any  Claufe  or  Provifion  in  the  faid  Aft  pafled  in  the  faid  Fifty  third  Year  of  His 
prefent  Majelly’s  Reign,  nor  any  other  A&  or  A&s  of  Parliament,  fo  far  as  refpc&s  auy  Turnpike  Road  or 
colU&ed  within  E.oads,  or  the  Tolls  to  be  collc&cdat  any  Gate  or  Gates  cre&cd  or  to  be  ere&cd  thereon,  within  the  Cities  of 
» eertrin  Dif-  London  or  Weflminjicr,  or  within  the  Diitaiice  of  Fifteen  Miles  from  the  Royal  Exchange. 
unco  from  the  III.  And  be  it  further  ena&ed.  That  this  A&  (hall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  a Public  A&,  and  (hall  be 
judicially  taken  Notice  of  as  fuch  by  all  Judges,  Juiticcsand  others,  without  being  fpccially  pleaded. 

cap.  xxxvm. 

An  Adi  to  continue,  until  the  Fifteenth  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  an 
Adi  of  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  the  more  ctTeflual  Prefervation  of  the 
Peace,  by  enforcing  the  Duties  of  Watching  and  Warding.  [loth  June  t8 1 7.] 

jsG.j.  c.17.  ‘ TT7HEREAS  an  A&  was  parted  in  the  Fifty  fc&ttid  Year  of  Hi»  prefent  Majelly’s  Reign,  intituled 

‘ VV  An  AS  for  the  more  effeSual  Prefervation  vf\  the  Peace,  by  enforcing  the  Duties  of  Watching  and 
‘ Warding,  until  the  Firfl  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  tight  hundred  and  fourteen,  in  Places  where  Dif 
. ~ * turbnnees  prevail  or  are  apprehended ; which  faid  A&  leas  revived  and  continued  until  the  Fifteenth  Day 

‘ of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  by  an  A&  of  the  lall  SefTi-m  of  Parliament : Atid 

* Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  faid  A&  Ihould  he  Vfurther  continued  ;’  Be  ii  therefore  ena&ed  by  The 
King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Tern* 

Sioral,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  nlTembAd,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  the 
aid  A&  (hall,  from  and  after  the  faid  Fifteenth  Day  of  jJune  One’  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen, 
be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  further  continued  until  the  Fftecnth  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  eighteen.  • 

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An  Aft  to  extend  certain  Provifions  of  the  Afts  of  the  Thirty  fixth  and  Fifty  fecond  Years  of  the 
Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty  to  Matters  of  Charity  and  Friendly  Societies.  [20th  June  1817.] 

. X T 7 HERE AS  it  is  expedient  to  extend  the  Relief,  Remedies,  Provifions,  Protedions  and  Indemnities 

• yV  made,  given  and  provided  by  the  AB  for  the  Relief  of  Perfont  equitably  and  beneficially  entitled  to  i 
‘ or  interefied  in  the  feveral  Stoclt  and  Annuitier  transferrable  at  the  lianh  of  England  ; and  by  the  Ad,  in-  5 
« tiuiU-d  An  AS  to  extend  the  Provifions  of  an  AB , faffed  in  the  Thirty  fixth  Tear  of  the  Reign  of  Hu  pre- 

‘ fent  Majefiy,  for  the  Relief  of  Perfom  equitably  entitled  to  Storks  and  Annuities  transferable  at  the  Bank  of 
‘ England  ; and  of  an  AB,  paffed  in  this  prefent  Seffion,  for  the  Relief  of  Infant  Suitors  entitled  to  the  like 

* Stocks  and  Annuities,  to  all  other  transferable  Stocks  and  Funds,  to  certain  Cafes,  herein  fpecilied,  and  not 
‘ provided  for  by  the  laid  Two  Ads,  or  by  cither  of  them  Be  it  therefore  enaded  by  the  Ring’s  Moll 
Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Codfent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Com- 
mons, in  this  prefent  Parliament  afiemhled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  Tiiat  from  and  after  the  e 
palfing  of  this  Ad  the  faid  Ads  of  Parliament,  and  all  the  Relief  and  Remedies,  Provifions,  Protedions  and  ii 
Indemnities  thereby  provided,  (hall  extend  and  be  deemed  and  taken  to  extend,  and  the  fame  are  hereby  de-  c 
dared  and  enaded  to  extend,  to  all  cafes  of  Petitions-on  which  the  Court  of  Chancery,  or  the  Lord  High  £ 
Chancellor  or  Commiflioncrs  of  the  Great  Seal  for  the  time  being,  or  the  Mailer  of  the  Rolls,  or  the  Vice  p 
Chancellor  of  England  for  the  time  being,  or  the  Court  of  Exchequer,  are  by  Law  authorized  and  cm-  ci 
powered  to  grant  Relief  and  make  fummary  Orders  without  Suit,  cither  in  Matters  of  Clarity,  or  relative 
to  or  for  the  better  Security,  or  for  the  Application,  Receipt,  Payment,  or  Transfer  of  any  of  the  Funds 
thereof!  or  in  Matters  relative  to  any  Benciit  or  Friendly  Societies,  or  for  the  better  Security,  or  for  the 
Application,  Receipt,  Payment,  or  Transfer  of  any  of  the  Funds  thereof. 

An  Ad  to  authorize  the  rewarding  Officers  of  the  Cuffoms  for  their  Services-  in  preventing  illicit 
Diffillation  in  Scotland,  under  an  Ad  paffed  in  the  laft  Seffion  of  Parliament.  [20th  June  1817.3 
‘ YTTHEREAS  by  an  Ad  paffed  in  the  Fifty  \fixth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  Majelly,  intituled  An  j6 G.3. c.to6. 
‘ W AS  to  repeal  the  Duties  payable  in  Scotland,  upon  Wafh  and  Spirits  and  Diflillers  Licences,  to 

* grant  other  Duties  in  lieu  thereof,  and  to  efiabltfb  further  Regulations  for  the  Diflillation  of  Spirits  from 

‘ Corn  for  Hume  Confumption  in  Scotland,  until  the  Tenth  Day  of  November  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 

* eighteen,  Provifiou  is  made  for  rewarding  Officers  of  Excifc  for  Service  performed  by  them  in  preventing 

4 illicit  or  fraudulent  Diffillation  : And  Whereas  it  Is  expedient  that  Provifior.  Ihould  alfo  be  made  for  re- 

■ warding  Officers  of  the  Cuffoms  for  the  like  Service*  j*  Be  it  therefore  enaded  by  the  King’s  Moll  Excel- 

lent Majelly,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  ofltlie  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in 

this  prefent  Parliament  affcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Com-  Tresfurymiy 
miffioners  of  His  Majelly’s  Treafury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  empower  Coro- 
by  any  Warrant,  Order,  or  Inllrudion  figned  by  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  to  authorize  and  empower  the  ^nomTinSeo*- 

Commiflioners  of  tile  Cuffoms  in  Scotland  for  the  time  being  to  give  and  grant,  by  any  Order  or  Warrant  |Md  IO  reward 
figned  by  any  Three  or  more  of  the  faid  Commillioners  < Cuffoms,  fucli  Rewards  to  Officers  of  the  Cuffoms,  officers  of  thp 
to  be  paid  out  of  any  Duties  under  their  Management  fc  Services  performed  by  fuch  Officers  fince  the  Com-  Cufloms. 
menccmcni  of  the  faid  Ad,  or  which  (hall  be  performed  during  the  Continuance  thereof,  in  preventing  illicit 
or  fraudulent  Diffillation,  as  the  faid  Commillioners  of  the  Treafury  lhall  deem  proper  and  authorize  and 
allow  in  that  Behalf ; fubjed  ncvcrthclcfs  to  fucli  Rules  Dircdions,  Conditions  and  Limitations  as  the  faid 
Commillioners  of  the  Treafury  lhall  in  any  fuch  Order  1 Warrant  from  time  to  time  made  in  relation  to  any 
fuch  Rewards  preferibe  in  that  Behalf. 

An  Aft  to  repeal  Two  Afts  paffed  in  the  Fifty  fourth  and  Fifty  fifth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 
relating  to  the  Office  of  the  Agent  General,  and  for  transferring  the  Duties  of  the  faid  Office  to 
the  Offices  of  the  Paymafter  General  and  Secretary  at  War.  [20th  June  1 817.3 

* and  to  make  further  Provifions  for  the  Regulation  of  the  Office  of  Agent  Genera! : And  Whereas  another  Ad  j 
‘ paffed  in  the  Fifty  fifth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majelly,  intituled  An  AB  to  amend  an  AB  paffed  in 

* the  lafi  Seffion  of  Parliament,  for  better  regulating  tht  Office  of  Agent  General  for  Volunteers  anti  Local  Militia, 

' anJ/or  . marc  effcBually  regulating  the  fame  : A ltd  Whereas  it  has  been  deemed  expedient  that  the  Duties 
‘ of  the  faid  Office  Ihould  be  transferred  to  the  Offices  of  the  Paymaffer  General  and  Seen  ury  ai  War ; and 

* it  is  therefore  expedient  that  the  laid  Ads  Ihould  be  repealed May  it  therefore  plcnfc  Your  Majelly  that  it 
may  be  enaded ; and  be  it  enaftrd  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majelly,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and 
Content  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affcmbled,  and  by 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



57°  GEORGII  111. 

A.  D.  1817. 

the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  the  faid  recited  Afts  of  the  Fifty 
fourtli  and  Fifty  fifth  Years  of  the  Reign  of  His  present  Majeily  Ihall  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  repealed. 
[$«  «*•  /*/?•] 

II.  Anthbe-it- lurthor  -cna&cd,-  The  t from  and  after- the  Tivont-y-fuunli-Dayvut- One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventcen,  the  fnid  Oluce  af  Agent  GosBRl  forV«UukUiura«nd-fcociif  Mthria-lhaU-bc-and-tlie 
laaut  is  ii^iwbr  declared  ttr  hezbolrih«l-j.  and  from  and  after  the  time  the  faid  Office  (hall  ceafe,  the  Duties 
cf  the  laid  Oificc  (hall  be  transferred  to  and  performed  in  the  Offices  of  the  Paymailcr  General  and  Secretary 

Duticitreoi-  al  War  refpeftively,  under  the  Regulations  and  Provifions  in  this  Aft,  and  according  to  fuel)  other  Rules 
n-rrtil  to  P»j-  and  Regulations  as  (hall  from  time  to  time  be  made  by  the  Secretary  at  War  arid  Paymailcr  General  in  that 
milter  Genetil,  Behalf. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  o 

iMSce  ..f  Agent 
Central  for  Vo 
lunteers  ami 
i.ocil  Militia 

n the  TwcntV  fourth  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 

tieral  to  caufe  the  Balance  of  Calh  which  (hall  at  that 
it  the  Credit  of  his  Accounts  with  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  England,  to  be 
‘ | ' ' fi  ,na(lcr  General  of  His  Majcfty’s  Land  Forces  at  the 

t^tMitUeThU  feventeen,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Agent  G 
Balance  at  tii»  time  remain  at  the  Credit  of  his  Accounts  with  the  G 

Bank  to  the  Pay-  transferred  and  paid  over  to  the  Account  of  the  Pay „ .... 

milter  General’,  Bank  of  England,  and  by  fo  doing  the  faid  Agent  General  (hall  be  and  is  hereby  fully  difeharged  for  the 
fcc-  , . , Amount  of  the  Sunt  which  (hall  be  fo  transferred  or"[  paid  over  by  him  as  nforefaid  5 and  all  fuch  Sum  or 

I™1  to  nmch  Sunn  of  Money  fo  transferred  and  paid  over  to  fuch  Account  of  the  Paymailcr  General,  (hall  be  applied  in 
' the  fame  manner  as  if  the  fame  had  been  i (Tiled  from  the?  Exchequer  to  fuch  Account ; and  the  faid  Paymailcr 

nijfter  General  General  (hall  make  Payment  of  all  unfatisfied  Charges  lend  Demands  011  account  of  the  Public  Services  under 
in  making  Pay-  the  Authority  of  the  Secretary  at  War,  although  the  fame  (hall  haye  accrued  in  the  time  of  the  Agent 
menu  of  uufaris  General  j and  all  outllanding  Bills  which  may  have  been  accepted  by  the  Agent  General  or  his  Deputy,  (hall 
!rnd  Chargei  and  be  paid  by  the  faid  Paymailcr  General  under  the  Warrant  or  Warrants  of  the  Secretary  at  War,  in  the 
Demand!.  manner  and  under  the  Regulations  hereinafter  direfted  1 and  all  fuch  Bills,  Drafts  or  Orders  fo  paid  by  tlte 
faid  Paymailcr  General  oi  His  Majefty'a  Forces  on  the  Acceptance  of  the  faid  Agent  General  or  his  Deputy, 
(hall  be  held  and  be  deemed  to  be  tne  good  and  proper  Vouchers  of  the  (aid  Paymailer  General,  and  (hall  be  by 
him  tranfmitted  to  the  Comtniflioncrs  for  auditing  the  Public  Accounts,  by  whom  the  faid  Vouchers  (hall 
be  admitted  and  allowed,  in  the  fame  manner  as  if  the  (aid  Bills,  Drafts,  or  Orders  had  been  addrefled  to  and 
accepted  by  the  (aid  Paymailcr  General. 

.\5en1  General,  IV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Twenty  fourth  Day  of  June  One  thoufand  eight 
5.C.  indemnified  hundred  and  feventeen,  the  Agent  General  or  his  Deputy,  or  tne  Perfon  or  Perfons  in  his  Office  duly 

' authorized  by  the  faid  Agent  General  to  accept  Bills  of  Exchange,  (hall  be  indemnified  againd  all  Perfons 

whatfoever,  for  or  on  account  of  his  or  their  Acceptance  on  any  Bill  or  Bills  of  Exchange  which  (hall  or 

Delivery  and 

recited  Aft  cf 

which  (hall  remain  unpaid  on  the  faid  Twenty  fourl^  Day  of  June. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  uothiug  in  this  Aft  contained  Ihall  extend  or  be  coufirucd  to  extend 
to  repeal  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  df  His  Majeily  fo  far  as  relates  to  the  proper  Delivery 
of  the  Accounts  of  the  faid  Agent  General  to  the  ConHniflioncrs  for  auditing  the  Public  Accounts,  and  to 
the  immediate  Examination  andPrefcntment  of  the  fame’ by  the  faid  Commiflioncrs. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  from  and  immediately  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft  it  (hall  be  lawful 
it  War  for  the  Secretary  at  War,  by  any  Warrant  or  Warrants,  figned  by  himlclf  or  by  his  Deputy,  from  time  to 

time,  addrefled  to  the  Paymailcr  General  of  His  Majcfty'u  Forces,  to  authorize  and  empower  the  faid 
Paymatler  General  to  accept  Bills  of  Exchange,  payable; at  the  Bank  of  England,  for  any  Pay  or  Allowances, 
or  other  Contingencies  of  or  Services  relating  to  any  Militia,  Local  Militia,  or  Volunteers,  without  fpccifying 
fuch  Services  in  fuch  Bills  ; and  which  Bills  fo  drawn  and  accepted  Ihall  be  fufficieut  Authority  to  the  Bank 
of  England  to  pay  fuch  Money  to  the  Perfon  or  Perfon*  mentioned  in  fuch  Bills,  or  to  their  Order  or  Orders, 
- - j tj,c  ufual  Courfe  in  refpeft  of  Bills  of  Exchange,  and  which  Bills  (hall  he  accepted  and  paid 

General  to  ac- 
cept Bills. 
Sufficient  Au- 
thority to  iho 

fuch  Bill*. 

:ordingly  ; and  the  Warrants  for  fuch  Acceptances,  and  the  Bills  fo  accepted  and  paid,  Ihall  be  good  and 
ificicnt  Vouchers  for  the  faid  Paymailcr  General  in  bis  Accouuts,  and  Ihall  be  placed  on  the  Credit  Side  of 

Aft  pafled  in  the  Fifty  fecond  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majeily, 
' ' Ad  p affed  in  I be  Forty  eighth  Tear  of 


his  Account  accordingly. 

5»  G.  3.  c.  105.  ‘ VII.  And  Whereas 

• intituled  An  A3  to  continue,  amend  and  extend  the  Provifions  of  t ^ 

‘ His  prefent  Majefly,  for  enabling  the  Secretary  at  IV ar  to  enforce  Returns  from  Clerks  of  Subdivifions  and 
‘ others  in  relation  to  Fines,  Bounties  and  Sums  due  under  any  Ads  relating  to  the  Defence  of  the  Realm  or 
4 Militia,  for  the  Purpofc  of  direding  the  Distribution  and  fecuring  the  due  Application  thereof,  whereby  the 

* Secretary  at  War  was  empowered  to  order  Sums  ol  Money  to  be  paid  over  under  the  faid  Aft  to  the  Agent 
Secretary  at  War  1 General  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Secretary  at  War  to  make  like  Orders 
10  make  Onion  for  Payment  of  all  or  any  of  the  Sums  fpecified  in  the  faid  Aft  to  the  Paymailcr  General ; awd-fronrand 
for  Payment  of  after  the  paifing  of  this  Aft  every  Order  whichTTfiall  have  been  made  by  the  Secretary  at  War  under  the  faid 
bmiirila  lad  recited  Aft,  to  pay  over  any  Sum  or  Sums  |>f  Money  under  the  faid  Aft  to  the  Agent  General,  (hall  be 
to  Paymatler  ’ deemed  and  etmftrued  to  be  an  Order  to  pay  ovier  fuch  Money  to  the  Account  of  the  Paymailcr  General  at 
Ccneial  inittad  the  Bank  of  England  as  fully  and  cfleftually  is  if  a new  Order  had  been  iflued  under  this  Aft  for  the 
of  Agent  Gene-  Payment  of  fuch  Money  to  the  faid  Account  o fit  he  Paymailcr  General. 

VIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  alfBills,  Drafts  and  Orders  drawn  upon  the  Paymafler  General 
on  account  of  the  Pay  or  Allowances  of  the  Militia  or  Local  Militia,  or  of  any  Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Corps, 
or  of  any  Staff  Officers,  or  which  may  be  drawn  by  any  Clerks  of  Subdivisions  or  any  Perfons  under  the 
Directions  of  the  Secretary  at  War,  for  the  Payment  of  Bounties  or  any  other  Public  Services  whatever ; 
and  alfo  all  Bills,  Drafts  or  Orders  by  which  any  Balances,  Fines,  Penalties,  Bounties  or  any  other  Sums  of 
Money  whatfoever,  (hall  be  remitted  to  the  Bank  of  England  on  account  of  the  laid  Paymailcr  General  in 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  l ibrary  Digitisation  Unit 

Bills, fee.  for  Pay 
and  Alii, iv jmc 

10  Militia,  &c. 
to  be  drawn  on 

.'V.  ID.  1 8 1 7. 




4>>4*>  43- 


purfuance  of  thin  AS,  may  and  (hall  be  drawn  upon  undamped  Paper  ; and  that  no  fuch  Bill,  Draft  or  Order 
(hall  be  void  bv  reafon  of  being  fa  drawn  or  written  upon  undamped  Paper ; any  thing  in  any  Aft  or  Ads 
of  Parliament  to  the  contrary  iiotwithflanding. 

• IX.  And  Whereas  an  Act  palled  in  the  Forlft  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

• intituled  yin  AS  for  accelerating  the  mating  up,  E.Jpmination  and  Audit  of  the  Account!  of  the  Pay  mafic  r 

• General  of  Hit  Majefty' e Force t ; And  Whereas  fcy  the  faid  Act  certain  Rules  are  preferibed  for  the 
« general  and  feparatc  Accounts  of  the  Pay  made  r General : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  a feparntt 

• Account  fliould  be  made  up  of  the  Money  received  and  paid  ou  account  of  Adjutants  of  the  Local  Militia;’ 
Be  it  therefore  euafted,  That  the  Pavmattcr  General  (lhall,  in  the  prefent  and  every  future  Year,  make  up  a 
feparatc  Account  of  the  Money  received  and  paid  within  the  Period  comprized  in  his  general  Account  on 
account  of  Adjutants  of  the  Local  Militia,  in  like  marker  as  he  is  required  by  the  faid  Act  to  make  up  the 
feparatc  Accounts  therein  fpecified ; and  that  fuch  leparate  Account  lhall  be  tranfmitted,  examined  and 
declared,  and  the  faid  Paymafter  lliall  be  difcliargcd  and  acquitted  therein,  in  the  fame  manner  in  all  refpects 
as  is  by  die  faid  recited  A&  provided  with  regard  to  the  feparate  Accounts  thereby  direfted  to  be  made. 

X.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  A6t  may  he  altered  or  varied  by  any  Ad  to  be  pafled  in  this 
prefent  Sefllon  of  Parliament. 


An  A cl  to  revive  and  continue,  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  nineteen,  an  A&  made  in  the  Forty  fourth  Year  .of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  permitting  the 
Exportation  of  Salt  from  the  Port  of  NuJTou  in  the  Illand  of  New  Providence,  the  Port  of  Exuma 
and  the  Port  of  Crooked  Ifiarul  in  the  Bahama  Iflands,  in  American  Ships  coming  in  Ballaft. 

[27th  June  1817.] 

‘ \XT HE  REAS  an  Ad  was  made  in  the  Forty  fmV-tli  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  inti* 

‘ VV  tulcd  An  As  for  permitting,  until  the  Firjl  bay  of  Auguft  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feven, 

* the  Exportation  of  Salt  from  the  Port  of  Nafliiu  in  tb\  IJland  of  New  Providence,  the  Port  of  Exuma  and 
1 the  Port  of  Crooked  Iflatid  in  the  Bahama  1 Hands,  iJ  Ships  belonging  to  the  Inhabitant t of  the  United  States 
' of  America,  and  rowing  in  Batlojt ; which  faid  Ad  kvas,  by  Two  Ads  of  the  Forty  leventh  and  Fiftieth 

* Years  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  continue!  until  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand 

* right  hundred  and  thirteen  : And  Whereas  it  is  cxptslicut  to  revive  and  continue  the  faid  Ad  or  the  Forty 

* fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majelly’s  Reign  Be  itThercfore  cnaded  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Ma- 
jefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  pre- 
fent Parliament  adembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  tit  fame,  That  the  faid  Ad  of  the  Forty  fourth  Year 
of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majelly  lliall,  from  and  afti  the  palling  of  this  Ad,  be  revived,  and  tbr  fame  is 
hereby  revived,  and  lhall  continue  in  force  from  and  afteS  the  paffing  of  this  Ad  to  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of 
March  One  thonfattd  eight  hundred  and  nineteen. 


An  Ad  for  granting,  for  Two  Years,  from  the  Fifl  1 Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and 
feventeen.  Bounties  on  Sugar  refined  otberwife  t an  by  Claying.  [27th  June  1817.] 

* "1ETHEREAS  by  the  Laws  now  in  force  certain  bounties,  Drawbacks  or  Allowances  are  granted  on 

‘ ' ’ refined  Sugars  exported  from  Great  Britain  and  Ireland refpedively,  mar.tifaftured  by  the  Operation 

* Claying  : And  Whereas  it  has  been  difeovered  that  f igar  may  be  refined  without  the  Operation  of  Clay- 

* '_ng>  and  it  is  expedient  that  Sugar  fo  refined  fhould  be  mowed  a Bounty  Be  it  therefore  enacted  by  The 
King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majefty,  hr  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal, 
and  Commons,  in  this  prclcnt  Parliament  aflembled,  and  y the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  from  and  after 
the  paffing  of  this  Act  there  lliall  be  paid  and  allowed,  o the  Exportation  from  Great  Britain  and  Ireland 
to  Foreign  Parts,  or  on  the  Exportation  from  the  one  C untry  to  the  other  refpe&ively,  a Bounty,  Draw- 
back  or  Allowance  on  all  tingle-refined  Sugar  after  the  ate  of  Forty  four  Shillings  per  Hundred  Weight, 
and  on  all  double  refined  Sugar  after  the  Rate  of  Fifty  wo  Shillings  per  Huudrcd  Weight,  although  fuch 
Sugar  refpedively  (hall  not  have  been  refined  by  the  Opcr  lion  of  Claying. 

°c  further  cnaded,  That  before  any  fuch  lounty,  Drawback  or  Allowance  lliall  be  paid,  or 
any  Debenture  made  out  for  the  fame,  the  Refiner  or  Rcmicrs,  nut  being  the  Exporter  or  Exporters  of  fuch 
Sujrar,  lhall  make  Oath  before  the  Colledor  or  other  pri  per  Officer  of  the  Cultoms,  that  he  or  they  fold 
luch  Sugar,  expreffmg  the  Quantity  and  the  time  when,  to  the  Perfpn  or  Perfons  intending  to  export  the 
lame,  and,  as  he  ud  they  verily  believe,  fuch  Sugar  wa  produced  from  Mufcovado  Sugar  imported  from 
Hi*  _ Majefty  s Plantations  in  America,  or  from  Sugars  t»  : Produce  of  the  Eafl  Indies,  and  that  die  fevcral 
Duties  payable  thereon  were  duly  paid  at  the  time  0?  impt  ting  the  fame ; and  die  Exporter  or  Exporters  of 
luch  Sugars  lhall  then  make  Oath  that  fuch  Sugars,  being  the  Sugars  for  which  fuch  Bounty  is  then  claimed, 
are  the  identical  Sugars  or  Part  thereof  which  were  fold  lo'liim  as  aforefaid  by  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  ; and 
before  the  Money  due  upon  fuch  Debenture  or  Debentures  fhall  be  paid,  fuch  Exporter  or  Exporters  lliall 
alto  make  Oath  that  the  faid  Sugars  have  been  duly  eiftiorted,  His  Majefty’*  Searchers  alfo  certifying  the 
ippmg  thereof,  and  all  the  Rcquifites  of  Law  being  duly  complied  with  ; and  whenever  the  Refiner  or  Re- 
liners  of  fuch  Sugars  fhall  be  the  Exporter  or  Exporters  Jicreof,  he  or  they  lhall  then  make  Oath,  as  weU  of 
, Juc  Exportation  of  the  fame  as  of  the  fevcral  Particulars  hereinbefore  d hefted  to  be  fworn  by  him  or  them 
1 excepting  what  relates  to  the  Sale  of  the  faid  Sugars). 

HI.  And 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Un 

Scoaiaie  Ac- 
counts to  he  kept 
of  the  Mann 

iheLival  Mi 

47  G.3.  SelE  J. 

300.3.  c.t$. 

44  G.  3.  c.  101. 

mmol  till 

Math  if,  1819. 

Bounty  on  Ei- 

Sa;u  alllioufli 
nut  refined  by 


64  C.43> 44>  45-  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.  1817. 

Bounty  |»'ul  III.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  the  Burnt  y,  Drawback  hereby  granted  (hall  be  paid 

under  Con  and  allowed  in  like  manner,  and  be  fubjeft.  in  c*ry  other  refpeft  to  the  Conditions,  Rules,  Regulation*. 

famnUrf  Reftriftions,  Penalties  and  Forfeitures,  now  by  Lslv  praftifedand  applied  with  refpeft  to  Bounty,  Drawback 

JW‘'  or  Allowance  on  refined  Sugar  not  altered  by  this  iAct. 

Cmuimunce  or  IV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  this  Aft  (mil  continue  for  Two  Years  front  and  after  the  Fifth  Day 
of  July  One  tlioufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeenjand  no  longer. 


An  Aft  to  allow  Corps  of  Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Cavalry-,  when  nfiembled  for  the  Suppreflion  of 
Riots  or  Tumults,  to  be  quartered  and  billetted,  and  Officers  on  Half  Pay  to  hold  certain  Commif. 
(ions  in  fudt  Corps,  and  to  exempt  Members  in  fuch  Corps  from  ferving  the  Office  of  Con  (table 

[27th  June  1817.] 

*4  (i.’y  0.  u.  ' Y T 7 HE  REAS  an  Ail  pafTed  in  the  Forty  fourth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefect  Majefty,  intituled 
1 W An  Ad  to  conjolidate  and  amend  lie  Provifions  of  the  feveral  Ads  relating  to  Corpt  oj  Yeomanry  and 
1 Volunteers  in  Great  Britain,  and  to  male  further  Regulations  relating  thereto  : And  Whereas  it  ia  expedient 
‘ that  Corps  of  Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Cavalry  when  aflembled  for  Suppreflion  or  Prevention  of  Riots  or 

* Tumults  (hould  be  quartered  and  billetted,  and  that  Officers  receiving  Half  Pay  (hould  be  allowed  to  hold 

• Commiffions  as  Captains,  Lieutenants  or  Cornets  in  fuch  Corps,  and  that  effective  Members  thereof  (hould 

• he  exempt  from  ferviug  Peace  and  Parifii  Offices  :’  May  it  therefore  pleafe  Your  Majefty  that  it  may  be 
ensiled  ; and  be  it  cradled  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of 
the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefeut  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Authority 

Yeomanry  or  Qf  the  fame.  That  all  Perfons  enrolled  in  any  Corps  of  Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Cavalry  (hall,  whenever  they 
vikvwhto'*?-  *5C  Ambled  and  doing  Military  Duty  for  the  Suppreflion  or  Prevention  of  Riots  or  Tumults  in  Aid  of 

fembled  for  tho  any  Juftices  of  the  Peace  or  Magi (l rates,  be  entitled  to  be  quartered  and  billetted  in  like  manner  in  every  re- 
Supiireffion  of  fpedt,  and  under  and  fubjeft  to  tne  fame  Regulations  as  the  Officers,  Non  Commiflioned  Officers,  Drummers 
Riou  and  Private  Men  of  His  Majefty’s  Forces. 

h Hi«  M«jelly  • n.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  no  Officer  who  is  entitled  to  Half  Pay  (hall  be  deemed  to  forfeit  fuch 
Officers  while  Half  Pay  during  the  time  he  (hall  belong  to  or  be  in  rolled  in  or  ferve  or  receive  Pay  as  Captain,  Lieutenant  or 
fcrvlnc  in  Yeo-  Comet  in  any  Corps  of  Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Cavalry  J but  every  fuch  Officer  (hall  notwithftanding  his  liold- 
minryorVolun-  ing  any  fuch  Commiffion  iu  and  receiving  Pay  for  the  lame  in  any  Yeomanry  Corps  or  Volunteer  Cavalry  be 
recr  Cavstry  not  entitled  to  and  (hall  continue  to  receive  his  Half  Pay  ; dud  inftrad  of  the  Oath  ufually  required  of  Half  Pay 
in  forfeit  Hair  Officers  to  entitle  them  to  the  Receipt  of  their  Half  Paydevery  fuch  Officer  fo  entitled  to  Half  Pay  and  ferving 
as  aforefaid  (hall  take  the  following  Oath  ; 

?J'furh  ‘ T -/tf.  ZJ.  do  fwcar,  That  I had  not  between  the  and  the 

r c ‘ any  Place  or  Employment  of  Profit,  Civil  or  Military,  under  His  Majefty,  befides  an  Allowance  of  Half 

* Pay,  fave  and  except  my  Pay  or  Allowance  (as  the  cafe  may  he)  f or  ferving  in  the  Corps  of 

‘ Yeomanry  or  Volunteer  Cavalry  of  the  as  Captain,  Lieutenant  or  Cornet  (as  the 

1 cafe  may  he).' 

And  the  taking  of  the  faid  Oath  (hall,  without  taking  any  other  Oath,  be  fufficicnt  to  entitle  fuch  Perfon  to 
receive  his  Half  Pay. 

Nj Membrr  of  III.  And  he  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Officer,  Non  Commiflioned  Officer  or  effeftive  Member  of  any 
fuch  Corps  liable  Yeomanry  Corps  or  Volunteer  Cavalry,  (hall,  during  the  Period  of  his  continuing  enrolled  in  and  an  cffe&ivc 
ia  reive  the  Of.  fvfcmber  uf  fuch  Yeomanry  Corps  or  Volunteer  Cavalry,  be  compellable  or  compelled  to  ferve  the  Office  of 
ret  11  cokable  in  the  Parifh  to  which  lie  belongs. 


An  Aft  for  the  Continuation  of  all  and  every  Perfon  or  Perfons  in  any  and  every  Office,  Place,  or  Em. 
ployment,  Civil  or  Military,  within  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  Dominion  of 
IV alet.  Town  of  Berwick  upon  Tweed,  Ides  of  Jerfey,  Guernfey,  Alderney , Sarke  and  Man,  and  alfo 
in  all  and  every  of  His  Majefty’s  Foreign  Poflelfions,  Colonics,  or  Plantations,  which  he  or  fhe 
ffiall  hold,  poilefs  or  exercife  during  the  Pleafure  of  the  Crown,  at  the  time  of  the  Death  or 
Demifc  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  until  removed  or  difeharged  therefrom  by  the  fuccecding  King  or 
Queen  of  this  Realm.  [27th  June  1817.] 

I’erforu  bolding  ‘ YT 7 HEREAS  it  is  expedient  to  provide  by  Lnw  as  hereinafter  is  enacted  be  it  therefore  enafted  by 
OBcraunderthe  ‘ VY  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  ahd  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual 
H°^ureni”E  an,l  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That 
„ the  Demifc  of  a"  an^  evcT  Pvrfon  and  Perfons  who  upon  the  Day  of  the  Demife  of  His  prefent  Majefty  (whom  God  long 
HU  Majefty,  preferve)  (hall  hold  any  Office,  Civil  or  Military,  und  :r  the  Crown  during  Pleafure,  (hall  under  and  by  virtue 
continue  10  hold  of  this  Aft,  and  without  any  new  or  other  Patent,  Commiffion,  Warrant  or  Authority,  continue  and  be  imilled 
the  &me  dunn5  jn  all  refpefts,  notwitliftandmg  the  Demise  of  His  h ajefty,  to  hold  and  enjoy  the  fame ; but  neverthclefs  the 
the  King  or*0  ^aroc  be  held  or  enjoyed  only  during  the  Pleafure  of  the  King  or  Queen  who  (hall  succeed  to  the  Crown 

Queen  who  Dull  uP°n  Demife  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  and  the  Rifht  and  Title  to  hold  and  enjoy  the  fame  under  the  Au- 
lucccri  thority  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  determinable  in  fuch  and  the  like  manner  by  the  King  or  Queen  who  upon  the 

Demife  of  His  prefent  Majefty  (hall  fucceed  to  the  C own,  as  the  Right  or  Title  to  any  Office,  Place  or  Em- 
t I ployment, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

6 i 

A.D.1817.  570  GE0RG1I  III.  e.45,46. 

ployment,  granted  by  fuch  fuccecding  King  or  Queen  during  Pleafure,  would  by  Law  be  determinable  : Pro- 
vided always,  that  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  fhall  extend  or  be  conftrucd  to  extend  to  deprive  the  Heim 
and  Succeffors  of  His  Majelly,  Kings  or  Queens  of  this  Realm,  of  the  Power  of  removing  and  difeharging 
any  Perfon  or  Perfons  from  his,  her  or  their  refpeftive  Offifes,  Places  and  Employments,  in  fuch  manner  as 
by  Law  they  might  have  done  if  this  Aft  or  any  thing  therein  contained  had  never  been  palled. 


An  Aft  to  prevent  the  ifluing  and  circulating  of  Pieces  of  Copper  or  other  Metal,  ufualljr  called 

Tokens.  [27th  June  1817.] 

‘ TY  7 HERE  AS  various  Pieces  of  Copper,  and  mixed  Metals  compofed  in  part  of  Copper,  ufually  denomi- 

< VV  nated  Tokens,  have  lately  been  and  are  ifTucd  and  circulated,  by  Perfons  reGding  in  various  Parts  of 
« the  United  Kingdom,  in  great  Quantities,  as  Money,  and  for  a nominal  Value  of  the  Metals  of  which  they 
c are  compofed  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that. the  further  making  and  ifliiing  of  fuch  Tokens  fhould  be 

< prohibited,  and  that  the  Circulation  of  thofc  already  made  or  iffued  Ihould  alfo  be  prohibited  after  a limited 
‘ Period  May  it  therefore  pleafe  Your  Majelly,  that  it  may  be  enacted  j and  be  it  enafted  by  The  King’s 
Moll  Excellent  Majelly,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Content  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Tempo- 
ral, and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That 
from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft  no  Piece  of  Copper,  or  mixed  Metal  compofed  in  part  of  Copper,  of 
whatever  Value  the  fame  may  be,  (hall  be  made  or  manufaftured  or  originally  ilTucd  as  a Token  for  Money, 
or  as  purporting  that  the  Bearer  or  Holder  thereof  is  entitled  to  demand  any  Value  denoted  thereon,  cither 
by  Letters,  Words,  Figures,  Marks  or  otherwife,  whether  fuch  Value  is  to  be  paid  or  given  in  Money  or 
Goods,  or  in  any  manner  whatfoever ; and  every  Perfon  who  (hall,  after  the  pafliRg  of  this  Aft,  make  or 
manufafture,  or  originally  iffue,  or  caufc  or  procure  to  be  made,  manufaftured  or  originally  iffued,  or  permit 
or  fuffer  to  be  fo  iffued,  on  his  or  her  Behalf,  as  for  nominal  Value  in  Money  or  Goods,  any  fuch  Token,  (hall 
for  every  Token  fo  made,  manufaftured  or  iflued,  or  procured  or  permitted  to  be  fo  made,  manufaftured  or 
iffued  as  aforefaid,  forfeit  any  Sum  not  lets  than  One  Pound  nor  more  than  Five,  at  the  Difcretion  of  the 
Jullice  or  Juflices  of  the  Peace  who  (hall  hear  and  determine  fuch  Offence. 

II.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Fir  A.  Day  of  January  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  eighteen,  no  Piece  of  Copper,  or  of  any  mixed  Metal  compofed  partly  of  Copper,  of  whatever  Value  the 
fame  may  be,  (hall  pafs  or  circulate  as  a Token  for  Money,  or  as  purporting  that  the  Bearer  or  Holder 
thereof  is  entitled  to  demand  any  Value  denoted  thereon,  either  by  Letters,  Words,  Figures,  Marks  or  other- 
wife,  whether  fuch  Value  is  to  be  paid  or  given  in  Money  or  Goods  or  other  Value,  or  in  any  manner  what- 
foever ; and  every  Perfon  who  fliall,  after  the  faid  Firfl  of  January  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen, 
circulate  or  pafs,  as  for  any  nominal  Value  in  Money  or  Goods,  any  fuch  Token,  lhall  for  every  fuch  Token 
fo  circulated  or  pa  fled,  whether  fuch  Perfon  (hall  be  or  have  been  concerned  in  the  original  Ifluing  or  Circula- 
lation  of  any  fuch  Token,  or  only  the  Bearer  or  Holder  thereof  for  the  time  being,  forfeit  any  Sum  not  lefs 
than  Two  Shillings  nor  more  than  Ten  Shillings,  at  the  Difcretion  of  the  Jullice  or  Juflices  of  the  Peace  who 
lhall  hear  and  determine  fuch  Offence  5 provided  that  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  (hall  extend  or  be  conilrued 
to  extend  to  prevent  any  Perfon  from  prefenting  any  fuch  Token  for  Payment  to  the  original  Iffuer  thereof, 
or  to  difeharge  or  cxcufe  any  fuch  original  Iffuer  from  his  Liability  to  pay  the  fame : Provided  always,  that 
nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  fliall  be  conilrued  as  affefting  any  Tokens  which  have  been  or  may  be  iffued  by 
the  Bank  of  England. 

‘ III.  And  Whereas  certain  Tokens  made  of  Copper  or  of  a mixed  Metal  compofed  partly  of  Copper,  and 

* bearing  the  Superfcription  “ Sheffield  Penny  Token,”  were  iffued  from  time  to  time  during  the  Years  One 

* thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twelve,  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  thirteen,  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 

* and  fourteen,  and  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fifteen,  by  the  Overfeers  of  the  Poor  of  the  Townfhip 
‘ of  Sheffield,  in  the  County  of  Tori  : And  Whereas  the  immediate  Suppreflion  of  the  Circulation  of  the  afore- 

* fa*d  Tokens  would  be  attended  with  great  Lufs  to  the  faid  Towolhip  of  Sheffield,  and  to  the  Holders  thereof, 

‘ who  are  for  the  mod  part  Labourers  and  Mechanics,  as  well  as  with  great  Inconvenience  to  the  Inhabitants 

* °f  *J'C  Town  of  Sheffield,  and  the  Neighbourhood  thereof  j’  Be  it  further  cnafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft 
contained  (hall  be  conilrued  to  prevent  fuch  Tokens  as  afore  faid  from  being  pafled  and  circulated  at  any  time 
previous  to  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  which  will  be  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  One  thoufand  eight  hun- 
dred and  twenty-three : Provided  always,  that  from  and  after  the  (aid  Twenty-fifth  Day  of  March  One  thou- 
Cand  eight  hundred  and  twenty-three,  all  and  every  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  conilrued  to  prevent 
fuch  Tokens  as  aforefaid  from  being,  pafled  and  circulated. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  in  cafe  any  Token  or  Tokens  made  of  Copper,  nr  of  a mixed  Ivletal 
compofed  partly  of  Copper,  with  the  Superfcription  “ Sheffield  Penny  Token, ” and  which  has  or  have  been 
Aii  ^I1.  Overfeers  of  the  Poor  of  the  Townfhip  of  Sheffield,  at  any  lime  previous  to  the  palling  of  this 
Aft,  (hall,  after  the  Twenty-fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty  three,  and  previous 
to  the  T wenty  fifth  Day  of  September  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty  three,  be  prefented  to  the 
Overfeers  of  the  Poor  of  the  Townfhip  of  Sheffield  for  the  time  being,  or  their  Agent,  at  the  Workhoufe  of 
the  laid  Townfhip,  the  faid  Overfeers  lhall  receive  and  take  fuch  Token  or  Tokens  as  aforefaid,  paying  to  the 
Holder  or  Holders  thereof  One  Penny  of  the  current  Coin  of  the  Realm  for  each  and  every  Token  fo  pre- 
jented  as  aforefaid ; and  in  cafe  fuch  Overfeers  or  their  Agent  fliall  neglcft  or  refufe  to  receive  and  take  Inch 
ft  a aforefaid«  and  to  W 0ne  Penny  for  the  fame  as  aforefaid,  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  One  Juflicc 
l“*  Pe?cc»  upon  Complaint  upon  Oath  in  that  Behalf  made,  to  fummon  fuch  Overfeers  or  their  Agent,  and 
itter  bearing  the  Panics  upon  both  fidcs,  to  direft  and  order  (if  he  (hall  fee  iuft  Caufc)  the  faid  Overfeers  of 
57  Geo.  III.  K V 11  the 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  l Jr 

No  Copper  or 
Mixed  Metil 
Tokeni  to  he 


Circulating  faclt 


Ifiufr  lobe  liable 

for  Payment. 
Provifo  for  ilauk 
of  England 

Sheffield  Penny 
Tokens  ifliiedfor 
the  Relie/  of  the 
Poor  may  circu- 
late until 
ajth  March 

Overieetj  of  the 
Pour  of  Sheffield 
to  jay  id.  for 
their  Tokens. 

Jullice  upon 
Complaint  may 
fummon  Over- 



O refects  mjy 
pay  fuch  Penny 
out  of  Poor'i 

Orefcera  of  the 
I’oo;  of  Sheffield 
mty  cell  in 
ToKeni  bcfote 
95th  March 

Penny  Tokens 
ilTued  for  the 
Relief  of  the 
Poor  may  ciroj- 
late  until  ijth 
March  tBio. 
Otrerfeett  of  the 
Poor  of  Bir- 
mingham  to  pay 
id.  far  their 

Juflice  upon 
Complaint  may 
fummon  Over- 

Oeerfeera  may 
pay  fuch  Penny 
out  of  Poor's 

Orerieets  of  the 
Poor  of  Bix- 
tninaham  may 
call  in  Tokens 
before  9yth 
March  tSic. 

Juftices  lodster- 
mine  OfFcncea 
and  adjudge 


Witnedes  ax 

Penalty  jcl. 

Form  of  Con- 

C.46.  570  GEORGIT  HI.  A.D.1817. 

the  Poor  or  tlicir  Agent  to  take  and  receive  fuch  Token  as  aforefaid,  and  to  pay  One  Penny  for  the  fame  as 
aforefaid,  together  with  all  Coils  and  Charges  whatever  attending  fuch  Complaint  fo  made  before  fuch  Juftice : 
Provided  always,  that  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Overfecrs  of  the  Poor  of  the  laid  Townfhip  of  Shef- 
field to  pay  fncli  Penny  as  aforefaid  out  of  any  Money  received  by  them  for  the  Relief  and  Maintenance  of 
the  Poor  of  the  faid  Townlhip  5 but  that  it  (hall  not  be  lawful  lor  the  faid  Overfecrs  of  t!«  Poor  to  pay 
the  Colls  and  Charges  attending  any  fuch  Complaint  as  aforefaid  out  of  any  Money  received  by  them  as 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  in  cafe  the  Overfecrs  of  the  Poor  for  the  Townfhip  of  Sheffield  for  tlie 
time  being  (hall  at  any  time  previous  to  the  faid  Twenty  fifth  of  March  One  thuufand  eight  hundred  and 
twenty  three,  deem  it  advifable  to  call  in  fuch  Tokens  as  aforefaid,  or  any  Amount  of  them,  it  ihaU  and  may 
be  lawful  for  them  to  take  fuch  Meafures  as  may  to  them  feem  neceffary  for  that  Purpofc  ; paying,  however, 
for  each  and  every  Token  fo  called  in.  One  Penny  of  the  current  Coin  of  the  Realm,  out  of  any  Money  re- 
ceived by  them  for  the  Relief  and  Maintenance  of  the  Poor  of  the  faid  Towrtfhip  of  Sheffield. 

• VI.  And  Whereas  certain  other  Tokens  made  of  Copper,  or  of  a mixed  Metal  compofcd  partly  of  Copper, 
‘ and  bearing  the  Supcrfcription  “ Birmingham,  One  Penny,"  were  Sited  from  time  to  time  during  the  Year. 
‘ One  thoufimd  eight  hundred  and  eleven.  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twelve.  One  thoufand  eight  hun- 

• dred  and  thirteen,  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  Fourteen,  and  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fifteen, 
‘ by  the  Overfecrs  of  the  Poor  of  the  Parifh  of  Birmingham  in  the  County  of  Warwick:  And  Whereas  the 
‘ immediate  Suppreflion  of  the  Circulation  of  the  aforefaid  Tokens  would  be  attended  with  great  Lola  to  the 

* faid  Parifh  of  Birmingham,  and  to  the  Holders  thereof,  as  well  as  with  great  Inconvenience  to  die  Inhabi- 
‘ tants  of  the  Town  of  Birmingham  and  the  Neighbourhood  thereof Be  it  further  enafted,  That  nothing 
in  this  Aft  contained  (hall  be  conflrued  to  prevent  fuch  Tokens  as  aforefaid  from  being  palled  and  circulated 
at  any  time  previous  to  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty  : Provided 
always,  that  from  and  after  the  faid  Twenty  Gfth  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  all  and 
every  the  ProviGons  of  tliis  Aft  (hall  be  conftrued  to  prevent  fuch  Tokens  as  aforefaid  from  being  palled  and 

VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  in  cafe  any  Token  or  Tokens  nude  of  Copper,  or  of  a mixed  Metal 
compofed  partly  of  Copper,  with  the  Supcrfcription  “ Birmingham,  One  Penny,"  and  which  have  been  1 fined 
by  the  Overfecrs  of  tlie  Poor  of  Birmingham  at  any  time  previous  to  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  (Halt,  after  the 
Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  and  previous  to  the  Twenty  fifth  Day 
of  September  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  be  prefented  to  the  Overfecrs  of  the  Poor  of  Birming- 
ham, or  their  Agent,  at  the  Workhoufe  of  the  faid  Parilh,  the  faid  Overfecrs  (hall  receive  and  take  fuch 
Token  or  Tokens  as  aforefaid,  paying  to  the  Holder  or  Holders  thereof  One  Penny  of  the  current  Coin  of 
the  Realm  for  each  and  every  Token  fo  prefented  as  aforefaid  ; and  in  cafe  fuch  Overfeer  or  their  Agent  lhall 
negleft  or  refufe  to  receive  and  take  fuch  Token  as  aforefaid,  and  to  pay  One  Penny  as  aforefaid  for  the 
fame,  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  One  Juftice  of  the  Peace,  upon  Complaint  upon  Oath  in  fuch  Behalf  made, 
to  fummon  fuch  Overfecrs  or  tlicir  Agent,  and  after  hearing  the  Parties  upon  either  Side  to  direft  and  order 
(if  he  (hall  fee  juft  Catife)  the  faid  Overfecrs  of  the  Poor  or  their  Agent  to  take  and  receive  fuch  Token  33 
aforefaid,  and  to  pay  One  Penny  for  the  fame  as  aforefaid,  together  with  all  Colls  and  Charges  whatever  at- 
tending fuch  Complaint  fo  made  before  fuch  Juftice:  Provided  always,  that  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  tho 
Overfeer9  of  the  Poor  of  the  Parilh  of  Birmingham  to  pay  fuch  Penny  as  aforefaid  out  of  any  Money  received 
by  them  for  the  Relief  and  Maintenance  of  the  Poor  of  the  faid  Parilh  ; but  that  it  lhall  not  be  lawful  for  them 
to  pay  the  Colls  and  Charges  attendingany  Complaint  out  of  fuch  Money. 

VIII.  And  be  it  further  enaftfcd,  That  in  cafe  the  Overfecrs  of  the  Poor  of  Birmingham  (hall,  at  any  time 
previous  to  the  faid  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  twenty,  deem  it  advifable  to 
call  in  fuch  Tokens  as  aforefaid,  or  any  Amount  of  them,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  them  to  take  fuch 
Meafures  as  may  to  them  feem  ncccflary  for  that  Purpofc  ; paying  however,  For  each  and  every  fuch  Token  fo 
called  in,  One  Penny  of  the  current  Coin  of  the  Realm,  from  and  out  of  any  Money  received  by  them  for  the 
Relief  and  Maintenance  of  the  Poor  of  the  faid  Townlhip  of  Birmingham. 

IX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (ball  be  lawful  for  any  Juftice  or  J 11  dices  of  the  Peace  afting  for  the 
County,  Riding,  City  or  Place  within  which  any  Offence  agaiuft  this  Aft  (hall  be  committed,  to  hear  and 
determine  the  lame  in  a fummary  Way;  and  fuch  Juftice  or  Ju llices,  upon  any  Information  exhibited,  or 
Complaint  made  upon  Oath  io  that  Behalf,  (hall  fummon  the  Party  accufed,  and  alfo  the  Wunefle-  on  either 
Side,  and  (hall  examine  into  the  Matter  of  Faft ; and  upon  due  Proof  made  thereof,  either  by  tlie  voluntary 
Confeflion  of  the  Party,-  or  by  the  Oath  of  one  or  more  credible  Witnefs  or  Witncffet  or  otherwise  ( which  Oath 
fuch  Juftice  or  Juftice*  is  or  are  hereby  authorized  to  adminifter),  lhall  convift  the  Offender,  and  adjudge  the 
Penalty  for  /nch  Offence. 

X.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Perfon  lhall  be  fummoned  as  a Witnefs  to  give  Evidence  before 
fuch  Juftice  or  Juftices,  either  on  the  Part  of  the  Profecutor  or  the  Perfon  accufed,  and  (hall  neglect  or  refufe 
to  appear  at  the  time  or  Place  to  be  for  that  Purpofc  appointed,  without  a reafonable  Excufe  for  fuch  his 
Negleft  or  Refufal,  to  be  allowed  by  fuch  Juftice  or  Juftices,  then  fuch  Perfon  lhall  forfeit  for  every  fucll 
Offence  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds,  to  be  levied  and  paid  in  Tuch  manner  and  by  fuch  Means  as  are  direfted  for 
Recovery  of  other  Penalties  under  this  Aft. 

XI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Juftice  Or  Juftices  before  whom  any  Offender  (hall  be  convifted 
as  aforefaid,  (hall  cattle  the  faid  Conviction  to  be  made  out  in  «hc  manner  and  Form  following ; (that  is 
to  fay,) 

‘ Be 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

CX  46.  67 

A.D.1817.  57°  GEORG1I  III. 

‘ RE  it  remembered,  That  on  the  Day  of  in  the  Year  of  oar  Lord 

< 1 A.  B.  having  appeared  before  me  [or,  us]  One  [or,  more]  of  His  Majelly’a  .Indices  of  the 

« Peace  [at  the  cafe  may  fir]  for  the  County,  Riding,  City  or  Place,  [at  lie  cafe  may  fir,]  and  due  Proof 
« having  been  made  upon  Oath  by  One  or  more  credible  Witncfs  or  Witneffes,  or  by  Confeffion  of  the  Party, 

< fat  the  cafe  may  fir],  is  convi&cd  of  [farcifying  the  Offence ],  in  the  Sum  of 

■ Given  under  my  Hand  and  Seal  [or  our  Hands  and  Seals],  the  Day  and  Year  aforefaid.’ 

Which  Conviction  the  faid  Juflice  or  Juftices  (hall  canfe  to  be  returned  to  the  then  next  General  Quarter  ConvKlion  in  H« 
Scffions  of  the  Peace  of  the  County,  City,  Riding  or  Place  where  fuch  Conviction  was  made,  to  be  filed  by  J**“r,led  ^ 
the  Clerk  of  the  Peace,  to  remain  and  be  kept  among  the  Records  of  fuch  County,  Riding,  City  or  Place.  ~S*reranl*d  °m 

XII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enaCted,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  any  Cleric  of  the  Peace  for  Q.ri,  cfilie" 

any  County,  Riding,  City  or  Place,  and  he  is  hereby  required,  upon  Application  made  to  him  by  any  Per-  Peace  to  deliver 
fon  or  Perrons  for  that  Purpofe,  to  canfe  a Copy  or  Copies  of  any  Convidtion  or  Conviftions  filed  bv  him  3 Copy  thereof 
under  the  Dircfiions  of  this  Adi,  to  be  forthwith  delivered  to  fuch  Perfon  or  Pcrfons,  upon  Payment  of  One  Payment  cf 

Shilling  for  every  fuch  Copy. 

XIII.  And  be  it  further  eoadled.  That  the  pecuniary  Penalties  and  Forfeiture®  hereby  incurred  and  made  Recovery  and 
payable  upon  any  Convidtion  agaiull  this  Adi,  (hall  be  forthwith  paid  by  the  Perfon  convidlcd,  as  follows  : j’'lMh.u'lnn  of 
One  Moiety  of  the  Forfeiture  to  the  Informer,  and  the  other  Moiety  to  the  Poor  of  the  Parifli  or  Place  cl‘ 
where  the  Offence  (hall  be  committed  ; and  in  cafe  fuch  Perfon  (hall  refuf?  or  negledl  to  pay  the  fame,  or  to 

give  fufficient  Security  to  the  Satisfadlion  of  fuch  Jullice  or  Juftices  to  profecute  any  Appeal  againll  fuch  Appeal. 
Conviction,  fuch  Jullice  or  Juftices  (hall  by  Warrant  under  his  or  their  Hand  and  Seal,  or  Hands  and  Seals, 
caufe  the  fame  to  be  levied  by  Dillrefs  and  Sale  of  the  Offender’s  Goods  and  Chattels,  together  with  all  Diilreir. 

Cods  and  Charges  attending  fuch  Diftrefs  and  Sale,  returning  the  Overplus  (if  any)  to  the  Owner  ; and  which 
faid  Warrant  of  Diftrefs  the  faid  Jullice  or  Jufticei  (hall  caufe  to  be  made  out  in  the  manner  and  Form  follow- 
ing (that  is  to  fay), 

‘ To  the  Conftabie,  Headborough  or  Tithingmanuf 

‘ WHEREAS  A.  B.  of  in  the  County  of  is  tills  Day  convidlcd  before  me  Warrant  el 

‘ [or,  us]  One  [or,  more]  of  His  Majefty’s  Juftices  of  the  Peace  [or  lie  cafe  may  le J for  the  County  Uillrtf*. 

‘ of  [or,  for  the  Riding  of  the  County  of  Tort , or,  for  the  Town,  Liberty  or  Did  nil 

‘of  J [at  the  cafe  may  fie]  upon  the  Oath  of  [or,  acre- 

‘ dible  Witnefs  or  Witncffes]  [or,  by  Confeffion  of  the  Party,  [at  tic  cafe  may  fir]  for  that  the  faid  A.  B. 

* hath  [here  fet  forti  the  Offence]  contrary  to  the  Statute  in  that  cafe  made  and  provided,  by  rcafou  whereof 

‘ thefaid  A.  U.  hath  forfeited  the  Sum  of  to  be  diftnbiitcd  as  herein  is  mentioned, 

‘ which  he  hath  refufed  to  pay  : Thefe  are  therefore  in  His  Majefty’s  Name  to  command  you  to  levy  the  faid 

* Sum  of  by  Diftrefs  of  the  Goods  and  Chattels  of  him  the  [aid  A-  B.  ; and  if  within  the 

* Space. of  Days  next  after  fuch  Diftrefs  by  you  taken,  the  faid  Sum,  together  with  rcafunable 

‘ Charges  of  taking  the  fame,  lhall  not  be  paid,  then  that  you  do  fell  the  faid  Goods  and  Chattels  fo  by  you. 

‘ diftramed,  and  out  of  the  Money  arifing  by  fuch  Sale,  that  you  do  pay  Oue  Half  of  the  faid  Sura  ot 

1 to  of  who  informed  me  [or,  us,  at  the  cafejhall  fir]  of  the 

‘ laid  Offcnpe,  and  the  other  Half  of  the  fnid  Sum  of  to  the  Overfeer  of  the  Poor  of  the 

* Parifh  [Town (hip  or  Place]  where  the  Offence  was  committed,  to  be  employed  for  the  Benefit  of  fuels 
‘ Poor,  returning  the  Overplus  (if  any)  upon  Demand  to  the  faid  A B.,  the  rcafou  able  Charges  of  taking, 

* keeping  and  felling  the  faid  Diftrefs  being  firft  deducted  ; and  if  fufficient  Diftrefs  cannot  be  found  of  the 

* Goods  aud  Chattels  of  the  faid  A.  B.  whereon  to  levy  the  faid  Sum  of  that  then  you  ccr- 

‘ tify  the  fame  to  me  [or,  us,  at  lie  cafe  Jbalt  fir]  together  with  this  Warrant.  Given  under  my  Hand  and 

* Seal  [or,  our  Hands  and  Seals]  the  Day  of  in  the  Year  of  ouf  Lord  .’ 

XIV.  And  be  it  further  enaded,  That  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  fucli  Jullice  or  Juftices  to  order  fuch  Offender  Otfcwieu  <ie- 
to  he  detained  in  fafe  Cuftody  until  Return  may  conveniently  be  Itad  and  made  to  fuch  Warrant  of  Diftrefs,  nincd  nil  Return 
unlds  the  Party  fo  convidcd  (hall  give  fufficient  Security  to  the  Satisfaction  of  fuch  Jullice  or  Juftices  for  hia 
Appearance  before  the  (aid  Juflice  or  Juftices,  on  fuch  Day  as  fliall  be  appointed  by  the  faid  Jultice  or  Jullice*  Sc'cJU’  . 

for  the  Day  of  the  Return  of  the  faid  Warrant  of  Diftrefs  (fuch  Day  not  exceeding  Five  Days  from  the  ’ 

taking  of  fuch  Security),  which  Security  the  faid  Juflice  or  Juftices  is  and  ere  hereby  empowered  le  take,  by 
wa£“‘  Recognizance  or  otlierwife. 

XV . And  be  it  further  enaded.  That  if  upon  fuch  Return  no  fufficient  Dillrefs  can  be  had,  then  aid  in  if  on  Return  no 
fuch  cafe  the  faid  Jullice  or  Juftices  (hall  and  may  commit  fuch  Offender  to  the  Common  Gaol  or  Houfe  of  Diftrefs,  Offer.  J 
Corredion  ot  the  County,  Riding,  Divifion  or  Place  where  the  Offence  (hall  be  committed,  for  the  Space  wma»  lie  eaia- 
0 . ®'.IC  Calendar  Month,  unlefs  the  Money  forfeited  (hull  be  fooner  paid,  or  unlefs  or  until  fuch  Offender,  rr‘",ed' 
thinking  him  or  herfelf  aggrieved  by  fuch  Convidion,  (hall  give  Notice  to  the  Informer  that  lie  or  lbe  intends  unlefs  Appeal ; 
to  appeal  to  the  Juftices  ol  the  Peace  at  the  next  General  Quarter  Scffions  of  the  Peace  to  be  holdcn  for  the 

County,  Riding  or  Place  wherein  the  Offence  fliall  be  committed,  and  (hall  cuter  into  Recognizance  before  ®o  which  Re- 
lome  Justice  or  Juftices,  with  Two  fufficient  Sureties,  conditioned  to  try  fuch  Appeal,  aud  to  abide  the  Order  ccgnhance  ioh< 
of  and  pay  fuch  Cods  as  (hall  be  awarded  by  the  Juftices  at  fuch  Quarter  Seffions  ; which  Notice  of  Appeal,  *“*.rel*  inn*, 
being  not  lefs  than  Eight  Days  before  fuch  Quarter  Seffions,  fuch  Perfon  fo  aggrieved  is  hereby  empowered  NwUecfAp- 
togive;  and  the  laid  Juftices  at  fuch  Scffions,  upon  due  Proof  of  fuch  Notice  being  given  as  aforefaid,  and  ^ 

0 | . t:'ler,nF  'nto  fuch  Recognizance,  (hall  hear  and  finally  determine  the  Caui’cs  ar.d  Matters  of  fuch  An-  ,nJ  thereupon 
ptal  in  a ismmary  Way,  and  award  fuch  Cods  to  the  Parties  appealing  or  appealed  againft,  as  they  the  (aid  Seffloni  10  dt. 

K 2 Juftices 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

68  C.46,47-  57“  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

Proceeding!  ni 
to  be  removed 
by  Certiorjri, 

Limitation  of 

General  Iffur. 

Treble  ColU. 

Juftices  (hall  think  proper ; and  the  Determination  of  fuch  Quarter  Scfiioua  fhall  be  final,  binding  and  conclti' 
fire  to  all  Intenti  and  Purpofcs. 

XVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Perfon  (hall  be  difablcd  from  being  a Wilnefs  in  any  Profecu- 
tion  for  any  Offence  a gain  (l  this  Aft,  by  reafon  of  his  being  an  Inhabitant  of  the  Parifii  wherein  fuch  Offence 
was  committed : Provided  always,  that  no  Proceeding  to  be  had  touching  the  Conviftion  or  Convi&ions  of 
any  Offender  or  Offenders  againil  this  Aft  (hall  be  qualhed  or  vacated  for  Want  of  Form,  or  be  removed  by 
Writ  of  Certiorari,  or  any  other  Writ  or  Proccfs  whatfoever,  into  any  of  His  Majcfty’s  Courts  of  Record  at 
IVeflminfler,  or  elfewhcre. 

XVII.  And  he  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  be  commenced  againil  any  Perfon 
or  Perfons  for  any  thing  done  or  afted  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  then  and  in  every  fuch  cafe  fuch  Aftion  or 
Suit  (hall  be  commenced  or  profccuted  within  Three  Calendar  Months  after  the  Faft  was  committed,  and  not 
afterwards  ; and  the  fame  and  every  luch  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  be  brought  within  the  County  where  the  Faft 
was  committed,  and  not  clfewhere  ; and  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  in  every  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  and 
may  plead  the  General  Iffue,  and  give  this  Aft  and  the  fpccial  Matter  in  Evidence  at  any  Trial  to  be  had  there- 
upon, and  that  the  fame  was  done  in  purfuance  and  by  the  Authority  of  this  Aft  ; and  if  the  fame  (hall  ap- 
pear to  have  been  fo  done,  or  if  any  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  be  brought  after  the  time  limited  for  bringing 
the  fame,  or  be  brought  or  laid  in  any  other  Place  than  as  aforementioned,  then  the  Jury  (hall  find  for  the  De- 
fendant or  Defendants ; or  if  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs  (hall  become  nonfuil,  or  difeontinue  his,  her  or  their 
Aftion  after  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  (hall  have  appeared,  or  if  upon  Demurrer  Judgment  (hall  be  given 
againft  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs,  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  (hall  and  may  recover  Treble  Cods,  and  have 
the  like  Remedy  for  the  Recovery  thereof  as  any  Defendant  or  Defendants  hath  or  have  in  any  other  cafes  by 

Hrovifo  far  Cop.  XVIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  contained  III  all  extend  or  be  conllrued 
u*  ^ to  extn,d  to  any  Copper  Monies  of  the  Realm  now  current  or  to  be  current,  by  virtue  of  any  Proclamation 
e a or  Proclamations  that  (hall  have  been  or  may  be  iffued  by  His  Majefty. 

Recital  of 
AJJieft  of  the 
Houfc  of  Corn- 

All  Annuity  of 

4,<  cel.  granted 

to  Chjrle*  Lotd 
Colchefler,  for 
Life,  to  be  paid 
Quaiterlv,  clear 


An  Aft  for  fettling  and  fecuring  Annuities  on  Lord  Colchefler,  and  on  the  next  Perfon  to  whom 
the  Title  of  Lord  Colchefler  (hall  defeend,  in  ConGdcration  of  his  eminent  Services. 

[27  th  June  1817.2 

* Mod  Gracious  Sovereign, 

4 TT  7 HE  RE  AS  the  Commons  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  did,  by  an  humble 
‘ VY  Addrefs  to  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince '.Regent,  bcfcech  His  Royal  Highnefs  that  He  would 
‘ be  gracioufly  pleafed,  afting  in  the  Name  and  on  the]  Behalf  of  Your  Majefty,  to  confer  fome  fignal  Mark 
' of  the  Royal  Favour  upon  Charier  Lord  Colchefler,  fete  Speaker  of  the  Houfc  of  Commons,  for  his  great 

* and  eminent  Services  performed  to  his  Country  duringjthc  long  and  important  Period  in  which  he  had,  with 

* fuch  diftingui(hed  Ability  and  Integrity,  prefided  in  tie  Chair  of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and  affured  His 
4 Royal  Highnefs,  that  whatever  Expenfe  His  Royal  Highnefs  Ihould  think  proper  to  be  incurred  upon  that 

* Account,  the  faid  Houfc  would  make  good  the  lame  bo  His  Majefty  : And  Whereas  His  Royal  Highnefs 

* The  Prince  Regent,  in  Anfwer  to  the  faid  Addrefs,  vas  gracioufly  pleafed  to  declare,  that  His  Royal 
4 Highnefs  had  the  jufteft  Senfe  of  the  long  Services  and  great  Merit  of  Charles  Lord  Colchefler,  late  Speaker 

* of  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and  in  the  Name  and  or  the  Behalf  of  Your  Majefty  had  already  taken  the 

4 fame  into  his  Confideration,  and  was  deftrous,  in  Cot  ipliance  with  the  Withes  of  Your  Majefty1*  faithful 
4 Commons,  to  confer  upon  the  faid  Lord  Colchefler  fot  te  further  fignal  Mark  of  His  Favour;  but  as  the 
‘ fame  could  not  lie  cffeftually  granted  and  fecurcd  withe  nt  the  Concurrence  of  Parliament,  His  Royal  High- 
4 nefs  recommended  to  the  Houfe  of  Commons  the  Adi  ition  of  fuch  Meafures  as  might  be  ncceffary  for  the 
4 Accompliftiment  of  that  Purpofc Now  we.  Your  h a jelly’s  mod  dutiful  and  loyal  Subjefts,  the  Com- 
mons of  the  United  Kingdom  in  Parliament  affcmblcd,  1 are  refolvcd  that  the  Annual  Sum  of  Four  thoufand 
Pounds  Net  be  granted  out  of  the  Confolidated  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland ; 
the  faid  Annuity  to  commence  From  the  Fifth  Day  of  4 pril  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  and 
to  be  fettled  in  the  mod  beneficial  manner  upon,  and  to  ontinue  during  the  Life  of  Charlet  Baron  Colchefler 
of  Colchefler  in  the  County  of  EJfex,  and  that  the  Annu  1 Sum  of  Three  thoufand  Pounds  Net  be  granted  to 
His  Majefty  out  of  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund,  to  com  nence  on  the  Expiration  of  the  above  mentioned  An- 
nuity of  Four  thoufand  Pounds,  and  to  be  fettled  in  li  c manner  upon  and  to  continue  during  the  Life  of 
fuch  Heir  Male  of  the  Body  of  the  faid  Charter  Lord  'o/ehefler,  as  fhall  firft  fucceed  to  the  Title  of  Baron 
Colchefler  of  Colchefler  in  the  County  of  EJfex  ; and  do  mod  humbly  bcfcech  Your  Majefty  that  it  may  be 
enafted,  and  be  it  enafted  by  The  king’s  Mod  Excelli  nt  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of 
the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  tl  is  prrfent  Parliament  affembled,  and  by  the  Autho- 
rity of  the  fame,  That  One  Annuity  or  Yearly  Rent  or  Sum  of  Four  thoufand  Pounds  of  lawful  Money  of 
Great  Britain  (hall  be  iffuing  and  payable  out  of  and  ch  irgcd  and  chargeable  upon  the  Confolidated  Fund  of 
the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  (aft  r paying  or  referring  fufficient  to  pay  all  fuch  Sum 
and  Sums  of  Money  as  have  been  direfted  by  any  form  r Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  to  be  paid  out  of  the 
fame,  but  with  Preference  to  all  other  Payments  which  f 3II  or  may  hereafter  be  charged  upon  or  payable  out 
of  the  faid  Fund)  ; and  the  fame  (hall  from  time  to  tim  be  paid  Quarterly,  free  and  clear  of  all  Taxes  and 
Dcduftions  whatfoever,  to  the  faid  Lord  Colchefler,  for  a.-.d  during  the  natural  Life  of  the  faid  Lord  Col- 
li cbeflert 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817.  57°  GE0RG11  III.  C.47.  69 

chej.'er  ; which  laid  Annuity  or  Yearly  Rent  or  Sum  (hall  'commence  and  take  Effect  from  the  Fifth  Day  of  Commencement 
jipril  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  ; the  Firfl\  Payment  to  be  computed  from  the  faid  Fifth  und  Ptriixfa  o< 
Day  of  April  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  t ntil  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen,  and  from  thenceforth  (hall  be  paid  nd  payable  at  the  Four  ufual  Days  of  Payment 
in  the  Year,  that  is  to  fay,  the  Fifth  Day  of  July,  the  Te  ith  Day  of  OSober,  the  Fifth  Day  of  January, 
and  the  Fifth  Day  of  April,  in  each  and  every  Year,  by  evei  and  equal  Portions. 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  . )ccca(e  of  the  faid  Charles  Lord  Colcbcjler  One  An  Annuity  of 
Annuity  or  Yearly  Rent  or  Sum  of  Three  thoufand  Pounds  ■ f lawful  Money  of  Great  Britain  (hall  be  iffuiug  3-ood-  to  the 
and  payable  out  of  and  charged  and  chargeable  upon  the  fa  d Fund  in  manner  aforefaid,  and  the  fame  (hall  ?£5r£j!w 
from  time  to  time  be  paid  Quarterly  in  manner  aforefaid,  free  and  clear  of  all  Taxes  and  Deduftions  what-  fi,“  rur°«/in"' 
foever,  to  fuch  Heir  Male  of  the  Body  of  the  faid  Charles  . .ord  Colcbrjler  as  (hall  firft  fuccrcd  to  the  Title  to  the  Title,  for 
of  Baron  Colcbcjler  of  Cotchcjler  in  the  County  of  EJfex,  for  ^tid  during  the  natural  Life  of  fuch  Heir  Male.  Life. 

III.  And  11  is  hereby  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  the  Lord  High  Trea-  Treafury,  hy 
furer  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  or  rhe  Commiflioncrs  of  His  Maielty'a  Trea  fury  W.rraut,  n ih- 
of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  or  an*  Three  or  more  of  them  for  the  Time  being, 

and  they  are  hereby  authorized  and  required  by  Warrant  undtr  their  Hands,  to  direft  the  Auditor  of  llte 
Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  now  and  for  the  time  being  to  raalie  forth  and  pafs  Debentures  from  time  to  time  iur«forjht" 
for  paying  the  faid  refpeftive  Annuities  or  Yearly  Rents  or  Sams  of  Four  thoufand  Pounds  or  Three  thou-  1’iymeni  uf  imh 
fand  Pounds  in  manner  as  aforefaid,  and  as  the  fame  (hall  from  |ime  to  time  become  due  and  payable,  without  Annuities 

r any  Part  thereof ; which  faid  Warrant,  w‘th0111  pee 

any  Fees  or  Charges  to  be  demanded  or  taken  for  paying  the  fa 

and  the  Debentures  to  be  made  forth  and  pafTed  thereupon,  (hal  be  a fufScient  Authority  to  the  feveral  and 
refpeftive  Officers  of  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  now  aud  for  the  time  being  for  the  Payment  of  the  faid 
Annuities  or  Yearly  Rents  or  Sums  to  the  faid  Lord  Colcbellip  and  fuch  Heir  Male  as  aforefaid,  at  the  re- 
fpeftive Quarterly  Days  in  this  Aft  before  appointed  for  Payment  thereof,  without  any  further  or  other 
Warrant  to  be  fued  for,  had  or  obtained  m that  Behalf. 

IV.  And  it  is  hereby  further  enafted,  That  after  figniug  of  fuch  Warrant,  the  fame  (hall  be  good,  valid  Warrant  not  to 

and  effeftual  in  Law,  according  to  the  Purport  and  true  Meanijg  thereof  and  of  this  Aft,  and  (hall  not  be  hr  r-vnluhl?  on 
determinable  or  revokable  by  or  upon  the  Demifc  of  His  Majeijjy,  (whom  God  long  preferve  I)  or  of  any  of  “f  <1:e 

His  Heirs  or  SucceiTors,  or  by  or  upon  the  Death  or  Removal  #f  any  of  the  faid  Coininiffioners  of  the  Trea-  ,vmS>a<c- 
fury,  or  the  Lord  High  Trcafurer,  or  by  or  upon  the  Detertni.nation  of  the  Power,  Office  or  Offices  of 

them  or  any  of  them. 

V.  And  be  it  further  enafled,  That  the  Lord  High  Treufunr  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  Tieafury  and 
and  Ireland,  and  the  Commiflioners  of  His  Majcfty’n  Treafury  bf  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Exchequer  10  do 
Ireland  for  the  lime  being,  Chancellor  and  Under  Trcafurer,  Chamberlains  and  Barons  of  the  Exchequer,  everythiny 
and  all  other  the  Officers  aud  Miniftcrs  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer  and  of  the  Receipt  thereof,  now  and  for 

the  time  being,  (hall  and  they  arc  Jiereby  authorized  and  ftriftlyJcnjoincd  and  required  to  do,  without  Fee  or 
Reward,  all  fuch  Afts,  matters  and  things  as  are  hereiubcfoi?  direfted  and  required,  or  (hall  be  nccefTary  i,-c. 
to  be  done  and  performed  by  them,  or  any  or  either  of  them,  ia  order  to  render  this  Aft  and  the  fcveral  Pay- 
ments hereby  direfted  cffeftual. 

VI.  And  be  it  enafted.  That  the  Acquittance  or  Acquitt  nces,  Receipt  or  Receipts  of  the  faid  Lord  Acquittance  rj 
Colebefier,  and  of  the  firft  Heir  Male  of  the  Body  of  the  faid  .ord  Colcbcjler  on  whom  the  faid  Title  (hall  LiirH  Colcheller 
defeend,  (hall  he  a good  and  fufficient  Difcharge  for  the  Payra  it  of  the  faid  refpeftive  Annuities  or  Yearly  J"‘l  !l'e 
Sums,  without  any  further  or  other  Warrant  to  be  fued  for  o obtained  in  that  Behalf;  and  that  the  faid  fu^'icntDif” 
refpeftive  Annuities  or  Yearly  Rents  or  Sums,  and  every  Part  t ercof,  (hall  he  free  aud  clear  from  all  Taxes,  for  P«y- 
Impofitions  and  other  Charges  whatfoever  ; and  in  cafe  any  of  he  Officers  of  the  Receipt  of  His  Majefty's  mens  A An-' 
Exchequer  (hall  refufe  or  neglect  to  pay  the  faid  refpeftive  Ann  ities  or  Yearly  Rents  or  Sums,  or  any  Fart  nuity. 
thereof,  according  to  the  true  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  Aft,  it  to  do  any  Aft  nccefTary  to  enable  the  faid  ReincJy  for 
Lord  Calchejlcr  and  the  Grft  Heir  Male  of  the  Body  of  the  fa  1 Lord  Colcbcjler  on  whom  the  faid  Title,  R«o*ery  A 
Honour  and  Dignity  of  Lord  Colcbcjler  (hall  defeend,  to  reccivt  the  fame,  then  the  faid  Lord  Colcbcjler  and  n,,ul‘le*- 

the  next  fucceedlng  Heir  Male  of  the  Body  of  the  faid  Lord  Co  tbejler  on  whom  the  (aid  Title  (hall  defeend, 
may  from  time  to  time  fue,  profecute  and  implead  fuch  Officers  or  any  of  them,  their  Heirs,  Executors  or 
Adminiltrators,  by  Bill,  Plaint  or  Aftion  of  Debt,  and  (hall  a d may  recover  judgment  and  fue  out  Exe- 
cutions thereupon  againft  fuch  Officers  refpeftivcly,  their  Heirs  Executors  or  Adminiftrators,  for  fo  much 
of  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  then  due  and  owing  upon  the  aid  refpeftive  Annuities  or  Yearly  Rents  or 
Sums,  or  any  Part  thereof,  aa  (hall  have  been  in  the  Hands  of  t le  Officer  or  Officers  of  the  Receipt  of  the 
Exchequer  at  tbe  time  or  times  when  Demands  {hall  have  been  tgallv  made  of  the  Payment  of  the  faid  re. 
fpeftive  Annuities  or  Yearly  Rents  or  Sums,  or  any  Part  thcreo  as  ai'orefaid,  or  for  the  Refufal  or  Ncgleft 
to  do  any  Aft  nccefTary  to  be  done  by  fuch  Officer  or  Officers  ref  eftively. 

VII.  And  be  it  further  euacied,  That  the  faid  Annuity  or  Ye  rly  Rent  or  Sum  of  Four  thoufand  Pound*  Annuities  ie. 
(haU  be  and  the  fame^is  by  this  Aft  veiled  in  the  faid  Lord  Colcbtyler,  and  the  faid  Annuity  or  Yearly  Rent  ipefllvely  veiled 

or  Sum  of  Three  thoufand  Pounds  (hall  he  and  the  fame  is  by  tfij  Aft  veiled  in  the  next  fucceediug  Heir  >n  Lord  Cat. 
Male  of  the  Body  of  the  faid  Lord  Colcheller  to  whom  the  faid  Tile,  Honour  and  Dignity  of  Lord  Colcbcjler  'hVler  an'1  ,h* 
(hall  defeend  : and  the  fame  or  anv  Part  , tlmr.  or  limes  hereafter  he  alieaeil.  mmtnvMl.  next  auc- 

(hall  defeend  ; and  the  fame  or  any  Part  thereof  (hall  not  at  any  fl 
difpofed,  charged  or  encumbered  by  the  faid  Lord  Colcheller,  d 

ie  or  times  hereafter  be  aliened,  conveyed,  ut* 

by  the  next  fucceeding  Heir  Male  of  the  jjow  (jJ  |t)e 

Body  of  the  faid  Lord  Colcbe/lcr  on  whom  the  faid  Title  (hall  defeend,  for  any  greater  or  largcr  Eftatc 
lune  than  during  the  natural  Life  of  the  Pcrfon  fo  aliening,  conveying,  difpofing,  charging  or  cnctimbcri 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


Accounts  in  (he 
Exchequer  m 
Ireland,  how  tc 
be  made  up. 

Such  Accounts 

to  be  certified  by 
Auditor  General 
of  Exchequer 
in  Ireland,  and 
tranfmhted  by 
fury  of  the 
United  Kittj- 

56  G.  j.e  98. 

Tresfury  to 
nuke  I’jymrifs 
lidjted  bund  as 

cited  AS. 

Gums  to  arife 
from  the  Surplus 
of  the  Consoli- 
dated Fund, 
which  had  not 

accrued  prior  to 
Jan  J,  lSl7,Srr. 
to  be  deemed  fa- 
tisficd  and  can- 

Certain  Balance* 
due  from  Great 
Britain  to  Ire- 
land, or  from 

C.47,48.  570  GEORGII  III.  A.D.  1817. 

the  fame,  fo  as  to  prevent  the  fame  from  defccndiiij  to  the  next  or  fucceeding  Heir  Male  of  the  Body  of  the 
faid  Lord  ColchejUr  to  whom  the  faid  title  of  LouRCoUhtJlcr  (hall  defeend. 

VIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enaftei  That  One  Half  of  the  faid  Annuity  or  Yearly  Rent  or 
Sum  (hall  abate  and  be  lufpended  during  any  Period  in  which  the  faid  Charles  Lord  Colcbejlcr  may  hereafter 
hold  any  Place,  Office  or  Employment  under  His  Majclly  of  equal  or  greater  Amount,  in  Salary,  Profit  or 
Emolument,  than  the  Amount  of  fuch  Annuity.  i 


An  A£l  to  make  further  Provifion  for  the  Adjuftment  of  the  Accounts  of  the  Con  folic!  a ted  Fund 

of  the  United  Kingdom,  and  for  making  good  any  occafional  Deficiency  which  may  arife  in  the 

faid  Fund  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  refpeftively  ; and  to  direct  the  Application  of  Monies  by  the 

Commiffioners  for  the  Reduction  of  the  National  Debt.  [27th  June  tS  1 7.] 

‘ 7"  HE  REAS,  in  confequence  of  the  Confolidation  of  the  Revenues  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  it  is 

‘ VV  become  expedient  to  make  further  Provifion  for  the  Adjuftment  of  the  Accounts  of  the  Confo- 

* lidated  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  ; and  that  for  that  Purpofe  Quarterly  Accounts  of  the  KTues  made 
‘ out  of  the  growing  Produce  of  the  Confolidatcd  Fund  in  Ireland,  for  the  current  Services  there,  (hould  be 
‘ made  up  and  tranfmitted  to  Great  Britain,  and  provided  for  in  manner  hereinafter  mentioned  Be  it  there- 
fore enadted  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spi- 
ritual and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  afiembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame. 
That  immediately  after  the  termination  of  each  Quarter  of  a Year  ending  upon  the  Fifth  Day  of  Afrit,  the 
Fifth  Day  of  July,  the  Tenth  Day  of  OQaler,  and  the  Fifth  Day  of  January  rcfpeftively  in  each  and  every  Year, 
Accounts  (hall  be  made  up  in  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ireland  of  all  Sums  which  (hall  have  been 
idued,  during  the  Quarter  ending  on  the  faid  Days  refpc&ively,  out  of  the  growing  Produce  of  the  Con- 
folidatcd Fund  arifing  in  Ireland,  fpecifying  feparately  the  Iffues  made  for  defraying  the  Services  comprized 
in  the  Annual  Grants  of  Parliament,  or  which  would  in  Great  Britain  be  payable  at  the  Receipt  of  the  Ex- 
chequer out  of  any  of  the  Aids  or  Supplies  of  the  Year,  and  fpecifying  alfo  in  each  and  every  fuch  Account 
the  Heads  of  Service  for  which  fuch  IlTues  were  fo  made ; which  Accounts  (hall  be  certified  by  the  Auditor 
General  of  the  Receipt  of  His  Majefty’5  Exchequer  in  Ireland,  and  (hall  be  tranfmitted  by  him  to  the  Lord 
High  Treafurer  or  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majcfty's  Treufury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland } and  the  Lord  High  Treafurer,  or  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury,  or  any 
Three  or  more  of  them,  (hall  thereupon,  by  Warrant  under  his  or  tlieir  Hand  or  Hands,  order  and  direft 
that  out  of  ajjy  of  the  Aids  or  Supplies  of  the  Year  in  tile  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain,  a 
Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  equal  to  fuch  certified  Amount  of  the  l (lues  fo  made  out  of  the  growing  Produce  of 
the  Cotlfolidated  Fund  arifing  in  Ireland,  for  defraying  the  Services  comprized  in  the  Annual  Grants  of  Par- 
liament, or  which  would  in  Great  Britain  be  payable  at  the  Receipt  of  4 he  Exchequer  out  of  any  of  the 
Aids  or  Supplies  of  the  Year,  (hall  be  carried  and  placed  to  the  Credit  of  the  Consolidated  Fund  of  the 
United  Kingdom,  for  the  Quarter  ending  on  the  ufual  Quarter  Day  next  enfuing  after  the  Date  of  fuch  Cer- 
tificate, and  the  fame  (hall  thereupon  be  carried  and  placed  to  fuch  Account  and  Credit  by  the  Auditor  of 
the  Receipt  of  His  Majcfty’s  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  ; any  thing  in  an  Ad  made  in  the  laft  Seffion  of 
Parliament,  intituled  An  AH  to  unite  and  confolideite  into  One  Fund  all  the  Public  Revenues  of  Great  Britain 
and  Ireland,  and  to  provide  for  the  Application  thereof  to  the  general  Service  of  the  United  Kingdom,  to  the 
contrary  notwithllanding. 

• II.  And  Whereas  certain  Payments  have  been  heretofore  made  by  Law  or  Ufageont  of  the  growing  Pro- 
‘ duce  of  the  Coufolidlttcd  Fund  of  Great  Britain,'  Be  it  therefore  enafled,  That  it  (liall  and  may  be  lawful 
for  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  and  they  are  hereby  autho- 
rized and  empowered,  from  time  to  time,  to  caufe  any  Payment  or  Payments  to  be  made,  or  any  Sum  or  Sums 
of  Money  lu  be  iJTued  out  of  the  growing  Produce  of  tile  Confolidatcd  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom,  at  the 
Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain,  in  advance  or  otherwife,  in  like  manner  as  had  been  pradtifed  be- 
fore the  paffing  of  the  faid  recited  Ad  of  the  laft  Seffion  of  Parliament ; any  thing  contained  in  the  faid  Ad 
to  the  contrary  notwithllanding. 

* III-  And  Whereas  the  Exchequer  Bills  which  have  been  i(Tucd  upon  the  Credit  of  Aids  and  Supplies 
‘ heretofore  granted  by  Parliament  have  been  provided  for,  and  the  Sums  due  and  to  arife  from  the  Surplus 
‘ of  the  Coufolidated  Fund  of  Great  Britain  under  former  Grants  of  Parliament,  and  which  were  applicable 

* to  the  Difcharge  of  fuch  Exchequer  Bills,  have  by  reafon  thereof  become  no  longer  neceflary  for  fuch  Ser- 

* vice ;’  Be  it  therefore  enaded,  That  all  Grants  made  by  Parliament,  to  arife  from  the  Surplus  of  the  laid 
Confolidatcd  Fund,  and  which  Surplus  had  not  accrued  prior  to  the  Fifth  Day  of  January  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventcen,  and  alfo  all  Sums  due  from  the  faid  Cunfulidated  Fund  to  the  Aids  or  Supplies  of 
former  Years,  in  refped  of  Money  advanced  thereout  to  make  good  the  Deficiencies  of  the  faid  Fund,  (hall 
be  and  be  deemed  to  be  fatisficd  and  cancelled,  and  no  further  Sums  iliall  be  iffued  or  illuable  thereupon  ; any 
thing  in  any  Adi  or  Adis  of  Parliament  to  the  contrary  notwithllanding. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  cnafcled,  That  all  Balances  due  from  Great  Britain  to  Ireland,  or  From  Ireland  to 
Great  Britain  refpedlively,  upon  or  in  refpecl  of,  or  in  any  manuer  arifing  out  of  the  joint  Contribution 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  to  the  Expences  of  the  United  Kingdom,  under  the  Provifions  of  the  feveral 
Adis  parted  in  the  Parliaments  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  rcfpedtivcly  in  the  Thirty  ninth  and  Fortieth 
Years  and  in  the  Fortieth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Maj  fly,  for  the  Union  of  Great  Britain  and 
1 1 Inland, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.i8i7*  57°  GKORG1I  111.  C.48. 

Inland,  (hall  be  and  are  hereby  cancelled,  and  (hall  be  deemed  and  arc  hereby  declared  to  be  fati&ficd  and  dif- 
ebarged  ; anv  thing  contained  in  the  faid  recited  A £b  or  any  other  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  to  the  contrary 

« V.  And  Whereas  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Twenty  feventh  Year -of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Mnjeflf,  a?G  3 

* intituled  Jin  da  for  repsalin g ll.’  feveral  Duties  of  Cnfloms  and  Excife,  and  granting  other  Duties  in  lieu  - **■ 

« thereof,  and  for  applying  the  faid  Duties  together  •with  the  other  Duties  eompnftng  the  Public  Revenue ; for 

* permitting  the  Importation  of  certain  Goads,  Wares  and  Merchandize , the  Produce  or  Manufdaurc  of  the 
, European  Dominions  of  the  French  King,  into  this  Kingdom  ; and  far  applying  certain  unclaimed  Monies 

* remaining  in  the  Exchequer,  for  the  Payment  of  Annuities  on  Lives,  to  the  Reduction  of  the  National 
1 Debt ; it  is  among  other  things  enafted,  that  if  at  any  time  at  which  any  Annuity  or  Annuities  (hall  be- 

* come  due  and  payable,  the  Produce  of  the  fevernl  Duties  computing  the  Confolidatcd  Fund  cllablilhed  by 

* the  faid  Aft  fhould  not  be  fufficient  to  anfwer  and  pay  all  the  Annuities  and  other  Charges  that  (hould  be- 

* come  due  and  payable  on  any  Quarterly  or  other  Day  of  Payment,  the  Commiifioiiers  of  His  Majctty’s 

* Treafury  or  the  Lord  High  Treafurcr  for  the  time  being  were  thereby  authorized,  empowered  and  required, 

* out  of  auy  Money  which  (hould  then  be  remaining  in  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  of  Aids  or  Supplies 
« that  (hould  have  been  granted  for  the  Service  of  the  Year  in  which  fuch  Deficiency  (hould  happen,  to  apply 
‘ fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  as  (hould  be  fufficient  fully  and  completely  to  anfwer  and  muke  good  fuch 

* Deficiency,  and  all  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  fo  i fined  out  of  the  faid  Aids  or  Supplies  (hould  be  rc- 

* placed  to  the  Service  or  Services  to  which  the  fame  might  have  been  appropriated  by  Parliament,  out  of  the 

* firft  or  any  future  Quarter’s  Surplus  of  the  Duties  and  Revalues  computing  the  faid  Confolidatcd  Fund  : 

1 And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  tliat  the  faid  Provifion  fhould  be  repealed Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  the  repealed, 
faid  Provifion  (hall  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  repealed. 

* VI.  And  Whereas  it  may  happen  that  the  Confolidatcd  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  may  at  certain  Regulition  for 
‘ times  be  deficient  in  Amount  to  anfwer  the  fevcral  Charge*  thereupon  arifing  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  (,%- 

‘ refpeftively,  and  it  is  expedient  that  Provifion  (hould  be  made  for  making  good  fucb  Deficiency,  in  cafe  j , fu; 

‘ the  fame  llniuld  arife  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  if,  upon  making  up  the  Accounts  of  the  Income  and  qocr  Bills. 
Qiaree  of  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund  in  Great  Britain  or  Irclanfi  refpeftively,  for  the  Quarters  ending  on 
the  Fifth  Day  of  April,  the  Fifth  Day  of  July,  the  Tenth  Day  of  October,  or  the  Fifth  Day  of  January  in 
any  Year,  it  (hall  appear  to  the  Commifiioners  of  His  Majcity’r.  Treafury,  that  the  Produce  of  the  faid 

’ely,  for  the  Quarters  ending  01 
or  the  Fifth  Day  of  January  ii 

Fund  is  not  fufficient  to  defray  the  Charges  thereupon  in  Great  Britain,  or  in  Ireland  refpeftively,  then  and 
in  fuch  cafe  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Commifiioners  of  His  Majcfly’s  Treafury,  or  any  Three  or 
more  of  them  for  the  time  being,  from  time  to  time,  by  Warrant  under  their  Hands,  to  caufe  or  direct  any 
Kumbcr  of  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  out  at  the  Receipt  of  His  Mnjefty’s  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain, 

Foe  fuch  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  os  (hall  be  fufficient  to  make  up  fuch  Deficiency  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland 
refpeftively  j and  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  (hall  be  made  out  in  the  lame  or  like  manner.  Form  and  Order,  and 
according  to  the  fame  or  like  Rules  and  Direflions,  as  are  dircftcd  and  preferibed  in  and  by  an  Aft  made  in  0„t  „(,  ™a“ 
the  Forty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  AS  for  regulating  the  iffuing  and  G.3.  c.  1. 
paying  off  of  Exchequer  Bills . 

VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  all  and  every  the  Claufcs,  Provifocs,  Powers,  Privileges,  Advantages,  48  G.  3.  c.  t. 

Penalties,  Forfeitures  and  Difabilitics  contained  in  the  faid  recited  Aft  made  in  the  Forty  eighth  Year  of  the  to  estend  toEx- 
Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  for  regulating  the  ifiiiing  and  paying  off  of  Excliequcr  Bills,  (hall  be  applied  lllis 

and  extended  to  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  out  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  as  fully  and  cfleftually  to  all 

Intents  and  Purpofes  as  if  the  faid  feveral  Claufes  aud  Provifions  bad  been  particularly  repeated  and  re- 
cnafted  in  the  Body  of  this  Aft. 

VIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  out  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft  (ball  Inierelt  of  fi«h 
and  may  bear  an  filtered  not  exceeding  the  Rate  of  Three  pence  Halfpenny  per-Ccntum  per  Diem  upon  or  iu  E,cl|e9uer  B “• 
refpeft  of  the  Whole  of  the  Monies  refpeftively  contained  therein. 

IX.  Aud  be  it  declared  and  further  enafted,  That  it  Ihall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Governor  and<Company  of  Bants  of  Eng- 
the  Bank  of  England,  and  for  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  Ireland,  and  they  are  hereby  refpeft-  j“ni* 

ivcly  empowered,  to  take,  accept  and  receive  the  Exchequer  Bills  authorized  to  be  made  out  in  purfuance  of  ^vanca  Monsy 
this  Aft,  and  to  advance  or  lend  to  His  Majefly  at  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  ,i,e  Credit  of 
refpeftively,  upon  the  Credit  of  fuch  Exchequer  Bills,  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  not  exceeding  in  the  whole  ftnh  Exchequer 
the  Sum  neceffary  to  make  good  fuch  Deficiency  of  the  Confolidatcd  Fund  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  re-  Bilb,  . _ 

fpcftivclyq  any  thing  in  an  Aft  made  and  paffed  in  the  Parliament  of  England,  in  the  Fifth  and  Sixth  Years 
of  Uie  Reign  of  King  William  and  Queen  Mary,  intituled  An  A3  for  granting  to  Their  Majejlits  feveral  Rates  c I0_ 
nnd  Duties  upon  Tonnage  of  Ships  and  Vejfels , and  upon  Beer,  Ale,  and  other  Liquors;  and  for  fecuring  certain 
Recompsnces and Advantages  in  the  faid  Ad  mentioned  to  fuch  Perfons  as  fball  voluntarily  advance  the  Sum  of 
One  million  five  hundred  tbaufand  Pounds  towards  carrying  on  the  War  again/!  Frahcc,  or  in  any  other  Aft  or 
Afts  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithflanding. 

X.  Afld  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  Commifiioners  of  His  Majelly’s  Treafury  for  the  time  being,  or  Exchequer  Bills 

any  Three  or  more  of  them,  (hall  and  they  are  hereby  refpeftively  authorized  and  empowered  to  caufe  fuch  for  Deficiencies 

Exchequer  Bills  as  (hall  be  made  out  in  purfuance  of  this  Act,  in  refpeft  of  any  Deficiency  in  the  faid  Confo-  >“  ° . 

lidated  Fund  arifing  in  Great  Britain,  to  be  placed  as  fo  much  Calh  in  the  refpeftive  Offices  of  the  Tellers  of  h« 

the  Receipt  of  His  Majcfty’s  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain ; each  and  every 
charged  with  the  Proportion  of  the  faid  Bills  which  (hall  be  fo  placed  ' ' 
Calh  j any  Law  or  Ulage  to  the  contrary  notwithllanding. 

i fo  much  Exchequer; 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



57*  GE0RGI1  III. 

A.D.  18  r7- 

wid  to  be  (Sued 
for  defraying 
Charges  upon 
Fund  by  reafon 
of  Deficiencies- 

XI.  And  be  it  alfo  enacted  and  declared,  That  the  faid  Exchequer  Bills  in  the  Hands  of  the  faid  Teller* 
(hall  be  locked  up  and  fccured  as  Cafli  according  to  the  Courfe  of  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer  in  Great 
Britain,  and  (hall  be  taken  and  elteemed  as  fo  much  in  part  of  the  Remains  in  real  Money,  wherewith  each  of 
the  faid  Tellers  (hall  from  time  to  time-  Hand  charged  in  common  with  other  the  Monies  in  the  faid  Receipt 
of  the  Exchequer,  any  Law  or  Ufagc  to  the  contrary  notwithftanding  ; and  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  the  Commif- 
iioners  of  His  Majclly's  Treafury  for  the  time  being,  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them,  to  iffue  and  apply  the 
fame  to  the  defrayiiig  the  Charges  upon  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund  remaining  unpaid  in  Gnat  Britain  by 
reafon  of  any  fuch  Deficiency. 

XII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  the  Commiffioners  of  His  Majcfiy’s  Treafury,  or  any  Three  or 

arifing  in  Ire 
land,  how  If 
.lifpofed  of. 

i (hall 

for  Deficiencies  more  of  them,  (hall  and  they  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered  to  caule  fuch  Exchequer  Bills 
anfinz  in  Ire-  (,c  ma(jc  out  m pm-faancc  cf  this  Aft,  in  refpeft  of  any  Deficiency  in  the  faid  Confolidated  Fund  arifing  in 

Ireland,  to  he  paid  into  the  Bank  of  Ireland  to  the  Credit  and  Account  of  the  Teller  of  the  Receipt  of  His 
Majefty’s  Exchequer,  there  to  be  ifTued  and  applied  to  the  defraying  of  the  Charges  upon  the  Confolidated 
Fuiid  remaining  unpaid  in  Ireland  by  reafon  of  fuch  Deficiency. 

K (chequer  Bills  XIII.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  the  Principal  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  to  be  con- 

1"d  tained  in  all  fuch  Exchequer  Bills  to  be  made  forth  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  together  with  the  Interell  that  may 

•heCMfci»Ut*d  b*come  d,lc  thereon,  (ball  be  aud  the  fame  arc  hereby  made  chargeable  and  charged  upon  the  growing  Produce 
Fund  In  the  °f  t*le  Confolidated  Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  in  the  next  Tucceeding  Quarter  ; and  it  (hall  be  lawful  for 
tint  lucccediiig  llic  Commiffioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Treafury  for  the  time  being,  and  they  or  any  Three  or  more  of  them  are 
O urtet.  Iscreby  authorized  from  time  to  time  by  Warrant  under  their  Hands  to  direft  the  Auditor  of  the  Receipt  o‘ 

the  Exchequer  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  rcfpeftively,  in  fuch  manner  as  they  fhall  think  necefiary,  to  iffue 
unto  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfonj  as  (hall  be  named  in  the  faid  Warrants  refpeftirely,  out  of  the  growing  Produce 
of  the  Confolidated  Fund  of  the  next  fucceeding  Quarter,  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  not  exceeding  in  the 
whole  a Sum  fufficicnt  to  difeharge  and  pay  off  the  Principal  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  contained  in  fuch  Ex- 
chequer Bills  then  ontftanding  in  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  rcfpeftively,  and  which  may  have  been  made  out 
and  iffued  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  together  with  all  fuch  Interell  as  may  be  due  thereupon. 

XIV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  the  Commiffioners  of  the  Treafury  for  the  time  being  (hall  from 
time  to  time  caufe  a true  and  perfeft  Account  in  Writing  to  be  taken  attelled  by  the  proper  Officers  of  the 
Amount  of  all  Exchequer  Bills  which  fiiall  be  made  out  and  iffued  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  and  how  much 
thereof  (hall  before  the  making  up  of  fuch  Accounts  have  been  paid  off  or  difeharged,  and  how  much'  thereof 

Uieqver  Bill' 
iucbsrgeil  an.l 
uiiditirfcarvcJ  1 J 
!»_-  snnu:.Hv  laid 
before  Podia- 

fiiall  then  remain  undifeharged  ; and  every  fuch  Account  (hall  on  or  before  the  Twenty  fifth  Day  of  March 
in  each  and  every  Year  be  laid  before  both  Houfes  of  Parliament,  if  Parliament  (hall  be  then  fitting,  or  if 

Monies  for  the 
Purchiife  of 
Public  An- 

Moniei  fct  apa 

between  i Nm 
1817,1ml  1 Pe' 
1818,  to  he  i|s 
plied  by  Com- 
miflionera  in 
Purchife  of 
Annuities  be- 
tween  3 Nor. 
181 7,  and 
S Jin.  1818. 
Periods  of  Ap 

‘ XV.  And  Whereas  by  an  Aft  puffed  in  the  Twenty  fixth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

* intituled  sin  AH  for  vetting  certain  Sam.-  in  CommtJJioncrt  at  the  End  r,f  every  Quarter  of  a Tear,  to  be  by 
‘ them  applied  to  the  ReduSior.  of  the  National  Debt,  it  was  cnafted,  that  all  Monies  whatfoevtr  which  (hould  b. 

* placed  from  time  to  time  to  the  Account  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  by  virtue  of  the  (aid  Aft,  which  (hould 
‘ not  be  directed  by  any  future  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  to  be  applied  in  Payment  for  the  Redemption  of 

* any  Redeemable  Public  Annuities  at  or  above  Par,  (hould  be  applied  by  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  Payment 
‘ for  the  Purcliafe  of  Public  Annuities  below  Par  in  the  following  manner  j (that  is  to  fay),  that  all  Monies 
‘ fo  to  be  applied,  which  (hould  have  been  placed  to  the  Account  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  between  the 
“ Fifth  Day  of  April  in  any  Year  and  the  Firft  Day  of  May  then  next  enfuing,  (hould  be  applied  to  the  Pur- 
1 chafe  of  fuch  Annuities  in  equal  Portions,  as  nearly  23  might  be,  on  every  Day  ( Saturday t and  Mondays 
‘ excepted)  between  the  faid  Firll  Day  of  May  and  the  Fifth  Day  of  Augujl  then  next  enfuing  ; and  in  like 

* nianner  the  Sums  fo  to  be  applied,  which  (hould  have  been  placed  to  the  Account  of  the  faid  Commiffioners 
between  the  End  of  any  fuch  Quarter  and  the  Firll  Day  of  the  Calendar  Month  which  (hould  commence  next 

* after  the  Endof  fuch  Quarter,  (hould  beapplied  to  the  Purcliafe  of  fuch  Annuities  in  equal  Portions,  as  nearly 

* 35  might  be,  on  every  Day  (Saturday  1 and  Mondays  excepted),  on  which  the  fame  Ihotild  be  transfcrrablc 
' between  the  faid  Firft  Day  of  the  Calendar  Monthjwhich  (hould  commence  next  after  the  End  of  fuch  Quarter 

* an<*  Firft  Day  of  the  Calendar  Month  which  (hould  commence  next  after  the  End  of  the  Quarter  next 
l * enfuing  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  alter  the  refpeftive  Periods  for  applying  all  fuch  Monies,  and  to 

* fubftilutc  other  Periods  for  the  like  Purpofe  in  (lead  thereof,  in  order  that  the  Accounts  5f  the  Application 

* the  ft1'1'  Monies  (hall  terminate  and  be  rendered  conformable  to  the  Periods  of  terminating  the  ftveral  Ac- 
. * counts  of  thePublie  Revenues  of  the  United  Kingdom  Be  it  therefore  cnafted,  That  fo  much  of  the  faid 

recited  Aft  as  limits  the  Periods  for  applying  the  faid  Monies  fiiall  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  repealed. 

‘ XVI.  Ami  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  all  Monies  whatever  which  (hall  be  to  he  fet  apart  and  placed  to  the 
Account  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  the  Books  of  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  England , under 
and  by  virtue  of  the  faid  Lift  recited  Aft,  or  of  any  other  Aft  or  Afts  now  in  force  for  the  Rcduftion  of  tlie 
National  Debt,  and  which  would  be  applicable  between  the  Firft  Day  of  November  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen  and  the  Firft  Day  of  February  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  purfuant  to 
Pfovifions  of  the  faid  Aft,  (hall  be  applied  by  the  faid  Commiffitmera  in  the  Purchafc  of  Redeemable 
Public  Annuities,  as  direfted  by  the  faid  recited  Aft,  on  Transfer  Days  ( Saturdays  and  Mondays  excepted) 
between  the  Second  Day  of  November  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  and  the  Fifth  Day  of  Janu- 
ary Ont  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  both  Days  included. 

XVII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  all  Monies  fo  fet  apart  in  every  future  Year  (hall  be  applied  in 
the  manner  following  j {that  is  to  fay,)  all  Monies  fo  fet  apart  or  to  be  fo  fet  apart  and  placed  to  the  Account 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  l ibrary  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.i8i7*  57°  GE0RGI1  III.  C.48, 49.  73 

of  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  the  Books  of  the  Governor  and  Company  of  the  Bank  of  England,  due  on  the  Monies  in 
Fifth  Dav  of  January  in  every  Year,  (hall  be  applied  by  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  the  Purchafe  of  Redeemable  future  \ cut. 
Public  Annuities,  as  direfted  by  the  faid  recited  Aft,  on  Transfer  Days  {Saturday,  and  Monday,  excepted) 
between  the  Seventh  Dav  of  January  and  the  Fifth  Day  of  April  then  next  enfumg,  both  Days  included ; 
and  in  like  manner  all  Monies  due  the  Fifth  Day  of  Apr,!  in  every  Year,  and  fet  apart  as  aforefaid,  fhall  be 
applied  on  Transfer  Days  ( Saturday s and  Monday,  excepted)  between  tlie  Seventh  Day  of  April  and  the 
Fifth  Day  of  July  then  next  enfuing,  both  Days  included  j and  all  Monies  due  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  in  every 
Year,  and  fet  apart  as  aforefaid,  fhall  be  applied  on  Transfer  Days  ( Saturday t and  Monday , excepted)  be- 
tween the  Seventh  Day  of  July  and  the  Tenth  Day  of  OBober  then  next  enfumg,  both  Days  included  ; and  all 
Monies  due  the  Tenth  Day  of  OBober  in  every  Year,  and  fet  apart  as  aforefaid,  fhall  be  applied  on  Transfer 
Days  ( Saturday , and  Monday,  excepted)  between  the  Twelfth  Day  of  OBober  ar.d  the  Fifth  Day  of  January 
then  next  enfuing,  both  Days  included  ; and  every  Annual  Account  of  the  Application  of  all  fuch  Monies, 
and  of  the  Public  Annuities  purchnfed  with  the  fame,  direfted  by  the  faid  recited  Aft  to  be  made  up  to  the 
Firfl  Day  of  February  in  every  Year,  to  be  laid  before  Parliament ; and  the  Auditorsf  of  Public  Accounts 
fhall  in  future  terminate  upon  and  be  made  up  to  the  Fifth  Day  of  January  ir.clufivc  in  every  Year ; uny  thing 
iu  the  faid  lafl  recited  Aft  or  auy  other  Aft  or  Acts  to  the  contrary  notwilhllauding. 


An  Act  for  altering  and  amending  the  Laws  of  Excife  with  refpeft.  to  Sait  and  Rock  Salt. 

[27th  June  1817.] 

‘ HE  REAS  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  Hia  prefent  Majefly  King  ;8  C.;  c.81;. 

‘ V » George  the  Third,  intituled  Jin  All  for  transferring  the  Management  of  the  Salt  Duties  to  the  Com - $ so. 

* miffianers  of  Excife,  and  for  repeating  the  Duties  on  Salt,  and  the  Drawbacks,  Allowances  and  Bounties 

* paid  thereout,  and  for  granting  other  Duties,  Drawbacks,  Allowance,  and  Bounties  thereon , all  and  every  the 
‘ Proprietor  and  Proprietors  of  every  Salt  Mine  or  Salt  Pit  is  and  are  required,  at  lead  Twelve  Hours  before 
‘ he,  fhe  or  they  (hall  at  any  time  begin  to  raife  or  take  away  Rock  Salt  from  or  out  of  any  Salt  Mine  or 
‘ Salt  Pit,  to  give  Notice  in  Writing  to  the  Officer  of  Excife  under  whofe  Survey  fuch  Salt  Mine  or 
‘ Salt  Pit  (hall  be,  of  the  particular  Day  and  Hour  of  the  Day  on  which  he,  (he  or  they  intends  or  intend 

* to  begin  railing  or  taking  any  Rock  Salt  from  or  out  of  any  fuch  Mine  or  Pit : And  Whereas  fuch 

* Period  of  Twelve  Hours  for  fuch  Notice  as  aforefaid  has  been  found  unneccffarily  long  and  incon- 

* venient;*  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King’s  Mod  Excellent  Majefly,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Proprietor!  oi 

Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  afTcmbled,  and  by  x^rotnlieu 
the  Authority  of  the  fame.  That  in  lieu  and  in  Head  of  fuch  Period  of  Twelve  Hours,  all  and  every  fuch  ofTwe|ve 
Proprietor  and  Proprietors  of  every  Salt  Mine  or  Salt  Pit  fhall  give  fuch  Notice  as  aforefaid  at  lead  Two  Hours’ Notice  of 
Hours  before  he,  fhe  or  they  (hall  at  any  time  begin  to  raife  or  take  Rock  Salt  from  or  out  of  any  Salt  raifiuj  Rock 
Mine  or  Salt  Pit,  any  thing  in  the  faid  recited  Aft  contained  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithdanding.  Salt* 

‘ II.  And  Whereas  by  the  faid  Aft  all  and  every  Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  and  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  38  G.  j.  e. 89. 

‘ Rock  Salt,  and  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Work,  is  and  are  required,  at  lead  Six  Hours  5 :3- 

* before  he,  fhe  or  they  fhall  begin  to  charge  his,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler  with  Brine  or  other  Prc- 
‘ paralion  for  making  or  refining  Salt,  to  give  to  the  Officer  of  Excife  under  whofe  Survey  his,  her  or 

* their  Salt  Work  fhall  be,  a Notice  in  Writnig  of  his,  her  or  their  Intention  fo  to  do,  fpecifying  therein  the 
‘ Particulars  in  the  faid  Aft  mentioned  ; and  if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprie- 

* tor  or  Proprietors,  fhall  not  begin  to  charge  lais,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler  within  the  Space  of  One  Hour 

* after  the  particular  time  or  Hour  fpecified  in  fuch  Notice  for  that  Purpofc,  then  to  give  a frefh  and  like  Notice 

‘ before  he,  fhe  or  they  fhall  begin  to  charge  his,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler  ; and  all  and  every  fuch  Maker  or  5 s<. 

‘ Makers  of  Salt,  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt,  and  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Work,  who 
‘ in  pnrfuancc  of  any  fuch  Notice  as  aforefaid  fhall  begin  to  charge,  his,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler  with 

* Brine  or  other  Preparation  for  making  Salt  or  refining  Rock  Salt,  is  and  are  required  to  proceed  without 

* Refpite  or  Delay,  and  with  all  due  Diligence  and  Difpatch,  to  charge  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler  with  the Whole 

* Quantity  of  Brine  or  other  /Vrparation  intended  to  be  employed,  ufed  or  worked  off  at  fuch  Boiling 

* ?r  Operation ; provided  that  il  any  fuch  Maker,  Refiner  or  Proprietor  fhall  have  occafion  to  add  to  or 

* ,"c]rea":  die  Brine  in  any  Pan  or  Boiler  after  fucli  Pan  or  Boiler  fhall  have  been  charged,  and  before  any 

* °‘ Particular  Boiling  or  Operation  fhall  have  been  taken  from  or  out  of  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler,  he, 

‘ file  or  they  fhall  be  permitted  and  allowed  once,  but  not  oftenerj  to  add  to  and  increafe  the  Quantity  of 

Brine  m any  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler,  upon  giving  fuch  Notice  as  is  preferibed  by  the  faid  Aft  ; and  if  any  $ 

Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt 
‘ Work,  fhall  convey  or  put  any  Brine  into  any  Pan  or  Boiler  after  he,  fhe  or  they  fhall  have  begun  to 
take  any  Salt  out  of  fiich  Pan  or  Boiler,  and  before  the  whole  Boiling  or  Operation  of  fuch  particular 
‘ Charge  fhall  be  finilhed,  and  all  the  Salt  made  or  intended  to  be  made  therefrom  fhall  be  taken  out  of 

* fuch  Pan  or  Boiler,  or  fhall  convey  br  put  any  Brine  into  any  Pan  or  Boiler  after  the  fame  fhall  have  been 

* fully  charged,  (except  in  the  manner  thereinbefore  allowed,  under  fuch  Notice  as  is  thereinbefore  provided 
mr  making  an  Addition  to  or  incrcaling  the  Brine  in  the  Pan  or  Boiler,)  he,  file  or  they  fhall  forfeit  the 

, p n .y  therein  mentioned  ; and  in  cafe  any  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners  of-  Salt,  or  Proprietor  or  f 28. 
rropnetorsof  any  Salt  Work,  inflead  of  keeping  the  Salt  of  each  Boiling  or  Operation  in  the  Pan  or 
foiling  Houfe  until  the  whole  of  each  Boiling  or  Operation  fhall  be  finilhed,  fhall  be  defirous  to  carry, 

57  Geo.  in.  L « remove 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


Salt  Maker* to 
give  Si*  Houri* 
Notice  of  their 
Intuition  to 

Salt  from  their 
Pam  or  Boilers. 

In  what  cafe 
frath  Notice. 

Penalty  yoL 
Adding  Btine 
after  haring  be- 

Salr,  and  before 
Ueelaration  that 
u f.cilhed,  ike. 

Penalty  jol. 

Pan  of  the  Salt 
of  any  Operation 

hoofed  before 
the  whole  ii 
Sniflred,  on  cer- 
lain  Conditions. 


it  U j.  c-Si. 

C.49.  57®  GEORGII  111.  A.D.  1817. 

• remote  or  put  any  Salt  of  any  particular  Boiling  or  Operation  into  his,  her  or  their  Warchonfe  or  Ware- 

* boufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufcs,  or  Loft  or  Lofts,  before  any  fuch  Boiling  or  Operation  (hall  be 

• finilhed,  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors,  may  carry,  remote  or 

• put  One  Half  (but  neither  more  nor  lefs)  of  the  whole  Number  of  Ba fleets,  Barrows  or  Troughs  of  Sale 

* to  be  made  at  each  fuch  Boiling  or  Operation,  into  any  fuch  Warehoule  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or 

* Storehoufcs,  or  Loft  dr  Lofts,  upon  the  Terms  and  Conditions  mentioned  in  the  faid  A& : And 
‘ Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  fuch  Provifions  of  the  faid  Adt  as  hereinbefore  recited  (hottld  be  repealed 
Be  it  therefore  enacted,  That  from  and  after  the  p offing  of  this  Adt  the  faid  regited  Provifions  of  the  faid  Adt 
(hall  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  repealed. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  all  and  every  Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock 
Salt,  and  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Work,  (hall  at  lead  Six  Hour*  before  he,  (he  or  they  dial! 
begin  to  draw  or  take  out  any  Salt  from  any  Pan  or  Boiler  after  the  fame  (hall  have  been  charged  with  Brine, 
or  other  Preparation  for  making  Salt,  give  to  the  Officer  oF  Excife,  under  nhofe  Survey  his,  her  or  Lheir  Sait 
Work  (hall  be,  a Notice  in  Writing  of  his,  her  or  their  Intention  fo  to  do,  fpecifying  therein  the  particular 
time  and  Hour  at  which  he,  (lie  or  they  intends  or  intend  to  begin  to  draw  or  take  out  the  Salt  from  fuch  Pbii 
Pan  or  Boiler ; and  if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors,  (hall 
not  begin  to  draw  and  take  out  the  Salt  from  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler  within  the 'Space  of  Three  Hour 
after  the  particular  time  or  Hour  fpecificd  in  fuch  Notice,  then  fuch  Notice  (hall  be  void  ; and  every  fuch 
Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  as  aforefaid,  (hall  give  a frefti  and  ^jke 
Notice  before  he,  Ihc  or  they  (hall  begin  to  draw  or  take  out  any  Salt  from  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler  ; and  in  cafr 
fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors,  (hall  neglect  or  refufe  to  give 
fuch  Notice  as  aforefaid,  or  having  given  a Notice  which  (hall  become  void  as  aforefaid,  (hall  negledt  or 
refufe  to  give  a frelh  and  like  Notice,, he,  (he  or  they  (hall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the 
Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enadted,  That  if  any  Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock 
Salt,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Work,  (hall  convey  or  pot,  or  caufe  or  fuffer  to  be  con- 
veyed or  put,  any  Brine  or  other  Preparation  for  making  Salt  into  any  Pan  or  Boiler  after  he,  (he  or  they 
(hall  have  begun  to  draw  or  take  out  any  Salt  from  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler,  and  before  he,  (lie  or  they  (hall  de- 
clare to  the  furveying  Officer  that  the  whale  Operation  of  making  Salt  from  the  Brine  which  (hall  then  be  in 
fuch  Pan  or  Boiler  is  finilhed,  and  that  all  the  Salt  made  or  intended  to  be  made  therefrom  in  fuch  Operation 
has  been  taken  out  of  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler,  he,  (he  or  they  (hall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  tlie 
Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds. 

V.  Provided  always  neverthelrfs,  and  be  it  further  ennfted.  That  in  cafe  any  fuch  Maker  or  Maker*,  Re- 
finer or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors,  infiead  of  keeping  the  Salt  of  each  Boiling  or  Operation  in 
the  Pan  or  Boiling  Houfe  until  the  whole  of  each  Boiling  or  Operation  (hall  be  finifhed,  (hall  be  defirous  of 
carrying,  removing,  or  putting  any  Salt  of  any  particular  Boiling  or  Operation  into  his,  her  or  their  Warc- 
houfe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufe*,  or  Loft  or  Lofts,  before  any  fuch  Boiling  or  Qperation 
(hall  be  finilhed,  it  (hall  and,  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  fuch  Maker  or  Maker*,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Pro- 
prietor or  Proprietors,  to  carry,  remove  or  put  any  Part  of  the  whole  of  the  Salt  to  be  made  at  each  fuch 
Boiling  or  Operation  into  any  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  or  Loft  or  Lofts 
upon  the  Terms  and  Conditions  hereinafter  mentioned,  (that  is  to  fay,)  that  in  the  Notice  required  by 
this  AA  to  be  given  as  aforefaid  for  drawing  or  taking  out  Salt  from  his,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler,  fuch 
Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors,  (hall  fpecify  the  particular  Number  of 
Baikets,’ Barrows  or  Troughs,  and  the  edimated  Quantity  of  Salt  of  which  fuch  Part  of  fuch  particular 
Boiling  or  Operation  (hall  or  will  confilt,  and  the  Day,  and  Flour  of  the  Day,  when  fuch  Part  (hall  be  carried, 
removed  or  put  into  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  or  Loft  or  Lofts  ; and  alfo 
that  all  the  Salt  which,  according  to  the  Specification  in  fuch  Notice,  (hall  be  intended  to  be  carried,  removed 
or  put  into  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  or  Loft  or  Lofts,  at  each  fuch  Re- 
moval, (hall  be  aftually  fo  carried,  removed  and  put,  immediately  after  ihc  proper  Officer  of  Excife  (hall  have 
taken  a true  Account  thereof,  and  before  any  more  or  other  Salt. (hall  be  taken  out  of  the  Pan  or  Boiler  of 
that  or  any  fubfeqticnt  Boiling  or  Operation. 

* VI.  And  Whereas  by  a C knife  in  an  Act  made  in  the  Fifty-firft  Year  of  the  Reign  of  Hit  prefent 

• Majefty,  among  other  things,  For  tjlablijhing  Regulation 1 re/be&ing  Rod  Salt  delivered  to  the  Refineriet , it 

• was  enacted,  that  when  and  fo  foon  as  any  Rock  Salt  (houluue  delivered  from  any  Salt  Mine  or  Salt  Pit,  to 

• be  (hipped  Coafmitt?  or  to  be  Tent  by  Inland  Navigation  free  of  Only,  on  Bond  for  its  being  duly  de- 

* livered  at  any  entered  Refinery,  not  being  within  the  Counties  of  Lancqfter  and  Cbejler  refpc&vely,  the 

* Refiner  or  Refiner*  to  or  for  whom  the  fame  (hould  be  configned  or  fent  (hould,  within  Six  Weeks  next 

• after  the  Delivery  or  Receipt  of  fuch  Rock  Salt,  pay  the  Duties  of  Excife  at  and  after  the  Rate  of  Fifteen 

* Shillings  per  Bulnel  for  fuch  Rock  Salt,  unlefs  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  (hould  rive  fuch  fufficient  Bond  or 
1 Security  as  was  in  the  faid  Claufe  mentioned  and  preferibed  for  the  due  Payment  of  the  Duties  of 
1 Excife  at  and  after  the  Rate  of  Fifteen  Shillings  per  Bulhcl  for  or  in  refpeft  of  fuch  Rock  Salt,  within 
■ the  Space  of  Six  Months  next  after  fuch  Delivery  or  Receipt,  or  elfe  producing  to  the  proper  Officer  of 

* Excite  within  fuch  Six  Months,  and  having  charged  with  the  Duties,  a Quantity  or  Quantities  of  refined 
‘ Salt  made  from  fuch  Rock  Salt,  in  the  Proportion  of  Fifty  fix  Pounds  of  refined  Salt  at  the  lead  for 
‘ every  Sixty  five  Pounds  of  fuch  Rock  Salt  which  (hould  from  lime  time  be  found  by  the  proper  Officer  or 
‘ Officers  of  Excife  deficient  of  the  Quantity  of  fuch  Rock  Salt  which  (hould  have  been  fo  delivered  or 
‘ received,  and  for  paying  at  the  end  of  every  Six  Weeks  from  the  time  of  the  Charge  thereof  the  Duties 

ia  4 at 

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A.D.  1817. 




• at  ami  after  the  Rate  of  Fifteen  Shillings  per  Bufhel  for  or  in  refpeft  of  the  Quantity  of  each  Charge  of 

• fuch  refined  Salt : And  Whereas  it  has  been  found  by  Experience  that  the  produce  of  refined  Salt  from 

• Rock  Salt  exceeds  the  Proportion  aforefaid  1 and  it  is  therefore  expedient  to  require  Payment  of  Duty  for 
‘ the  Salt  refined  from  fuch  Rock  Salt  according  to  the  greater  Proportion  hereinafter  mentioned  ;* 

Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  fo  much  of  the  laid  Provifion  as  iB  hereinbefore  recited  fiiall  be  and  the  fame  ia  Refuitrs  re  give 
hereby  repealed  5 and  that  from  and  after  the  paffing  of  this  Aft,  all  and  every  fuch  Refiner  and  Refiners  “ond 
(hall  within  Fourteen  Days  next  after  the  Delivery  or  Receipt  of  any  Rock  Salt,  give  fufficienl  Bond  or  SeTRKdreof 
Security,  to  he  approved  of  by  the  Commiffioncrs  of  Excife,  or  the  Perfon  or  Perfops  who  (hall  be  appointed  sdt'fcr° 
or  employed  by -them  for  that  Purpofe,  in  Double  the  Value  of  the  Duties  on  fuch  Rock  Salt,  for  producing  the  Production 
to  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife,  to  be  taken  Account  of  or  charged  with  Duty  by  him,  within  the  Space  of  of  Re- 
Twclve  Months  next  after  fuch  Delivery  or  Receipt,  a Quantity  or  Quantities  of  refined  Salt  made  from  fuch 
Rock  Salt,  in  the  proportion  of  Fifty  eight  Pounds  of  refined  Salt  at  the  lead  for  every  Sixty  five  Pounds  of 
fuch  Rock  Salt,  and  for  paying  the  Duties  thereon  at  the  End  of  every  Six  Weeks  from  the  time  of  the  pey'mtmof 
Charge  upon  any  Part  of  fuch  refined  Salt,  at  and  after  the  Rate  of  Fifteen  Shillings  per  Bulhel ; agd  if  Dune., 
any  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  fiiall  refufe  or  negleft  to  give  fuch  Bond  or  Security  as  is  hereby  in  that  Behalf  , 

requited,  all  fuch  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  forfeited,  together  with  the  Duties  thereon,  and  fuch  Rock  Salt  (hall 
and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  : Provided  always,  that  all  and  every  fuch  Refiner  Pnwifo  fnr  Ex- 
and  Refiners  (hall  be  at  Liberty,  within  fuch  Space  of  Twelve  Months,  to  export  or  deliver  for  the  Ufe  of  portmiwi,  &c. 
the  Fifherics,  or  to  any  entered  Maker  of  oxygenated  Muriatic  Acid  or  Oxymurintc  of  Lime  for  making 
oxygenated  Muriatic  Acid  or  Oxymuriate  of  Lime,  any  Part  of  fuch  refined  Salt  Duty-free  under  the 
Regulations  ettablifhed  by  Law  m that  Behalf ; any  thing  herein  contained  to  the  contrary  thereof 

VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  and  every  fuch  Refiner  and  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  (hall  provide  Rr  finer.  to  pio. 

and  maintain  a proper  and  fecure  Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  or  (.oft,  or  Warehoufes,  Storchoufes  or  Lofts,  to  vide  W.rehowe. 
the  Satisfaction  of  the  Supervifor  of  Excife  in  whofe  Diftrift  it  or  they  may  be  fituated,  with  good  and  fuffi-  fo*,hen!^?  k 
cient  Locks  and  other  Fatlenings  thereto  refpeftively,  to  be  provided  by  fuch  Supervifor  at  the  Expencc  and  ,s. 

Charge  of  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  refpeftively.  into  which  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  or  Storchoufe  or  Excife  Lock.. 
Storelioufcs,  or  Loft  or  Lofts,  or  fome  or  one  of  them,  all  the  Rock  Salt  (hall,  immediately  after  the  Arrival  Such  Suit  10  hr 
or  Receipt  thereof  at  fuch  Refinery,  be  put  and  depofited  by  and  at  the  Expcnce  of  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners,  dejwfiied  at  the 
according  to  the  Directions  of  this  Aft  ; and  each  fuch  Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  or  Loft  refpeftively,  fiiall  be  R*P*n™  of  Re- 
locked up  and  fecurcd  by  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife  under  whofe  Survey  the  fame'fhall  from  time  to  time  n',,■ 

be,  except  at  fuch  time  or  times  only  as  fnch  Officer  (hall  be  attending  for  the  Purpofe  of  depofitiug  Rock 
Salt  therein,  or  for  weighing  or  taking  Accouut  of  the  Rock  Salt  therein,  or  delivering  Rock  Salt  from  or 
out  of  fuch refpeftive  Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  or  Loft ; and  if  any  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  (hall  negleft  or  Rennet  neglect  - 
refufe,  at  liis,  her  or  their  own  Expence,  to  provide  fuch  Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  nr  Loft,  or  Warehoufes,  mg  to  provide 
Storchoufes  or  Lofts  as  aforefaid,  or  to  pay  fuch  Supervifor  as  aforefaid,  upon. Demand,  for  any  Lock  or  Wuxliwift, or 
Locks,  Key  or  Keys,  or  other  Fattening  or  Faftcnings  thereon  or  thereto,  and  provided  by  fuch  Supervifor  Loclu  &e 
for  the  Security  thereof,  or  (hall  refufe  or  negleft  to  put  or  depofit  any  Rock  Salt,  immediately  after  the  At-  ’ 
rival  or  Receipt  thereof  at  any  fuch  Refinery,  in  one  or  more  of  fuch  Warehoufes,  Storchoufes  or  Lofts, 
according  to  the  Dircftions  of  this  Aft  ; or  if  any  Refiner  or  Refiners  or  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  (hall  da-  01  d»m»sm£ 
mage,  force  or  open,  or  caufe  to  be  damaged,  forced  or  opened,  any  fuch  Lock  or  Other  Fattening,  or  enter  Locks,  &c. 

n t0  l,C  en,cred  a“J  fuch  Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  or  Loft,  fave  at  fuch  time  and  times  as  arc  herein  for 
that  Purpofe  mentioned,  then  and  in  each  and  every  fuch  cafe  thy  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  other  Perfon  or  Pcr- 
lona  fo  offending,  (hall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds;  Penalty  root, 
provided  that  no  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  (hall  be  hindered  or  prevented  from  putting  any  Cargo  of  fuch  Salt  i'rovifo  for  pui- 
by  ltfelf  into  Steep  immediately  on  its  Arrival  anti  Receipt,  without  ivarehoufing  the  fame  as  afqrcfaid,  fuch  ■'"!  Salt  into 
^ H being  taken  Account  of  by  the  proper  Officer.  Steep. 

VI I I.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  when  and  fo  often  as  any  fnch  Refiner  or  Refiners  (hall  be  defirous  Rrfmi-n  10 give 
to  have  any  fuch  Rock  Salt  delivered  from  or  out  of  any  fuch  Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  or  Loft,  for  the  Purpofe  Notice  to  Ime 

1 °e,nJ*tF u*  ’nto  any  CHlrrn  or  other  Veffel  for  diffolving  the  fame  or  making  the  fame  into  Brine,  he,  (he  or 
they  (hall  give  Twelve  Hours'  previous  Notice  in  Writing  to  the  Officer  of  Excife  under  whofe  Survey  fuch  hoLll  Lr  ditTo'lrl 
Warehoufe,  Storchoufe  or  Loft  (hall  be,  of  his,  her  or  their  T mention  to  have  fuch  Rock  Salt  fo  delivered  j„,  j,no  Brine, 
or  c 1 urpofe  aforefaid,  fpecifying  in  Tuch  Notice  the  particular  Day  and  Hour  at  which  he,  lhe  or  they 
intends  or  intend  to  have  fuch  Rock  Salt  fo  delivered  for  the  Purpofe  aforefaid,  and  the  Quantity  of  fuen 

oc  a t o to  be  delivered,  not  being  lefs  than  Forty  Bufiiels  at  any  one  time  5 and  upon  fuch  Notice  being  officer  there- 
o given,  e proper  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  (hall  attend  at  the  time  mentioned  in  fuch  Notice,  and  open  upon  to  sutnd. 
ik*ii  - ®rc’°  , ' S?°reh°ulc  or  Loft,  and  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  (ball  thereupon  proceed  to  weigh,  and 
» uo  1 r -r"  7-l'^C",cc  nnd  Difpatch  weigh,  in  the  Prefence  of  fuch  Officer  or  Officers,  the  whole  of  the 
T 'ih.  ■ 1 'PPcl'>cd  in  fuch  Notice:  Provided  always  neverthclefs,  that  no  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  (hall  be  at  Node*  void  un- 

tv  y to  give  any  fuch  Notice  for  having  any  fuen  Rock  Salt  fo  delivered  at  any  other  time  than  between  the  W*  opening 
u ?“r*  , ,.'Slx  l’lc  Morning  and  Six  in  the  Afternoon  ; and  every  Notice  given  for  having  any  fucli  Rock  “*■ 

iween  .Lt  eiCreJ  anJ  9l?'U2ly  than  Forty  Bufhcls  at  one  time,  or  at  any  other  time  or  Hour  than  he-  Hours, 

, . f nHoursf  ra  t*lat  Behalf  aforefaid,  fhall  and  the  fame  is  hereby  declared  to  be  null  and  void  to  all  In-  *c. 
tents  and  Purpofes  whatfoever. 

further  enafted,  That  all  and  every  fuch  Refiner  and  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  fhall  depofit,  (lore  Refine.  .0  k«F 
of  anTLt  /",d  e*Cry  $arg.°  °r  9ua,nulV  of  Rock  Salt  received  at  one  time,  and  which  is  or  are  the  Subjcft  «ch  C„g0  o, 
a included  in  any  Bond  as  aforefaid , feparateand  apart  from  all  Rock  Salt  received  at  any  other  time  or 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University’ of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


and  aU'nfincd 
iUlt  made  from 
Rock  Salt  in- 
cluded In  one 
Bond,  feparate 
end  apart  from 
refined  Salt 
made  from  Rock 
Salt  included 
under  any  other 

Penalty  lCcL 

Refiners  not  to 
put  Rock  Salt, 
which  is  the 
Subjcit  of  one 
Bond,  into  Solu- 
tion with  Brine 
made  from  Rock 
Salt  which  Is  the 
Subjeft  of  an- 
other Bond,  or 
begin  to  dUTolee 
eny  Rock  Salt 
fuhft<|uently  re- 

cluded  in  difler- 
ent  Bonds,  nor 
mingle  Brines, 
until  the  Rock 
Sslt  before  re- 
ceived has  been 
wholly  refined. 

Penalty  look 

Refiners  of  Salt 
from  Sea  Water, 

Salt'dUlblvcd  in 

Sea  or  Salt 
Water,  (F.acep- 
tion)  to  provide 
and  keep  a Vef- 
fel  to  receive  the 
Brine,  &c.  and 
before  beginning 

enter  the  fame. 

aheting  VeCcls, 
Ac.  without 

charging  them 

Hour  from 

C.49.  57°  GEORGII  UI.  A.D.1817. 

times,  and  which  i»  or  are  the  Subject  or  Subjefts  of  and  included  in  another  or  different  Bond  or  Bonds;  and 
all  Refined  Salt  made  or  prepared  From  Rock  Salt,  delivered  or  received  at  his,  her  or  their  Refinery  at  the 
fame  time,  and  which  is  the' Subject  of  and  included  in  any  Bond,  feparate  and  apart  from  all  Refined  Salt 
made  or  prepared  from  Rock  Salt,  delivered  or  received  at  fuch  Refinery  at  another  time  or  times,  or  which 
is  or  are  the  Subject  or  Subjefts  of  and  inclndcd  in  another  or  different  Bond  or  Bfljnds  ; and  if  any  fuch  Re- 
finer or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  fhall  negleft  or  refttfe  to  depolit,  (tore  or  keep  all  Rock  Salt  received  at  one 
time,  and  which  is  the  Subjeft  of  and  included  in  one  Bond,  feparate  and  apart  from  all  Rock  Salt  received 
at  any  other  time  or  times,  or  which  may  be  the  Subjeft  of  and  included  in  another  Bond  or  other  Bonds  as 
aforefaid,  or  (hall  negleft  or  refufe  to  depofit,  ftore  or  keep  the  Refined  Salt  made  there fronvrefpedti vely  fe- 
parate and  apart  as  aforefaid,  every  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  fo  offending  lhall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence 
forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sunt  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 

X.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  fhall  put  any  Rock  Salt  by 
him,  her  or  them  received  at  the  fame  time,  and  which  is  the  Subjeft  of  and  included  in  any  Bond  as  aforefaid, 
into.any  Ciflern  or  other  Vcffel  which  fhall  at  that  time  contain  any  Brine  made  or  prepared  from  Rock  Salt 
received  by  him,  her  or  them  at  any  other  time  or  times,  or  which  is  or  arc  the  Subjeft  or  Subjefts  of  and  in- 
cluded in  any  other  Bond  or  Bonds ; or  fhall  diffolve  at  one  and  the  fame  time,  in  one  and  the  fame  Ciitern, 
Vcffel  or  Utenfil,  different  Quantities  of  Rock  Salt  received  at  his,  her  or  their  Refinery  at  different  times,  or 
which  are  the  Subjects  of  and  included  in  different  Bonds  as  aforefaid  ; or  (hall  mix  or  mingle  together  different 
Quantities  of  Brine  made  or  prepared  from  fuch  different  Quantities  of  Rock  Salt ; or  fhall  begin  to  run  into 
any  Boiling  Pan  any  Part  of  the  Brine  made  with  or  from  any  Part  of  the  Ruck  Salt  received  at  his,  her  or 
their  Refinery  at  a fubfequent  time,  and  which  is  the  Subject’ of  and  included  in  a fubfequeut  Bond,  until  the 
whole  Quantity  of  Rock  Salt  received  at  fuch  Refinery  at  any  prior  time,  and  which  is  the  Subject  of  and  in- 
cluded in  any  prior  Bond,  has  been  wholly  diffolved,  refined,  warchoiifed  and  taken  Account  of  by  the  proper 
Officer ; and  if  any  fuch  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  fhall  put  any  Rock  Salt  by  him,  her  or.them  re- 
ceived at  the  fame  time,  and  which  is  the  Subjeft  of  and  included  in  any  Bond  as  aforefaid,  into  any  Cittern  or 
other  Vcffel  which  fhall  at  any  time  contain  any  Brine  made  or  prepared  from  Rock  Salt  received  by  him,  her 
or  them  at  another  time  or  times,  or  wliich  is  or  are  the  Subjeft  or  Subjefts  of  and  included  in  any  other  Bond 
or  Bonds  as  aforefaid  ; or  fhall  diffolve  at  one  and  the  fame  time,  in  one  and  the  fame  Cittern,  Veffel  or  Uccn- 
fil,  different  Quantities  of  Rock  Salt  received  at  his,  her  or  their  Refinery  at  different  times,  and  which  arc 
the  Subjefts  of  and  included  in  different  Bonds  as  aforefaid  ; or  fhall  mix  or  mingle  together  different  Quanti- 
ties of  Brine  made  or  prepared  from  fuch  different  Quantities  of  Rock  Salt,  or  fhall  begin  to  run  into  any 
Baling  Pan  any  Part  of  tne  Rock  Salt  received  at  his,  her  or  their  Refinery  at  a fubfequent  lime,  and  which 
is  the  Subjeft  of  and  included  in  a fubfequent  Bond,  until  the  whole  Quantity  of  Rock  Salt  received  at  fuch 
Refinery  at  any  prior  time,  and  which  is  the  Subjeft  of  and  included  in  any  prior  Bond,  has  been  wholly  dif- 
folved,  refined,  warchoiifed  and  taken  Account  of  by  the  proper  Officer;  then  and  in  each, and  every  fuch 
cafe  the  Refiner  or  Refiners  fo  offending  fhall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  One 
hundred  Pounds. 

XI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Fifth  Day  of  January  One  tlioufand  eight  hundred 
and  eighteen,  all  and  e»ery  Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  and  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  from  Sen  Water, 
or  from  Rock  Salt  diffolved  in  Sea  Water,  or  any  Water  in  which  Salt  is  held  in  Solution,  or  any  Mixture 
therewith,  not  being  within  the  Counties  of  CheJIer  or  Laneajlcr  refpeftively,  or  tliat  Part  of  the  United 
Kingdom  called  Scotland,  fhall  have,  provide,  fix,  maintain  and  keep,  at  his,  her  cut  their  Salt  Work,  a Vat 
or  Vats,  or  other  Vcffel  or  Veffcls,  or  Refervoiror  Refervoirs,  to  the  Satisfaftion  orlhe  Supervifor  of  Excife 
of  the  Diftrift  in  wliich  fuch  Salt  Work  fhall  be  fituated,  for  the  Purpofe  of  receiving  the  Brine  or  other 
Preparation  wherewith  he,  flic  or  they  fhall  or  may  intend  to  charge  any  Pan  or  Boiler  for  any  Operation  of 
boiling  or  making  Salt,  and  (hall,  before  he,  (he  or  they  fhall  begin  to  make  any  Salt,  make  Entry  thereof 
in  Writing  with  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife,  as  the  Charging  Vcffel  or  Veffels,  Rcfcrvoir  or  Refervoirs,  of 
his,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler,  Pans  or  Boilers,  with  Brine  or  other  Preparation  for  making  Salt ; and  that 
if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  or  Refiner  or  Refiners,  fhall  refufe  or  negleft  to  provide,  fix,  maintain  or  keep 
fuch  Vat  or  Vats,  Vcffel  or  Veffels,  Rcfcrvoir  or  Refervoirs  as  aforefaid,  at  his,  her  or  their  Salt  Work,  or 
fhall  at  any  time  remove  or  alter  fuch  Vat  or  Vats,  Vcffel  or  Veffels,  Refcrvoir  or  Refervoirs,  or  change  the 
Pofition  thereof,  without  previous  Noyce  in  Writing  to  fuch  Supervifor  of  his,  her  or  their  Intention  fo  to  do, 
or  fhall  begin  to  make  Salt  at  his,  her  or  their  Salt  Work  before  he,  (he  or  they  fhall  have  made  Entry  thereof 
in  Writing  as  aforefaid  with  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife,  he,  fhc  or  they  (hall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence 
forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 

XII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Day  and  Year  latt  aforefaid,  all  and  every  fuch 
Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  and  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt  as  latt  aforefaid,  fhall,  at  leaf!  Six  Hours 
before  he,  fhe  or  they  fhall  begin  to  charge  any  Pan  or  Boiler  with  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  for 
boiling  or  making  Salt,  convey  and  put  fuch  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  into  fuch  Charging 
Vcffel  or  Veffels,  Refcrvoir  or  Refervoirs  as  aforefaid,  and  give  to  the  Officer  of  Excife  under  whole  Survey 
his,  her  or  their  Salt  Work  ffcill  be,  at  leall  Five  Hours’  Notice  in  Writing  of  his,  her  or  their  Intention  to 
charge  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler  from  fuch  Charging  Veffel  or  Veffels,  Refcrvoir  or  Refervoirs,  with  the  Sea 
Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  then  contained  in  fuch  Charging  Veffel  or  Veffels,  Refervoiror  Refervoirs, 
fpecifying  therein  the  particular  time  and  Hour  at  which  he,  fhe  or  they  intends  or  intend  to  charge  fuch 
Pan  or  Boiler;  and  if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  or  Refiner  or  Refiners,  fhall  not  begin  to  charge  his,  her 
or  their  Pan  or  Boiler  from  fuch  Charging  Vcffel  or  Veffels,  Rcfcrvoir  or  Refervoirs  as  aforefaid,  within  the 
Space  of  One  Flour  after  the  particular  time  fpecified  in  fuch  Notice  for  that  Purpofe,  then  fuch  Notice 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.i8i7*  57°  GEORGII  III.  C. 49. 

(hall  lie  void,  and  every  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  and  Refiner  or  Refiners,  fliall  give  a frclh  and  like  Notice  c 
before  lie,  (he  or  they  (hall  begin  to  charge  his,  her  or  their  Pan  or  Boiler  as  aforefaid  ; and  in  cafe  fuch  Maker  * 
or  Makers,  or  Refiner  or  Refiners  fliall  negleft  or  refute  fo  to  convey  and  put  fuch  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  1 
other  Preparations  as  aforefaid  into  fuch  Charging  Vefiel  or  Veflels,  Refervoir  or  Refcrvoirs  at  l'uch  time  as  1 
aforefaid,  or  to  give  any  fuch  Notice  as  aforefaid  ; or  having  given  a Notice  which  fliall  become  void  as  afore- 
faid,  Anil  ncglcA  or  refufe  to  give  a frefli  and  like  Notice  ; or  if  he,  (he  or  they  (hall,  after  having  conveyed  j 
and  put  fuch  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparations  into  his,  or  their  Charging  VefTcl  or  Veflels,  Refcrvoir  C 
or  Refcrvoirs  as  aforefaid,  and  given  fuch  Notice  as  is  in  that  Behalf  before  mentioned,  remove  or  conceal  any  > 
Part  thereof,  or  run  or  convey  any  Part  thereof  into  any  Pan  or  Eoiler  before  the  proper  Officer  (hall  have  ' 
taken  an  Account  of  the  Quantitv'and  Quality  or  Strength  thereof  as  hereinafter  mentioned;  or  if  after  fuch  J 
Officer  (hall  have  taken  fuch  Account  thereof,  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  fliall  put  into 
fuch  Charging  VefTcl  or  VefTels,  Refcrvoir  or  Refcrvoirs,  any  Salt,  Rock  Salt  or  other  Material  by  which 
fuch  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  therein  may  be  Urengtheued  or  altered  in  Quality,  or  fliall  add 
to  the  fame,  or  remove  any  Part  thereof  otherwife  than  by  charging  fuch  Pan  or  Boiler  therewith  at  the  time  1 
fpccificd  in  fuch  Notice,  or  (hall  put  into  or  charge  any  Pan  or  Boiler  with  any  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other 
Preparation  for  making  Salt,  other  than  fnch  as  (hall  have  been  taken  an  Account  of  by  the  Officer  ill  fuch 
Cliarging  VefTcl  or  Velfels,  Refervoir  or  Refervoirs  as  aforefaid,  lie,  flic  or  they  (halt  for  each  and  every  fuch 
Offence  forfeit  and  lofc  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds.  I 

XIII.  Aral  be  it  further  eroded,  That  from  and  after  the  Day  and  Year  lafl  aforefaid,  the  Officer  or  C 
Officers  of  Excite  (hall  be  and  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered,  as  foon  ns  any  fuch  Charging  1 
VefTcl  or  Refcrvoir  a*  aforefaid  fliall  be  entered  by  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  or  Refiner  or  Refiners  as  * 
aforefaid,  to  guage  and  meafure  the  fame,  and  accurately  afeertain  the  Content  or  Capacity  thereof,  and  (hall  r 
and  may  at  all  time  and  times  examine  the  Fluid  or  Fluids  or  other  Materials  put  into  or  found  in  any  fuch  { 
VeiTcl  or  Refervoir,  and  make  Trial  by  a certain  Inllrument  or  Hydrometer  called  Harvey'}  Hydrometer  of  1 
the  Strength  of  any  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  that  may  be  found  or  contained  therein,  and  take  (- 
a Sample  or  Samples  thereof  for  that  Purpofc,  not  exceeding  Half  a Gallon ; and  that  when  and  fo  often  as  | 
nay  fuch  Notice  fliall  be  given  by  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  or  Refiner  or  Refiners,  to  charge  bis,  her  or  their 
Pan  or  Boiler  from  fuch  VefTel  or  Refcrvoir  as  aforefaid,  fuch  Officer  or  Officers  (hall  and  may  take  an  Ac- 
count of  the  Quantity  of  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  for  making  Salt  contained  in  fuch  Charging 
VefTel  or  Refervoir,  and  make  Trial  by  fuch  Inflrumcnt  as  aforefaid  of  the  Strength  of  fuch  Sea  Water, 
Brine  or  other  Preparation  therein  ; and  if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  other  Perfon  ( 

or  Pcrfons,  fhall  obftruct  or  hinder  any  Officer  or  Officers  in  gauging  any  fuch  VefTel  or  Refervoir,  or  in  < 
taking  fuch  Account  as  aforefaid,  or  ufe  any  Art,  Means  or  Contrivance  by  which  any  Officer  or  Officers 
fliall  be  hindered,  obftructed  or  prevented  in  afeertaining  and  taking  a true  Gauge  of  any  fuch  VefTel  or  Re- 

fervoir, or  a true  Account  of  the  Quantity  of  Sea  Water,  Brine  or  other  Preparation  which  may  at  any 
time  be  contained  in  any  fuch  Charging  VefTcl  or  Refervoir,  or  in  afeertaining  by  Trial  the  true  Strength 
thereof  as  denoted  by  fuch  Hydrometer  as  aforefaid,  he,  fhe  or  they  (hall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  P 
forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Two  hundred  Pounds. 

XIV.  And  be  it  further  euafted,  That  all  ami  every  Dealer  in,  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt,  fhall  make  En-  S 
try  at  the  neared  Office  of  Excife  of  his,  her  or  their  Warehoufe,  Storehuufe,  Cellar,  Shop  or  other  Place  m 
or  Places  in  which  lie,  (he  or  they  fliall  (lore,  depnlit  or  keep  fuch  Salt,  and  fliall  upon  Demand  receive  from  g' 
tlic  proper  Officer  of  Excife  a Book  or  Bonks,  to  be  prepared  witli  proper  printed  Forms  and  Titles  for  the  -j 
Purpofes  hereinafter  mentioned,  and  kept  by  every  fucli  Dealer  in,  Retailer  and  Seller  of  Salt,  in  fome  public  (a 
and  open  Part  of  bis,  her  or  their  entered  Prcmifes;  and  that  from  and  after  the  Tenth  Day  of  Odober  One  ei 
thnufaud  eight  hundred  and  fevcntccn,  no  Salt  exceeding  Two  Bofhcls  at  any  one  time  (hall  be  fold,  fent  out  11 
or  delivered  by  any  fuch  Dealer  in,  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt,  to  any  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  whatfoever,  without  01 
being  accompanied  by  a Certificate  filled  up  and  cut  out  progrcffivcly  from  the  printed  Forms  of  fuch  Ccr- 
tifi cates  contained  in  fuch  Book  as  aforefaid,  figned  by  fuch  Dealer  m,  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt,  felling, 
fending  out  or  delivering  the  fame,  or  fome  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  on  his,  her  or  their  Behalf,  certifying  the  Date 
thereof,  the  Quantity  of  fuch  Salt  to  whom  fold,  from  whofc  Stock  delivered,  and  that  the  Duty  has  been 
paid  or  fccurcd  to  be  paid  thereon  ; and  that  the  Dealer  in,  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt,  felling,  fending  out  or 
delivering  any  Salt  exceeding  Two  Bufliels  as  aforefaid,  (hall  at  the  fame  yme  make  a corrclpondcnt 
Entry  thereof,  containing  the  lame  Particulars,  in  fuch  Book  as  aforefaid ; and  that  fuch  Book  with 
fuch  Eiitries  lo  made  therein  as  aforefaid  fliall  at  all  times  lie  open  and  expofed  ill  the  entered  Prcmifes  J1 
of  fuch  Dealer  in.  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt  as  aforefaid,  to  the  Peru  fill  of  any  Officer  or  Officers  of 
Exciftf,  and  (hall  be  delivered  by  fucli  Dealer  in.  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt  as  aforefaid,  to  any  Officer  or  "■ 
Officers  of  Excifc  upon  Demand  ; and  if  any  Dealer  in.  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt  fliall  refufe  or  neglcd  [ 
to  make  fuch  Entry  as  aforefaid  of  alibis,  her  or  their  Warehoufes,  Sturehoufes,  Cellars,  Shops  and  other  in 
Places  for  Storing  or  keeping  Salt,  or  (hall  at  any  time  obllruct  or  hinder  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  E 
from  entering  therein,  or  infpc&ing,  furveving,  weighing,  or  taking  an  Account  of  his,  her  or  their  Stock 
of  Salt,  or  (hall  conceal  any  Part  of  fuch  Salt  from  the  Sight  or  View  of  the  Officer  or  Officers,  or  (hall 
fell,  fend  out,  or  deliver  any  Quantity  of  Salt  exceeding  Two  Bufliels  at  any  one  time  unaccompanied  by 
fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid,  or  making  fuch  Entry  in  fuch  Book  as  aforefaid,  or  fliall  convey  away  or  con- 
ceal any  fuch  Book  as  aforefaid,  or  cancel,  obliterate,  deflroy  or  tear  out  any  Leaf  or  Leaves  therefrom,  or 
Entry  or  Entries  therein,  or  (hall  make  any  falfe  Entry  or  Entries  therein,  or  (hall  oppofe,  moled,  obftruft 
or  hinder  any  Officer  or  Officers'  of  Exrifc  in  infpcfling  any  fuch  Book  or  Books,  or  any  fucli  Entry  or 
Entries  therein  as  aforefaid,  or  fliall  at  any  time  neglcft  or  refufe  when  required,  to  give  up  to  any  Officer  or 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 




AD.  1817. 

Officers  fuch  Book  or  Books  as  aforefcud,  all  and  every  fuch  Dealer  in.  Retailer  or  Sellsr  of  Salt,  fo  offend - 
Peiulty  100I.  ing,  (hall  for  every  fuch  Offence  feverally  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Two  hundred  Pouuda  ^ and  all  Salt  ex- 
S»lt  removing  c ceding  Two  BulhcU,  removing  or  removed  without  being  accompanied  by  fuch  Certificate  at  aforefaid,  and 
wiihaui  CertlC-  -Jl  Salt  found  in  the  Poffelfion  of  any  Dealer  in,  or  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt,  or  in  any  unentered  Ware- 
"j  p”f!kv<*V  lioufe,  Storehoufe,  Cellar,  Shop  or  other  Place  of  any  Dealer  in,  or  Retailer  or  Seller  of  Salt,  (hall  be 
cn  * ° forfeited,  and  fhall  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife,  and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  re- 
moving, carrying  or  conveying  the  fame,  nr  aiding  or  affiffing  therein,  or  in  whofe  Cuilody  the  fame  lhall  be 
found,  (hall  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds. 

i.onlcil  C»r-  XV.  And  be  it  further  euafted,  That  when  and  fo  often  as  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall  he  weighed  or  de- 
riage*  10  be  re-  livered  from  any  Salt  Mine,  Salt  Work,  Warehoufe,  Storehoufe  or  othe?  Place,  from  which  it  ts  to  be  rc- 
mu'eJ  from  Salt  moved,  accompanied  by  any  Permit  or  Permits,  the  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  fnch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fhall 
not  "to  return*"11  cau^e  l^e  Veffel  or  Carriage  into  which  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall  be  put  or  delivered  to  be  immediately 
again.  drawn  off  and  removed  with  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  from  fuch  Premifes,  to  the  Diffance  of  at  leaft  One  hun- 

dred Yards  from  any  other  Salt  Work,  Warehoufe  or  Storehoufe,  and  not  again  to  return  thereto  with  fuch 
Uarhagti  nut  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  or  any  Part  thereof  on  board  ; and  if  the  whole  Quantity  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  intended 

having  received  to  be  put  into  fuch  Veffel  or  Carriage,  lhall  not  be  delivered  therein  within  the  Hours  allowed  by  Law  for 

'in*  oberemov-  ^cmova^  u*"  Salt  from  any  Warehoufe,  the  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall,  at 

«?aj  herein  ” Expiration  of  fuch  lawful  Hours,  caufe  fucli  Veffel  or  Carriage  foin  Part  loaded  to  he  drawn  off  and  re- 

mentioned.  moved,  with  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  therein,  to  fuch  DilVance  as  aforefaid,  and  to  continue  and  remain  fo  re- 
moved to  fuch  Diftaucc  as  aforefaid  until  the  Commencement  of  fuch  lawful  Hours  on  the  following  Morning, 
Paulrv.  upon  Pain  of  forfeiting  all  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fo  delivered  as  aforefaid,  and  Double  the  Amount  of  the 

Duties  thereon  ; and  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  : 
l’rovao  for  Li-  Provided  always,  that  if  at  any  time  it  lhall  be  made  to  appear,  to  the  Satisfaction  of  the  Commifftoncrsof  Ex- 
from  cife,  that  from  the  peculiar  Situation  or  Conflruftion  of  any  fuch  Salt  Mine,  Salt  Work,  Warehoufe,  Store 
jJciivcMJah!  koufe  or  other  Place,  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  can  be  delivered  therefrom,  with  fufficicnt  Security  to  the  Rr. 

venue  arifing  from  the  Duties  upon  Salt,  without  any  fuch  Removal  as  aforefaid,  it  lhall  and  may  be 

lawful  to  and  for  fuch  CommiffioncrB  to  grant  their  Leave  and  Licence  for  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  to  be  de- 
livered therefrom  without  any  fuch  Removal  as  aforefaid,  upon  fuch  Conditions  as  they  may  in  that  Belylt 

1 nr  XVI.  And  be  it  furth?r  enacted,  Tliat  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  Rock  Salt  to  be  removed  in  any 
Flat,  Barge,  Boat,  or  other  Veffel,  or  in  any  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  in  which  any  Salt  fhall  be  put 
or  laid,  except  as  hereinafter  mentioned  ; Provided  always,  that  no  Crulhcd  Rock  Salt  or  C'rufhed  Salt,  com- 
monly called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Dcfcription  of  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  deli- 
vered  Duty  free  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Filheries,  lhall  after  the  Month  of  rlpri!  in  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  eighteen,  he  removed  in  any  Fla:,  Barge,  Boat  or  other  Veffel,  or  in  any  Waggon,  Cart  or  other 
Carriage,  in  which  any  Salt  of  any  other  Dcfcription,  or  uncrulhed  Rock  Salt,  lhall  be  put  or  laid  } and  that 
no  White  Salt  delivered  Duty  free  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Filheries  (hall  be  removed  in  any  Flat,  Barge,  Boat  or 
other  Veffel,  or  in  any  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  in  which  any  Salt  for  any  other  Purpofe,  after  the 
Month  and  Year  lall  aforefaid,  or  of  any  other  Dcfcription,  or  Rod;  Salt  fhall  be  put  or  laid  [ and  that  no 
Salt  delivered  Duty  freeMbr  any  Purpofe  whatfoever  fhall  be  removed  in  any  Flat,  Barge,  Boat  or  other  Veffel, 
or  in  any  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  in  which  any  Salt  Duty  paid  for  Home  Confumption  (hall  be  put 
l’snakv.  or  laid,  on  Pain  of  forfeiting  all  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt"  fo  found  removing  contrary  to  the  Directions  of  this 

Act ; and  the  lame,  together  with  the  Package  containing  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpeftively,  and  the 
Boat,  Barge  or  other  Veffel  containing  the  fame,  (hall  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  the  Cuf- 
toms  or  Excife. 

Requefl  Note,,  XVII.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  die  Roque (l  Note  to  be  made  and  delivered  according  to  die  Di- 
Pcrmiu  and  reftions  of  the  faid  Aft,  for  a Permit  for  the  Removal  of  any  Salt  or  Crulhcd  Rock  Salt  for  the  Ufe  of  die 

^ Fifheries,  'n  nddition  to  the  Particulars  required  by  the  faid  Aft  of  the  Thirty-eighth  Year  aforefaid, 

Defcriptiont  and  fpecify  whether  the  lame  be  White  Salt,  or  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  commonly  called  or 
Quantities  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription  of  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhcd  Rock  Salt,  and  the  Weight  or  Quality 

Weight!  uf  Salt,  and  Condition  of  each  refpeftively  ; and  all  and  every  Permit  to  be  granted,  and  Bond  to  be  given,  for  the 

ill  addition  10  Removal  of  any  Salt  or  Cruffied  Rock  Salt  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Fiflienea,  lhall,  in  addidon  to  die  Particulars 

quutd  kV*  ” required  by  the  faid  Adi,  exprefs  the  Quantity  or  Weight  of  White  Salt,  or  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or 

38  <3. 3.  v.  89.  Crulhed  Salt,  commonly  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Dcfcripliun  of  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crufhcd 
Rock  Salt,  to  be  removed  or  fent  away ; and  if  any  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crufhcd  Salt,  commonly 
called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Dcfcription  of  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crufhcd  Rock  Salt  be  removed  or 
fent  away  without  I uch  Requell  Note  and  Permit  refpeftively,  fpecifying  fuch  Particulars  as  aforefaid,  the 
fame  lhall  be  forfeited,  and  lhall  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife. 

38G.3.C.89.  ‘ 507111.  And  Whereas  by  the  faid  Aft,  made  111  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of, the  Reign  of  His  prefent 

583.  * Majefty,  all  and  every  Mailer  or  Commander  of  any  Ship  or  Veffel,  in  or  on  hoard  of  which  any  Salt  or 

' Rock  Salt  lhall  be  carried  or  tranfported  or  conveyed  from  One  Port  or  Place  in  Great  Britain  to  another 

• Part  thereof,  fhall,  before  he  fhall  begin  to  unlhip  or  land  any  Part  of  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  in  or  on  board 

4 of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  produce  to  and  leave  with  tlic  proper  Officer  of  Excife  who  fhall  be  appointed  or 

* employed  to  receive  the  fame,  a true  and  authentic  Permit,  or  true  and  authentic  Permits,  for  Inch  Sak  or 

4 Rock  Salt,  and  (hall  make  Oath  before  fuch  proper  Officer  of  Excife,  that  to  the  bell  of  Ilia  Knowledge 
4 and  Belief  no  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  hath  been  laid  on  board  of,  or  put  or  taken  into  his  Ship  or  Veffel  lince 
4 fhc  departed  or  failed  from  the  Port  or  Place  at  which  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  mentioned  tn  fuch  Permit  or 

* Permits 

nut  be  trinowd 
111  tile  1.1  me  Vd- 
fel  or  Carriage 
-iili  Rock  Salt, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University’  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


A.D.  18 1 7.  57*  GE0RGI1  III.  C. 49. 

« Permits  wa3  (hipped,  and  that  he  verily  believes  no  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  whatfoever  hath  been  laid  an  board, 

* or  put  or  taken  into  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  fare  and  except  fuch  as  is  mentioned  and  fpecified  in  the  Permit  or 
< Permits,  then  and  at  tile  time  of  making  fuch  Oath  produced  to  and  left  with  fuch  Officer  as  aforefaid ; MjJu  nr  Com. 

* which  Oath  lias  been  found  infufficient  for  the  guod  Purpofes  thereby  intended  Be  it  further  ena&cd,  monger  of  Vtf- 

That  all  .md  every  fuch  Matter  or  Commander  Hull  in  every  fuch  cafe  as  nforefaid,  before  he  fhall  begin  to  f,l»  Wort  Isnd- 
unfhip,  land  or  tranlhip  any  Part  of  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  in  or  on  hoard  of  any  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  make  j™  lo 
further  Oath. before  fuch  Officer  of  Excife  as  aforefaid  (which  Oath  fuch  Officer  is  hereby  authorized  and  p^ttfjucb 
empowered  to  adminl&er),  that  to  the  bed  of  his  Knowledge  and  Belief  no  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  (hipped  or  Salt  has  bee* 
taken  t»l\  board  of  fuch  Ship  or  VefTel  has  been  uufftipped,  tranlhipped,  removed,  or  taken  out  of  fuch  Ship  or  removed  n» 
Veffel,  from  the  time  fuch  Salt  ocRock  Salt  or  any  Part  thereof,  was  taken  on  board  of  fuch  Ship  or  Veffel,  *“***"  °“* 
except  fo  much  as  has  been  delivered  under  Permit  lirft  given  by  fomc  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife,  and  in  his  jurln,'|h'  yoy. 

Prefencc,  or  except  iu  cafe  of  forac  inevitable  Accident  or  Neccffity,  to  be  dated  by  fuch  Matter  or  Com-  y' 

mander  in  fuch  Oatli ; and  that  no  Water  or  other  Liquid  or  Material  has  been  put  or  thrown  into  or  amongft  IUception. 

the  Salt  in  fuch  Veffel,  or  any  Pari  thereof  j and  if  any  fuch  Matter  or  Commander  (hall  refufe  or  neglect  to  Ne&Iefiiag,& 
make  fuch  further  Oath  as  aforeiaid.  or  (hall  p-u  or  caufe  or  fuffer  to  be  put  any  Water  or  other  Liquid  or  "like  fuel.  Owl., 
Material  into  or.amonett  any  fuch  Salt,  he  (hull  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds.  Penalty  jot. 

XIX.  And  be  it  further  enaited,  That  if  there  (hull  he  delivered  out  of  any  Ship,  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  VrflUi  deTnu- 

olher  Veffel  ufed  or  employed  for  carrying  or  removing  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  delivered  Duty  free  on  her  Ar-  **“? 

rival  at  the  Place  of  her  Dcftinalion,  a left  Quantity  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  than  was  refpedively  loaded  on  JjfneffofsSt 
board  thereof  for  any  fuch  Removal  as  aforefaid,  the  Matter  or  other  Pcrfou  commanding  fuch  Ship,  Flat,  i0  ho  deuin«l 
Boat,  Barg  or  other  Veffel,  (hall  forthwith  pay  to  the  neared  Colledor  of  Excife  the  full  Amount  of  the  until  Duty  be 
Duty  of  Fifteen  Shilling*  for  every  Bulhel  of  die  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpedively  fo  deficient,  and  fo  in  proper-  pidupao  th* 
lion  for  any  lef»  Quantity  ; and  fuch  Slop,  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  other  Veffel  (hall  and  may  be  feized  aud  de-  Deficiency, »irl 
lained  by  any  Officer  of  Cuttoma  or  Excife  in  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  until  the  D-uine?.  ° 
fame  (hall  be  paid,  and  alfo  all  Expenfes  attending  or  occaiioncd  by  fuch  Seizure  and  Detention:  Provided  Pravifo  for  t«r- 
always,  that  no  fuch  Duty  (hall  he  demanded  or  paid,  or  any  fuch  Detention  be  made  for  any  Quantity  of  win  rafts  in 
Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fo  deficient  as  aforefaid,  in  cafes  entitled  to  Relief  under  the  Provifions  of  this  Aft  ; and  yhieh  furh  Duty 
provided  that  no  fuch  Detention  (hall  be  made  of  any  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  other  Veffel  removing  Salt  or  Rock 

Salt  from  the  Salt  Mines  or  Salt  Works  in  the  Counties  of  Cbejler  or  LancaJIcr  to  Liverpool. 

XX.  And  be  it  further  cna^cd,  That  in  all  cafes  where  any  Salt  or  Ruck  Salt  (hall  or  may  be  (hipped  Where  Salt 

without  Payment  of  Duty,  upon  Bond,  to  be  removed  or  carried  Coaftwife,  or  from  Great  Britain  to  Ireland , lhl(PI’'J  Coaft- 
or  the  Iflands  of  Gucrnfcj,  Jer/ey,  Sari,  sl/derney  or  Man,  which  Bonds,  by  the  Laws  now  in  force,  are  re-  certii 
fpeftively  lo  be  difeharged  upon  the  Production  of  a Certificate  from  the  proper  Officer  or  Officers  at  the  Port  catcs  for  Dif- 
or  Place  to  which  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  frnt  or  removed,  of  thedue  Delivery  of  Receipt  and  weigh-  charge  of  Bonds 
ing  out  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  according  to  the  Condition  of  each  fuch  Bond  refpedively,  a Duplicate  of  «°  be triofoihieil 
fuch  Certificate  (hall  be,  immediately  on  the  Delivery  or  Receipt  and  weighing  out  or  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  tj> 

tranfmitted  by  Pott  by  the  Officer  or  Officers  who  is  or  arc  by  Law  lo  grant  the  fame  to  the  Officer  with  WMti 

whom  fuch  rcfprdive  Bond  is  lodged,  and  who  is  authorized  to  difeharge  and  cancel  fuch  Bond,  and  fuch  „|10m  Bond 
Officer  or  Officers,  upon  the  Receipt  of  fuch  Duplicate  Certificate,  and  upon  Payment  to  him  by  the  Obligor  ludged;  who 

or  Obligor*  of  fuch  Bond,  his,  her  or  their  Agent,  of  all  Ex  pen  fe*  of  Pottages,  nr  otherwife  occafioncd  upon iReedjr  ef 
thereby,  (hall  difeharge  and  cancel  fnch  Bond  : Provided  always,  t lint  fuch  Bono  (fall  not  be  cancelled  unlef#  Sjjj1.”  p!!- 
the  Certificate  fo  received  be  for  the  whole  Quantity  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  for  which  fuch  Bond  lhall  have 
been  given,  but  fuch  Certificate  (hall  be  taken  and  received  for  fo  much  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  only  as  (hall  be  » t0 cancel  fu'i 
therein  refpedively  expreffed  in  Words  at  Length  to  have  been  delivered,  received  and  woighed  out  according  Bond, 
to  the  Condition  of  fuch  Bond.  Provifo. 

■ XXL  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  repeal  the  fevcral  Duties  of  Cuftoms  irapofed  on  Foreign  Salt  im- 

* ported  into  Great  Britain  by  any  Law  or  Laws  now  in  force,  aud  to  impofe  other  Duties  of  Excife  in  lieu 

‘ thereof;’  Be  it  therefore  winded,  That  all  and  every  fuch  Duty  and  Duties  of  Cuttoms  impofed  on  Foreign  Duties  on  Fo- 
Salt  imported  into  Great  Britain,  by  any  Aft  or  Ads  in  force  at  or  immediately  before  the  puffing  of  this  «•»>>  Silt  iro- 
Act,  lhall  be  and  the  fame  is  and  are  hereby  repealed,  (fave  and  Except  in  all  cafes  relating  to  the  recovering,  (wited,  repedc  . 
allowing  or  paying  any  Arrears  thereof  refpedively  which  mar  at  that  time  remain  unpaid,  or  to  any  Fine,  Pe- 
nally, or  Forfeiture,  Fines,  Penalties  or  Forfeitures  relating  thereto  refpedively,  which  (lull  have  been  incurred 
at  any  time  before  or  at  the  palling  of  this  Ad. 

* ^nd  Whereas  it  is  ennded  by  the  f aid  Ad,  made  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  His  prefent  :8  G.  5.  1.  ?J. 

* Majelty’s  Reign,  that  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  any  known  Fi(h  Curer  or  Fi(h  Curcrs  to  import  5 to. 

* and  Iqpge  in  hs,  her  or  tltcir  entered  Warehouses,  free  of  the  Duty  by  that  Ad  impofed  for  or  in  refped 

* 1 t a"^  ^0r  ®*le  Pnrpofe  of  curing  and  prefervmg  Fi(h,  any  Quantity  of  Foreign  Salt,  not 

lefs  than  Fifty  Buffiels  at  one  time,  upon  the  Terms  and  Conditions,  and  under,  fuhjed  and  according  to 

‘ the  fevcral  Rules,  Regulations,  Reitridions  and  Provifions  thereinafter  provided  and  rftablifiied  for  or  in 

* refped  of  Britifb  Salt,  lent  or  delivered  to  Filh  Curers  free  of  Duty,  for  the  Purpofeof  curing  aud  preferv- 
‘ ing  Filh  ; provided  that  fuch  Foreign  Salt  fo  to  be  employed  and  confumed  in  curing  and  preferring  Fifli 

fliould  be  duly  and  fairly  entered  with  the  proper  Colledor  of  Excife  upon  the  Importation  thereof,  and 

* weighed  and  traufliippcd,  or  weighed  and  landed  and  warehoufed,  a*  the  cafe  may  require,  in  the  Prefence 
an“  the  Concurrence  of  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife  at  the  Port  of  Importation  : And  whereas  it  is 

t cxPedient  that  Foreign  Salt  fo  imported  for  the  foie  Purpofe  of  curing  and  preserving  Fifh  (hould  be  fubjed 
lo.  * ’Wall  Duty  of  Excife  to  be  paid  and  payable  for  the  fame  in  lieu  of  the  Cuttoms  Duties  hereby  repeal-  Foxeiga  £tli  iiu- 

* sd,  and  which  have  heretofore  been  payable  and  paid  for  the  fame  Be  it  therefore  enaded,  That  from  and  joitcd  for  ihc 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


57°  GEORGII  m. 

A.D.  1 8 r 7. 

Bulhel  Exci 

Such  Foreij 
Salt  to  be  in 
potted  fubje/t 

x far  Clift 
made  m G.  B. 


tale  Purport  cf  after  the  palling  of  this  Aft,  in  lien  and  inftcad  of  the  Duties  of  Cuftoms  by  this  Aft  repealed,  there  (hall  be 
curing  Pith,  to  raifed,  levied,  collected  and  paid,  unto  His  Majcfty,  His  Heirs  and  Succeffors,  the  Rate  and  Duty  of  Excife 

'*  ""  hereinafter  mentioned  j that  is  to  fay,  for  every  Bulhel  of  Foreign  Salt  of  Fifty  fix  Pounds  Weight  which 

(hall  be  imported  from  beyond  the  Seas  into  Great  Britain , for  the  foie  Purpofe  of  curing  and  preferving  Filh, 
Three  pence  to  be  paid  by  the  Importer  before  the  landing  thereof : Provided  always,  that  all  fuch  loreign 
Salt  (hall  be  imported,  warehoufed,  ufed,  applied  and  accounted  for  upon  the  fcveral  Terms  and  Conditions, 
and  under  and  fubjett  to  the  feveral  Rules,  Regulations,  Rcllriftions  and  Provifions  hereinbefore  recited,  and 
nritNdl<liRe  as  ma>'  *>e  provided  and  cftabliflted  by  Law,  for  or  in  refpeft  of  White  Salt  fent  or  delivered  to  or  for 

the  Ufe  of  Fi(h  Curers,  free  of  Duty,  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  and  preferving  Filh. 

* XXIII.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  Duties  and  Drawbacks  of  Excifc  now  payable  in  refpeft 
‘ of  Mineral  Alkali,  or  Flux  for  Glafs  made  in  Great  Britain,  (hould  be  repealed,  and  that  another  Duty  of 
Dutiesand  « Excife  (hould  be  impofed  in  refpeft  thereof;’  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Fifth  Day 
Dr»»back,  of  cf  Ju/y  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  fcvcntcon,  the  feveral  Duties  of  Excifc  now  payable  by  Law  in 
ral  AUraU  or  '"*"  re*Pe<^  °f  Mineral  Alkali  or  Flux  for  Glafs  made  in  Great  Britain  (hall  ceafe  and  detennine,  and  be  no  longer 
paid  or  payable,  fave  and  except  in  all  cafes  relating  to  the  recovering,  allowing  or  paying  any  Arrears  thereof 
refpeftively  which  may  at  that  time  remain  unpaid,  or  to  any  Fine,  Penalty  or  Forfeiture,  Fines,  Penalties  or 
Forfeitures  relating  thereto  refpeftively,  which  (hall  have  been  incurred  at  any  time  before  or  oti  the  faid  Fifth 
Day  of  July  One  thouiand  eight  hundred  aud  feventeen. 

-md  infltad  of  XXIV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  mid  after  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight 
the  laid  Dutiet,  hundred  and  fevemeen,  in  lieu  and  in  (lead  of  the  Duties  on  Mineral  Alkali  or  Flux  for  Glafs  by  this  Aft 
• Duty  of  3c,  repealed,  there  (hall  be  raifed,  levied,  collected  and  paid,  unto  His  Majelly,  His  Heirs  and  Succeffors,  the 
pet  on.  Rate  and  Duty  of  Excife  hereinafter  mentioned ; that  is  to  fay,  for  every  Ton  of  all  Mineral  Alkali  called  Soda, 
or  by  whatever  other  Name  or  Name?  the  fame  is  or  hereafter  may  be  known  or  called,  made  in  Great  Bri- 
tain, or  made  in  Ireland,  and  imported  from  thence  into  Great  Britain,  from  whatever  Materials  or  Ingredients 
the  fame  may  be  made  or  extracted.  Thirty  Shillings. 

SuWUneetde-  . XXV.  And  for  avoiding  Difputes  as  to  what  Subftances  (hall  be  liable  to  fuch  Duty,  be  it  further  enafted, 
t'.iibed  liable  to  That  the  faid  Duty  (hall  attach  and  be  paid  upon  all  fuch  Alkali  as  aforefaid,  and  upon  all  Subflanccs,  Matc- 
■lie  Allcall  Duty;  rja]3  an(]  Preparations  containing  fuch  Alkali,  and  which  are  or  (hall  be  employed  or  made  for  ufe  in  any 
Manufacture  or  Manufactures  for  or  on  account  of  any  Alkali  therein  contained  : Provided  always,  that  all 
Black  Allies  or  Materials  made  at  any  entered  Alkali  Work,  and  ufed  by  or  fold  or  delivered  to  any  Soap 
Maker  for  making  Soap,  and  containing  not  more  than  Ten  per  Centum  of  fuch  Alkali,  to  be  afeertained  by 
If  (old,  fcc.  an  average  Sample  taken  for  that  Purpofe  by  the  Surveying  Officer;  may  be  fo  ufed  or  fold  or  delivered  at  or 

front  entered  from  fuch  entered  Works,  without  Payment  of  the  Duty  hereby  impofrd ; and  that  if  any  fuch  Alhes  or 

Works  without  Materials  lhall  be  fo  ufed,  fold  or  delivered  without  Payment  of  Duty,  which  (hail  contain  more  than  Ten  per 
Duty°*c°  Centum  of  fuch  Alkali,  all  fuch  Materials  (hall  be  forfeited,  and  (hall  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or 

aeituretmd  Officers  of  Excife,  and  the  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  removing,  uftng,  felling,  or  delivering  the  fame  (hall  forfeit  and 

Penalty  took  lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 

•Alkali  Makeu  XXVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  and  every  Pcrfon  and  Perfons,  before  he,  flic  or  they  (hall  pre- 
10  make  Entry  fume  to  begin  to  make  or  manufacture  any  Mineral  Alkali,  commonly  called  or  dillinguiflied  or  known  by  the 
of  their  Wurkr.  Defcriplion  of  Soda,  or  any  Subllancc,  Material  or  Preparation  containing  fuch  Alkali,  and  which  are  or 
(hall  be  employed  or  made  for  Ufe  in  any  Manufacture  or  Manufactures  for  or  on  account  of  any  Alkali 
therein  contained,  (hall  from  time  to  time  make  true  and  particular  Entry  in  Writing  of  every  Workhoufe, 
Warehoufe,  Storehoufe,  Room  and  other  Place,  and  alfo  of  every  Utenfil  and  Veffel  by  him,  her  or  them 
refpeftively  intended  to  be  made  ufe  of  in  or  for  the  making  or  keeping  of  fuch  Alkali,  or  any  Materials  pro- 

Cr  to  be  made  into  fuch  Alkali,  at  the  Office  of  Excife  within  the  Compafs  or  Limits  whereof  fuch  Work- 
ufe,  Warehoufe,  Storehoufe,  Room,  and  other  Place  refpeftively  lhall  be  fituate;  and  if  any  fuch  Pcrfon 
and  Forfeiture  or  Perfons  (hall  begin  to  make  any  fuch  Alkali  without  ftrft.  making  fuch  Entry,  he,  (he  or  they  (hall  for 
of  the  Alkali,  &.c.  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds,  together  with  all  fuch  Alkali,  and  all  the  Mate- 
rials proper  to  be  made  iuto  fuch  Alkali,  and  all  the  Utenlils  and  Veffds  ufed  in  making  the  fame  which  (hall 
at  any  time  be  found  in  any  Workhoufe,  Warehoufe,  Storehoufe,  Room  or  other  Place  ufed  in  or  for  the 
making  or  keeping  of  fuch  Alkali  whereof  no  fuch  Entry  (hall  be  made. 

Provifo  for  Kelp  XXVII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  (hall  extend  or  be  conftrued  to  extend  to 
made  in  G.B.  the  Manufafture  of  Kelp  made  in  any  Part  of  Great  Britain,  by  the  Incineration  of  Marine  Plants. 

Makers  of  Al-  XXVIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  Maker  or  Manufafturer  of  Soda  or  any  Alkaline  Prcp3ra- 
kil'me  Prepara-  tiou  containing  Soda  according  to  the  Directions  mentioned  or  preferibed  in  or  by  the  Pharmacopeias  of  the 
Soda  co!uin'““  Royal  College  of  Pltyfictans  of  London,  Edinburgh  or  Dublin,  not  exceeding  Ten  hundred  Weight  in  any 
d»fcrib«d  mi'"  Quarter  of  a Year,  (hall,  with  refpeft  to  fuch  Soda  or  Alkaline  Preparations,  be  fubjeft  to  the  ordinary 
. periodical  Surveys  of  the  Officers  of  Excifc,  or  to  the  feveral  Regulations  on  the  time  and  manner  of  making 
Alkali,  contained  in  this  or  in  any  other  Aft  or  Acts  of  Parliament  relating  thereto,  provided  fuch  Maker  or 
- Manufafturer  lhall  make  due  Entry  of  his  Works,  and  (hall  on  or  within  Ten  Days  after  the  Fifth  Day  of 
January,  the  Fifth  Day  of  slpril,  the  Fifth  Day  of  July,  and  the  Tenth  Day  of  0 cioler  refpeftitrely,  in  every 
Year,  make  a Return  in  Writing  to  the  Commiffioners  of  Excife,  at  the  Chief  Office  of  Excife  in  London  or 
Edinburgh  refpeftively,  or  to  the  Collector  of  Excife  in  whofe  Collection  his,  her  or  their  entered  Works  (hall 
be  fliuatc,  of  the  whole  Quantity  of  Soda  and  Alkaline  Preparations  containing  Soda  fold  by  him,  her  or 
them  in  the  Quarter  of  the  Year  preceding,  and  verify  the  fame  by  the  Oath  or  Affirmation  of  him,  her  or 
them,  or  of  his,  her  or  their  Foreman  or  Manager  (which  Oath  and  Affirmation  the  faid  Commiffioncrs  and 
Collectors  are  hereby  refpectivcly  empowered  to  adminiller),  and  (hall  thereupon  pay  to  fuch  Commiffioncrs 
13  or 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  l ibrary  Digitisation  Unit 

liable  to  the  Sur- 
vey of  Officers 

tain  Conditions. 





A.D.  1817. 

or  Colleftors  u afore  (aid  the  full  Duty  on  the  Quantity  of  fuch  Soda  and  Alkaliue  Preparations  as  aforefaid 
mentioned  in  fuch  Account,  and  according  to  the  Rate  aforefaid. 

< XXIX.  And  Whereas  by  an  Act  made  in  the  Forty  feventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

< intituled  An  Ad  la  amend  feveral  Laws  of  Bxelfe  in  Great  Britain  relating  to  lie  Dui'lrs  an  Salt,  Soap, 

C paper.  Coffee,  Cocoa  Nuts,  Spirits  and  Glafs,  and  for  re/Ioring  Seizures  in  certain  cafes,  Sixpence  of  tile 

< Duty  of  Excifc  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  for  every  Hundred  Weight  of  failed  Beef  or  Pork,  or  of 
« Bacon  brought  by  Land  from  Scotland  to  England,  granted  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Forty  third  Year  of  the 

* Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  AB  to  repeal  tie  Duties  of  Excife  payable  in  Great  Britain,  and 

* to  grant  other  Duties  in  lieu  thereof,  was  from  and  after  the  Tenth  Day  of  OBaler  One  thoufand  eight  huu- 
« dred  and  fawn,  repealed  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  faid  Duty  Ihould  be  reduced  to  One  Shilling 
« and  Sixpence  per  Hundred  Weight Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Fifth  Day  uf  July 
One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  Seventeen,  Sixpence  more  of  the  faid  Duty  of  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence 
for  every  Hundred  Weight  of  failed  Beef  or  Pork  or  of  Bacon  brought  by  Land  from  Scotland  to  England, 
granted  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Forty  third  Year  of  the  Reign  aforefaid,  (hall  ceafe  and  determine,  favc 
and  except  as  to  any  Arrears  thereof  5 and  that  from  and  after  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight 
and  feventeen  the  Sum  of  One  Shilling  and  Sixpence  only  of  the  (aid  Duty  (hall  be  paid  or  payable  upon  and 
for  every  Hundred  Weight  of  failed  Beef,  Pork  or  Bacon  fo  brought  as  aforefaid. 

XXX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  fuch  of  the  Duties  by  this  Aft  impofed  as  (hall  arife  in  that  Part 
of  Great  Britain  called  England  (hall  be  under  the  Management  of  the  Commiffioners  of  Excifc  in  England 
for  the  time  being ; aud  fuch  thereof  as  (hall  arife  in  that  Part  of  Great  Britain  called  Scotland  (hall  be  under 
the  Management  of  the  Comtniflioners  of  Excife  in  Scotland  for  the  time  being. 

XXXI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  the  Monies  arifing  from  the  Duties  by  tliis  Aft  impofed  (the  I 
neceffary  Charges  of  railing  and  accounting  for  the  fame  excepted)  fhall  from  time  to  time  be  paid  into  the  j 
Receipt  of  His  Majefty’s  Exchequer  at  IVeJlminJlcr,  and  (hall  be  carried  to  and  made  Part  of  the  Confolidated 
Fund  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland. 

XXXII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  the  faid  feveral  Duties  (hall  be  refpeftively  raifed,  levied,  col-  I 
lefted,  recovered  and  paid  in  fuch  and  the  like  manner,  and  in  or  by  any  of  the  general  or  fpecial  Means,  1 
Wavs  or  Methods  by  which  the  Duties  of  Excife  on  Salt  and  Mineral  Alkali  refpeftively  are  or  were  or 
might  be  raifed,  colleftcd,  recovered  and  paid  5 and  the  faid  Perfoo’s  Goods,  Wares,  Merchandize  or  Com- 
modities fo  by  this  Aft  refpeftively  made  liable  to  the  Paymcnt'of  or  chargeable  with  the  faid  Duties  refpeft- 
ively impofed,  (ball  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  made  fubjeft  and  liable  to  all  and  every  the  Conditions, 
Regulations,  Rules,  Reftriftions  and  Forfeitures  to  which  the  Makers  or  Refiners  of  Salt  and  Rock  Salt, 
and  Makers  of  Mineral  Alkali  refpeftively,  and  the  Materials  for  making  the  fame,  are  or  (hall  be  generally 
or  fpecially  fubjeft  and  liable ; and  all  and  every  Pain,  Penalty,  Fine  or  Forfeiture  of  any  Nature  or  Kind  ' 
whatever,  for  any  Offence  whatever  committed  againil  or  in  Breach  of  any  Aft  or  Aft*  of  Parliament  for  1 
fecuriug  the  Revenue  of  Excife  on  Salt  and  Mineral  Alkali  refpeftively,  or  other  Duties  under  the  Manage-  ‘ 
inent  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  of  Excife  refpeftively,  or  for  the  Regulation  or  Improvement  thereof,  and 
the  feveral  Claufes,  Powers  and  Direftions  therein  contained,  (hall  and  are  hereby  direfted  and  declared  to 
extend  to,  and  (hall  be  refpeftively  applied,  praftifed  and  put  in  Execution  for  and  in  refpeft  of  the  faid  fc- 
vcral  Duties  of  Excife  refpeftively  hereby  charged  and  impofed,  in  as  full  and  ample  manner  to  all  Intents 
and  Purpofcs  whatfoever  as  if  all  and  every  the  faid  Afts,  Claufes,  Provifions,  Powers,  Direftions,  Fines, 
Pains,  Penalties  or  Forfeitures  were  particularly  repeated  and  reenafted  in  the  Body  of  this  Aft. 

XXXIII.  And  he  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Cruflied  Rock  Salt  delivered  from  any  Salt  Mine  or 
Salt  Pit  for  Exportation,  upon  the  low  Duty  of  One  Penny  for  every  Bulhel  thereof,  (hall  upon  its  Arrival 

the  Gin"  j r 
here  tal 

•f  Man  refpeftively,  for  fuch  Purpofe  only,  (which  Oatfi  the  Collector  of  Excifc  of  fuch  Port  is  here!, 
authorized  to  admmiiler,)  the  Officer  of  Excifc  granting  a Certificate  for  the  Difcharge  of  the  Bond  given 
fcr  the  Removal  of  fuch  Cruflied  Rock  Salt  to  fuch  Port,  and  for  the  Shipment  thereof  for  Exportation, 
mail  fpecify  in  fuch  Certificate  fuch  Entry  and  Oath  as  aforefaid,  whereupon  the  Proprietor  or  Proprietors 

* u 11  e“*t  ^‘ne  or  ^'c  which  fuch  Cruflied  -Rock  Salt  (hall  have  been  delivered  as  aforefaid,  (hall  be 
wholly  freed  and  difeharged  from  the  Payment  of  the  faid  low  Duty  of  One  Penny  for  every  Bu(hel  of  fuch 
Cruflied  Rock  Salt  as  (hall  be  fo  (hipped  and  exported  to  Newfoundland,  the  Gulf  of  Saint  Lawrence , or 
the  IJU  of  Man,  for  fuch  Purpofes  as  aforefaid ; and  if  any  fuen  Cruflied  Rock  Salt,  of  which  fuch  Entry 
and  Oath  (hall  be  fo  made  as  aforefaid,  (hall  not  be  exported  as  aforefaid,  or  (hall  be  exported  to  any  other 
Port  or  Place,  or  ufed  or  employed  for  any  other  Purpofe  than  as  aforefaid,  the  fame  (hall  be  forfaited,  aud 
Thail  and  may  be  failed  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  ; and  the  Perfan  or  Perfons  in  fuch  cafa  offend- 

“rfch  and  every  fuel.  Offence  forfait  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 
m • n V‘  Whereas  by  the  faid  Aft  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent 
1 F'n'  Curer  or  Fifli  Curers,  who,  under  and  according  to  the  Direftions  contained  in  that 

' Act,  (hall  have  received  into  his,  her  or  their  Cuftody  or  Poffcffion  any  Salt  free  of  Duty  for  the  Pur- 
. p,0‘c  °L'  cur|ng  and  preferving  Fifli,  may  deliver  any  Part  thereof  into  the  Cuftody  or  Poffcffion  of  any 
. m ***  cutcred  F,Q‘  Curer  und«  the  Terms  and  Conditions  mentioned  in  the  faid  Aft:  And 

from  **  expedient  to  repeal  the  faid  recited  Provifion  in  the  faid  Aft-,’  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That 

«r  ,k.  Ir Day  ot  Ju,y  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen  the  faid  laft  recited  Provifion 
h l“d  Aft  ffiaR  be  and  the  fame  is  hereby  repealed  : and  that  from  and  after  the  faid  Fifth  Day  *f  July 
57  G10.  III.  M One 

suiea  o«f, 

I’ork  or  Union 
brought  by  Liml 
from  Scotcmil  to 
EugUnd  fuhjcii 
10  3 Duty  uf  only 
u.  6J-  ifer  Otl 

Duties  under 

Whit  Crulhrd 
Rook  Silt  m»y 
an  Oith  be  c«- 
ptined  to  Nevr- 
fouiullind,  See. 
nr  tile  Me  of 
Min,  for  ike 
Ufe  of  the 
Fifhcrict,  free 
of  Duty. 
Certificate  vthit 
to  fpeclfy. 

Undue  Eipoiu- 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


dtlncr  any  Halt 
of  Im  Slock  of 
Sill  or  Rock 
Salt  received 
Duty  free  10  any 
oilier  FifttCurer. 
Except  Ion. 
Penalty  too!. 
Entered  Filh 
Curen  felling, 
fending  out, 
transferring  cr 
delivering  Salt 
or  Rock  Salt  to 
other  entered 
Filh  Curen,  to 

the  Particulars 
iu  the  Book  to 
be  kept  upon  the 

FHh  Curer  to 
whom  fuch  Salt 

enter  the  Day 
and  Hour  when 

Such  Book  to  be 
open  to  Officer. 

Conceiting  or 
cancelling,  lie. 
fuch  Book,  or 
oppolins  Officer, 

Penalty  icaL 
Removing  Salt 
without  Certifi- 
cate, Sc. 

Sait  Carriages, 
Sc.  forfeited,  and 
Penalty  tool. 

Coloured  and 
Crulhed  Salt 
may  be  delivered 
to  FHh  Curen. 

Such  Silt  to  be 
approved  by 

Frovifb  for 
made  by  fifii 

C. 49.  57*  GEORG1I  111.  A.D.  1817. 

One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  Seventeen,  no  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  (hall  fell  or  deliver  Salt  or  Rock 
Salt  for  Home  Trade  or  Confumption,  or  (hall  fell,  exchange,  traimfer  or  deliver,  or  caufe  or  Suffer  to  be 
fold,  exchanged,  transferred  or  delivered,  any  Part  of  his,  her  or  their  Stock  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  received 
Duty  free  for  curing  and  preferving  Fi(h,  to  any  other  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  except  as  hereinafter  men- 
tioned, or  to  any  other  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  whatfoever,  upon  any  Confideration  or  Pretence  whatever,  upon 
Pain  of  forfeiting  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds  ; any  thing  in  any  other 
ACt  or  ACts  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithQauding. 

XXXV.  And  be  it  further  enaCted,  That  there  (hall  be  delivered  by  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife,  to  all  and 
every  entered  Filh  Curer  and  Filh  Curers,  a Book  or  Books  to  be  prepared  with  proper  printed  Forms  and 
Titles  for  the  Purpofes  hereinafter  mentioned,  and  kept  by  every  fuch  entered  Filh  Curer  and  Filli  Curers  in 
fome  public  and  open  Part  of  his,  her  or  their  entered  Premiles  j and  that  from  and  after  the  Fifth  Day  of 
July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  Seventeen,  i:  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  all  and  every  entered  Filb 
Curer  and  Filh  Curers  to  fell,  transfer  or  deliver  over  to  any  other  entered  Filh  Curer  and  Filh  Curers  all  or 
any  Part  of  his,  her  or  their  Stock  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  received  Duty  free  for  curing  Filh  ; provided  that 
no  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall  be  fold,  fent  out,  transferred,  delivered  or  exchanged  by  any  fuch  Filh  Curer 
or  Filh  Curers,  to  or  with  any  other  entered  Filh  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers,  without  being  accompanied  by  a 
Certificate  filled  up  and  cut  out  progreffively  from  the  printed  Forms  for  fuch  Certificates  contained  in  fuch 
Book  as  aforefaid,  Signed  by  fuch  entered  Filh  Curer  fending  out  or  delivering  the  lame,  or  fome  Perfon  on 
his,  her  or  their  Behalf,  certifying  the  Day  and  Hour  of  fuch  fending  out,  the  Quantity  and  Quality  of  fuch 
Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  from  what  Place  and  from  whofe  Stock,  and  to  what  Place  and  to  whofe  Stock  the  fame  is 
fent,  and  by  what  Mode  of  Conveyance  ; and  that  fuch  Certificate  lhall  be  delivered  with  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt 
to  the  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  and  at  the  Place  to  which  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  is  in  fuch  Certificate 
mentoned  to  be  fent ; and  that  the  entered  Filh  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers  felling,  fending  out,  transferring  or 
delivering  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  as  aforefaid,  (hall  at  the  fame  time  make  a corrcfpondent  Entry  thereof, 
containing  the  fame  Particulars,  in  fuch  Book  as  aforefaid  ; and  that  the  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  to  whom 
fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  fent  and  delivered  as  aforefaid,  (hall  enter  in  the  daily  Account  required  by 
this  Ad  to  be  kept  by  every  Filh  Curer,  and  on  the  faid  Certificate,  the  Day  and  Hour  when  fuch  Salt  or 
Rock  Salt  was  received  by  him,  her  or  them,  into  his,  her  or  their  Stock,  at  the  Place  mentioned  in  fuch 
Certificate,  and  (hall  deliver  fuch  Certificate  19  his,  her  or  their  furveying  Officer,  on  his  next  Survey  of  his, 
her  or  their  Premifes  j and  that  every  fuch  Book,  with  fuch  Entries  fo  made  therein  as  aforefaid,  lhall  at  all 
times  be  open  and  expofed  in  the  entered  Premifes  of  every  Fifh  Curer  and  Filh  Curers  as  aforefaid  to  the 
Perufal  and  Examination  of  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  furveying  the  laid  Premifes,  and  lhall  be  deli- 
vered by  every  fuch  Filh  Curer  and  Filh  Curers  to  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excite  upon  Demand } and  if 
any  fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  as  aforefaid  (hall  at  any  time  fell,  fend  out,  transfer,  deliver  or  exchange  any 
Salt  or  Rock  Salt  to  any  other  entered  Fifh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  as  aforefaid,  without  fending  therewith  and 
delivering  fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid,  and  making  fuch  Entry  in  fuch  Book  as  aforefaid,  or  lhall  convey 
away  or  conceal  any  fuch  Book  or  Books,  or"  cancel,  obliterate,  alter,  dellroy  or  tear  out  any  Leaf  or 
Leaves  therefrom,  or  Entry  or  Entries  therein,  or  make  any  falfc  Entry  or  Entries  therein,  or  (ltall  oppofe, 
molcft,  ohllruA  or  hinder  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  in  infpefting  or  examining  any  fuch  Book  or  any 
fuch  Entry  or  Entries  therein  as  aforefaid,  or  lhall  at  any  time  neglect  or  refufc  when  required  to  give  up  to 
any  Officer  or  Officers  fuch  Book  or  Books  as  aforefaid,  all  and  every  fuch  entered  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers 
as  aforefaid  fo  offending  lhall  for  every  fuch  Offence  feverally  forfeit  and  lofc  the  Sum  of  One  hundred 
Pounds ; and  if  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  l>e  found  removing  or  removed  without  fuch  Entry  or  Certificate 
as  aforefaid,  or  not  correfponding  in  Weight,  Qaantity,  Quality  and  Defcription  with  the  fame,  or  in  a 
different  manner  or  in  a different  Courfc  or  Direction  than  direAly  from  and  to  the  respective  Stocks  men- 
tioned iu  fuch  Certificate  accompanying  the  fame,  all  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  together  with  the  Veffels,  Car- 
riages and  Cattle  made  ufe  of  in  the  removing  or  conveying  the  fame  lhall  be  forfeited,  and  lhall  and  may  be 
feixed  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife ; and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  offending,  or  in  whofe  Cullody  or 
Poffeffion  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall  be  found,  lhall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the 
Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 

XXXVI.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt, 
Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Work,  to  deliver  from  and  out 
of  his,  her  or  their  Warehoufe,  Storehoufe,  Loft  or  other  Place  belonging  and  adjoining  to  any  Salt  Work, 
any  Quantity  of  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  and  Crulhed  Salt,  commonly  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  De- 
fcription of  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  for  any  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Mine  or  Salt  Pit  to  deliver 
from  and  out  of  his,  her  or  their  Mine  or  Pit  any  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  for  the  Ufe  of  the  BrUiJh  Filheries,  to 
be  removed,  carried,  conveyed  and  delivered  to  any  Filh  Curer,  under  fuch  Bonds,  and  under  and  fubjeft  to 
all  and  every  fuch  Provifions  and  Regulations  as  are  preferibed,  provided  and  contained  in  the  faid  feveral 
A As  now  in  force,  or  any  of  them,  with  refpeA  to  Salt  delivered  by  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  for  the  Ufe  of 
the  Filheries,  except  fo  far  as  the  fame  may  be  fpecinlly  altered  by  this  AA  : Provided  always,  that  no  fuch 
Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed,  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt,  lhall  be  delivered  as  afore- 
faid, except  fuch  only  as  lhall  be  approved  of  for  that  Purpofc  in  Writing  by  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife  of 
the  Divifion  or  DillriA  from  which  the  fame  lhall  be  delivered  and  removed  as  aforefaid,  who  lhall  be  ap- 
pointed by  the  Commiffioners  of  Excife  to  irtfpeA  fnch  Salt  and  Rock  Salt  refpcAivcly ; and  provided  that 
no  Crufhed  Rock  Salt,  Crulhed,  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  lhall  be  delivered  to  any 
Filh  Curer  after  the  Month  of  Stprll  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  nineteen,  who  lhall  not  make  Entry  to 
ufe  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  and  Crulhed,  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  and  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  only,  for  curing  and 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


A.D.  1817. 

57“  GJ30RG1I  III. 


preferring  Fifli,  or  /Hall  after  tHe  time  lad  aforefaid  have  any  Duty-free  White  Salt  iu  his,  her  or  their  Cuf- 
tody  or  Pofieflion  for  that  Purpofc. 

XXXVII.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  every  Bufbcl  of  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  delivered  Duty-free  (hall  Bufhel  ofCrulh- 
-confift  of  Fifty  fix  Pounds  Weight -only-  <d  Rock  Salt 

XXXVIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  Tliat  it  fliall  and  may  be  lawful  lo  and  for  any  Refiner  or  Refiners 
of  Rock  Salt,  refiding  at  or  near  any  Place  fituate  upon  or  near  any  of  the  Sea  Coafls  of  Great  Britain,  and  he 
not  being  within  the  faid  Counties  of  Chejltr  or  I.ancafler  refpeftivelv,  to  provide  or  creft  and  make  ufe  of  RcJ-nen  for  ' 
a Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  liluatc  not  left  than  One  hundred  Yards  from  his,  keeping  Crurtied 
her  or  their  Refinery  or  Refineries,  and  the  Warehoufe  and  Warehoufes  and  Cellars  thrreunto  belonging,  for  Reck  Salt  net 
the  Purpofc  of  laying,  ftoriug  or  keeping  therein  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  delivered  Duty  free,  and  intended  for  W*'1”™  IC° 
the  Ufe  of  the  Britijh  Filhcries,  and  to  receive  and  lay  fuch  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  therein,  and  from  time  to  they 

time  to  fell  and  deliver  the  fame  or  any  Part  thereof  to  any  entered  Fifh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  only  for  curing  mav  fe)|  fuej,  s,jt 
Filh  : Provided  always,  that  every  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufcs,  (hallbefuh-  to  Filh  Curers. 
ftantially  and  fecurely  built  or  conilrufted ; and  that  no  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  or  Storehoufe  or  Rt,.uhiioni  as  to 
Storehoufes,  fliall  have  more  than  One  Door  or  Entrance  into  the  fame,  nor  any  Chimney  therein,  or  any  Built,  Doon, 
Window  or  other  opening,  except  fuch  Door  as  aforefaid,  within  Six  Feet  of  any  Part  of  the  Ground ; Chimneys,  Win- 
and  that  there  he  no  Communication  between  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufcs,  af 

and  any  other  Building  or  Place  whatever : Provided  alfo,  that  no  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Store-  j,Quie«, 
houfe  or  Storehoufcs  (hall  be  made  ufe  of  for  the  laving,  ftoring  or  keeping  (at  one  and  the  fame  time)  of 
any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  except  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Britijh  Filhcries,  nor  any  fuch  Rock 
Salt,  until- Entry  in  Writing  of  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storchoufes  (hall  have  been  Entry  effurh 
made  at  the  next  Office  of  Excite,  by  the  Owner  or  Owners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  thereof,  and  fuch  Warvhoufo,  Sie. 
Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storchoufes,  fliall  have  been  firlt  approved  of  in  Writing  by  and 
under  the  Hand  of  the  Supervifor  of  Excife  of  the  Diftrift  in  which  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Slorc- 
houfe  or  Storehoufes  lhall  be  fituate ; and  that  fuch  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  fliall  be  received  by  fuch  Proprietor  Such  Crulhed 
or  Proprietors  of  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  under  the  like  Bond  or  Secu-  Rotk  Silt  liable 
rity,  and  received,  fold,  or  delivered  as  aforefaid  under  the  like  Regulations  and  Conditions,  and  fubjeft  to  «»  Regulations 
the  like  Pains,  Penalties  and  Forfeitures  in  all  Refpefts,  a*  in  this  or  any  other  Aft  or  Acts  not  herein  ex-  J*  l’c','n  ra,B‘ 
prcfsly  altered  is  or  are  contained  and  direfted  for  or  on  Behalf  of  Salt  received  or  delivered,  fold  or  trans-  ,lonc  ' 
ferred,  by  any  Filh  Curer  for  curing  Fifh,  or  by  one  Filh  Curer  to  another  Filh  Curer;  and  if  any  fuch  i.odging fuels 
Rock  Salt  delivered  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Fiflieries,  to  be  laid,  ftored  or  kept  in  any  fuch  Warghoufc  or  Ware-  <»lr  in  Wire- 
houfes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufcs  as  aforefaid,  (hall  he  lodged  and  depofited  in  any  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Ware-  houlannt 
houfes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  of  which  fuch  Entry  fliall  not  have  been  previoufly  made  as  aforefaid,  or  cn<e,el)> 
which  lhall  not  have  been  previoufly  approved  of  iu  Writing  by  and  under  the  Hand  of  the  Supervifor  of 
Excifc  of  the  Diftrift  in  which  the  fame  lhall  be  fituate,  and  nut  afterwards  difapproved  of  by  fuch  Super- 
vifor, all  fuch  Rock  Salt  fo  lodged  and  depofited  as  aforefaid,  fliall  be  forfeited,  and  fliall  and  may  be  feizcd  Swh  Salt  may 
by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excifc,  any  think  in  this  Aft  contained  to  the  contrary  notwithllaiiding  j and  be  lehed. 
if  any  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  fuch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  or  Cellar  Owner  efWire- 
or  Cellars  fliall  fell,  exchange,  transfer,  deliver,  confume  or  employ  any  Part  of  the  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  fcllt 
to  be  lodged  in  any  fuch  Warehoufeor  Warehoufes,  Storehoufe  or  Storehoufes,  or  lodged  or  depofited  therein  «her  punwfes, 
For  fuch  Purpofc  as  aforefaid,  for  any  other  or  different  Purpofe  or  manner  than  as  aforefaid,  lie,  Ihe  or  they 
lhall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Two  hundred  Pounds.  l’enrlty  loot 

XXXIX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Filh  Curer  or  Fills  Curers  who  lhall  at  any  time  after  the  Filh  Curenre- 
Montli  of  April  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  nineteen  receive,  have  or  take  into  his,  her  or  their  Cullody  «i*ws  White 
or  Pofil-ffion  any  White  Salt  delivered  Duty  free  for  curing  or  preferving  Filh,  lhall  have,  receive  or  take  into  Sjl'  ?utlrpf,5-e' 
Hu,  her  or  their  Cullody  or  Poflcffion  any  Britijh  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  any  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  h r re'rn'd e Ter i h^J* 
known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription  of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  any  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  5 and  if  any  Filh  »h0  dull  be 
Curer  or  Filh  Curers  who  lhall  at  any  time  after  the  time  lafl  aforefaid  receive,  have  or  take  into  his,  her  or  found  with  Co. 
their  Cullody  or  Pofleffion  any  White  Salt  delivered  Duty  free  for  curing  or  preferving  Filh  ; or  if  any  loi'^d  or  Ctuil - 
other  Perfon  or  Pcrfons,  not  making  Entry  and  giving  Bond  as  hrreinbefore  mentioned  for  any  fucb  Ware-  ’cntcl'j 
houfe  as  aforefaid,  or  not  being  a Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  and  making  Entry  and  giving  Bond  as  hereinafter  Bond  for 
mentioned  for  the  Receipt  and  Ufe  of  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Wrachcufc,  Sc. 
Name  or  Defcription  of  Fufed  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  for  curing  and  preferving  Filh,  or  not 
being  a Glafs  Maker,  or  Maker  of  oxygenated  Muriatic  Acid,  or  Oxymuriate  of  Lime,  lhall  have,  receive, 
or  take  into  his,  her,  or  their  Cullody  or  PofTcflion  any  Britijh  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  any  Crulhed 
Salt  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription  of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  any  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  (not 
being  delivered  and  fliipped  for  and  in  the  Courfe  of  Exportation!,  all  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpeftivcly 
" forfeited,  and  (hull  and  may  be  feizcd  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  ; and  fuch  Fifli  Curer  or 
Fifh  Corers,  or  other  Perfon  or  Perilous  as  aforelaidl  lhall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the  P<n:.hy  5C0I. 

Sum  ot  Five  hundred  Pounds  : Provided  always,  that  in  the  Month  of  May  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  Full  Cm, 
eighteen,  and  in  the  Month  of  May  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  nineteen  refpeftivcly,  all  and  every  Filh  l“v*°£F 
Carer  and  Filh  Curers  who  (hall  have  in  the  Year  and  before  the  Month  of  April  preceding  received  or  ufed 

TWjC‘'ir’".ed  U1i  or  Crulhed,  Fufed,  or  Rock  Salt,  and  alfo  White  Salt,  lhafl  account  for  all  &c. Cntemni  ’ 

. ' „cr,  C_  --red  Salt,  and  all  Crulhed.  Fufed,  or  Rock  Salt  received  in  the  preceding  Year,  under  the  fce.  Salt,  n> a- 
Re  :i  fictions.  Regulations  and  Allowances  as  are  provided  by  Law  with  refueft  to  White  Salt  con  nr  ,n  May 
‘ r / r »8t8  and  1819, 

M a XL.  And 

kmc  Rules, JL*-. . , 

delivered  Duty  free  for  the  Fiflteries. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

84  C.49*  57°  GEORGIl  111.  A.D.  1817. 

Filh  Curer*  who 
h»re  entered 

Coloured  Salt  or 
Crnlhed  Rock 
Sell,  and  given 
Bond,  to  eccount 

herein  men- 

toay  receive 

Coloured,  Sc. 

Salt  ftoo  from 
farther  Account 

1‘rovd'o  where 
treble  Amount 
of  Duly  it  equal 
to  Amount  of 
Penalty  in  Bond. 

Such  Fill.  Cut ers 
to  rend*  oil  Ac- 
count in  Mar  in 
every  Year,  of 
the  whole  Quan- 
tity of  Coloured 
Salt  or  Crulhed 
Rock  Salt  In 
Hand,  and  ero- 

What  fuel.  Ac- 
count it  to  con- 

AccMint  veriSed 
nn  Oath. 

Falfe  Account, 

Filh  wholly 
cured,  cr^ cured 

for  Ea  portal  Ion 
remaining  un 
Hand,  when  tits 
annual  Account 

b:  tranaferred 
with  the  Allow- 
ance of  the  Salt 

Year  a Account, 
rtev  detl  Ac- 
count* be  nude 

XL.  Aud  be  it  further  enacted,  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Carers  who 
Ihall  make  Entry  of  his,  her  or  their  Premifes  for  the  Receipt  of  only  Britijb  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or 
Cradied  Salt,  called  or  knowu  by  the  Name  or  Defcriptinn  of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt, 
for  curing  and  preferving  Filh,  and  who  (hall  give  Bond  or  Security,  to  be  approved  of  by  the  Commilfioners 
of  Eitcife,  or  the  Perfon  or  Perfous  who  Ihall  be  appointed  or  employed  by  them  for  that  Purpofe,  in  Treble 
the  Value  of  the  Duty  of  all  fuel.  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  which  he,  (he  or  they  Ihall  then  intend  to  receive,  or  have 
in  his,  her  or  their  Cultody  or  Poflcllion  in  the  Year  enfuing  titer  giving  of  fuch  Bond  or  Security,  that  he, 
(he  or  they  will  not  receive  into  his,  her  or  their  Cuftody  or  Pofleffion,  or  upon  his,  her  or  their  entered  Pre- 
mifes,  or  ufe  for  the  Cure  and  Prefcrvation  of  Filh  any  White  Salt,  and  that  all  the  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt, 
or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription  of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock. 
Salt,  which  he,  Ihe  or  they  (hall  receive,  (hall  be  really  and  truly  employed,  fpent  and  confumed  by  him,  her 
pr  them  in  curing  and  preferving  Filh,  and  that  no  Part  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  Ihall  be  employed,  ufed 
or  difpofed  of  in  any  other  manner  or  for  any  other  Purpofe,  or  fold,  exchanged,  transferred  or  delivered  to 
any  other  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  except  in  manner  herein  mentioned,  or  to  any  other  Perfon  or  Perfons, 
or  removed  from  his,  her  or  their  entered  Premifes,  except  fnch  Part  thereof  as  may  be  neceflarily  ufed  in 
curing  and  preferving  Filh  in  and  on  board  his,  her  or  their  Boats  or  Vcffels  employed  by  him,  her  or  them 
in  the  Britijb  Filheriee,  and  that  he,  (lie  or  they  will  render  fuch  Account  of  all  fuch  Salt  and  Rock  Sale 
as  hereinafter  mentioned,  to  receive,  have  and  take  into  aud  upon  his,  her  or  their  Premifes  entered  as  afore- 
faid,  any  Quantity  of  fuch  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  De- 
fcription of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt,  free  from  any  other  Account  than  as  hereinafter 
mentioned : Provided  always,  that  when  and  fo  foon  as  any  Filh  Carer  or  Filh  Curers  Ihall  have  received  as 
aforefaid  as  much  of  fuch  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  De- 
fcription of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt,  as  that  Treble  the  Amount  of  the  Duty  thereon 
Ihall  be  equal  to  the  Amount  of  the  Penalty  for  which  fuch  Bond  as  aforefaid  has  been  by  him,  her  or  them 

fiven,  no  fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  Ihall  have,  take  or  receive  any  Further  Quantity  of  fuch  Coloured  or 
)ved  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription  of  Filled  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed 
Rock  Salt,  until  he,  die  or  they  (hall  have  given  frelh  Bond  in  fuch  Penalty  and  with  fuch  Condition  as  afbre- 
faid,  for  fuch  further  Quantity  thereof  as  he,  (he  or  they  may  then  intend  to  receive  in  that  Year. 

XLI.  And  be  it  further  enacted,  That  all  and  every  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  who  Ihall  receive  into  his, 
her  or  their  Cuftody  or  Pofleffion  only  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name 
or  Defcription  of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  free  of  Duty,  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  or  pre- 
ferving Filh,  Ihall  in  the  Month  of  May  in  every  Year  refpedlively  deliver  to  the  proper  Officer  of  Exci/e, 
whofc  Duty  it  (hall  be  to  receive  the  fame,  a true  and  particular  Account  in  Writing,  fpecifying  tbeexaft  and 
true  Quantity  of  fuch  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription 
of  Fufcd  or  Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  refpectively,  which  he,  (he  or  they  Ihall  have  had  or  received 
into  his,  her  or  their  Cuftody  or  Pofleffion,  free  of  Duty  during  the  Year  preceding,  and  the  true  Quantities 
of  fuch  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Salt,  called  or  known  by  the  Name  or  Defcription  of  Fufed  or 
Solid  Salt,  or  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  refpeeti vely,  actually  employed  or  confumed  by  him,  her  or  them  in  fuch 
Year  in  curing  and  preferring  Filh;  and  diftinguilhing  in  fuch  Account  the  Wcigltt  and  Quantity  of  each 
Kind  of  Filh  cured  therewith,  the  Mode  of  Cure  thereof  refpectively,  and  Quantity  repacked  for  Exportation, 
and  Hating  that  no  Part  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  received  by  him,  her  nr  them  has  been  ufed,  fpent,  con- 
fumed,  or  difpofcd  of  by  him,  her  or  them,  or  to  his,  her  or  tlicir  Knowledge  or  Belief,  in  any  other  Way  or 
for  any  other  Purpofe  than  as  aforefaid,  or  delivered  to  any  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  whatfoever,  or  transferred 
to  any  other  Filh  Curer  or  Fiflt  Curers,  except  as  hereinafter  mentioned,  and  Ihall  verify  fuch  Account  on 
Oath  before  the  Stipervifor  of  Excifc,  under  whofc  Survey  fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  may  be  (which 
Oath  fuch  Supcrvifor  is  hereby  authorized  and  empowered  to  adminilter),  and  fuch  Fiflt  Curer  or  Filh  Curers 
Ihall  thereupon  in  the  Prefcnce  of  the  Officer  weigh  fcparatcly  all  the  Coloured  or  Dyed  Salt,  Fufcd  or  Solid 
Salt,  and  Crulhed  Rock  Salt  refpectively  in  his,  her  or  their  Cuftody  or  Pofleffion,  and  give  frelh  Bond  or 
Security  for  the  fame  as  aforefaid  as  Part  of  his,  her  or  their  fucceeding  Year’s  Stock  ; and  if  any  fuch  Filh 
Curer  or  Filh  Curers  as  aforefaid  Ihall  make  out  any  falfe  Account,  or  refufe  or  negleft  to  make  out  or  verify 
fuch  Account  as  aforefaid,  or  weigh  fuch  remaining  Stock,  or  give  fuch  Bond  or  Security  as  aforefaid,  he, 
Ihe  or  they  (hall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  Treble  the  Value  of  the  Duties  on  all  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt 
delivered  into  his,  her  or  their  Cnftody  or  Pofleffion  within  the  Year  laft  preceding  the  time  when  fuch  Account 
as  aforefaid  (hall  or  ought  to  have  been  made  out  or  delivered  as  aforefaid. 

XLII.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  if  on  weighing  the  Stock  of  Salt  in  the  Cuflody  or  Pofleffion  of 
anv  Fiflt  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  in  the  Month  of  May  tn  every  Year,  as  direfted  by  the  fnid  Act  made  in  the 
Thirty-eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefcnt  Majefty,  and  by  this  Ad,  and  of  rendering  to  the  proper 
Officer  of  Excifc  the  Account  or  Accounts  thereby  required,  there  Ihall  remain  it.  the  Cuftody  or  Pofleffion 
of  Biry  Filh  Cttrer  or  Filh  Cnrers  any  falted  Fifh,  either  wholly  cured,  or  cured  and  repacked  for  Export- 
ation to  the  Eajl  or  IVefl  Indies,  South  America,  Madeira,  or  the  Baltic  or  Mediterranean,  or  which  (hall  be 
in  the  Procefs  of  Salting  or  Cure,  and  of  which  no  Account  has  been  previoufly  taken  by  fuel.  Officer,  it  Ihall 
and  may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Officer  to  examine  and  take  Account  of  fuch  Filh  at  the  time  of  weighing  fuch 
Stock  of  Salt  j and  that  fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  Ihall  alfo  in  the  Account  or  Accounts  directed  by  the 
faid  AS  and  of  this  Aft,  to  be  delivered  to  the  proper  Officer  of  Excifc,  include  in  fnch  Account  the  Quan- 
tity and  Species  of  all  Filh  remaining  in  his  Cuftody  or  Pofleffion  at  the  time  of  taking  fnch  Stock'  of  Salt  as 
aforefaid,  and  date  therein  the  Mode  of  Cure,  and  whether  the  fame  or  what  Part  thereof  is  or  arc  cured  for 


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Home  Confumption  or  for  Exportation  as  aforefaid,  or  are  in  the  Proccf*  of  Salting  or  Cure,  and  of  the  out  •«!  vuificd 
Quantity  of  Salt  ufcd  or  confumed  thereon  refpeftively,  mid  (hall  verify  the  fame  in  the  manner  (lire tied  by  the  « h"*>n  men- 
faid  Aft  and  of  this  Aft,  whereupon  fuch  Kith,  and  the  Quantity  of  Salt  ufed  in  curing  or  preferring  the  Iu,nei 
fame  (not  exceeding  the  legal  Allowance  in  the  cafe  of  White  Salt),  (hall  be  deducted  from  (itch  Account, 
and  transferred  to  the  Stock  of  Filh  and  Salt  to  be  accounted  for  by  fuch  Fiih  Curer  or  Filh  Curcrs  in  the  Refuflnf.fcc.  to 
Month  of  Mar  in  the  following  Year  j and  if  any  Filh  Curer  (hall  neglect  or  ref  oft;  to  make  out,  verify,  and  ni*k*  cul  Ac* 
deliver  fuch  Account,  he,  (he  or  they  (hall  forfeit  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  iqqL 

Pounds.  . * 

• XLIII-  And  Whereas  the  Quantity  of  Salt  allowed  by  Law  for  curing  Pilchards  or  White  Herrings,  FiihCuremo 
« by  pickling  or  wet  Cdtmg,  has  been  found  to  exceed  the  Quantity  ufed  for  fuch  Cure  of  Pilchards  or  White  be 

• Herrings,  when  not  intended  for  Exportation,  as  hereinafter  mentioned  j'  Be  it  therefore  cnafted.  That  Gallons 
from  and  after  the  Month  of  May  One  thuufand  eight  hundred  and  feventeen,  all  aud  every  Fifli  Curer  or  Filh  aTpildurdior 
Curers  to  whom  any  White  Salt  Until  have  been  or  (hall  be  delivered  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  or  preferring  While  Herrings 
Filh,  (hall  in  lieu  and  inltrnd  of  the  Allowance  of  Salt  granted  and  direfted  by  the  Laws  now  in  force  for  not  cured  and 
curing  and  preferving  Pilchards  or  White  Herrings  refpeftively  by  pickling  or  wet  falling,  be  allowed  a Credit  'cracl;cJ/or 
equal  to  One  hundred  anti  twelve  Pounds  only  or  Salt  for  every  Thirty  two  Gallons  of  fuch  cured  Pilchards  j, A ** 
or  White  Herrings  refpeftivelv,  not  cured  and  repacked  for  Exportation,  a3  hereinafter  mentioned,  and  fo  in  n,enlitracd. 
proportion  for  any  greater  or  lefs  Quantity  ; auy  thing  in  the  faid  Aft  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwith- 

XL1 V.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  in  weighing  and  taking  an  Account  of  and  balancing  the  Stock  In  tubing  Yearly 
of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  in  the  Cullody  or  Poffeflion  of  any  entered  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curcrs  in  the  Month  of  -Account of  FitJi- 
Maj,  as  direfted  with  refpeft  to  Salt  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  V? 
prelent  Majellv,  and  by  this  A ft,  all  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpeftivcly  which  (hall  then  be  found  on  the  Prc-  beenunly  Jut 
mifes,  or  in  the  Cuftody  or  PoffefGon  of  any  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  CurerB,  and  which  (hall  have  been  once  ufed  ufed  In  caring 
or  applied  in  curing  or  preferving  Fi(h,  (hall  be  taken  Account  of  by  the  Officer  weighing  and  balancing  fuch  Fifli  Hull  be  car- 
Stock,  and  the  Amount  thereof,  as  being  Three  Parts  in  Four  of  pure  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpeftivcly,  (hall  r'ed  io  the  Stock 
be  carried  to  the  Stock  of  the  next  fucceeding  Year’s  Account  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpeftively,  for  which  " y'„" 
fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  (hall  be  accountable;  and  that  if,  upon  taking  filch  Account,  any  Salt  or  Sslt  more  thin 
Rock  Salt  refpeftively,  which  (hall  have  been  more  than  once  ufcd  upon  or  applied  in  the  Cure  of  Filh,  (hall  once  uf.d  found 
be  found  on  the  Premifcs  or  in  the  Cullody  or  Poffeflion  of  any  fuch  Fifli  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  he,  (he  or  on  Eremites, 
they  refpeftively  (hall  forfeit  and  lofc  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds  ; any  thing  in  the  faid  Aft  or  in  any  Penalty  loot 
other  Aft  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithftanding. 

* XLV.  And  Whereas  it  is  reprefcnted  that  Salt  is  a beneficial  Manure  for  Land,’  Be  it  therefore  further  Silted  Aflws 
enacted,  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  Salt  Maker  or  Salt  Makers  from  time  to  time  to  throw  over,  delivered 
into  or  amongft  their  Allies  or  other  Compotl  Heaps  any  Quantity  nr  Quantities  of  Brine  in  its  fluid  State,  or  " nure‘ 

to  deep  fuch  Afhea  or  Compolt  Heap  in  fluid  Brine,  and  to  ufc,  fell  or  deliver  the  Allies  or  Compotl  Heaps 

fo  drenched  or  deeped  in  Brine  for  the  Purpofe  only  of  manuring  Land  ; and  tliat  all  and  every  lucli  S it 

Maker  or  Salt  Makers  (hall  on  the  Fifth  Day  of  July  in  every  Year  deliver  to  the  Colleftor  of  Exdfe  in 

whofc  Collection  his,  her  or  their  Works  (ball  be,  the  Quantity  of  fuch  Salt,  Afhcs,  Compotl  or  Manure  as 

aforefaid  ufed  and  delivered  by  him,  her  or  them  in  the  Year  preceding  s Provided  always,  that  no  Salt,  Rock 

Salt,  or  falme  Subdances,  Articles  or  Ingredients,  fave  ami  except  liquid  Brine  only,  (hall  be  fo  mixed  or 

(bid,  ufcd  or  delivered  as  aforefaid  ; and  that  if  any  Salt  Maker  or  Makers,  drenching  or  deeping  fuch  Alhci 

or  Compod  Heaps  with  or  in  Brine  as  aforefaid,  (hall  put  into,  with  or  amongft  them,  or  (hall  under  Pretence 

of  this  Act  ufc,  fell  or  deliver,  or  caufc  or  fnffer  to  be  ufcd,  fold  or  delivered,  any  Salt,  Rock  Salt,  or  oilier 

faline  Subdances,  Articles  or  Ingredients,  without  Payment  of  Duty,  except  liquid  Brine  fo  employed  as 

aforefaid,  as  or  for  Manure  ; or  if  he,  flic  or  they,  or  any  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  into  whofc  Cudody  or  uiing  the  time 

Poffcflion  or  under  whofc  Directions  any  fuch  falted  Allies,  Compod  or  Manure  (hall  come,  (hall  ufc  or  cm-  for  any  other 

ploy  or  caufc  or  fuller  to  be  ufcd  or  employed  the  fame  of  any  Part  thereof  for  any  other  Purpofe  tlian  for  Purpoi'c  than 

manuring  Land,  he,  (he  and  they,  and  every  fuch  Perfon  and  Pcrfons  fo  offending,  (hall  fevcrally  forfeit  for  . 

each  and  every  fuch  Offence  the  Sum  of  Five  hundred  Pounds. 

XL VI.  And  for  enabling  Farmers  to  try  the  Effeft  of  Salt  in  feeding  Cattle,  be  it  further  enafted.  That  CoirfeRoric 
it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  (or  any  Owner  or  Proprietor  of  any  Rock  Salt  Pit  or  Rock  Salt  Mine  to  fell  and  Sail  f“r  feeding 
deliver  from  his,  her  or  their  Pit  or  Mine,  or  Warehoufe  or  Storcboufc  adjoining  thereto,  fuch  coarfc  and  Caule  may  he 
impure  Rock  Salt  at  lhall  be  approved  of  by  the  proper  Officer  of  Excifc  appointed,  for  iufpcfting  the 
fame,  m Lumps  of  not  left  Weight  than  Twenty  Pounds  each,  to  fuch  Perfon  and  Pcrfons,  and  in  fucb  „cr  heiein  men- 
Quantity  and  Quantities,  as  (hall  and  may  be  granted  by  the  Comraiflioners  of  Excifc,  for  the  Purpofe  of  tioned.ataDuiy 
feeding  or  mixing  with  the  Food  of  Sheep  and  Cattle,  upon  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  paying  Duty  for  the  of  ya.perBuOiel. 
fame  at  and  after  the  Rate  of  Five  Shillings  per  Bulltcl,  and  fo  in  proportion  for  auy  greater  or  lefs  Quan- 
tity  ; and  upon  Bond  being  given  to  His  Mnjelly  by  fucb  Perfon  or  Pcrfons,  with  fufficient  Sureties  to  the  Bond  to  be  given 
Satisfaftion  of  the  faid  Commiffioners,  or  the  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  appointed  o take  fuch  Boud,  in  the  that  the  Salt 
Penalty  of  Double  the  Amount  of  the  Duty  upon  Rock  Salt  delivered  for  Home  Confumption,  that  fo  ufef- 

the  whole  of  the  Rock  Salt  fo  delivered  (hall  be  ufcd,  (’pent,  confumed  and  employed  by  him,  licr  or 
them  in  feeding  or  mixing  with  the  Food  of  Sheep  or  Cattle,  and  in  no  other  manner  and  to  and  for  no 
other  ljfe  or  Purpofe  whatfoever ; provided,  that  no  further  Quantity  of  Rock  Salt  lhall  be  delivered  as  pI0«re. 

orelatd  to  any  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  for  fuch  Purpofe  as  aforefaid, "until  the  Bond  and  Bonds  given  by  fucb  Per- 

" Pcrfon*  on  thc  Delivery  of  every  prior  Quantity  lhall  be  fatisfied  and  difeharged. 

XLV1I.  And 

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86  C. 49-  57°  GE0R6II  III.  A.R1817. 

Hondi difthar’cd  XLVI-I.  Ami  be  it  further  enacted,  Tliat  every  fuch  Bond  Shall  be  fatisfied  and  difcharged  on  a Certificate 
nn  Certificate  by  f,g|,ed  by  the  Perfoii  to  whom  fuch  Rock  Sait  lhall  have  been  delivered,  and  who  thereupon  gave  fuch  Bond, 
R*'kSd  I"3  Executors,  Adminiftrators  or  Affigus,  and  delivered  by  him,  her  or  them  to  the  Collector  in  whofc  Col- 
vered  tbit  ir  "*  lr&'on  *“■'»  or  diev  lb  all  relide,  declaring  that  the  whole  of  fuch  Rock  Salt  has  been  ufed,  fpent,  employed 
ha(  been  ufed  in  and  confumed  in  feeding  or  mixing  with  the  food  of  Sheep  and  Cattle,  and  in  no  other  manner  and  to  and  for 
feeding  Csule.  no  ether  Ufe  or  Purpofe  whatfoever,  and  fpecifying  in  what  manner  and  Proportions  the  fame  has  been  fo 
Particulars  of  ufed,  what  Dcfcription  and  Number  of  Sheep  or  Cattle  has  been  fed  therewith,  on  what  Lands  and  where 
0-2*  lituate,  and  what  Benefits  appear  to  Imve  rcfulted  therefrom:  Provided  always,  that  no  fuch  Certificate 
undcrwriieCcr-  Iball  difeharge  any  fuch  Bond,  unlefs  fuch  Collector  as  aforefaid  lhall  upon  Inquiry  be  fatisfied  of  the  Truth 
tificite.  thereof  and  of  the  feveral  Matters  therein  (bated,  and  underwrite  the  fame  upon  the  fame  Certificate ; 

Oshcr.vifc.  or  if  and  that  if  any  fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid  (hall  not  be  figned  and  delivered  as  aforefaid  to  fuch  Col- 
Ccttifiouc  fJic,  leCtor  before  the  End  of  One  Month  after  the  Expiration  of  Twelve  Months  from  the  Bond  being  given 
Sic.  Bond  m an(i  delivered  as  aforefaid,  or  (ball  in  any  refpeft  be  falfe,  or  any  of  the  Rock  Salt  delivered  as 

Force.  aforefaid  (hall  be  ufed,  fpent,  employed  or  confumed  in  any  other  manner,  to  or  for  any. other  Ufe  or  Purpofe 

than  feeding  or  mixing  with  the  Food  of  Sheep  or  Cattle,  the  Penalty  of  the  Bond  given  on  the  delivery  of 
any  fuch  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  forfeited  and  paid  to  His  faid  Majefty. 

Pcifont  may  fell  XLVIII.  And  by  it  further  enafted,  That  nothing  herein  contained  (hall  extend  or  be  deemed  or  con- 
fuch  Rock  Silt  (\rued  to  extend  to  prevent  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  felling  or  transferring  any  Quantity  of  the  Lumps  or 
to  others  with  pjccel  0f  Coarfe  and  impure  Rock  Salt  which  he,  (he  or  they  (hall  or  may  receive  for  the  Purpofe  of  feeding 
EcdfeBond  * or  m'*‘ng  With  the  Food  of  Sheep  or  Cattle  under  any  fuch  Bond  as  aforefaid ; provided  the  Confent  and 
being  taken  in  Approbation  of  the  Commiflioncrs  of  Excife  to  and  of  fuch  Transfer  and  Delivery  be  firft  had  and  obtained, 
like  manner.  and  fuch  Bond  and  Security  be  firft  given  by  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  intending  to  receive  the  fame  as  if  herein- 
before mentioned  ; which  Bond  (hall  be  taken  and  accepted  by  the  Collector  aforefaid  io  Difeharge  or  Part 
Difeharge  of  the  Bond  given  on  the  Firft  Delivery  of  fuch  Rock  Salt  from  the  Mine  or  Pit,  in  the  Propor- 
tion and  according  to  the  Quantity  in  fuch  fubfequent  Bond  mentioned,  and  (hall  be  difcharged  by  fuch 
Certificate  as  aforefaid,  or  the  Penalty  thereof  enforced  iu  like  manner  as  if  the  fame  had  been  given  on  the 
firft  Delivery  of  fuch  Rock  Salt  as  aforefaid. 

38  G- 3.  c.89.  * XLIX.  And  Whereas,  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  aforefaid,  the  Officer  to  whom 

$ 103.  < any  Fifh  packed  in  Barrels  or  Calks  lhall  be  produced  as  direfted  by  that  Aft  is  authorized  and  required 

‘ to  burn  or  brand  each  of  fuch  Barrels  or  Calks  in  fome  confpicuous  Part  thereof  with  the  Letters  B.  F. 
Calks  or  Baird*  Be  it  further  enafted.  That  fuch  Officer  lhall  burn  or  brand  each  of  fuch  Barrels  or  Calks  with  the  faid 

of  Fifh  <•>  t*  Letters  acrofs  the  upright  Staves  of  fuch  Barrel  or  Calk,  and  lhall  on  all  Calks  or  Barrels  of  Fifh  which 

biandcd. and  a,-c  not  at  the  time  declared  by  the  FiQl  Curer  or  Filh  Curcrs  to  be  repacked  for  Exportation  to  the  Eajl  or 

tcouTe^ . '*'1  South  America,  Madeira  or  the  Baltic  or  Mediterranean,  add  the  Letter  H.  ; and  on  all  Calks 

6 4 ’ or  Barrels  of  White  Herrings  or  Pilchards  declared  by  the  Fifh  Curer  or  Filh  Curcrs  to  be  repacked  for 

Exportation  as  aforefaid  to  the  Eajl  or  Wejl  Indiet,  South  America,  Madeira  or  the  Mediterranean,  the  Let- 
ter W.  } and  all  fuch  Calks  or  Barrels  of  White  Herrings  or  Pilchards  fo  declared  to  he  repacked  for  Ex- 
portation as  aforefaid  to  the  Baltic,  the  Letter  B. ; and  that  after  fuch  Barrels  or  Calks  refpcftively  lhall  be 
fo  burnt  or  branded  as  aforefaid,  the  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curcrs  producing  the  fame  lhall  forthwith  remove  all 
and  every  fuch  Barrels  or  Calks,  or  Barrel  or  Calk,  and  at  all  times  keep  the  fame  wholly  feparatc  and  apart 
from  all  other  Fifli  not  fo  branded,  and  the  Calks  undereach  particular  Mark  fepurate  and  apart  from  all  Calks 
Not  being  fo  branded  with  a different  Mark ; and  if  any  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  fhall  not,  immediately  at  or  after  the 

kept,  or  Cj(Vi  tjme  Qf  branding  fuch  Calks  or  Barrels  refpcftively  as  aforefaid,  remove  and  keep  the  fame  feparate 

HdtteCon- and  aPnrt  as  aforefaid,  or  if  any  Calks  or  Barrels  marked  or  branded  with  the  Letter  W.  fhall  be  found  in 
foopiinn,  the  Coilodv  or  PofleHior.  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  open  for  Home  Confumplion,  the  fame  lhall  be  forfeited, 
forleited,  «ui  and  lhall  and  may  be  feizod  by  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excifc,  and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  offending  therein 

faulty  3d.  (ball  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds. 

Fifh  Curcrs  10  L.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  and  every  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curcrs  lhall  refpeftivcly  daily  and 
koep  a daily  Ac-  every  Day  enter  or  caufe  to  be  entered  in  a Book  or  Paper  to  be  provided  for  that  Purpofe  an  exact  and 
t0“"J  particular  Account  of  each  and  every  Calk,  Barrel,  Package  or  Quantity  of  cured  or  preferved  Fifh  fold, 

vered,  tobe  veri-  delivered  or  lent  out  by  any  fuch  Fifh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  rcfpeftively,  and  fliall  dillinguilh  therein  the  Kind 

Red  upon  Oath  or  Species  of  Filh  and  Mode  of  Cure,  and  whether  the  fame  is  or  are  fold,  delivered  or  fent  out  for  Homo 

•t  the  End  of  Trade  or  Confumplion,  or  repacked  for  Exportation  as  hereinafter  mentioned,  or  for  Removal  to  any  other 

the  Year.  Port  or  Place  for  fuch  Exportation,  fpecifying  the  fame  ; and  fuch  Book  or  Paper  lhall  be  at  all  times  kept 
cm  the  entered  Premifcs  of  fucli  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  open  to  the  Infpcftion  of  all  and  every  Officer  and 
Officers  of  Excife  who  lhall  vifit  or  furvey  the  fame ; and  lhall  at  the  lime  of  weighing,  taking  the  Account 
of  and  balancing  the  Stock  of  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  in  the  Cullody  or  PolTeffion  of  fuchTiln  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers 
in  the  Month  ot  May  as  direfted  by  the  laid  Aft,  be  delivered  by  fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers  to  the 

Officer  or  Officers  taking  Account  of  and  balancing  fuch  Stock,  and  the  Truth  of  the  Entries  made 

therein  fhall  be  then  and  there  verified  upon  the  Oath  of  fuch  Fifh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers,  which  Oath  the  re- 
Nfjlrfling  to  fpeftive  Supervisors  of  Excifc  are  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  adminiller  ; and  in  cafe  any  fnch  Fifli 

keep  Kook,  kc.  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers  fhall  DCgleft  or  refufe  to  keep  fuch  Book  or  Paper,  or  to  make  or  caufe  to  be  made  due 
tdtrie"f,iC'  Entries  therein,  according  to  the  true  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  Aft,  or  fliall  cancel,  alter,  obliterate  or  de- 
' ftroy  any  of  fuch  Entries  made  therein,  or  tear  thereout  or  deflroy  any  of  the  Leaves  or  Part  of  fuch  Book 

or  Paper,  or  lhall  neglect  or  refufe  to  deliver  the  fame  as  is  herein  before  direfted,  or  to  verify  the  faid  En- 
tries therein,  or  any  of  .them  upon  Oath,  fnch  Filh  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers  lhall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence 
faulty  too.  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 

it  LI-  And 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.i8i7-  57°  GEORGII  III.  C-4g. 

LI.  And  beit  further  enafted,  That  for  the  further  Encouragement  of  the  Exportation  of  Filh  cured  and 
preferred  in  the  Brilijb  Filherics  to  the  EaJ!  or  Wtjl  Indict,  South  America,  Madeira,  the  Baltic  or  the  Me- 
diterranean, it  (hall  and  may  he  lawful  for  any  Filh  Curcr  or  Fifli  Curers  with  White  Salt  to  have  and  receive 
upon  their  entered  Premifes,  for  the  Purpofe  of  being  repacked  for  fuch  Exportation,  and  to  open  any  Niim- 
her  of  Barrels  or  Calks  of  Pilchards  or  White  Herrings  pickled  or  wet  failed  with  White  Salt,  branded  with  the 
Letter  FI.,  as  not  haring  been  originally  cured  or  packed  for  fuch  Exportation,  and  to  unpack  and  repack 
the  fame  with  Frelh  White  Salt  only  for  fuch  Exportation  ; and  that  upon  fuch  Barrel  or  Calk,  Barrels  or 
Calks,  being  fo  repacked  as  aforefaid,  and  produced  to  the  Officer  under  whofe  Survey  fuch  Premifes  may 
thru  be,  he  (hall  brand  the  fame  upon  the  upright  Stares  of  each  fuch  Barrel  or  Calks  with  the  Letter  W., 
or  if  repacked  to  be  exported  to  the  Baltic  with  the  Letter  B.  5 and  all  and  every  fuch  Fifli  Curcr  or  Filh 
Curers  lhall,  upon  Oath  made  by  him,  her  or  them  of  the  Number  of  Barrels  or  Calks  of  White  Herrings  or 
Pilchards  repacked  by  him,  her  or  them  for  Exportation  to  the  EaJ!  or  IVeJl  India,  South  America,  the  Me- 
diterranean or  Madeira,  and  fo  branded  by  the  Officers,  and  actually  exported,  or  to  the  beft  of  his  Know- 
ledge to  be  exported  as  aforefaid,  or  for  Exportation  to  the  Baltic,  and  fo  branded  by  the  Officers,  and 
actually  exported,  or  to  the  bed  of  his  Knowledge  to  be  exported  as  aforefaid  (which  Oath  the  refpeftive 
Supcrvifor  or  Officer  is  hereby  authorized  to  adminilter),  be  allowed  in  his  Account  of  Fiihcry  Salt,  to  be 
balanced  and  taken  in  the  Month  of  May,  as  directed  by  the  faid  Ait  of  the  Thirty  eighth  Year -aforefaid, 
Seventy  Pounds  of  White  Salt  for  everr  Barrel  or  Calk  of  Thirty  two  Gallons  fo  branded  and  fworn  to  be 
repacked,  and  exported  as  aforefaid  to  the  Eaji  or  IVeJl  Indict,  South  America,  the  Mediterranean  or  Madeira, 
and  Forty  eight  Pounds  of  White  Salt  for  every  fucli  Barrel  or  Calk  fo  branded  and  fworn  to  be  repacked 
and  exported  as  aforefaid  to  the  Baltic,  and  fpccified  in  fuch  Account. 

• LII.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  extend  the  Allowance  of  Salt  delivered  Duty  free  for  curing  and 

* preferving  Fifli  to  dry  faked  Cod,  Ling  or  Hake,  Haddock  and  Whiting,  and  Guard  Filh,  fomethnes 

* called  Gore  Bill Be  it  therefore  cnafted,  That  all  and  every  Filh  Curer  and  Fifli  Curers  to  whdtn  any 
White  Salt  lhall,  under  the  Rules,  Regulations,  Rcllriftions  and  ProviGons  of  the  faid  Aftsof  the  Thirty  eighth 
and  Fifty  fifth  Years  of  His  prefent  Majelly 's  Reign,  be  delivered  Duty  free  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  and  pre- 
ferring Filh,  lhall  be  allowed  a Credit  not  exceeding  Seventy  Pounds  of  fuch  Salt  for  every  One  hundred 
Weight  of  dried  faltcd  Cod,  Ling  or  Hake,  not  exceeding  Forty  Pounds  Weight  of  Salt  for  every  One 
hundred  Weight  of  dried  failed  Haddock  or  Whiting,  and  a Credit  not  exceeding  Eighty  four  Pounds  for 
every  Barrel  of  Thirty  two  Gallons  of  Guard  Filh  or  Gore  Bill  wet  failed  and  perfectly  cured,  and  fo  in 
proportion  for  any  greater  or  lefs  Quantity,  fuch  Credit  to  be  allowed  under  the  fame  Rules,  Regulations, 
Reftriftions  and  ProviGons,  Fines,  Penalties  and  Forfeitures,  which  by  the  faid  Aft,  or  by  any  other  Aft  or 
Afts  of  Parliament  in  force  at  the  time  of  palling  this  Aft,  are  contained,  provided,  fettled  or  eftablifhed  for 
or  in  rvfpcft  of  allowing  Salt  Duty  free  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  and  prelerving  Filh  therein  mentioned,  or 
for  or  in  refpeft  of  allowing  Fifli  Curers  Credit  for  Salt  delivered  to  them  for  that  Purpofe. 

‘ LII  I.  And  Whereas  the  Quantity  of  Salt  for  curing  Salmon,  allowed  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the 

* Thirty  eighth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majtfty's  Reign,  is  infufficient  to  anfwer  the  Purpofe  intended,  and  it  is 

* expedient  to  grant  a further  Allowance  of  Salt  ufed  in  curing  and  preferving  Salmon  Be  it  therefore 
cnafted,  That  all  and  every  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  to  whom  any  White  Salt  lhall  have  been  or  lhall  be 
delivered  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  and  preferving  Fifli,  lhall,  iu  lieu  and  iuftead  of  all  former  Allowance  of 
Sait  for  curing  and  preferving  Salmon,  be  allowed  a Credit  equal  to  Fifty  Pounds  Weight  of  Salt  for  every 
One  hundred  Weight  of  dried  faited  Salmon,  and  for  every  Barrel  containing  Forty  two  Gallons  of  wet  falted 
Salmon  lhall  be  allowed  a Credit  equal  to  One  hundred  and  thirty  Pounds  Weight  of  Salt,  and  for  every 
Barrel  of  Forty  two  Gallons  of  wet  falted  Salmon  which  lhall  be  by  fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  repacked 
or  packed  from  any  Calk,  Vat  or  other  VcfTel  iu  which  the  fame  lhall  have  been  Grft  cured  for  Exportation, 
a further  Credit  equal  tu  Thirty  eight  Pounds  Weight  of  Salt  for  fuch  packed  or  repacked  wet  falted  Salmon, 
and  fo  in  proportion  for  any  greater  or  lets  Quantity  ; provided  fuch  Calks  fo  packed  or  repacked  he  taken 
account  of  and  branded  by  the  proper  Officer  of  Excifc  with  the  Letters  R.  S.  ; any  thing  in  the  faid  Aft  to 
the  contrary  in  anywife  notwithftanding. 

LIV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Ex- 
cifc from  time  tu  time  and  at  all  times,  upon  hit  or  their  Requcft,  to  enter  into  all  and  every  the  Cellars, 
Warehoufes,  Storehoutcs,  Curing  Houfes  and  other  Places  entered  or  made  ufo  of  by  any  Filh  Curer  or  Filh 
Curers  for  laying  or  keeping  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing,  bulking,  packing  or  flowing 
Filh,  and  by  weighing,  guaging,  tale  or  odurwife,  as  to  fuch  Officer  lhall  feem  meet,  to  take  an  Account  of 
the  Quantity  and  Defonption  of  all  Salt  and  Rock  Salt,  and  of  all  Fifli,  in  the  Cuflody  or  Pofleffion  of  fuch 
Filh  Curer  or  Fifli  Curers  as  aforefaid ; and  if  any  fuch  Fiflt  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  or  other  Perfon  or  Perfons, 
lhall  in  anywife  hinder  or  obilruft  any  fuch  Officer  or  Officers  in  entering  into  or  furveying  any  fuch  Premifes 
as  oforefaid,  or  in  taking  fuch  Account  as  aforefaid,  or  lhall  conceal  from  the  Sight  and  Infpeftion  of  fuch 
Officer  any  Salt,  Rock  Salt  or  Filh,  or  praftife,  or  fuffer,  or  caufc  to  be  praftifod,  any  Art  or  Contrivance 
by  which  any  fuch  Officer  lhall  be  prevented  from  or  hindered  in  taking  a true  Account  thereof  j or  if  any 
fuch  Filh  Curer  or  I'ilh  Curers  lhall  upon  Demand  negleft  or  refufeto  give,  by  himfelf,  his  Servants  and  Work- 
men, all  needful  and  neceffary  Afliftancc  to  fuch  Officer,  in  taking  fuch  Account  as  aforefaid,  every  fuch  Filh 
Curer  or  Fifli  Curers  (hall  lor  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 
LV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  all  and  every  Fifli  Curer  and  Fifli  Curers  is  and  are  hereby  required 
Excifc  furveying  fuch  Filh  Curcr  or  Filh  Curers,  proper, 
every  Warehoufe,  Storehoufe,  or  Cellar  refpeftivcly  to  fom, 
time  to  time  weighing  and  taking  an  Account  of  the  Salt 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Un 

1°  provide,  when  demanded  by  the  Officer  of 
fufficient  and  juft  Scales  and  Weights  at  each  and 
her  or  them  belonging,  for  the  Purpofe  of  from 


Filh  Curers  re- 
p-efcins  cured 
White  Herringt 
lot  Espormiun, 

account  the 
Quantity  of  Salt, 
and  under  the 


Allowance  of 
Duly  free  Salt 
for  certain  dry 
falted  Filh. 

Allowances  cf 
Salt  to  Fill. 
Curers  of  Ssl- 
mon  as  herein 

lieu  of  former 

Powers  to  Offi. 
enter  and  take 
and  Filh  in  the 
Premifes  of  Fifli 

OhUiiiftios  Of- 
ficer, or  refuting, 
See. to  altift  them, 

Penalty  tool. 

provide  good  and 
liiScient  Scales 
and  Weights. 







and  Rack  Salt  respectively  vrhicli  lhall  at  any  time  be  in  die  Cullody  or  PolTeflion  of  any  fuch  Filh  Citrer  1 

Fifh  Carers,  and  (ball  permit  and  fuffer  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  to  ufe  the  fame,  and  fliall  give  him 
Ne*Iefiuig,«cc.  every  needful  Affi fiance  in  weighing  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  j and  if  any  fuch  Fifh  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers 
or  not  permit-  (hall  upon  Demand  as  aforefeid  negleft  or  refufe  to  provide  any  fuch  Scales  and  Weights,  or  either  of  them, 
P®c*r  <0  or  (hall  not  permit  or  fuffer  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  Excife  to  ufe  the  fame,  or  (hall  refufe  to  affifl  him 
ufinj  Wfe  Scab*  wc'ghing  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt ; or  if  any  fuch  Fifh  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  (hall  in  the  weighing  of 
a»d  Weights,  <tc.  anT  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  make  ufe  of,  or  caufe  or  procure  or  fuffer  to  be  made  ufe  of,  any  falfe,  unjull, 
or  infufficient  Scales,  or  Weight  or  Weights,  or  fliall  ufe  or  praftife  any  Art,  Device  or  Contrivance  by 
which  any  fuch  Officer  or  Officers  (hall  or  may  be  hindered  or  prevented  from  taking  the  jult  and  true 
Weight,  and  afeertainiug  the  true  Quantity  of  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rack  Salt,  fuch  Fifli  Curer  or  Fifh  Curers 
Penally.  (hall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds,  together  with  all  fuch  falfe,  unjuft  or 

infufficient  Scales  and  Weight  or  Weights  refpeftively,  and  the  fame  (hall  and  may  be  l'eizcd  by  any  Officer 
or  Officers  of  Excife. 

Filh  Curers  nl-  LVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Filh  Curer  or  Fifli  Curers  fliall,  after  any  Officer  or  Officers 
wring  Marks  on  of  Excife  has  or  have  cither  marked  any  Fifli,  or  branded  any  Calk  or  Veflel  in  which  any  Filh  fliall  be  packed, 
u‘lfjir"  to  denote  that  fuch  Filh  lias  been  taken  account  of  by  fuch  Officer  as  cured  Fifli,  wilfully  or  knowingly  obli- 
ufing  anyArr  ro  teratt'»  Jhcr,  erafe,  cancel  or  deftroy,  or  fuffer  or  caufe  to  be  obliterated,  altered,  erafed,  cancelled  or  deftroyed, 
obtain  any  great.  an)‘  fuels  Mark  or  Brand  j or  if  any  fuch  Fifli  Curer  or  Filh  Curers  (hall  unfairly  pack  or  fuffer  or  caufe  to  be 
er  Credit  for  unfairly  packed  any  fuch  Calk  or  Vcffc]  of  Filh  produced  to  any  Officer  to  be' branded  as  aforefaid,  or  fliall 

Salt  tired  in  afterwards  open  any  fuch  Calk  or  Veflel,  and  remove  any  of  the  Fiih  contained  therein  into  any  oilier  Caflc  or 

tlljn  Veflel,  and  produce  the  fame  again  to  any  Officer  to  be  branded  and  taken  account  of  as  Filh  which  have  not 

11  a o»e  , been  before  branded  and  taken  account  of ; or  fliall  ufe  any  Art  or  Contrivance  in  order  to  obtain  any  undue 

Credit  for  Salt,  or  (hall  in  any  manner  or  way  produce  fuch  Filh  to  the  Officer  for  any  further  or  greater 
Penalty.  Credit  of  Salt  than  what  is  legally  allowed  thereon  ; fuch  Filh  Curer  or  Fifli  Curers  (hall  forfeit  and  lofe  for 

every  fuch  Offence  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds,  and  (hall  be  for  ever  after  deprived  the  Benefit  of  re- 
ceiving, either  by  himfelf,  hcrfelf  or  themfclves,  or  otherwife,  any  Salt  free  of  Duty  for  curing  or  preferving 

3?  G.  3.  c.89,  * LVII.  And  Whereas  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Ma- 

5 llt  ‘ jelly  all  and  every  Maker  or  Makers  of  Glafs  in  Cereal  Britain  who  (hall  lake  any  Rock  Salt  from  any 

‘ Warehoufe  belonging  to  any  Salt  Mine  or  Pit,  or  any  Brine  or  Sea  Water,  for  the  Purpofc  of  making 

* Mineral  Alkali  or  Flux  for  Glafs,  upon  Bond  or  Security  given  ui  Double  die  Duty  of  fuch  Rock  Salt, 

* Brine  or  Sea  Water,  that  all  fuch  Rock  Salt,  Brine  and  Sea  Water  (hall  be  really  and  truly  employed,  fpent 
‘ and  confumed  in  the  making  of  Mineral  Alkali  or  Flux  for  Glafs,  (hall,  for  the  Difchnrge  of  fuch  Bond  or 
‘ Security,  make  Oath  before  the  Collector  of  Excife  of  the  Collection  in  which  the  Alkali  Works  (hall  be 
1 Gtuated,  that  all  the  faid  Rock  Salt,  Brine  or  Sea  Water  for  which  fuch  Bond  or  Security  fliall  have  been 

* given,  has  been  made  ufe  of  in  making  fuch  Mineral  Alkali  or  Flux  for  Glafs,  and  for  no  other  Purpofe 

* what  {never ; and  the  Supervifor  or  Officer  of  Excife  under  wbofe  Survey  fuch  Maker  of  Mineral  Alkali  (hall 
‘ then  be,  fliall  at  the  feme  time  certify  iiis  Belief  of  the  Truth  of  die  Matters  fworn  to  by  fuch  Maker  or 
‘ Maker,  of  Glafs,  or  his,  her  or  their  Agent : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  fuch  Oath  (hall  be  made, 

• ‘ and  fuch  Certificate  aforefaid  granted  within  a limited  time  after  fuch  Bond  fliall  have  been  given  as  afore- 
‘ faid  j*  Be  it  therefore  enafted,  That  all  and  every  fuch  Maker  and  Makers  of  Glafs  in  Great  Britain,  or 
his,  her  or  their  principal  Servant  engaged  in  bin,  her  or  their  entered  Alkali  Works,  {hall,  within  the  Period 
i of  Twelve  Months  from  and  after  die  Date  of  each  fuch  refpeftive  Bond,  make  fuch  Oath  at  afotefaid  ; and 
the  proper  Supervifor  or  Officer  of  Excife  fliall  thereupon  make  out  and  deliver  to  fuch  Maker  or  Makers  of 
Glafs  fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid  ; and  if  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers  of  Glaf6  fliall  neglect  or  refufe  to 
make  fuch  Oath  within  the  Period  aforefaid,  he,  (he  or  diey  fliall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and 
lofe  the  Sum  of  One  hundred  Pounds. 

LVI1I.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  fliall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  Bleacher  of  Cotton  Wool 
or  Cotton  or  Worded  Twill  to  ufe  and  employ  in  the  bleachiug  thereof  any  Oxymuriate  of  Lime  or  bleaching 
. Liquor  made  and  prepared  in  the  manner  and  according  to  die  Directions,  and  by  the  Pcrfons  entitled  to 
’ make  the  feme,  in  and  by  a certain  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  fifth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 
d for,  amongfl  other  things,  allowing  Makers  of  Oxygenated  Muriatic  Acid  to  lake  Salt  Duty  free  for  making 
fuch  Acid  or  Oxymuriate  of  Lime  for  bleaching  Linen  and  Cotton. 

L1X.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  found  in  any  Ship,  Flat,  Barge, 

Boat  or  other  Veflel,  or  in  any  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage  whatfoever,  or  loaded  on  any  Horfe  or 

fraudulently  or  ot^Jer  Cattle,  or  lodged  or  concealed  m any  Houfe,  Outhoufe  or  odicr  Place  whatfoever,  which  Salt  or  Rock 
clsndeftinely  re-  Salt  ^all  ^a,c  been  brought  or  procured  from  any  Salt  Mine  or  Salt  Work  or  other  Place,  or  imported  or 

moved  or  re-  landed  without  Payment  of  Duty,  or  fliall  have  been  fraudulently  or  clandeftincly  unfliipped  or  relanded  after 

ceived,  &c.  for-  the  fame  has  been  (hipped  for  Exportation,  or  fraudulently  or  clandeftincly  taken  from  or  out  of  any  Ship, 
with  Pirr  ^a1’  ®oat>  Barge  or  other  Veflel,  or  any  Cart,  Waggon  or  other  Carriage  in  which  the  fame  (hall  have  been 
&e,  ' loaded  for  Removal  trom  {me  Part  of  the  United  Kingdom  to  any  other  Part  thereof,  or  concealed  on  board 

of  any  fuch  Ship,  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  other  Veflel,  or  in  any  fuch  Cart,  Waggon  or  other  Carriage,  or 
which  having  been  delivered  Duty  free  for  the  Purpofe  of  curing  and  preferring  Filh,  or  for  making  Flux  for 
Ghfs  or  Oxygenated  Muriatic  Acid, or  Oxymuriate  of  Lime,  fliall  have  been  fraudulently  or  clandeftincly  brought 
or  removed  from  the  Stock  of  any  Filh  Curer,  Glafs  Maker,  or  Pcrfoii  or  Pcrfons  receiving  fuch  Salt  or  Rock 
Salt  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Filheriei,  or  for  making  Oxygenated  Muriatic  Acid  or  Oxymuriate  of  Lime  refpeft- 
ively,  or  (hall  have  been  fraudulently  or  clandeftincly  taken  or  delivered  out  of  any  Warehoufe,  Slorrhoufe  or 
14  other 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

GUIs  Makers  t 
nuke  Osth  of 
Ufe  of  Rock 
Salt  within  1: 
Monihs  from  i: 

Penally  tool. 
Bleachers  of 
Colton  Wool 
may  ufe  Oxy- 
muriate of  Lime, 

Salt  unlhippcd 

A.  D.  1817. 

5f  GEORG II  111. 



Ollier  Place  where  the  fame  may  or  Ihall  lrave  been  lodged  and  depoGtcd,  fucli  Sail  or  Rock  Salt  together  with 
the  Package  containing  the  fame,  and  the  Ship,  Flat,  Barge,  Boat  and  other  Vcffeb,  and  alfo  the  Waggon, 

Cart  and  other  Carriages  and  Horfes  and  other  Cattle  in  or  upon  which  the  fame  Ihall  be  found,  and  the  Cat- 
tle made  ufe  of  in  the  drawing  of  fuch  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage,  or  which  Ihall  be  ufed  or  employed 
in  removing  Inch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  as  aforelaid,  fhall  be  forfeited  and  may  be  feized  by  any  Officer  or  Offi- 
cers of  Excife  ; and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  in  whofe  Cuftody  or  Poffeffion  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fo  brought, 
unihipped,  landed,  taken,  removed  or  concealed  33  aforefaid,  Ihall  be  found,  or  who  (hall  be  or  Ihall  have 
been  concerned  or  employed  in  bringing,  procuring,  uulhipping,  landing,  relanding,  concealing,  removing, 
carrying,  delivering,  buying  or  receiving  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  111  all  fevcrally forfeit  the  Sum  of  Forty  nd  Faulty. 
Shillings  for  every  Pound  Weight  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fo  found  as  aforefaid. 

« LX.  Aud  Whereas  all  and  every  Maker  or  Makers  of  Salt,  Refiner  or  Refiners  of  Rock  Salt,  or 
« proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Mine,  Salt  Pit  or  Salt  Work,  is  and  are  by  Law  required.  Weekly 
‘ and  at  the  End  of  every  Week,  to  pay  and  clear  off  all  the  Duties  for  or  in  refpeft  of  Salt  and  Rock  Salt 

• which  (hall  have  been  charged  to  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors, 

* in  the  then  current  Week,  unlefs  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors, 

• Ihall  have  given  Bond  or  Security  for  Payment  of  fuch  Duties : And  Whereas  many  Perfons  refufing  or 

* neglefting  tu  give  fuch  Bond  have  taken  Sait  out  of  the  Warehoufes,  and  removed  and  difpofed  of  the 

it  therefore  cnafted,  That  all  and  every  ] 

Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  any  Salt  Mine,  Salt  Pit,  or  Salt  Work,  who  Ihall  t 

Makers  not 
give  fuch  Bond  for-  B'v'ng  Bond  for 

fecuring  the  Payment  of  the  Duties  as  is  required  by  Law  for  that  Purpofe,  Ihall  pay  to  the  Colleger  of  ^curln?  tb* 
Excife  where  fuch  Salt  Mine,  Salt  Pit  or  Salt  Work  Ihall  be  fituate,  all  the  Duties  charged  or  chargeable  [y^.Topay 
for  or  in  refpeft  of  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  which  he,  (lie  or  they  llmll  be  about  to  remove,  before  fuch  Salt  or  fu! HDuty before 
Rock  Salt  Ihall  be  delivered  out  of  the  Warchoufe  in  which  the  fame  Ihall  be  depolited  5 and  that  in  default  nkinj  it  oui  of 
of  fuch  Payment  no  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  Ihall  be  delivered  for  Home  Trade  or  Confumption  out  of  fuch  *h*  Warchoufe. 
Warehoufe  to  or  by  any  fuch  Maker  or  Makers,  Refiner  or  Refiners,  or  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  not  giving 
fuch  Bond  as  aforefaid. 

• LX1.  And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  to  repeal  the  feveral  Drawbacks  of  Cuftoms  and  Excife  payable  on 
* the  Exportation  of  Duty-paid  Salt  from  Great  Britain  Be  it  therefore  cnafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Diawlucksnf 
Tenth  Day  of  October  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  feventceu,  the  feveral  Drawbacks  of  Cuftoms  Cuilomi  and 
and  Excife  payable  on  the  Exportation  of  Duty-paid  Salt  from  Great  Britain  Ihall  be  and  the  fame  are  ^ Sait  ex-1* 
hereby  repealed.  lined,  repealed. 

LXII.  Aud  be  it  further  enacted.  That  it  llmll  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  Maker  or  Makers,  or  Refiner  Wjrehoufcafor 
or  Refiners  of,  or  Dealer  or  Dealers  in  Salt,  having  the  Licenfe  and  Pcrmiffion  of  the  Commiffioncrs  of  Ex-  iwing  Salt  Duty 
cife,  or  the  major  Part  of  them  for  the  time  being,  for  that  Purpofe,  to  provide  or  erect  One  or  more  Export  free  for  Eaport- 
Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes  at  or  within  the  Port  of  London  or  Hull,  Greenock,  Leith  and  Plymouth,  for  the  Pur-  »,ion  m,l  ke 
pofe  of  laying,  ftoring  or  keeping  therein  Salt  delivered  Duty  free,  and  intended  for  Exportation  ; provided  that  rllahlilhed  « 
every  fuch  Warchonfe  Ihall  be  well,  fubftantially  and  fecurely  built  and  conilrufted,  to  the  Satisfaction  of  the  im*,r"Jhe  Ume 
faid  Commiffioncrs,  or  fuch  Officer  or  Officers  as  they  may  appoint  to  infpeft  the  fame;  and  that  no  fuch  RtguUtiom wish 
Warehoufe  (hall  have  more  than  One  Door  or  Entrance  to  the  fame;  and  that  there  be  no  Communication  inch  Warehoufes 
between  any  fuch  Warehoufe  and  any  other  Place  whatfoever,  except  fuch  external  Door  or  Entrance  as  n'  inl1 

aforelaid,  and  (ball  have  00  Chimney  or  any  Window  or  Opening  witliin  Ten  Feet  of  the  Ground,  or  of  any 
Wall,  Ereftion  or  Building  on  the  Outfidc  thereof:  Provided  alfo,  that  no  Perfon  or  Perfons  Ihall  be  the  ij  j,.  ' ’ ' 
Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  fuch  Export  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  or  (hall  be  in  any  refpeft  employed  or 
concerned  therein,  or  have  any  1'ntereft  in  the  Salt  therein  depolited,  who  (hall  be  a Dealer  in  Salt  for  Home 
1 fade  or  Confumption,  at  or  from  any  Warchoufe,  Cellar,  Shop  or  other  Place,  within  a Quarter  of  a Mile 
of  fuch  entered  Warehoufe  for  Duty  free  Salt,  or  have  any  Intcreft  or  Concern  in  fuch  Trade  5 and  that 
Inch  Warehoufe  or  Warehoufes,  aud  the  Salt  depolited  therein,  and  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  making  Entry 
thereof,  Ihall  be  fubjeft  to  all  the  Rules,  Regulations  and  Provilions,  Penalties  and  Forfeitures  prefenbed, 
direfted,  contained  or  impofed  by  the  faid  Aft  of  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Ma- 
jcl\ y , with  refpeft  to  Export  Warehoufes  at  or  within  the  Ports  of  Liverpool  or  Bri/lol  refpeftively,  except  fo  Exception, 
iar  as  the  fame  or  any  of  them  are  ultered  by  this  Aft,  as  fully  and  effcftually  as  if  the  fame  were  repeated  or 
nucrtedin  the  Body  of  this  prefeut  Aft;  and  that  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  having  or  being  employed  or  con-  Ownan  of  fucli 
ccnied  in  Inch  Warehoufe  as  lall  aforefaid,  or  any  of  the  Salt  depolited  therein.  III  all  at  the  lame  time  be  a Wtrehoufes 
.Dealer  in  Salt  for  Home  Trade  or  Confumption,  or  interefted  in  or  direftly  or  indiroftly  concerned  in  fuch 

carried  on  a.  aforefaid,  he,  (he  or  they  (hall  for  each  and  every  fuch  Offence,  forfeit  and  lofc  the  Sum  Cbn' 

of  Five  Hundred  Pounds.  penalty  ’ 1. 

fXnd.»be  '5  lutthcr  enafled.  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  or  for  any  Perfon  or  Perfons,  i-0,citn  Salt  may 
within  1 welve  Months  after  the  Importation  and  Landing  of  Foreign  Salt,  to  take  free  of  Duty,  for  the  be  taken  from 
lurpofc  of  immediately  exporting  the  fame  in  any  Ship  or  Vcffel  not  of  lefs  Burthen  than  Forty  Tous  tp  any  Import 
evtfounellnnd,  for  curing  Cod  Filh,  Liug  or  Hake  to  be  there  caught,  any  Quantity  not  being  lefs  than  Watehoufe  at 
• 1 ty  Bulhcls  at  a tune  ot  Foreign  Salt,  bom  and  out  of  any  Import  Warchoufe,  Storehoufe  or  Cellar  at  oortio 

. v ?h’Cyh.y“\  „ hfM  P“l  according  to  the  Regulation  of  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  N.wfcmJhnd 
f.iK-  ' Year  fore fan],  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo  taking  out  fucli  Salt  iiril  giving  the  like  Security,  and  being  lot  curinj  Cod, 
lunject  to  all  the  Rules,  Regulations,  Rdlriftions  and  Provifior.s,  Forfeitures  and  Penalties,  preferibed,  dl-  !° 

wnl.  ~rCOnia"":d',  or'mP°f,;d  bV  a"  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty, 

Jfe*  “i1"  Exportation  of  Forasn  Salt  to  aod  t»k«.  fr«  of  Dnty  too  ool  of 

J7Gbo.  IIL  N any*’ 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 




57°  GE0RG1I  III. 


r within  the  Ports  of  Poole,  Dartmouth , Fal- 

Wlien  Silt  or 
Rock  Silt  re. 
moving  Coalt- 
wife  or  repott- 
ing to  Ireland  ii 
loll  by  ciRinc 

finking  of  the 
Veffcl,  or  Cap- 
ture,.\ npBntfon 
to  be  made  to 
Two  Julltcei,  or 
(if  in  Ireland)  to 
the  Collector  ur 
Comptroller,  or 
10  the  Eadfe  in 

any  Import  Warehoufe  for  that  Purpofe,  as  are  required  at  0 
mouth  and  Glafgotu  refpeftively,  by  thcfnid  Aft. 

‘ LXI V . And  Whereas  by  the  faid  Aft  made  in  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  the  Reign  aforefaid,  it  is 

* enafted,  that  in  cafe  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  for  which  the  Duties  by  the  faid  Aft  impofed  (hall  have  been 

* paid,  or  which  lhall  have  been  delivered  upon  Bond,  free  of  thofc  Duties,  (hall  be  loll  or  deflroyed  through 

* Strcfs  of  Weather  or  Storms  at  Sea,  or  by  the  accidental  or  unavoidable  catling  away,  finkiug  or  ilranding  of 
‘ any  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  Veffel  in  or  on  hoard  of  which  any  fucb  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  removing  or 
‘ tranfporting  from  one  Place  to  another,  it  (hall  and  may  he  lawful  for  the  Owner,  Proprietor  or  Shipper  of 
4 fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  to  myke  Application  in  Writing  for  Relief  to  HU  Maielly’s  Jultices  of  the  Peace  of 

* the  County,  Riding,  Divifion  or  Sliirc  neared  to  which  any  fuch  Accident  lhall  happen,  at  the  Quarter  Sef- 

* lions  of  the  Peace,  or  to  the  Commiffioners  of  Eicife  at  the  Chief  Office  of  Excifc  in  London,  or  any  Three 

* of  die  faid  Commiffioners,  and  thereupon  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  fuch  Julliccs  of  die  Peace  at 
' the  Quarter  Scffions,  or  Commiffioners  of  Excifc,  or  any  Three  of  fuch  Commiffioners  refpeftivcly,  to  re- 
4 ceivc  and  admit  fuch  Application,  and  to  examine  all  Parties  touching  die  Matter  contained  therein,  and  upon 
4 due  Proof  of  the  Faft  in  die  manner  preferibed  by  the  faid  Aft,  to  grant  fuch  Relief  as  in  the  faid  Aft  is 
4 mentioned,  and  under  the  fcveral  Provifoes,  Conditions  and  Rcllriftions  therein  contained : And  Whereas 
4 by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Fifty  lirll  Year  of  the  Reign  of  Iiis  prefent  Majcily,  among  other  things,  forgrant- 
4 ing  Relief  for  Salt  loll  at  Sea  by  Shipwreck  or  Capture,  it  is  enafted,  that  in  every  cafe  where  any  fuch 
4 Salt  or  Rock  Salt  as  aforefaid  lhall,  bv  the  accidental  or  unavoidable  calling  away  and  finking  of  the  Ship 
4 or  Vcffel  in  or  on  board  which  fuch  Salt  or  Roek  Salt  (hall  be  removing  or  tranfporting  from  one  Place  to 

* another,  be  loft,  or  where  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  as  in  that  Behalf  mendoned  in  an  Aft  made  in  the 
4 Thirty  ninth  Year  of  the  Reign  aforefaid,  (hall  be  loft  by  Capture  of  Enemies,  and  any  fuch  Lofs  (hall 
4 not  have  come  to  the  Knowledge  of  the  Proprietor  or  Shipper  thereof  in  fufficient  time  to  enable  fuch  Pro- 
4 prietor  or  Sliipper  to  give  the  Notice  required  by  the  faid  Aft,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  fuch 
4 Proprietor  or  Shipper,  within  One  Month  after  fucli  Accident  (hall  have  become  known  to  him,  her  or 
4 them,  to  give  to  die  Commiffioners  of  Excifc  at  the  Chief  Office  of  Excifc  in  London,  or  to  tile  Collector 
‘ of  Excife  of  the  Collection  neared  to  which  the  Accident  lhall  have  happened,  fuch  Notice  as  by  the  faid 
4 lall  recited  Aft  is  preferibed ; and  upon  any  fuch  Notice  as  is  by  die  faid  Aft  of  the  Fifty  firft  Year  aforc- 
4 faid  preferibed  haring  been  given  as  aforefaid,  for  His  Majelly’s  Jultices  of  die  Peace  of  the  County, 
4 Riding,  Divifion  or  Shire,  at  the  Quarter  Seffions  of  the  Peace  neared  to  which  die  Owner,  Proprietor  or 

* Shipper  of  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  lhall  refide,  or  for  the  Commiffioners  of  Excife  at  the  Chief  Office  of  Ex- 
4 cife  in  London,  or  any  Three  of  the  faid  Commiffioners,  to  proceed  thereon,  and  grant  die  like  Relief  as  in 

* and  by  the  faid  refpeftive  Afts  is  authorized,  dirsfted  or  required,  upon  and  under  the  Terms,  Conditions 
4 and  Rcllriftions  mentioned  in  the  faid  Aft : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient  that  the  faid  recited  Provifiuus  in 
‘ die  faid  Two  Afts  of  the  Thirty  eighth  and  Fifty  firft  Years  of  the  Reign  aforefaid  fliould  be  repealed 
Be  it  therefore  enafted.  That  from  and  after  the  laid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thou  fund  eight  hundred  and 
feventeen,.  the  faid  recited  Prorifions  in  the  faid  Two  Afts  of  the  Thirty  eighth  and  Fifty  firft  Years  of  the 
Reign  aforefaid  lhall  be  and  the  fame  are  hereby  refpeftively  repealed. 

1. XV.  Aid  be  it  further  enafted.  That  from  and  after  the  faid  Fifth  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  feventeen,  in  cafe  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  removing  from  one  Part  of  the  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  to  any  other  Part  thereof,  or  (hipped  for  Exportation  to  Ireland,  (hall  be  loll  or  deftroyed  by  a Leak 
or  Leaks  accidentally  or  unavoidably  fprung  by  fuch  Flat,  Barge,  Boat  or  oilier  Veffcl,  during  fuch  Carriage 
or  Conveyance  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  and  fatisfaftarilv  (hewn  to  the  Officer  of  Excife  at  the  Port  or 
Place  of  Difcharge,  before  or  at  the  time  of  the  Delivery  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  relpeftively,  or  by  the 
unavoidable  finking,  Ilranding,  calling  away.  Wreck  or  finking,  or  by  the  Capture  of  any  Flat,  Boat, 
Barge  or  Veffcl  in  or  on  board  of  which  any  fucli  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  (hall  be  removing  or  tranfporting  as 
aforefaid,  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  the  Owuer,  Proprietor  or  Shipper  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt 
or  Captain,  Configncc  or  Agent,  to  make  Application  in  Writing  to  Two  or  more  of  His  Majelly’s  Jultices 
of  tlie  Peace  of  the  County  in  Great  Britain  nearell  to  which  any  fuch  Lofs  lhall  befultained  or  be  firft 
difeovered,  or  to  the  Port  of  Difcharge,  or  to  the  Collector  and  Comptroller  of  the  Port  in  Ireland  to  which 
fuch  Vellel  (hall  be  deilined,  or  into  which  fuch  Veffcl  (hall  be  driven,  or  to  the  Commiffioners  of  Excife  in 
. Scotland,  or  at  the  Chief  Office  of  Excife  in  London,  according  to  the  Place  where  fuch  Lofs  may  happen, 

) or  any  Tine  of  the  faid  Commiffioners  refpeftively  ; and  thereupon  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for 

fuch  Jultices  of  the  Peace,  Colleftor  and  Comptroller  or  Commiffioners  of  Excife,  or  any  Three  of  fuch 
Commiffioners  refpeftively,  and  they  are  hereby  required  to  receive  and  admit  fuch  Application  and  to  iffue 
and  grant  their  Summons  to  all  and  every  Witnefs  and  Witneffes  thereupon  named  by  the  Party  or  Parties 
making  fuch  Application,  to  come  before  them,  upon  a time  and  at  a Place  to  be  mentioned  in  fuch  Sum- 
mons refpeftively,  to  be  examined  upon  their  and  each  of  their  Corporal  Oaths  touching  and  concerning  the 
Premifes,  and  at  fuch  time  and  Place  to  examine  upon  Oath  ( which  Oath  fuch  Julliccs,  Colleftor  and  Comp- 
troller and  Commiffioners  are  hereby  refpeftively  autliorized  to  adminillcr)  not  only  all  and  every  fuch  Witncls 
and  Witneffes,  but  all  Witneffes  then  and  there  produced  again  ft  fuch  Application,  in  the  Prefeucc  of  the 

proper  Colleftor  or  Supervifor  of  Excife,  if  he  or  they  lhall  attend  at  fuch  time  and  Place,  touching  the 

Matter  dated  and  contained  in  fuch  Application,  and  to  take  fuch  Examination  and  every  Part  thereof  in 
Writing,  to  be  afterwards  read  over  to  and  figned  by  each  fuch  Witnefs  refpeftively  ; and  upon  Proof  of  all 
and  every  the  Facts  dated  and  contained  in  fuch  Application  by  fuch  Witneffes  as  aforefaid,  one  of  whom 
lhall  be  the  Mailer  or  Mate  of  fuch  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  Veffel,  if  fuch  Mailer  or  Mule  be  living  at  the 
time,  and  upon  Proof  as  aforefaid  that  fuch  Flat,  Boat,  Barge  or  Veffel  was,  at  the  time  of  the  Suipmen'- 
7 and 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817-  57°  GEORG II  III.  C.49. 

and  Receipt  offuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  tight,  found,  and  in  all  refpefts  Sea  worthy,  and  fit  for  the  Re- 
cent  ion  and  fafe  Conveyance  of  fucli  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  and  without  Leakage  or  other  Injury,  and  was  not 
loaded  with  Salt  or  other  Good*  fo  as  to  fink  in  the  Water  below  her  Load  Water  line  or  Mark,  and  that  all 
iuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  had  been  duly  weighed,  and  had  been  (hipped  and  received  on  board  thereof,  and  fe- 
curely  kept  during  the  faid  Voyage,  continually  from  the  time  when  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  was  weighed, 
and  was  (hipped  and  received  on  board  thereof,  until  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  was  weighed  or  delivered  out  of 
fuch  Veffel  at  the  Port  of  Delivery,  and  in  the  Prcfciicc  of  the  proper  Officer  of  Excife,  or  the  Veffel  Wa* 
Ilia  tided,  call  away,  wrecked,  funk  or  captured,  or  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  was  loft  or  deftroyed  by  fuch 
Leak  or  Leaks  as  aforefaid,  and  that  no  Part  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  had  been  taken  out,  removed,  loft, 
con  fumed  or  deftroyed  by  any  Negligence  or  Want  of  due  and  proper  Care  thereof,  or  from  the  Mifdircftion 
or  Mifmanagement  of  fuch  Veffel,  or  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfon*  whatfoever,  to  the  Knowledge  or  Belief  of 
fuch  Mailer  or  Mate  refpeftively,  and  that  fucli  Lof*  or  Deficiency  was  or  were  wholly  and  folcly  owing  to 
and  occafioned  by  the  Caufe  ftated  in  fuch  Application,  being  either  by  a Leak  or  Leaks  accidentally  or  un- 
avoidably fprung  by  fuch  Flat,  llarge.  Boat  or  other  Veffel,  during  fuch  Carriage  or  Conveyance  of  fuch 
Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  and  fatisfaclorily  (hewn  to  the  Officer  of  Excife  at  the  Port  or  Place  of  Difcharge,  be- 

fore or  at  the  time  of  the  Delivery  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  refpeftively,  ■ , o, 

calling  away,  Wreck,  finking  or  Capture  of  fuch  Veffel,  fuch  Jullices  are  hereby  authorized  and  reqnired  to  luSice*  togiaw, 
grant  to  the  Collector  or  Supervifor  of  Excife,  and  fuch  Colleftor  and  Comptroller  as  aforefaid  (hall,  at  the  Jl"1  Callretor, 
Expcnfe  of  the  Party  or  Parties  making  fucli  Application,  thereupon  tranfmit  to  the  Commifiioners  of  Ex-  rf^he'” 
cife  in  England  or  Scotland , as  the  cafe  may  be,  a Copy  of  fuch  Application,  and  of  the  Examination*  in  p'ny.iomnf- 
Writing  taken  thereon,  with  their  Certificate,  to  be  figned  by  fuch  Jullices  or  Collector  and  Comptroller  mit  to  Eicife  m 
refpeftively,  fpecifyiug  that  each  fuch  Witnefs  has  been  examined  by  them  upon  Oath,  that  his  or  her  Ex-  England  or  Scoi- 
amination  was  afterwards  read  over  to  and  figned  by  each  fuch  Witnef*  in  the  prefence  of  fuch  Jullices  or  l*nd»  ■ * <-0P>1  o( 
Colleftor  and  Comptroller  refpeftively,  and  that  the  fevcral  Fafts  ftated  in  fuch  Application  were  or  were 
not,  as  the  cafe  may  be,  proved  to  their  Satisfaftion  j and  fuch  Colleftor  or  Supervifor  lhall,  upon  Receipt  of  ,n[|  Ceitificile 
fuch  Copy  and  Certificate  from  fuch  Jullices  as  aforefaid,  tranfmit  the  fame  to  the  Commifiioners  of  Excife,  ofl'ioceedingj. 
who  are  hereby  authorized  and  required,  upon  Receipt  of  any  fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid,  if  they  be  fatisfied  CnmmUfioners 
therewith,  in  cafe  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fo  loft  or  deftroyed  lhall  have  been  proved  to  be  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  for  on  R«- 

which  the  Duties  by  law  impofed  lhall  have  been  paid  "or  fecured  to  be  paid,  to  allow  to  the  Maker  or  Pro-  „uy' mako  iuch 
prietor  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  out  of  the  Duties  on  Salt  which  lhall  next  become  due  and  payable  from  Allowance  to 
fuch  Maker  or  Proprietor,  the  full  Amount  of  the  Duties  proved  to  have  been  paid  for  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Proprietor  cf 
Salt  which  (hall  be  fo  proved  to  have  been  fo  loll  or  deftroyed  as  aforefaid ; and  if  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  which  S >lc  fo  jolt,  &c. 
lhall  be  proved  to  have  been  fo  loll  or  deftroyed  as  aforefaid,  lhall  be  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  which  lhall  ha*  been  “ men‘ 
delivered  upon  Bond  free  of  Duty,  or  Rock  Salt  which  (hall  have  been  delivered  for  Exportation  upon  the  tlon  ’ 
low  Duty  to  which  fuch  Rock  Salt  for  Exportation  is  liable,  then  and  in  every  fucli  cafe  the  faid  Coinmif- 
fioners  Ihsll,  as  to  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  fo  loft  or  deftroyed,  order  and  require  fuch  Colleftor  of  Excife  as  i ml  coder  Col- 
aforefaid  to  cancel  or  vacate  the  Bond  which  lhall  have  been  given  for  the  delivery  of  tlie  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  c,ncel 

which  (hall  be  proved  to  have  been  fo  loft  or  deftroyed  5 and  that  if  fuch  Application  be  made  to  the  Com-  1 e ad' 
miffionerg  of  Excife  as  aforefaid,  and  fuch  Proof  be  made  as  aforefaid  to  their  Satisfaftion,  fuch  Commif- 
fioners  lhall  grant  the  fame  Relief  refpeftively  as  is  hereinbefore  direfted  to  he  granted  by  them  on  fuch  Cer- 
tificate as  aforclaid  : Provided  always,  that  no  fuch  Application  as  aforefaid  mail  be  fullained  or  proceeded  Notice  to  be 
upon  unlefs  the  Proprietor  or  Shipper  of  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  which  (hall  be  loft  or  deftroyed  as  aforefaid,  «“  Officer 
or  fomc  Perfon  on  his,  her  or  their  Behalf,  lhall  give  Notice  in  Writing  to  the  Colleftor  or  Comptroller  of  'f  -M’pl|C*'jrn 
the  Port  in  Ireland  to  which  fuch  Veffel  may  be  deftined,  or  into  which  file  may  be  driven,  or  to  the  Col- 

by the  unavoidable  ilranding, 

leftor  or  Supervifor  of  Excife  in  Great  Britain  nenreft  to  the  Place  where  fuch  Lofs  may  happen  or  be  firft 
difeovered,  or  to  the  Solicitor  of  Excife  for  fummary  and  criminal  Profecutions,  within  Ten  Days  after  fuch 

difeovered,  or  to  the  Solicitor  of  Excife  for  fummary  and  criminal  Profecutioi 

Lof*  lhall  have  happened  or  been  firft  difeovered  as  aforefaid  j or  if  fuch  Flat,  Barge,  Boat  or  other  Veffel 
be  then  at  Sea,  within  Ten  Days  after  her  Arrival  at  her  deftined  Port;  nor  unlefs  it  lhall  be  foccified  in  What  fuch 
fuch  Application  when  and  where  foch  Lofs  lhall  have  happened  and  been  difeovered,  and  by  which  particu-  pheation  is 

lip  U»r : . •.  n ,1  , , , rr  1 r .1  J nl "c  -f  -e.  fuecifv. 

it  (hall  be  fnecified  in  What  fuch  Ap. 

lar  Caule  before  mentioned  it  lhall  have  been  occafioned  ; nor  unlefs  the  Names  and  Place*  of  Abode  of  the  *!’“%• 

Maker  or  Refiner,  and  of  the  Proprietor  or  Shipper  of  the  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  the  time  when  and  the  Place 
where  the  fame  was  (hipped,  and  the  Place  to  which  the  Tame  was  configned  or  intended  to  be  removed,  and 
3 l l Q"anl'ty  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  actually  (hipped,  lhall  be  fpccified  in  fuch  Application,  and  alfo 
whether  it  was  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  for  which  the  Duties  had  been  paid,  or  which  had  been  delivered  on  Bond, 
and  the  Names  of  the  Flat,  Barge,  Boat  or  Veffel  in  which  the  fame  was  (hipped,  and  of  the  Matter  or  Com- 
mander thereof:  Provided  alfo,  that  no  fuch  Application  to  fuch  Juftice3  or  Commifiioners  lhall  be  fullained  Copy  of  AppB- 
or  proceeded  upon  unlefs  a Copy  of  fuch  Application  lhall  be  delivered  to  fuch  Colleftor  or  Supervifor  as  culon  to  be  Je- 
aforefaid,  or  to  the  Solicitor  of  Excife  for  fummary  and  criminnl  Profecutions,  Three  Days  at  leaft  before  'T?  - “r 

the  ume  appointed  by  fuch  Jnftices  or  Commifiioners  for  the  Examination  of  the  Witneffes,  together  with  wiincITcs,  &e. 
the  Lilt  ol  the  Names,  Relidcnce  and  Defcription  of  the  fevcral  Witneffes  who  lhall  be  intended  to  be  there- 
upon examined  ; and  that,  upon  any  fuch  Examination  as  aforefaid,  fuch  Witneffes  only  lhall  be  examined  in 
support  of  fuch  Application  wliofe  Names  arc  contained  in  fuch  Lift,  and  that  fuch  Examination  lhall  be  con- 
trned  to  the  Fafts  fpccified  iu  foch  Application. 

f *'  'l  fur,hcr  enafted.  That  if  the  faid  Commifiioners  of  Excife  (hall  be  diffatisfied  with  any  Appeal  toQou. 

■uch  Examination  or  Certificate  a*  aforefeid,  they  arc  hereby  authorized  and  required  within  Fourteen  Days  to  kjr 

m L r to  lhe  Part>"  or  P*1?"  maki"K  (»ch  Application  as  aforefaid,  and  give  to  fuch  Party  or  Par- 
Notice  of  Appeal  to  the  Juftice*  of  the  laid  County,  or  of  the  County  from  which  fuch  Salt  or  Rock 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C.49.  57°  GEORGII  III.  A.D.1817. 

Salt  (hall  have  been  (hipped,  at  the  Quarter  Scflions  of  the  Peace  which  (hall  be  lioldcn  in  and  for  the  faid 
County  next  after  fuch  Certificate  (hall  have  been  received  by  them  as  aforefaid;  and  that  if  fuch  Juftice  or 
Jullices,  or  Collector  and  Comptroller,  to  whom  any  fuch  Application  (hall  be  made  as  aforefaid,  lhnll  certify 
that  all  or  any  of  the  Facts  required  by  this  Aft  to  be  thereupon  proved  upon  Oath  (hall  not  have  been 
proved,  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  to  and  for  the  Proprietor  or  Shipper  of  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  withhi 
Notice  to  0£:er  Fourteen  Days  after  fuch  DeciGon,  to  give  Notice  to  the  Colleftor  or  Supervifor  of  Excife  who  (hall  haveat- 

of  Ayyetl.  tended  fuch  Examination,  or  in  cafe  of  any  fuch  Decifion  by  fuch  Collector  and  Comptroller  as  aforefaid,  to 

the  Collector  nearelt  to  the  Refidence  of  fucli  Proprietor  or  Shipper  in  Great  Britain,  of  his  or  lief  Intention 
to  appeal  to  the  Jullices  aforefaid  at  the  next  Quarter  Seflions  to  be  holden  m and  for  the  laid  County  ; and 
fuch  Jullices  at  their  Quarter  Scflions  (hall,  upon  either  of  fuch  Appeals  as  aforefaid,  be  thereupon  empowered 
to  iffuc  their  Summons  for  the  Attendance  of  any  Witncfs  or  Witnefles  thereon,  and  to  hear  and  examine  the 
DeciGon  of  Matters  aforefaid,  and  their  Decifion  thereon  (hall  be  final,  and  that  thereupon  fuch  Application  for  Relief  as 
Quarter  Selfiont  aforefaid  (hall  be  wholly  difmiflcd,  or  the  faid  Commilfionere  of  Excife  (hall  make  fuch  Order  of  Relief  as 

n a before  mentioned  : Provided  always,  that  no  other  Fafts  or  Fact  (hall  be  inquired  into  at  fuch  Quarter  Scflions  1 

22“  ITm  Ouar-  t*1Jn  d'ofe,  which  are  dated  in  fuch  original  Application  as  aforefaid,  nor  any  Witneffei  examined  in  Support  I 

ter  Sellioua  may  of  fuch  Application,  except  fucli  whole  Names,  Refidence  and  Defcription  (hall  be  entered  in  a Lift  to  be 
enquire  into  and  given  by  the  Party  or  Parties  making  fuch  Application,  to  the  Colleftor  or  Supervifor  of  Excife,  Ten  Days 

eumine.  at  leaft  before  fuch  Quarter  Seflions,  nor  any  Witnefles  examined  againft  fucli  Application,  except  fuch  whole 

Names  or  Refidences  and  Defcriptions  (hall  be  entered  in  a Lift  to  be  given  by  fuch  Colleftor  or  Supervifor 
to  the  Party  or  Parties  making  loch  Application,  or  his,  -her  or  their  Agent,  Ten  Days  at  lead  before  fuch 
Quarter  Seflions  ; and  that  the  Party  making  fuch  Appeal  fltall,  in  cafe  fitch  Decifion  of  the  Juftices  of  the 
Colli.  Quarter  Seflions  (hall  be  againft  fuch  Appeal,  bear  and  pay  all  Cods,  Charges  and  Expcnfes  attending,  occa- 

fioned  to  or  fuftained  by  either  Party,  by  fuch  Appeal  having  been  fo  made,  and  of  all  Witnefles  who  (hall 
have  attended  fuch  Juftices  to  be  examined  thereon. 

Wimeflc*  LXV1I.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  if  any  Perfon  (hall  be  fummoned  to  appear  as  a Witncfs  to  give 

neglefling, fcc.  Evidence  before  any  fuch  Juftices  of  the  Peace  as  aforefaid,  or  any  fuch  Colleftor  and  Comptroller  or  Com- 

lo  aprcar  or  midioncrs  as  aforefaid,  touching  the  matters  aforefaid,  and  (hall  negleft  or  refufc  to  appear  at  the  time  and  Place 

give  tv  I cnee,  to  for  (],at  purp0fe  appointed  in  fuch  Summons,  without  a reafonable  Excufe  for  fucli  his  or  her  Negleft 

or  Rcftifal  (to  be  allowed  by  fuch  Juftices  of  the  Peace  or  Colleftor  and  Comptroller  or  Commiffioners  as  afore- 
faid), or  appearing  fltall  refufc  to  be  examined  upon  Oath,  and  give  Evidence  tp  fuch  Juftices  of  the  Peace 
PensHyjcu  0r  Collector  and  Comptroller  or  Cnmmilfioners,  before  whom  fuch  Evidcuce  is  required  by  this  Aft  to  be 
given,  then  tlial  every  fuch  Perfon  (hall  forfeit  for  every  fuch  Offence  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds,  to  be  levied 
by  Warrant  of  Diftrcfs  to  be  ifliied  by  fuch  Commiffioners  or  Juftices,  or  by  any  other  Two  Juftices  of  the 
County  or  Place  where  fucli  Offence  ihall  have  been  committed,  upon  the  Certificate  of  the  Juftices  or  Col- 
lcftor  and  Comptroller  refpeftively  to  be  granted  of  fuch  Contempt ; and  if  no  fufHcient  Diftrcfs  can  be 
found,  then  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  fuch  Commiffioners  or  Juftices  to  commit  fuch  Offender  to  the 
Common  Gaol  or  other  Prifon  within  their  Jurifdiftion,  for  any  Term  not  exceeding  the  Space  of  Three 
AppUntion  of  Calendar  Months,  unlcfs  the  Penalty  (hall  be  fooner  paid;  and  fucli  Penalty  Ihall  be  applied  to  the  lift  of 

Penalty.  the  Poor  of  the  Parifti,  Townfltip  or  Place  in  which  fuch  Offence  (hall  have  been  committed,  in  fuch  manner 

as  fuch  Juftices  (halldireft  and  appoint. 

Perjury.  LXVI1I.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  all  and  every  Perfon  and  Pcrfons  who  (hall  give  falfe  Evidence 

in  any  Examination  to  be  taken  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  or  where,  in  purfuancc  of  this  Aft,  any  Oath  is  rc- 

Suired  to  he  taken,  (hall  ftvear  falfcly,  (hall  be  fubjett  to  fuch  Pains,  Penalties  and  Difqualifications  as  Per- 
ms guilty  of  wilful  and  corrupt  Perjury  are  or  for  the  time  being  ihall  be  fubjeft  or  liable  to  by  the  Laws 
and  Statutes  of  this  Realm. 

Onus  Probmdi,  LXIX.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  if  any  Queftion  Ihall  arife  whether  any  faked  Fifh,  Salt,  Rock 
how  fa  on  Salt  or  Alkali  refpeftively,  which  (hall  be  fci2tdas  and  for  faltcd  Filh,  Salt,  Rock  Salt  or  Alkali  refpeftively, 
?7nt!_  1 ’ forfeited  under  or  by  virtue  of  this  Aft,  be  faltcd  Fifh,  Salt,  Rock  Salt  or  Alkali  refpeftively,  for  or  on 

which  fuch  Forfeiture  is  by  this  Aft  impofed,  the  Proof  of  fuch  faltcd  Fiih,  Salt,  Rock  Salt  or  Alkali  rc- 
fpeftiycly,  not  being  faltcd  Fifh,  Salt,  Rock  Salt  or  Alkali  refpeftively,  for  or  on  which  (uch  Forfeiture  is 
by  this  Aft  impofed  fltall  lie  upon  the  Owner  or  Claimer  thereof. 

Bond*  for  Filh-  LXX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Bond  or  Security  given  or  to  be  taken,  under  the  Provifions  of 
Salt  not  fun-  this  Aft,  for  the  Removal  of  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  to  he  lodged  or  depofited  in  auv  Warehoufe  for  the  Ufe 
Duty.0  Um5'  t*1L’  Dfheric!,  or  for  the  accounting  for  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  depofited  therein,  or  for  or  in  refpeft 

*’  pf  any  Salt  or  Rock  Salt  to  be  ufed  or  employed  in  curing  or  preferving  Filh,  nor  any  Certificate  made  out 

in  relation  to  any  fuch  Salt  or  Rock  Salt,  (hall  be  fubjeft  or  liable  to  any  Stamp  Dudes ; any  thing  in  this  or 
any  other  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithftanding. 
i»C.  a.c.  »4-  LXXI.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  all  and  every  of  the  Powers,  Dircftions,  Rules,  Penalties,  For- 
, e to  k'.tures’  Claufcs,  Matters  and  Things  which  in  and  by  an  Aft  made  in  the  Twelfth  Year  of  the  Rcigu  of 
the  Exdfein  King  Charier  the  Second,  intituled  sir.  AS  for  taking  away  the  Court  of  Wards  and  Liveries  and  Tenures  in 
force,  eitendcd  Capite,  and  by  Knights  Service  and  Purveyance,  and  for  fettling  a Revenue  -jfan  His  Maje/ly  in  lieu  thereof, 
totliii  Ait.  or  by  any  other  Law  now  in  force  relating  to  His  Majcfty’s  Revenue  of ‘“Excite,  are  provided  and  cilablifhed, 
(hall  he  praftifed,  ufed  and  put  in  Execution,  in  and  for  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft,  as  fully  and  effeftually  to 
all  Intents  and  Purpofes  as  if  all  and  every  the  faid  Powers,  Rules,  Dircftions,  Penalties,  Forfeitures,  1 
Ciaufes,  Matters  and  Things  were  particularly  repeated  and  re -enafted  in  this  prefent  Aft. 

Penalties  howto  LX XI I.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  all  Fines,  Penalties  and  Forfeitures  impofed  by  this  Aft,  (hall 
he  recovered.  be  fued  for,  recovered,  levied  or  mitigated  by  fuch  Ways,  Means  or  Methods  as  any  Fine,  Penalty  or  l'or- 

1 5 feiture 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 



C.  49— 52. 


JJebt,  Bill.  Plaint  or  Information  in  any  of  Hit  bifajcily'a  Courts  of  Record  at  IVt/lmiuJIir , or  in  tile  Court 
of  Exchequer  in  Scotland  refpedively  ; and  that  (lave  and  except  in  fuch  cafe  or  cafes  where  it  is  othenvife 
exprefsly  directed  by  this  Ad)  One  Moiety  of  every  fuch  Fine,  Penalty  or  Forfeiture  Ihall  be  to  FI  is  Ma- 
jelfy,  His  Heirs  and  SuccefTors,  and  the  other  Moiety  to  liim  or  them  who  (hall  difeover,  inform  or  fue  for 
the  fame. 

LXX1II.  And  be  it  further  eroded,  That  this  Ad  may  be  altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  any  Ad  or  Aft  may  be 
Ads  to  be  palTed  in  this  Seffion  of  Parliament.  altered,  See.  this 

r ■ SelBon 

CAP.  L. 

An  A6t  to  continue  an  Ad  made  in  the  Fifty  fourth  Year  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign,  intituled 
An  AH  to  provide  for  the  preferving  and  rejlaring  of  Peace  in  fuch  Parts  of  Ireland  as  may  at  any 

Time  be  dijlurbed  by  feditious  Perfons,  or  by  Perfons  entering 

‘ TTTHER-EAS  an  Ad  was  made  in  the  Fifty  fourth 
*•  W Aa  to  provide  for  the  preferving  and  rejloring  of ! 

• dijlurbed  by  feditious  Perfons , or  by  Perfons  entering  in 

* tinue  in  Force  for  Two  Years  from  and  after  the  palling 
« next  Seffion  of  Parliament : And  Whereas  the  faid  Ad 

‘ of  Parliament,  and  it  is  expedient  that  the  fame  (hould  be  , . 0 _ 

Mod  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Cinfent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and 

unlawful  'Combinations  or  Confpira- 
[27th  June  1817.] 
ear  of  His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reign,  intituled  An  0.3.  c. 
•ace  in  fuch  Parts  of  Ireland  as  may  at  any  lime  be 
unlawful  Combinations  or  Confpiracies  ; to  con- 
jhereof,  and  from  thence  until  the  End  of  the  then 
about  to  expire  at  the  End  of  this  prefent  Seffion 
lontinucd;’  Be  it  therefore  eroded  by  The  King's 

Commons,  in'this  prefent  Parliament  aflemblcd,  and  by  die 
Ihall  he  and  the  fame  is  hereby  further  continued,  and  Ihall  1 
fent  Seffion  of  Parliament,  for  a further  Period  of  One  Year 

|Authority  of  die  fame.  That  the  faid  recited  Ad  continued. 
Force  in  Ireland,  from  the  End  of  this  pre- 
l no  longer. 

CAP.  LI. 

An  A & to  regulate  the  Celebration  of  Marriages  in  Newfoundland.  [27th  June  1817.] 

a Doubt  has  cxifted  whether  the  Law  of  England  requiring  Religious  Ceremonies  in  die 
Celebration  of  Marriage  to  be  performed  by  Perfons  in  Holy  Orders,  for  the  perfed  Validity  of  the 
‘ Marriage  Contrad,  be  in  Force  in  Newfoundland  ; and  by  reafon  of  this  Doubt,  Marriages  have  been  of  late 
‘ celebrated  in  Newfoundland  hy  Perfons  not  in  Holy  Orders  : And  Whereas  great  Inconvenience  and  Irre- 
* gularitics  may  arife  if  thefe  Doubts  Ihall  continue  to  prevail Be  it  therefore  eroded  by  The  King’s  Mod 
Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Content  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Com- 
mons, in  this  prefent  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  lame.  That  from  and  after  the  Firft 
Day  of  January  in  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen,  all  Marriages  had  in  Newfoundland 
Ihall  be  celebrated  by  Perfons  in  Holy  Orders  ; and  all  Marriages  which  (hall  be  contraded  or  celebrated  in 
Newfoundland  contrary  to  this  Ad,  after  the  Firft  Day  of  January  in  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 
and  eighteen,  Ihall  be  and  are  hereby  declared  to  be  null  and  void  : Provided  neverthelefs,  that  nothing  con- 
tained in  this  Ad  (hall  extend  or  be  conftrued  to  extend  to  any  Marriages  that  may  be  had  under  Circum- 
ftances  of  peculiar  and  extreme  Difficulty  in  procuring  a Perfon  in  Holy  Orders  to  perform  the  Celebration, 
and  in  which  the  Law  might  on  that  account  otherwile  determine  on  the  Validity  of  fuch  Marriages  : Provided 
always,  that  in  all  fuch  cafrs  the  Circumltance  of  the  cafe  and  the  adual  Contrad  of  Marriage  (hall  be  certified  on 
the  Oath  of  the  Parties  before  the  Magiftrate  neareft  to  the  ufual  Refidencc  of  the  Parties,  or  either  of  them, 
or  before  fome  other  Perfon  duly  authorized  by  the  Governor  or  Officer  adminiftering  the  Government  at 
Newfoundland , to  adminifter  fuch  Oath. 

II.  And  be  it  further  cnaded,  That  nothing  in  this  Ad  Ihall  extend  or  be  conftrued  to  extend  to  Mar- 
riages already  had,  or  that  Ihall  be  had  previous  to  the  Firft  Day  of  January  in  the  Year  One  thoufand  eight 
hundred  and  eighteen  : Provided  alfo,  that  nothing  in  this  Ad  contained  Ihall  extend  to  any  Marriages  among!! 
the  People  called  Quakers,  or  amongft  the  Perfons  profeffing  the  Jewilh  Religion,  where  both  the  Parties  to 
r--t_  Ihall  be  of  the  People  called  Qualers,  or  Perfons  profeffing  the  Jewilh  Religion  refped- 

Marriages  to  be 

Holy  Orders.  for  Dif- 
ficulty in  proeur. 
ing  Perfons  in 
Holy  Orders 
being  certified 

Provilo  for  Mar- 
riages already 

any  fuch  Marriage 

HL  And  be  it  further  cnaded,  That  this  Ad  may  be  altered,  amended 
to  be  palTed  in  the  prefent  Seffion  of  Parliament. 

repealed  by  any  Ad  or  Ads  / 


An  Atl  to  alter  an  A£t  parted  in  the  Eleventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  King  George  the  Second,  for 
the  more  effectual  fecuring  the  Payment  of  Rents,  and  preventing  Frauds  by  Tenants. 

[27th  June  1 8 1 7.^] 

\\J  HEREAS  by  an  Ad  of  Parliament  parted  in  the  Eleventh  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  late  Majefty  nc.a 
V \ King  George  the  Second,  intituled  An  Aa  for  the  more  effcBuol  fccuring  the  Payment  of  Rents,  and  § 16. 
preventing  Frauds  by  Tenants,  it  is  amongft  other  things  enadecC  that  from  and  after  the  Twenty  fourth 
a7,  •f"nf  O'1"  thoufand  feven  hundred  and  thirty  eight,  if  any  Tenant  holding  any  Lands,  Tenements 
or  Hereditaments  at  a Rack  Rem,  or  where  the  Rent  refereed  Ihould  be  full  Three  fourths  of  the  Yearly 
value  of  the  demifed  Premifcs,  who  (hould  be  iu  Arrcar  for  One  Year's  Rent,  Ihould  defert  the  demifed 

« Premifes, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

a,  j 


Extended  toTe- 

for  One  Half 
Yeir'i  Rent 
inflead  of  One 

Poreirn  Parti 
not  within  His 
MijeHr’i  Do- 
minion!, ihay  lie 
tried  in  any  of 
His  Majelly's 
Foreign  l'Unu- 
tions,  in  fame 

ted  ini  tha  High 

Provifo  for  Scat. 
33  H.8.  c »j. 

AS  may  be 
altered,  Ice.  this 

C-52,53-  57°  GEORGII  III.  AJD.iSiy. 

* Premifes,  and  leave  the  fame  uncultivated  or  unoccupied,  fo  as  no  fufficient  Diftrefs  could  be  had  to 

* countervail  the  Arrears  of  Rent,  it  fhould  and  might  be  lawful  to  and  for  Two  or  more  Jultices  of  the 

* Peace  of  the  County,  Riding,  Divifion  or  Place  (having  no  Intereft  in  the  demited  Premifes),  at  the  Re- 
‘ quell  of  the  Leflor  or  Landlord,  LefTors  or  Landlords,  or  his,  her  or  their  Bailiff  or  Receiver,  to  go  upon 

* and  view  the  fame,  and  to  affix  or  caufc  to  be  affixed  on  the  mod  notorious  Part  of  the  Premifes  Notice  in 
‘ Writing  what  Day  (at  the  Diftance  of  Fourteen  Days  at  lead)  they  would  return  to  take  a Second  View 
' thereof ; and  if  upon  fuch  Second  View  the  Tenant,  or  fomc  Perfon  oiv  his  or  her  behalf,  fhould  not  ap- 

* pear  and  pay  the  Rent  in  Arrear,  or  there  fhould  not  be  fufficient  Diftrefs  upon  the  Premifes,  then  the  laid 
‘ Jttftices  might  put  the  Landlord  or  Landlords,  Leffor  or  Leflore,  into  tile  Poffeffion  of  the  laid  demifed 
‘ Premifes  j and  the  Leafe  thereof  to  fuch  Tenant,  as  to  any  Dcmife  therein  contained  only,  fhould  from 

* thenceforth  become  void  : And  Whereas  it  is  expedient,  for  the  due  Protection  of  the  Interell  of  Landlords, 
‘ that  fo  much  of  tile  faid  Aft  as  requires  a Tenant  to  be  in  Arrear  for  One  Year’s  Rent  fhould  be  altered, 

* and  that  the  Provifions  of  the  faid  Aft  fhould  be  extended  to  Tenancies  where  no  Right  of  Entry  in  cafe 
‘ of  Non  Payment  is  referved  to  the  Landlord  Be  it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent 
Majcfty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this 
prefent  Parliament  affcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of  this  Adi 
die  Provifions,  Powers  and  Remedies  by  the  faid  recited  Adi  given  to  Leflore  and  Landlords  in  cafe  of  any 
Tenant  deferring  the  demifed  Premifes  and  leaving  the  fame  uncultivated  or  unoccupied,  fo  as  no  fufficient 
Diftrefs  can  be  had  to  countervail  the  Arrears  of  Rent,  Hull  be  extended  to  the  cafe  of  Tenants  holding  any 
Lands,  Tenements  or  Hereditaments  at  a Rack  Rent,  or  where  the  Rent  referved  Until  be  full  Three  fourths 
of  the  Yearly  Value  of  the  demifed  Premifes,  and  who  fhrtll  be  in  Arrear  for  One  Half  Years'  Rent,  (inflead 
of  for  One  Year  as  in  the  faid  recited  Adi  is  provided  and  enadlcd,)  and  who  lliall  hold  fuch  Lands  and  Tene- 
ments or  Hereditaments  under  any  Dcmife  or  Agreement  either  written  or  verbal,  and  although  no  Right  or 
Power  of  Re-entry  be  referved  or  given  to  the  Landlord  in  cafe  of  Non  Payment  of  Rent,  who  lhall  be  in 
Arrear  for  One  Half  Year’s  Rent,  in  Head  of  for  One  Year,  as  in  the  faid  recited  Aft  is  provided  and 


An  Adi  for  the  more  cffe&ual  Punilhment  of  Murders  and  Manflaughters  committed  in  Places  not 
within  His  Majefty’s  Dominions.  [27th  June  18 1".] 

‘ TT/HEREAS  grievous  Murders  and  Manflaughters  have  been  committed  at  the  Settlement  in  the  Bay 
‘ v f of  Honduras  in  South  America,  the  fame  being  a Settlement,  for  certain  Purpofcs,  in  the  Poffeffion 

* and  under  the  Prott'dlion  of  His  Majclly,  but  not  within  the  Territory  and  Dominion  of  His  Majcfty,  by 

* Pcrfons  refiding  and  being  within  the  faid  Settlement ; and  the  like  Offences  have  alfu  been  committed  in 
‘ the  South  Pacific  Ocean,  as  well  on  the  High  Seas  as  on  Laud,  in  the  lflands  of  New  Zealand  and  Otaheite, 
< and  in  other  lflands,  Countries  and  Places  not  within  His  Majefty’s  Dominions,  by  the  Mailers  and  Crews 

* of  Britijh  Ships,  and  other  Perfotis  who  liave  for  the  moll  Part  defer  ted  from  or  left  their  Ships,  and  have 
‘ continued  to  live  and  refide  amongft  the  Inhabitants  of  tliofe  lflands ; whereby  great  Violence  has  been  done, 
‘ and  a general  Scandal  and  Prejudice  raifed  againft  the  Name  and  Character  of  Britijh  and  other  European 
' Traders:  And  Whereas  fuph  Crimes  and  Offences  do  efcape  unpunilhed,  by  rcafon  of  the  Difficulty  of 

* bringing  to  Trial  the  Perfon9  guilty  thereof For  Remedy  whereof  be  it  enafted  by  The  King’s  Moll 
Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons, 
in  this  prefent  Parliament  aflcmbled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the  lame,  That  from  and  after  the  palling  of 
this  Aft  all  Murders  and  Manflaughters  committed  or  that  lhall  be  committed  on  Land  at  the  faid  Settlement 
>u  the  Bay  of  Honduras  by  any  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  refiding  or  being  within  the  faid  Settlement,,  and  all 
Murders  and  Manflaughters  committed  or  that  lhall  be  committed  in  the  laid  lflands  of  New  Zealand  and 
Otaheite,  or  within  any  other  lflands.  Countries,  or  Places  not  within  His  Majefty’s  Dominions,  nor  fubjeft  to 
any  European  State  or  Power,  nor  within  the  Territory  of  the  United  States  of  America,  by  the  Mailer  or 
Crew  of  any  Britijh  Ship  or  Veffel,  or  any  of  them,  or  by  any  Perfon  failing  in  or  belonging  thereto,  or  that 
(hall  have  failed  in  or  belonged  to  and  have  quitted  any  Britijh  Ship  or  Veffel  to  live  in  any  of  the  faid 
lflands,  Countries,  or  Places,  or  either  of  them,  or  that  lhall  be  there  living,  (hall  and  may  be  tried,  adjudged 
and  punilhed  in  any  of  His  Majefty’s  lflands.  Plantations,  Colonies,  Dominions,  Forts  or  Faftorics,  under  or 
by  virtue  of  The  lung’s  Com  miffion  or  Cominiffions,  which  lhall  have  been  nr  which  lhall  hereafter  be  iffued 
under  and  by  virtue  and  in  purfuance  of  the  Powers  and  Authorities  of  an  Aft  palled  in  the  Forty-fixth  Year 
of  His  prefent  Majclly,  intituled  An  AS  for  the  more  ffeedy  Trial  of  Offences  committed  in  di/lanl  Parts  upon 
the  Sea,  in  the  fame  manner  as  if  fuch  Offencejoy  Offences  had  been  committed  on  the  High  Seas. 

II*  Provided  always,  That  nothing  herein  curtained  lhall  repeal  or  affeft,  or  he  co.nftrued  to  repeal  or  affeft, 
tile  Provifions  of  an  Aft  made  and  pafild  in  the  Thirty  third  Year  of  King  Henry  the  Eighth,  intituled  An 
AS  to  proceed  by  Commiffion  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  againfl  fuch  Pcrfons  at  Jhall  confefs  Treafon,  etc.  without 
remanding  the  fame  to  be  tried  in  , the  Shire  whirr,  the  Offence  was  committed. 

III.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  may  be  altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  any  Aft  or  Afts 
to  be  puffed  in  this  prefent  Seffion  of  Parliament. 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

C A P- 

A.D.  1817. 





An  Aft  to  enable  the  Commiflioners  of  His  Majefty’s  Woods,  Forelts  and  Land  Revenues  to  make 
and  maintain  a Road  from  Millbank  Row,  Wejlminjler,  to  the  Penitentiary.  [27th  J une  1817.] 

< ttTHEREAS  in  purfuance  and  under  the  Authority  of  an  Aft  of  Parliament  parted  in  the  Fifty  5 
. YV  fecond  Year  of  the  Reign  of  His  prefent  Majefty,  intituled  An  A3  for  the  EreSion  of  a Penitentiary 

< Haufe  for  the  Confinement  of  Offenders  conviBcd  within  the  City  of  London  and  County  of  Middlefex  ; and 

• for  mating  Compensation  to  Jeremy  Bentham  Efquirc  for  the  Non  Performance  of  an  Agreement  between  the 

• faul  Jeremy  Bentham  and  the  Lordj  Commiffionen  of  His  Mayfly's  Trcafury,  refpeeling  the  Cuflody  and 

* Maintenance  of  CanviBs,  a Penitentiary  for  the  Confinement  and  Employment  of  Male  and  Female  Con- 
« vifts  has  been  erefted  at  Millbank,  in  the  County  of  Middlefex,  on  Lands  now  veiled  in  His  Majefty,  His 

• Heirs  and  Succeflors,  by  virtue  of  the  faid  Aft,  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Public  and  the  Purpofes  of  the  Add 
t Aft ; and  the  fame  is  now  completed  and  fit  for  the  Reception  of  Part  of  the  Perfons  intended  to 
« be  confined  therein  ; but  no  Carriage  Way  has  yet  been  fet  out  for  parting  and  reporting  between  .the  faid 

* Penitentiary  and  the  City  of  Wejlminjler  ; And  Whereas  it  is  neccrtary  and  expedient,  for  opening  a Com- 
« municatioii  with  the  faid  Penitentiary,  that  a free  and  public  Carriage  Way  fhould  be  made  aud  main- 

* tained  from  the  South  End  of  Millbank  Row,  iu  the  Liberty  of  Wefhmnjlcr,  over  a Piece  or  Parcel  of  Land 
‘ belonging  to  the  Earl  Grofvenor,  and  now  in  the  Pofleflion  of  Thomas  Sargent  as  Occupier  thereof, 

* and  by  lum  ufed  as  a Wharf,  aud  to  be  continued  along  the  Bank  of  the  River  Thames  iu  the  Line  of  the 

• old  Footh  Path,  to  the  Lodge  or  Gate  of  the  faid  Penitentiary  : And  Whereas  the  whole  of  the  Land 
« required  for  the  Purpofe  of  making  the  faid  intended  Road,  except  the  Piece  or  Parcel  of  Land  which 

* fo  belongs  to  the  Earl  Grofvenor  as  aforefaid,  being  the  Property  of  His  Majefly  in  Right  of  His 
« Crown,  it  is  expedient  that  the  Commiflioners  for  the  time  being  of  His  Majefty’s  Woods,  Forelb  and 
« Land  Revenues  Ihould  be  authorized  aud  empowered  to  appropriate  fo  much  of  the  Land  fo  belonging  to 
‘ His  Majefty  in  Right  of  His  Crown  as  aforefaid,  as  lhall  be  requifite  for  that  Purpofe,  to  be  ufed  for  the 
‘ faid  intended  Road,  and  to  make  and  maintain  fuch  intended  Road,  aud  to  make  Compenfation  to  the  faid 

• Earl  Grofvenor,  and  all  Perfons  lawfully  claiming  under  him,  for  fuch  Part  of  the  laid  Parcel  of  Land 
‘ belonging  to  him  as  lhall  be  taken  and  required  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  by  and  out  of  the  Land  .Revenue  of 
‘ the  Crown  May  it  therefore  pleafe  Your  Majefty  that  it  may  be  enacted ; and  be  it  cnafted  by  The  King’s 
Moft  Excellent  Majefty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and 
Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  aflembled,  and  by  the  Authority  qf  the  fame.  That  the  Commiflioners 
for  the  time  being  of  His  Majefty's  Woods,  Forefts  and  Land  Revenues  fliall  be  and  they  are  hereby  ap- 
pointed Commiflioners  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution  ; and  that  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  fuch 
Commiflioners,  by  and  with  the  Confent  and  Approbation  of  any  Three  or  more  of  the  Commiflioners  of 
His  Majefty’s  Trcafury  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  for  the  time  being,  to  be 
figniiied  by  any  Minute  in  Writing,  or  by  Letter  from  any  one  of  their  Secretaries,  in  purfuance  of  fuch 
Minute,  to  fet  out  and  make,  and  hereafter  to  maintain  and  keep  in  Repair  an  open,  free  and  public  Carriage 
Road,  commencing  from  the  South  End  of  Millbank  Row,  in  the  Liberty  of  Wejlminjler,  through  and  over  a 
Piece  or  Parcel  of  Ground  belonging  to  the  Earl  Grofvenor,  and  now  in  the  Pofleflion  of  Thomas  Sargent  as 
Occupier,  and  from  thence  to  he  continued  over  the  Crown  Lands  along  the  Bank  of  the  River  to  the  Lodge 
or  Gate  of  the  Penitentiary  lately  erefted  under  the  faid  recited  Aft  ; fuch  Road  to  he  a free  and  public 
Road,  to  he  ufed  by  all  His  Majefty's  Subjects  on  Foot  or  on  Horleback,  and  for  the  Paffage  of  Carriages, 
Carts,  Waggons  and  other  Vehicles. 

II.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  that  Part  of  the  faid  intended  Road  which  fliall  be  made  through  and 
over  the  faid  Piece  or  Parcel  of  Land  belonging  to  the  faid  Earl  Grofvenor,  lhall  not  exceed  in  Width  Thirty 
Feet  to  he  meafured  from  a Line  ranging  with  the  Face  of  the  Front  Area  of  the  laft  or  Southerumoft  Houle 
m Millbank  Row,  aud  including  in  the  faid  Width  of  Thirty  Feet  the  prefent  Footway. 

III.  Provided,  and  it  is  hereby  further  enafted.  That  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  Commiflioners 
for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution,  and  they  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered,  if  they  fliall  think 
it  expedient  fo  to  do,  by  and  with  the  Confent  of  the  laid  Commiflioners  of  the  Trcafury  for  the  time  being, 
tt  a7rTLrCC  °r  *?orc  0 t*lem*  t0  he  Ggnified  in  manner  aforefaid,  to  extend  and  continue  the  laid  intended 
Road  from  the  faid  Lodge  or  Gate  of  the  Penitentiary  over  the  Crown  Lands  in  a Southern  Direction,  until 
it  lhall  meet  the  Branch  or  Road  now  forming  leading  towards  the  Penitentiary  from  and  out  of  the  High 
Road  from  Vauxhall  Bridge  to  Pimlico,  and  lhall  form  a Junction  therewith. 

. 1 And  be  11  further  enafted,  That  it  lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiflioners  for  the 

lime  beuig  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution,  and  they  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered,  by 
and  with  the  Confent  and  Approbation  of  any  Three  or  more  of  the  faid  Commiflioners  of  His  Majefty’s 
Trcafury  for  the  time  being,  10  be  fignifud  as  aforefaid,  from  time  to  time  to  appropriate,  lay  out  and 
expend  lo  much  of  the  Money  anting  from  the  Land  Revenues  of  the  Crown  under  their  Management  as 
may  be  neceflary  far  making  and  afterwards  maintaining  and  keeping  in  Repair  the  faid  intended  Road,  and 
or  paying  Inch  Sums  of  Money  as  Compenfations  to  the  faid  Earl  Grofvenor  and  Thomas  Sargent,  or  any 
other  Perfons  having  any  Eftate,  Right  or  Intcrcft  therein,  for  the  Value  of  fuch  Ground,  aud  of  their 
’ P ; tlve  Eftatcs  or  Intcrclts  therein,  and  for  any  Injury  or  Damage  they  may  refpeftivcly  fullain  by  the 
n'r  ® 0 Eoad,  as  may  be  agreed  upon  and  fettled  between  the  faid  Commiflioners  and  the  faid  Earl 
hcreWterXcftci  FabB,>  °r  whkh  maI  •*  awarded  and  afeertained  by  the  Verdift  of  a Jury  in  manner 

Public  Cm iage 
Road  to  be  made 
from  the  Socih 
End  of  Millbank 

Read  through 
the  Land  of 
Earl  Grofvenor 
not  to  exceed  30 
feet  wide. 

Road  may  be 
extended  from 
the  Lodge  of  the 

the  Branch  of 
Road  leading 
from  Vauxhall 
Bridge  to 

Money  necef- 
fary  fur  making 
and  keeping  the 
Road  in  Repair, 
and  for  Compen- 
fation  to  Eatl 
Grofvenor  and 
Thomas  Sargent, 
may  be  applied 
from  the  Land 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 


C.  54- 


A.D.  1 8 1 


CoinmiiTionctt  V.  Ami  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  fhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioncrs  for  the 
lo  treat  with  Earl  time  being  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution,  and  they  are  hereby  authorized,  by  and  with  fuch  Confent 
Grofvenor  and  and  Approbation  as  afortfaid,  to  treat  and  agree  witli  the  faid  Earl  Gro/venor  and  Thomas  Sargent,  or  any 
"V  fuch  other  Pcrfon  or  Pcrfons  as  aforefaid,  for  the  abfolute  Purchafc  of  the  faid  Piece  or  Parcel  ol  Ground,  of 

ih'  Ground tobo  or  belonging  to  him  or  them,  hereby  authorized  to  be  taken  for  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft,  and  of  all 
uken  from  them  their  refpeftive  E (lutes  and  Interells  therein,  aud  for  the  fettling  what  Compensations  (hall  be  paid  or  giren 
for  the  new  to  the  (aid  Earl  and  Thomas  Sargent,  or  fuch  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  as  aforefaid,  cither  in  Money  or  other 

Ruld-  Equivalent,  for  any  Injury  which  may  be  fuilained  by  or  occaftoncd  to  them  by  the  making  and  maintaining 

The  frld  Per-  of  fuch  intended  Road  ; and  if  the  faid  Earl  Gro/venor  and  Thomas  Sargent,  or  any  fuch  other  Pcrfon  or. 

fom  refuGne,*tc.  Perfons  having  and  proving  an  T mere  ft  in  the  faid  Ground  and  Premifes,  lhall  neglcft  or  refufc  to  treat,  or 
' Vein’  Sc"0'  ^**11  n°l  aBree  'n  'he  Premifes,  or  from  any  Caufc  (hall  be  prevented  from  treating  with  the  faid  Comrnif- 

i.rcemg,  e.  f,oncrs  for  the  time  being,  or  with  the  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  authorized  by  them  to  treat  and  agree  oti  their 
Behalf,  then  and  in  fuch  cafe  the  High  Bailiff  of  the  City  and  Liberty  of  IVeJIminfler,  or  his  Deputy, 
(hall,  upon  the  Warrant  of  the  faid  Commiflioncrs  for  the  time  being  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution  in 
manner  hereinafter  mentioned,  and  he  is  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  caufe  it  to  be  enquired  into 
Jury  to  Ilcertiin  and  afeertained,  upon  tile  Oaths  of  a Jury  of  Twelve  indifferent  Men  of  the  faid  City  or  Liberty  of 

the  Purchifa  IVeJlminJler,  which  Oaths  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  is  hereby  empowered  ■’  ’ 1 

£3£L  2*“»»  *■“■*  «*,“•  *•“  * " 

Gro/venor  as  Owner,  aud  the  fatd  Thomas  Sari 

i adminifter,  what 

Damages  will  be  fuilained  by,  and  what  Recompencc  and  Satisfaction  (hall  be  made  to  the  faid  Earl 
Grofycnor  as  Owner,  and  the  (aid  Thomas  Sargent  as  Occupier,  or  to  iny  other  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  claiming  or 
proving  any  Intereft  therein  as  aforefaid,  for  the  Value  of  fuch  Eiece  or  Parcel  of  Land  to  lie  taken  ar.-.l 

Regulations  for 

:upicd  for  the  Purpofes  of  this  Aft,  and  of  the  proportionable  Value  of  their  refpeftive  Interells  therein, 
and  (hall  affefs  and  award  the  Sura  or  Sums  of  Money  to  be  paid  to  them  refpeftively  for  the  fame  ; and  in 
order  thereto  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  is  hereby  empowered  and  required  from  time  to  time,  as 
WitneiTes  called  Occafion  (hall  require,  to  fummon  and  call  before  the  faid  Jury  and  examine  upon  Oath  all  and  every  Perfon 
before  Jury.  and  Perfons  whomfoever  who  (hall  be  thought  neceffary  and  proper  to  be  examined  as  a Witnefs  or  Witneffr* 
touching  or  concerning  the  Premifes,  which  Oath  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  bis  Deputy  is  hereby  empowered 
Jury  to  view  if  to  adminillcr;  and  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  (hall  order  and  caufe  the  faid  Jury  to  view  the  Place 
OcciOnn-  in  queilion  if  there  be  Occafion,  and  to  ufe  all  other  Ways  and  Means,  as  well  for  their  own  as  for  the 
Money  adeffed  Jury’s  better  Information  in  the  Premifes,  as  fuch  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  (hall  thiuk  fit ; and  after 
lJ°o  ,*ie  Jl,ry  Iball  have  enquired  of  and  afeertained  fuch  Value,  Damages  and  Compenfation,  the  faid  High 
miltoner «°tn  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  (hall  thereupon  order  t|ie  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  fo  affeffed  by  the  (aid  Jury  to  be 

Esrl  Grofvcnor  Pa|d  by  the  Commiffioncrs  for  the  time  being  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution  to  the  faid  Earl  Gro/vcnci 
mil  T.  Sargent,  and  Thomas  Sargent,  and  to  any  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  whom  any  fuch  Compenfation  (hall  or  may  be 
awarded  to  be  paid,  according  to  fuch  Verdift  or  Inquifition  of  the  faid  . Jury  : Provided  always,  that  the 
Court  of  King’s  Bench  (hall  have  full  Power  and  Authority,  if  it  (hall  fee  Caufe,  on  Motion  made  to  fuch 
Court  for  that  Purpof-  by  the  Party  who  (hall  be  diffatisficd  with  the  fame,  to  fet  afide  fucli  Verdift  or 
Inquifition,  and  to  direct  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  Deputy  to  fummon  a new  Jury  ; but  all  fiich  Verdifts  and 
Inquifitions  (hall  be  binding  on  all  Perfons  and  Parties  whatfoever,  unlefs  fuch  Motion  (hall  be  made  to  the 
Court,  for  felling  afide  the  fame,  within  the  firft  Term  after  the  taking  thereof. 

VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  for  the  fummoning  and  returning  of  fuch  Jury  or  Juries  the  faid 
Commilfioners  for  the  time  being  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution  are  hereby  authorized  and  empowered 
jur.._  to  iffue  their  Warrant  or  Warrants  to  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  to  fummon,  impanncl  and  return, 

at  fome  convenient  Place  in  the  faid  City  of  Weflmsnjler , a Jury  of  not  lefs  than  Thirty  five  nor  more  than 
Forty  eight  honrft  and  indifferent  Men,  qualified  according  to  Law  to  be  returned  for  Trials  of  Iffues  in 
His  Majcfty's  Courts  of  Record  at  Weflminjlcr,  to  appear  before  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  at 
fuch  time  and  Place  as  in  fuch  Warrant  (hall  be  appointed  ; and  Fourteen  Days’  Notice  in  Writing  at  the 
lead,  under  the  Hands  of  the  faid  Commiffiouers  for  the  time  being  for  executing  this  Aft,  or  under  the 
Hand  of  their  Solicitor,  of  the  time  and  Place  at  which  fuch  Jury  are  fo  required  to  be  returned,  fhall  be 
given  to  the  faid  Earl  Gro/venor  and  the  faid  Thomas  Sargent,  and  to  all  other  Perfons  interefted  in  the  Pre- 
mifes, before  the  time  of  the  Meeting  of  fuc>  Jury,  by  leaving  fucli  Notice  or  Notices  at  the  Dwelling  Houles 
of  the  faid  Earl  Gro/venor,  Thomas  Sargent  and  fuch  other  Perfon  or  Perfons  as  aforefaid;  and  the  faid 
High  Bailiff  and  his  Deputy  are  hereby  required  and  empowered  to  impannel,  fummon  and  return  fuch 
Number  accordingly  j and  out  of  the  Perfons  fo  impannelled,  fummoned  and  returned,  or  out  of  fuch  of  them 
as  (hall  tfppcar  on  fuch  Summons,  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  (hall  fivear  or  caufe  to  be  fwom 
Twelve,  who  (hall  be  the  Jury  for  the  Purpofes  aforefaid  ; and,  in  Default  of  a fufficient  Number  of  Jury- 
men, (hall  return  other  honeft  and  fufficient  Men  of  the  Standers  by,  or  that  can  fpeedily  be  procured  to  attend 
that  Service,  being  qualified  as  lad  aforefaid,  to  the  Number  of  Twelve ; and  it  fhall  be  lawful  for  all  Perfons 
concerned  to  attend  by  themfvlvcs,  their  Counfcl  and  Solicitors,  and  to  be  heard  and  to  adduce  Evidence 
before  thr  faid  High  Bailiff,  or  his  Deputy,  and  fuch  Perfons  (hall  alfo  have  their  lawful  Challenges  agaiofl 
any  of  the  faid  Jurymen  when  they  come  to  be  fwoni,  but  fhall  not  challenge  the  Array. 

*,“l“  10 ^OI?'  VI  i . And  be  it  further  enafted,  Tlint  no  Jury  to  be  fummoned  by  virtue  of  this  Aft  (hall  be  allowed  to 
Partkulenof  * affefs  or  award  any  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money  to  any  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  by  way  of  Cumpcnfation  for  any  Injury 
Cliinu,  Mure  or  ^amage  alleged  to  have  been  fuftained  by  him  or  them  by  reafon  or  Means  of  this  Aft,  or  any  thing 

my  Award  of  which  may  or  (hall  be  done  in  the  Execution  hereof,  unlefs  Notice  in  Writing,  dating  the  Particulars  of  every 

Compenfirrau  “ fuch  Claim,  and  how  and  in  what  manner  the  Amount  thereof  is  made  out  and  computed,  lhall  have  been 

n"*dc-  R‘vcn  by  or  on  behalf  of  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  the  faid  Commiffioncrs  for  the  time  being  for  executing  this 

Aft,  or  to  their  Solicitor,  Ten  Days  at  lead  before  the  time  of  the  Meeting  of  fuch  Jury. 

VIII.  And 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 





VIII.  And  be  >t  further  enaAed,  That  if  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  hit  Deputy,  lo  direAed  to  fummon  and  Default  of  High 
return  a Jury  ai  afore&id,  fhall  make  default  in  the  Premifes,  he  lhall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  pay 

any  Sum  not  exceeding  Ten  Pound*  5 and  if  any  Perfon  fo  fummoned  and  returned  as  aforefaid  upon  fnch 
Jury  lhall  not  appear,  or  appearing  lhall  refufe  to  be  fworn  or  to  give  hia  VerdiA,  or  lhall  in  any  other  jurymen  <nd 
maimer  wilfully  ncgleA  his  Duty,  contrary  to  the  true  Intent  and  Meaning  of  this  AA,  or  if  any  Perfon  WiuwOU 
fummoned  as  a Witnef*  lhall  not  appear,  or  appearing  lhall  refufe  to  be  examined  or  give  Evidence,  any  Per.  neglcSing  ihdr 
fon  fo  offending,  having  no  rcafonable  Excufe  to  be  allowed  by  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy,  (hall  fur  Um7- 
every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  pay  any  Sum  not  exceeding  Ten  Pounds ; which  fcveral  and  rcfpeAive  Pe-  Penalty, 
naltiss  lliall  and  may  be  levied  by  virtue  of  any  Warrant  under  tlie  Hand  and  Seal  of  any  One  of  His  Ma- 
jefty’s  Jufticcs  of  the  Peace  for  the  faid  City  of  K'eftminfier,  by  Diflrefs  and  Sale  of  the  Goods  and  Chat- 
tels of  the  Perfon  fo  offending,  rendering  to  him,  her  or  them  the  Overplus,  after  fuch  Penalty  and  the 
Charges  of  fuch  Diflrefs  and  Sale  lhall  be  deduAed. 

IX.  And  be  it  further  enaAed,  That  in  cafe  any  Jury  to  be  fummoued  and  fworn  purfuant  to  the  Audio-  If  Veidift  le 
ritr  of  this  A A lhall  give  in  a VerdiA  or  Affeffment  for  more  Money  as  a Recompeuce,  Compcnfation  or  for  » larger 
SatisfaAion  for  the  Right,  Intercft  or  Property  of  the  faid  Earl  Grofvenor,  Thomas  Sargent,  or  any  other 

Perfon  or  Perfons,  in  fuch  Piece  or  Parcel  of  Land  to  be  taken  for  the  Pnrpofes  of  this  AA,  than  lhall  have  j„’rr  ^ Ly 

been  agreed  to  have  been  given  and  offered  for  the  fame  by  the  faid  Commilfioners  for  the  time  being  for  exe-  by  the  Commit 

curing  this  AA,  before  the  fummotiiug  and  returning  of  fuch  Jury;  then  and  in  every  fuch  cafe  all  the  lionets;  but  if 

rcafonable  Cods,  Charges  and  Expenfcs  of  caufing  and  procuring  fuch  Rccompcnce,  Compcnfation  or  Sa-  **vcn  for 

tisfaAion  to  be  affeffed  by  a Jury,  lhall  be  fettled  by  the  faid  High  Bailiff  or  lus  Deputy  before  whom  fuch 

Claim  lhall  have  been  tried,  and  lhall  be  paid  by  the  faid  Commitlioners  for  the  time  being  for  executing  this  p,,,y  nun 

Acl ; but  if  any  Jury  fo  fummoned  and  fworn  as  aforefaid  lhall  give  any  VerdiA  or  Affeffment  for  no  more  the  Eapenct. 

or  for  left  Money  as  fuch  Rccompcnce,  Compcnfation  and  SatisfaAion  as  aforefaid,  than  lhall  have  been 

agreed  to  and  offered  by  the  faid  Commiflionen  for  the  fame  before  the  fummouing  and  returning  of  the  faid 

Jury,  or  in  cafe  no  Damage  lhall  be  given  by  the  VerdiA  where  the  Difputc  is  for  Damages  only,  or  if  the  irnoDimigs 

canting  and  procuring  of  fuch  Jury  to  be  fummoned  (hall  hare  arifen  from  a Refufal  to  treat  or  agree  with  S'reo,  orif  Jury 

the  faid  Commilfioners  for  the  time  being  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  whomfoever  who  is  or  are  by  the  Pro- 

vifions  of  this  AA  or  otherwife  legally  empowered  to  treat  5 then  all  fuch  Cods,  Charges  and  Expenfcs,  to 

be  fettled  by  fuch  High  Bailiff  or  his  Deputy  in  manner  aforefaid,  (hall  be  paid  to  the  Commilfioners  for  the  mifliimcrs, 

time  being  for  executing  this  A A,  by  the  faid  Earl  Grofvenor,  Thomas  Sargent,  or  fuch  other  Perfon  or  ihcnCoftstoba 

Perfons  fo  claiming  fuch  Compcnfation,  or  refiifing  to  treat  and  agree  as  before  mentioned  refpeAively,  fave  fatW  by  Huh 

only  and  except  where  by  reafon  of  Abfeoceor  like  Caufe  any  Perfon  (hall  have  been  prevented  from  treating  BnlifforDe- 

and  agreeing  as  aforefaid,  in  which  cafe  no  Cofts,  Charges  or  Expenfcs  (hall  be  allowed  to  either  Party  as  |U  J' 

againll  the  other;  and  all  Cods,  Charges  and  Expences  hereby  direAcd  to  be  paid  to  the  faid  Commilfioners 

for  the  time  being  for  executing  this  AA,  (hall  and  may  be  deduAed  and  retained  by  them  out  of  the  Money 

fo  adjudged  or  affeffed  to  be  paid  by  them,  as  fo  much  Money  advanced  to  and  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Perfon 

and  Perfons  entitled  to  fuch  Money  fo  adjudged ; and  Payment  or  Tender  of  the  Remainder  of  fucli  Money 

lhall  be  deemed  and  taken  to  be  a Payment  or  Tender  of  the  whole  Sum  or  Sums  fo  adjudged  or  affeffed  ; or 

in  cafe  un  fuffieient  Sum  of  Money  lhall  be  awarded  or  affeffed  to  be  paid  by  the  faid  Commilfioiiers,  whereout 

fuch  Colls,  Charges  aud  Expenfcs  can  be  deduAed,  then  the  fame  lhall  and  may  be  recovered ‘'by  fuch  Ways 

and  Means  as  hereinafter  pvovided  for>thc  Recovery  of  Penalties,  Forfeitures  and  Fines  by  this  AA  iropofed 

or  authorized  to  be  impofed. 

X.  And  be  it  further  enaAed,  That  all  the  faid  Judgments  and  VerdiAs  lhall  be  recorded  in  the  Office  Judgments  and 

of  the  Auditor  of  His  Majcfty’s  Land  Revenue,  and  a Minute  or  Docket  thereof  (hall  be  entered  and  pre-  Verdia»  to  be 
ferved  in  the  Office  of  the  Commilfioners  of  His  Majelly’s  Woods,  Forells  and  Land  Revenues,  and  all  fuch  <ht 

Judgments  and  VerdiAs  (hall  be  afterwards  depofited  with  the  Clerk  of  the  Peace  of  the  faid  City  of  Wifi-  ^1U|lj*or  0\  *he 
miij/er,  or  with  the  Keeper  of  the  Records  of  the  Quarter  SefEons,  to  be  ke^t  and  preferved  by  him  amongft  Lmd  Revenue, 
the  Records  of  the  Quarter  Seffious  of  the  faid  City  and  Liberty,  and  (hull  be  deemed  to  be  Records  to  all  mil  aftenvinla 
Intents  and  Purpofes  whatfoever,  and  the  fame  or  true  Copies  thereof  (ball  be  allowed  to  be  good  Evidence  defo6i*d  with 
in  all  CWt.  . .1.  n r n..,,  t ...  rf*  fan,e,  paying  for  fuch  InfpeAion 

aU  Courts  whatfoever,  and  all  Perfons  (hall  have  Liberty  t< 
the  Sum  of  One  Shilling,  and  to  take  Copies  thereof,  paying  for  every  Copy  the  Sum  of  Sixpence  for  every  * 

One  hundred  Words,  and  fo  in  Proportion  for  any  lefs  Number  of  Words.  _ Fee  for  In- 

XI.  And  be  it  further  enaAed,  That  all  and  every  Perfon  and  Perfons  who,  in  any  Examination  to  be  (yerticn. 
taken  on  Oath  by  virtue  of  this  AA,  lhall  wilfully  give  falfe  Evidence  or  forfwear  themlelves  before  any  fuch  Vcsjuj. 

en  “T  Juilice  of  Peace,  (hall  and  may  be  profecutcd  for  the  fame,  and  upon  ConviAion  thereof 
«au  be  tabjcA  anff  liahk;  to  fuch  and  the  fame  Pains  and  Penalties  as  Perfons  guilty  of  wilful  and  corrupt 

Penury  are'by  the  Law,  in  l^ng  fo^A  Ld HablTt'oT  “ 

AH.  And  be  it  iurther  enaAed,  That  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commilfioners  for  the  time  being  for  lamps  to  be  af- 
« mating  this  A A,  and  they  are  hereby  empowered,  from  time  to  rime,  to  caufe  fuch  aud  fo  many  Lamp  6ied  on  the  Skits 
Eolts  and  Lamp  Irons  to  be  put  up  or  fixed  in,  upon  or  along  the  Sides  of  the  faid  Road  aa  they  (hall  think  of  ",e  Rojd- 
proper,  and  alfo  to  caufe  fuch  Number  of  Lamps  of  fuch  Sizes  and  Sorts  to  be  provided  and  affixed  upon  fuch 
thereof  lS  an°  kamP  *rcm®  a*  *hey  (hall  tliink  ncceffary  for  lighting  the  faid  Road  and  every  or  any  Part 

, And  bc  fnrth'r  enaAed,  That  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  lhall  wilfully  and  malicioufly  break,  cut  Bre.kmgljm,.-. 

oown,  damage  or  injure  any  of  the  Lamp  Polls  or  Lamp  Irons  fet  up  by  the  faid  Commiffioneri,  or  fhr.ll  break  *^*"*»»“ 
^ Lamp,  affixed  thereto  for  lighting  the  (hid  Road  ; or  if  the  Driver  of  any  Waggon, 

JP"  VfTrn*Sr-  or  an7  other  Pcrfo">  (kill  wilfully  and  malicioufly  or  esrelcftly  break  or  damage 
31  v»H>.  UL  q of 

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C.  54. 

57*  GEORGll  111. 


of  the  Polls,  Rails  or  Stones,  or  any  Bank  or  Mound  which  may  be  ercfted  for  the  Security  of  the  faid  Road; 
or  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  lhall  plough  over  or  drag  any  Plough  upon  any  Part  of  the  faid  Road  ; or  if  any 
Perfon  or  Perfons  (hall  fcrape  off  any  Mud,  Soil  or  other  Matter  or  Thing  which  lhall  be  or  lie  upon  any  Part 
of  the  faid  Rond,  with  any  Inllrument,  fo  as  to  damage  the  Lid  Road  or  any  Part  thereof ; or  if  any  Perfon 
lhall  hale  or  draw,  or  caufe  to  be  haled  or  drawn,  upon  any  Part  of  the  faid  Road  which  lhall  not  have  been 
prcrioufly  paved,  and  lhall  be  then  paved,  any  Tree  or  Piece  of  Timber,  or  any  Stone,  othcrwife  than  upon 
Wheel  Carriages,  or  lhall  fuffer  any  Part  of  any  Tree  or  Piece  of  Timber  or  Stone  which  (hall  be  carried 
upon  a wheeled  Carriage,  to  drag  upon  any  Part  of  the  faid  Road  to  the  Prejudice  thereof ; or  if  any  Perfon 
dnving  any  Pigs  or  Swine  upon  the  fame  Road  (hall  fuffer  the  fame  to  root  up  or  damage  the  faid  Road  or 
any  Part  thereof ; or  if  any  Perfon  lhall  in  any  manner  wilfully  prevent  any  other  Pcrlon  or  Perfons  from 

flailing  him,  her  or  them  upon  the  faid  Road,  or  the  Coach,  Chaife,  Waggon,  Cart  or  other  Carriage  under 
lis,  her  or  their  Care  ; or  if  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  (hall  leave  any  Waggon,  Wain,  Cart  or  other  Carriage 
longer  than  lhall  be  ncceffary  for  loading  and  unloading,  and  Handing  as  near  to  the  Side  of  the  faid  Road  as 
conveniently  may  be,  in,  upon  or  on  the  Side  of  the  faid  Road,  either  with  or  without  any  Horfe  or  Beall  of 
Draught  haroeffed  or  yoked  thereto  ; or  if  any  Perfon  lhall  lay  auy  Piece  of  Timber,  or  any  Stones,  Bncks, 
Hay,  Straw,  Lime,  Dung,  Manure,  Soil,  Rubbifli  or  other  Matter  or  Thing  whatfoever  in  or  upon  any  Part 
of  the  faid  Road,  or  to  the  Prejudice  thereof,  or  to  the  Annoyance  or  Prejudice  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfons 
paffing  or  repairing  thereon  ; every  Perfon  fo  offending  (hall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  pay  any  Sum 
not  exceeding  Five  Pounds. 

ObltrufiingPer-  XIV.  And  be  it  further  enabled.  That  if  any  Perfon  lhall  affiiuU,  interrupt  or  hinder,  or  eaufe  to  be 
foni  employed  in  affaulted,  interrupted  or  hindered,  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  by  the  faid  Commvfiioners  for  the  time  being  for 
executing  Act,  canyjDg  this  Act  into  Execution,  or  by  any  Contraftor,  employed  in  the  Execution  of  this  Aft,  every  fuch 
Perfon  lhall  for  every  fuch  Offence  forfeit  and  pay  any  Sum  not  exceeding  Five  Pounds. 

Contracts  msy  XV.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  it  (hall  and  may  be  lawful  for  the  faid  Commiffioners  for  the  time 
be  entered  into  being  for  carrying  this  Aft  into  Execution,  or  for  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  as  they  for  that  Purpofe  lhall 
for  meking^lie  appoint,  to  contrail  with  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  for  fetting  out,  making,  railing,  repairing  and  keeping' in 
intuit  in  Repair!  ^uPa'r  die  faid  Road,  and  alfo  for  fetting  up  and  affixing  the  Lamp  Polls  and  Lamp  Irons  on  and  for  lighting 
•ud  fur  lighting'  the  faid  Road,  or  any  Part  or  Parts  thereof  refpeftively,  and  for  doing  any  other  Work  by  this  Aft  authorized 
it.  4c.  to  be  done,  iu  fuch  manner  and  for  fuch  Sums  of  Money,  or  other  Compeufation  or  ConCderation,  as  the  faid 

Commiffioners  for  the  time  being  for  executing  this  Aft  lhall  think  proper;  and  all  Contrafts  in  Writing  for 
any  of  the  PurpofeB  aforefaid,  which  (hall  be  entered  into,  lhall  be  binding  to  all  Parties  who  (hall  fign  the 
fame,  his,  her  and  their  Executors  and  Adminillrators ; and  Aftions  and  Suits  may  be  maintained  thereon, 
and  Damages  and  Colts  recovered  againlt  the  Parties  failing  therein. 

Two  CummiT-  XVI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  Matters,  Afts  and  Things  authorized  or  ncceffary  to  be  done 
lionersnuy  ait.  by  the  faid  Commiffioners  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  may  be  done  and  executed  by  any  Two  of  them  ; and  the 
fame  (hall  be  as  valid  and  effeftual,  and  lhall  have  the  fame  Force  and  Effeft,  as  if  fuch  Matters,  Afts  and 
Things  had  been  done  and  executed  by  all  the  faid  Commiffioners. 

Penalties  how  to  XVII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  all  Penalties,  Forfeitures  and  Fines  hereby  indicted  or  authorized 
be  recovered.  to  be  impofed,  the  manner  of  levying  which  is  not  herein  othcrwife  direfted,  lhall,  upon  Proof  of  the  Offences 
refpeftively  before  any  One  of  HisMajelty’e  Jultices  of  the  Peace  for  the  City  and  Liberty  of  IVc/hmnfltr, 
or  for  the  County  of  Middlefex,  either  by  the  Confeffion  of  the  Party  or  Parties  thcmfclvcs,  or  upon  the  Oath 
of  One  Or  more  Wltnefs  or  Witnefles,  which  fuch  Jultice  is  hereby  empowered  to  adminiitcr,  be  levied  by 
Diflrefi.  Dillrcfs  and  Sale  of  the  Goods  and  Chattels  of  the  Offender  or  Offenders  by  Warrant  under  the  Hand  and 

Seal  of  fuch  Juftice ; which  Warrant  the  faid  Jullice  is  hereby  empowered  to  grant  for  that  Purpofe  ; and  the 
Overplus,  if  any,  after  fuch  Penalties,  Forfeitures  and  Fines,  and  the  Charges  of  fuch  Ditlrefs  and  Sale,  are 
recovered  and  dedufted,  lhall  be  returned  upon  Demand  to  the  Owner  or  Owners  of  fuch  Goods  and  Chat- 
How  Penalties  tcls  ; and  the  Penalties,  Forfeitures  and  Fines,  when  recovered  and  paid,  lhall  be  applied  for  the  Purpofes  of 
this  Aft  ; and  in  cafe  fufficicnc  Dillrcfs  (hall  not  be*  found,  and  fucb  Penalties  lhall  not  be  forthwith  paid,  it 
lhall  and  may  be  lawful  for  any  fuch  Jullice  of  Peace  as  aforefaid,  and  lie  is  hereby  authorized  and  required, 
by  Warrant  or  Warrants  under  his  Hand  and  Seal,  to  caufe  fuch  Offender  or  Offenders  to  be  committed  to 
Gaol,  there  to  remain  without  Bail  or  Mainprize  for  any  lime  not  exceeding  Six  Calendar  Months,  unlefs 
fuch  Penalties,  Forfeitures  and  Fines,  and  all  reafonablc  Charges,  (hall  be  fooner  paid  and  fatisGcd. 

XVIII.  Provided  always,  aud  be  it  further  enafted,  That  if  any  Perfou  or  Perfons  lhall  think  himfclf, 
Qumrtcr  Scfliotu.  herfclf  or  thcmfclvcs  aggrieved  by  any  thing  done  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  Inch  Perfon  or  Perfons  may 
appeal  to  the  Jullices  ot  the  Peace  at  the  Firll  General  or  Quarter  Seffions  of  the  Peace  to  be  holtlen  for  the 
City  and  Liberty  of  Wjiminjier  next  after  tin*  Expiration  of  Three  Months  from  the  time  fuch  Matter  of 
Appeal  (hall  have  arifen,  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  appealing  having  firll  given  Tea  Days'  Notice  at  the  lead  of 
his,  her  or  their  Intention  to  bring  fuch  Appeal,  aud  of  the  Matter  thereof,  to  the  Solicitor  of  the  faid  Com- 
miffioners,  and  within  Three  Days’  Notice  entering  into  a Recognizance  before  tome  Jullice  of  the  Peace  for 
fuch  City  and  Liberty,  with  fufficient  Sureties,  to  try  fuch  Appeal,  and  abide  the  Order  thereof,  aud  to  pay 
fuch  Cofls  as  lhall  be  awarded  by  the  Jullices  at  fuch  Quarter  Seffions;  and  the  faid  Jullices  in  fuch  Seffions, 
upon  due  Proof  of  fuch  Notice  and  Recognizance  having  been  given  and  entered  into,  are  hereby  authorized 
and  required  to  hear  and  determine  the  Matter  of  fuch  Appeal  in  a fummary  Way,  and  to  make  fuch  Deter- 
mination therein,  and  to  award  fuch  Coils  to  either  of  the  Parties,  or  otberwiCc,  as  they  (hull  judge  proper ; 
and  the  faid  Jullices  may,  if  they  fee  Caufe,  mitigate  any  Fine,  Penalty  or  Forfeiture,  and  may  alio  order 
fuch  further  Satisfaction  to  be  made  to  the  Party  injured  as  they  (hall  judge  reafunable  ; and  all  fuch  Deter- 
minations of  the  faid  Jultices  lhall  be  final,  binding  and  couclufivc  upon  all  Parties  to  all  IntcntB  aud  Purpofes 

whatfoever ; 


If  no  DiflreCi, 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University'  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.  1817.  57°  GEORGII  III.  C.54,55.  gg 

wbatfoever;  and  the  faid  Juftices  at  fuch  Seffions  may  alfo  by  their  Order  or  Warrant  levy  fuch  Cofta  fo  Ceils  levied  by 
awarded  by  Diftrcfs  and  Sale  of  the  Goods  and  Chattels  of  the  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  who  Ihall  refufe  to  pay  the  DiiUeii. 
fame,  and  for  want  of  fufftcient  Diftrcfs  commit  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  to  the  Prifon  of  or  for  the  faid  City  imprifonmmt. 
suid  Liberty  for  any  time  not  exceeding  Six  Calendar  Months,  or  until  Payment  of  fuch  Colls. 

XIX.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  no  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs  (hall  recover  in  any  Aftion  to  be  com-  Notice  to  b< 

menced  againft  any  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  for  any  thing  done  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft,  unlefs  Notice  in  Writing  Pre?  be&r'  ,D7 
fliall  have  been  given  to  the  Defendant  or  Defendants,  Twenty  eight  Days  at  lead  before  fuch  A&ion  fliaS  . 

be  commenced,  of  fuch  intended  Aftion,  figned  by  the Attorney  for  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs,  fpecifying  the  Tender  of" 
caufe  of  l'uch  Aftion  ; nor  (hall  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs  recover  in  any  fuch  Aft  ion,  if  Tender  of  fuffieient  AmetuUnuj  =■ 
Amends  hath  been  made  to  him,  licr  or  them,  or  to  his,  her  or  their  Attorney,  by  or  on  behalf  of  the  De-  offered, 
fendaut  or  Defendants,  before  fuch  Aftion  brought  j and  in  cafe  no  fuch  Tender  (hall  have  been  made,  it 

(hall  be  lawful  for  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  in  any  fuch  Aftion,  by  Leave  of  the  Court, after  fuch  Action 
(hall  have  been  brought,  at  any  time  before  I ffuc  joined,  to  pay  into  Court  fuch  Sum  of  Money  as  he,  (he 
or  they  (hall  think  fit,  whereupon  fuch  Proceedings,  Order  and  Judgment  fliall  be  made  and  given  in  and  by 
fucli  Court  as  in  other  Aftions  where  the  Defendant  is  allowed  to  pay  Money  into  Court. 

XX.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  further  enafted.  That  no  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  be  commenced  againft  any  Limitation  1 f 
Perfon  or  Pcrfons  for  any  tiling  done  in  purfuance  of  this  Aft  after  Three  Calendar  Months  next  after  the  Aflioiu. 

Faft  committed,  and  every  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  (hall  be  brought  and  tried  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  and 

the  Defendant  or  Defendants  in  every  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit  fliall  or  may  plead,  at  Ids  or  their  Eleftion,  fpe- 
cially  or  the  General  Iffue,  and  give  this  Aft  and  the  fpecial  Matter  in  Evidence  at  any  Trial  to  be  had  there-  Gtneial  Iffue 
upon,  and  that  the  fame  was  done  in  purfuance  and  by  the  Authority  of  this  AS  ; and  if  the  fame  (hall  ap- 
pear to  have  been  fo  done,  or  if  any  fucli  Aftion  or  Suit  fliall  be  brought  before  Twenty  eight  Days’  Notice 
thereof  (hall  have  been  given,  or  after  a fuffieient  Satisfaction  made  or  tendered  as  aforcfaid,  or  after  the  time 
limited  for  bringing  fuch  Aftion  or  Suit,  or  (hall  be  brought  in  any  other  County  than  as  aforcfaid,  then  and 
in  every  fuch  cafe  the  Jury  (hall  find  a Verdift  for  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  ; and  upon  fuch  Verdift,  or 
if  the  Plaintiff  or  Plaintiffs  (hall  be  ntmfuited,  or  difcontinue  bis,  her  or  their  Aftion  or  Suit,  after  the  De- 
fendant or  Defendants  Ihall  have  appeared,  or  if  upon  Demurrer  Judgment  fliall  be  given  againft  the  Plaintiff 
or  Plaintiffs,  then  and  in  every  fucli  cafe  the  Defendant  or  Defendants  (ball  recover  Treble  Colts,  and  have  Treble  C-affs. 
fuch  Remedy  for  recovering  the  fame  as  any  Defendant  hath  for  Cofts  of  Suit  in  other  cafes  by  Law. 

CAP.  LV. 

An  Aft  to  continue  an  Aft  to  empower  His  Majefty  to  fecure  anti  detain  fuch  Perfons  as  His 
Majefty  (hall  fufpeft  arc  confpiring  againft  His  Perfon  and  Government.  [30th  June  1817.3 
‘ TTTHEREAS  an  Aft  was  paffed  in  this  SefCon  of  Parliament,  intituled  An  A3  to  empower  His  Ma-  '■ 
‘ » V jejly  to  ftcurt  and  detain  fuch  Perfons  at  Hit  Majtjly  /hall  fufpeS  are  conjpiring  egainjt  Hit  Perfon  and 

‘ Government,  which  Aft  was  to  continue  in  force  until  the  Firft  Day  of  July  One  thoufand  eight  hundred 

* and  ffiventeen  : And  Whereas  it  is  neccffary  for  the  public  Safety  that  the  Provifious  of  the  faid  Aft 

* fhoold  be  further  continued  : Therefore,  for  the  better  Prefcrvation  of  His  Majefty’s  facred  Perfon,  and 

‘ the  facred  Perfon  of  His  Royal  Highnefs  The  Prince  Regent,  and  for  fecuring  the  Peace  and  Laws  and 
‘ Liberties  of  this  Kingdom  Be  it  enafted  by  The  King’s  Muft  Excellent  Majelty,  by  and  with  the  Advice 
and  Confent  of  the  Lords  Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  in  this  prefent  Parliament  affcmbled,  and 
by  the  Authority  of  the  fame,  That  all  or  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  that  are  or  (hall  be  in  Prifon  within  that  F 
Part  of  the  United  Kingdom  called  Great  Britain  at  or  upon  the  Day  on  which  this  Aft  (hall  receive  His  Ma-  11 
jelly’s  Royal  Affent,  or  after,  by  Warrant  of  His  faid  Majefty’s  mod  Honourable  Privy  Council,  figned  by  1 
Six  of  the  faid  Privy  Council,  for  High  Treafon,  Sufpiciou  of  Higli  Treafon  or  Trcafouable  Prafticcs,  or  " 
by  Warrant  figned  bv  any  of  His  Majefty’B  Secretaries  of  State,  for  fuch  Caufes  as  aforcfaid,  may  be  de-  , 
tained  in  fafe  Cuftody,  without  Bail  or  Mainprizc,  until  the  Firft  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  bun-  n 
dred  and  eighteen  ; and  that  no  Judge  or  Jufticc  of  the  Peace  fliall  bail  or  try  any  fuch  Perfon  or  Perfons  fo 
committed,  without  Order  from  His  faid  Majefty’s  Privy  Council,  figned  by  Six  of  the  faid  Privy  Council,  ^ 
until  the  Firft  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eigliteeu  s any  Law  or  Statute  to  the  contrary 
noiwithftanding.  66 

H.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  Aft  made  in  Scotland  iu  the  Year  of  our  Lord  One  thoufand  i 
feven  hundred  and  one,  intituled  An  Ad  for  preventing  wrongous  Imprifonment , and  arainjl  undue  Delays  in  0 
Iriah,  in  ft,  far  as  the  fame  may  be  construed  to  relate  to  the  Cafes  of  Treafon  and  Suspicion  of  Treafon,  1' 
with  mpea  to  Perfons  fo  committed  as  nforefaid,  be  fufpended.  until  the  Full  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  j 
eight  hundred  and  eighteen ; and  that  until  the  Firft  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  aud  eigb-  t, 
teen  no  Judge,  Jultice  ot  Peace,  or  other  Officer  of  the  Law  of  Scotland,  (ball  liberate,  try  or  admit  to  Bail  b 
any  Perfon  or  Perfons  that  is,  are  or  (hall  be  in  Prifon  within  Scotland  under  a Warrant  or  Warrants  fo  figned  « 
a.  aforcfaid,  for  fucli  Caufes  as  aforcfaid,  without  Order  from  His  faid  Majefty’s  Privy  Council,  figned  by  .c 
Six  of  the  faid  Pnvy  Council.  - • “ 

• Sf'  P"5T’dcd  always,  That  from  and  after  the  Firft  Day  of  March  One  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  1 
eighteen  the  faid  Perfons  fo  committed  fliall  have  the  Benefit  and  Advantage  of  aU  Laws  and  Statutes  in  any  c 
IV  d'"5-  ,tO,0r,  ?rov,d,nS  (or  _che  Lihert?  the  Subjefts  of  tills  Realm.  h 

the  an  ' _ o-c  a'wa)'s>  sn“  be  11  vnaSed,  That  nothing  in  this  Aft  fliall  be  conftrucd  to  extend  to  invalidate  ? 
eftheTw"  r g--  n a,'!d  PrmcScs  °f  Parlianlc"t,  or  to  the  Imprifonment  or  Detaining  of  any  Member  of  , 
r nonlc  of  Parliament  during  the  Silting  of  fuch  Parliament,  until  the  Matter  of  which  he  (lands  fuf.  t. 

O a pefted  rr 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  U 

loo  0.55*56.  57°  OEORGIi  III.  A.D.1817. 

peftcd  be  fir rt  communicated  to  the  Houfe  of  which  lie  is  a Member,  and  the  Confcat  of  the  faid  Houfe  ob- 
tained for  his  Commitment  or  Detaining. 

Indictments  for  V.  Provided  iicvcrtltelefs,  That  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  in  Prifon  at  the  time  of  palling  this  Aft,  again  ft 
High  wj,om  any  Bill  or  Bills  of  Indiftmcnt  for  High  Treafon  have  been  already  found,  lhall  and  may  be  tried  on 
untried!"  ’ ,*'c  as  >f  tliia  Aft  had  never  paired. 

‘ VI.  And  Whereas  divers  Perfons  arc  now  in  Cuftody  on  Charges  of  High  Treafon  and  Sufpicion  ofHigh 
‘ Treafon,  under  Warrants  from  One  of  His  Mnjefty's  Principal  Secretaries  of  State  or  from  His  Majefty’e 

* Privy  Council,  aud  it  may  be  highly  important  that  fuch  Perfons  as  have  been  or  lhall  be  fecured  and  de- 
‘ tained  on  fuch  Charges  under  audby  virtue  of  fuch  Warrant  or  Warrants  (hould  be  kept  wholly  feparate  and 

* apart  from  each  other,  fo  as  to  prevent  all  Communication  between  them  aud  with  oilier  Perfons,  except  fuch 

* Communication  as  HisMajcily  may  think  lit  to  permit,  and  under  fuch  Reftriftions  as  may  be  advifablc;  and 
‘ Doubts  may  arife  how  far  tlic  Powers  of  His  Majefty’s  Principal  Secretaries  of  State  to  change  the  Places 

* of  Confinement  of  Perfons  fo  committed  extend;  and  it  is  expedient  to  provide  that  the  fame  (hall  not  be 

* fo  cxercifed  as  to  deprive  the  Perfons  fo  committed  of  any  Right  to  be  tried  or  difeharged  which  they  might 

* refpeftively  have  had  if  their  refpeftive  Places  of  Confinement  had  not  been  changed:’  Now,  to  obviate  all 
Seiretiry  of  Doubts  and  Difficulties  in  refpeft  thereof,  be  it  further  enafted  and  declared,  That  it  lhall  be  lawful  for  One  of 
s-jte  may  OTder  j_£j3  jgajefty>B  Principal  Secretaries  of  State,  as  he  (hall  fee  Occafion,  to  order  any  Perfon  committed  to  any 
ted'forHich  " Gaol  or  other  Prifon  on  any  Charge  of  High  Treafon,  Sufpicion  of  High  Treafon  or  Treafouable  Practices, 
Treafon,  sic.  to  either  before  or  after  . Indiftmcnt  found,  to  be  conveyed  to  and  detained  in  any  oilier  Gaol  or  other  Prifon 
be  removed  w until  difeharged  by  due  Courfc  of  Law,  and  to  iffue  all  Warrants  neceffary  for  "fuch  Purpofcs : Provided  al- 
iny  other  Gaol.  wayS  nevertlivlefs,  that  no  Perfon  who  lhall  be  removed  by  any  fuch  Warrant  as  aforefaid  (hall  be  by  means  of 
moved  not  m"  **1C“  ^clP0Vi^  deprived  of  fuch  Right  to  he  tried  or  difeharged  as  fuch  Perfon  would  by  Law  have  been  en- 
be  deprived  of  titled  to  if  not  fo  removed ; and  in  every  cafe  in  which  any  luch  Perfon  would  have  been  entitled  to  have  been 
Right  to  be  tried  tried  or  difcliarged,  if  fuch  Pcrfou  had  continued  in  the  Gaol  or  Prifon  to  wliich  fuch  Perfon  was  before 
or  difchsrsed.  committed,  it  (hall  be  lawful  for  fuch  Perfon  to  apply  to  be  bailed  or  difeharged  in  the  fame  manner  as  fuch 

Perfon  might  hare  done  if  fuch  Perfon  had  remained  in  the  Gaol  or  Prifon  to  which  fuch  Perfon  was  before 
committed  as  aforefaid. 

Coniinuuice  of  VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  this  Aft  lhall  continue  in  force  until  the  Firll  Day  of  March  One 
Afi‘  thoufand  eight  hundred  and  eighteen. 

Aft  maj  be  VIII.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  this  Aft  may  be  altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  any  Aft  or  Afts 

rff*1  *f'  U,“  to  be  made  in  this  prefent  Seffion  of  Parliament. 


An  Act  to  amend  the  Laws  in  refpeft  to  forfeited  Recognizances  in  Ireland.  [30th  June  1817.] 

* T 7 HEREAS  the  feveral  Afts  of  Parliament  pafied  from  time  to  time,  to  regulate  and  fecurc  the 

* VY  Colleftion  of  the  Sums  arifing  from  forfeited  Recoguizanccs,  and  from  Fines  impofed  at  Affizei, 

* Seffions  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  and  General  Gaol  Delivery,  and  Selfions  of  the  Peace  in  Ireland,  have  been 

* found  infufficient  for  that  Purpofe  ; and  it  is  therefore  expedient  that  the  faid  Afts  (hould  be  repealed,  and 

* that  more  effectual  ProviGoti  (hould  be  made  for  the  Recovery  and  Payment  of  fuch  Sums  and  Fines Be 
it  therefore  enafted  by  The  King’s  Moll  Excellent  Majcfty,  by  and  with  the  Advice  and  Coufent  of  the  Lords 
Spiritual  and  Temporal,  and  Commons,  iu  this  prefent  Parliament  affenibled,  and  by  the  Authority  of  the 
fame,  That  from  and  after  the  Commencement  of  this  Aftjfthe  feveral  Afts  of  Parliament  hereafter  recited 

»7  G.3.C.3*.  lhall  be  repealed  ; that  is  to  fay,  an  Aft  palled  in  the  Parliament  of  Ireland  in  the  Twenty  feventh  Year  of 
His  prefent  Majefty’s  Reigu,  intituled  An  A3  for  the  Idler  Colleftion  of  Hit  MajcJJy’j  Revenue  arifing  from 

190.3.  c.»8.  forfeited  Recognizances ; an  Aft  palled  in  the  faid  ParliameiA,  in  the  Twenty  ninth  Year  of  His  faid  Mujcfty’l 

(*•)  _ Reign  to  amend  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  the  Twenty  feventlj  Year  ; an  Aft  paffed  in  the  faid  Parliament,  in 

31  .3.  e.aj.  the  Thirty  liril  Year  of  His  faid  Majefty’s  Reign,  inlitulcp  An  A3  to  difeharge  fuch  Recognizances  entered 

into  for  the  Appearance  and  Profecution  of  Offenders,  as  •a/ere  forfeited  before  the  Eighteenth  Day  of  January  in  sht 
Year  One  thoufand  feven  hundred  and  eighty  feven,  and for  it  ore  effcBuaUy  executing  the  Green  IVax  Procefs, fo 
3.1  G.  3.  c.lj.  far  as  the  faid  A3  of  the  Thirty  frji  Tear  of  His  faid  Majejly’s  Reign  relates  to  fuch  Procefs ; an  Aft 
(*•)  paffed  in  the  faid  Parliament  in  the  Thirty  recond  Year  jof  His  faid  Majefty’s  Reign,  to  explain,  amend 

and  render  more  effcftual  the  faid  recited  Afts  of  the  Twenty  feventh  and  Twenty  ninth  Years  of  His 
Majclly’s  Reign,  and  to  extend  the  Provifions  thereof,  anil  for  enlarging  tile  time  for  John  Howard  Kyan 
Efquire  to  account  purfnant  to  his  Recognizance,  fo  far  as  the  faid  Adt  of  the  Thirty  fecond  Year  relates 
"n*3’ C',5a  t0  “c  Colleftion  of  forfeited  Recognizances;  an  Aft  puffed  iu  the  faid  Parliament,  in  the  Thirty  eighth 

Year  of  His  faid  Majefty’s  Reign,  intituled  'An  A3  for  the  better  ColleBton  of  Sums  arifing  from  forfeited 
Recognizances,  and  from  Fines  impofed  at  AJfizes,  Commjjfions  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  and  Genera!  Gaol  De- 

390.3.  c.67.  livery,  and  Seffions  of  the  Peace,  and  for  the  future  Application  of  the  fame  ; an  Aft  paffed  in  the  faid  Par- 

l 1 liament,  in  the  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  His  faid  Majeily’s  Reign,  to  amend  the  faid  Aft  of  the  Thirty  eighth 

4CG.3.C.30.  Year;  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  faid  Parliament,  in  the  Fortieth  Year  of  His  faid  Majefty’s  Reign,  to  continue 

the  Lid  recited  Aft  of  the  Thirty  eighth  Year  of  His  faid  Majcfty’s  Reign,  and  to  repeal  and  amend  Part 
« G.  3.  e.  83.  of  the  faid  recited  Aft  of  tile  Thirty  ninth  Year  of  His  Majelly's  Reign  ; and  an  Aft  paffed  in  the  Parlia- 

u.K  J nient  of  the  United  Kingdom,  in  the  Forty  ninth  Year  of  His  Majeily’s  Reign,  intituled  An  A3  for  the 

Amendment  of  the  Laws  now  in  force  in  Ireland,  relative  Jo  Perfons  entering  into  Recognizances  in  Criminal 
Cafes,  in  Cuftody  under  any  Fine,  or  under  fuch  Recognizances ; and  the  faid  recited  Acts  are  hereby  re* 
pealed  accordingly ; fare  fo  far  as  the  fame  rcfpcclivcly  repeal  any  former  Aft  or  Afts  of  Parliament,  or  any 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University’  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

A.D.i8i7*  57*  GE0RG1I  III.  C.56.  i©i 

Claufc,  matter  or  tiling  therein  ; and  favc  89  to  any  Proceeding  in  any  cafe  wherein  any  Procefs  of  the  Pipe 
(hall  have  actually  ifliied  under  the  faid  Acts,  or  an jl  of  tlicm,  previous  to  the  Commencement  of  this  Aft, 
and  the  Colleftioo  and  Application  of  the  Fines  and  forfeited  Recognizances  in  any  fuchcafe  j and  favc  G>  far 
a*  any  of  the  faid  Afts  purport  to  difeharge  any  Recognizance  theretofore  forfeited. 

II.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  from  and  after  the  Commencement  of  this  Aft,  every  Recognizance  AURccognk. 
taken  in  Ireland  by  or  before  His  Majeltv’s  Court  of  King’s  Bench  there,  or  by  or  before  His  Majefty’s  "“*•  Q“11  *P- 
Chief  Jullicc  of  die  faid  Court  of  King’s  Bench,  or  by  or  before  any  of  the  Jufticcs  of  the  faid  Court  of  Addition  and 
King’d  Bench,  or  by  or  before  any  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  or  Gaol  Delivery,  or  by  Refidence  of  the 
or  before  any  Juftice  or  Jufticcs  of  the  Peace,  cither  nt  their  S-ffiona  of  the  Peace  or  otheryrife,  or  by  Parties  bound, 
any  Magiftratc  or  other  Pcrfon  lawfully  authorized  to  take  the  fame,  (hall  contain  the  Name  and 
Addition  of  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  refpeftively  thereby  acknowledging  hinHclf,  herfclf  or  them- 
felves  refpeftively  to  be  bound,  and  the  Name  of  the  Town  land,  Parilh  and  Barony  or  Half  Barony,  or 
Town  or  City,  and  Street  therein,  (if  in  a County  of  a Town  or  City,)  in  which  the  ufual  or  aftuol 
Place  or  Places  of  Refidence  of  fuch  Perfoo  or  Perfons  is  or  are  refpeftively  fituated  ; and  all  and  .every  Perfons  becotn- 
Perfons  or  Pcrfon  who  (hall  hereafter  come  before  His  Majelly’s  faid  Court  of  King’s  Bench,  or  before  any  inS  Bailorgiving 
of  His  Majefty’s  Juftices  of  the  faid  Court,  or  before  any  fuch  Juftice  or  Jufticcs  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  or  pf  kecr* 
Gaol  Delivery,  or  before  any  Juftice  or  Juftices  of  the  Peace,  cither  at  their  Seflions  of  the  Peace  or  other-  ftaii nulteo'ih 
wife,  or  before  any  Magiftratc  or  other  Pcrfon  lawfully  authorized  to  admit  to  Bail,  in  order  to  give  Bail  a,  herein  min- 
or be  bound  for  the  Appearance  of  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  charged  with  any  Crime  or  Crimea,  (which  Perfon  tinned, 
fo  charged  (hall  by  Law  be  entitled  to  Bail,)  or  for  keeping  the  Peace,  (hall  refpeftively  make  Oath  in  one 
of  the  Forms  here  following,  or  in  fome  other  Form  of  Words  to  the  like  Import  ai\d  Effect  refpeftively  ; 
that  is  to. fay,  if  fuch  Perfon  '(hall  refide  in  a County  at  large,  in  this  Form  5 (to  wit,) 

‘ J yf.  Jl.  do  fwear.  That  I am  a Houfeholder,  and  have  a Houfe  wherein  I ufually  rclide,  at 
« in  the  Parilh  of  Barony  or  Half  Barony  of  and  County  of 

* and  that  I fupport  and  maintain  myfelf  by  and  that  I am  worth  the  Sum  of  [fare 

* infert  double  the  Sum  in  ‘which  fa  or  Jhe  ii  to  he  bound]  over  and  above  all  my  juft  Debts. 

• So  help  me  GOD.’ 

And  if  fuch  Pcrfon  (hall  refide  in  a County  of  a City  or  Town,  the  Words  ‘refide  at’  and  from  thence  to 
‘County  of’  (hall  be  omitted;  and  inllcad  thereof,  thefe  Words  (hall  be  inferred ; (to  wit,)  ‘redding  in 
* [naming  the  Street,  Square,  Lane  or  Place ] in  the  Parilh  of  and  County  of  the  City  or 

‘ Town  of  and  every  fuch  Oath  (hall  be  annexed  to  or  be  written  on  the  fame  Piece  of 

Paper  or  Parchment  with  the  Recognizance,  and  Ihall  be  ligned  by  the  Perfon  making  the  fame,  and  attefted 
by  the  proper  Jurat  of  the  Court,  Judge,  Jullicc,  or  other  Pcrfon  taking  the  fame  as  aforefaid,  and  (hall  be 
Sufficient  in  lieu  of  all  aud  every  Oaths  and  Oath  required  by  any  Law  in  force  in  Ireland  to  be  taken  by  any 
fuch  Surety. 

III.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  enafted,  That  nothing  heAin  contained  (hall  extend  or  be  conftrucd  to 
extend  to  require  the  Perfon  or  Perfons  charged  with  any  Crime,  and  for  whofe  Appearance  any  Recognizance 
Ihall  be  about  to  be  entered  into,  or  any  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  who  (hall  become  perfonally  bound  to  keep  the 
Peace,  or  any  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  who  (hall  or  may  hereafter  become  bound  for  the  Profccution  of  any  Pcrfon 
or  Perfons  charged  with  any  criminal  Offence,  to  take  fuch  Part  of  the  faid  Oath  as  relates  to  fuch  Perfon 
or  Perfons  being  a Houfeholder,  or  to  his,  her  or  their  being  refpeftively  worth  the  Sum  or  Sums  of  Money 
for  which  he,  (he  or  they  is  and  are  refpeftively  about  to  be  bound,  over  aud  above  all  their  juft  Debts  ; but 
every  fuch  lad  mentioned  Perfon  and  Perfons  (hall,  in  like  manner  and  form  refpeftively,  make  Oath  as  to  the 
^Jae^.  l>ar‘,ki  Barony  or  Half  Barony,  and  County,  and  the  Town  or  City  and  Street  therein,  (if  in  a County 
OtaTowii  or  City,)  in  which  he,  (he  or  they  ufually  or  aftually  refide. 

IV.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  all  and  every  Julficc  and  Jufticcs  of  the  Peace,  and  all  and  every 
Magiftratc  and  other  Pcrfon  lawfully  authorized  to  lake  Recognizances,  who  (hall  hereafter  neglcft  or  refufe 
to  return  the  Recognizances  taken  before  him  alone,  or  before  him  and  any  other  Magiftratc  or  Perfon  or 
Perfons  fo  authorized  to  take  the  fume,  in  manner  hereinafter  mentioned,  or  (hall  neglcft  or  refufe  to  infert  in 
•my  Recognizance  taken  before  him,  folely  or  with  any  other  or  others  as  aforefaid,  the  proper  Name  and 
Names  ami  Addition  nr  Additions  of  the  Pcrfon  or  Perfons  entering  into  the  fame,  according  to  the  Provi- 
sions of  this  Aft,  or  ffiall  ucgleft  or  refufe  to  admiuilter  the  Oaths  refpeftively  herein  before  direfted  and 
apjjomiei.  to  be  adminiftcred  in  manner  fo  direfted,  (hall  for  every  fuch  Neglcft  or  Rcfufal  (in  addition  to 

r * *■  . ’ * " ' r y fuch  Juftice 

Oath  annexed  to 
or  written  on  the 
feme  Paper  with 

keep  the  Peace, 
or  to  profecut* 
Offender!,  (hall 
be  (worn  only  to 
their  Refidence. 

Jufticcs,  Ac. 
neglecting  to 
return  Recogni- 

ftrt  Nimci,  Ate. 
or  to  admiuifler 
the  faid  Oaths, 

Majelly’s  Courts  of  Record  in  Dublin,  by  any  PerfotT  or  Perfons  who  will  profecute  or  fue  for  the 
same  ; wherein  no  Effotgn,  Proteftion  or  Wager  of  Law  (hall  be  allowed,  or  more  thiui  One  Imparlance  (hall 
*>e  granted. 

Ja  ‘l  *“rt'lcr  enaftetf.  That  die  fewraTElccks  of  the  Crown  and  Peace  throughout  Ireland  (hall, 

he  Ftrft  Day  of  every  Term  next  enfuing  the  tijr.c  of  holding  any  Cominilfion  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  and 
oenerai  Gaol  Delivery,  and  Seflions  of  the  Peacetefpeftively,  iu  any  Countv,  County  of  a City,  or  County 
Efl  J , T?  'e  {riand'  return  to  ,hc  Comptroller  if  the  Pipe  in  the  Court  of  Exchequer  in  Ireland,  dilli.ift 
S £ r Rt'Cl'«ir,/-a!Vt0!  as  ^ (hall  have  been  forfeited,  and  fuch  Fines  as  Hull  have  been  im- 

smnrifn  irtal , P,  » (kve  only  fuch  Fines  as  (hall  have  been  impofedon  Perfons  aftually  committed  to 

itnoor-^  Tnt  uy,lLc  ?uun  mrH  fuc!“  Fine-  a4d  for  the  fame  Offence  for  which  fuch  Fine  Ihall  have  been 
poua ;)  and  that  the  fcveral  Clerks  of  Nili  Prius  in  Ireland  (hall  alfo,  on  the  Ftrft  Day  of  every  Eafer  and 


Printed  image  digitised  by  fhaUniversity  of  Southampton  Library  Digitisation  Unit 

Clerks  of  the 
Crown  sud 
Peace  in  Ireland, 
on  the  Full  Day 

trotler  of  the 
Pipe  in  the  Ex- 
chequer, Eflrcjts 

57°  GE0RG11  III.  A.D.1817. 

1 like  manner  return  to  die  fait  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  Ellreats  of  all  Fine9  (favc  as 
avc  been  impofed  at  the  feveral  ^Sittings  of  Nifi  Prius  held  in  and  for  the  City  or  County 

ofRccogntenccs  Micbathnat  Term,  in  like  manner  return  to  the  fain  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  Ellreats  of  all  Fine9  (favc  as 
forfeited  md  nforefaid)  which  (hall  have  been  impofed  at  the  feveral  'Sittings  of  Nifi  Priuj  held  in  and  for  the  City  or  County 
Finer  impofed.  „f  Dublin,  and  at  every  Adizes  in  every  County,  afid  County  of  a City  or  Town  in  Ireland ; and  if  in  any 
f Nili  t**c  ca^CS  t*,crc  ^ n0  Ellreats,  llniii  the  faid  feveral  Pcrfons  lhall  in  every  fuch  cafe  make 

I’iCs  to  nulta  return  accordingly.  I 

Hetunw.  VI.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  and  after  the  Commencement  of  this  Aft  all  Clerks  of  the 

Return  of  Ef-  Court  of  King’s  Bench,  Clerks  of  the  Court  of  Cijmmon  Pleas,  Clerk*  of  the  Crown,  Clerks  of  the  Peace, 

f«a«  of  forfeited  clerks  of  the  Nifi  Prius,  and  others  to  whom  it  belong*  to  make  Returns  of  Ellreats  into  the  Exchequer,  lhall 
make  t,ie  I1*1  Returns  to  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  ; and  that  every  Return  of  any  Eftreat  or  Ellreats  lhall 
fpecifvThe  be  made  fo  that  die  faqie  lhall  contain  as  well  die | Name  and  Additiou  of  the  particular  Perfon  or  Pcrfonu 

Nunes  and  the  refpeftivcly  who  are  thereby  relumed  as  Itaving  their  Recognizances  forfeited  and  climated,  or  having  had 

RefMence  of  Fines  impofed  upon  them  in  die  r.fpeftive  Courts  ‘from  whence  the  faid  Returns  are  or  lhall  be  refpeftivcly 

the  Panics.  made  an(J  eftreated,  as  alfo  die  Name  of  the  Place  inhere  fuch  Perfon  or  Pcrfons  ufually  refide,  together  with 

the  Name  of  the  Towuland,  Panlh  and  Barony  or  Half  Barony,  and  County  or  Town,  or  City  and  Street 
therein  (if  in  a County  of  a Town  or  City),  in  which  fuch  Place  or  Places.of  Refidence  is  or  are  refpeftivcly 

by  the  VII.  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  from  ahd  after  the  Commencement  of  this  Aft,  all  Clerks  of  die 

sICIuks  Court  of  King’s  Bench,  Clerks  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  Clerks  of  Aflizc  or  of  Nifi  Prius,  Clerks  of 
iitsin  the  Crown,  Clerics  of  the  Peace,  and  others  to  whom  it  belongs,  or  (hall  or  may  belong,  to  make  Returnr. 

m_  of  Ellreats  into  the  Exchequer,  lhall,  upon  Delivery  of  fuch  Ellreats  to  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe,  when 

the  fame  lhall  be  fo  delivered  by  diem  in  Perfon  repetitively,  take  the  Oath  following  j (that  is  to  fay,) 

1 nf  the  « T do  fwear,  That  thefe  Ellreats  now  by  me  delivered  are  truly  and  carefully  made 

• up  and  examined,  and  that  all  Fines,  KTues  anil  Amerciaments,  Recognizances  and  Forfeitures,  which  were 

• *et,  loll,  impofed  or  forfeited,  and  in  right  and  due  Courfe  of  Law  ought  to  he  eftreated  into  the  Court  ui 

• Exchequer,  are,  to  the  bell  of  my  Knowledge,  jUndcrltanding  and  Belief,  therein  contained  ; and  that  in  the 
‘ fame  Eilreats  are  alfo  contained  and  rxprefled ' all  fuch  Fines  as  have  been  paid  into  the  Court  from  which 
‘ the  faid  Ellreats  have  been  made,  without  any  fraudulent  or  wilful  Difcharge,  Omiflion,  Mifuomcr  or  Deleft 
‘ whatfoever  ; and  that,  in  thefe  Ellreats  now  by  tnc  delivered,  the  Names  and  Additions  of  the  feveral  Per- 
1 fons  refpeflively  mentioned  therein,  together  with  their  refpeftive  Places  of  Refidence,  and  the  Parilhcs, 

• Baronies,  Halt  Baronies  and  Counties,  and  Tjown  and  City,  and  Street  therein,  in  which  fuch  Placrs  of 

• Refidence  are  refpeftiveljr  fituated,  are  truly  apd  faithfully  fet  forth  according  to  the  bell  of  my  Knowledge, 

1 Underftandiug  and  Belief.  So  help  me  GOD.’ 

Which  faid  Oath  the  Barons  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer,  or  any  One  of  them,  are  and  is  hereby  required  and 
empowered  to  ndmmitlcr  from  time  to  time  accordingly. 

FormofOjih  of  VIII,  And  be  it  further  enafted,  That  tly1  Clerks  of  the  Crown  and  Clerks  of  the  Peace,  to  whom  it 
Clerks  of  the  belongs  to  make  Returns  of  Ellreats  into  the  Exchequer,  if  it  (hall  not  be  convenient  to  them  to  deliver  fuch 

lerks  of  the  belongs  to  make  Returns  of  Ellreats  into  the  exchequer,  if  it  lhall  not  be  convenient  to  them  to  deliver  fuch 

™“n*yI  Ellreats  into  the  Court  of  Exchequer  in  Perfoti,  (hall  and  may,  in  the  Place  of  the  faid  Oath,  take  and  fub- 

esce, where  feribe  the  Oatlt  following  ; (that  is  to  fay,) 

liver  theErtrsjti  ' I do  ^vear»  That  diefc  Ellreats  now  by  me  fubferihed  are  truly  and  carcfully 

into  the  Eicl.c-  * UP  anil  examined,  and  that  all  Fines,  IfTues  and  Amerciaments,  Recognizances  and  Forfeitures, 

nuer  la  Perfon.  * which  were  fet.  loll,  impofed  or  forfeited,  and  in  right  and  due  Courfe  of  Law  ought  to  be  eftreated  into 

* the  Court  of  Exchequer,  are  to  the  bell  of  ,my  Knowledge,  Underftandiug  and  Belief  therein  contained  ; 
‘ and  that  in  the  fame  Eftreato  arc  alfa  contained  and  expreffed  all  fuch  Fines  as  have  been  paid  into  the 

* Court  from  which  the  faid  Ellreats  have  been  made,  without  any  fraudulent  or  wilful  Difcharge,  Omiflion, 
‘ Mifnomer  or  Dcfeft  whatfoever ; and  that  I will  not  crafe  or  alter,  or  caufe  or  confent  to  be  eraled  or 
‘ altered  thefe  Ellreats  or  any  Part  thereof]  and  that,  in  thefe  Eilreats  now  by  me  fubferibed,  the  Names 
‘ and  Additions  of  the  feveral  Perfons  therein ‘mentioned  rcfpcfiively,  together  with  their  refpeftive  Places  of 

* Refidence,  and  the  Parilhcs,  Baronies,  Half  Baronies,  and  Counties,  or  Town,  or  City,  and  Street  therein, 

* in  which  fuch  Places  of  Residence  are  refpeftivcly  fitunte,  are  truly  and  faithfully  fet  forth  according  to 

‘ the  bell  of  my  Knowledge,  Underftandiug  and  Belief.  So  help  me  GOD.’ 

Which  faid  Oath  a Commiflioncr  for  taking  Affidavits  in  the  faid  Court  of  Exchequer  is  hereby  empowered 
to  adminiftcr  from  time  to  time  in  the  Prcfcuce  of  Two  Juftices  of  the  Peace  for  the  County  or  Plate  where 
fuch  Oatli  lhall  be  taken  j nnd  the  faid  Commiflioncr  and  Juftices  lhall  fublcribe  the  faid  Oath,  and  the  faid 
Clerk  of  the  Crown  or  Clerk  of  the  Peace  lhall,  in  the  Prefence  of  the  faid  Commiflioncr  and  Juftices,  care- 
fully  foal  up  the  faid  Ellreats  in  a Paper  Cpver,  and  (hall  affix  his  Seal  thereto ; and  the  faid  Commiflioncr 
and  Juftices  lhall  alfo  affix  their  Seals  thereto ; and  the  faid  Clerk  of  the  Crown  or  Clerk  of  the  Peace  (hall 
caufe  the  faid  Eftreats,  fo  fealed  up,  to  be  carefully  delivered  to  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  in  the  faid 
Court  of  Exchequer.  I , 

Bf!  *i'°h  Outa  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  from  and  after  the  taking  of  the  faid  Oaths  refpeftivcly,  the  Fines 

Fines  mjy  be  an<*  Recognizances  therein  referred  to  refpeftivcly  lhall  not  be  reduced,  mitigated  or  altered  by  any  Court  or 

reduced.  Judge,  or  by  any  Perfon  or  Perfon*  whatfoever,  lave  only  by  the  Commiflioncrs  of  Reducements,  or  in  the 

manner  hereinafter  mentioned. 

F.ilruts  not  re-  IX.  And  be  it  further  enafted.  That  the  Ellreats  fo  to  be  delivered  from  the  faid  Clerks  of  the  Crown  and 
trrdleref  Ure"1'  ^cr^*  t^=  l>eacc  'n  manner  lull  mentioned  (hall  not  bo  received  by  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe,  iir.lrfs, 

Pipe  unlcfsOsih  at  f'me  °l  delivering  the  fame,  Oath  (ball  be  made  in  the  faid  Court,  or  before  One  of  the  Barons  thereof, 
*i<Jc  thn  they  (which  Oath  the  Barons  of  the  faid  Court,  or  one  of  them,  are  and  is  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  atl- 

Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  ScMthampton  l ibrary  Digitisation  Unit  minifter,) 

A.D.  i8j7- 

57'  GE0RGI1  111. 


minifler,)  by  the  Perfon  wlio  (hall  have  received  the  lime  from  the  faid  Clerk  of  the  Crown  or  Clerk  of  the 
Peace,  for  tne  Purpofe  of  delivering  the  fame  to  the  fajd  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe,  that  the  Eftreats  or  any 
of  them  have  not  been  opened  or  altered  lince  the  fnmejwere  fo  received  for  the  Purpofe  aforefaid. 

XI.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  Tliat  on  the  laft  Dajof  every  Term  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  Ihall  at 
the  Citing  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer  deliver  in  open  Court  to  the  Chief  Baron,  or  in  his  Abfence  to  the 
fenior  Puifne  Baron  prefent,  a Statement  jn  Writing  of  all  the  fcveral  Officers  and  Perfons  by  whom  any 
fuch  Eftreats  ought  to  have  been  returned  in  the  faid  Term  aa  aforefaid,  and  fhajl  thrrein  fpreify  particularly 
which  of  fuch  Perfons  have  or  hath  duly  made  fuch  Returns,  and  which  of  them  have  or  hath  nrglcftcd  or 
omitted  to  make  fuch  Return,  and  fhall,  if  required  by  Hie  faid  Court,  verify  fuch  Statement  on  Oath  in  open 
Court  j and  fuch  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  Ihall  on  the  fcjme  Court  Day  of  each  '1  erm  deliver  a Copy  thereof 
to  the  Solicitor  for  the  cafual  Revenue,  who  Ihall  enterj  as  of  courfr,  a Rule  for  a Fine  of  Twenty  Pounds 
againlt  every  Perfon  mentioned  in  fuch  Statement  as  having  neglected  or  omitted  to  make  fuch  Return, 
unlefs  fuch  Perfon  fhall  make  fuch  Return  within  Fodr  Days  if  in  the  County  or  County  or  the  City  of 
DuHin,  and  within  Ten  Days  if  in  any  otlier  Part  of  I relaid  ; and  the  faid  Solicitor  for  the  cafual  Revenue  ihall 
at  the  Expiration  of  fnch  time  refpectively  make  fuch  Rule  abfolutc  as  of  courfe,  and  (hall  thereupon  iflue 
an  Attachment  againlt  fuch  Perfon  as  of  courfe,  and  without  further  Notice;  and  if  any  fuch  Comptroller 
fhall  neglcft  or  omit  to  deliver  in  fuch  Statement  as  aforefaid,  or  fhall  omit  therefrom  the  Names  of  any 
Perfon  who  ought  to  be  included  therein,  or  fhall  make!  any  fidfe  Statement  therein,  not  being  required  to 
verify  the  fame  on  Oath,  or  Ihall  omit  to  furnifh  l'ucjt  Copy  as  aforefaid  to  the  Solicitor  of  the  cafual 
Revenue ; or  if  the  Solicitor  for  the  cafual  Revenue  (ha|l  omit  to  cuter  or  make  abfolutc  fuch  Rule,  or  to 
ifTue  fuch  Attachment,  fuch  Comptroller  and  Solicitor  for  the  cafual  Revenue  refpeftively  fhall  be  piuiifitrd 
for  fuch  Omifiion  or  Neglect  by  Fine  and  Attachment  ati  the  Difcrerion  of  the  faid  Court,  and  fhall  for  every 
fuch  Offence  forfeit  the  Sum  of  Fifty  Pounds,  to  be  recovered  and  levied  by  and  under  the  fummary  Order 
of  the  Court,  by  any  Perfon  who  (hall  duly  apply  for  the  fame. 

XII.  And  be  it  further  enacted.  That  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipr  (hall,  on  every  fuch  Return  of 
Eftreats,  iflue  the  Second  Summons  of  the  Pipe  for  the  levying  of  all  Sums  of  Money  contained  in  fuch  Eftreats, 
favr  as  aforefaid,  out  of  the  Goods,  Bodies  and  Lands  of  the  refpeftive  Debtors  named  in  fuch  I’rocefs ; and 
fuch  Procefs  Ihall  be  direfted  to  the  fcveral  Sheriffs  of  Counties,  Counties  of  Cities,  Counties  of  Towns  aud 
Dillri&s  refpeftively,  in  which  the  fcveral  Debtors  appear  refpectively  to  relidc. 

XIII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  all  and  every  Eftreat  and  Ellrrats  which  at  the  Commencement  of 
of  this  Aft  fhall  remain  or  be  in  any  Office  of  or  in  the  ftpd  Court  of  Exchequer,  other  than  the  Office  of  the 
Comptroller  of  the  Pipe,  and  on  which  no  Procefs  of  the  Pipe  (hall  have  actually  iffued,  (hall  be  then  forth- 
with delivered  over  to  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe,  who  Ihall  caufe  the  Procefs  of  the  Pipe,  and  all  fubfequent 
Proceedings,  according  to  the  manner  and  Form  and  foil  the  Purpofea  preferihed  by  this  Aft.  to  he  iflued 
and  had  on  all  fuch  Eftreats  fo  delivered  over  to  him,  amlalfo  on  all  Eftreats  which  fhall  then  remain  or  be  in 
his  Office,  and  whereon  no  Procefs  of  the  Pipe  fhall  have  Jirevioufly  iflued. 

XIV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  fuch  Procefs  fhtall  be  affiled  by  the  Comptroller  of  the  Pipe  within 
Ten  Days  after  the  End  of  every  Hilary  and  Trinity  Term,  aud  ihall  be  returnable  on  the  lirll  Return  Day 
of  the  next  Hilary  Term,  and  fuch  Procefs  Ihall  and  may  from  time  to  time  be  renewed  and  iflued  as  often  as 
Occafion  (hall  require  ; and  fuch  Comptroller  Ihall  caufe  ijvcry  fuch  Procefs  to  be  delivered  to  the  SherilTi 
refpeftively  to  whom  the  fame  (hall  be  directed,  without  any\uimrceffary  Delay. 

XV.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  the  fcveral  Shcrifii,  to  whom  fuch  Procefs  fhall  be  direfted,  Ihall 
have  the  fame  Powers  to  levy  the  Debts  therein  to  be  ccmpnl'cii,  and  in  executing  fuch  Procefs,  whether  by 
fummoning  and  empa no elling  Juries,  or  holding  Inquiries  upon  the  frrcral  Matters  aforefaid,  or  in  any  other 
way,  u Sheriffs  in  Ireland  had  by  Law  in  fuch  cafes  previous  to  the  puffing  of  tlie  faid  Afts  fo  hereby 
repealed  refpeftively. 

XVI.  Provided  always,  and  be  it  cnafted,  That  every  fitch  Sheriff  (hull,  in  the  Crft  Place,  refort  to  the 

Goods  of  every  Perfon  againlt  whom  any  fuch  Procefs  (hall  be  iffued,  for  the  levying  thereout  of  the  Debts 
due  by  them  refpeftively,  or  fo  much  thereof  a9  fuch  Goods  (hull  be  fufficimit  to  anl'wer  ; and  ihall  not  man- 
C vmt  to  <,r  i*and»  of  any  fuch  Perfon,  if  fufch  Debts  can  be  levied  out  of  his  or  her  Goods. 

XVII.  And  be  it  further  cnafted,  That  there  (hall  be' allowed  tn  every  fuch  Sheriff  Uw  (junrtSf  SIX  'Sllib 

Tm.  «■«  1. 1 - — -any.  Twenty.  labillut^a  wiai-li-ftMtll-hgvg-beqn-acttmUy  lfTird-by-  liim  -for  ov  iw.Te- 

fpeft  of  ai.y  forfeited  Recognizance,  in  lieu  of  all  other  Allowances  in  tltat  refpeft  ; ami  the  like  Sum  on 
cvfr?  Shillings  fur  which  any  Perfon  or  Perrons  Ihall  have  been  taken  by  fuch  Sheriff  or  Sheriffs 


Whir  fudi  Li!! 
n U.fjwcify,  snJ 
Comptroller  sad 

Shcriffi  to  have 
the  uftisl  Powc 
of  levying. 

Sheriff  to  levy 
on  Goodi  before 
retiming  to 
Body  or  Land] 

Sheriff  .... 
or  Airelt. 

iff  on  Levy 

•p  c,  „.  — ■ - — c . C...W  of  Tlir.-  Shillings  ami  Four  pence  on  every 

iwenty  StuUlugs  which  fhall  have  been  aftttally  levied  by  him  for  or  iu  refpeft  or  any  Fine  in  fuch  Procefs  as 
aturcfaid  ; aud  a lute  Sum  for  every  Twenty  Shillings  tor  which  any  Perfon  or  Perfons  fhall  have  been  aftu- 
byv  , ' t,l‘  ShcrilT">  "''^-r  fucli  Procefs  as  aforefaid,  for  or  in  refpeft  of  any  Fine. 

Avm.  And  be  it  further  cnafted.  That  every  Sheriff  fhall,  at  every  Affixes  within  their  refpefttve  Jurtf- 
r » T’  rc.,ur"  to,  t"e  of  Affizc  a Certificate  containing  the  Names  of  the  fcveral  Perfons  in  their 

Lultody  refpeftively,  under  any  Procefs  iffued  for  or  bv  reafon  of  auy  Fine  or  Fines  impofed,  or  any  Rccog- 
forfeited,  at  aily  antecedent  Court  of  Over  and  Terminer,  Gaol  Delivery,  Affize 
an w ri  , ’ wah,n  fuch  bounty,  County  of  a City  or  County  of  a Town,  and  who  were  in  their  Cuitody  at 
or  t 1119  thu"  D-Xl  f'rcccdlns  Affine*  |ur  fuch  County,  County  of  a City  or  County  of  a Town, 

Cou^'  rv"  5nCC.  cc«nm,ttcd  10  tllem  * al,d  (hall  a|fo  nt  every  General  Seffions  of  the  Peace  return  to  the 
irnnofed  “ Sert,fic?“  of  Pcrfons  comm,ltc<'  under  any  Procefs  iffued  for  or  by  reafon  of  any  Fine  or  Fines 
“ ' 01  Recognizance  or  Recognizances  forfeited,  at  auy  antecedent  Seffions  of  the  Peace  for  fuch 


Printed  image  digitised  by  the  University  of  Southampton  library  Digitisation  Unit 

Sheriff!  to  return 
to  Jo'.ticer  of 
Afliit,  .Vc.  a 
Certificate  of 
Name!  of  Pri- 

io4  C. 56.  570  GEORGII  III.  A.D.i8i7- 

County,  County  of  a City  or  County  of  a Town,  and  who  wore  in  their  Cuftody  at  any  time  during 

the  nest  preceding  SelTions  of  the  Peace,  or  at  any  time  fince ; and  every  fuch  Certificate  as  aforefaid 

ih all  fet  fortli  the  times  when  fuch  Perfons  were  relpeftively  committed  to  Prifon,  and  the  Sums  for 
which  they  were  fo  in  Cuftody,  and  svhether  any  and  which  of  fuch  Pcrfous  then  remain  in  their 
Gaoler  to  verify  Cuftody,  and  if  fo,  how  long  fuch  Perfons  refpcftively  have  been  in  aftual  Confinement  for  fuch  Caufc, 
fuch  Certificate  and  if  not  then  in  Cuftodv,  then  bv  what  Authority  and  at  what  tim